Bruce Murphy

Bruce Murphy

Murphy is perhaps best known for his work with Milwaukee Magazine, where he served seven years as editor and 12 years as a senior editor. He also worked for three years as a senior enterprise reporter for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, two years as arts and entertainment editor for the Madison alternative weekly Isthmus and for nearly two years as an alt weekly editor in Milwaukee for two different publications.Murphy was an online innovator, as co-founder and editor/writer of, where he broke the Milwaukee County pension scandal, which resulted in County Exec Tom Ament and seven county supervisors being thrown out of office — the biggest political scandal in Milwaukee’s history. (The archive of those stories can be found here.)Murphy has broadcast credentials as well, having worked as a reporter for the WMVS-TV show “Interchange,” and serving these days as weekend commentator for WUWM-FM, analyzing the week’s top stories. A winner of more than 30 national and state writing awards, he was most recently nominated for best blog of 2011-’12 by the National City and Regional Magazine Association, whose judges declared that “Murphy has created a gem with… ‘Murphy’s Law.’ Thoroughly researched and known for putting fact ahead of opinion and argument, it stands out as a prime example of journalism as public service.”

Contact Bruce

Recent Articles

Back in the News: United Way Plans ‘Huge Shift’ in Funding
Back in the News

United Way Plans ‘Huge Shift’ in Funding

No more funding the same groups in perpetuity? Organizations must prove their impact.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Artist Resource Network Faces Financial Cliff
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Artist Resource Network Faces Financial Cliff

Mismanaged group has had years of huge deficits and massive staff turnover.

Murphy’s Law: Musk Wants to Buy Wisconsin Justice?
Murphy’s Law

Musk Wants to Buy Wisconsin Justice?

His massive campaign donation to Brad Schimel raises big questions.

Murphy’s Law: Evers Offers a Reelection Budget
Murphy’s Law

Evers Offers a Reelection Budget

A Democrat pushing a $2 billion tax cut? Wow. Suggests the governor will seek a third term.

Murphy’s Law: Judge Borowski Gets On His High Horse
Murphy’s Law

Judge Borowski Gets On His High Horse

He blasts MPS for violating law on police in schools while glossing over it himself.

Murphy’s Law: United Way Funding Flat Since 2017
Murphy’s Law

United Way Funding Flat Since 2017

Why? Should wealthy health care giants get funding? CEO Amy Lindner promises changes.

Murphy’s Law: MPS, City Feud Over Paying School Resource Officers
Murphy’s Law

MPS, City Feud Over Paying School Resource Officers

Not one cop has signed up for required training. Viewed as dead-end job?

Murphy’s Law: Hospitals Get Even More Stingy on Charity Care
Murphy’s Law

Hospitals Get Even More Stingy on Charity Care

Hospitals in state and metro area have further cut the percent of revenue for this.

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Unfazed by Musk, Grothman Says
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Unfazed by Musk, Grothman Says

Wisconsin House Republicans and their leader fine with a government 'coup'?

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin Congress Members Condemn Musk Takeover
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin Congress Members Condemn Musk Takeover

Baldwin, Moore, Pocan outraged. Republican Glenn Grothman not sure.

Murphy’s Law: Schimel Haunted By Rape Kit Issue
Murphy’s Law

Schimel Haunted By Rape Kit Issue

Candidates for Wisconsin Supreme Court at odds over issue.

Murphy’s Law: School Board Elections Not Very Democratic
Murphy’s Law

School Board Elections Not Very Democratic

Three of four Milwaukee races have just one candidate. Why? Changes needed?

A Movie Set in Omro, Wisconsin?

A Movie Set in Omro, Wisconsin?

New indy film, ‘The Omro Heist,’ gets a lot of mileage out of its location in small town.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Film Still Faces Budget Problems
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Film Still Faces Budget Problems

Management of Oriental Theatre — and perhaps the Downer — a big part of the problem.

Murphy’s Law: Can Kevin Giglinto Save the Marcus Center?
Murphy’s Law

Can Kevin Giglinto Save the Marcus Center?

Loss of the Milwaukee Symphony leaves deficit, questions about its future.

Murphy’s Law: How Taxpayers Subsidize Bucks, Brewers Players
Murphy’s Law

How Taxpayers Subsidize Bucks, Brewers Players

As much as 25% of their salaries may come from public subsidies.

Murphy’s Law: Children’s Hospital Abandoning City?
Murphy’s Law

Children’s Hospital Abandoning City?

Despite vast wealth it closed pediatric clinic on 29th and Clarke.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of Milwaukee’s Medical College
Murphy’s Law

The Rise of Milwaukee’s Medical College

Nearly bankrupt in late 1960s, MCW now a research powerhouse with huge endowment.

Murphy’s Law: San Felippo Served As President of Summerfest’s Private Company
Murphy’s Law

San Felippo Served As President of Summerfest’s Private Company

As more evidence of his role emerges neither he nor Summerfest will comment.

Milwaukee Police Arrests Have Plummeted

Milwaukee Police Arrests Have Plummeted

New report finds 82% decline in past decade as citizen satisfaction with traffic enforcement has declined.

Murphy’s Law: What Are Foxconn’s Employees Doing?
Murphy’s Law

What Are Foxconn’s Employees Doing?

After 7 years and $700 million in taxpayer subsidies, what have we learned?

Murphy’s Law: Why Is UW System Punishing Student Protestors?
Murphy’s Law

Why Is UW System Punishing Student Protestors?

Pro-Palestinian protestors asking unwanted questions about university investments.

Murphy’s Law: Act 10 Ruling Could Be Tough to Overturn
Murphy’s Law

Act 10 Ruling Could Be Tough to Overturn

New ruling striking down law is based on argument Republicans have trouble answering.

Murphy’s Law: Does Summerfest Get Special Treatment?
Murphy’s Law

Does Summerfest Get Special Treatment?

Its bar license owned by private company never gets a thorough review by the city.

Dane County Judge Overrules 60 Sections of Act 10

Dane County Judge Overrules 60 Sections of Act 10

Decision largely invalidates 2011 Walker-era law decimating public unions.

Murphy’s Law: State Taking Over County Pension System
Murphy’s Law

State Taking Over County Pension System

After 87 years, all new county employees will become part of state system.

Back in the News: Only 30% of Wisconsin Hospitals Obey Federal Price Transparency Rules
Back in the News

Only 30% of Wisconsin Hospitals Obey Federal Price Transparency Rules

New report shows widespread violation of rules meant to lower hospital costs.

Murphy’s Law: City Official Double Dips to Earn $250,000
Murphy’s Law

City Official Double Dips to Earn $250,000

Department of Administration head Preston Cole awarded $73,700 raise.

Murphy’s Law: Will Republicans Support Transparent Hospital Prices?
Murphy’s Law

Will Republicans Support Transparent Hospital Prices?

It could become bipartisan legislation. Or an attack issue for Democrats.

Murphy’s Law: Tommy Thompson Shames Himself
Murphy’s Law

Tommy Thompson Shames Himself

His embrace of Donald Trump and RFK Jr. has soiled the ex-governor’s reputation.

Murphy’s Law: Utility Hikes, Democratic Losses and the Wealth Gap
Murphy’s Law

Utility Hikes, Democratic Losses and the Wealth Gap

As Evers appointees rewarded utility execs, Kamala Harris backed off taxing corporations.

Murphy’s Law: Was Jonathan Brostoff Bullied?
Murphy’s Law

Was Jonathan Brostoff Bullied?

Some Democrats point finger at Shepherd Express, others for Brostoff’s suicide.

Murphy’s Law: How Trump Will Change Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

How Trump Will Change Wisconsin

Voters in this state opted for change. What will they get?

Murphy’s Law: Understanding the Loss of Jonathan Brostoff
Murphy’s Law

Understanding the Loss of Jonathan Brostoff

He was someone who considered suicide as a teen and knew how important the issue was.

Murphy’s Law: Can Harris Win Wisconsin?
Murphy’s Law

Can Harris Win Wisconsin?

Why Democrats are confident. And how the state's geography could upset expectations.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Circulation Still Plummeting
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Circulation Still Plummeting

'Astonishing' decline in both print and digital readership over last five years.

Back in the News: The State’s Richest Get Even Richer
Back in the News

The State’s Richest Get Even Richer

John Menard leads list of Wisconsin's 7 billionaires, but will Diane Hendricks pass him?

Murphy’s Law: Why Does Summerfest Run a Private Company?
Murphy’s Law

Why Does Summerfest Run a Private Company?

Its managers Ron San Felippo and Mike White can't explain it. And Summerfest won't say. Third story of investigative series.

Murphy’s Law: Did Harbor Commissioner Have Conflict of Interest?
Murphy’s Law

Did Harbor Commissioner Have Conflict of Interest?

Ron San Felippo has for many years been managing a private company for Summerfest.

Murphy’s Law: Did Harbor Commissioner Serve Illegally?
Murphy’s Law

Did Harbor Commissioner Serve Illegally?

Ron San Felippo has homes in East Troy and Florida while serving on commission and also voting in elections as city resident.

Murphy’s Law: Could Haley Voters Decide Election?
Murphy’s Law

Could Haley Voters Decide Election?

They could help Kamala Harris win Wisconsin — and the presidency.

Murphy’s Law: New UW Policy Threatens ‘Wisconsin Idea’
Murphy’s Law

New UW Policy Threatens ‘Wisconsin Idea’

Will university departments be constrained from championing ways to improve government?

Murphy’s Law: Will Western Wisconsin Shock the Nation?
Murphy’s Law

Will Western Wisconsin Shock the Nation?

Republican-held congressional district could elect Democratic challenger.

Murphy’s Law: Do Republicans Want Election Chaos?
Murphy’s Law

Do Republicans Want Election Chaos?

Refusal to pay for elections commission staff will help fan the flames of conspiracy theories.

Murphy’s Law: Is Eric Hovde a Self-Made Man?
Murphy’s Law

Is Eric Hovde a Self-Made Man?

Mega-wealthy Republican candidate for US Senate says he rose from nothing.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Film Blasted For Funding Changes
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Film Blasted For Funding Changes

Prominent filmmakers cite past support and criticize reduced funding for local artists.

Murphy’s Law: Is Milorganite Making People Sick?
Murphy’s Law

Is Milorganite Making People Sick?

Research suggests it’s laced with PFAS or forever chemicals.

Murphy’s Law: Bradley Trustee a Gun Rights ‘Superstar’
Murphy’s Law

Bradley Trustee a Gun Rights ‘Superstar’

Attorney, Milwaukee native and Bradley Foundation board member Paul Clement faces questions for his starring role in gun rights.

Murphy’s Law: Remembering Cecilia Gilbert
Murphy’s Law

Remembering Cecilia Gilbert

'The Queen' brought joyful passion and a savvy insider's knowledge to her work with city government and many civic boards.

Murphy’s Law: We Energies Wants More of Your Money
Murphy’s Law

We Energies Wants More of Your Money

Monopoly utility wants a 24% hike in residential rates over 4 years. Plus future increases.

Back in the News: More Covid Crassness By Menards
Back in the News

More Covid Crassness By Menards

EPA complaint just the most recent controversy involving company’s handling of pandemic and aftermath.

Rep. Clancy Wins Reelection Despite Democratic Opposition

Rep. Clancy Wins Reelection Despite Democratic Opposition

Incumbent Socialist Democratic legislator defeats challenger Jarrod Anderson.

Murphy’s Law: State’s Top CEOs Got Richer in 2023
Murphy’s Law

State’s Top CEOs Got Richer in 2023

Fiserv’s CEO got $28 million and Manpower’s CEO earned 1,276 times the average worker.

Murphy’s Law: Hovde Blasted for ‘Bigoted’ Comments on Black Men
Murphy’s Law

Hovde Blasted for ‘Bigoted’ Comments on Black Men

GOP US Senate candidate says Black men have lived on ‘handouts’ and ‘welfare checks.'

Murphy’s Law: County Treasurer Lied About Political Mailer?
Murphy’s Law

County Treasurer Lied About Political Mailer?

More questions about how Dave Cullen charged taxpayers for campaign-oriented literature.

Back in the News: Can Kamala Harris Win Wisconsin?
Back in the News

Can Kamala Harris Win Wisconsin?

State Democratic chair explains why Mandela Barnes lost and Harris can win.

Murphy’s Law: Can Rep. Clancy Win Reelection?
Murphy’s Law

Can Rep. Clancy Win Reelection?

Incumbent Democratic faces heavy opposition from his own party backing challenger Jarrod Anderson.

Back in the News: Grothman Keeps Causing Outrage
Back in the News

Grothman Keeps Causing Outrage

GOP congressman's latest: says Democrats support Kamala Harris due to 'her ethnicity.'

Murphy’s Law: National Media Discovers Mayor Johnson
Murphy’s Law

National Media Discovers Mayor Johnson

Gaining lots of positive press during RNC, now talking of running for governor.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Arts Groups in Big Trouble
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Arts Groups in Big Trouble

Huge declines in the percent of earned income are a very worrisome sign.

Murphy’s Law: The Plague of Rising Health Care Costs
Murphy’s Law

The Plague of Rising Health Care Costs

Wisconsin's a leader in high costs and inflated executive salaries. Is there a solution?

UWM Chancellor Mone Plans to Resign

UWM Chancellor Mone Plans to Resign

Mark Mone will step down in July 2025 after 11 years on the job.

Murphy’s Law: The Cheaper Candidate For County Treasurer
Murphy’s Law

The Cheaper Candidate For County Treasurer

Reform candidate Ted Chisholm promises to work for less pay than incumbent David Cullen.

Murphy’s Law: Does MPS Need To Be Reorganized?
Murphy’s Law

Does MPS Need To Be Reorganized?

Crisis points to potential problems with school system’s financial oversight.

Murphy’s Law: Bradley Foundation Has Become Less Local
Murphy’s Law

Bradley Foundation Has Become Less Local

Much less money for Wisconsin, more board members from outside state.

Murphy’s Law: Mayor, Democrats Target Rep. Ryan Clancy
Murphy’s Law

Mayor, Democrats Target Rep. Ryan Clancy

Why are they opposing incumbent Democrat? In a word, they hate him.

Murphy’s Law: Brad Schimel Is Mr. Anti-Abortion
Murphy’s Law

Brad Schimel Is Mr. Anti-Abortion

Conservative candidate for state Supreme Court a national leader in pushing to ban abortions.

Murphy’s Law: Healthcare Is Huge in Presidential Race
Murphy’s Law

Healthcare Is Huge in Presidential Race

How Trump’s vow to overturn the ACA could damage Wisconsin and the nation.

Murphy’s Law: More Insider Dealing By County Officials?
Murphy’s Law

More Insider Dealing By County Officials?

County Treasurer’s son handed the communications manager job. He was only candidate.

Murphy’s Law: Common Ground Gets National Attention
Murphy’s Law

Common Ground Gets National Attention

Group’s battle with city housing authority becoming embarrassing for Milwaukee.

Groundwork Milwaukee Shutting Down? 

Groundwork Milwaukee Shutting Down? 

17-year-old nonprofit helped create and maintain 100 community gardens in city.

Murphy’s Law: Don Smiley Paid $3.3 Million in 2022
Murphy’s Law

Don Smiley Paid $3.3 Million in 2022

Summerfest boss has collected $9.9 million in 6 years for running tax-exempt charity.

Murphy’s Law: Why Right Wisconsin Was Killed
Murphy’s Law

Why Right Wisconsin Was Killed

Its editor, stalwart Republican James Wigderson watched as readers and his party went off the rails.

Murphy’s Law: UWM Skillfully Handles Student Protests
Murphy’s Law

UWM Skillfully Handles Student Protests

Chancellor Mone avoids police crackdown, meets and treats students with respect.

Murphy’s Law: Cowboy Hovde Hurting Candidate Hovde?
Murphy’s Law

Cowboy Hovde Hurting Candidate Hovde?

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Eric Hovde might want to get off the range.

Murphy’s Law: The Shocking Demise of SDC
Murphy’s Law

The Shocking Demise of SDC

Sudden closing of anti-poverty agency Social Development Commission has dire consequences, no easy solution.

Urban Milwaukee Wins Press Club Awards

Urban Milwaukee Wins Press Club Awards

National journalist James Bennet cites Urban Milwaukee's theater review as fine example of local cultural coverage.

Murphy’s Law: Herzfeld Foundation a Family Fiefdom
Murphy’s Law

Herzfeld Foundation a Family Fiefdom

Haberman family members have long drawn salaries from local foundation.

Murphy’s Law: MIAD Faces Huge Shortfall, Staff Cuts
Murphy’s Law

MIAD Faces Huge Shortfall, Staff Cuts

Decisions on $2.8 million budget shortfall made with lack of transparency, some complain.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Becoming More Unionized
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Becoming More Unionized

Unions scoring notable victories, not in manufacturing but in the service industry.

Back in the News: Eric Hovde Has Another Bad Week
Back in the News

Eric Hovde Has Another Bad Week

Even the good news was an issue for Republican candidate for U.S. Senate.

Back in the News: Josh Kaul Investigating Fake Electors?
Back in the News

Josh Kaul Investigating Fake Electors?

Wisconsin attorney general's office interviewed Kenneth Chesebro, part of 'active' probe.

Murphy’s Law: The Return of County Cronyism
Murphy’s Law

The Return of County Cronyism

Or maybe it never went away. Push for 36% salary hikes echoes mentality behind infamous county pension plan.

Murphy’s Law: Climate Has Changed for Sewerage District
Murphy’s Law

Climate Has Changed for Sewerage District

Once trashed by local media and some officials, MMSD now enjoys wide support.

Back in the News: State’s 7 Richest People Worth $72 Billion
Back in the News

State’s 7 Richest People Worth $72 Billion

Up by 28% or a combined $16 billion in just one year.

Murphy’s Law: Is Legislature Biased Against Working Class?
Murphy’s Law

Is Legislature Biased Against Working Class?

Just two of 132 members come from working class backgrounds, report finds.

Biden, Trump Easily Win Wisconsin Primaries

Biden, Trump Easily Win Wisconsin Primaries

But protest votes hint at challenges for both in November.

Murphy’s Law: Associated Press Will Decline in Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

Associated Press Will Decline in Wisconsin

Decision by Gannett and McClatchey to drop AP will reduce state news coverage.

Murphy’s Law: City Attorney Race Is Vitally Important
Murphy’s Law

City Attorney Race Is Vitally Important

Incumbent Tearman Spencer has caused countless problems for City of Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Bradley Foundation Bankrolls Trump’s Disinformation
Murphy’s Law

Bradley Foundation Bankrolls Trump’s Disinformation

Milwaukee group the biggest funder of war to stop social media from purging election lies.

Back in the News: How Hovde Evaded Federal Taxes
Back in the News

How Hovde Evaded Federal Taxes

He has said he wants to stop what the companies he invested in did: paying zero federal taxes on investments.

Murphy’s Law: How to Grow Milwaukee to 1 Million
Murphy’s Law

How to Grow Milwaukee to 1 Million

Mayor Cavalier Johnson is missing the key way to grow the city.

Murphy’s Law: State Pension System Is a Huge Success
Murphy’s Law

State Pension System Is a Huge Success

Retirement system that Gov. Walker tried to change is nationally renowned, helps reduce wealth gap.

Murphy’s Law: How Utility Rates Hurt State’s Economy
Murphy’s Law

How Utility Rates Hurt State’s Economy

Wisconsin’s once-low electric rates now the highest in Midwest. That’s a big problem for all of us.

Murphy’s Law: Top County Jobs No Longer Needed?
Murphy’s Law

Top County Jobs No Longer Needed?

Positions of county treasurer, clerk and register of deeds should be eliminated, not given raises.

Murphy’s Law: Does ShotSpotter Reduce Crime?
Murphy’s Law

Does ShotSpotter Reduce Crime?

Milwaukee is one of 150 cities that use it. But is there any hard evidence that it works?

Murphy’s Law: Can Hovde Beat Baldwin?
Murphy’s Law

Can Hovde Beat Baldwin?

Polls suggest Tammy Baldwin is beatable. But Hovde seems to be floundering for a way to do it.

Murphy’s Law: Wealthy Health Chain Closing 2 Hospitals
Murphy’s Law

Wealthy Health Chain Closing 2 Hospitals

Executives seek to maximize revenue? GOP rejection of expanded Medicaid also at fault?

Murphy’s Law: Court’s Redistricting Experts Under Fire
Murphy’s Law

Court’s Redistricting Experts Under Fire

At least from Republicans. Who are the experts and should they be trusted?

Murphy’s Law: Even Republicans Praise Tammy Baldwin
Murphy’s Law

Even Republicans Praise Tammy Baldwin

Democrat’s ability to court rural vote wins grudging respect — and fear.

Back in the News: Mike Gallagher’s Profile In Courage
Back in the News

Mike Gallagher’s Profile In Courage

Republican Wisconsin congressman's vote against impeachment causes furor.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Film Faces Problems
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Film Faces Problems

Huge shortfall in funding, departure of chief executive, point to challenges for group.

Murphy’s Law: No, I-794 Won’t Be Eliminated
Murphy’s Law

No, I-794 Won’t Be Eliminated

Many seem to think state proposal will tear down Hoan Bridge. Nope. Will that change the views of detractors?

Murphy’s Law: Democrats Crushing GOP in Fundraising
Murphy’s Law

Democrats Crushing GOP in Fundraising

A 4-1 edge for state Democratic party last year, the biggest ever. And they have Scott Walker and Republicans to thank.

Murphy’s Law: Whitefish Bay’s History of Segregated Housing
Murphy’s Law

Whitefish Bay’s History of Segregated Housing

Its rejection of affordable housing brings back ghosts of the past.

Murphy’s Law: State Group Funds National Attack on DEI
Murphy’s Law

State Group Funds National Attack on DEI

The Searle Family Trust, based in Madison, has bankrolled many other right-wing causes.

Murphy’s Law: Who Are These Guys?
Murphy’s Law

Who Are These Guys?

Who filed second gerrymandering lawsuit and why? Nine questions the case raises.

Murphy’s Law: Local Hospitals Violate Price Transparency Rules
Murphy’s Law

Local Hospitals Violate Price Transparency Rules

Children’s and Ascension hospitals are the worst, report finds, which causes higher costs.

Murphy’s Law: The Anti-Urban Views of Josh Schoemann
Murphy’s Law

The Anti-Urban Views of Josh Schoemann

Why did Washington County Executive dump on Milwaukee?

Murphy’s Law: Can Republicans Delay Redistricting?
Murphy’s Law

Can Republicans Delay Redistricting?

They’re certainly trying. How will state Supreme Court respond?

Murphy’s Law: Did Leonard Leo Save Scott Walker?
Murphy’s Law

Did Leonard Leo Save Scott Walker?

Federalist Society leader helped elect Wisconsin justices who killed John Doe probe.

Murphys Law: How Generous Are We?
Murphys Law

How Generous Are We?

New data shows how much Milwaukee and Wisconsin give. And flags a troubling trend of wealthy donors.

Back in the News: MAGA Republicans Hate Robin Vos
Back in the News

MAGA Republicans Hate Robin Vos

Assembly Speaker confesses he regrets hiring Gableman: 'He was way wackier than I thought.'

Murphy’s Law: Will Women Vote for Brad Schimel?
Murphy’s Law

Will Women Vote for Brad Schimel?

Former Attorney General a formidable candidate for state Supreme Court. Except for a couple issues.

Murphy’s Law: Remembering John Hagedorn
Murphy’s Law

Remembering John Hagedorn

Wide ranging political activist and strategist, professor and expert on gangs was 76.

Back In The News: Ron Johnson Looks Foolish on CNN
Back In The News

Ron Johnson Looks Foolish on CNN

Claims Democrats have used fake electors, but could provide no examples.

Murphy’s Law: Aurora Summerfest Deal Raises Questions
Murphy’s Law

Aurora Summerfest Deal Raises Questions

Why is a hospital chain paying for music? And where will money for sponsorship deal come from?

Murphy’s Law: Evers Email Issue Pales Compared to Walker
Murphy’s Law

Evers Email Issue Pales Compared to Walker

Both as county exec and governor, Scott Walker systematically evaded public scrutiny.

Milwaukee County GOP Official Connected to QAnon

Milwaukee County GOP Official Connected to QAnon

Brett Galaszewski uses QAnon podcast to recruit poll workers.

Murphy’s Law: Civic Blackmail Works For Brewers Again
Murphy’s Law

Civic Blackmail Works For Brewers Again

It was always an empty threat by Brewers, yet neither the Legislature nor Gov. Evers made any attempt to protect the taxpayers.

Murphy’s Law: Republican Bullying Isn’t Working
Murphy’s Law

Republican Bullying Isn’t Working

Tactic is backfiring as Democrats and public officials resist.

Murphy’s Law: Utilities Flood Capital With Lobbyists
Murphy’s Law

Utilities Flood Capital With Lobbyists

More than 45 lobbyists, including former legislators, pushing sweetheart deal ending public bidding for transmission lines.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Has Lost 81% Of Readers
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Has Lost 81% Of Readers

In last 20 years. Numbers likely to decline even further in January.

Murphy’s Law: Why State GOP Turned Against ERIC
Murphy’s Law

Why State GOP Turned Against ERIC

Trump and Cleta Mitchell are demonizing elections data system Wisconsin joined via 2016 Republican law.

Murphy’s Law: 9 Obstacles To a Brewers Deal
Murphy’s Law

9 Obstacles To a Brewers Deal

No audit. Voter anger. Politicians renegotiating deal. The list goes on.

Murphy’s Law: How Rich Are Wisconsin’s Members of Congress?
Murphy’s Law

How Rich Are Wisconsin’s Members of Congress?

Most are poorer than average members of Congress. Then there’s Ron Johnson.

Murphy’s Law: Flush Times for We Energies
Murphy’s Law

Flush Times for We Energies

Big profits, big executive salaries. big donations, all paid for by rate payers.

Murphy’s Law: The Legal Trickery of Robin Vos
Murphy’s Law

The Legal Trickery of Robin Vos

Using every pseudo-legal tactic to fight fair maps and muzzle Justice Protasiewicz.

Murphy’s Law: How Much Do Brewers Benefit Milwaukee?
Murphy’s Law

How Much Do Brewers Benefit Milwaukee?

Vos claims city is the biggest beneficiary. Really? Let’s look at the numbers.

Murphy’s Law: Robin Vos Sticks It To Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

Robin Vos Sticks It To Milwaukee

He gives Brewers more than they wanted and makes only Democratic parts of metro area pay for it.

Ad Campaign Targets Republicans on Protasiewicz Impeachment

Ad Campaign Targets Republicans on Protasiewicz Impeachment

Six-figure ad buy by Republican Accountability Project targets GOP districts.

Back In News: County Voters Oppose Brewers Bailout
Back In News

County Voters Oppose Brewers Bailout

Poll finds residents oppose subsidy by 2-1 margin, could make a deal even tougher to sell.

Democrats Launch $4 Million Blitz to Oppose Protasiewicz’s Impeachment

Democrats Launch $4 Million Blitz to Oppose Protasiewicz’s Impeachment

Party plans 'multi-pronged statewide campaign' to defend Supreme Court Justice.

Murphy’s Law: State’s Top CEOs Got Rich in 2022
Murphy’s Law

State’s Top CEOs Got Rich in 2022

Top pay: $43 million for Harley’s CEO. Top pay in U.S.: Google exec’s $225 million!

Murphy’s Law: Who Will Blink on Brewers Subsidy?
Murphy’s Law

Who Will Blink on Brewers Subsidy?

Vos wants a local contribution and Milwaukee officials oppose this. The issue could get very ugly.

Murphy’s Law: How David Crowley Led on Sales Tax
Murphy’s Law

How David Crowley Led on Sales Tax

The inside story of how the county exec and mayor helped pass state legislation to save Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Do We Really Need Ravine Road?
Murphy’s Law

Do We Really Need Ravine Road?

And did Olmsted really want cars motoring through Lake Park?

Murphy’s Law: The Strange Life of Trump Attorney Kenneth Chesebro
Murphy’s Law

The Strange Life of Trump Attorney Kenneth Chesebro

Wisconsin native charged as co-conspirator for role in devising fake elector scheme.

Murphy’s Law: Park East Removal Didn’t ‘Devastate’ Downtown
Murphy’s Law

Park East Removal Didn’t ‘Devastate’ Downtown

Controversy over its removal offers lessons to those opposing plan to take down I-794 link.

Murphy’s Law: Hate Toward Black People Rising?
Murphy’s Law

Hate Toward Black People Rising?

Recent incidents in Wisconsin raise troubling questions.

Murphy’s Law: Time for County Board to Guts Up
Murphy’s Law

Time for County Board to Guts Up

If they don’t approve sales tax hike, county will face fiscal disaster and voters will blame them.

Murphy’s Law: Starbucks and the American Dream
Murphy’s Law

Starbucks and the American Dream

The battle over unions in Milwaukee and U.S. shows the uncool side of coffee culture.

Murphy’s Law: Gov. Evers Keeps Rising in Stature
Murphy’s Law

Gov. Evers Keeps Rising in Stature

Becoming a national figure with ever more effective leadership. Just ask the Republicans.

Back in the News: Actually, County Comptroller Could Get $1.3 Million Backdrop
Back in the News

Actually, County Comptroller Could Get $1.3 Million Backdrop

Or $815,000 if Scott Manske is not reelected. That would save taxpayers $485,000.

Murphy’s Law: State’s Technical Colleges Have Financial Clout
Murphy’s Law

State’s Technical Colleges Have Financial Clout

They’re much better funded than the UW System. Why?

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn Deal Is Still Costing Taxpayers
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn Deal Is Still Costing Taxpayers

6 years after deal made, nothing has been manufactured, but price tag keeps rising.

Murphy’s Law: County Comptroller Could Get $1 Million Backdrop
Murphy’s Law

County Comptroller Could Get $1 Million Backdrop

Or about $700,000 if Scott Manske is not reelected for another four years.

Murphy’s Law: The Legacy of Matt Rothschild
Murphy’s Law

The Legacy of Matt Rothschild

Leader of Wisconsin Democracy Campaign and former editor-publisher of Progressive Magazine is retiring.

Murphy’s Law: Don Smiley’s Latest Paycheck Was $991,154
Murphy’s Law

Don Smiley’s Latest Paycheck Was $991,154

Summerfest boss has collected $6.56 million in five years for running tax exempt charity.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee and the Stolen Picasso
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee and the Stolen Picasso

Tale from 1969 puts a city with few Picasso paintings at center of an international mystery.

Murphy’s Law: The Millionaires of Advocate Aurora
Murphy’s Law

The Millionaires of Advocate Aurora

And Atrium Health. 'Nonprofit' health systems are a great place to get rich.

Murphy’s Law: Big Delay in Downtown Concert Halls
Murphy’s Law

Big Delay in Downtown Concert Halls

Will FPC Live ever build $50 to $60 million concert complex? Industry observers have their doubts.

Murphy’s Law: Local Hospitals Give Little Charity Care
Murphy’s Law

Local Hospitals Give Little Charity Care

Stingy numbers for hospitals in the state and county. Should state require more charity care?

Murphy’s Law: Brewers Floundering on Stadium Deal
Murphy’s Law

Brewers Floundering on Stadium Deal

Baseball Commissioner’s threat looks desperate, team’s lobbying looks inept.

Murphy’s Law: We Energies Wants Yet Another Rate Hike
Murphy’s Law

We Energies Wants Yet Another Rate Hike

Both consumer and business advocates castigate excess profits of utilities.

Murphy’s Law: National ‘Scam PACs’ Have State Roots
Murphy’s Law

National ‘Scam PACs’ Have State Roots

The operatives running them have connections to Scott Walker, Eric O’Keefe, and conservative groups.

Murphy’s Law: The Wealth Of Children’s Hospital
Murphy’s Law

The Wealth Of Children’s Hospital

Nonprofit has $1.5 billion in investments, but still gets many millions in charitable donations.

Murphy’s Law: Is Baldwin Vulnerable? Or Unbeatable?
Murphy’s Law

Is Baldwin Vulnerable? Or Unbeatable?

The pundits disagree. And who is the likely Republican opponent?

Murphy’s Law: State Sales Tax Deal Toughest on City
Murphy’s Law

State Sales Tax Deal Toughest on City

Deal for Milwaukee County far better than for city. Why? Blame police union.

Murphy’s Law: County’s Debt Relief Program No Laughing Matter
Murphy’s Law

County’s Debt Relief Program No Laughing Matter

Program with huge 100-to-1 return inspired by comedian John Oliver. Seriously.

Wisconsin Center Makes Deal to Save Literary Artwork

Wisconsin Center Makes Deal to Save Literary Artwork

CEO Marty Brooks agrees to compromise to save installation.

Back in the News: Wisconsin Center Dispute Goes National
Back in the News

Wisconsin Center Dispute Goes National

The Bulwark condemns decision to remove artwork while WTMJ defends it.

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Lose Younger Voters
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Lose Younger Voters

Can Scott Walker lead the way to transforming the party’s aging demographics?

Murphy’s Law: Did Brooks Exceed His Authority At Wisconsin Center?
Murphy’s Law

Did Brooks Exceed His Authority At Wisconsin Center?

CEO’s decision to remove art works raises questions about governance of public entity.

Back In The News: Uihleins Are Now Billionaires
Back In The News

Uihleins Are Now Billionaires

Top Republican donors join state's leading billionaires John Menard and Diane Hendricks.

Murphy’s Law: 11 Lessons From The Democrats’ Victory
Murphy’s Law

11 Lessons From The Democrats’ Victory

How did Protasiewicz win by so big in such an evenly divided state?

Back in the News: Wisconsin Center Accused of Censorship
Back in the News

Wisconsin Center Accused of Censorship

Eliminating literary art installation in preparation for Republican National Convention?

Murphy’s Law: Yes, Protasiewicz Could Be Impeached
Murphy’s Law

Yes, Protasiewicz Could Be Impeached

And removed from office by Republican Senate supermajority. But then Gov. Evers could step in.

Back in the News: Wisconsin Center Won’t Reconsider Removing Literary Artwork
Back in the News

Wisconsin Center Won’t Reconsider Removing Literary Artwork

CEO Marty Brooks emails board members to explain why.

Murphy’s Law: 17 Election Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

17 Election Winners and Losers

Beyond the election results, who were the other people, groups and trends that won or lost?

Geenen Upsets Brash in Appeals Court Race

Geenen Upsets Brash in Appeals Court Race

Incumbent William Brash loses in a landslide to challenger Sara Geenen.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin Center Will Destroy Literary Artworks
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin Center Will Destroy Literary Artworks

Nationally unique installation done in 1998. Public board didn't vote on its destruction.

Murphy’s Law: Controversial Landlord Backs Lena Taylor for Judge
Murphy’s Law

Controversial Landlord Backs Lena Taylor for Judge

More than half of money for her municipal judge campaign came from Youssef Berrada.

Murphy’s Law: Why Al’s Run Was Canceled
Murphy’s Law

Why Al’s Run Was Canceled

It doesn’t raise much money. So why is Children’s Wisconsin hospital seeking some way to continue it?

Murphy’s Law: Geenen Challenges Walker-Appointed Judge
Murphy’s Law

Geenen Challenges Walker-Appointed Judge

Bill Brash’s campaign email promises he will be a conservative, links him with Dan Kelly.

Back in the News: Republican Party Raising Cash for Kelly
Back in the News

Republican Party Raising Cash for Kelly

Emails from 4th District Republican chairman Bob Spindell shows how partisan the race is.

Murphy’s Law: 41% of Milwaukee Workers Have ‘Bad’ Jobs
Murphy’s Law

41% of Milwaukee Workers Have ‘Bad’ Jobs

Study: 100,000 workers in city earn less than $15 per hour, often with no health coverage.

Murphy’s Law: How La Follette Helped Save Democracy
Murphy’s Law

How La Follette Helped Save Democracy

But his sudden retirement as Secretary of State has been blasted by Republicans.

Back in the News: Protasiewicz Crushing Kelly in TV Ads
Back in the News

Protasiewicz Crushing Kelly in TV Ads

Liberal candidate has run more than three times as many ads as the conservative. Kelly's campaign vows to catch up.

Back in the News: Will David Clarke Take On Tammy Baldwin?
Back in the News

Will David Clarke Take On Tammy Baldwin?

"America's Sheriff" may run against Democratic U.S. Senator, national story suggests.

Murphy’s Law: Will The Real Paul Ryan Stand Up?
Murphy’s Law

Will The Real Paul Ryan Stand Up?

What his tarnished stature as Fox News board member reveals about the once golden GOP leader.

Murphy’s Law: Protasiewicz Ahead In High Court Race
Murphy’s Law

Protasiewicz Ahead In High Court Race

All signs suggest Kelly well behind in election for state Supreme Court. Can he catch up?

Back In The News: State Home Prices Rose 49% in Five Years
Back In The News

State Home Prices Rose 49% in Five Years

Nationally the average home price rose from $399,700 in 2017 to $535.800 in 2022.

Murphy’s Law: Supreme Court Race All About Sex Offenders
Murphy’s Law

Supreme Court Race All About Sex Offenders

Which is strange because the state high court will probably never rule on such cases.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Circulation a Disaster
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Circulation a Disaster

A decline of 35% in one year and 75% in 10 years for combined daily and Sunday print and digital circulation.

Murphy’s Law: Brewers Subsidy Largest Ever Per Year?
Murphy’s Law

Brewers Subsidy Largest Ever Per Year?

How did Gov. Evers come up with that inflated, $290 million figure?

Murphy’s Law: ‘Truth Radio’ Network Now Statewide
Murphy’s Law

‘Truth Radio’ Network Now Statewide

Civic Media now has 18 stations covering state, to offer factual news and battle talk radio.

Murphy’s Law: Rep. LaKeshia Myers Is a Double Dipper
Murphy’s Law

Rep. LaKeshia Myers Is a Double Dipper

Working as public school teacher and administrator while serving in Legislature, getting two full time salaries.

Murphy’s Law: How Talk Radio Took Over Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

How Talk Radio Took Over Wisconsin

Most news and talk stations in state are dominated by right-wing voices.

Murphy’s Law: Is Judge Dorow Hiding Her Biography?
Murphy’s Law

Is Judge Dorow Hiding Her Biography?

Supreme Court candidate’s years defending criminals could be fodder for attack ads.

Murphy’s Law: New State GOP Chair Involved with Fake Electors
Murphy’s Law

New State GOP Chair Involved with Fake Electors

Brian Schimming went on talk radio to defend ‘peaceful protests’ at January 6 Capitol riot.

Murphy’s Law: A Right-Wing War In High Court Race
Murphy’s Law

A Right-Wing War In High Court Race

It's getting nasty: Mark Belling blasts candidate Kelly and Justice Bradley attacks candidate Dorow and Belling.

Back in the News: Supreme Court Race Could Be Most Expensive in U.S. History
Back in the News

Supreme Court Race Could Be Most Expensive in U.S. History

Up to $50 million could be spent, with national money pouring into Wisconsin.

Murphy’s Law: The Radical Views of Kelly and Dorow
Murphy’s Law

The Radical Views of Kelly and Dorow

Both candidates for state Supreme Court got legal training from mediocre Bible-oriented school.

Murphy’s Law: Report Finds Huge Charter School Growth
Murphy’s Law

Report Finds Huge Charter School Growth

3724% growth over 20 years for more independent MPS charter schools, while regular schools declined by 29%.

Murphy’s Law: Ascension Rakes In Charitable Dollars
Murphy’s Law

Ascension Rakes In Charitable Dollars

Raising millions in donations through dozens of separate foundations while cutting care for the poor.

Back in the News: Spindell Defends Himself, Spins His Comments
Back in the News

Spindell Defends Himself, Spins His Comments

He sends media softening language not in his original email about suppressing votes.

Murphy’s Law: The Vast Wealth of Ascension Health
Murphy’s Law

The Vast Wealth of Ascension Health

Huge executive salaries, billions in cash and investments, yet cutting services at hospitals.

Murphy’s Law: GOP Leader Thrilled to Suppress City Vote
Murphy’s Law

GOP Leader Thrilled to Suppress City Vote

Republican ads targeted Black and Hispanic voters to discourage voting. Did they work?

Murphy’s Law: State Is Far Behind on Electric Vehicles
Murphy’s Law

State Is Far Behind on Electric Vehicles

And charging stations. Will federal funding provide enough of a boost?

Murphy’s Law: Did Democrats Let Mandela Barnes Lose?
Murphy’s Law

Did Democrats Let Mandela Barnes Lose?

State Democratic chair says big donors wrongly concluded Barnes was far behind and deserted him.

Top 10 of 2022: Most Popular ‘Back in the News’ Columns
Top 10 of 2022

Most Popular ‘Back in the News’ Columns

Ron Johnson, Foxconn, Kyle Rittenhouse and the richest people in Wisconsin all made news.

Back in the News: Will Lasry Sell His Bucks Ownership?
Back in the News

Will Lasry Sell His Bucks Ownership?

"Open" to selling and would make a huge profit, NBA insiders suggest.

Top 10 of 2022: Most Popular Murphy’s Law Columns
Top 10 of 2022

Most Popular Murphy’s Law Columns

Readers liked stories about Tims -- Michels and Ramthun. And Summerfest, its well paid leader and IRS complaint were hot stuff.

Murphy’s Law: Inside the State’s Conservative Bubble
Murphy’s Law

Inside the State’s Conservative Bubble

The not-very-surprising views of Mike Nichols and the Badger Institute.

Murphy’s Law: Will Vos Kill Shared Revenue Hike For City?
Murphy’s Law

Will Vos Kill Shared Revenue Hike For City?

Assembly Speaker's comments blasting Milwaukee worries Mayor Johnson.

Back in the News: Bauman Defends Historic Preservation Process
Back in the News

Bauman Defends Historic Preservation Process

Developer Tim Gokhman complains HPC 'redesigns your project.'

Murphy’s Law: Is Historic Preservation Process Broken?
Murphy’s Law

Is Historic Preservation Process Broken?

Some feel city's process needs to be reformed. Are they right?

Murphy’s Law: The Battle Over ‘Astounding’ State Surplus
Murphy’s Law

The Battle Over ‘Astounding’ State Surplus

Now up to an 'unprecedented' $6.8 billion. But can Evers and Legislature agree on any plans to spend it?

Brandtjen, Leading Election Denier, Will Run for Open Senate Seat

Brandtjen, Leading Election Denier, Will Run for Open Senate Seat

Rep. Janel Brandtjen, kicked out of the Assembly GOP, wants to succeed Alberta Darling.

Murphy’s Law: Crowley Corrects the County Board
Murphy’s Law

Crowley Corrects the County Board

Getting to be a pattern by the county exec, as the board makes questionable decisions.

Back in the News: Bucks Owners Continue to Cash In
Back in the News

Bucks Owners Continue to Cash In

Team's value now $2.3 billion, a 5-fold increase in value in 8 years, with big help from taxpayers.

Murphy’s Law: Will Republicans Legalize Marijuana?
Murphy’s Law

Will Republicans Legalize Marijuana?

Gov. Evers and two-thirds of voters support it. How long will legislators resist?

Loudenback Concedes Loss for Secretary of State

Loudenback Concedes Loss for Secretary of State

Democrat Doug La Follette wins record 12th term and duties of office won't change.

Murphy’s Law: Yet More Staff Cuts for Journal Sentinel?
Murphy’s Law

Yet More Staff Cuts for Journal Sentinel?

Parent company Gannett announces 6% staff reduction, coming on heels of November layoffs at Milwaukee paper.

Murphy’s Law: Billionaire Seeks to Mend Partisan Divide
Murphy’s Law

Billionaire Seeks to Mend Partisan Divide

Democrat David Einhorn, son of right-wing, north-shore Republicans, funds effort to heal America.

Murphy’s Law: Dan Bice Undermines Elections Commission
Murphy’s Law

Dan Bice Undermines Elections Commission

Journal Sentinel reporter’s attack helps reinforce election lies.

Murphy’s Law: 21 Election Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

21 Election Winners and Losers

Beyond the ballot totals, which groups, advocates and trends won or lost?

Murphy’s Law: The Curious Candidacy of Joan Beglinger
Murphy’s Law

The Curious Candidacy of Joan Beglinger

Out-of-state group spends on ads for independent to help defeat Tim Michels.

Kaul Defeats Toney for Attorney General

Kaul Defeats Toney for Attorney General

Incumbent wins reelection by tiny, 33,000-vote margin. Toney concedes defeat.

Murphy’s Law: Michels, Johnson Are Threats to Democracy
Murphy’s Law

Michels, Johnson Are Threats to Democracy

Both have engaged in or plan actions to overthrow democratic elections.

Murphy’s Law: Attorney General Race Is A Brutal Battle
Murphy’s Law

Attorney General Race Is A Brutal Battle

Can Democrat Josh Kaul withstand the attacks? He's cool under fire, but maybe too cool.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Loses Six More Veterans
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Loses Six More Veterans

More cuts by Gannett: David Haynes, Bruce Vielmetti and four others taking buyouts.

Murphy’s Law: Has Michels Abandoned Trump?
Murphy’s Law

Has Michels Abandoned Trump?

Or has Trump abandoned Michels in governor's race? The silence is deafening.

Murphy’s Law: Age of Voters Will Decide Election
Murphy’s Law

Age of Voters Will Decide Election

Key fact: a vast difference in political views between those under and over age 40.

Back in the News: Still More Tax Breaks for Ron Johnson
Back in the News

Still More Tax Breaks for Ron Johnson

Paying no state income taxes on trust fund that pays for his million-dollar home.

Murphy’s Law: Catholic Hospitals Dominate State, Restrict Women’s Choices
Murphy’s Law

Catholic Hospitals Dominate State, Restrict Women’s Choices

Hospitals restrict reproductive procedures, contraception — more than in nearly any state.

Back in the New: Poll Shows Barnes Nearly Even With Johnson
Back in the New

Poll Shows Barnes Nearly Even With Johnson

CNN's new poll on US Senate race has Johnson with 50%, Barnes with 49%.

Murphy’s Law: Will Deer District Concert Halls Hurt City?
Murphy’s Law

Will Deer District Concert Halls Hurt City?

Will proposed venues bring more concerts to town or crush its current concert promoters?

Murphy’s Law: Does City Need Another War Memorial?
Murphy’s Law

Does City Need Another War Memorial?

It’s being offered for free to the county. But will it junk up the lakefront?

Murphy’s Law: How the Calatrava Changed Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

How the Calatrava Changed Milwaukee

Good for the city, yes. But how good for the Milwaukee Art Museum?

Back in the News: Will Candidates Accept Election Results?
Back in the News

Will Candidates Accept Election Results?

Evers and Barnes say they will honor November results. Michels and Johnson refuse to say.

Back in the News: Johnson’s Wealth Grew From China Deal?
Back in the News

Johnson’s Wealth Grew From China Deal?

Senator criticizes Hunter Biden for China connection while his family's company makes big haul.

Murphy’s Law: The Startling Decline in Child Poverty
Murphy’s Law

The Startling Decline in Child Poverty

Study finds it's down 65% in Wisconsin and 59% nationally since 1993, driven by government aid.

Murphy’s Law: Big Surge in Women Registering to Vote
Murphy’s Law

Big Surge in Women Registering to Vote

Wisconsin has third biggest surge in U.S. since Roe overthrown. Could help decide election.

Back in the News: Michels Calls For ‘Pitchforks and Torches’
Back in the News

Michels Calls For ‘Pitchforks and Torches’

Republican candidate for governor attacks media. Democrats accuse him of 'encouraging violence.'

Back in the News: Michels Blasts Media, Defends Donations
Back in the News

Michels Blasts Media, Defends Donations

GOP candidate for governor has supported anti-LGBT, anti-abortion, anti-contraception groups.

Murphy’s Law: Will Trump Help State’s Democrats Win?
Murphy’s Law

Will Trump Help State’s Democrats Win?

His disapproval rate is way high in Wisconsin, yet Michels, Johnson have embraced him.

Murphy’s Law: Will Republicans Give Milwaukee a Sales Tax?
Murphy’s Law

Will Republicans Give Milwaukee a Sales Tax?

Meeting to ‘reset’ relationship between city and state legislators raises doubts, hopes.

Murphy’s Law: Which Colleges Give Students Best Return?
Murphy’s Law

Which Colleges Give Students Best Return?

MU, MSOE, UW-Madison the highest, MIAD and UW-Superior the lowest in future earnings.

Murphy’s Law: The Legacy of Rembert Weakland
Murphy’s Law

The Legacy of Rembert Weakland

A once revered giant of the Catholic Church dies with a tarnished reputation.

Back in the News: How Johnson Avoided Paying Tons of Taxes
Back in the News

How Johnson Avoided Paying Tons of Taxes

Meanwhile his backers are running an ad claiming Mandela Barnes didn't pay his taxes.

Murphy’s Law: The Little Urban Group That Could
Murphy’s Law

The Little Urban Group That Could

Urban Anthropology, Inc. has become a go-to organization for Milwaukee ethnic history

Back In The News: More Layoffs for Journal Sentinel?
Back In The News

More Layoffs for Journal Sentinel?

Parent company Gannett faces financial issues, announces coming staff cuts, which may include Milwaukee paper.

Murphy’s Law: Everyone Wants to Be Lt. Governor
Murphy’s Law

Everyone Wants to Be Lt. Governor

10 candidates in all, including just two Democrats. Who stands out?

Back in the News: Gableman Opposed Decertifying Election
Back in the News

Gableman Opposed Decertifying Election

Private memo by attorney doing election review contradicts his call to decertify 2020 election.

Murphy’s Law: Lasry’s Quitting Race Raises Questions
Murphy’s Law

Lasry’s Quitting Race Raises Questions

Did Democrats miss a chance to vet Mandela Barnes in primary for US Senate?

Murphy’s Law: The Long Reach of Cleta Mitchell
Murphy’s Law

The Long Reach of Cleta Mitchell

Bradley board member’s role in the Big Lie keeps growing as more reported.

Murphy’s Law: A Radical Republican Debate
Murphy’s Law

A Radical Republican Debate

Which of GOP candidates Kleefisch, Michels and Ramthun had most extreme views in debate?

Murphy’s Law: Why Steil Supported Same Sex Marriage
Murphy’s Law

Why Steil Supported Same Sex Marriage

Rep. Bryan Steil is only Republican in state to support House bill, as his party swings ever further right.

Murphy’s Law: Steven Spielberg Is Backing Tony Evers
Murphy’s Law

Steven Spielberg Is Backing Tony Evers

And he's not the only notable from out of state who gave the maximum donation to our governor.

Back in The News: Report Finds Few Problems With Drop Boxes
Back in The News

Report Finds Few Problems With Drop Boxes

No cases of fraud, vandalism or theft that could have affected 2020 election results.

Murphy’s Law: Will Senate Democratic Debate Change Race?
Murphy’s Law

Will Senate Democratic Debate Change Race?

No one lays a glove on Barnes. But one surprise winner and some terrible TMJ mikes.

Murphy’s Law: Crute Building Statewide ‘Truth’ Radio
Murphy’s Law

Crute Building Statewide ‘Truth’ Radio

Owner of liberal outlet in Madison envisions network of 12 stations in 7 markets with factual news shows.

Murphy: Why Nicholson Quit The Governor’s Race

Why Nicholson Quit The Governor’s Race

Did Uihlein pull his funding? And which candidate for governor will benefit?

Murphy’s Law: Did Democrats Devise Great Replacement Theory?
Murphy’s Law

Did Democrats Devise Great Replacement Theory?

So say conservatives like the policy director for 'free market' Badger Institute.

Back In the News: Fake Elector Scheme Dogs Ron Johnson
Back In the News

Fake Elector Scheme Dogs Ron Johnson

Wisconsin's senator now blames 'radical left' and won't say whether he's being investigated.

Poll Shows Ron Johnson Trails Three Democrats, Evers Leads GOP Challengers

Poll Shows Ron Johnson Trails Three Democrats, Evers Leads GOP Challengers

MU poll also shows Michels/Kleefisch in virtual tie in GOP primary for governor.

Murphy’s Law: How We Energies Spends Your Money
Murphy’s Law

How We Energies Spends Your Money

Profits from ratepayers funds foundation that gave $1 million to UWM and helps utility look like a good guy.

Murphy’s Law: Which Democrat Can Beat Ron Johnson?
Murphy’s Law

Which Democrat Can Beat Ron Johnson?

That may be the most important question for Democratic voters. And the answer?

Murphy’s Law: Brewers Could Lose Money on TIF Deal
Murphy’s Law

Brewers Could Lose Money on TIF Deal

Why team may not want tax incremental financed entertainment district.

Murphy’s Law: Remembering Stuart Carlson
Murphy’s Law

Remembering Stuart Carlson

One of the great editorial cartoonists, who became too controversial for Journal Sentinel, dies at age 66.

Murphy’s Law: About That Brewers ‘Entertainment District’
Murphy’s Law

About That Brewers ‘Entertainment District’

It’s not exactly a new idea. Do the Brewers even want it? Could it help support the team?

Murphy’s Law: The Bradley Foundation’s Election Deniers
Murphy’s Law

The Bradley Foundation’s Election Deniers

Board member Cleta Mitchell and Bradley-funded group train army of zealots to watch over elections.

Back in the News: Soccer Stadium Will Need Public Subsidy
Back in the News

Soccer Stadium Will Need Public Subsidy

Developers estimate $160 million cost for development including hotel, apartments and concert venue.

Murphy’s Law: The Battle For Downtown Concert Venues
Murphy’s Law

The Battle For Downtown Concert Venues

It’s Live Nation and the Bucks vs. Gary Witt and the Pabst. Which proposal will win?

Back in the News: The NRA Loves Ron Johnson
Back in the News

The NRA Loves Ron Johnson

Wisconsin U.S. Senator has gotten $1.3 million in donations, just behind Mitch McConnell.

Murphy’s Law: Clancy Runs As Double-Dipping Socialist
Murphy’s Law

Clancy Runs As Double-Dipping Socialist

Running for Legislature, but would continue as county supervisor, collecting both salaries.

Murphy’s Law: Who’s the Real Outsider for Governor?
Murphy’s Law

Who’s the Real Outsider for Governor?

Almost every candidate claims to be. But who really, actually is?

Murphy’s Law: Is Ron Johnson a White Supremacist?
Murphy’s Law

Is Ron Johnson a White Supremacist?

He pushed the great replacement theory that influenced the racist mass shooter in Buffalo.

Back in the News: Gwen Moore Discusses Her Abortion
Back in the News

Gwen Moore Discusses Her Abortion

One of few woman in Congress to talk frankly about the days before Roe, an era that may soon return.

Murphy’s Law: How Are Ethnic Festivals Doing?
Murphy’s Law

How Are Ethnic Festivals Doing?

Most successful is Irish Fest, most troubled is Festa Italiana. And the rest?

Murphy’s Law: Bucks Subsidy An Issue in US Senate Race
Murphy’s Law

Bucks Subsidy An Issue in US Senate Race

Nelson opposes subsidy, blasts Lasry, Barnes for supporting it.

Murphy’s Law: The Stunning Rise in Anti-Semitism
Murphy’s Law

The Stunning Rise in Anti-Semitism

Nationally and in Wisconsin, the highest in more than four decades. Why?

Back in the News: Does Tim Michels Live Outside Wisconsin?
Back in the News

Does Tim Michels Live Outside Wisconsin?

Family of GOP candidate for governor owns $17 million mansion in Connecticut and kids have attended nearby schools.

Murphy’s Law: The Bradley Foundation and ‘Superpredators’
Murphy’s Law

The Bradley Foundation and ‘Superpredators’

Research it helped fund demonized young Black males, leading to long prison sentences.

Back in the News: Barnes, Nelson Argue Over I-94 Expansion
Back in the News

Barnes, Nelson Argue Over I-94 Expansion

Could it be an issue in Democratic primary for U.S. Senate?

Murphy’s Law: Look Out For Tim Michels
Murphy’s Law

Look Out For Tim Michels

He could shake up the Republican primary for governor

Back in the News: 63% of State’s Corporations Pay No Taxes
Back in the News

63% of State’s Corporations Pay No Taxes

New study links huge decline in corporate income taxes paid in states like Wisconsin to less government services.

Murphy’s Law: Festa Italiana Actually Canceled Due To Financial Issues
Murphy’s Law

Festa Italiana Actually Canceled Due To Financial Issues

Italian Community Center had $1 million negative fund balance even before the pandemic.

Murphy’s Law: Brewers Cost Taxpayers $1.56 Billion
Murphy’s Law

Brewers Cost Taxpayers $1.56 Billion

As team prepares to ask for additional stadium subsidy, Urban Milwaukee updates the 40-year cost.

Back In The News: State’s 8 Richest People Worth $58 Billion
Back In The News

State’s 8 Richest People Worth $58 Billion

List of billionaires led by John Menard at $16.6 billion. Super wealthy have helped transform states like Wisconsin.

Murphy’s Law: State 11th Worst in Disenfranchising Black Felons
Murphy’s Law

State 11th Worst in Disenfranchising Black Felons

One in nine Black adults in Wisconsin can’t vote. Unique parole policies a key reason.

Murphy’s Law: Baldwin, Pocan Deliver for Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

Baldwin, Pocan Deliver for Wisconsin

Both among top members of Congress in getting earmarked federal spending for this state.

Murphy’s Law: IRS Complaint Filed Against Summerfest
Murphy’s Law

IRS Complaint Filed Against Summerfest

Complaint challenges festival’s nonprofit status, claiming it now operates ‘as a commercial entity.’

Murphy’s Law: Let’s Not Whitewash Bob Donovan
Murphy’s Law

Let’s Not Whitewash Bob Donovan

Journal Sentinel offers sanitized version of Bob Donovan's run-ins with the law.

Murphy’s Law: About The Public Museum’s Name Change
Murphy’s Law

About The Public Museum’s Name Change

Changing to a “Wisconsin” museum may be a key to its survival.

Back in the News: Foxconn In Talks for Saudi Arabian Plant
Back in the News

Foxconn In Talks for Saudi Arabian Plant

$9 billion facility to make microchips, electric-vehicle parts while promised plant for Wisconsin yet to happen.

Murphy’s Law: State Near Top In Slashing County Funding
Murphy’s Law

State Near Top In Slashing County Funding

Only two states have cut county funding more. Huge funding decline has hurt Milwaukee.

Back in the News: Brewers Want $100 Million Tax Subsidy?
Back in the News

Brewers Want $100 Million Tax Subsidy?

So claims Journal Sentinel. But where exactly did this figure come from?

Murphy’s Law: City-County Sales Tax Proposal Dead
Murphy’s Law

City-County Sales Tax Proposal Dead

Push for state legislation will have to wait until 2023, MMAC leader says.

Murphy’s Law: Supreme Court Shows Ugly Divisions
Murphy’s Law

Supreme Court Shows Ugly Divisions

State high court's redistricting decision prompts nasty attacks on Hagedorn by three other conservatives.

Murphy’s Law: A ‘Woke’ Dispute At Concordia University
Murphy’s Law

A ‘Woke’ Dispute At Concordia University

Professor suspended after writing article blasting lakeside college’s embrace of diversity. WILL’s lawyers jump on the case.

Back in the News: The Return of Kyle Rittenhouse
Back in the News

The Return of Kyle Rittenhouse

Accused Portland killer wears t-shirt declaring Kyle a patriot, as Rittenhouse launches new group to sue the media.

Murphy’s Law: Why Brewers Stadium Conflict Erupted
Murphy’s Law

Why Brewers Stadium Conflict Erupted

Legislature has squeezed the five-county ballpark district, leaving it less flexibility.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of Timothy Ramthun
Murphy’s Law

The Rise of Timothy Ramthun

One-time nobody now a candidate for governor and top demagogue in state Republican Party.

Murphy’s Law: 15 Election Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

15 Election Winners and Losers

Beyond the ballots, which insiders, groups and trends were the winners and losers in this election?

Back in the News: Reckless Driving a National Problem
Back in the News

Reckless Driving a National Problem

Yes, Milwaukee has huge problem, but it's part of a worrisome national trend.

Murphy’s Law: Brewers Seek More Taxpayer Dollars
Murphy’s Law

Brewers Seek More Taxpayer Dollars

New study of improvements needed for stadium is latest step in team’s strategy.

Murphy’s Law: The Myth of the Truck Driver Shortage
Murphy’s Law

The Myth of the Truck Driver Shortage

GOP bill raises question: Is there a shortage of trained drivers or do companies need to pay more?

Back in the News: Veterans Leaving Journal Sentinel
Back in the News

Veterans Leaving Journal Sentinel

John Fauber the latest, following on heels of Craig Gilbert and Tom Haudricourt.

Murphy’s Law: Can Nicholson Beat Kleefisch?
Murphy’s Law

Can Nicholson Beat Kleefisch?

Democrats are thrilled about what could be a bruising Republican primary for governor.

Murphy’s Law: Evers Takes a Page from Republicans
Murphy’s Law

Evers Takes a Page from Republicans

His push to give tax rebate to taxpayers was first used by Lee Dreyfus to win office.

Murphy’s Law: Who Will Win Mayoral Primary?
Murphy’s Law

Who Will Win Mayoral Primary?

Voter turnout may decide which two candidates get through primary.

Murphy’s Law: Is Rebecca Kleefisch a ‘Hypocrite’?
Murphy’s Law

Is Rebecca Kleefisch a ‘Hypocrite’?

Her voting as “indefinitely confined” was something done in many Republican-leaning districts.

Back in the News: Mount Pleasant Charged For Foxconn Water Shortfall
Back in the News

Mount Pleasant Charged For Foxconn Water Shortfall

Village paid more than $1 million for 2019 and 2020, but officials say this won't continue.

Murphy’s Law: Summerfest CEO Collects $2.49 Million
Murphy’s Law

Summerfest CEO Collects $2.49 Million

Don Smiley gets total compensation of 1.19 million in 2019 and $1.29 million in 2020.

Murphy’s Law: How Absentee Ballot Boxes Became Illegal
Murphy’s Law

How Absentee Ballot Boxes Became Illegal

Used in 40 states and backed by Republicans, until their new push to make them illegal.

Back in the News: 6 State Newspapers End Saturday Edition
Back in the News

6 State Newspapers End Saturday Edition

Gannett cuts back all of its Wisconsin papers except Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Murphy’s Law: Will Evers’ Pardons Hurt Him In Election?
Murphy’s Law

Will Evers’ Pardons Hurt Him In Election?

He’s bragging about setting a record. Will Republicans use it in attack ad?

Back in the News: State Far Behind on Minimum Wage
Back in the News

State Far Behind on Minimum Wage

30 states have increased the minimum wage, leaving Wisconsin ever further behind.

Murphy’s Law: Why Is Summerfest Helping Live Nation?
Murphy’s Law

Why Is Summerfest Helping Live Nation?

National ‘monopoly’ company’s proposed music halls in Third Ward target local companies.

Murphy’s Law: Liberal Talk Coming to Waukesha
Murphy’s Law

Liberal Talk Coming to Waukesha

Mike Crute’s new talk radio station, WAUK 540 AM, will compete with local right-wing talkers.

Back In The News: Evers Might Consider Changes in Bail
Back In The News

Evers Might Consider Changes in Bail

But only "if everybody sits back and takes a breath" and "every stakeholder" involved.

Murphy’s Law: County Pension Bonds Saved Up To $269 Million
Murphy’s Law

County Pension Bonds Saved Up To $269 Million

Could the city use this financial mechanism to lower costs?

Special Report: Pension Costs Decimated County Services
Special Report

Pension Costs Decimated County Services

New generation of leaders has inherited government unable to pay for parks, buses, buildings and basic services.

Special Report: County Pension Reforms Have Done Little
Special Report

County Pension Reforms Have Done Little

Officials have often resisted reforms. Main relief has come from state passage of Act 10. Part II of a series.

Special Report: County Pension Plan’s Costs Still Rising
Special Report

County Pension Plan’s Costs Still Rising

Annual costs rose by 163%, may not be paid off until 2040s. First story in a series.

Murphy’s Law: After Rittenhouse, Expect More Vigilantes
Murphy’s Law

After Rittenhouse, Expect More Vigilantes

Self defense laws and lack of gun control at issue. Is reform possible?

Murphy’s Law: The Journal Sentinel’s Drastic Decline
Murphy’s Law

The Journal Sentinel’s Drastic Decline

Sunday and daily subscription numbers continue to plummet.

Murphy’s Law: The Arrogance of Aaron Rodgers
Murphy’s Law

The Arrogance of Aaron Rodgers

His deceitful, irresponsible handling of COVID-19 protocols has become a political issue.

Murphy’s Law: About Those Election ‘Irregularities’
Murphy’s Law

About Those Election ‘Irregularities’

Is there any truth to Republican complaints about the 2020 election?

Murphy’s Law: Nation’s Worst Prison Gerrymandering?
Murphy’s Law

Nation’s Worst Prison Gerrymandering?

Wisconsin’s a leader in counting prisoners to inflate rural areas and rob urban areas of representation.

Murphy’s Law: Why Foxconn Jilted Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

Why Foxconn Jilted Wisconsin

Plans electric car plant in Ohio, which offered no state subsidy. Why?

Murphy’s Law: Are Unvaccinated Police Endangering Community?
Murphy’s Law

Are Unvaccinated Police Endangering Community?

No one knows what percentage of Milwaukee officers has been vaccinated.

Murphy’s Law: How Tax-Exempt Property Hurts The City
Murphy’s Law

How Tax-Exempt Property Hurts The City

Your tax bill would be lower -- much lower -- without all those tax exemptions.

Murphy’s Law: Kleefisch Tries To Ape Trump
Murphy’s Law

Kleefisch Tries To Ape Trump

And the results are, ah, pretty weird.

Murphy’s Law: College Grads Are Leaving Republican Party
Murphy’s Law

College Grads Are Leaving Republican Party

While less educated voters ditch the Democratic Party. How is that changing the state?

Murphy’s Law: State Trails Most In Renewable Energy
Murphy’s Law

State Trails Most In Renewable Energy

Just 10 mostly southern states are doing less. Wisconsin also has more expensive electricity.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of Rep. Janel Brandtjen
Murphy’s Law

The Rise of Rep. Janel Brandtjen

A leader in election lies and demagoguery has become a state Republican power.

Murphy’s Law: How Kleefisch Failed On Foxconn
Murphy’s Law

How Kleefisch Failed On Foxconn

As Lt. Governor she recruited the Taiwanese company and failed to protect taxpayers.

Back in the News: State Imprisons More People Than Any Nation
Back in the News

State Imprisons More People Than Any Nation

Wisconsin ranks 24th among states but is more punitive than every nation in the world.

Back in the News: Brandtjen Looks Foolish on Election Audit
Back in the News

Brandtjen Looks Foolish on Election Audit

Even Robin Vos wouldn't support her lame attempt to subpoena election data.

Murphy’s Law: How The City Lost the Medical Center
Murphy’s Law

How The City Lost the Medical Center

New mental health center on near West Side of city a change from decades of hospitals moving to Wauwatosa.

Back In the News: Evers’ Search for Lt. Governor Hits Snag
Back In the News

Evers’ Search for Lt. Governor Hits Snag

His top choices to run for post don't seem to be interested.

Murphy’s Law: Mayor’s Race Looks Like a Wild One
Murphy’s Law

Mayor’s Race Looks Like a Wild One

Wide open, with lots of candidates, no obvious favorites and so much at stake.

Back in the News: Kleefisch Calls Democrats ‘Pure Evil’
Back in the News

Kleefisch Calls Democrats ‘Pure Evil’

Former Lt. Governor and Republican candidate for governor appealing to far right?

Back in the News: Johnson Opposes Ventilators, Pushes Horse Medicine
Back in the News

Johnson Opposes Ventilators, Pushes Horse Medicine

FDA warns against using ivermectin: "You are not a horse."

Murphy’s Law: Police Were Defunded Before George Floyd
Murphy’s Law

Police Were Defunded Before George Floyd

253 municipalities in state cut police funding in 2019 for budget reasons, report finds.

Anti-Vaxxer GOP Senator Has COVID-19

Anti-Vaxxer GOP Senator Has COVID-19

Republican state Sen. André Jacque and some family members have tested positive.

Back in the News: Entire State Has Become More Diverse
Back in the News

Entire State Has Become More Diverse

All 72 counties increased their percentage of people of color since 2010, Census data shows.

Back in the News: City Ranks Higher In Solving Murders
Back in the News

City Ranks Higher In Solving Murders

Many cities don't solve the majority of murders. Milwaukee does far better.

Murphy’s Law: Bradley Foundation Spreads The Big Lie
Murphy’s Law

Bradley Foundation Spreads The Big Lie

Foundation gets ever more radical, using tax exempt funding to bankroll groups undermining democracy.

Back in the News: Wisconsin Outpaces Most States in LGBTQ Elected Officials
Back in the News

Wisconsin Outpaces Most States in LGBTQ Elected Officials

17% hike nationally in LGBTQ elected officials in last year, but still a long way to go.

Murphy’s Law: SNAP Food Benefits Fall Short in State, Nation
Murphy’s Law

SNAP Food Benefits Fall Short in State, Nation

In 27 counties and 40% of the nation benefits fall short of average cost of a meal.

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn Wants a New Subsidy?
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn Wants a New Subsidy?

Deal to build electric cars for Fisker may depend on yet another taxpayer giveaway.

Back in News: Barnes Gets National Endorsements for Senate Bid
Back in News

Barnes Gets National Endorsements for Senate Bid

Endorsements by three progressive groups could help him win the party activists.

Murphy’s Law: The Remarkable Growth Of The GMC
Murphy’s Law

The Remarkable Growth Of The GMC

Julia Taylor grew the budget and staff and grants. But what exactly was accomplished?

Back in the News: Johnson Race Now Rated a ‘Tossup’
Back in the News

Johnson Race Now Rated a ‘Tossup’

Top political report finds race now closer as Johnson wins "Four Pinocchios" rating for misinformation on COVID-19

Murphy’s Law: City’s Urban Forest Fights Climate Change
Murphy’s Law

City’s Urban Forest Fights Climate Change

Unlike in some cities Milwaukee’s urban forestry program is not in decline.

Back in the News: Evers Is Flush With Cash
Back in the News

Evers Is Flush With Cash

More cash on hand than Walker had at this point in last campaign for governor.

Murphy’s Law: Ron Johnson Vs. Journal Sentinel
Murphy’s Law

Ron Johnson Vs. Journal Sentinel

A battle royal between senator and newspaper. Who’s gotten the worst of it?

Kaul Announces Run For Reelection

Kaul Announces Run For Reelection

Democratic Attorney General Josh Kaul predicts a tough race against Republican challenger.

Murphy’s Law: The Secrets of Mike Huebsch
Murphy’s Law

The Secrets of Mike Huebsch

He’s been a leader in evading and undermining Wisconsin's open records laws.

Back in News: State Ranks Higher in Virtual Classrooms
Back in News

State Ranks Higher in Virtual Classrooms

Students of color most likely to get virtual instruction. Racial gap 14th highest in Wisconsin.

Back in the News: Kapenga Letter “Sad and Pathetic”?
Back in the News

Kapenga Letter “Sad and Pathetic”?

Wisconsin Republicans' groveling to Trump wins national ridicule.

Murphy’s Law: Republican Class Warfare
Murphy’s Law

Republican Class Warfare

It hurts their own voters in Wisconsin. How do they get away with it?

Murphy’s Law: Evers Is the Pro-Science Candidate
Murphy’s Law

Evers Is the Pro-Science Candidate

Why has that description become so controversial?

Murphys Law: Music Venues Still Await Pandemic Aid
Murphys Law

Music Venues Still Await Pandemic Aid

Summerfest got $10 million in federal funding. The Pabst and thousands of other groups: nothing.

Back in the News: Tammy Baldwin Is All About The Beer
Back in the News

Tammy Baldwin Is All About The Beer

Senator wins attention with Wisconsin beer, not for the first time.

Murphy’s Law: What Is Archdiocese Afraid Of?
Murphy’s Law

What Is Archdiocese Afraid Of?

Archbishop Listecki strongly opposes state investigation of clergy sex abuse. Why?

Back in the News: Lasry Revises His Minimum Wage Story
Back in the News

Lasry Revises His Minimum Wage Story

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate's campaign issues correction. But it's far from complete.

Murphy’s Law: Lasry Misleads Voters On Minimum Wage
Murphy’s Law

Lasry Misleads Voters On Minimum Wage

U.S. Senate candidate’s claim to back family supporting jobs exaggerates, distorts truth.

Back in the News: State Ground Zero for Vaccine Hesitancy?
Back in the News

State Ground Zero for Vaccine Hesitancy?

Wisconsin trails 20 states in percent vaccinated. Hesitancy could prolong pandemic.

Murphy’s Law: No More County Government Bickering
Murphy’s Law

No More County Government Bickering

Relationship between County Executive Crowley and Board Chair Nicholson is the best in decades.

Murphy’s Law: How Vos Pushes The Big Lie
Murphy’s Law

How Vos Pushes The Big Lie

Claiming election irregularities, undermining election officials, hiring a GOP expert in smears.

Murphy’s Law: Evers Will Run For Reelection
Murphy’s Law

Evers Will Run For Reelection

But will Barnes be his running mate? If not, who will Evers pick?

Murphy’s Law: Sickle Cell Excuses Killings By Police?
Murphy’s Law

Sickle Cell Excuses Killings By Police?

3 of 47 such deaths nationally were in Milwaukee, but county medical examiner defends his decisions.

Murphy’s Law: Bill Punishes Milwaukee, Madison
Murphy’s Law

Bill Punishes Milwaukee, Madison

GOP bill backed by Lena Taylor gives police power in FPC disciplinary actions of cops.

Murphy’s Law: The Vanishing Courage of Mike Gallagher
Murphy’s Law

The Vanishing Courage of Mike Gallagher

Wisconsin congressman took a stand against Republican lies and then turned chicken.

Murphy’s Law: Kaul Probe of Clergy Abuse Is Historic
Murphy’s Law

Kaul Probe of Clergy Abuse Is Historic

Unprecedented state-wide investigation could uncover many crimes, lead to legal reforms.

Murphy’s Law: The Push For a New U.S. Constitution
Murphy’s Law

The Push For a New U.S. Constitution

Scott Walker, Eric O’Keefe, Republican legislators part of scary national movement.

Murphy’s Law: Ron Johnson Looks Like Russian Tool
Murphy’s Law

Ron Johnson Looks Like Russian Tool

He once condemned Russia and Vladimir Putin. What explains the turnabout?

Murphy’s Law: The True Costs of New Foxconn Deal
Murphy’s Law

The True Costs of New Foxconn Deal

Evers new deal is a huge improvement but will still cost taxpayers $523,000 per job.

Murphy’s Laws: The New Gerrymandering Scheme
Murphy’s Laws

The New Gerrymandering Scheme

Republicans charge taxpayers for private attorneys to defend secret legislative scheme before it’s even been created.

Remembering Bill Durkin

Remembering Bill Durkin

He helped create Urban Stables, other philanthropic projects and was an anti-war activist, member of Chicago 15.

Back in the News: Conservative Group Loses Suit Against Evers
Back in the News

Conservative Group Loses Suit Against Evers

Federal court rejects MacIver Institute's demand for access to governors's press briefings.

Murphy’s Law: County Micro-Managing At Its Worst?
Murphy’s Law

County Micro-Managing At Its Worst?

Board proposal to oversee all county parks bike trail changes is a head scratcher.

Murphy’s Law: Hot Democratic Contest for U.S. Senate
Murphy’s Law

Hot Democratic Contest for U.S. Senate

Several impressive candidates looking to defeat Ron Johnson. Who's the front runner?

Back in the News: Johnson’s ‘Presidential’ Speech Fizzles
Back in the News

Johnson’s ‘Presidential’ Speech Fizzles

Senator gets no coverage of Mar-a-Lago speech, but working hard to get national attention.

Murphy’s Law: WILL’s Harvard Lawyers Fail at Voter Purge
Murphy’s Law

WILL’s Harvard Lawyers Fail at Voter Purge

Supreme Court decision strikes down voter suppression effort, rejects conservative group's weak argument.

Murphy’s Law: Quagga Mussels Still Rule Lake Michigan
Murphy’s Law

Quagga Mussels Still Rule Lake Michigan

New study shows how mussels have transformed the lake.

Back in the News: Fiserv Paid No Federal Taxes in 2020
Back in the News

Fiserv Paid No Federal Taxes in 2020

Not a dollar of taxes on $1.1 billion in pre-tax earnings. Among 55 corporations that paid nothing.

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Look Silly on Andrea Palm
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Look Silly on Andrea Palm

Former state health secretary they hated was success with state vaccine plan, and got picked as Biden's deputy health secretary.

Murphy’s Law: About That Foxconn Venture Capital Fund
Murphy’s Law

About That Foxconn Venture Capital Fund

Another big money promise for Wisconsin. Will this one pan out?

Back in the News: Belling Doing His ‘Final’ Cruise
Back in the News

Belling Doing His ‘Final’ Cruise

Conservative radio talker, 64, had stroke in 2019, but says he has no plans to retire.

Murphy’s Law: 8 Ways Police Mishandled Protests
Murphy’s Law

8 Ways Police Mishandled Protests

From Los Angeles to New York, Milwaukee and Wauwatosa, police made similar mistakes.

Back in the News: Meet the Pandemic Profiteers
Back in the News

Meet the Pandemic Profiteers

Menard, Hendricks, Kohler among top 100 plutocrats getting richer during pandemic.

Back in the News: Is Ron Johnson the New Trump?
Back in the News

Is Ron Johnson the New Trump?

The nation's new leader in peddling conspiracy theories. Is he planning a run for president?

Murphy’s Law: Kleefisch Spokesperson Compares Evers to Dahmer
Murphy’s Law

Kleefisch Spokesperson Compares Evers to Dahmer

The former Lt. Governor, who plans a run for governor, gets caught in controversy.

Back in the News: Foxconn Could Invest $13 Billion
Back in the News

Foxconn Could Invest $13 Billion

$3 billion more than original promised investment. But only if it decides to build electric cars. Which looks iffy.

Murphy’s Law: RonAnon Courts National Infamy
Murphy’s Law

RonAnon Courts National Infamy

Why all the conspiracy theories? It’s Ron Johnson’s calculated reelection strategy.

Murphy’s Law: We Energies Reduces Electric Cars’ Impact
Murphy’s Law

We Energies Reduces Electric Cars’ Impact

Batteries charged on coal power aren’t so good for the environment.

Murphy’s Law: Gun Sales Are Soaring in Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

Gun Sales Are Soaring in Wisconsin

Up 114% since 2000. A change in who owns guns, what kind they own and why they own them.

Murphy’s Law: GOP Leader Supports Dead People Voting
Murphy’s Law

GOP Leader Supports Dead People Voting

Huh? That’s a switch for Repubicans. But it might actually be a good idea.

Murphy’s Law: Fiserv Had ‘Most Overpaid’ CEO
Murphy’s Law

Fiserv Had ‘Most Overpaid’ CEO

Jeffery Yabuki was 15th most overpaid CEO in 2020, study finds, making 428 times the average worker.

Murphy’s Law: Hupy & Abraham Face Political Storm
Murphy’s Law

Hupy & Abraham Face Political Storm

Hupy’s donations to Ron Johnson attacked by Minocqua brewer and law firm losing business.

Back in the News: Uline Workers Suffer Higher COVID-19 Rates
Back in the News

Uline Workers Suffer Higher COVID-19 Rates

Owners and Trump donors the Uihleins have downplayed pandemic, worker complaints.

Murphy’s Law: The Foxconn Real Estate Show
Murphy’s Law

The Foxconn Real Estate Show

There are now four buildings on Mount Pleasant campus. But what exactly are they for?

Back in the News: Bipartisan Bashing of Ron Johnson
Back in the News

Bipartisan Bashing of Ron Johnson

His latest hoax, that ‘fake Trump protesters’ led Capitol riots, called 'disgraceful.’

Murphy’s Law: Will Legislature Support WisconsinEye?
Murphy’s Law

Will Legislature Support WisconsinEye?

Its coverage of all legislative and committee hearings is critical to a democracy.

Murphy’s Law: $15 Minimum Wage Would Help 831,000 State Workers
Murphy’s Law

$15 Minimum Wage Would Help 831,000 State Workers

38% of Milwaukee workers would benefit from minimum wage hike, versus 22% nationally.

Murphy’s Law: Let Us Now Praise Rush Limbaugh
Murphy’s Law

Let Us Now Praise Rush Limbaugh

What was his impact on Wisconsin? Praise and condemnation and silliness offered.

Back in the News: The Hoax Master of Wisconsin
Back in the News

The Hoax Master of Wisconsin

Ron Johnson has become a national leader in hoaxes and conspiracy theories.

Murphy’s Law: 10 Republicans Accused of Voter Fraud 
Murphy’s Law

10 Republicans Accused of Voter Fraud 

Meet the folks who wanted to overturn Wisconsin’s election. Legal complaint says they committed crimes.

Back in the News: Uline Faces Blowback on Capitol Riot
Back in the News

Uline Faces Blowback on Capitol Riot

Northwestern reviewing contract with company, which gave $4 million to group pushing uprising.

Back in the News: Sykes Is No Longer a Republican
Back in the News

Sykes Is No Longer a Republican

National Public Radio stands corrected. He is not -- roll the drums -- a Republican any more.

Murphy’s Law: Local Costs for Foxconn Cut By 2%
Murphy’s Law

Local Costs for Foxconn Cut By 2%

Annual update by Mount Pleasant still leaves total state-local costs at $1.32 billion.

Back in the News: Ron Johnson’s Latest Conspiracy Theory
Back in the News

Ron Johnson’s Latest Conspiracy Theory

Senator now blaming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for Capitol riot.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee A Leader in CCTV Snooping
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee A Leader in CCTV Snooping

City has 8 cameras per 1,000 people, more than 28 of 39 large cities studied.

Back In The News: Billionaire Sports Owners Get Richer
Back In The News

Billionaire Sports Owners Get Richer

Report shows 64 billionaire owners gained $99 billion during pandemic, helped by billions in tax subsidies.

Murphy’s Law: Robin Vos Will Solve Foxconn Fiasco
Murphy’s Law

Robin Vos Will Solve Foxconn Fiasco

Assembly Speaker has toured the plant and Foxconn is definitely, probably manufacturing… something.

Murphy’s Law: Poor Dan O’Donnell Feels Persecuted
Murphy’s Law

Poor Dan O’Donnell Feels Persecuted

Right-wing radio host claims his free speech being abridged. Really?

Murphy’s Law: Bucks Franchise Worth $1.86 Billion
Murphy’s Law

Bucks Franchise Worth $1.86 Billion

A four-fold increase in value since new arena built. Taxpayers helped the rich get richer.

Murphy’s Law: Wage Theft ‘Rampant’ in State
Murphy’s Law

Wage Theft ‘Rampant’ in State

10% of construction workers bilked of $23,500 per year on average. Will Legislature address problem?

Murphy’s Law: Will State Republicans Abandon Trump?
Murphy’s Law

Will State Republicans Abandon Trump?

Many have in other states. Will Wisconsin’s GOP get off the Trump crazy train?

Murphy’s Law: State Residents Taxes Down 22% Since 2000
Murphy’s Law

State Residents Taxes Down 22% Since 2000

Federal, state and local taxes have all declined during that period, new report finds.

Back in the News: Johnson Tainted by Ukrainian Official?
Back in the News

Johnson Tainted by Ukrainian Official?

Wisconsin's GOP Senator peddled 'malicious' disinformation by foreign operative sanctioned by Trump Administration.

Murphy’s Law: Brewery Super PAC Targets Johnson, Tiffany
Murphy’s Law

Brewery Super PAC Targets Johnson, Tiffany

Minocqua Brewing Company seeks donations to ‘free the Northwoods of sedition.’

Murphy’s Law: Everyone’s Dumping on Ron Johnson
Murphy’s Law

Everyone’s Dumping on Ron Johnson

A recall effort, attacks by the Lincoln Project, angry editorial and much more.

Back in the News: Cleta Mitchell Resigns from Foley Firm
Back in the News

Cleta Mitchell Resigns from Foley Firm

Partner in Milwaukee-based firm helped Trump in phone call asking Georgia election officials to "find" more votes.

Back in the News: Foley Firm Faces Blowback on Trump Call
Back in the News

Foley Firm Faces Blowback on Trump Call

Criticism of Milwaukee firm whose partner Cleta Mitchell helped Trump effort to "find" votes in Georgia.

Murphy’s Law: Foley & Lardner Lawyer Helps Trump “Find” Votes
Murphy’s Law

Foley & Lardner Lawyer Helps Trump “Find” Votes

Milwaukee law firm’s attorney Cleta Mitchell is Washington insider and ex-liberal feminist.

Back in the News: John Menard Loves Universities
Back in the News

John Menard Loves Universities

With conditions. They get donations. He gets recognition and an honorary degree.

Murphy’s Law: Will Vos Expose Legislators to COVID-19?
Murphy’s Law

Will Vos Expose Legislators to COVID-19?

He demands Assembly meet in-person. That “could kill me,” Rep. Jimmy Anderson says.

Back in the News: Scott Walker’s Pizza Problems
Back in the News

Scott Walker’s Pizza Problems

His attempts to win attention for eating pizza bring viral merriment to a weary nation.

Top 10 Of 2020: Most Popular Murphy’s Law Columns
Top 10 Of 2020

Most Popular Murphy’s Law Columns

Amid a historic pandemic, Vos and Fitzgerald fail to lead, David Clarke returns and Foxconn deal gets worse.

Murphy’s Law: Why So Many Police Chiefs?
Murphy’s Law

Why So Many Police Chiefs?

Milwaukee's police leadership has become a surreal version of musical chairs. What’s going on?

Murphy’s Law: 9 Reasons a New Foxconn Contract Is Unlikely
Murphy’s Law

9 Reasons a New Foxconn Contract Is Unlikely

Foxconn says the new deal is “within reach.” On the contrary, it’s far from settled.

Back in the News: ‘I Am Not a Republican Justice’
Back in the News

‘I Am Not a Republican Justice’

State Supreme Court Justice Brian Hagedorn discusses his decisions and right-wing attacks on him

Back in the News: Gasp, Sykes Recants on Rojo
Back in the News

Gasp, Sykes Recants on Rojo

Stop the presses! Charlie Sykes has changed his view of Senator Ron Johnson.

Murphy’s Law: Has Defunding Police Movement Failed?
Murphy’s Law

Has Defunding Police Movement Failed?

Not entirely, but it’s fallen well short of its goals.

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Won’t End Election Complaints
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Won’t End Election Complaints

It’s no longer about electing Trump. It’s laying the groundwork for voter suppression.

Back in the News: Residents Outraged by Foxconn Fiasco
Back in the News

Residents Outraged by Foxconn Fiasco

Many forced to relocate from Mount Pleasant. And Foxconn faces a $34.6 million ransomware demand.

Back in the News: Ron Johnson’s Reelection Campaign
Back in the News

Ron Johnson’s Reelection Campaign

Running for 2022 as a peddler of COVID-19 conspiracy theories?

Murphy’s Law: The Hating of Justice Hagedorn
Murphy’s Law

The Hating of Justice Hagedorn

As promised, he’s upholding the law as written. So why are right wingers so angry?

State Faces $2.1 Billion Budget Shortfall

State Faces $2.1 Billion Budget Shortfall

And it could grow even bigger in the next six months, new report warns.

Murphys Law: Beware the GOP Redistricting Proposal
Murphys Law

Beware the GOP Redistricting Proposal

Republicans want 10 more years of gerrymandering. To do this they would hand all power to state Supreme Court.

Back in the News: Johnson Privately Concedes Biden Won
Back in the News

Johnson Privately Concedes Biden Won

But Senator won't declare it publicly. Democracy can withstand the attacks on election he says.

Murphy’s Law: Drivers Going Crazy During Pandemic?
Murphy’s Law

Drivers Going Crazy During Pandemic?

Report finds higher fatalities in state despite fewer accidents during pandemic; crashes often involve alcohol, speeding.

Murphy’s Law: Local Unions Confront The Wealthy
Murphy’s Law

Local Unions Confront The Wealthy

It's all about the wealth gap for workers at Colectivo and Milwaukee Art Museum.

Murphy’s Law: Wauwatosa’s Identity Crisis
Murphy’s Law

Wauwatosa’s Identity Crisis

Is it a harbor for white nationalists or a place that cares about racial equity?

Murphy’s Law: Ron Johnson More Trumpian Than Trump?
Murphy’s Law

Ron Johnson More Trumpian Than Trump?

Wisconsin’s senior senator has become one of America’s leading crackpots.

Back in the News: Foxconn Landing Google Contract?
Back in the News

Foxconn Landing Google Contract?

Deal could mean something gets manufactured at Racine County plant.

Murphy’s Law: Right-Wing vs Left-Wing Lawyers
Murphy’s Law

Right-Wing vs Left-Wing Lawyers

WILL has more funding, more staff, more Harvard. Can a new liberal law group compete?

Back in the News: We Want More Money For Schools
Back in the News

We Want More Money For Schools

Across the state, in both blue and red counties, voters are approving more money for schools.

Murphy’s Law: Are Parties Realigning In Wisconsin?
Murphy’s Law

Are Parties Realigning In Wisconsin?

Lots of new voters for both parties in election. What it means for the future.

Murphy’s Law: Abortion Could Become a Felony
Murphy’s Law

Abortion Could Become a Felony

If Roe v. Wade is overturned as expected, Wisconsin is among states with punitive abortion laws.

Murphy’s Law: How Suburban Voters Defeated Trump
Murphy’s Law

How Suburban Voters Defeated Trump

A decisive switch, both in Wisconsin and nationally.

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Cry Foul About Election
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Cry Foul About Election

Ron Johnson, Robin Vos and Mark Belling get aboard the Trump crazy train.

Murphy’s Law: 19 Election Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

19 Election Winners and Losers

Beyond the vote totals there were so many other winners and losers.

Back in the News: Judge Rules Against Marsy’s Law
Back in the News

Judge Rules Against Marsy’s Law

Circuit Court rules amendment passed by referendum didn't fully inform voters of constitutional changes.

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Alienating Youth Vote
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Alienating Youth Vote

College voter suppression in Wisconsin, other states could lose those voters forever.

Back in the News: Study Finds Trump Rallies Spread Virus
Back in the News

Study Finds Trump Rallies Spread Virus

Caused 30,000 COVID-19 cases, may have led to 700 deaths, report estimates. Oshkosh rally a kay part of study.

Murphy’s Law: What Foxconn Will Cost Taxpayers
Murphy’s Law

What Foxconn Will Cost Taxpayers

Total expected costs are $1.23 billion for a project that’s a total bust.

Back in the News: Trump Tells 131 Whoppers in Janesville
Back in the News

Trump Tells 131 Whoppers in Janesville

In 90 minute speech, President Trump made 131 false or inaccurate statements.

Murphy’s Law: Will Black, Latinx and Young Voters Turn Out?
Murphy’s Law

Will Black, Latinx and Young Voters Turn Out?

Three groups are working hard -- and spending big -- to turn out these voters.

Murphy’s Law: Why Foxconn Won’t Leave Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

Why Foxconn Won’t Leave Wisconsin

It's spent hundreds of millions and gained nothing. Why not fold up its tent and leave?

Back in the News: Biden Buries Trump in State’s TV Ads
Back in the News

Biden Buries Trump in State’s TV Ads

Big advantage in all five markets in state. Wisconsin getting 4th most ads in the U.S.

Back in the News: The Foxconn Deal Was Never Real
Back in the News

The Foxconn Deal Was Never Real

The Verge interviews employees who describe nightmare-like conditions and a completely phony project.

Larson Letter Urges More Days to Count Votes

Larson Letter Urges More Days to Count Votes

Democrats cite massive absentee vote, call for extraordinary legislative session to extend time for ballot counting.

Murphy’s Law: Did David Clarke Inspire Michigan Militia?
Murphy’s Law

Did David Clarke Inspire Michigan Militia?

He was a prominent speaker urging rebellion against Michigan governor.

Back in the News: Foxconn Won’t Get State Tax Credits
Back in the News

Foxconn Won’t Get State Tax Credits

State informs company it must revise contract or there will be no tax credits awarded.

Back in the News: Milwaukee Trails Most Cities in Growth
Back in the News

Milwaukee Trails Most Cities in Growth

Much slower growth in population, businesses and jobs than most cities, study finds.

Murphy’s Law: Not Many Approve of Ron Johnson
Murphy’s Law

Not Many Approve of Ron Johnson

What did we learn from new Marquette Poll? Not a lot. But how about those Rojo numbers?

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin’s Legislature Laziest in U.S.?
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin’s Legislature Laziest in U.S.?

Other states with full-time legislators have met 18 times more frequently than in Wisconsin.

Murphy’s Law: Judge Schimel Won’t Self-Quarantine
Murphy’s Law

Judge Schimel Won’t Self-Quarantine

Exposed to Sen. Ron Johnson who tested positive, but won’t wear mask in court. Attorneys fear risk for themselves and clients.

Murphy’s Law: Did Brad Schimel Break the Law?
Murphy’s Law

Did Brad Schimel Break the Law?

He emceed political fundraiser. State law prevents judges from all political activities.

Murphy’s Law: The Decline of Wisconsin’s Republican Party
Murphy’s Law

The Decline of Wisconsin’s Republican Party

A conservative and Republican writer offers a scathing inside look. Not pretty.

Murphy”s Law: Is Robin Vos Scared of Voters?
Murphy”s Law

Is Robin Vos Scared of Voters?

Republican legislators condemn Evers' mask mandate, but won’t override it as the law allows. Why?

Murphy’s Law: Why Defunding Police Is Tough To Sell
Murphy’s Law

Why Defunding Police Is Tough To Sell

Minneapolis politicians are abandoning the idea. What will happen in Milwaukee?

Back in the News: Ron Johnson Report a Hatchet Job?
Back in the News

Ron Johnson Report a Hatchet Job?

Media condemn report on Hunter Biden for proving "no evidence of wrongdoing."

Murphy’s Law: Should Sheriff’s Budget Be Cut?
Murphy’s Law

Should Sheriff’s Budget Be Cut?

When it comes to defunding police, the county sheriffs are an obvious place to start.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin Ranks Low in Gun Suicides
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin Ranks Low in Gun Suicides

At least compared to other states. Compared to other developed nations, horribly high.

Back in the News: State’s Richest Get Even Richer
Back in the News

State’s Richest Get Even Richer

New Forbes 400 list includes eight Wisconsinites, led by John Menard, with Diane Hendricks not far behind.

Murphy’s Law: Trump Isn’t Scaring Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

Trump Isn’t Scaring Wisconsin

His law-and-order scare tactics against Biden aren't working. So far.

Back in the News: Wisconsin Behind on Solar Rooftops
Back in the News

Wisconsin Behind on Solar Rooftops

Just 0.2% of viable rooftops in state have rooftop solar, far behind national average.

Back in the News: Sykes Backs Biden, Blasts Fox News
Back in the News

Sykes Backs Biden, Blasts Fox News

Fox News, Rush Limbaugh offer an "alternative reality silo," Sykes says. No mention of his own show.

Murphy’s Law: State Voters Less Undecided Than in 2016
Murphy’s Law

State Voters Less Undecided Than in 2016

Polls show Biden's lead in Wisconsin safer than Clinton's was in 2016. But how safe?

Back in the News: Norquist Says City Not ‘Most Racist’
Back in the News

Norquist Says City Not ‘Most Racist’

Milwaukee is very diverse, Wisconsin’s least racist city, he tells Washington DC radio station.

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Angry Yet Asleep on Policing
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Angry Yet Asleep on Policing

Unwilling to meet yet offering legislation to micro-manage police reforms in Milwaukee and Madison.

Murphy’s Law: Will Kenosha Unrest Help Trump Win State?
Murphy’s Law

Will Kenosha Unrest Help Trump Win State?

His planned visit to Kenosha seeks to make urban unrest the key issue of campaign.

Murphy’s Law: David Clarke a Key Part of Bannon Scam
Murphy’s Law

David Clarke a Key Part of Bannon Scam

Ex-sheriff not indicted but was key fundraiser for We Build the Wall group accused of fraud.

Back in the News: Jacob Blake’s Spinal Cord Severed
Back in the News

Jacob Blake’s Spinal Cord Severed

Shooting by police also left holes in his stomach, and damage to his kidney, liver and arm.

Back in the News: Father Says Jacob Blake Is Paralyzed
Back in the News

Father Says Jacob Blake Is Paralyzed

He has "eight holes" in his body. "What justified these shots?"

Murphy’s Law: Will Biden’s DNC Snub Hurt Him In State?
Murphy’s Law

Will Biden’s DNC Snub Hurt Him In State?

Republicans gleeful. Is Biden's blowoff of Milwaukee convention Hillary-like or smartly strategic?

Murphy’s Law: CEO Pay Has Risen 1,167% Since 1978
Murphy’s Law

CEO Pay Has Risen 1,167% Since 1978

That’s 85 times faster than rise in average workers’ pay, new report finds.

Murphy’s Law: 12 Takeaways on DNC Day One
Murphy’s Law

12 Takeaways on DNC Day One

Milwaukee was all but invisible. The format rocked, but Michelle disappointed.

Back in the News: Hendricks Abandoning Trump Campaign?
Back in the News

Hendricks Abandoning Trump Campaign?

She's among many big 2016 donors who haven't given this year. But the Uihleins are all in.

Back in the News: Foxconn Hasn’t Given 99% of UW Pledge
Back in the News

Foxconn Hasn’t Given 99% of UW Pledge

Company promised $100 million to UW-Madison, has given $700,000.

Black Leadership Group Hires First President

Black Leadership Group Hires First President

Milwaukee native Deneine Powell will run the African American Leadership Alliance.

Back in the News: LaTonya Johnson Blasts Lena Taylor
Back in the News

LaTonya Johnson Blasts Lena Taylor

Taylor’s aide Michele Bryant ran against Johnson and lost. Taylor is “toxic”, Johnson charges.

Murphy’s Law: Can City’s Dismal Ranking for Blacks Improve?
Murphy’s Law

Can City’s Dismal Ranking for Blacks Improve?

New study suggests city couldn’t get any worse. New effort aims to improve that.

Murphy’s Law: 9 Takeaways on Change of Police Chiefs
Murphy’s Law

9 Takeaways on Change of Police Chiefs

What's the impact of Morales firing, Brunson hiring, and where is the city headed on police?

Back in the News: Report Claims ‘Corruption’ by Ron Johnson
Back in the News

Report Claims ‘Corruption’ by Ron Johnson

Newly formed Democratic research group finds senator made millions through self-dealing.

Murphy’s Law: The Curious Campaign of Michele Bryant
Murphy’s Law

The Curious Campaign of Michele Bryant

Why is a Democratic state senator’s chief of staff running against another Democratic senator?

Back in the News: State’s COVID-19 Level Worse Than Entire Developed World?
Back in the News

State’s COVID-19 Level Worse Than Entire Developed World?

Wisconsin worse off than 31 states and probably every developed country.

Murphy’s Law: Mr Pension Scandal Wants Your Vote
Murphy’s Law

Mr Pension Scandal Wants Your Vote

John Weishan, who supported infamous pension plan that gouged taxpayers, is running for Register of Deeds.

Murphy’s Law: Ron Johnson Gets “F” For Leadership
Murphy’s Law

Ron Johnson Gets “F” For Leadership

Republican leaning group ranks him among the worst in Congress running a committee.

Back in the News: Could Milwaukee Get Federal Troops?
Back in the News

Could Milwaukee Get Federal Troops?

Trump's chief of staff says administration prepping plan to send troops to Democratic-run cities like Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Who Has Power Over Chief Morales?
Murphy’s Law

Who Has Power Over Chief Morales?

Given the shambles at the Fire & Police Commission the answer may be nobody.

Murphy’s Law: Zamarripa Defends Her Double Dipping
Murphy’s Law

Zamarripa Defends Her Double Dipping

Alderwoman will collect second full-time salary as state legislator for eight months.

Back in the News: Wisconsin Behind on COVID-19 Testing
Back in the News

Wisconsin Behind on COVID-19 Testing

How state compares to other in testing, rate of positive cases and rate of hospitalization.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin’s Wealth Gap Grows Worse
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin’s Wealth Gap Grows Worse

Pandemic devastates lower and middle class while billionaires get wealthier.

Murphy’s Law: Chief Morales Looks Bad in FPC Report
Murphy’s Law

Chief Morales Looks Bad in FPC Report

And FPC Chair DeVougas looks even worse. 12 takeaways on what report did and didn't find.

Back in the News: Council Okays Funding for Indigent Defense
Back in the News

Council Okays Funding for Indigent Defense

Many Milwaukee Municipal Court defendants are poor and lack an attorney.

Back in the News: Faculty Group Condemns UWM Lecturer
Back in the News

Faculty Group Condemns UWM Lecturer

And then withdraws its slap at Betsy Schoeller. Her firing is now supported by 146,00 people.

Back in the News: Rush To Judgment on UWM Lecturer?
Back in the News

Rush To Judgment on UWM Lecturer?

Fire her! !38,00 people declare, after her Facebook post is misconstrued.

Remembering Yaakov Sullivan

Remembering Yaakov Sullivan

Former Milwaukee and New York actor and political activist passes away at age 73.

Back in the News: Suit Challenges ‘Marsy’s Law’ Amendment
Back in the News

Suit Challenges ‘Marsy’s Law’ Amendment

Opponents of victim rights amendment argue voters were deceived about its provisions.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee 6th Most Diverse City in US?
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee 6th Most Diverse City in US?

More diverse than nearly 600 other cities, says new report. Should we believe it?

Murphy’s Law: Trump Tariffs Slam Wisconsin Economy
Murphy’s Law

Trump Tariffs Slam Wisconsin Economy

Bad for companies, workers, consumers — and probably for Trump's reelection chances.

What Happened at Madison’s Protests

What Happened at Madison’s Protests

State Sen. Tim Carpenter assaulted, two Capitol statues toppled, windows broken, Evers condemns violence.

Back in the News: Journal Sentinel Website Goes Generic
Back in the News

Journal Sentinel Website Goes Generic

New site even more USA Today-like, a cookie cutter version of other Gannett papers.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin Has a Speeding Problem
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin Has a Speeding Problem

More speeding related fatalities than 32 states. And Milwaukee is 10th worst county in US.

Back in the News: Spending on Police Up 30% Since 1986
Back in the News

Spending on Police Up 30% Since 1986

Study shows municipal governments in state spending far more on policing today.

Back in the News: Chief Morales Drops Internal Investigation
Back in the News

Chief Morales Drops Internal Investigation

He promised internal probe of who leaked video to media that embarrassed FPC leader.

Murphy’s Law: Brewers Franchise Spirals In Value
Murphy’s Law

Brewers Franchise Spirals In Value

Now worth $1.2 billion. Players union demands financial records from Brewers, all MLB teams.

Murphy’s Law: Did High Court Order Hike State’s COVID Cases?
Murphy’s Law

Did High Court Order Hike State’s COVID Cases?

They’re definitely up since state Supreme Court ruling, and a faster rate than the nation.

Back in the News: Could Biden Pick Baldwin for Vice President?
Back in the News

Could Biden Pick Baldwin for Vice President?

Tammy Baldwin still on Biden's short list, has survived considerable scrutiny.

Murphy’s Law: Can the Police Union Prevent Reform?
Murphy’s Law

Can the Police Union Prevent Reform?

Milwaukee’s powerful union has long gotten its way. But this time may be different.

Murphy’s Law: Tear Gas Is Dangerous, Experts Say
Murphy’s Law

Tear Gas Is Dangerous, Experts Say

And may increase risk of getting COVID-19. Mayor, others have urged police to stop its use.

Back in the News: State Has Third Least Restrictive Pandemic Rules
Back in the News

State Has Third Least Restrictive Pandemic Rules

Only South and North Dakota are less restrictive, study finds.

Murphy’s Law: Why the Protests Won’t End
Murphy’s Law

Why the Protests Won’t End

9 reasons why the protests are different this time.

Back in the News: Is Chief Morales Doing a Good Job?
Back in the News

Is Chief Morales Doing a Good Job?

Council members ask for citizens' views in preparation for performance review of police chief.

Murphy’s Law: Are Police Overreacting to Protests?
Murphy’s Law

Are Police Overreacting to Protests?

So says ACLU, others. Others want a tougher response. What’s the proper balance?

Murphy’s Law: More Than 150 Catholic Churches Opened
Murphy’s Law

More Than 150 Catholic Churches Opened

Many in Milwaukee Archdiocese offered Mass Sunday, in violation of city shutdown order.

Murphy’s Law: Wealthy Hospitals Grab Pandemic Payouts
Murphy’s Law

Wealthy Hospitals Grab Pandemic Payouts

Ascension Health and 19 other health care giants grab $5 billion in federal funds while smaller hospitals get little.

Back in the News: John Menard and Trump, Together Again
Back in the News

John Menard and Trump, Together Again

One-time friends had falling out, but now Menard will help president plan economic rebound.

Back in the News: Journal Sentinel Ads Will Drive Stories?
Back in the News

Journal Sentinel Ads Will Drive Stories?

As ad sales plummet, Gannett wants stories to support advertising initiative.

Murphy’s Law: Robin Vos To Face Opponent After All
Murphy’s Law

Robin Vos To Face Opponent After All

Last opponent quit after nasty personal attacks. Democrat Joel Jacobsen will now run.

Murphy’s Law: State’s Liberal Talk Radio Chain Growing
Murphy’s Law

State’s Liberal Talk Radio Chain Growing

Mike Crute’s stations, audience growing, so why the resistance from Democratic leaders?

Murphy’s Law: County Executive College Dropouts
Murphy’s Law

County Executive College Dropouts

For 20 years voters have elected college dropouts to run Milwaukee County. What gives?

Back in the News: Foxconn’s Profits Plunge By 90%
Back in the News

Foxconn’s Profits Plunge By 90%

Factories in China shut down for weeks, sales down, still hoping for subsidy for Wisconsin operation.

Murphy’s Law: Why Vos, Fitzgerald Refused to Lead
Murphy’s Law

Why Vos, Fitzgerald Refused to Lead

They took away Gov. Evers’ power to oversee pandemic and then did nothing. Why?

Murphy’s Law: State’s COVID Growth Slower Than Nation
Murphy’s Law

State’s COVID Growth Slower Than Nation

Wisconsin below most states and all of Midwest in per-capita COVID-19 cases and deaths.

Murphy’s Law: Vos, Fitzgerald Cost Taxpayers Billions
Murphy’s Law

Vos, Fitzgerald Cost Taxpayers Billions

Their latest mistake adds $25 million more lost to taxpayers.

Back in the News: State’s Early Infections Came From New York
Back in the News

State’s Early Infections Came From New York

78% of early COVID-19 infections in Wisconsin linked to New York City.

Murphy’s Law: Cudahy Coronavirus Controversy
Murphy’s Law

Cudahy Coronavirus Controversy

Is Patrick Cudahy safe for workers? Are Cudahy officials protecting the community?

Murphy’s Law: Did Trump, Ron Johnson Endanger Lives?
Murphy’s Law

Did Trump, Ron Johnson Endanger Lives?

Promotion of unproven drug resulted in millions of pills being delivered to cities like Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: The Incredible Decline of Wisconsin Unions
Murphy’s Law

The Incredible Decline of Wisconsin Unions

Once one of leading states for unions, now well behind the nation.

Back in the News: Scott Walker Loses Again
Back in the News

Scott Walker Loses Again

Federal court rejects his group’s challenge of non-partisan redistricting in Michigan.

Murphy’s Law: Up From 53206
Murphy’s Law

Up From 53206

New generation of leaders in their early 30's, Crowley, Nicholson, Johnson, all raised in poorest ZIP code.

Murphy’s Law: The Quack Science of Robin Vos
Murphy’s Law

The Quack Science of Robin Vos

He’s “not a doctor,” he says while repeatedly rejecting medical experts amid a deadly pandemic.

Murphy’s Law: How Hamilton Lost Council Presidency
Murphy’s Law

How Hamilton Lost Council Presidency

Will bad feelings linger over Cavalier Johnson’s victory?

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Suppress Their Own Voters
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Suppress Their Own Voters

Because they thought even more Democrats would be discouraged. They were wrong.

Murphy’s Law: Give Me Liberty and Give Me Death
Murphy’s Law

Give Me Liberty and Give Me Death

Brookfield rally rejects both state and federal health experts, while likely spreading disease.

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn Squeezes Evers
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn Squeezes Evers

Demands $45 million from the state and for what? Probably nothing.

Murphy’s Law: 21 Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

21 Winners and Losers

Beyond the candidates, what was the election about, who were the other winners and losers?

Murphy’s Law: Trump Campaign Sues State TV Station
Murphy’s Law

Trump Campaign Sues State TV Station

Claims ad, with excerpts of Trump speaking, used technology to create false statement.

Back in the News: Foxconn Plant Will Make Ventilators
Back in the News

Foxconn Plant Will Make Ventilators

New partnership with Medtronic. How many ventilators and by how many workers? Unknown.

Back in the News: Vos Ridiculed Across the Nation
Back in the News

Vos Ridiculed Across the Nation

Not to mention the UK. Looking like Dr. Death he declares it "incredibly safe" to vote.

Murphy’s Law: Lena Taylor’s Aide Suspended by WNOV
Murphy’s Law

Lena Taylor’s Aide Suspended by WNOV

Michele Bryant accuses station’s owner of selling out to Mayor Barrett.

Back in the News: New York Times Blasts State Republicans
Back in the News

New York Times Blasts State Republicans

"You Shouldn’t Have to Risk Your Life to Vote," editorial declares.

Murphy’s Law: Republican Hypocrisy on Election
Murphy’s Law

Republican Hypocrisy on Election

Why wouldn’t Vos, Fitzgerald postpone the election? Because they were safer.

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Risk Public Health With Election
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Risk Public Health With Election

Refusal of Vos and Fitzgerald to postpone election could cause more disease, deaths.

Murphy’s Law: Will Trump Help State Get Medical Supplies?
Murphy’s Law

Will Trump Help State Get Medical Supplies?

Still won’t use Defense Production Act to ramp up production. Baldwin pushes for action.

Back in the News: More Budget Cuts for Journal Sentinel?
Back in the News

More Budget Cuts for Journal Sentinel?

Gannett revenue down due to pandemic, announces budget cuts, furloughs.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin Behind on Social Distancing?
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin Behind on Social Distancing?

Many states doing better, data suggests. Milwaukee County looks behind, too.

Murphy’s Law: Will Legislature Delay Election?
Murphy’s Law

Will Legislature Delay Election?

Life-and-death issue poses the most danger for Milwaukee. Only the Legislature can act.

Murphy’s Law: Baldwin Plan Needed for Pandemic
Murphy’s Law

Baldwin Plan Needed for Pandemic

Using Defense Production Act could save lives, but Trump won’t act.

Back in the News: Media Food Pantry List Can Mislead?
Back in the News

Media Food Pantry List Can Mislead?

Hunger Task Force warns people to double check, some “food pantries” listed can’t handle demands.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin Now the Reddest State?
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin Now the Reddest State?

No state in America has been more opposed to federal coronavirus relief package.

Back in the News: David Clarke Is Still Crazy
Back in the News

David Clarke Is Still Crazy

Or maybe crazier. Just ask Charlie Sykes.

Urban MKE Flashback: Was Act 10 Necessary?
Urban MKE Flashback

Was Act 10 Necessary?

Nine years ago today Act 10 was signed by Gov. Walker. This classic column exploded the myths about the union-crushing law.

Murphy’s Law: Aurora Health Care Merger is Bad News
Murphy’s Law

Aurora Health Care Merger is Bad News

Expect skyrocketing costs, poorer care, and bigger salaries for fat cat executives.

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn Contract Has Huge Loophole?
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn Contract Has Huge Loophole?

“Ironclad” contract may allow company to count seasonal employees for tax credits.

Back in the News: 329% Jump in State’s Antisemitic Incidents
Back in the News

329% Jump in State’s Antisemitic Incidents

Skyrocketing rise since 2015 in report by local Jewish Community Relations Council.

Murphy’s Law: About that Miller Park Economic Impact
Murphy’s Law

About that Miller Park Economic Impact

New study greatly exaggerates the benefits — as it was expected to do.

Dining: City’s Dining Scene Is Nationally Unique

City’s Dining Scene Is Nationally Unique

Fewer restaurants per capita yet more are independently owned than in other cities

Murphy’s Law: 14 Election Winners, Losers
Murphy’s Law

14 Election Winners, Losers

Beyond the ballot totals, behind the scenes, who were the other election winners and losers?

Murphy’s Law: Mystery Deepens on Leaked Police Video
Murphy’s Law

Mystery Deepens on Leaked Police Video

More than the video was leaked. Police Department avoids comment. City Attorney helping FPC investigation.

Murphy’s Law: Poll Shows Surprising Support for MPS
Murphy’s Law

Poll Shows Surprising Support for MPS

Most think MPS needs more funding and would back it in the referendum, poll shows.

Murphy’s Law: Crowley Rising in County Exec Race
Murphy’s Law

Crowley Rising in County Exec Race

He and Chris Larson look likely to make it through the February primary.

Murphy’s Law: Summerfest Flush With Cash
Murphy’s Law

Summerfest Flush With Cash

Festival has $47 million net fund balance. Aldermen say it can afford to pay for police services.

Back in the News: Barrett, Hamilton Demand Probe of Leaked Police Video
Back in the News

Barrett, Hamilton Demand Probe of Leaked Police Video

Chief Morales says he didn’t leak it; mayor, council leader want investigation, find out who did.

Murphy’s Law: State’s ‘Hidden Deficit’ Lowest in 30 Years
Murphy’s Law

State’s ‘Hidden Deficit’ Lowest in 30 Years

Great news except… it’s still higher than in 49 other states.

Back in the News: Foxconn’s 1 Million Square Feet; Of What?
Back in the News

Foxconn’s 1 Million Square Feet; Of What?

Despite media claims, new facility unlikely to be a Gen 6 manufacturer. So what will it be?

Murphy’s Law: Did Chief Morales Target His FPC Boss?
Murphy’s Law

Did Chief Morales Target His FPC Boss?

Common Council concerned. “Borderline frightening” use of police power, Bauman charges.

Murphy’s Law: Why a Voter Purge Is So Critical
Murphy’s Law

Why a Voter Purge Is So Critical

The goal is to reelect Trump. Even if that means purging some Republican voters, too.

Back in the News: Consultants Make $5.3 Million on Foxconn
Back in the News

Consultants Make $5.3 Million on Foxconn

Consultants and firms paid millions by state, county and village governments.

Murphy’s Law: State Tax Burden Lowest in 50 Years
Murphy’s Law

State Tax Burden Lowest in 50 Years

Huge change, combined state-local taxes down by 22% or $8.5 billion annually since 1994.

Back in the News: Langley Has Raised Just $2,500
Back in the News

Langley Has Raised Just $2,500

Incumbent city attorney way behind his challengers in campaign donations.

Murphy’s Law: Remembering John Pawasarat
Murphy’s Law

Remembering John Pawasarat

UWM researcher had huge impact with his studies.

Back in the News: Journal Sentinel Promotes Long-Gone Writer
Back in the News

Journal Sentinel Promotes Long-Gone Writer

Readers urged to read Michael Wolff’s “brutally honest’ column. It hasn’t run in two years.

Top 10 of 2019: Most Popular Murphy’s Law Columns
Top 10 of 2019

Most Popular Murphy’s Law Columns

Foxconn, Scott Walker, Aurora and more.

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn Deal Looks Dead
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn Deal Looks Dead

Company’s revised plan ineligible for subsidies and Foxconn opposes contract rewrite.

Murphy’s Law: The Mess at Fire & Police Commission
Murphy’s Law

The Mess at Fire & Police Commission

Key city agency seems to be in very big trouble. Why?

Back in the News: Could Strauss Plant Deal Be Revived?
Back in the News

Could Strauss Plant Deal Be Revived?

Ald. Johnson working to save deal, Barrett holds out hope, community meeting planned.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Veterans Vanishing
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Veterans Vanishing

Seven more journalists leaving, including some big names, as paper shrinks further.

Back in the News: Bobot Will Attack Langley. Sort Of
Back in the News

Bobot Will Attack Langley. Sort Of

Vince Bobot has (mostly) changed his mind about going negative in race for city attorney.

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn May Cut State GDP By $6 Billion
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn May Cut State GDP By $6 Billion

Loss could have been as high as $19 billion under original plan, study says.

Murphy’s Law: Grant Langley Will Run for Reelection
Murphy’s Law

Grant Langley Will Run for Reelection

City attorney's decision sets up race against his old friend, attorney Vince Bobot.

Murphy’s Law: Who Lost the City Residency Rule?
Murphy’s Law

Who Lost the City Residency Rule?

Lena Taylor blames Mayor Barrett. But did she fight the state law killing residency?

Murphy’s Law: Summerfest Pays No Net Rent
Murphy’s Law

Summerfest Pays No Net Rent

Charges ethnic festivals more rent than it pays city, like “a greedy landlord,” alderman charges.

Murphy’s Law: Summerfest Got $48 Million in Gifts
Murphy’s Law

Summerfest Got $48 Million in Gifts

Total donations from 2010 to 2018 helped pay for CEO Don Smiley’s "caviar lifestyle"?

Murphy’s Law: 10 Ways Journal Sentinel Will Change
Murphy’s Law

10 Ways Journal Sentinel Will Change

GateHouse purchase of Gannett is dreadful news for local and national journalism.

Murphy’s Law: Should Summerfest Pay Higher Rent?
Murphy’s Law

Should Summerfest Pay Higher Rent?

Harbor House pays at least 7 times more than Summerfest per acre of lakefront land.

Back in the News: Poll Shows Barrett Way Ahead
Back in the News

Poll Shows Barrett Way Ahead

Zielinski, Taylor do poorly and more voters favor streetcar.

Back in the News: Journal Sentinel’s Huge Mistake
Back in the News

Journal Sentinel’s Huge Mistake

Newspaper vastly inflates growth of Summerfest CEO Don Smiley’s compensation.

Murphy’s Law: Summerfest CEO Awarded $2.33 Million
Murphy’s Law

Summerfest CEO Awarded $2.33 Million

Don Smiley’s 2017 pay package includes $1.3 million deferred from prior years. City officials “shocked.”

Murphy’s Law: Summerfest Blows Off City Meeting
Murphy’s Law

Summerfest Blows Off City Meeting

No festival official attends scheduled meeting. Partnership with city “broken”, Ald. Murphy says.

Murphy’s Law: How Hispanics Have Saved Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

How Hispanics Have Saved Milwaukee

Acid attack against man for “invasion” of Hispanics couldn’t be more wrong about their impact.

Murphy’s Law: Campaigning on the Taxpayer’s Dime?
Murphy’s Law

Campaigning on the Taxpayer’s Dime?

Changes in state law open door to abuses, campaigning by government workers.

Murphy’s Law: Business Leader Blasts Council on Strauss Deal
Murphy’s Law

Business Leader Blasts Council on Strauss Deal

Hamilton and council members are to blame for losing hundreds of jobs, Sheehy says.

Murphy’s Law: Who Lost the Strauss Brands Deal?
Murphy’s Law

Who Lost the Strauss Brands Deal?

State Sen. Lena Taylor helped kill a deal bringing hundreds of jobs to depressed Century City area.

Murphy’s Law: Who Will Run for County Executive?
Murphy’s Law

Who Will Run for County Executive?

The list is long and could get longer. Handicapping the favorites. 

Murphy’s Law: Women Cracking State’s Executive Suites
Murphy’s Law

Women Cracking State’s Executive Suites

Report finds highest percent ever of women in boardrooms, but state still trails the nation.

Murphy’s Law: What Walker Cost Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

What Walker Cost Wisconsin

New report shows big decline in federal aid for state while he was governor.

Back in the News: Why Trump Could Lose Wisconsin
Back in the News

Why Trump Could Lose Wisconsin

Politico says Trump in trouble because WOW counties never fully embraced him.

Murphy’s Law: State Far Behind on Renewable Energy
Murphy’s Law

State Far Behind on Renewable Energy

Report finds Minnesota has 5 times more wind power, 16 times more solar than Wisconsin.

Murphy’s Law: Bradley Foundation Works to Kill Food Aid
Murphy’s Law

Bradley Foundation Works to Kill Food Aid

And reduce Medicaid. Working with Koch groups, they push Trump to slash safety net.

UWM Hits New High in Fundraising

UWM Hits New High in Fundraising

$251 million is highest fund drive ever; endowment grows by 74%. 

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn Will Make Coffee Houses!
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn Will Make Coffee Houses!

Er, make that coffee hauses. Run by robots. And made to order in “Wisconn Valley.”

Murphy’s Law: State Helps Fund Murky Pro-Life Group
Murphy’s Law

State Helps Fund Murky Pro-Life Group

What exactly does Choose Life Wisconsin do with the money it gets?

Back in the News: Key Foxconn Executive Steps Down
Back in the News

Key Foxconn Executive Steps Down

Ever-shrinking project loses second key executive this year.

Murphy’s Law: Lame Duck Laws Hurting the State
Murphy’s Law

Lame Duck Laws Hurting the State

Tying hands of Attorney General stalls 15 lawsuits, could cost taxpayers millions.

Murphy’s Law: Should Barrett Worry About Reelection?
Murphy’s Law

Should Barrett Worry About Reelection?

Another easy win seems certain. Which may not be so good for Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Slams “Liberal” News Site
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Slams “Liberal” News Site

Claims Wisconsin Examiner is “partisan” and “slanted” but provides not one example.

Murphy’s Law:  Foxconn’s Gift from Electric Customers
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn’s Gift from Electric Customers

Why are state customers paying $117 million -- or more -- for unneeded power upgrades?

Back in the News: Penzeys Uses Facebook to Attack Trump
Back in the News

Penzeys Uses Facebook to Attack Trump

Local company one of leading political spenders on Facebook, analysis shows.

Murphy’s Law: Flip-Flop on Mine Threatens State Waters
Murphy’s Law

Flip-Flop on Mine Threatens State Waters

Why the sudden change to approve copper-zinc mine? Will it pollute Lake Michigan?

Back in the News: State Life Expectancy Declines for Second Year
Back in the News

State Life Expectancy Declines for Second Year

Wisconsin's rate of death due to suicide, drugs, or alcohol has risen steadily since 1999.

Back in the News: Milwaukee Commute Time Ranks Low
Back in the News

Milwaukee Commute Time Ranks Low

Lower than 102 cities in the nation. And hasn’t increased much since 2008.

Murphy’s Law: CEO Pay Has Risen 940% Since 1978
Murphy’s Law

CEO Pay Has Risen 940% Since 1978

While average worker pay rose only 12%, new study finds.

Murphy’s Law: Why the Journal Sentinel Won’t Die
Murphy’s Law

Why the Journal Sentinel Won’t Die

And why it may not matter to news readers.

Murphy’s Law: 13 Takeaways on Foxconn’s Birthday
Murphy’s Law

13 Takeaways on Foxconn’s Birthday

Two years after project announced, what’s left of that world-shattering deal?

Murphy’s Law: About Those Good Guys With a Gun
Murphy’s Law

About Those Good Guys With a Gun

Cop killer Jordan Fricke is the latest case undermining that theory.

Murphy’s Law: Will Wisconsin Decide the 2020 Election?
Murphy’s Law

Will Wisconsin Decide the 2020 Election?

All signs suggest this state could determine whether Trump wins reelection.

Murphy’s Law: The New Paul Ryan
Murphy’s Law

The New Paul Ryan

That’s how admirers view Rep. Mike Gallagher. Can Democrat Amanda Stuck beat him?

Back in the News: Trump Picks Walker for Smithsonian
Back in the News

Trump Picks Walker for Smithsonian

Ex-governor and college dropout will join board of International Center for Scholars.

Murphy’s Law: A New State “Progressive” Publication
Murphy’s Law

A New State “Progressive” Publication

Wisconsin Examiner adds to Capitol press corps, with a "people's" perspective on policies.

Back in the News: Walker’s New Job Will Pay Plenty
Back in the News

Walker’s New Job Will Pay Plenty

National group he will run has lots of money. But Walker won’t be able to run for office.

Murphy’s Law: The Truth About Busing
Murphy’s Law

The Truth About Busing

Is Harris or Biden right? The impact of busing in Milwaukee and other cities.

Murphy’s Law: Why the Minimum Wage Won’t Rise
Murphy’s Law

Why the Minimum Wage Won’t Rise

It's all about the stories we’re told and who is getting paid to tell them.

Murphy’s Law: State’s Loss on Federal ACA is $1.3 Billion
Murphy’s Law

State’s Loss on Federal ACA is $1.3 Billion

State loses $1.3 billion in federal funds for medical care under Republican two-year budget.

Back in the News: Vos Wants Medical Marijuana Bill
Back in the News

Vos Wants Medical Marijuana Bill

Assembly Speaker wants to push this bill in fall. Will Senate oppose it?

Murphy’s Law: Why GOP Opposes Federal Medicaid Funds
Murphy’s Law

Why GOP Opposes Federal Medicaid Funds

It’s cost state taxpayers $1.1 billion. Why won’t Republicans accept the money?

Murphy’s Law: City Attorney Grant Langley Retiring?
Murphy’s Law

City Attorney Grant Langley Retiring?

Vince Bobot announces for job, leading to speculation Langley may retire after 36 years.

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Hate the Gas Tax
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Hate the Gas Tax

Once they promoted this user fee, now they’d rather roads fall apart. Why?

Murphy’s Law: The Incredible Shrinking Foxconn Plant
Murphy’s Law

The Incredible Shrinking Foxconn Plant

New specs show its vastly smaller than the original plan. And not the LCD plant promised.

Murphy’s Law: The New Conservative Heavyweight
Murphy’s Law

The New Conservative Heavyweight

Wisconsin Institute of Law & Liberty is on the rise, pushing a right-wing agenda.

Murphy’s Law: Trump Tariffs Killing Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

Trump Tariffs Killing Wisconsin

In just three years state changed from net exporter to suffering a massive trade deficit.

Murphy’s Law: State Ranks 2nd for Black Homicide Victims
Murphy’s Law

State Ranks 2nd for Black Homicide Victims

Study finds Wisconsin has nearly double the national rate and 91% killed with guns.

Back in the News: EPA Scientists Opposed Foxconn Ruling
Back in the News

EPA Scientists Opposed Foxconn Ruling

Emails show senior EPA scientists complained smog exemption for company wasn’t supported by data.

Murphy’s Law: CEO Salaries Hit Historic High
Murphy’s Law

CEO Salaries Hit Historic High

Average top exec earned $34.4 million in 2018, 660 times the average worker's pay.

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn Plays Politics for Trump?
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn Plays Politics for Trump?

Both Trump and its CEO need Foxconn to look successful for the 2020 election.

Murphy’s Law: Republican Pushes for Medical Marijuana
Murphy’s Law

Republican Pushes for Medical Marijuana

State Sen. Patrick Testin could be the key man in the success or failure of proposal.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Bets on Harder Paywall
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Bets on Harder Paywall

Making it tougher for casual readers to get access. Will that help or hurt?

Murphy’s Law: How Walker Wrecked State’s Prisons
Murphy’s Law

How Walker Wrecked State’s Prisons

Overworked staff, high turnover, rising overtime costs and violence plague the prisons.

Murphy’s Law: Average UWM Student Debt Rose 194%
Murphy’s Law

Average UWM Student Debt Rose 194%

New study shows Wisconsin has more students in debt than 44 states. Any solution?

Murphy’s Law: Are Police Pursuits Out of Control?
Murphy’s Law

Are Police Pursuits Out of Control?

Massive increase in high-speed chases under the new policy. Results are scary.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Costly War on the Poor
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Costly War on the Poor

Former governor’s “trampoline” for SNAP recipients is a high-cost failure, report finds

Murphy’s Law: Mount Pleasant Biggest Foxconn Loser?
Murphy’s Law

Mount Pleasant Biggest Foxconn Loser?

Village incurred massive costs for Foxconn’s ever-smaller plant that it may never recoup.

Murphy’s Law: Taxpayers Make Bucks, Brewers Rich
Murphy’s Law

Taxpayers Make Bucks, Brewers Rich

Forbes sees huge growth in value of franchises since taxpayer-financed stadiums built.

Back in the News: Did Kavanaugh Ad Elect Hagedorn?
Back in the News

Did Kavanaugh Ad Elect Hagedorn?

Republican group says its ads killed front runner Lisa Neubauer in Supreme Court race.

Back in the News: Foxconn As High Comedy
Back in the News

Foxconn As High Comedy

Tech publication The Verge tries to figure out what Foxconn is actually doing here. LOL.

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Scared of Trucking Industry?
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Scared of Trucking Industry?

They oppose fee on trucks that destroy roads, while getting big money from the industry.

Murphy’s Law: 10 Lessons of Supreme Court Race
Murphy’s Law

10 Lessons of Supreme Court Race

Anger drives votes, media in decline, traditional judicial campaigns are dead, and more.

Murphy’s Law: More Doubts About Foxconn Project
Murphy’s Law

More Doubts About Foxconn Project

Compressed gravel base can’t support LCD fabrication plant. So what’s being built?

Murphy’s Law: The Trashing of Shirley Abrahamson
Murphy’s Law

The Trashing of Shirley Abrahamson

Why is Brian Hagedorn attacking a legal giant, rather than his opponent in high court race?

Murphy’s Law: Gov. Evers Plays Hardball
Murphy’s Law

Gov. Evers Plays Hardball

Too-nice Tony looks to beat the Republicans -- repeatedly -- at their own game.

Murphy’s Law: The Arrogance of Robin Vos
Murphy’s Law

The Arrogance of Robin Vos

The latest: uses taxpayer-funded lawyer to shield him from revealing how he gerrymandered districts.

Murphy’s Law: The Lessons of Baltimore
Murphy’s Law

The Lessons of Baltimore

A city falling apart, its police department dysfunctonal. Can Milwaukee learn from this?

Murphy’s Law: What Milwaukee Means to Democrats
Murphy’s Law

What Milwaukee Means to Democrats

The city’s selection for Democratic Convention is symbolic. But of what?

Murphy’s Law: Did Business Leaders Fail on Foxconn?
Murphy’s Law

Did Business Leaders Fail on Foxconn?

None raised any doubts about a deal that always seemed suspect.

Murphy’s Law: Kiley’s Chestnut Grove Provokes Hot Debate
Murphy’s Law

Kiley’s Chestnut Grove Provokes Hot Debate

Should it be saved? Or past its prime? At stake is the past and future of a changing city.

Back in the News: The Disappearance of Sheriff Clarke
Back in the News

The Disappearance of Sheriff Clarke

Fox News no longer wants him. Does anyone?

Murphy’s Law: Who Will Win State Budget Battle?
Murphy’s Law

Who Will Win State Budget Battle?

Right now it looks like an endless standoff. But appearances can be deceiving.

Murphy’s Law: The Disastrous Candidacy of Brian Hagedorn
Murphy’s Law

The Disastrous Candidacy of Brian Hagedorn

After weeks of negative press, his Supreme Court campaign is reeling. Who vetted him?

Murphy’s Law: Republicans and Colin Kaepernick
Murphy’s Law

Republicans and Colin Kaepernick

Legislators opposition to honoring the NFL star is part of an ugly, historic pattern.

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Discover the Middle Class
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Discover the Middle Class

But their proposed tax cut is unfunded and doesn’t address state’s tax inequity.

Back in the News: Walker and the Russian Connection
Back in the News

Walker and the Russian Connection

Ex-governor got more from Russia-connected tycoon than first reported. Why?

Back in the News: Foxconn Project in “Chaos”
Back in the News

Foxconn Project in “Chaos”

Foxconn workers, insiders say Racine project is failing in Bloomberg story.

Murphy’s Law: The Many Ads of We Energies
Murphy’s Law

The Many Ads of We Energies

They’d rather spend on ads to make the company look good than lower your rates.

Murphy’s Law: 12 Reasons The Foxconn Deal Is Dying
Murphy’s Law

12 Reasons The Foxconn Deal Is Dying

The company is cutting back plans. Will it walk away entirely?

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Oppose Gerrymandering
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Oppose Gerrymandering

Voters overwhelmingly favor fair maps, yet Vos spends millions in taxes to fight this.

Back in the News: Death Watch at the Journal Sentinel
Back in the News

Death Watch at the Journal Sentinel

Yet more layoffs, Gannett cuts nationally, facing buyout bid.

Murphy’s Law: The Wealth Gap and Miller Park’s Deal
Murphy’s Law

The Wealth Gap and Miller Park’s Deal

American Family's deal for stadium naming rights shows how the rich get richer.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of Special Interest Spending
Murphy’s Law

The Rise of Special Interest Spending

Nationally and in Wisconsin it’s exploded since Citizens United. What’s the impact?

Murphy’s Law: How Aurora Makes Us Poorer
Murphy’s Law

How Aurora Makes Us Poorer

Health care giant’s market power drives up your medical costs as executives get richer.

Murphy’s Law: The Eternal Campaign of Scott Walker
Murphy’s Law

The Eternal Campaign of Scott Walker

He’s earned $2.3 million from government, and is already running for office again.

Back in the News: Journal Sentinel Loses Six More Staff
Back in the News

Journal Sentinel Loses Six More Staff

All veterans taking buyout, as staff continues to be purged.

Murphy’s Law: Top 10 Stories of 2018
Murphy’s Law

Top 10 Stories of 2018

Foxconn's outrages, Walker's decline, white nationalism's rise. Most popular columns of 2018.

Murphy’s Law: Evers Embraces Expertise
Murphy’s Law

Evers Embraces Expertise

Hiring talented people, appointing expert advisors, who knew you could govern that way?

Murphy’s Law: State Facing Endless Lawsuits?
Murphy’s Law

State Facing Endless Lawsuits?

Suits by governor, legislature, citizens coming on lame duck laws, gerrymandering.

Murphy’s Law: What Do Democrats Stand For?
Murphy’s Law

What Do Democrats Stand For?

They can’t just be anti-Trump or anti-Walker, they need a clear theme. Like what?

Murphy’s Law: Republicans’ Plan for Permanent Power
Murphy’s Law

Republicans’ Plan for Permanent Power

They began plotting last spring to retain power even if a Democrat won for governor.

Murphy’s Law: What Will Scott Walker’s Legacy Be?
Murphy’s Law

What Will Scott Walker’s Legacy Be?

Remembered for his accomplishments? Or his “poor loser” legislation?

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn Covets Intellectual Property Rights
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn Covets Intellectual Property Rights

Besides $4.1 billion subsidy, it seeks IP rights of students, faculty, other companies.

Murphy’s Law: State Ruling Threatens City Health?
Murphy’s Law

State Ruling Threatens City Health?

Killing city’s restaurant rating system could increase food-borne illness in Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Is Foxconn Contract Illegal?
Murphy’s Law

Is Foxconn Contract Illegal?

Attorneys may sue, but urge Evers and Kaul to pursue a suit to overturn contract.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Abandons Print Readers?
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Abandons Print Readers?

Paper’s circulation plummets as owner Gannett pushes switch to digital.

Murphy’s Law: About That Republican Victory
Murphy’s Law

About That Republican Victory

Voters rejected Democrats for the Assembly, Robin Vos declares. Er, not exactly.

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Lost
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Lost

He seemed to have the perfect strategy. The top 10 reasons he failed.

Murphy’s Law: 33 Election Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

33 Election Winners and Losers

Beyond the vote totals, who were the election’s other big winners and losers?

Murphy’s Law: Young Voters Could Decide Election
Murphy’s Law

Young Voters Could Decide Election

Vote by 18- to-29 year-olds surging in some states. What about Wisconsin?

Murphy’s Law: City a Leader in White Nationalism
Murphy’s Law

City a Leader in White Nationalism

New Berlin is headquarters for neo-Nazi party founded by George Lincoln Rockwell.

Murphy’s Law: The Fight Against Gerrymandering
Murphy’s Law

The Fight Against Gerrymandering

Advocates hope their Supreme Court case -- now being rewritten -- will succeed.

Murphy’s Law: Early Voting by Democrats Is Higher
Murphy’s Law

Early Voting by Democrats Is Higher

Madison turnout high, new Milwaukee system attracts bigger early vote.

Murphy’s Law: Black Workers Losing Transit to Jobs?
Murphy’s Law

Black Workers Losing Transit to Jobs?

End of county bus routes 61 and 6 means no connection to jobs in other counties.

Back in the News: Walker Mum About Medicaid Changes
Back in the News

Walker Mum About Medicaid Changes

He was going to get tough on Medicaid recipients, now runs away from the issue.

Murphy’s Law: Norquist Bashes Inspector General Idea
Murphy’s Law

Norquist Bashes Inspector General Idea

Council wants its own watchdog. Former mayor says post is unnecessary.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee County on a Crash Course
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee County on a Crash Course

Without more funding of programs it runs for the state, county will soon face fiscal ruin.

Murphy’s Law: Schimel Suit Cost Workers $23 Million
Murphy’s Law

Schimel Suit Cost Workers $23 Million

Suit he joined stopped 165,000 Wisconsin workers from getting overtime pay.

Murphy’s Law: Sewerage District Is National Leader
Murphy’s Law

Sewerage District Is National Leader

Milwaukee leads nation in reclaiming water, but rise in extreme rains a challenge.

Murphy’s Law: Was Barrett Asleep on Health Department?
Murphy’s Law

Was Barrett Asleep on Health Department?

Problems may go back a decade and mayor deserves much blame, some alderman say.

Murphy’s Law: Is John McAdams a Bully?
Murphy’s Law

Is John McAdams a Bully?

MU professor calls it free speech. But faculty seeks new policy against cyberbullying.

Murphy’s Law: Young Voters, Black Voters Key to Election?
Murphy’s Law

Young Voters, Black Voters Key to Election?

Two separate groups working on voter turnout could have big impact.

Murphy’s Law: The Best Governor Money Can Buy
Murphy’s Law

The Best Governor Money Can Buy

Just about every Walker policy was bought by special interests.

Murphy’s Law: Schimel’s Spoils System
Murphy’s Law

Schimel’s Spoils System

DOJ gag order on his employees shows the impact of ending civil service protections.

Murphy’s Law: How Republicans Helped Tammy Baldwin
Murphy’s Law

How Republicans Helped Tammy Baldwin

They picked the wrong candidate. That could hand election to Baldwin.

Murphy’s Law: More Foxconn Bells and Whistles
Murphy’s Law

More Foxconn Bells and Whistles

They want a new venture fund and UW-Madison fund -- all subsidized by our taxes.

Murphy’s Law: Why Wisconsin Resists Clean Energy
Murphy’s Law

Why Wisconsin Resists Clean Energy

State lags the Midwest in renewable energy, yet suddenly making great progress.

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Must Go Negative
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Must Go Negative

Governor is so unpopular he must bludgeon his opponent or change his identity. Or both.

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn’s Story Changes. Yet Again.
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn’s Story Changes. Yet Again.

Nearly all the manufacturing will be done by robots, company says.

Murphy’s Law: Did Abele, Newspaper Cover Up Schmidt Pension?
Murphy’s Law

Did Abele, Newspaper Cover Up Schmidt Pension?

Decisions by county exec, Journal Sentinel, suppressed news of his lucrative pension.

Are Journalists Your Enemy?

Are Journalists Your Enemy?

29% of Americans say yes, many support shutting down free press. Disagree? You can help.

Murphy’s Law: 23 Election Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

23 Election Winners and Losers

Beyond the vote totals, who were the other winners and losers in yesterday’s election?

Murphy’s Law: Schmidt’s Pension An Issue for Deputies
Murphy’s Law

Schmidt’s Pension An Issue for Deputies

Co-workers know he’s getting $1 million pension, say issue is divisive for department.

Murphy’s Law: Schmidt Will Get $1 Million Pension
Murphy’s Law

Schmidt Will Get $1 Million Pension

Acting Sheriff doesn’t deny it, refuses to say whether he will sign waiver of backdrop benefit.

Murphy’s Law: Schmidt Pension At Issue In Sheriff Race?
Murphy’s Law

Schmidt Pension At Issue In Sheriff Race?

Acting Sheriff could collect a lot from taxpayers. Will he waive lucrative backdrop benefit?

Urban Milwaukee Changes Policy On Comments

Urban Milwaukee Changes Policy On Comments

Historic change in publication will accept comments from members only.

Murphy’s Law: Are Democratic Candidates Too Liberal?
Murphy’s Law

Are Democratic Candidates Too Liberal?

Walker is very vulnerable, but his challengers are blowing it with far-left campaigns.

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn Plays Politics for Walker?
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn Plays Politics for Walker?

Company's iffy "innovation centers" in Eau Claire, Green Bay could help reelect governor.

Murphy’s Law: The Anti-Union Governor
Murphy’s Law

The Anti-Union Governor

Scott Walker may be the nation’s leading union killer. What’s the impact on Wisconsin?

Back in the News: Brad Schimel Soft on Crime?
Back in the News

Brad Schimel Soft on Crime?

New data shows AG not just slow to go after rapists, but drugs and firearms cases.

Murphy’s Law: Who Will Win Democratic Primary?
Murphy’s Law

Who Will Win Democratic Primary?

Eight challengers for governor, primary just weeks away, who are the favorites?

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn Deal Allows Low-Ball Wages
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn Deal Allows Low-Ball Wages

Documents show state will allow 93 percent of workers to earn less than $15 hour.

Murphy’s Law: Who Now Has Power Over Police Chief?
Murphy’s Law

Who Now Has Power Over Police Chief?

Common Council may regret stripping mayor’s power over Police-Fire director.

Murphy’s Law: High Court Sticks It To Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

High Court Sticks It To Milwaukee

Roggensack’s political decision gives police and fire unions more power over pension fund.

Murphy’s Law: Is Foxconn Double Crossing Walker?
Murphy’s Law

Is Foxconn Double Crossing Walker?

Latest admission by company gives the game away.

“I’m not Republican,” Arlo Guthrie Says

“I’m not Republican,” Arlo Guthrie Says

Contacts Urban Milwaukee to discuss -- and clarify -- his politics.

Murphy’s Law: Barrett Will Run for Reelection
Murphy’s Law

Barrett Will Run for Reelection

Mayor calling supporters, plans to run for 5th term in 2020, they say.

Murphy’s Law: Is State Suffering Walker Fatigue?
Murphy’s Law

Is State Suffering Walker Fatigue?

One clear sign would be if Leah Vukmir loses U.S. Senate primary.

Back in the News: George Will Blasts Paul Ryan
Back in the News

George Will Blasts Paul Ryan

Calls House Speaker Trump’s “poodle,” urges people to vote Democratic.

Murphy’s Law: Brad Schimel’s Dreadful Record on Rape Kits
Murphy’s Law

Brad Schimel’s Dreadful Record on Rape Kits

Attorney General is anything but tough on crime by serial rapists.

Murphy’s Law: Candidates for Governor Hold Debate
Murphy’s Law

Candidates for Governor Hold Debate

But not on TV. And not every Democratic candidate. So who won?

Murphy’s Law: Police Video Gets National Attention
Murphy’s Law

Police Video Gets National Attention

Police confrontation with Bucks player gets national headlines, raises troubling questions.

Murphy’s Law: CEOs Paid 1,000 Times More Than Average Workers
Murphy’s Law

CEOs Paid 1,000 Times More Than Average Workers

Study finds local companies Manpower and Kohl's near the top of obscene U.S. pay gap.

Murphy’s Law: The Anti-Roads Governor
Murphy’s Law

The Anti-Roads Governor

Why would a Republican governor be as anti-highways as Scott Walker?

Murphy’s Law: Can City Solve Its Turnout Problem?
Murphy’s Law

Can City Solve Its Turnout Problem?

It badly trailed voter turnout in Madison and other areas in 2016.

Murphy’s Law: Lena Taylor Against the World
Murphy’s Law

Lena Taylor Against the World

Democratic legislator’s press conference was a declaration of war -- against everybody.

Murphy’s Law: About That Deficit, Sen. Johnson
Murphy’s Law

About That Deficit, Sen. Johnson

Debt was Ron Johnson’s obsession -- until he helped Trump create the biggest deficit in 75 years.

Back in the News: Pruitt Ruling Allows Foxconn Pollution
Back in the News

Pruitt Ruling Allows Foxconn Pollution

EPA head overrules his own staff to deliver victory for Walker and Trump.

Murphy’s Law: The Racial Gap in Homeownership
Murphy’s Law

The Racial Gap in Homeownership

Milwaukee’s black/white gap is a dismal 40.7%. It’s even worse in 8 other cities.

Murphy’s Law: Why St. Joseph Hospital Is Targeted
Murphy’s Law

Why St. Joseph Hospital Is Targeted

It’s all about greed by “non-profits,” chasing revenues and big salaries.

Murphy’s Law: Why Fire-Police Chief Was Axed
Murphy’s Law

Why Fire-Police Chief Was Axed

FPC botched police chief search and nice guy Mayor Barrett decided to get tough.

Murphy’s Law: The Whacko Primary for Governor
Murphy’s Law

The Whacko Primary for Governor

Seriously, a dozen or more Democratic candidates? It’s beyond the Republicans’ dreams.

Murphy’s Law: The Full File on Foxconn
Murphy’s Law

The Full File on Foxconn

City report on Foxconn’s history is eye opening. Why didn’t state do its due diligence?

Murphy’s Law: The Incredible Potential of Paul Ryan
Murphy’s Law

The Incredible Potential of Paul Ryan

Destined for greatness, so many said. Why didn’t he realize it?

Murphy’s Law: City’s Evictions Far From Worst
Murphy’s Law

City’s Evictions Far From Worst

New data on evictions shows a huge national problem with lessons for Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Should Walker Be Worried?
Murphy’s Law

Should Walker Be Worried?

Does he face an unstoppable “blue wave”? Maybe.

MPS Losing Superintendent Driver

MPS Losing Superintendent Driver

Will become CEO of Southeastern Michigan United Way in Detroit in July.

Murphy’s Law: How Foxconn Will Pollute Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

How Foxconn Will Pollute Wisconsin

And why the company may get away with it.

Murphy’s Law: Scott Walker’s Big Lie
Murphy’s Law

Scott Walker’s Big Lie

Not doing special elections hasn’t saved money, it’s actually cost taxpayers. A lot.

Murphy’s Law: The Strange Race for Supreme Court
Murphy’s Law

The Strange Race for Supreme Court

Look carefully. Both candidates are not what they claim to be.

Back in the News: Vukmir’s Prison Bill Dies in State Senate
Back in the News

Vukmir’s Prison Bill Dies in State Senate

Would have jailed 1,800 more people per year at annual cost of $57 million.

Murphy’s Law: Where Are Wage Gains Ryan Promised?
Murphy’s Law

Where Are Wage Gains Ryan Promised?

Companies aren’t delivering -- and never promised -- the salary hikes Republicans touted.

Murphy’s Law: Miller Park Tax Ends in 2020. Not.
Murphy’s Law

Miller Park Tax Ends in 2020. Not.

Despite “sunset,” taxpayers will subsidize stadium until 2040, with total costs unknown.

Murphy’s Law: Abortion Issue Dogs Vinehout in Governor Race
Murphy’s Law

Abortion Issue Dogs Vinehout in Governor Race

Her past views against abortion and birth control haunt her campaign.

Back in the News: Menard Hit With Class Action Suits
Back in the News

Menard Hit With Class Action Suits

One of the world’s richest plutocrats faces multiple suits for chiseling his workers.

Murphy’s Law: Flynn’s Hit Job on FPC Director
Murphy’s Law

Flynn’s Hit Job on FPC Director

Evidence now shows he had cops digging for dirt on MaryNell Regan. Why?

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn Deal Gets Even Worse
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn Deal Gets Even Worse

$4.1 billion handout will deliver even less benefits, more costs than imagined.

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Opposes Special Elections
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Opposes Special Elections

He's not serving the voters. He's serving his party.

Murphy’s Law: Should State Divest Gun Stocks?
Murphy’s Law

Should State Divest Gun Stocks?

Wisconsin pension fund invests in companies making guns that kill students.

Murphy’s Law: The Governor of Giveaways
Murphy’s Law

The Governor of Giveaways

Instead of building a real economy, Walker is trying to buy one.

Murphy’s Law: The Mystery of Flynn Vs. Regan
Murphy’s Law

The Mystery of Flynn Vs. Regan

Is the police chief or Fire & Police boss guilty of official misconduct?

Murphy’s Law: Ron Johnson’s Growing Credibility Gap
Murphy’s Law

Ron Johnson’s Growing Credibility Gap

Even conservative media questioned his latest "report."

Murphy’s Law: Mayor Barrett’s Power in Decline?
Murphy’s Law

Mayor Barrett’s Power in Decline?

Council taking more power, mayor taking a beating.

Murphy’s Law: The World According to Paul Ryan
Murphy’s Law

The World According to Paul Ryan

He’s taking flak for just one tweet. Perhaps it’s a teachable moment.

Back in the News: Majority Now Backs Fair Redistricting
Back in the News

Majority Now Backs Fair Redistricting

37 counties, two-thirds of state’s population, have passed “Fair Maps” resolution.

Murphy’s Law: Flynn Blasts Police Chief Search
Murphy’s Law

Flynn Blasts Police Chief Search

Two-fold process could hurt department, he says. Other cities don’t do this, experts say.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Hands Dirty on Political Purge
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Hands Dirty on Political Purge

Why didn't he oppose axing Elections, Ethics heads? Because he wanted revenge.

Back in the News: The Senator Who Cried Wolf
Back in the News

The Senator Who Cried Wolf

Ron Johnson backs off claim about FBI, refuses to provide evidence.

Murphy’s Law: RoJo Is Now Trump’s Hit Man
Murphy’s Law

RoJo Is Now Trump’s Hit Man

Sen. Johnson assails FBI with no evidence, supporting Trump and Russia.

Murphy’s Law: Dark Money’s High Court Candidate
Murphy’s Law

Dark Money’s High Court Candidate

Michael Screnock blows off candidate forums, bets on special interest money.

Murphy’s Law: Can Dallet Win Supreme Court Primary?
Murphy’s Law

Can Dallet Win Supreme Court Primary?

Outspoken Madison liberal Tim Burns stands in her way.

Murphy’s Law: The MPS Agency Superintendents Hate
Murphy’s Law

The MPS Agency Superintendents Hate

Efficiency office created in 2010 reports to board members. But is it needed?

Murphy’s Law: The Strange Rage of Scott Fitzgerald
Murphy’s Law

The Strange Rage of Scott Fitzgerald

His call to fire elections commission leader defies the law and common sense.

Back in the News: School Board Restricts MPS Raises
Back in the News

School Board Restricts MPS Raises

Committee adopts rule requiring board approval for all raises.

Murphy’s Law: State’s New Top Policy Wonk
Murphy’s Law

State’s New Top Policy Wonk

Rob Henken will run merged WisTax and Public Policy Forum. Oh, the attacks he will face.

Back in the News: Sykes, Clarke Still Hate Each Other
Back in the News

Sykes, Clarke Still Hate Each Other

Sykes keeps attacking his old pal, while Clarke is muzzled by Twitter.

Murphy’s Law: 11 Sure-Fire Predictions For 2018
Murphy’s Law

11 Sure-Fire Predictions For 2018

How crazy will 2018 be? Let us count the ways.

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn Subsidy Now Exceeds $4 Billion
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn Subsidy Now Exceeds $4 Billion

Government subsidy keeps increasing while Foxconn’s required investment has declined.

Murphy’s Law: 17 Biggest Mistakes by Brad Schimel
Murphy’s Law

17 Biggest Mistakes by Brad Schimel

Media feasting on problems in John Doe report. Here’s a scorecard of biggest goofs.

Murphy’s Law: 22% of City Workers Live in Suburbs
Murphy’s Law

22% of City Workers Live in Suburbs

Nearly 1,000 workers have left city since state ended residency rule.

Murphy’s Law: Brad Schimel Strikes Out Again
Murphy’s Law

Brad Schimel Strikes Out Again

His 11-month investigation of John Doe leaks yields no charges but lots of anger.

Murphy’s Law: Lasry Sued for “Weinstein Sexual Enterprise”
Murphy’s Law

Lasry Sued for “Weinstein Sexual Enterprise”

Bucks owner, other Weinstein board members knew Harvey was a predator, suit claims.

Back in the News: Seager Dumped as Fire Fighters Leader
Back in the News

Seager Dumped as Fire Fighters Leader

Controversial president had served for seven years. Mike Bongiorno elected to replace him.

Murphy’s Law: We Energies Embraces Solar Power
Murphy’s Law

We Energies Embraces Solar Power

State moving away from coal -- but still has a long ways to go.

Back in the News: Will Roy Moore Embarrass Kevin Nicholson?
Back in the News

Will Roy Moore Embarrass Kevin Nicholson?

The Republican Senate candidate depends on Moore contributor Richard Uihlein.

Back in the News: Council Okays Lawyers for Muni Court
Back in the News

Council Okays Lawyers for Muni Court

Will help defendants who can be jailed when they can’t afford to pay fines.

Murphy’s Law: The Fall and Rise of WEAC
Murphy’s Law

The Fall and Rise of WEAC

Once mighty state teachers union has lost its clout, yet many members stick with it.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel’s Post-Gannett Decline
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel’s Post-Gannett Decline

As feared, it’s mostly become a local carrier of USA Today stories.

Murphy’s Law: Walker, Vukmir Court the Israel Lobby
Murphy’s Law

Walker, Vukmir Court the Israel Lobby

A great way to get donations from billionaires like Sheldon Adelson.

Murphy’s Law: Brad Schimel’s Opioid Problem
Murphy’s Law

Brad Schimel’s Opioid Problem

Attorney General has been reluctant to pursue opioid manufacturers. Why?

Back in the News: Seager Out as Fire Fighters Head?
Back in the News

Seager Out as Fire Fighters Head?

Sources say controversial leader took second in vote, faces runoff election.

Murphy’s Law: Walker Retreats From Foxconn Deal
Murphy’s Law

Walker Retreats From Foxconn Deal

It was supposed to assure his reelection. What happened?

Back in the News: WEDC Shifts on Foxconn Contract
Back in the News

WEDC Shifts on Foxconn Contract

After saying board members could now see contract, they will allow vote only on staff review of it.

Murphy’s Law: The GOP Sales Tax Hypocrisy
Murphy’s Law

The GOP Sales Tax Hypocrisy

Favored Republican towns allowed to levy a local sales tax. But not Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Voter Suppression Hurts Everyone
Murphy’s Law

Voter Suppression Hurts Everyone

New research shows votes -- for both blacks and whites -- were suppressed in 2016.

Murphy’s Law: The Secrets of Foxconn
Murphy’s Law

The Secrets of Foxconn

Walker administration won’t release details of massive subsidy until after contract is signed.

Murphy’s Law: Barrett Versus the Backdrop Boys
Murphy’s Law

Barrett Versus the Backdrop Boys

Or how police-fire benefits are driving the city budget crisis.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin One of Cheapest States
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin One of Cheapest States

Gives little to charity, report shows. Milwaukee is much more generous than state.

Murphy’s Law: Abele Battles Board on Budget
Murphy’s Law

Abele Battles Board on Budget

Once again. Even if it means swapping their old ideological positions.

Murphy’s Law: Can Democrats Beat Ryan, Grothman?
Murphy’s Law

Can Democrats Beat Ryan, Grothman?

Odds are slim. But the added turnout for those races could help reelect Tammy Baldwin.

Murphy’s Law: Is Mayor Barrett Playing With Fire?
Murphy’s Law

Is Mayor Barrett Playing With Fire?

Actually, his reduction in fire stations may have no impact on safety.

Murphy’s Law: Will City Reform Municipal Court?
Murphy’s Law

Will City Reform Municipal Court?

Too many judges, indigent defendants treated badly, reform needed.

Murphy’s Law: How to Buy a University Department
Murphy’s Law

How to Buy a University Department

Bradley Foundation and Kochs buy a new UW-Madison economics institute.

Murphy’s Law: The City’s Most Curious Lobbyist
Murphy’s Law

The City’s Most Curious Lobbyist

Why is fire fighters’ president quietly lobbying on issues unrelated to his job?

Murphy’s Law: Leah Vukmir Welcomes Your Hate
Murphy’s Law

Leah Vukmir Welcomes Your Hate

Or how to run for U.S. Senate in the land of scorched-earth politics.

Murphy’s Law: Flynn Blasts “Incompetent” Report
Murphy’s Law

Flynn Blasts “Incompetent” Report

“We want to talk about reform,” police chief says, not DOJ report’s many errors.

Back in the News: 9 Reasons Why Barrett Recall Failed
Back in the News

9 Reasons Why Barrett Recall Failed

Recall effort falls far short of number of signatures needed. Why?

Back in the News: Why Did Sheriff Clarke Resign?
Back in the News

Why Did Sheriff Clarke Resign?

It’s all about his love of Donald Trump -- and the media spotlight.

Murphy’s Law: The Hit Job on Chief Flynn
Murphy’s Law

The Hit Job on Chief Flynn

Someone leaks incomplete report to Journal Sentinel, which slams chief with it.

Murphy’s Law: Newest Deal Shows Foxconn Flaws
Murphy’s Law

Newest Deal Shows Foxconn Flaws

Walker spends 11 times more per job on Foxconn than Haribo candy company?

Murphy’s Law: Paper Peddles Bogus Foxconn Report
Murphy’s Law

Paper Peddles Bogus Foxconn Report

Puffed-up report by Walker crony swallowed whole by Journal Sentinel.

Murphy’s Law: Richard Uihlein, GOP Kingmaker
Murphy’s Law

Richard Uihlein, GOP Kingmaker

Should one billionaire dictate the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate?

Murphy’s Law: Right-Wing TV News Kingdom Rising
Murphy’s Law

Right-Wing TV News Kingdom Rising

Sinclair Broadcasting could become biggest player in state’s top media markets.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Desperate Deal With Foxconn
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Desperate Deal With Foxconn

No governor in state history would have offered such a massive giveaway.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin A Key State for Russian Hacking
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin A Key State for Russian Hacking

And Ryan, Johnson, Duffy may have many questions to answer.

Back in the News: Diane Hendricks, Savior of Beloit?
Back in the News

Diane Hendricks, Savior of Beloit?

New York Times glowing story on billionaire doesn’t mention her tax breaks.

Murphy’s Law: City’s Revenue Structure Is “Broken”
Murphy’s Law

City’s Revenue Structure Is “Broken”

Milwaukee’s over-reliance on property tax, state aid threatens its future, study warns.

Murphy’s Law: WTMJ Move Threatens Liberal Talk Station
Murphy’s Law

WTMJ Move Threatens Liberal Talk Station

“They’ve picked a fight with the wrong guy,” WRRD owner warns.

Murphy’s Law: The Fire Fighters’ Selfish Agenda
Murphy’s Law

The Fire Fighters’ Selfish Agenda

The union’s backing of Barrett recall is all about driving up their wages and benefits.

Murphy’s Law: Walker Building Yesterday’s Economy
Murphy’s Law

Walker Building Yesterday’s Economy

GOP throws ever more money at declining manufacturers, gets nothing back.

Murphy’s Law: City Is Unequal for Bike Users
Murphy’s Law

City Is Unequal for Bike Users

Report finds poorer residents have far less access to bike trails. Is there a solution?

Barrett Recall Announced

Barrett Recall Announced

Curious cast of characters behind effort, which will require 52,000 signatures.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Dreadful Dilemma on Health Care
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Dreadful Dilemma on Health Care

Why is he so vague on Obamacare? Because its repeal could kill his reelection.

Back in the News: We Couldn’t Find Any Voter Fraud
Back in the News

We Couldn’t Find Any Voter Fraud

Ex legislator Dale Schultz exposes Republican scam on voter fraud.

Murphy’s Law: Will the Real Ron Johnson Stand Up?
Murphy’s Law

Will the Real Ron Johnson Stand Up?

His draconian stance on health care was obscured by lazy media coverage.

Murphy’s Law: The Bradley Foundation’s New Pope
Murphy’s Law

The Bradley Foundation’s New Pope

New chairman James Arthur Pope could turn foundation further right.

Back in the News: Sykes Unloads Right Wisconsin
Back in the News

Sykes Unloads Right Wisconsin

Wigderson is new owner/editor. But don’t worry, Sykes is a still a “conservative.”

Murphy’s Law: How Trucks Destroy Our Roads
Murphy’s Law

How Trucks Destroy Our Roads

And how a fee on trucks could solve state’s transportation problem.

Murphy’s Law: Why Gableman Is Stepping Down
Murphy’s Law

Why Gableman Is Stepping Down

And how will that affect the race for Supreme Court?

Murphy’s Law: Why Is CEO Pay Still Soaring?
Murphy’s Law

Why Is CEO Pay Still Soaring?

Up 8.5% last year, hitting obscene levels in state and nation. Why?

Hendricks’ Home Is Reassessed

Hendricks’ Home Is Reassessed

Assessment and taxes on home have been tripled in response to our story.

Murphy’s Law: Should Cops Do More High Speed Chases?
Murphy’s Law

Should Cops Do More High Speed Chases?

Common Council says yes. Chief Flynn says no. Who’s right?

Murphy’s Law: Ryan, Priebus on a Sinking Ship
Murphy’s Law

Ryan, Priebus on a Sinking Ship

Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus may go down with the USS Trump.

Mistakes Made on Hendricks Home

Mistakes Made on Hendricks Home

Town lawyer says assessment too low, should be reconsidered.

Murphy’s Law: Bradley Foundation Breaking the Law?
Murphy’s Law

Bradley Foundation Breaking the Law?

Hacked files show foundation may violate ban on political activity.

Murphy’s Law: The Bogus Studies of Miller Park
Murphy’s Law

The Bogus Studies of Miller Park

How we've been misled -- repeatedly -- about Brewers “economic impact.”

Murphy’s Law: The Incompetence of Brad Schimel
Murphy’s Law

The Incompetence of Brad Schimel

AG's handling of a voter fraud claim is an epic case of ineptitude.

Murphy’s Law: The Greed of American Family
Murphy’s Law

The Greed of American Family

Jury finds insurance company underpays agents, as execs get rich.

Murphy’s Law: The Lobbyist Governors Loved
Murphy’s Law

The Lobbyist Governors Loved

The late Bill Gerrard was part of “permanent government” voters decry.

Back In the News: Would Walker Trim Tuition Benefit?
Back In the News

Would Walker Trim Tuition Benefit?

Tax break mostly benefits wealthy. Walker might back changes.

Murphy’s Law: The Failed Promise of Miller Park
Murphy’s Law

The Failed Promise of Miller Park

It didn’t make Brewers more competitive, yet its price tag keeps rising.

Murphy’s Law: The Tax Handout for Rich Kids
Murphy’s Law

The Tax Handout for Rich Kids

State's “neo-vouchers” reimburse wealthy for kids at elite private schools.

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Couldn’t Beat Evers
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Couldn’t Beat Evers

The incumbent superintendent was vulnerable. Why the GOP stumbled.

Murphy’s Law: Hidden Loaded Guns And No Training
Murphy’s Law

Hidden Loaded Guns And No Training

Republican bill to end permits and training for concealed carry is dangerous.

Murphy’s Law: Can Holtz Beat Evers?
Murphy’s Law

Can Holtz Beat Evers?

Incumbent Superintendent Evers worries that dark money will rescue Holtz.

Murphy’s Law: Sykes’ War Against Sheriff Clarke
Murphy’s Law

Sykes’ War Against Sheriff Clarke

Their bromance has gone bitter, the love has turned to hate. Why?

Murphy’s Law: The Remarkable Clout of We Energies
Murphy’s Law

The Remarkable Clout of We Energies

Year after year the company jacks up prices with bipartisan approval. Why?

Murphy’s Law: The Muzzling of the DNR
Murphy’s Law

The Muzzling of the DNR

Gagged by the Walker administration, its staff no longer provide any information.

Murphy’s Law: The Worst Governor Ever For Workers?
Murphy’s Law

The Worst Governor Ever For Workers?

Six years later, Gov. Scott Walker’s impact on unions, worker rights and jobs.

Murphy’s Law: Pat Roggensack On the Warpath
Murphy’s Law

Pat Roggensack On the Warpath

Supreme Court chief justice slams Journal Sentinel, Janine Geske, and others.

Murphy’s Law: Who’s To Blame for Pension Mess?
Murphy’s Law

Who’s To Blame for Pension Mess?

County’s countless expensive mistakes go back at least 15 years -- and still no solution.

Back in the News: Sue Black Faces More Controversy
Back in the News

Sue Black Faces More Controversy

Former county parks director investigated for management of Arizona Parks.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin Is a Global Trade Winner
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin Is a Global Trade Winner

Trump’s protectionist trade policies will hurt state far more than others.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of Anti-Semitism
Murphy’s Law

The Rise of Anti-Semitism

Study finds three-fold increase in metro area. Jewish leaders blame Trump.

Back In the News: Walker Exports Union Busting
Back In the News

Walker Exports Union Busting

Governor advises Iowa legislators on bill to decimate unions.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Subsidizes The State
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Subsidizes The State

The city gets only 66 cents in state spending for every dollar in state taxes paid.

Murphy’s Law: Taking Aim at Voucher Schools
Murphy’s Law

Taking Aim at Voucher Schools

A JS reporter’s story details disturbing problems -- but not in her own newspaper.

Murphy’s Law: The Many Faces of Charlie Sykes
Murphy’s Law

The Many Faces of Charlie Sykes

He’s spent his whole career changing his views. So which should we believe?

Murphy’s Law: Can Liberal Talk Radio Succeed?
Murphy’s Law

Can Liberal Talk Radio Succeed?

A new Milwaukee radio station with a unique approach is about to find out.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Shrinks Further
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Shrinks Further

Plummeting circulation, shrinking news coverage, closing government pressrooms.

Back in the News: John Menard, the Self-Made Man
Back in the News

John Menard, the Self-Made Man

Forbes ranks him near the top in that category, though below Oprah.

Back in the News: Sheriff Clarke’s Meltdown?
Back in the News

Sheriff Clarke’s Meltdown?

He threatens to eliminate a citizen, uses vicious racial slur against another.

Murphy’s Law: How Milwaukee Handled “Flint” Crisis
Murphy’s Law

How Milwaukee Handled “Flint” Crisis

Were city officials asleep? Should they be doing more?

Murphy’s Law: Scott Walker, the King of Coal
Murphy’s Law

Scott Walker, the King of Coal

Businesses and GOP voters are embracing alternative energy. Not Gov. Walker.

Murphy’s Law: City’s $1 Home Program a Great Idea
Murphy’s Law

City’s $1 Home Program a Great Idea

But you’d never know it, given how some of the media covered it.

Murphy’s Law: Ron Johnson Asleep on Russian Hacking?
Murphy’s Law

Ron Johnson Asleep on Russian Hacking?

He was informed of problem, did nothing, then misled public about it.

Murphy’s Law: State Justice System Uses Racially Biased Test
Murphy’s Law

State Justice System Uses Racially Biased Test

Wisconsin Corrections uses test with bias against blacks in sentencing, parole.

Back in the News: Dollars For Docs From Drug Companies
Back in the News

Dollars For Docs From Drug Companies

State doctors, hospitals raked in $50.4 million and tend to prescribe those drugs.

Murphy’s Law: Why Ryan Opposed Buy American Plan
Murphy’s Law

Why Ryan Opposed Buy American Plan

Baldwin plan echoed Trump’s doctrine, got killed by lobbyists for foreign companies.

Murphy’s Law: Symphony Move Huge for Downtown
Murphy’s Law

Symphony Move Huge for Downtown

A big win for the orchestra and Downtown, with a minor impact on Marcus Center.

Murphy’s Law: Paul Ryan’s Patriotism At Issue?
Murphy’s Law

Paul Ryan’s Patriotism At Issue?

House Republicans he oversaw used illegally hacked information from Russians.

Murphy’s Law: Trump Vs. Rexnord, Who Will Win?
Murphy’s Law

Trump Vs. Rexnord, Who Will Win?

Wisconsin could loom large in Trump’s effort to save manufacturing jobs.

Murphy’s Law: State Democrats Could Sink Still Lower
Murphy’s Law

State Democrats Could Sink Still Lower

Yes, they’re at a historic low. But things could get worse.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of Scott Walker
Murphy’s Law

The Rise of Scott Walker

Journal Sentinel’s lo-o-ng series struggles to explain it -- but omits the newspaper's role.

Murphy’s Law: 10 Strangest Things About State Recount
Murphy’s Law

10 Strangest Things About State Recount

Crazy cost estimates, murky legal issues, Green Party spats, and much more.

Back in the News: Sheriff’s History Of Inmate Mistreatment
Back in the News

Sheriff’s History Of Inmate Mistreatment

Problems at county jail just the latest incidents of mistreatment under Sheriff Clarke.

Murphy’s Law: Maybe We’re Not So Bad At Startups
Murphy’s Law

Maybe We’re Not So Bad At Startups

Conflicting studies raise doubts about state’s “worst in nation”rating for new companies.

UPDATE: Stein Will Pay For Presidential Recount
UPDATE: Stein Will Pay For Presidential Recount

Stein Will Pay For Presidential Recount

Green Party wants recount of narrow Trump wins in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan.

Murphy’s Law: The Council’s Battle Over Police
Murphy’s Law

The Council’s Battle Over Police

Donovan and several aldermen demand more, Hamilton slaps them down. Who’s right?

Murphy’s Law: An “Epidemic” of Voter Suppression
Murphy’s Law

An “Epidemic” of Voter Suppression

Experts say it's a massive problem in the state and may have swung election nationally.

Murphy’s Law: Why Schools Are Increasingly Unequal
Murphy’s Law

Why Schools Are Increasingly Unequal

Act 10 and era of school referendums causes bigger gap between haves and have nots.

Murphy’s Law: Did Trump Steal Wisconsin?
Murphy’s Law

Did Trump Steal Wisconsin?

Some point to voter suppression as a factor in this state and others.

Election Update: Early Voting Shows Hillary Leading
Election Update

Early Voting Shows Hillary Leading

Early voting edge in five key states, including Wisconsin. But oh, was that misleading.

Murphy’s Law: The Legend of Leah Vukmir
Murphy’s Law

The Legend of Leah Vukmir

Once considered a horrible legislator, she’s now one of the Capitol’s “heaviest hitters.”

Murphy’s Law: Schimel Patrols Only Democratic Voters?
Murphy’s Law

Schimel Patrols Only Democratic Voters?

AG’s “Election Integrity Unit” will monitor polls, but targets urban or Democratic areas.

Murphy’s Law: Why State’s MPS Takeover Plan Died
Murphy’s Law

Why State’s MPS Takeover Plan Died

In changing state ratings to protect choice schools, Republicans ended up killing OSPP.

Murphy’s Law: Is a County Wheel Tax Needed?
Murphy’s Law

Is a County Wheel Tax Needed?

Abele says yes, board members are opposed. Who’s right?

Back in the News: Sylville Smith’s Killer Charged With Sex Assault
Back in the News

Sylville Smith’s Killer Charged With Sex Assault

Officer Dominique Heaggan-Brown's fatal shooting of Smith had set off near-riot in city.

Murphys Law: Rojo On The Rebound
Murphys Law

Rojo On The Rebound

Ron Johnson is fired up and rising in the polls. Can he beat Feingold?

Murphy’s Law: David Clarke the Demagogue
Murphy’s Law

David Clarke the Demagogue

A sheriff who once represented law and order has sold his soul to become a media star.

Murphy’s Law: GOP’s New Way to Suppress Votes
Murphy’s Law

GOP’s New Way to Suppress Votes

States like Wisconsin change voting rules, cause confusion, lower Democratic turnout.

Murphy’s Law: Paul Ryan’s Losing Bet on Trump
Murphy’s Law

Paul Ryan’s Losing Bet on Trump

He finally deserted The Donald, but is it too late to avoid damaging his own career?

Murphy’s Law: The Hypocrisy of the WMC
Murphy’s Law

The Hypocrisy of the WMC

Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce wants no judge recusals -- except when it benefits them.

Murphy’s Law: 13 Lessons The Guardian Taught Us
Murphy’s Law

13 Lessons The Guardian Taught Us

Or how Scott Walker corrupted Wisconsin, as the leaked Doe documents reveal.

Murphy’s Law: Why Wisconsin Needs Mexico
Murphy’s Law

Why Wisconsin Needs Mexico

And how Trump’s get-tough policies will hurt the state.

Murphy’s Law: The New Charlie Sykes
Murphy’s Law

The New Charlie Sykes

He's confessing his errors and getting lots of publicity. Could there be a connection?

Back in the News: Journal Sentinel Archive Will Return?
Back in the News

Journal Sentinel Archive Will Return?

JS President blames computer mixup, pledges return of 120-year archive, won't say when.

Murphy’s Law: Did Walker Raid Veteran’s Home Fund?
Murphy’s Law

Did Walker Raid Veteran’s Home Fund?

Cap Times story on nursing home shows funding was diverted while care declined.

Murphy’s Law: Errors Embarrass Journal Sentinel
Murphy’s Law

Errors Embarrass Journal Sentinel

Washington Post finds problems in James Causey’s work, which JS editors try to hide.

Murphy’s Law: Sylville Smith Probe Looks Suspicious
Murphy’s Law

Sylville Smith Probe Looks Suspicious

AG Brad Schimel’s links to Milwaukee Police raise questions about his investigation.

Murphy’s Law: The Battle Over Charter Schools
Murphy’s Law

The Battle Over Charter Schools

NAACP declares opposition and is criticized by charter supporters like Howard Fuller.

Murphy’s Law: Where Are Top CEOs on City’s Unrest?
Murphy’s Law

Where Are Top CEOs on City’s Unrest?

The silence is deafening. But Mayor Barrett says they want to help.

Murphy’s Law: Role Of Police Questioned in Unrest
Murphy’s Law

Role Of Police Questioned in Unrest

Was violence a reaction to years of mistreatment by police?

Murphy’s Law: 19 Election Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

19 Election Winners and Losers

Beyond the candidates, behind the scenes. who won, who lost?

Murphy’s Law: Can Chisholm Be Beaten?
Murphy’s Law

Can Chisholm Be Beaten?

The DA pleads for help as dark money from outside the county blasts him.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Bizarre Choice for High Court
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Bizarre Choice for High Court

From a state with countless judges, he picks a crackpot lawyer named Daniel Kelly.

Murphy’s Law: The King of Subprime Lending
Murphy’s Law

The King of Subprime Lending

How Bucks owner Wes Edens makes millions off troubled homeowners.

Back in the News: Chisholm Far More Experienced Than Opponent
Back in the News

Chisholm Far More Experienced Than Opponent

He’s handled 14 times more cases than Swanigan. He also shows up for debates.

Back in the News: Will Clarke Hurt GOP With Black Voters?
Back in the News

Will Clarke Hurt GOP With Black Voters?

His speech adds to anti-black tone at Republican convention, but heightens sheriff’s fame.

Back in the News: Radio Ad Blasts John Chisholm
Back in the News

Radio Ad Blasts John Chisholm

Secretive group blames DA for carjackings, lauds his opponent Verona Swanigan.

Murphy’s Law: Why Rocky Marcoux Is In Trouble
Murphy’s Law

Why Rocky Marcoux Is In Trouble

New Common Council leaders want to ax the DCD leader. But why? Few will say.

Back in News: “Do something about guns,” Flynn Pleads
Back in News

“Do something about guns,” Flynn Pleads

Flynn calls for gun control at Obama's national town hall, demands action from legislature.

Murphy’s Law: Koch Brothers Recruit State’s Latinos
Murphy’s Law

Koch Brothers Recruit State’s Latinos

But efforts by their shadowy Libre Initiative may be undercut by Trump.

Murphy’s Law: 10 Lessons After Dallas
Murphy’s Law

10 Lessons After Dallas

How can Milwaukee and the nation assure that black lives and blue lives matter?

Back in the News: Journal Sentinel Sanitizes Trump Disaster
Back in the News

Journal Sentinel Sanitizes Trump Disaster

It offers only Paul Ryan’s positive account of Trump’s ugly tussle with Congress.

Murphy’s Law: Will Wisconsin Matter in Presidential Race?
Murphy’s Law

Will Wisconsin Matter in Presidential Race?

If not, that’s bad news not just for Trump but for Ron Johnson, too.

Murphy’s Law: Racism Issue Dogs Bradley Foundation
Murphy’s Law

Racism Issue Dogs Bradley Foundation

Does foundation still support research on racial inferiority?

Murphy’s Law: State Lottery Preys on the Poor
Murphy’s Law

State Lottery Preys on the Poor

Even winners lose from this hugely inefficient tax on the poor.

Back in the News: Chisholm Challenger Skips Debate
Back in the News

Chisholm Challenger Skips Debate

Verona Swanigan objects to moderator and drops out of debate with DA John Chisholm.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel’s Bias Against Feingold
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel’s Bias Against Feingold

The coverage of Russ Feingold suggests they’ve truly become a Republican newspaper.

Murphy’s Law: The Bizarre War Against John Chisholm
Murphy’s Law

The Bizarre War Against John Chisholm

What’s more peculiar, his opponent, or the complicated plot to defeat him?

Murphy’s Law: The World According to Janel Brandtjen
Murphy’s Law

The World According to Janel Brandtjen

Republican lawmaker is angry about crime in the city. Here’s how she could help.

Murphy’s Law: Does Anyone Oppose Bus Rapid Transit?
Murphy’s Law

Does Anyone Oppose Bus Rapid Transit?

The idea is very unsexy, yet has gained amazingly wide support.

Back In the News: Study Ranks Wisconsin’s Economy 28th
Back In the News

Study Ranks Wisconsin’s Economy 28th

With low rankings for “economic activity” and business startups, new analysis finds.

Murphy’s Law: GOP Goal Less Access for Democratic Voters
Murphy’s Law

GOP Goal Less Access for Democratic Voters

But you have to sift through media coverage of trial testimony for the story.

Back in the News: John Menard vs. Donald Trump
Back in the News

John Menard vs. Donald Trump

Their friendship and later feud gets titillating coverage from Indianapolis Monthly.

Murphy’s Law: How to Destroy a Transit System
Murphy’s Law

How to Destroy a Transit System

County board's free bus ride program triggers huge deficits that could overwhelm system.

Murphy’s Law: Why Urban School Chiefs Fail
Murphy’s Law

Why Urban School Chiefs Fail

The lessons of former MPS superintendent Gregory Thornton’s firing in Baltimore.

Murphy’s Law: How CEOs Leave Workers Behind
Murphy’s Law

How CEOs Leave Workers Behind

CEOs Rich Meeusen and Tim Sullivan get rich while workers get nothing.

Murphy’s Law: The Report That Walker Killed
Murphy’s Law

The Report That Walker Killed

Its warning: Ending civil service means less qualified will serve. Why didn’t legislators see it?

Murphy’s Law: The Plot Thickens In John Doe
Murphy’s Law

The Plot Thickens In John Doe

Did State Supreme Court try to sabotage appeal of its Doe ruling to US Supreme Court?

Murphy’s Law: Is Sheriff Clarke the Black Trump?
Murphy’s Law

Is Sheriff Clarke the Black Trump?

And a possible running mate? Atlantic Mag charts the rising star of Milwaukee’s sheriff.

Murphy’s Law: The Generosity of Donald Baumgartner
Murphy’s Law

The Generosity of Donald Baumgartner

The manufacturing CEO shares the wealth with those who made him rich: his employees.

Murphy’s Law: State Drags Feet On Lead-Tainted Water
Murphy’s Law

State Drags Feet On Lead-Tainted Water

Its program underfunds Milwaukee while pushing for upgrades that residents can't afford.

Two MPS Schools in State’s Top 10

Two MPS Schools in State’s Top 10

U.S. News ranks Reagan and King above most suburban high schools.

Murphy’s Law: How Walker is Killing the Meritocracy
Murphy’s Law

How Walker is Killing the Meritocracy

Talented workers are leaving or discouraged from applying, as party loyalists win favor.

Back in the News: New Study Shows Teacher Shortage
Back in the News

New Study Shows Teacher Shortage

The problem exists statewide, but is the worst in metro Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Love Photo ID
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Love Photo ID

It may not make a huge difference in the vote. Just enough to win.

Murphy’s Law: Why Miller Park’s Tax Never Ends
Murphy’s Law

Why Miller Park’s Tax Never Ends

Perhaps because the stadium’s public board cares more about the team than taxpayers.

Back In The News: John Menard’s Anti-Union Rules
Back In The News

John Menard’s Anti-Union Rules

A Menards manager leaks a copy of adamantly anti-union contract used by the company.

Murphy’s Law: Will Murphy Lose Council Presidency?
Murphy’s Law

Will Murphy Lose Council Presidency?

Race could be wide open and Ashanti Hamilton might have surprising supporters.

Murphy’s Law: Who Will Win the Elections?
Murphy’s Law

Who Will Win the Elections?

The turnout will be massive. And could result in upsets.

Murphy’s Law: Trump Vs. The Wisconsin Establishment
Murphy’s Law

Trump Vs. The Wisconsin Establishment

Journal Sentinel joins talk radio and GOP party in battling The Donald.

Murphy’s Law: The Plot to Defeat Bob Bauman
Murphy’s Law

The Plot to Defeat Bob Bauman

His opponent has two names, lives outside the district, and is part of anti-streetcar clique.

Back In the News: It’s Official, Sculpture Wasn’t Anti-Semitic
Back In the News

It’s Official, Sculpture Wasn’t Anti-Semitic

Jewish Federation’s annual audit of anti-semitism absolves the Shorewood sculpture.

Murphy’s Law: Chris Abele Is In Deep Trouble
Murphy’s Law

Chris Abele Is In Deep Trouble

A year ago he was a shoo-in for reelection. Now he's in the fight of his life.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Not Among Most Racist Cities
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Not Among Most Racist Cities

So says new study, which also ranks state as among the most tolerant in America.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Bias In Mayor’s Race?
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Bias In Mayor’s Race?

And was its story on Rebecca Bradley’s affair “offensive garbage”?

Murphy’s Law: The Mystery of Rebecca Bradley
Murphy’s Law

The Mystery of Rebecca Bradley

Who exactly is she? And why didn’t Walker vet his choice for Supreme Court?

Murphy’s Law: Can Art Museum Afford O’Donnell Park?
Murphy’s Law

Can Art Museum Afford O’Donnell Park?

Deal sounds almost too good to be true. Here's a reality check.

Murphy’s Law: Will Priebus Destroy The Republican Party?
Murphy’s Law

Will Priebus Destroy The Republican Party?

Decisions by the RNC chairman from Wisconsin could fatally wound the party.

Back in the News: More Suburban Firms Moving Downtown?
Back in the News

More Suburban Firms Moving Downtown?

It’s all about attracting millennials, new story suggests.

Murphy’s Law: County Pension Scandal Poster Boys
Murphy’s Law

County Pension Scandal Poster Boys

Six veterans seeking re-election voted for infamous pension plan that ripped off taxpayers.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee’s Economic Challenge
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee’s Economic Challenge

A new study shows Milwaukee is among the ten most distressed cities. Is it accurate?

Murphy’s Law: Where City’s Crime is Rising
Murphy’s Law

Where City’s Crime is Rising

The biggest hike is in Ald. Donovan’s district. No wonder that’s his major issue.

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Allowed Lincoln Hills Abuses
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Allowed Lincoln Hills Abuses

His staff knew about it for years. Why didn’t the governor act?

Murphy’s Law: Did Democratic Debate Help Milwaukee?
Murphy’s Law

Did Democratic Debate Help Milwaukee?

And did Clinton or Sanders win? Morning-after reflections.

Murphy’s Law: Stealth Campaign Targets Mayor Barrett
Murphy’s Law

Stealth Campaign Targets Mayor Barrett

He would easily win the April election. But could he take third in Tuesday’s primary?

Murphy’s Law: The Plague of Urban Evictions
Murphy’s Law

The Plague of Urban Evictions

New Yorker reports on evictions of poor renters in Milwaukee. The numbers are shocking.

Back in the News: 8 Problems With Privatizing Water Utilities
Back in the News

8 Problems With Privatizing Water Utilities

Media has now jumped on the issue, adding more info on why proposed bill is a mistake.

Murphy’s Law: Will Bill Privatize Water Utilities?
Murphy’s Law

Will Bill Privatize Water Utilities?

Proposed law opens door to companies like Aqua America running local water utilities.

Murphy’s Law: The Myth of Democratic Gerrymandering
Murphy’s Law

The Myth of Democratic Gerrymandering

They all did it in Wisconsin, Republicans declare. Just ask Christian Schneider.

Murphy’s Law: The Lonely Journey of Mark Borkowski
Murphy’s Law

The Lonely Journey of Mark Borkowski

New alderman’s crazed comments leave him only (and barely) the police union's support.

Back in the News: Barrett Vulnerable, Says Governing Mag
Back in the News

Barrett Vulnerable, Says Governing Mag

At least the headline says so. But the story is, well, a different story.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin Student Debt Is Soaring
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin Student Debt Is Soaring

It rose 74% in 10 years, faster than all but six states. What is Walker's solution?

Murphy’s Law: What Has Mayor Barrett Accomplished?
Murphy’s Law

What Has Mayor Barrett Accomplished?

After nearly 12 years in office, his impact can be seen -- if you look hard.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Secretive Governing Style
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Secretive Governing Style

Since he was County Executive, Walker has devised ever more ways to operate in secret.

Back in the News: Maybe Karl Kopp Was Right
Back in the News

Maybe Karl Kopp Was Right

I criticized him for letting a historic building rot, but he’d planned a stunning replacement.

Murphy’s Law: The Man Who Cried Anti-Semitism
Murphy’s Law

The Man Who Cried Anti-Semitism

How the media amplified dumb attack on public sculpture and why Shorewood took it down.

Murphy’s Law: Great News for Grand Avenue Mall
Murphy’s Law

Great News for Grand Avenue Mall

A smart new team of local owners is poised to revive the mall and W. Wisconsin Ave.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Assault on Open Records
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Assault on Open Records

Walker and Republicans are methodically working to end any scrutiny of their actions.

Murphy’s Law: Do Millennials Oppose the Streetcar?
Murphy’s Law

Do Millennials Oppose the Streetcar?

Not really, but a new survey is fueling misunderstandings. What do millennials really want?

Murphy’s Law: Did Karl Kopp Let Historic Building Rot?
Murphy’s Law

Did Karl Kopp Let Historic Building Rot?

Unique 1871 building on river was “irreplaceable.” Bauman blames Kopp for its destruction.

Chisholm Considering Appeal of John Doe Ruling

Chisholm Considering Appeal of John Doe Ruling

Four DAs discussing whether to appeal state high court decision to U.S. Supreme Court.

Murphy’s Law: “The NRA’s Vision for America is Anarchy.”
Murphy’s Law

“The NRA’s Vision for America is Anarchy.”

Chief Flynn say legislature’s “insane” concealed carry law causes crime and threatens police safety.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee’s Massive Pedophile Priest Problem
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee’s Massive Pedophile Priest Problem

Boston gets all the attention in the movie ‘Spotlight’, but Milwaukee’s problem may be just as bad.

Murphy’s Law: Does Milwaukee Need More Police?
Murphy’s Law

Does Milwaukee Need More Police?

Mayoral candidate Bob Donovan thinks so. How does this city compare to others?

Murphy’s Law: Still Controversy Over Art Museum Addition
Murphy’s Law

Still Controversy Over Art Museum Addition

Journal Sentinel offers inaccurate account of how new addition got built. Here's the real story.

Murphy’s Law: GOP Circus Puts Spotlight on Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

GOP Circus Puts Spotlight on Milwaukee

Protestors protested as Republican presidential candidates debated. So who won?

Murphy’s Law: How Dark Money Will Rule Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

How Dark Money Will Rule Wisconsin

Two Republican bills about to pass could make this a vassal state of wealthy special interests.

Murphy’s Law: Abele Faces Attack on Free Bus Rides
Murphy’s Law

Abele Faces Attack on Free Bus Rides

Though his challenger for county exec, Chris Larson, is undecided on issue, it could still impact the race.

Murphy’s Law: How Schools Are Over-Testing Students
Murphy’s Law

How Schools Are Over-Testing Students

New study of big city schools, including Milwaukee, shows way too many standardized tests being given.

Murphy’s Law: The Revenge of Scott Walker?
Murphy’s Law

The Revenge of Scott Walker?

Law killing John Doe law assures no more such probes targeting him. But was reform needed?

Murphy’s Law: The Real Meaning of the John Henson Affair
Murphy’s Law

The Real Meaning of the John Henson Affair

Does one racial profiling incident prove this is America’s most hypersegregated city?

Back in the News: Gov. Walker Did Have Secret Email System
Back in the News

Gov. Walker Did Have Secret Email System

Report shows state business conducted through 300 personal emails, confirms Urban Milwaukee story.

Murphy’s Law: Chris Larson’s War Against Abele
Murphy’s Law

Chris Larson’s War Against Abele

State senator running for county executive blasts Abele with personal attacks, will divide Democrats.

Murphy’s Law: How Gannett Will Shrink the Journal Sentinel
Murphy’s Law

How Gannett Will Shrink the Journal Sentinel

New owners will drastically diminish the size and scope of state’s largest newspaper.

Murphy’s Law: The Republican Spoils System
Murphy’s Law

The Republican Spoils System

The bill to kill civil service aims to create a one-party government, from top to bottom.

Murphy’s Law: The Walker Campaign “Scandal”
Murphy’s Law

The Walker Campaign “Scandal”

Something went wrong. And everyone’s blaming campaign manager Rick Wiley. Why?

Murphy’s Law: 8 Reasons Why Walker’s Campaign Failed
Murphy’s Law

8 Reasons Why Walker’s Campaign Failed

Media analysts nationally have mostly missed the real story.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee, the Land of Duplexes
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee, the Land of Duplexes

City is a national leader, which helps explain its surprising strength: density.

Murphy’s Law: The Plague of Lead Paint Poisoning
Murphy’s Law

The Plague of Lead Paint Poisoning

The problem persists, with more impact on Milwaukee than many cities. Is there a solution?

Back in the News: Walker “Worst” Candidate on Wind, Solar?
Back in the News

Walker “Worst” Candidate on Wind, Solar?

State is worst for home solar and stagnant on wind power, Bloomberg story suggests.

Murphy’s Law: The Meltdown of Scott Walker
Murphy’s Law

The Meltdown of Scott Walker

Onetime frontrunner for Iowa primary is “finished,” most covering presidential campaign say.

Back in the News: Minority Women-Owned Firms Rise 97%
Back in the News

Minority Women-Owned Firms Rise 97%

State still ranks low in entrepreneurship but new firms by women and minority owners soar.

Murphy’s Law: Common Ground’s $30 Million Victory for City
Murphy’s Law

Common Ground’s $30 Million Victory for City

Pressure on Bucks owner Wes Edens results in Nationstar’s $30 million pledge to prevent foreclosures.

Back in the News: Anti-Streetcar Petition Dies
Back in the News

Anti-Streetcar Petition Dies

Paging General Bob Donovan, what happened?

Murphy’s Law: How Walker Wasted Pricey Legal Help
Murphy’s Law

How Walker Wasted Pricey Legal Help

He ignored $2.2 million report concluding Kenosha casino had no legal risks.

Murphy’s Law: The Twisted Tale of Talgo
Murphy’s Law

The Twisted Tale of Talgo

Settlement forces state to pay more for trains it didn’t get, leaving it with slower Amtrak trains.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin’s Growing Teacher Shortage
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin’s Growing Teacher Shortage

The number of education majors and teaching candidates is drastically declining. Why?

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Municipal Court Under Fire
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Municipal Court Under Fire

It imprisons debtors and seems bloated with staff. Will city demand changes?

Murphy’s Law: Walker Flubs First GOP Debate
Murphy’s Law

Walker Flubs First GOP Debate

His tepid style hurt him. Who won and where does this leave Walker?

Murphy’s Law: The Most Gerrymandered State in America
Murphy’s Law

The Most Gerrymandered State in America

Study shows Wisconsin most gerrymandered in 42 years. Case is filed in federal court.

Murphy’s Law: The Tragedy of David Prosser
Murphy’s Law

The Tragedy of David Prosser

Recusal ruling adds to his image as the symbol of a dysfunctional Supreme Court.

Murphy’s Law: Did Bucks Investors Pay Off Walker?
Murphy’s Law

Did Bucks Investors Pay Off Walker?

One publication says yes. But most donors to his presidential campaign are secret.

Murphy’s Law: Is Abele Dumping the Marcus Center?
Murphy’s Law

Is Abele Dumping the Marcus Center?

Its takeover by new “Super District” running Bucks arena looks fishy.

Back in the News: Residency Rule Upheld But For How Long?
Back in the News

Residency Rule Upheld But For How Long?

Appeals court overturns law killing city residency rule. State high court may review decision.

Murphy’s Law: Cost for Taxpayers In Latest Bucks Deal?
Murphy’s Law

Cost for Taxpayers In Latest Bucks Deal?

Bucks gave ground. But it’s still a huge bite for taxpayers.

Murphy’s Law: Why Crooks Opposed Court’s John Doe Ruling
Murphy’s Law

Why Crooks Opposed Court’s John Doe Ruling

He votes 90% of time with conservatives, but blasted Gableman’s majority opinion.

Murphy’s Law: Who is Scott Walker?
Murphy’s Law

Who is Scott Walker?

The real, profusely documented story of the man who would be president.

Murphy’s Law: Why Bucks’ Entertainment District May Fail
Murphy’s Law

Why Bucks’ Entertainment District May Fail

Across the country these mega-projects have hurt cities with generic development that banishes local charm.

Murphy’s Law: The Attack on Government Pensions
Murphy’s Law

The Attack on Government Pensions

The most shocking budget provision was a little-understood change in the pension system which lays bare the Republicans’ goals.

Back in the News: Walker Admits Role in Curbing Open Records
Back in the News

Walker Admits Role in Curbing Open Records

Fitzgerald says governor involved and Walker’s office admits his role. Legislative drafting notes hid the authors.

Murphy’s Law: Abele Bids to Be King?
Murphy’s Law

Abele Bids to Be King?

Proposal increasing county exec’s authority is a naked power grab with no public discussion or hearings and dangerously unforeseen consequences.

Murphy’s Law: Who’s To Blame for Bus Strike?
Murphy’s Law

Who’s To Blame for Bus Strike?

The union? Chris Abele? John Weishan? Scott Walker? A frank assessment.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin’s Rotten Return on Federal Taxes Paid
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin’s Rotten Return on Federal Taxes Paid

New report shows we’re the fourth worst state in federal spending received. Walker’s policies don’t help.

Blast From the Past: Bailing Out the Bucks Is Old News
Blast From the Past

Bailing Out the Bucks Is Old News

Back in 2001, Bruce Murphy reported on the Greater Milwaukee Committee's plan to subsidize the Bucks.

Back in the News: More Staff Changes at Journal Sentinel
Back in the News

More Staff Changes at Journal Sentinel

Some being let go, but a big name reportedly hired: Biz Times Editor Steve Jagler set to join the JS.

Murphy’s Law: The Incredible Rise of CEO Pay
Murphy’s Law

The Incredible Rise of CEO Pay

Their pay has risen 997% since 1978, driving the wealth gap nationally and in Wisconsin.

Murphy’s Law: The Strange Politics of Anti-Streetcar-ites
Murphy’s Law

The Strange Politics of Anti-Streetcar-ites

So when is that referendum coming, and where are those aldermanic opponents?

Murphy’s Law: Was Act 10 Necessary?
Murphy’s Law

Was Act 10 Necessary?

New analysis by bipartisan expert on good government explodes the myths about Walker’s signature achievement.

Murphy’s Law: How Abele Bailed Out Walker
Murphy’s Law

How Abele Bailed Out Walker

Governor made fatal error on Bucks arena, but Abele volunteered county taxpayers to solve the problem.

Murphy’s Law: Michael Grebe, Stealth Warrior
Murphy’s Law

Michael Grebe, Stealth Warrior

Is the Bradley Foundation CEO the real thinker behind Scott Walker’s policies?

Back in the News: Walker Approach To Jobs Growth Failing?
Back in the News

Walker Approach To Jobs Growth Failing?

National story for Reuters contrasts Wisconsin's Douglas County with next door Minnesota county, which is doing much better.

Murphy’s Law: Abele Plan for Bucks Arena Won’t Work
Murphy’s Law

Abele Plan for Bucks Arena Won’t Work

The county has nowhere near $4 million in annual debt for state to collect -- and Abele may lack the power to deliver it.

Murphy’s Law: Walker Bets on the Radical Right
Murphy’s Law

Walker Bets on the Radical Right

He plans to beat Bush and Rubio from the far right. But his success could make him unelectable in the general election.

Back in the News: Bucks Bailout Gets Even Bigger
Back in the News

Bucks Bailout Gets Even Bigger

And the proportion paid by local taxpayers keeps rising, which the Journal Sentinel still doesn't report.

Murphy’s Law: Arena Plan is Massive Tax Shift to Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

Arena Plan is Massive Tax Shift to Milwaukee

County taxpayers will pay far more than predicted, as state legislators back away from the deal.

Murphy’s Law: Why Russ Could Beat Rojo
Murphy’s Law

Why Russ Could Beat Rojo

As the polls suggest, Johnson hasn't really tried to connect with voters. That could be fatal.

Race for State Democratic Chair Gets Muddier

Race for State Democratic Chair Gets Muddier

Bruce Murphy adds an update to his story on mudslinging in the race for party chair.

Murphy’s Law: Race for Democratic Chair Gets Dirty
Murphy’s Law

Race for Democratic Chair Gets Dirty

Some mudslinging at the candidates may stick to Democratic insider and consultant Thad Nation. This story was updated at 6:30 p.m., May 26.

Murphy’s Law: We Must Imitate Other Cities
Murphy’s Law

We Must Imitate Other Cities

New study says we must build a Bucks arena and bigger convention center. But its data actually tells a much different story.

Murphy’s Law: The Disappearance of Dan Bice
Murphy’s Law

The Disappearance of Dan Bice

 The state’s top political reporter has disappeared. Is the Journal Sentinel killing his column?

Murphy’s Law: Gas Tax Insanity
Murphy’s Law

Gas Tax Insanity

Bipartisan opposition to the gas tax is causing potholes and rising car repair bills, and hurting the state economy.

Murphy’s Law: Lady MacBeth of the Supreme Court
Murphy’s Law

Lady MacBeth of the Supreme Court

Pat Roggensack has shamed herself and the high court in the ugly way she’s handled her elevation to chief justice.

Back in the News: How Chisholm Is Reducing Black Imprisonment
Back in the News

How Chisholm Is Reducing Black Imprisonment

A New Yorker story portrays the Milwaukee DA as a super-hero of reform. Hm. Is that true?

Murphy’s Law: MMAC Plays Hardball on Bucks Arena
Murphy’s Law

MMAC Plays Hardball on Bucks Arena

A misleading poll, pressure on legislators and more misinformation are all used to sell the NBA arena.

Murphy’s Law: Does Milwaukee Run a Debtor’s Prison?
Murphy’s Law

Does Milwaukee Run a Debtor’s Prison?

Study finds Milwaukee Municipal Court jails thousands of poor people for failing to pay fines. Why?

Murphy’s Law: What Makes Scott Walker Run?
Murphy’s Law

What Makes Scott Walker Run?

A recent story about his upbringing may shine a sad -- and revealing -- light on Walker’s personality and political views.

Murphy’s Law: State Bucks Arena Plan Fleeces Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

State Bucks Arena Plan Fleeces Milwaukee

Proposed sports district gives all legal protection to the state and sticks it to Milwaukee, both financially and politically.

Back in the News: Walker Gets Backed by Koch Brothers?
Back in the News

Walker Gets Backed by Koch Brothers?

David Koch says he prefers Walker to other Republicans, NYT and New York Observer report.

Murphy’s Law: Why Businesses Are Moving To The City
Murphy’s Law

Why Businesses Are Moving To The City

Many are moving from suburbs to Downtown and Walker's Point, seeking younger workers.

Murphy’s Law: Shirley Abrahamson Against the World
Murphy’s Law

Shirley Abrahamson Against the World

Chief Justice’s fight against a constitutional change to demote her is a minor issue. So why such a juicy battle involving so many conservatives?

Murphy’s Law: The Secret Tax Subsidy Society
Murphy’s Law

The Secret Tax Subsidy Society

Republicans and Democrats conspire to create stealth taxes to fund the NBA arena. Will they succeed?

Murphy’s Law: Too Pure for Pork
Murphy’s Law

Too Pure for Pork

Gov. Walker is a latest of state politicians from both parties who have an aversion to federal funds.

Murphy’s Law: Scott Walker, The Anti-Jeb
Murphy’s Law

Scott Walker, The Anti-Jeb

In just a few months, Gov. Walker has become the leading alternative to Jeb Bush.

Murphy’s Law: John Doe Supported by Many Republicans
Murphy’s Law

John Doe Supported by Many Republicans

Supreme Court candidate James Daley was among many GOP judges and prosecutors involved in alleged "partisan witch hunt."

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin’s Shrinking Middle Class
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin’s Shrinking Middle Class

No state has seen a bigger decline in the percent of middle class households than Wisconsin, new data shows.

Murphy’s Law: Can Daley Beat Bradley for Supreme Court?
Murphy’s Law

Can Daley Beat Bradley for Supreme Court?

Challenger could get lots of right-wing money, but that may not be enough in this case.

Back in the News: Did Menard Buy Protection From Walker?
Back in the News

Did Menard Buy Protection From Walker?

Billionaire business man and frequent environmental violator gave $1.5 million in dark money to governor.

Murphy’s Law: Should City/County Donate More to NBA Arena?
Murphy’s Law

Should City/County Donate More to NBA Arena?

Actually, local taxpayers will be donating $450 million. But the press won’t report the details.

Murphy’s Law: Is Milwaukee Becoming Gentrified?
Murphy’s Law

Is Milwaukee Becoming Gentrified?

Analysis of big cities shows Portland is most gentrified, with cities like Milwaukee also changing, but more slowly.

Murphy’s Law: A Whole New Class of Poor People?
Murphy’s Law

A Whole New Class of Poor People?

Walker plan to quietly slash Food Stamps for 62,000 people will cost state $58 million to lose $92 million in federal funding.

Murphy’s Law: The Quick-Law Governor
Murphy’s Law

The Quick-Law Governor

Countless sweeping changes have been proposed almost overnight, with no study, no rationale and no known author.

Murphy’s Law: Bucks Owners Must Build Without Subsidy
Murphy’s Law

Bucks Owners Must Build Without Subsidy

Unique financial situation of Bucks owners suggests they may have to build a new arena, even with no taxpayer support.

Back in the News: Anti-Streetcar Petition Drive Fails
Back in the News

Anti-Streetcar Petition Drive Fails

Streetcar opponents failed to get enough signatures in 60 days; now say they’ll relaunch drive in May.

Back in the News: Dale Schultz’s Last Hurrah
Back in the News

Dale Schultz’s Last Hurrah

The retired Republican lawmaker dumps on his party and explains how Walker snookered him on Act 10.

Murphy’s Law: Is Walker Crazy Like a Fox?
Murphy’s Law

Is Walker Crazy Like a Fox?

His campaign for president seems ridiculous. So why is he rising in the polls?

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Jumps on Sinking Ship
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Jumps on Sinking Ship

Prospectus shows all 13 newspapers the new Journal company absorbs are losing money.

Murphy’s Law: Hey, Let’s Drug Test Food Stamp Recipients
Murphy’s Law

Hey, Let’s Drug Test Food Stamp Recipients

Walker and Vos love the idea. So what will it cost and what will it accomplish?

Murphy’s Law: Supreme Court Justices for Sale
Murphy’s Law

Supreme Court Justices for Sale

There may be no supreme court in America that’s more corrupted by conflicts of interest.

Back in the News: Walker’s UW Cuts Get National Press
Back in the News

Walker’s UW Cuts Get National Press

It’s probably helping his presidential run, but also raising questions about Walker as a person.

Murphy’s Law: The County Board’s Anti-Environmental Boondoggle
Murphy’s Law

The County Board’s Anti-Environmental Boondoggle

Its Estabrook Dam decision will cost taxpayers millions and harm environment.

Murphy’s Law: How Could Walker Refuse Incredible Deal?
Murphy’s Law

How Could Walker Refuse Incredible Deal?

Kenosha casino would pay entire taxpayer bill for NBA arena and up to $275 million for any (unlikely) litigation costs. And Walker says no?

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Had to Cut UW Funding
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Had to Cut UW Funding

His presidential ambitions left him with no other option.

Back In The News: Is Paul Ryan Becoming a Moderate?
Back In The News

Is Paul Ryan Becoming a Moderate?

Yet another “new” Ryan, this time ready to make bargains with Obama.

Murphy’s Law: Who is “Lobbying” For the Streetcar?
Murphy’s Law

Who is “Lobbying” For the Streetcar?

Money is being spent and wild rumors are flying. So what’s the truth?

Murphy’s Law: Will County Pass Another Pension Giveaway?
Murphy’s Law

Will County Pass Another Pension Giveaway?

Board members favor a “grandfather clause” protecting retirees with illegal payments that could cost taxpayers $10 million.

Back in the News: City Attorney Says Streetcar Petitions Might be Moot
Back in the News

City Attorney Says Streetcar Petitions Might be Moot

Legal opinion says Common Council approval of streetcar in July 2011 might make petition drive demanding a referendum irrelevant.

Murphy’s Law: Does “Broken Windows” Theory Hurt Milwaukee?
Murphy’s Law

Does “Broken Windows” Theory Hurt Milwaukee?

Police Chief Ed Flynn is one of the foremost practitioners of aggressive policing getting national criticism.

Back in the News: MMSD Settles With Boston Store
Back in the News

MMSD Settles With Boston Store

Suit posed question: is Deep Tunnel depleting water table and causing downtown buildings to sink?

Murphy’s Law: How Walker’s Presidential Bid Hurts Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

How Walker’s Presidential Bid Hurts Wisconsin

On a wide range of policies, Walker may be serving his career more than his constituents

Murphy’s Law: Koch-Funded Group Backs Anti-Streetcar Drive
Murphy’s Law

Koch-Funded Group Backs Anti-Streetcar Drive

Americans for Prosperity has provided paid staff for petition drive, its state director says.

Murphy’s Law: Who Is Funding the Anti-Streetcar Effort?
Murphy’s Law

Who Is Funding the Anti-Streetcar Effort?

Ald. Bauman and others are certain that dark money is pouring in for this, which streetcar opponents deny.

Back in the News: National Media Jumps on “College Dropout” Walker
Back in the News

National Media Jumps on “College Dropout” Walker

Walker’s presidential run brings on stories about the hole in his resume.

Murphy’s Law: Does Milwaukee Need an Aerotropolis?
Murphy’s Law

Does Milwaukee Need an Aerotropolis?

Many cities have embraced concept of airport centered growth. Is Milwaukee falling behind?

Murphy’s Law: The Property Tax Scam for Brewers, Bucks
Murphy’s Law

The Property Tax Scam for Brewers, Bucks

Odds are, the Bucks arena will get many secret tax subsidies, as Miller Park does.

Murphy’s Law: Will Anti-Streetcar Referendum Succeed?
Murphy’s Law

Will Anti-Streetcar Referendum Succeed?

The process is far more complicated legally than has been reported. Which will make it harder for opponents.

Media: State Is a Leader in Women Workers

State Is a Leader in Women Workers

New York Times analysis shows Wisconsin is one of the leading states in the percent of women working.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee’s Miraculous Water Hub
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee’s Miraculous Water Hub

Almost overnight, the city has become an international leader in water technology, says the national media. Are they right?

Media: How Wisconsin Punishes the Poor

How Wisconsin Punishes the Poor

National Public Radio reports how poor people who can’t pay fines lose their drivers licenses.

Murphy’s Law: Scott Walker, Master of Deception
Murphy’s Law

Scott Walker, Master of Deception

Whenever the governor insists a policy is “not a priority,” you can probably assume the contrary.

Back in the News: Chisholm Decision Triggers Controversy
Back in the News

Chisholm Decision Triggers Controversy

DA decides not to charge officer who killed mentally ill man, leaving community divided over issue.

Avalon Theater’s Grand Opening is a Winner

Avalon Theater’s Grand Opening is a Winner

Barrett salutes the theater’s and Bay View’s redevelopment, but is upstaged by the facility’s lovely redesign.

Murphy’s Law: Foundation Helps Herb Kohl Get $20 Million Windfall
Murphy’s Law

Foundation Helps Herb Kohl Get $20 Million Windfall

His “$100 million gift” to Greater Milwaukee Foundation will gain him huge tax break for supporting new NBA arena.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Battle Against Birth Control
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Battle Against Birth Control

State audit that could shut down family planning clinics may be latest of his anti-contraception efforts.

Back in the News: We Hate You Steve Smith
Back in the News

We Hate You Steve Smith

No, reporters at the Journal Sentinel are not happy about all the layoffs. And they clearly blame the company’s CEO.

Murphy’s Law: Will Journal Sentinel Become a Right-Wing Paper?
Murphy’s Law

Will Journal Sentinel Become a Right-Wing Paper?

Marty Kaiser’s retirement and replacement by managing editor George Stanley will likely mean a more conservative paper.

Murphy’s Law: America’s Newest Hero, David Clarke
Murphy’s Law

America’s Newest Hero, David Clarke

He’s in the news everywhere and conservatives are falling all over themselves in adulation.

Murphy’s Law: The Bizarre Politics of Ald. Tony Zielinski
Murphy’s Law

The Bizarre Politics of Ald. Tony Zielinski

Once a hard core conservative, he’s now a Bay View liberal. Except when opposing things like the streetcar.

Murphy’s Law: How Will NBA Arena Benefit the City?
Murphy’s Law

How Will NBA Arena Benefit the City?

NBA Commissioner Adam Silver promises a new arena will launch a Downtown renewal. Is he right?

GMC Wins $725,000 Grant to Help City

GMC Wins $725,000 Grant to Help City

Kresge Foundation grant would help build city's Artery trail and revive depressed Harambee neighborhood.

Murphy’s Law: Is O’Donnell Purchase a Sweetheart Deal?
Murphy’s Law

Is O’Donnell Purchase a Sweetheart Deal?

Northwestern Mutual won’t sign full deed restriction for county deal, leaving it free to develop a high-rise development on lakefront land.

Grand Opening of Avalon Theater Announced

Grand Opening of Avalon Theater Announced

Refurbished, 1929, Spanish-Moorish theater reopens December 18 with The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies.

Murphy’s Law: How Does Wisconsin Rank in LGBT Friendliness?
Murphy’s Law

How Does Wisconsin Rank in LGBT Friendliness?

Our two biggest cities and many top companies rank high in studies, but state schools rank low, as does Kohl’s Corp.

Murphy’s Law: The Economic Madness of Robin Vos
Murphy’s Law

The Economic Madness of Robin Vos

His stance on “prioritizing” research could hurt our universities and the state economy.

Murphy’s Law: Let Us Now Blame Mike Tate
Murphy’s Law

Let Us Now Blame Mike Tate

Hatred for the state Democratic Chair is flowing. But is he at fault for the election debacle or was the party’s message lacking?

Back in the News: The Ed Flynn Factor
Back in the News

The Ed Flynn Factor

Politico Magazine concludes Milwaukee is an innovator in policing. Why? Chief Flynn’s leadership.

Murphy’s Law: The Legacy of Annette Polly Williams
Murphy’s Law

The Legacy of Annette Polly Williams

The author of school choice later became its opponent. Williams was controversial -- and misunderstood -- right to the end.

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Hate Kevin Kennedy
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Hate Kevin Kennedy

The GAB director is an “embarrassment,” Assembly Speaker Robin Vos says. Embarrassing to who?

Murphy’s Law: Why Burke’s Loss Was Inevitable
Murphy’s Law

Why Burke’s Loss Was Inevitable

Burke's impact as a candidate was so negligible that Walker was almost running against himself. He had to hope the Walker lovers outnumbered his haters.

The Press: MPS Board President Demands Reporter Be Replaced
The Press

MPS Board President Demands Reporter Be Replaced

Bonds demands Erin Richards get pulled from MPS beat, Journal Sentinel refuses, and whole thing descends into a bizarre comedy.

The Six Wives of Edo de Waart

The Six Wives of Edo de Waart

Our classic story on the man who may be the most married conductor in musical history.

Murphy’s Law: The Tragedy of O’Donnell Park
Murphy’s Law

The Tragedy of O’Donnell Park

The proposed sale to NML suggests the city has yet to learn from its folly in building this eyesore.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin, the Land of Diversity?
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin, the Land of Diversity?

Turns out we beat most states in the percent of women and minorities elected. Who knew?

Feature Story: The Battle Between Walker and Burke
Feature Story

The Battle Between Walker and Burke

They are two wildly different personalities with quite different agendas. A frank look at both candidates for governor.

Murphy’s Law: Dispute Over Bucks Arena Goes National
Murphy’s Law

Dispute Over Bucks Arena Goes National

New York Times dumps on Milwaukee business leaders, and city becoming divided on issue.

Murphy’s Law: Walker Won Second Debate
Murphy’s Law

Walker Won Second Debate

But neither candidate can close the sale in election. Why?

Back in the News: More Journal Sentinel Buyouts
Back in the News

More Journal Sentinel Buyouts

At least a dozen more journalists are being let go. And insiders expect some editors will be added to list.

Murphy’s Law: The Decline of ALEC
Murphy’s Law

The Decline of ALEC

The right-wing American Legislative Exchange Council, long a big influence on state legislatures and Wisconsin, is bleeding business support.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Curious Debate Strategy
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Curious Debate Strategy

His strategy was to “largely ignore” Burke. That may have been a mistake.

Murphy’s Law: 10 Reasons To Build Bucks Arena on Wisconsin Ave.
Murphy’s Law

10 Reasons To Build Bucks Arena on Wisconsin Ave.

Building the new arena where Boston Store is located could have huge advantages for the team and the city.

Murphy’s Law: The Lt. Governor Nobody Wanted
Murphy’s Law

The Lt. Governor Nobody Wanted

Few on Scott Walker’s team wanted Rebecca Kleefish to win or had any respect for her. Yet she could be the next governor.

Murphy’s Law: The Massive Gender Gap in Gov’s Race
Murphy’s Law

The Massive Gender Gap in Gov’s Race

Walker does terrible with women. But Burke does far worse with men. Why?

Murphy’s Law: Another Newspaper Attack on Chief Flynn
Murphy’s Law

Another Newspaper Attack on Chief Flynn

Has the Journal Sentinel renewed its war against the police chief or was its Sunday story simply botched reporting?

Murphy’s Law: The Inevitable Decline of the Journal Sentinel
Murphy’s Law

The Inevitable Decline of the Journal Sentinel

The newspaper has unique strengths, but will that be enough to stop it from going out of print?

Murphy’s Law: Will Joe Davis Run For Mayor?
Murphy’s Law

Will Joe Davis Run For Mayor?

He probably has a better chance of beating Barrett than Bob Donovan. But what exactly does Davis stand for?

Murphy’s Law: The Unbearable Loudness of Harley Hogs
Murphy’s Law

The Unbearable Loudness of Harley Hogs

Why are they allowed to violate noise ordinances? No one seems to know.

Murphy’s Law: Will Republicans Support a Bucks Bailout?
Murphy’s Law

Will Republicans Support a Bucks Bailout?

It can’t get done without GOP legislators, but they have deeply felt reasons for opposing any deal.

Back in the News: Potawatomi Plays Hardball
Back in the News

Potawatomi Plays Hardball

Gov. Walker delayed decision on Kenosha casino, so tribe is delaying $25 million payment owed to state.

Murphy’s Law: Is Walker Guilty — Or the Law Meaningless?
Murphy’s Law

Is Walker Guilty — Or the Law Meaningless?

After the latest Doe document dump, no other conclusion is possible.

The Gathering at Fondy Farm

The Gathering at Fondy Farm

Sunday’s fundraiser for the Fondy Farmer’s Market was a memorable salute to local food.

News From Elsewhere: Is Milwaukee One of the World’s Greenest Cities?
News From Elsewhere

Is Milwaukee One of the World’s Greenest Cities?

So says OnEarth magazine. Is it right?

Murphy’s Law: Why Bob Donovan Can’t Beat Barrett
Murphy’s Law

Why Bob Donovan Can’t Beat Barrett

No alderman will back him. Why he’s so disliked -- and so certain to lose.

Back in the News: Clarke Blasts Abele, Bloomberg
Back in the News

Clarke Blasts Abele, Bloomberg

His rock was talk radio, he writes in Washington Times.

Murphy’s Law: The Remarkable Clout of Sheriff Clarke
Murphy’s Law

The Remarkable Clout of Sheriff Clarke

A stunning election increases his power. What does it mean for Milwaukee?

Back in the News: Why Steve Smith Sold the Journal Sentinel
Back in the News

Why Steve Smith Sold the Journal Sentinel

Did debt -- and Smith’s broadcast purchases -- force sale of newspaper?

Murphy’s Law: Handicapping the Democratic Race for Attorney General
Murphy’s Law

Handicapping the Democratic Race for Attorney General

Jon Richards is the favorite. But is he the best choice?

Murphy’s Law: Is David Clarke “Sheriff Spends a Lot”?
Murphy’s Law

Is David Clarke “Sheriff Spends a Lot”?

Attack ads blast Clarke. Another targets “dysfunctional” Marina Dimitrijevic. Who’s buying all these nasty ads?

Murphy’s Law: How Buyout Could Hurt the Journal Sentinel
Murphy’s Law

How Buyout Could Hurt the Journal Sentinel

10 ways the deal will impact the newspaper, the media world and this city.

Murphy’s Law: Has School Choice Led to Less Arts Funding?
Murphy’s Law

Has School Choice Led to Less Arts Funding?

Donations to arts groups have plummeted while giving to education has soared. Why?

Back In The News: Media Thrilled, Donovan Will Run for Mayor!
Back In The News

Media Thrilled, Donovan Will Run for Mayor!

Colorful, combative foe of Mayor Barrett will oppose him in 2016, which means far more fun for reporters covering the race.

Back in the News: “Controversy” Over Swing Park?
Back in the News

“Controversy” Over Swing Park?

Architect blasts city for altering her design. Are her complaints valid?

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker’s Liberal Campaign Tactics?
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker’s Liberal Campaign Tactics?

His ads target Burke for not being liberal enough. Is he desperate -- or crazy like a fox?

Murphy’s Law: The Sheer Ambition of Marina Dimitrijevic
Murphy’s Law

The Sheer Ambition of Marina Dimitrijevic

She’s running for assembly but wanted to continue as county supervisor and collect two full-time salaries.

Murphy’s Law: Does Milwaukee Have Too Many Non-Profits?
Murphy’s Law

Does Milwaukee Have Too Many Non-Profits?

Yes, says new report. But there’s reason to doubt its conclusions.

Back in the News: Why Mary Nohl Home Must Be Moved
Back in the News

Why Mary Nohl Home Must Be Moved

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel picks up on the controversy, but the story and its handling is rather bizarre.

Murphy’s Law: A Tale of Two Cities
Murphy’s Law

A Tale of Two Cities

New city report reveals huge split between Milwaukee’s desperate poverty and wonderful amenities, neighborhoods. What are its solutions?

Back in the News: Will Uber Bring Cheaper Rides?
Back in the News

Will Uber Bring Cheaper Rides?

As ride sharing service slashes rates, Milwaukee Common Council mulls changes in rules.

Murphy’s Law: County Board Goes Crazy Over Referendums
Murphy’s Law

County Board Goes Crazy Over Referendums

Board wants to put 4 advisory referendum questions on the ballot, at a cost of more than $100,000. Why?

Murphy’s Law: The Cheap Schools Solution
Murphy’s Law

The Cheap Schools Solution

Wisconsin’s spending on education has dropped drastically. Long-term, that could be a big problem.

Murphy’s Law: How UWM Deal Will Affect the Bucks
Murphy’s Law

How UWM Deal Will Affect the Bucks

UWM’s naming rights for old U.S. Cellular Arena could change where new NBA arena is built -- and what happens to Bradley Center.

Murphy’s Law: How Republicans Cause Voter Fraud
Murphy’s Law

How Republicans Cause Voter Fraud

False claims of rampant voter fraud by GOP and talk radio prompt their followers to vote illegally.

Murphy’s Law: “We Have Criminals Shooting Criminals!”
Murphy’s Law

“We Have Criminals Shooting Criminals!”

And bystanders getting shot. Chief Flynn calls on legislators to get tougher on felons with guns.

Murphy’s Law: How Conservatives Screwed Walker
Murphy’s Law

How Conservatives Screwed Walker

They supported releasing damaging Doe documents because they have bigger goals than Walker’s reelection.

Back in the News: National Media Crucify Walker
Back in the News

National Media Crucify Walker

Even the conservative press jump all over the charge that Gov. Walker was at center of a criminal conspiracy.

Murphy’s Law: Walker, Sykes and Belling
Murphy’s Law

Walker, Sykes and Belling

The New Republic feature story on Scott Walker and talk radio is juicy stuff. But is it true?

Murphy’s Law: Four Ways to Slash Carbon Emissions
Murphy’s Law

Four Ways to Slash Carbon Emissions

The EPA requirement that Wisconsin cut carbon emissions could be easily met, through these four approaches.

Murphy’s Law: The Remarkable Impact of the Deep Tunnel
Murphy’s Law

The Remarkable Impact of the Deep Tunnel

Once widely maligned, the project was the key to transforming the Milwaukee River.

Murphy’s Law: John Chisholm Crushes Sheriff Clarke
Murphy’s Law

John Chisholm Crushes Sheriff Clarke

The sheriff takes some pot shots at DA, only to get mowed down, in an entertaining -- and very revealing -- exchange.

Murphy’s Law: Lessons from the Public Market
Murphy’s Law

Lessons from the Public Market

Could its success provide a model for the Grand Avenue Mall?

Murphy’s Law: Climate Change and Lake Michigan
Murphy’s Law

Climate Change and Lake Michigan

A recent scientific conference detailed all the problems -- and got no coverage from the Journal Sentinel.

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Has Split With Conservatives
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Has Split With Conservatives

He’s at odds with the right-wing and Wall Street Journal over John Doe probe. But why?

The Last Train from Talgo

The Last Train from Talgo

Talgo moved its last trains from Milwaukee last night, ending this city’s dream of becoming a hub for state-of-the-art rail transit.

Murphy’s Law: Why Millennials Love Cities
Murphy’s Law

Why Millennials Love Cities

There are many reasons, but a key one may be their crushing student debt loads.

Murphy’s Law: Who’s To Blame For Yet Another Pension Giveaway?
Murphy’s Law

Who’s To Blame For Yet Another Pension Giveaway?

Abele wants some 200 retirees to stop getting illegal pension benefits, but board members are outraged.

Back in the News: JS Critic Likes New Art Museum Addition
Back in the News

JS Critic Likes New Art Museum Addition

Schumacher gives it thumbs up but big issues remain.

Murphy’s Law: Four Plans to Save the Bucks
Murphy’s Law

Four Plans to Save the Bucks

But can any of the plans create the new NBA arena they need?

Murphy’s Law: The Underwater City
Murphy’s Law

The Underwater City

New study ranks Milwaukee as 16th hardest hit city, with 40% of homes underwater. But that may understate the problem.

Murphy’s Law: Attorneys Rush to Chisholm’s Defense
Murphy’s Law

Attorneys Rush to Chisholm’s Defense

Worried about possible recall, they plan fundraiser for the DA. But will it help him?

Back in the News: Art Museum Drops Design, Re-Hires Shields
Back in the News

Art Museum Drops Design, Re-Hires Shields

In a remarkable turnabout, the Milwaukee Art Museum scraps its controversial design and brings back the city's leading museum architect.

Murphy’s Law: State PSC Gives Huge Giveaway to Businesses
Murphy’s Law

State PSC Gives Huge Giveaway to Businesses

Electric ratepayers in one-half of the state will subsidize downtown Milwaukee businesses.

Back in the News: Newspaper Critic Says Don’t Build Art Museum Addition
Back in the News

Newspaper Critic Says Don’t Build Art Museum Addition

Schumacher, Journal Sentinel critic, calls Milwaukee Art Museum’s design a “dose of dullness.”

Murphy’s Law: Voter Fraud Issue Gets Its Day in Court
Murphy’s Law

Voter Fraud Issue Gets Its Day in Court

The federal court gave the state a chance to show voter fraud was rampant. So what did they prove?

Back in the News: Another Journal Sentinel Purge
Back in the News

Another Journal Sentinel Purge

Veteran county reporter Steve Schultze is among those who may leave.

Murphy’s Law: Scott Walker’s Health Care Dilemma
Murphy’s Law

Scott Walker’s Health Care Dilemma

His rejection of federal Medicaid dollars either costs Wisconsin lots of money or lots of lives.

Murphy’s Law: 10 Key Issues in NBA Arena Debate
Murphy’s Law

10 Key Issues in NBA Arena Debate

Will the new owners get tax support? It all depends on these ten issues.

Murphy’s Law: Let Them Take Taxis…or Uber or Lyft
Murphy’s Law

Let Them Take Taxis…or Uber or Lyft

City may lift cap on cabs and embrace upstart ride sharing services. There will be rides for everyone!

Back in the News: More Evidence John Doe is Bipartisan
Back in the News

More Evidence John Doe is Bipartisan

Court filings release more information showing investigation of Walker and conservative groups is not partisan.

Murphy’s Law: Why Moderates Are Extinct
Murphy’s Law

Why Moderates Are Extinct

The retirement of Petri, Ellis and Cullen suggests neither party has room for moderates.

Murphy’s Law: Why the Milwaukee Art Museum Changed Its Design
Murphy’s Law

Why the Milwaukee Art Museum Changed Its Design

Museum staff wanted more gallery space, even if it meant ruining Jim Shields design for the new addition.

Back in the News: Michigan May Get Talgo Trains
Back in the News

Michigan May Get Talgo Trains

Trains still in storage in Milwaukee could go to high speed line in Michigan -- if the Talgo lawsuit against Wisconsin is ever settled.

Murphy’s Law: The Extraordinary Fiscal Liberalism of David Clarke
Murphy’s Law

The Extraordinary Fiscal Liberalism of David Clarke

It’s difficult to find anyone who increases his budget faster than Sheriff Clarke.

Murphy’s Law: Top Architect Quit Project for Museum Addition
Murphy’s Law

Top Architect Quit Project for Museum Addition

Architect Jim Shields had falling out with Milwaukee Art Museum; new addition was designed by committee, not Shields.

Murphy’s Law: Will Waukesha Be Less Hostile to Milwaukee?
Murphy’s Law

Will Waukesha Be Less Hostile to Milwaukee?

Defeat of Mayor Jeff Scrima could mean better relations between the two cities.

Murphy’s Law: Why UWM Matters
Murphy’s Law

Why UWM Matters

It could be the key to transforming Wisconsin’s economy, but state leaders don’t seem to realize it.

Murphy’s Law: New Study Shows Milwaukee’s Income Inequality
Murphy’s Law

New Study Shows Milwaukee’s Income Inequality

Research shows huge and probably growing gap between high and low incomes in Milwaukee County.

Murphy’s Law: Dan Bice’s Role in the John Doe
Murphy’s Law

Dan Bice’s Role in the John Doe

What did he know, when did he know it, and how has he affected the probe of Scott Walker?

Murphy’s Law: The New Paul Ryan
Murphy’s Law

The New Paul Ryan

In his efforts to separate himself from Mitt Romney, Ryan has provided some scary insights into his politics.

Murphy’s Law: Who Is Mary Burke?
Murphy’s Law

Who Is Mary Burke?

After meeting and interviewing her, I still find Burke something of an enigma.

Murphy’s Law: The Republican Voter Suppression Bill
Murphy’s Law

The Republican Voter Suppression Bill

Cities already have less turnout and lower percent of early voters than rest of state, but bill will cut that even more.

Obituary: The Troubled Legacy of Tom Ament

The Troubled Legacy of Tom Ament

Former county exec’s lucrative pension plan caused scandal, transformed Milwaukee politics, and led way for Scott Walker.

Murphy’s Law: Everybody Wants to Drive A Cab
Murphy’s Law

Everybody Wants to Drive A Cab

The city has 1,706 applications for 100 cab licenses. Milwaukee is suddenly becoming far more cab-friendly.

Murphy’s Law: Why Didn’t Chisholm Go After Democrats?
Murphy’s Law

Why Didn’t Chisholm Go After Democrats?

Republicans say the John Doe probe proves bias. So does the federal suit against DA. Are they right?

Murphy’s Law: The Long Arms of Uber
Murphy’s Law

The Long Arms of Uber

The upstart ride service company could replace cab companies across the globe, some predict. How will it change our city?

Back in the News: Private Email System Built in 2002 for Walker Staff?
Back in the News

Private Email System Built in 2002 for Walker Staff?

County’s human resources assistant director tells State Journal Walker’s staff installed system in 2002.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Sweet Revenge Against John Doe Prosecutors
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Sweet Revenge Against John Doe Prosecutors

Walker’s office gets to choose the attorneys defending John Chisholm and company from a federal suit.

Murphy’s Law: Did Gov. Walker Have a Secret Email System?
Murphy’s Law

Did Gov. Walker Have a Secret Email System?

A Walker administration insider says some staff used private emails and personal laptops in the office.

Murphy’s Law: Why Did Thornton Leave?
Murphy’s Law

Why Did Thornton Leave?

The loss of MPS superintendent raises troubling questions about public education in Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Why Southridge Doesn’t Want Your Business
Murphy’s Law

Why Southridge Doesn’t Want Your Business

Its owner, Simon Property, has a history of relocating bus stops and discouraging certain kinds of customers.

Murphy’s Law: The Wrath of Eric O’Keefe
Murphy’s Law

The Wrath of Eric O’Keefe

He’s under investigation in John Doe II but turning the tables on the District Attorney and making him sweat.

Murphy’s Law: Stealth Investors Target City’s Foreclosed Homes
Murphy’s Law

Stealth Investors Target City’s Foreclosed Homes

Somebody wants to buy all of Milwaukee’s foreclosed homes. Should we be glad -- or worried?

Murphy’s Law: Recall Effort Targets John Chisholm
Murphy’s Law

Recall Effort Targets John Chisholm

DA targeted by right wingers outraged by John Doe and liberal blacks angered by suspects killed in custody.

Murphy’s Law: John Doe II Is Anything But Partisan
Murphy’s Law

John Doe II Is Anything But Partisan

Scott Walker’s defenders call the probe a partisan witch hunt. But newly released court documents say otherwise.

Murphy’s Law: County Officials Delay Solving Bus System’s Woes
Murphy’s Law

County Officials Delay Solving Bus System’s Woes

Contractor chosen would save taxpayers $15 million a year. So why the delay?

Murphy’s Law: Can City Save Boston Store?
Murphy’s Law

Can City Save Boston Store?

City subsidy will keep declining store open, but leaves controversial questions about its downtown strategy.

Back in the News: Will Walker Change State’s School Standards?
Back in the News

Will Walker Change State’s School Standards?

Once again, Walker threatens to replace Common Core standards. Is he bluffing?

Murphy’s Law: The War Against Wind
Murphy’s Law

The War Against Wind

Wind power is booming in surrounding states but declining in Wisconsin. Why?

Murphy’s Law: Will Taxicab Issue Ever Be Settled?
Murphy’s Law

Will Taxicab Issue Ever Be Settled?

City Attorney’s legal opinion helps clarify things, but it’s still a contentious issue.

Murphy’s Law: Democratic Wedge Issues
Murphy’s Law

Democratic Wedge Issues

Republicans are out of step on issues like same sex marriage and medical marijuana.

Murphy’s Law: Republican Spat Exposes Party’s Divisions
Murphy’s Law

Republican Spat Exposes Party’s Divisions

Fight between Sensenbrenner and Ron Johnson over Obamacare is fascinating, revealing.

Murphy’s Law: Does Downer Avenue Need a Tax Subsidy?
Murphy’s Law

Does Downer Avenue Need a Tax Subsidy?

Developer Joel Lee claims the buzzing retail strip needs help from the city.

Murphy’s Law: Telephone Company Rip-Off
Murphy’s Law

Telephone Company Rip-Off

Now that the telecom industry is deregulated, AT&T can gouge customers with late fees.

Murphy’s Law: Crystal Ball for 2014
Murphy’s Law

Crystal Ball for 2014

25 predictions that are certain (well, maybe) to come true this year.

Murphy’s Law: Crazy Casino Politics
Murphy’s Law

Crazy Casino Politics

Both Gov. Walker and Mary Burke have mishandled the Kenosha Casino issue.

Murphy’s Law: The Disconnected City
Murphy’s Law

The Disconnected City

New study shows no way for workers to get to jobs. What are its solutions?

Back in the News: Why Walker Didn’t Graduate
Back in the News

Why Walker Didn’t Graduate

Journal Sentinel adds more to story, but still leaves some mystery.

Murphy’s Law: Tom Ament Strikes Again
Murphy’s Law

Tom Ament Strikes Again

Author of infamous pension plan also devised a 1990 measure giving supervisors unconstitutional power over executive appointees.

Murphy’s Law: $1 Billion Needed for Milwaukee Facilities
Murphy’s Law

$1 Billion Needed for Milwaukee Facilities

Public Policy Forum study says $400 million needed for NBA arena, $300 million for convention center and rest for other facilities.

Murphy’s Law: The Legacy of Betty Quadracci
Murphy’s Law

The Legacy of Betty Quadracci

Her impact on local journalism and the creation of Quad/Graphics was great -- and greatly underestimated.

Murphy’s Law: Why the Minimum Wage Should Be Increased
Murphy’s Law

Why the Minimum Wage Should Be Increased

It could do more than anything to reduce the income gap in this state.

Murphy’s Law: The New Non-Profit Kingpins
Murphy’s Law

The New Non-Profit Kingpins

As SDC declines, groups like Community Advocates and Next Door are on the rise.

Murphy’s Law: Can Burke Beat Walker?
Murphy’s Law

Can Burke Beat Walker?

The 2014 campaign may depend on which candidate has the best story to tell.

Back in the News: The Glass Ceiling for Women
Back in the News

The Glass Ceiling for Women

Latest report shows little progress for women in state’s corporate boardrooms.

Murphy’s Law: Can County Board Solve Taxicab Problem?
Murphy’s Law

Can County Board Solve Taxicab Problem?

The board's resolution got media play, but will probably accomplish nothing.

Murphy’s Law: New Probe is Big Trouble for Walker
Murphy’s Law

New Probe is Big Trouble for Walker

Both the first and second John Doe have focused on his campaigns, suggesting a disturbing pattern.

Murphy’s Law: Who Will Run the County Buses?
Murphy’s Law

Who Will Run the County Buses?

You need a scorecard to follow all the bizarre changes on this issue.

Murphy’s Law: Police Scam Artists
Murphy’s Law

Police Scam Artists

Why does the cop’s union protect officers who rip off taxpayers?

Back in the News: Talgo Files Claim Against State
Back in the News

Talgo Files Claim Against State

State would have to pay $136 million for canceling train contract.

Murphy’s Law: The Nuclear Option
Murphy’s Law

The Nuclear Option

Supervisors nuke Chris Abele’s staff salaries. Will this hurt the county?

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee’s Most Underestimated Leader?
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee’s Most Underestimated Leader?

MPS superintendent Gregory Thornton has quietly righted a ship that once looked ready to sink.

Murphy’s Law: The Decline of Local Control
Murphy’s Law

The Decline of Local Control

Republicans favor local control. So why are they passing so many laws ending it?

Murphy’s Law: Why a Regional Tax is Needed
Murphy’s Law

Why a Regional Tax is Needed

A regional tax for amenities like Milwaukee’s zoo and art museum is needed. Will they benefit from effort to help the Milwaukee Bucks?

Murphy’s Law: Why Governments Never Cooperate With Each Other
Murphy’s Law

Why Governments Never Cooperate With Each Other

Chris Abele seeks to improve efficiency through cooperative ventures with municipal governments. Will the county board resist?

Murphy’s Law: The New Right-Wing Media
Murphy’s Law

The New Right-Wing Media

The state is a national leader in creating new conservative publications.

Murphy’s Law: How Republicans Will Hurt City Real Estate
Murphy’s Law

How Republicans Will Hurt City Real Estate

Reacting to a smelly deal involving one school building, legislators are pushing a badly-flawed bill that worsens the problem.

Murphy’s Law: New Moves to Bail Out the Bucks
Murphy’s Law

New Moves to Bail Out the Bucks

Bradley Center and business leaders search for a clever way to subsidize the NBA team.

Murphy’s Law: How to Nab Bad Guys
Murphy’s Law

How to Nab Bad Guys

ShotSpotter has become a key tool for city police, but Walker says no to funding and Abele says yes.

Murphy’s Law: How to Kill a Democracy
Murphy’s Law

How to Kill a Democracy

Glenn Grothman’s proposal would shield 96% of all political donations, ending transparency in campaigns.

Murphy’s Law: David Clarke the False Conservative
Murphy’s Law

David Clarke the False Conservative

Sheriff Clarke claims the right to spend as much as he wants, while the media ignores this and simply reports on his rants.

Murphy’s Law: The High Cost of Calatrava
Murphy’s Law

The High Cost of Calatrava

Overruns on his projects are killing other cities. The impact on Milwaukee and its art museum was more positive.

Murphy’s Law: The Problem of Poverty
Murphy’s Law

The Problem of Poverty

Poverty is rising faster in Wisconsin and the city of Milwaukee than nationally.

Murphy’s Law: Will Paul Ryan Be Romney Redux?
Murphy’s Law

Will Paul Ryan Be Romney Redux?

He’s a favorite of Republicans, but Democrats may be secretly cheering for him as well.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin, Land of the Plutocrats
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin, Land of the Plutocrats

Forbes 400 list offers more evidence of wealth gap in Wisconsin.

Murphy’s Law: Capitol Sex Scandal Confirmed
Murphy’s Law

Capitol Sex Scandal Confirmed

Judge confirms affair between state DHS secretary and his legal counsel, and jealously abusive husband gets off with a misdemeanor.

Murphy’s Law: The Debtor Governor
Murphy’s Law

The Debtor Governor

Figures from non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau figures show Walker’s debt level the worst since 1970.

Murphy’s Law: The Media’s Declining Clout
Murphy’s Law

The Media’s Declining Clout

As newspaper readership declines, government officials increasingly ignore stories that once would have embarrassed them.

Murphy’s Law: Casino Wars
Murphy’s Law

Casino Wars

The Potawatomi have spent millions to lobby against a Kenosha casino. Is Gov. Walker their latest ally?

Murphy’s Law: How MPS Is Improving Instruction
Murphy’s Law

How MPS Is Improving Instruction

Common Core Standards are changing schools here and statewide, but Tea Party Republicans object.

Murphy’s Law: WI Could Still Get Higher Speed Rail
Murphy’s Law

WI Could Still Get Higher Speed Rail

Minnesota is hatching a Twin Cities-to-Milwaukee-to-Chicago plan, putting Gov. Walker on the spot.

Murphy’s Law: Republican Dog & Pony Show
Murphy’s Law

Republican Dog & Pony Show

Legislators Vos and Darling tour city but offer no solutions. So why did they come?

Murphy’s Law: Who’s Building Milwaukee?
Murphy’s Law

Who’s Building Milwaukee?

Not minority workers, it seems. New study shows non-whites not very welcome in construction trades.

Murphy’s Law: Can Wisconsin Avenue Be Saved?
Murphy’s Law

Can Wisconsin Avenue Be Saved?

A city task force hopes to revive the street but the obstacles are many.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Medical Costs Finally Declining?
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Medical Costs Finally Declining?

Long known for globally high costs, Milwaukee show signs of a relative decline in prices.

Murphy’s Law: Global Warming Cover-Up
Murphy’s Law

Global Warming Cover-Up

Journal Sentinel’s coverage of Lake Michigan’s decline is bizarrely slanted. Why?

Abele Dumps County Transit Company

Abele Dumps County Transit Company

Public bidding process awards bus contract to for-profit company.

Murphy’s Law: The Truth About State Taxes
Murphy’s Law

The Truth About State Taxes

They were never lower than under Jim Doyle, as new data shows.

Murphy’s Law: Is Milwaukee the Next Detroit?
Murphy’s Law

Is Milwaukee the Next Detroit?

Analyzing this city’s key strengths and weaknesses.

Murphy’s Law: The $1 Million Art Project
Murphy’s Law

The $1 Million Art Project

Steve Marcus’ plan to bring world class sculpture to Milwaukee is expensive. Is it a good idea?

Murphy’s Law: Concealed Carry Craziness
Murphy’s Law

Concealed Carry Craziness

Road rage and guns? Does concealed carry really make us safer?

Murphy’s Law: The Myth of the Welders Shortage
Murphy’s Law

The Myth of the Welders Shortage

Journal Sentinel claims it’s because MATC does a poor job of training workers. Is that true?

Murphy’s Law: Why We Lag in Kids’ Dental Care
Murphy’s Law

Why We Lag in Kids’ Dental Care

Study says WI is 2nd-worst state in America. It’s not true, but there are ways we could improve.

Back in the News: Can Old Warner Theater Be Saved?
Back in the News

Can Old Warner Theater Be Saved?

Journal Sentinel picks up on our story, and Marcus Corp. says it will consider selling building.

Murphy’s Law: The Curious Case of Kimberly Walker
Murphy’s Law

The Curious Case of Kimberly Walker

The board is angry at Abele so they fired Walker. Go figure.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee County Great Place to Lose Your Job
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee County Great Place to Lose Your Job

Both the county exec and county board have made the courthouse a perilous place for appointed staff.

Murphy’s Law: Jim Sensenbrenner, Civil Libertarian?
Murphy’s Law

Jim Sensenbrenner, Civil Libertarian?

Will Wisconsin’s congressman protect us from Obama’s NSA surveillance?

Murphy’s Law: The Strange Life of John Menard
Murphy’s Law

The Strange Life of John Menard

A lurid legal suit against him is the latest chapter in the retail billionaire’s bizarre life.

Murphy’s Law: The Decline of Sheriff Clarke
Murphy’s Law

The Decline of Sheriff Clarke

The weirder and crankier he gets, the more unlikely his reelection.

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Opposes Obamacare
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Opposes Obamacare

His opposition to more federal dollars for Medicaid will hurt Wisconsin, but help his campaign for president.

Murphy’s Law: Does Wisconsin Really Have a “Skills Gap”?
Murphy’s Law

Does Wisconsin Really Have a “Skills Gap”?

Journal Sentinel stories continue to insist we do, but a new study says no.

Murphy’s Law: Don’t Mess with the Press
Murphy’s Law

Don’t Mess with the Press

The state budget bill has huge consequences, but the media is most concerned about its impact on... the media.

Murphy’s Law: GOP Fast Tracks a Smelly Bill
Murphy’s Law

GOP Fast Tracks a Smelly Bill

The elections bill will suppress voting by average folks while giving corporations and lobbyists more clout.

Murphy’s Law: In Defense of Goo Goos
Murphy’s Law

In Defense of Goo Goos

Why we need the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign and Wisconsin Taxpayer’s Alliance.

Murphy’s Law: Newspaper Wears Blinders on Global Warming
Murphy’s Law

Newspaper Wears Blinders on Global Warming

In eight years of stories on Lake Michigan’s water level, the Journal Sentinel has never mentioned global warming.

Murphy’s Law: Bail Bond Bill Will Create Debtor’s Prisons
Murphy’s Law

Bail Bond Bill Will Create Debtor’s Prisons

Why are Republicans pushing a bill opposed almost unanimously by criminal justice professionals?

Back in the News: Don Smiley’s Ever-Higher Salary
Back in the News

Don Smiley’s Ever-Higher Salary

His salary rose by $114,000, to more than $886,000, and the explanations keep getting thinner.

Murphy’s Law: The Not-So Fiscally Conservative Governor
Murphy’s Law

The Not-So Fiscally Conservative Governor

Scott Walker hasn’t solved the state’s longterm fiscal deficit. He may actually make it worse.

Murphy’s Law: Does MACC Fund Give Enough to Charity?
Murphy’s Law

Does MACC Fund Give Enough to Charity?

The high-profile group spends a lot on administration, including a salary for Jon McGlocklin.

Murphy’s Law: The Voucher Lobby
Murphy’s Law

The Voucher Lobby

Lobbying for school choice provides big money for Republicans.

Back in the News: The Arrogance of Summerfest
Back in the News

The Arrogance of Summerfest

Mayor Barrett met with Summerfest board members, who agreed to share more information about its finances and director’s compensation.

Murphy’s Law: Did Sue Black Pay Nothing to “Buy” Wave Team?
Murphy’s Law

Did Sue Black Pay Nothing to “Buy” Wave Team?

The Milwaukee Wave has been a money loser, which might explain why she paid little, and why she's under pressure to turn the team around.

Murphy’s Law: The War Between Steve Schultze and Chris Abele
Murphy’s Law

The War Between Steve Schultze and Chris Abele

County exec tries to undermine county reporter because of his slanted stories.

Murphy’s Law: The Mystery of Sanfelippo’s Taxicab Empire
Murphy’s Law

The Mystery of Sanfelippo’s Taxicab Empire

Why is Rep. Joe Sanfelippo the registered agent for all of his brother’s many companies?

Murphy’s Law: No Country for Black Men
Murphy’s Law

No Country for Black Men

New study shows Wisconsin leads the nation in black incarceration, with a shockingly high rate. Why?

Murphy’s Law: Terrible Town for Taxis
Murphy’s Law

Terrible Town for Taxis

How a city permit system enabled a cartel to dominate the taxicab business, stifling competition and providing poor service.

Murphy’s Law: County Board Violates Its Own Law
Murphy’s Law

County Board Violates Its Own Law

Lobbyists have worked without board approval, which could be a cause for “discharge” of board chair Dimitrivjevic.

Murphy’s Law: Myths About a New NBA Arena
Murphy’s Law

Myths About a New NBA Arena

In their zeal to build new, publicly-funded arena, proponents are misleading the community.

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Are Wrong About Recalls
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Are Wrong About Recalls

The bill to restrict recalls is a naked attempt by political officials to protect their jobs.

Murphy’s Law: The Arrogance of Summerfest
Murphy’s Law

The Arrogance of Summerfest

Why the tax-exempt, city-supported non-profit should be transparent about its director’s salary.

Murphy’s Law: More Power for Pat?
Murphy’s Law

More Power for Pat?

Roggensack’s reelection solidifies her power and that of the conservative bloc she often leads.

Back in the News: County Backdrops
Back in the News

County Backdrops

Unions have filed suit to protect the infamous backdrops, which made many county employees wealthy.

Murphy’s Law: Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

Winners and Losers

It was a good election for Scott Walker and conservatives but there were some bright spots for liberals.

Murphy’s Law: Sheriff Clarke’s New Buddies
Murphy’s Law

Sheriff Clarke’s New Buddies

The conservative lawman and liberal county board have suddenly gotten very friendly. Why?

Murphy’s Law: Who’s the Conservative for Circuit Judge?
Murphy’s Law

Who’s the Conservative for Circuit Judge?

The race between Rebecca Bradley and Janet Protasiewicz is hard to call.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Story Doesn’t Hold Water
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Story Doesn’t Hold Water

Story slams Milwaukee water utility though it’s actually cheaper than others in the region.

Murphy’s Law: Can Fallone Beat Roggensack?
Murphy’s Law

Can Fallone Beat Roggensack?

Pat Roggensack leads the Supreme Court's conservative bloc and may be its most powerful justice. Ed Fallone blames a "dysfunctional court" on her.

Murphy’s Law: Paul Ryan Most Overrated Politician?
Murphy’s Law

Paul Ryan Most Overrated Politician?

The media has anointed him a policy wonk. But none of his numbers add up.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin a Tax Heaven for Businesses
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin a Tax Heaven for Businesses

The evidence suggests taxes are low on businesses, and have been for many years.

Murphy’s Law: Democrats in Disarray
Murphy’s Law

Democrats in Disarray

The firing of its state spokesperson is just another sign the party has lost its way.

Murphy’s Law: The World According to Tim Sullivan
Murphy’s Law

The World According to Tim Sullivan

The business leader's unproven idea of a “skills gap” is misleading state policymakers.

Murphy’s Law: Mystery Around Dennis Smith Deepens
Murphy’s Law

Mystery Around Dennis Smith Deepens

Departure of state health department secretary leaves many questions unanswered -- and lots of secrecy.

Murphy’s Law: Super Scott
Murphy’s Law

Super Scott

Democrats continue to underestimate Walker, even as he radically transforms the state.

Murphy’s Law: Voucher Madness
Murphy’s Law

Voucher Madness

Gov. Walker wants lots more choice schools, except in Republican districts. Why?

Back in the News: The Dennis Smith “Affair”
Back in the News

The Dennis Smith “Affair”

State health secretary resigns after legal motions filed by accused murderer claiming his wife had affair with Smith.

Murphy’s Law: How to Crush Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

How to Crush Milwaukee

Ending the residency requirement will deal a devastating blow to Milwaukee’s property tax base.

Murphy’s Law: The Not-So-Straight Story
Murphy’s Law

The Not-So-Straight Story

Journal Sentinel coverage of county board downsizing misleads folks on both sides of issue.

Murphy’s Law: The African American Advantage
Murphy’s Law

The African American Advantage

The county’s black residents have $3.6 billion in annual income and black neighborhoods have far more purchasing power than suburbs.

Murphy’s Law: The Return of Sue Black
Murphy’s Law

The Return of Sue Black

How she got the new job. And will she run against Chris Abele?

Murphy’s Law: Republican Plan to Steal Elections
Murphy’s Law

Republican Plan to Steal Elections

Priebus and others push strategies to win presidency with a minority of votes.

Murphy’s Law: County Lobbyists Asleep on the Job?
Murphy’s Law

County Lobbyists Asleep on the Job?

They should be working to get more state funding. But they’re too busy protecting the county board.

Murphy’s Law: Rep. Sanfelippo Says Full-Speed Ahead
Murphy’s Law

Rep. Sanfelippo Says Full-Speed Ahead

His bill to downsize county government will be introduced next week and he predicts it will pass.

Murphy’s Law: America Discovers Sheriff Clarke
Murphy’s Law

America Discovers Sheriff Clarke

Clarke appears on Piers Morgan with Tom Barrett and gets beat up by both Morgan and the mayor.

Murphy’s Law: Hines Would Reduce Fire & Police Commission Power
Murphy’s Law

Hines Would Reduce Fire & Police Commission Power

Council appears to back radical change, Barrett seems lukewarm.

Back in the News: Sheriff David Clarke
Back in the News

Sheriff David Clarke

His radio ads says he needs the help of armed homeowners, but Clarke has almost nothing to do with combating violent crime.

Murphy’s Law: The Incomplete Story
Murphy’s Law

The Incomplete Story

How the Journal Sentinel slants the story on venture capital -- and on downsizing the county board.

Murphy’s Law: Act 10 Could Still Be in Trouble
Murphy’s Law

Act 10 Could Still Be in Trouble

Federal appeals court decision looks shaky, and state lawyers made mistakes defending anti-union law.

Murphy’s Law: Bill to Cut Supervisor Pay Likely
Murphy’s Law

Bill to Cut Supervisor Pay Likely

Despite Republican delays and opposition by the board, the bill has a good chance of passage.

Murphy’s Law: Biggest Taxer in Town
Murphy’s Law

Biggest Taxer in Town

Over the last five years property taxes have been driven by just one of the five local taxing units: Milwaukee Public Schools.

Murphy’s Law: Robin Hood in Reverse
Murphy’s Law

Robin Hood in Reverse

Republicans’ tax plan assures that Wisconsin follows other states in the race to the bottom.

Murphy’s Law: Why We Need a Part-Time County Board
Murphy’s Law

Why We Need a Part-Time County Board

For 125 years, the board was part-time. Then Tom Ament and company nudged it up to full-time. Why?

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin’s Rising Wealth Gap
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin’s Rising Wealth Gap

In the last decade all $4.8 billion in income gains went to the wealthiest 20 percent. All boats aren’t rising.

Murphy’s Law: Going Easy on Drunk Drivers?
Murphy’s Law

Going Easy on Drunk Drivers?

Journal Sentinel wouldn’t report a CEO’s drunk driving, but did. Who’s right?

Murphy’s Law: Still Defending the Infamous Pension Plan
Murphy’s Law

Still Defending the Infamous Pension Plan

County Exec Abele wants to cut back the lucrative backdrop provision. Why are supervisors delaying this?

Murphy’s Law: Women Need Not Apply
Murphy’s Law

Women Need Not Apply

Led by MGIC, seven of Wisconsin’s top companies are men’s clubs, with no women in the executive suite.

Murphy’s Law: The Curious Case of Stephen Einhorn
Murphy’s Law

The Curious Case of Stephen Einhorn

The man who “feared” for his family’s privacy is a political activist and capital insider grabbing government funding for his company.

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Sneaking Bill on Same Day Registration?
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Sneaking Bill on Same Day Registration?

Voters would probably oppose it, so GOP needs to pass the legislation very, very quietly.

Murphy’s Law: Land of Corporate Blackmail
Murphy’s Law

Land of Corporate Blackmail

A bombshell story shows Wisconsin is a national leader in tax handouts to business.

Murphy’s Law: Mayor Backs Flynn, Slams Newspaper
Murphy’s Law

Mayor Backs Flynn, Slams Newspaper

Journal Sentinel’s series on data errors “takes crime fighting officers off the street,” Barrett charges.

Murphy’s Law: How State Aid to Cities Has Plummeted
Murphy’s Law

How State Aid to Cities Has Plummeted

Milwaukee is getting killed by declining shared revenue, violating a century-old state agreement.

Murphy’s Law: How Coal Hurts Minorities
Murphy’s Law

How Coal Hurts Minorities

A new study finds Wisconsin a leader in environmental racism. But is the state improving?

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of Chris Larson
Murphy’s Law

The Rise of Chris Larson

Is he a young liberal heavyweight? Or a punching bag for Republicans?

Murphy’s Law: The Anti-Health Care Governor?
Murphy’s Law

The Anti-Health Care Governor?

Even as Scott Walker throws people off health care, he opposes federal programs that would increase coverage and lower costs.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel’s Circulation Problem
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel’s Circulation Problem

The statistics point to underlying problems. Meanwhile, some stories are undermining the brand.

Murphy’s Law: The High Cost of the County Board
Murphy’s Law

The High Cost of the County Board

We could save millions and improve efficiency by cutting the county board and its huge staff.

Murphy’s Law: Deaths in Custody Decline Under Flynn
Murphy’s Law

Deaths in Custody Decline Under Flynn

Journal Sentinel story criticizing department doesn’t report data showing decline.

Murphy’s Law: It’s the Middle Class, Stupid
Murphy’s Law

It’s the Middle Class, Stupid

How Romney and Ryan alienated average Americans.

Murphy’s Law: 25 Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

25 Winners and Losers

The list is long (and fun). This was a campaign with real consequences.

Murphy’s Law: Will Art Museum Dump Stephen Einhorn?

Murphy’s Law

Will Art Museum Dump Stephen Einhorn?

The wealthy funder of voter fraud billboards creates negative publicity for Milwaukee Art Museum.

Murphy’s Law: Did Journal Sentinel Censor Story?
Murphy’s Law

Did Journal Sentinel Censor Story?

Conservative columnist Christian Schneider hides his erroneous story, hurting his -- and the paper’s -- credibility.

Murphy’s Law: Who’s Right in County Budget Battle?
Murphy’s Law

Who’s Right in County Budget Battle?

County Board Chair Marina Dimitrijevic trashes Abele’s budget. But did she improve it?

Murphy’s Law: How to Prevent Gun Rampages
Murphy’s Law

How to Prevent Gun Rampages

No one is talking about the real legal changes that might have prevented the Brookfield spa shootings.

Murphy’s Law: Radical Surgery by Journal Sentinel
Murphy’s Law

Radical Surgery by Journal Sentinel

Its decision to end candidate endorsements is a huge change that could reshape the newspaper.

Murphy’s Law: Sykes’ Suspicious Smokescreen
Murphy’s Law

Sykes’ Suspicious Smokescreen

Charlie Sykes uses anonymous interview to claim the “family” putting up voter fraud billboards fears for its safety.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of MU Law School
Murphy’s Law

The Rise of MU Law School

How it became the state's leading pollster and a high profile place for public forums.

Murphy’s Law: The $74 Million Gamble
Murphy’s Law

The $74 Million Gamble

Can Milwaukee become a world water hub? It’s betting $74 million it can.

Murphy’s Law: Is Chief Flynn Off the Hook?
Murphy’s Law

Is Chief Flynn Off the Hook?

The federal investigation could cool calls for Flynn's resignation.

Murphy’s Law: Stealth Conservatives
Murphy’s Law

Stealth Conservatives

Bradley-funded think tank changes its polls and subsidizes Journal Sentinel’s right-wing columnist.

Murphy’s Law: The public is “understandably horrified.”
Murphy’s Law

The public is “understandably horrified.”

Chief Flynn frankly discusses the death of Derek Williams in police custody.

Murphy’s Law: Should Chief Flynn Resign?
Murphy’s Law

Should Chief Flynn Resign?

The city is divided over the chief. But is it all his fault?

Murphy’s Law: Too Many Cops in Milwaukee County?
Murphy’s Law

Too Many Cops in Milwaukee County?

The high cost of a huge sheriff’s budget and 19 local police departments.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Swallows GOP Propaganda
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Swallows GOP Propaganda

It was the nation’s only daily newspaper to fall for an anti-Obama business "survey."

Murphy’s Law: Why Romney Can’t Win Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

Why Romney Can’t Win Wisconsin

Romney's misunderstanding of the Republican base could kill him.

Murphy’s Law: The Mighty County Board
Murphy’s Law

The Mighty County Board

A doormat a decade ago, the board is now far more powerful -- much to Chris Abele’s chagrin.

Murphy’s Law: The Six Wives of Edo de Waart
Murphy’s Law

The Six Wives of Edo de Waart

Little old Milwaukee seems to have the most continental conductor in the world.

Murphy’s Law: The Latest Journal Sentinel Purge
Murphy’s Law

The Latest Journal Sentinel Purge

Some big names could be leaving the ever-shrinking newspaper.

Murphy’s Law: Did Republicans Blow It?
Murphy’s Law

Did Republicans Blow It?

The court decision striking down collective bargaining law exposes obvious constitutional problems with it.

Murphy’s Law: Rich Park, Poor Park
Murphy’s Law

Rich Park, Poor Park

Milwaukee County Parks is increasingly a two-tier system, with the worst maintained parks in poor areas.

Murphy’s Law: Capital Sex Scandal
Murphy’s Law

Capital Sex Scandal

Strange but true: Star member of Gov. Walker’s cabinet is accused of an affair that led to attempted murder.

Murphy’s Law: Can Tammy Beat Tommy?
Murphy’s Law

Can Tammy Beat Tommy?

She wouldn’t have a chance against the old Tommy, but the newer edition could be beat.

Murphy’s Law: Why Voter Fraud Is So Rare
Murphy’s Law

Why Voter Fraud Is So Rare

What the experts know that the scaremongers are deliberately ignoring.

Murphy’s Law: Are Republicans More Generous?
Murphy’s Law

Are Republicans More Generous?

A new study shows blue states give far less to charity than red states.

Murphy’s Law: Will State Screw Milwaukee?
Murphy’s Law

Will State Screw Milwaukee?

Expert condemns state for switching Milwaukee’s foster care funding to help other counties.

Murphy’s Law: Abele Under Fire
Murphy’s Law

Abele Under Fire

Has the Johnny Thomas situation poisoned relations between the county exec and county board?

Murphy’s Law: City Defies Journal Sentinel
Murphy’s Law

City Defies Journal Sentinel

Fire & Police Commission will hire consultant the newspaper repeatedly claims is biased.

Murphy’s Law: The Tragedy of Chris and Sue
Murphy’s Law

The Tragedy of Chris and Sue

How the friendship of Abele and Black turned into bitter enmity.

Murphy’s Law: The Journal Sentinel’s Attack Dog
Murphy’s Law

The Journal Sentinel’s Attack Dog

Two stories this week continue its relentlessly biased coverage of Chief Flynn and the police department.

Murphy’s Law: Myths About Black’s Firing
Murphy’s Law

Myths About Black’s Firing

Strip away the myths and you begin to see why Abele dumped her.

Murphy’s Law: Election’s Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

Election’s Winners and Losers

An insider's look at who's up -- and who's down -- as a result of the August primary.

Why Was Sue Black Fired?

Why Was Sue Black Fired?

The development is a shocker as Abele was a friend and supporter of the highly regarded parks director.

Murphy’s Law: Is the Journal Sentinel for Sale?
Murphy’s Law

Is the Journal Sentinel for Sale?

The sale could be a disaster for employees -- and for the city.

Murphy’s Law: Why Ryan Won’t Help Romney
Murphy’s Law

Why Ryan Won’t Help Romney

He’s sexy, charming, articulate -- but exactly the wrong choice for Republicans.

Murphy’s Law: Will Herb Kohl Blackmail Milwaukee?
Murphy’s Law

Will Herb Kohl Blackmail Milwaukee?

The Bucks need a new arena. Time to start threatening to move the team.

The Chatter: Fitzgerald’s Strangely Sleepy Campaign
The Chatter

Fitzgerald’s Strangely Sleepy Campaign

Is Jeff Fitzgerald running for U.S. Senator or top lobbyist?

Murphy’s Law: Monopoly Greed
Murphy’s Law

Monopoly Greed

We Energies grabs big profits and big executive pay while driving electric rates into the stratosphere.

Murphy’s Law: The Eternal Stadium Tax
Murphy’s Law

The Eternal Stadium Tax

It was originally supposed to end two years ago, but the Miller Park sales tax just goes on and on.

The Chatter: The Voter Suppression Game
The Chatter

The Voter Suppression Game

Both parties are devising strategies to discourage voting. But Republicans are using government power.

Murphy’s Law: Why Photo ID is Dead
Murphy’s Law

Why Photo ID is Dead

The Republican law will never become legal, because of Wisconsin’s unique constitution

Murphy’s Law: Richie Rich
Murphy’s Law

Richie Rich

Republican Senate candidate Eric Hovde’s basic message is simple: elect me because I’m wealthy.

The Chatter: The Chicago Challenge
The Chatter

The Chicago Challenge

Economic cooperation with our massive neighbor could help Milwaukee. But Gov.Scott Walker stands in the way.

Murphy’s Law: Tommy the Taxer
Murphy’s Law

Tommy the Taxer

The old tax-and-spend governor Republican may be far too moderate to win the Republican Senate primary.

The Chatter: Abele vs County Board — Again
The Chatter

Abele vs County Board — Again

Someone leaked the info on Abele's plan for a 44 story lakefront tower, leaving him apologizing to the board.

Murphy’s Law: Dumping on Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

Dumping on Milwaukee

How a Pulitzer-Prize winning reporter distorted data to bad rap the city.

Murphy’s Law: Rocky Road
Murphy’s Law

Rocky Road

Some aldermen want to dump DCD head Rocky Marcoux, but Mayor Barrett disagrees.

Murphy’s Law: “Indignant” Police Chief Defends Department’s Integrity
Murphy’s Law

“Indignant” Police Chief Defends Department’s Integrity

Chief Flynn provides data that calls into question the Journal Sentinel’s reporting.

The Chatter: Will Allen Goes Viral
The Chatter

Will Allen Goes Viral

From ABC News to Colbert, everybody is celebrating Will Allen.

Murphy’s Law: The War Against Chief Flynn
Murphy’s Law

The War Against Chief Flynn

Why is the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel trashing the city’s best police chief in decades?

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Won’t Compromise
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Won’t Compromise

He now says he will bring us together. But don’t bet on it.

The Chatter: The Trial of Chris Abele
The Chatter

The Trial of Chris Abele

Sued by Shepherd Express editor Lou Fortis, Abele goes on the stand for allegedly stealing a film festival.

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Won
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Won

Democrats blame money, but might examine their muddled message.

The Chatter: The Democrats’ Secret Weapon
The Chatter

The Democrats’ Secret Weapon

Lt. Governor candidate Mahlon Mitchell could help turnout more black voters -- so why haven’t Dems made more use of him?

Murphy’s Law: The Farley Fiasco
Murphy’s Law

The Farley Fiasco

Is the County board punishing Abele’s aide Patrick Farley for whistle blowing?

Murphy’s Law: Did the State Screw Talgo?
Murphy’s Law

Did the State Screw Talgo?

The train company's stunned CEO blasts Wisconsin for breaching its contract “like a Third World country.”

The Chatter: Did Walker or Barrett Win Debate?
The Chatter

Did Walker or Barrett Win Debate?

Barrett was punchy, Walker was cool. Which strategy will convert more voters?

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Could Decide Race
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Could Decide Race

Without a high county turnout, Tom Barrett is toast.

Murphy’s Law: The Invisible Man
Murphy’s Law

The Invisible Man

The chief opponent of the art museum’s $25 million repair plan has stood by while the War Memorial rotted away.

The Chatter: The Barrett-Walker ‘Hood
The Chatter

The Barrett-Walker ‘Hood

The candidates are worlds apart politically -- but practically neighbors.

Murphy’s Law: The Media’s $10 Million Error
Murphy’s Law

The Media’s $10 Million Error

The art museum’s plan to repair the War Memorial will cost $25 million, not $15 million. And that’s not all the errors.

Murphy’s Law: Bob Donovan’s Shadowy Charity
Murphy’s Law

Bob Donovan’s Shadowy Charity

Operation Impact raises money to combat crime. But where are its records?

The Chatter: Will Abele Run for Mayor?
The Chatter

Will Abele Run for Mayor?

That's one way to consolidate city and county government, by grabbing both executive positions.

Murphy’s Law: The Anti-Recall Patriots
Murphy’s Law

The Anti-Recall Patriots

Suddenly it’s become patriotic to oppose recalls. Wouldn’t Tom Ament be surprised.

Murphy’s Law: Senator Wanggaard’s Double Dipping
Murphy’s Law

Senator Wanggaard’s Double Dipping

State Sen. Van Wanggaard cuts benefits for workers while getting ever more for himself.

Murphy’s Law: Karen Ordinans’ Role in Shaping the Pension Plan
Murphy’s Law

Karen Ordinans’ Role in Shaping the Pension Plan

One of the remarkable stories in local government is the continuing survival of County Board chair Karen Ordinans.

Murphy’s Law: The Embarrassing Failure of Miller Park
Murphy’s Law

The Embarrassing Failure of Miller Park

The Milwaukee Brewers have begun the season with a horrendous start, one that is setting franchise records for futility.

Murphy’s Law: Why Unions Don’t Like Scott Walker
Murphy’s Law

Why Unions Don’t Like Scott Walker

Given that Jim Ryan has not closed the door completely on privatizing some government functions, you might wonder why he was endorsed by labor for county executive.

Murphy’s Law: Why Jim Ryan Could Be In Trouble
Murphy’s Law

Why Jim Ryan Could Be In Trouble

Speaking as someone who predicted the one-two finish of Scott Walker and Jim Ryan, the big surprise of the county executive race was Tyrone Dumas' strong fourth place finish, just behind Tom Nardelli.

Murphy’s Law: Why Scott McCallum Is In Big Trouble
Murphy’s Law

Why Scott McCallum Is In Big Trouble

It was amusing to see the photo of Gov. McCallum that ran on the front page of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel last week.

Murphy’s Law: Has the Teacher’s Union Taken Over the GOP?
Murphy’s Law

Has the Teacher’s Union Taken Over the GOP?

It was not long ago that the state teacher's union was the designated villain for Republicans.

Murphy’s Law: Why Gov. McCallum’s Spending Priorities Were Wrong
Murphy’s Law

Why Gov. McCallum’s Spending Priorities Were Wrong

As the legislature wrestles with the state budget deficit, there has been talk of cutting every level of government except the schools.

Murphy’s Law: Is Nardelli Qualified To Be County Executive?
Murphy’s Law

Is Nardelli Qualified To Be County Executive?

Nothing should surprise us about county government at this point, but it does seem odd that the two favorites in the race for county executive are Scott Walker and Tom Nardelli, neither of whom has a college degree.

Murphy’s Law: Is Scott Walker Qualified To Be County Exec?
Murphy’s Law

Is Scott Walker Qualified To Be County Exec?

Rep. Scott K. Walker (R-Wauwatosa) was the first candidate to announce for county executive, and is widely considered one of the front-runners for the position.

Murphy’s Law: Which County Board Members Only Work Part-Time?
Murphy’s Law

Which County Board Members Only Work Part-Time?

It was 9 a.m. on a Friday morning in late October of last year when I began calling county supervisors for a story in Milwaukee Magazine.

Murphy’s Law: Dobbert’s Folly: How His Errors Will Cost Taxpayers More
Murphy’s Law

Dobbert’s Folly: How His Errors Will Cost Taxpayers More

It was sometime in the winter of 1999/2000 that Gary Dobbert went to a conference on the West Coast where he learned about pension plans with a lump sum pay out.

Murphy’s Law: Why Ament Will Lose And How Taxpayers Will Suffer
Murphy’s Law

Why Ament Will Lose And How Taxpayers Will Suffer

Tom Ament's suit against the recall petitions will probably fail. That's the prediction of George Dunst, legal counsel for the state elections board.

Murphy’s Law: Can Falk And Thompson Play Spoilers in the Governor’s Race?
Murphy’s Law

Can Falk And Thompson Play Spoilers in the Governor’s Race?

I'm hard pressed to think of a more interesting state race than the upcoming campaign for governor.

Murphy’s Law: Is Ament’s Pension Deal Biased Against Blacks?
Murphy’s Law

Is Ament’s Pension Deal Biased Against Blacks?

In the wake of the pension controversy, County Executive F. Thomas Ament has attempted to woo the black community in hopes that strong support there might keep him in office.

Murphy’s Law: Ament’s Sweetheart Insurance Deal For An Old Crony
Murphy’s Law

Ament’s Sweetheart Insurance Deal For An Old Crony

Accusations about cronyism in the Ament administration just keep coming.

Murphy’s Law: Could Bob Ott Be Investigated For Ethical Conflicts?
Murphy’s Law

Could Bob Ott Be Investigated For Ethical Conflicts?

Milwaukee County is beginning to resemble the plot of And Then There Were None. One by one, top officials are disappearing from the courthouse.

Murphy’s Law: The Real Story Behind The Sheriff’s Departure
Murphy’s Law

The Real Story Behind The Sheriff’s Departure

There is bad smell surrounding the retirement of Sheriff Lev Baldwin.

Murphy’s Law: How Ament Prevented Any Research of the Pension Plan
Murphy’s Law

How Ament Prevented Any Research of the Pension Plan

Over and over the question has recurred: why would county supervisors, most of whom will not get the more lucrative pension payoff for veteran workers, approve this deal?

Murphy’s Law: Did Ament’s Aides Conspire to Replace the Chair of Personnel?
Murphy’s Law

Did Ament’s Aides Conspire to Replace the Chair of Personnel?

Did Tom Ament's aides scheme to replace the chair of the county board's personnel committee so they could get their blockbuster pension plan passed?

Murphy’s Law: How Gary Dobbert’s Buddies Got Yet Another Pension Benefit
Murphy’s Law

How Gary Dobbert’s Buddies Got Yet Another Pension Benefit

It's hard to believe there could be any more scandal associated with the Milwaukee County, but it turns out there was yet another group of insiders handed a neat pension boost by the administration of County Executive F. Thomas Ament.

Murphy’s Law: What Karen Ordinans Really Thought About Ament’s Pension
Murphy’s Law

What Karen Ordinans Really Thought About Ament’s Pension

It’s been amusing to hear County Board chair Karen Ordinans declare her outrage about the county pension plan.

Murphy’s Law: How To Kill Ament’s Pension
Murphy’s Law

How To Kill Ament’s Pension

Now that the mainstream media is having a feeding frenzy over the pension story I first broke back in October, Milwaukee County Executive F. Thomas Ament has gotten religion.

Murphy’s Law: Is The Legislature Giving Free Money To Fat Cat Investors?
Murphy’s Law

Is The Legislature Giving Free Money To Fat Cat Investors?

Glenn Grothman is not a happy camper.

Murphy’s Law: The Bitter Feud Between the Bradley Center and Wisconsin Center
Murphy’s Law

The Bitter Feud Between the Bradley Center and Wisconsin Center

The "negotiations" by the Bradley Center and the Wisconsin Center District have begun to resemble the feud between the Hatfields and McCoys.

Murphy’s Law: Why Did Chief Jones Protect a Man With a Violent Record?
Murphy’s Law

Why Did Chief Jones Protect a Man With a Violent Record?

Earlier this week, Milwaukee Police Chief Jones used his power to protect Wendell Jones, the husband of County Supervisor Elizabeth Coggs-Jones.

Murphy’s Law: The Milwaukee School Board’s Incumbent Protection Plan
Murphy’s Law

The Milwaukee School Board’s Incumbent Protection Plan

Consultant Fred Kessler drew up a redistricting plan that would carve out a Hispanic school board district, but almost no one on the board seems to support the idea.

Murphy’s Law: How Scott McCallum Plans to Raise Your Taxes
Murphy’s Law

How Scott McCallum Plans to Raise Your Taxes

Sometime in the coming week, Gov. Scott McCallum will be meeting secretly with lobbyists in Minocqua, of all places, to discuss a plan to cut school spending and force property tax increases as a way to balance the state budget.

Murphy’s Law: Could The Brewers Benefit If Minnesota Loses Its Team?
Murphy’s Law

Could The Brewers Benefit If Minnesota Loses Its Team?

Baseball commissioner Bud Selig has scoffed at complaints from Twin Cities newspapers that eliminating a baseball team there would benefit the Milwaukee Brewers.

Murphy’s Law: The Truth About the Di Suvero Sculpture
Murphy’s Law

The Truth About the Di Suvero Sculpture

It's been amusing to see all the hand wringing by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel as to whether we dare move the Di Suvero sculpture.

Murphy’s Law: How Mayor Norquist’s Salary Cut Lowers Property Taxes
Murphy’s Law

How Mayor Norquist’s Salary Cut Lowers Property Taxes

John Norquist styles himself as a budget cutter, but few are aware of how personally he has taken that mission.

Murphy’s Law: Could Ed Thompson Get Elected Governor?
Murphy’s Law

Could Ed Thompson Get Elected Governor?

It's a wacky idea, but Ed Thompson may turn out to be a real spoiler in the race for governor.

Murphy’s Law: How The County’s Pension Fund Grew And Benefited A Few
Murphy’s Law

How The County’s Pension Fund Grew And Benefited A Few

Last year was a terrible year for stock funds, but it wasn't so bad for Milwaukee County's pension fund.

Murphy’s Law: How Tom Ament Gave Himself a Golden Parachute
Murphy’s Law

How Tom Ament Gave Himself a Golden Parachute

Observers have often described county government as an "old boy's club," where veteran politicos and long-term county employees get preferential treatment.

Murphy’s Law: Can New President Darnell Cole Rescue MATC?
Murphy’s Law

Can New President Darnell Cole Rescue MATC?

Not long after arriving in town, new MATC president Darnell Cole called Greater Milwaukee Committee President Bob Milbourne and asked to meet.

Murphy’s Law: Is Ald. Herron Leaving Town?
Murphy’s Law

Is Ald. Herron Leaving Town?

City Hall has been rife with rumors that Ald. Terrance Herron is leaving Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Where Have You Gone, Ken Lamke?
Murphy’s Law

Where Have You Gone, Ken Lamke?

Ken Lamke still has vivid memories of the atmosphere in the old Milwaukee Sentinel newsroom.

Murphy’s Law: Ameritech Catches Political Fire From Competitors
Murphy’s Law

Ameritech Catches Political Fire From Competitors

Open up this month's Ameritech bill and you may find a surprise.

Murphy’s Law: Scott Jensen’s Big Shakedown
Murphy’s Law

Scott Jensen’s Big Shakedown

Rep. Jon Richards was feeling a little lonely.

Murphy’s Law: Superintendent Burmaster Slaps The Governor Around
Murphy’s Law

Superintendent Burmaster Slaps The Governor Around

My, how times have changed.

Murphy’s Law: Will Taxes Be the Key Issue in the Governor’s Race?
Murphy’s Law

Will Taxes Be the Key Issue in the Governor’s Race?

In the wake of the tragedy in New York and Washington, the Democratic candidates for governor have slowed down their campaigning, but they have been strategizing as to what the major issues will be in next fall's election.

Murphy’s Law: Secrets of the Bradley Center
Murphy’s Law

Secrets of the Bradley Center

There's a lot of money to be made in professional sports.

Murphy’s Law: Is There a Local Connection to Arab Terrorists?
Murphy’s Law

Is There a Local Connection to Arab Terrorists?

For years, some experts have asserted that the United States is harboring Muslim terrorists, and it appears that even Milwaukee may have connections to this network.

Murphy’s Law: Why Businesses Are Attacking The State’s Freeway Plan
Murphy’s Law

Why Businesses Are Attacking The State’s Freeway Plan

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation's latest freeway project could "virtually suffocate downtown Milwaukee," a letter from the Downtown Business Improvement District complains.

Murphy’s Law: Why Chief Jones Won’t Go Away
Murphy’s Law

Why Chief Jones Won’t Go Away

Tom Everson has seen everything in the many years he's compiled crime statistics for the state's Office of Justice Assistance, but he is struck by the data he's getting from the City of Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: The Sad Saga of Rep. Steve Nass
Murphy’s Law

The Sad Saga of Rep. Steve Nass

These are not good days for Rep. Steve Nass (R-Whitewater).

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans are Dumping on Jim Doyle
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans are Dumping on Jim Doyle

Republicans are squirming about a state investigation of the legislative caucuses, and their attack dogs are going after Attorney General Jim Doyle to try to prevent it.

Murphy’s Law: Is Jim Sensenbrenner America’s Cheapest Congressman?
Murphy’s Law

Is Jim Sensenbrenner America’s Cheapest Congressman?

It must be tough being married to James Sensenbrenner.

Murphy’s Law: How Three Legislators Committed Highway Robbery
Murphy’s Law

How Three Legislators Committed Highway Robbery

Anyone who's driven to Madison is aware the trip takes about 75 miles from downtown Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Is Superintendent Korte In Trouble With The School Board?
Murphy’s Law

Is Superintendent Korte In Trouble With The School Board?

At first glance, Milwaukee school superintendent Spence Korte looks like he could be on the chopping block.

Murphy’s Law: Should Wisconsin Get Ready for War?
Murphy’s Law

Should Wisconsin Get Ready for War?

You may feel very safe and protected, living in cozy Wisconsin, far from America's seacoasts.

Murphy’s Law: Figueroa Accused Another Man of Sex Harassment
Murphy’s Law

Figueroa Accused Another Man of Sex Harassment

For months I've been hearing rumblings that Marilyn Figueroa had accused another man of sexual harassment.

Murphy’s Law: Rally ‘Round the Convention Center, Boys
Murphy’s Law

Rally ‘Round the Convention Center, Boys

It was a mere three years ago that the Midwest Express Center opened, as a state-of-the-art solution to the city's convention needs.

Murphy’s Law: Is the State Legislature Still a Men’s Club?
Murphy’s Law

Is the State Legislature Still a Men’s Club?

It was the gunfight at the Capitol corral and only men were invited.

Murphy’s Law: Antonio Riley’s Campaign Coffer Looks Mayoral
Murphy’s Law

Antonio Riley’s Campaign Coffer Looks Mayoral

News reports have made much of the money raised by Ald. Marvin Pratt and Ald. Tom Nardelli, speculating about their chances for mayor.

Murphy’s Law: Why The Mayor is Not Dead
Murphy’s Law

Why The Mayor is Not Dead

Back in the early 1980s, Milwaukee Magazine ran a scathing caricature of Mayor Henry Maier with the title "What Does This Man Do All Day?"

Murphy’s Law: Why the State Doesn’t Hate Tom Ament Any More
Murphy’s Law

Why the State Doesn’t Hate Tom Ament Any More

Time was when Milwaukee County was a favorite whipping boy of the state.

Murphy’s Law: Will A New Soccer Stadium Help or Hurt the Bucks?
Murphy’s Law

Will A New Soccer Stadium Help or Hurt the Bucks?

The proposal to build a soccer stadium downtown adds another complication to what has become a political minefield around the proposed Bradley Center renovation.

Murphy’s Law: How Sen. Kohl Will Profit From Your Taxes
Murphy’s Law

How Sen. Kohl Will Profit From Your Taxes

Everybody knows the Milwaukee Bucks are losing money.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee’s Mighty Economy Crushes Other Nations
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee’s Mighty Economy Crushes Other Nations

Milwaukee has a new way to brag about itself.

Murphy’s Law: Is the Plankinton Exit Worth $60 Million?
Murphy’s Law

Is the Plankinton Exit Worth $60 Million?

Some months ago the state Department of Transportation announced a plan for rebuilding the mammoth Marquette Interchange that did not include any exits or entrances at Plankinton Avenue

Murphy’s Law: Why Are Homeowners Subsidizing Cable TV?
Murphy’s Law

Why Are Homeowners Subsidizing Cable TV?

Republican and Democrats can't agree on much, as they squabble over the state budget, but both parties seem to think that AOL Time Warner needs a tax break.

Murphy’s Law: Is Wisconsin Short-Changed By Its Top Foundation?
Murphy’s Law

Is Wisconsin Short-Changed By Its Top Foundation?

With the resignation of Michael Joyce, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation is looking for a new president.

Murphy’s Law: The Truth About Miller Park
Murphy’s Law

The Truth About Miller Park

Those looking for a frank assessment of Miller Park are unlikely to find it in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, which rarely criticizes anything connected to the home team.

Murphy’s Law: Why Can’t MATC Get A Good President?
Murphy’s Law

Why Can’t MATC Get A Good President?

Is it possible that no one wants to be president of Milwaukee Area Technical College?

Murphy’s Law: Is Mayor Norquist Sleeping on School Choice?
Murphy’s Law

Is Mayor Norquist Sleeping on School Choice?

In the London Times, Mayor John Norquist is prominently quoted in a story on Milwaukee's school choice program.

Murphy’s Law: Can the New State Superintendent Succeed?
Murphy’s Law

Can the New State Superintendent Succeed?

Herbert Grover is not impressed with the credentials of Elizabeth Burmaster, the new State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise and Fall of Polly Williams
Murphy’s Law

The Rise and Fall of Polly Williams

Time was when Rep. Annette Polly Williams (D-Milwaukee) was the star of the conservative talk circuit.

Murphy’s Law: How Michael Joyce Sold Himself to George W. Bush
Murphy’s Law

How Michael Joyce Sold Himself to George W. Bush

The way Michael Joyce recalls it; he was watching his old friend William Bennett, the former secretary of education, on the Evans and Novak TV show one fine day.

Murphy’s Law: Gary George’s Plot to Kill the Comptroller
Murphy’s Law

Gary George’s Plot to Kill the Comptroller

State budget deliberations are a time for mischief making, and state Sen. Gary George (D-Milwaukee) has always had a reputation for quietly slipping pet proposals into this biennial document.

Murphy’s Law: Is David Skiles Stalling Efforts to Save the Bucks?
Murphy’s Law

Is David Skiles Stalling Efforts to Save the Bucks?

Community leaders seem to agree the Bradley Center and Wisconsin Center should combine forces to save the Milwaukee Bucks.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Goes Crazy for Research Parks
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Goes Crazy for Research Parks

Wisconsin is supposed to be suffering from a brain drain, and southeast Wisconsin is said to lack the kind of high technology industries you find in a research park.

Murphy’s Law: The Raging Bull of MATC
Murphy’s Law

The Raging Bull of MATC

For eight years, Milwaukee Area Technical College President John Birkholz has terrorized his staff and even the board members who hired him, while alienating members of the business community.

Murphy’s Law: Personal Foul – Norquist Loses Points With the Business Community
Murphy’s Law

Personal Foul – Norquist Loses Points With the Business Community

The Greater Milwaukee Committee thinks it's found a way to get more revenue for the Milwaukee Bucks.

Murphy’s Law: Did Marilyn Want Millions From The Mayor?
Murphy’s Law

Did Marilyn Want Millions From The Mayor?

Marilyn Figueroa never wanted money from the mayor

Murphy’s Law: That’s Incredible – Why Marilyn’s Story Can’t Be Believed
Murphy’s Law

That’s Incredible – Why Marilyn’s Story Can’t Be Believed

I don't claim to know who's right in the vicious dispute between Marilyn Figueroa and John Norquist.