Political Contributions Tracker

Welcome to the beta release of Urban Milwaukee's Political Contributions Tracker. Our goal is to deliver an easy-to-use interface to follow the money in Milwaukee politics. The data included below is from an on-going effort to match campaign contributions to real people.

Future updates will add organization & business affiliations, substantially more reports and a number of other improvements. Please provide feedback on our beta relase using our contact form on how we can improve the service.

Top 100 Contributors

Name Lifetime Contributions Excerpt
Jason Auerbach$55,302142020 candidate for 14th aldermanic district on Milwaukee's South Side.
Vincent Bobot$42,06431Attorney. 2020 candidate for Milwaukee City Attorney, eliminated in primary. Former Milwaukee Police Officer and employee of City Attorney’s Office.
Frank Crivello$31,25521Executive Vice President at Phoenix Investors
Spencer Coggs$27,7005Spencer Coggs is the City of Milwaukee Treasurer.
Dennis Klein$21,71130Executive at CD Smith.
Peter Burgelis$16,93716Elected to Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors in 2022.
Robert Hillis$16,2205Founder of Direct Supply.
Joe Crivello$16,0157Joe Crivello is the president of Capable Management Consulting and a director and advisory board member at Phoenix Investors.
Anthony Crivello$15,8998Son of Frank Crivello.
Karl Rajani$14,92019President of Matt Talbot Recovery Service.
Chris Abele$14,12211Philanthropist and former Milwaukee County Executive.
Michael Weiss$13,64310President of General Capital Group.
Aycha Sawa$11,9806
Kurt Jensen$10,8159Senior Vice President of Acquisitions and Leasing for Phoenix Investors.
Nick Anton$10,48323Owner of La Perla.
Scott Spiker$10,3434A focus on safe streets, quality neighborhoods, and service to residents.
Rick Barrett$9,53312President of Barrett Visionary Development.
Mark Irgens$9,1208CEO/Manager of Irgens Partners.
John Schiek$9,0002Retired
Ed Aprahamian$8,9004President of MidAmerican Building Services.
Alex Lasry$8,74314Vice President of Strategy & Operations at the Milwaukee Bucks.
Joel Lee$8,58016President of Van Buren Management, Inc.
Charnjit Kaur$8,56511Owner of retail store at 1301 W. Atkinson Ave. and developing building at 4616 W. Hampton Ave.
David Gruber$8,5003Attorney.
Stephen Marcus$8,18916Chairman of Marcus Corp.
Dick Abdoo$7,6586President of R.A. Abdoo and Company, LLC.
Habib Manjee$7,50022General manger of the Lady Bug Club.
Nicolas Alexander$7,5004Nicolas Alexander
Amit Gauri$7,3947President of Chicago firm Black Dog Corp.
Tina Chang$7,3507Tina Chang, CEO of SysLogic.
Peter Feigin$7,25015President of the Milwaukee Bucks.
Joseph Modl$7,1554Co-owner of Silk
Mohammad Amir$7,10013Mohammad Amir
Peter Ogden$7,05617President and chairman of Ogden & Company, Inc.
Larry Erlich$6,9354Vice President at Waukesha Iron.
Radomir Buzdum$6,7904
Bob Donovan$6,7002Candidate for mayor and former alderman
Prabhu “Patrick” Kasthurirangaian$6,5929Prabhu “Patrick” Kasthurirangaian
Ralph Kauten$6,4005Chairman & CEO of Quintessence Biosciences.
Giacomo Fallucca$6,3184President and CEO of Palermo Villa
Darshan Dhaliwal$6,3106President at Bulk Petroleum
Allah W. Bhatti$6,2502Allah W. Bhatti, MD. Resident of River Hills.
Mandeep Dhawan$6,17917Mandeep Dhawan, owns multiple gas stations in the Milwaukee area.
Tony Teich$6,1653Tony Teich, president of Mill Valley Recycling, 1006 S. Barclay St.
Ted Kellner$6,1502
Jalem Getz$6,1003President of Wantable. Founder and former head of BuySeasons
John Kissinger$6,03311John H. Kissinger, P.E., S.E., LEED® AP, Chief Executive Officer, GRAEF
Jason Fields$6,0252
Stuart Sawa$6,0001Stuart Sawa
Michael Cudahy$6,0002Philanthropist and the founder of Marquette Electronics.
Thomas Manos$6,0002President and CEO of Park Dental Specialists.
Alan Jin$6,0002Optometrist at Wheaton Eye Clinic in Wheaton, IL.
Jeremy Kaufman$6,0003Chief Executive Officer of Kaufman Jacobs.
Herb Kohl$6,0002Former U.S. Senator.
Edward Stritch$6,0005CEO of the Concord Group.
Kevin J. Schuele$6,0001Owner of PAK Technologies.
Jay Rothman$6,0003Jay Rothman
Don Layden$6,0002
Ryan Trost$5,85510Senior Vice President of Finance for Phoenix Investors.
Donald Raffaelli$5,70912Owner of Ricky's on State, a strip club and tavern.
Dominic Giuffre$5,60010Owner of Giuffre Bros. Cranes.
Renee Herzing$5,5506
Carl Mueller$5,52030Founder, chairman and CEO of Mueller Communications.
Ashleigh Trost$5,5058Married to Ryan Trost
Sue Wiechmann$5,5005Sue Wiechmann
John Hegarty$5,4753Former owner of Hegarty's Irish Pub and Glocca Morra.
Larry Pachefsky$5,35520Owner of Mr. P's Tires.
David Uihlein$5,35011David Vogel Uhlein, Jr.
Cory Nettles$5,2576Founder and Managing Director of Generation Growth Capital, Inc.
Brian Randall$5,22826Attorney with Davis & Kuelthau, s.c.
Scott Haag$5,0505CEO of Moore Oil.
Grant Langley$5,0001
Lynde Uihlein$5,0001
James A. Tarantino$5,0005Founder and principal of Tarantino & Company, LLC.
Gary Goyke$4,96724Former State Senator.
Jay Walia$4,85215
Carrie Jensen$4,7157Wife of Kurt Jensen.
David Marks$4,7158Managing director at Phoenix Investors, LLC.
Mark Thomsen$4,6709
Gary Gorman$4,6007Chief Executive Officer of Gorman & Company.
Rick Wiegand$4,6005
Jon Ferraro$4,5737Former owner of Silk Exotic.
Johnny Vassallo$4,4704Founder and owner of Mo’s Restaurants.
Matt Freeman$4,4585River Hills resident. Jimmy John's franchisee.
Frank Jaber$4,4006Owner of grocery and convenience stores.
Steve Chernof$4,39215
Karen Gotzler$4,38926Karen Gotzler, executive director of the Milwaukee LGBT Community Center.
Selahattin Kurter$4,2003Selahattin Kurter.
Patty Doherty$4,1506
Sally Peltz$4,1007
Alex Brower$4,06714
Steve Sazama$4,0508
Julilly Kohler$4,0505Julily Kohler is a Milwaukee real estate developer and philanthropist.
S.R. Mills$4,0364S.R. Mills is the President of Bear Development.
James Phelps$4,01718President of JCP Construction.
Matt Flynn$4,0139Attorney.
Harvey Hammond Jr.$4,0002Executive chairman of the HNTB Companies.
Tim Wendler$4,0002Vice president of operations at Duncan Solutions.
Rich Meeusen$4,0002President and Chief Executive Officer of Badger Meter.
Erich Schwenker$3,9444President of Cardinal Capital Management, Inc.

Top Fundraisers

Name Lifetime Contributions Average Contribution
Tom Barrett$976,3983,063$319
Tony Zielinski$346,843708$490
Bob Donovan$212,4761,794$118
José G. Pérez$181,4751,200$151
Cavalier Johnson$156,172855$183
Vincent Bobot$131,353360$365
Joe Davis, Sr.$117,391118$995
Tearman Spencer$112,15859$1
Robert Bauman$102,539605$169
Ashanti Hamilton$95,536381$251
Russell W. Stamper, II$66,318294$226
Aycha Sawa$63,905150$426
Jason Auerbach$61,40278$787
Alex Brower$59,850598$100
Khalif Rainey$56,218207$272
Bob Peterson$50,431508$99
JoCasta Zamarripa$48,492406$119
Nik Kovac$45,878302$152
Marina Dimitrijevic$45,320402$113
Peter Burgelis$44,766296$151
Terry Witkowski$36,510283$129
Chris Wiken$31,776214$148
Milele A. Coggs$31,161255$122
Jason Fields$29,880120$249
Michael Murphy$29,524213$139
Spencer Coggs$28,0508$3
Scott Spiker$27,771113$246
Stefanie Dugan$27,00591$297
DiAndre Jackson$23,95352$461
Nikiya Dodd$23,889154$155
Andrea Pratt$22,51773$308
David Crowley$22,219279$80
Mark Borkowski$20,64667$308
Patty Doherty$20,095106$190
Grant Langley$20,01542$477
Jilly Gokalgandhi$17,475152$115
Chantia Lewis$17,446208$84
Johnny Thomas$14,784110$134
Vincent Toney$13,575119$114
Sherman Morton$13,20564$206
Meagan Holman$13,186153$86
Willie Wade$12,89865$198
Patricia Najera$12,85565$198
Daniel Bauman$12,38175$165
Robert Puente$11,68559$198
Josh Zepnick$10,77686$125
Justin Bielinski$8,947144$62
Martin Matson$7,56956$135
Aisha Carr$6,86022$312
Shyla Deacon$6,66558$115
Lena Taylor$5,85254$108
Shannan Hayden$5,38129$186
Martin Weddle$5,34771$75
David Bowen$5,33124$222
Catrina Crane$5,18066$78
Marcela Garcia$5,01098$51
Michael Bonds$4,91621$234
Fred Royal$4,90045$109
Kenneth Hughes$4,8456$808
Henry Leonard$4,58059$78
Keith Bailey$4,29623$187
Randy Jones$4,14134$122
Kathryn Gabor$3,91116$244
Ronny Thompson$3,85026$148
Andrew J. Shaw$3,43812$287
Lamont Westmoreland$3,36259$57
Abbie Fishman$3,23428$115
Eva Roberson$3,17928$114
Christian Saldivar$3,01518$168
Marva Herndon$2,77939$71
Dana Kelley$2,75642$66
Monique Kelly$2,5008$313
Missy Zombor$2,19339$56
Ira Robins$2,1459$238
Josh Anderson$2,12726$82
James Krickeberg$1,8349$204
David D. King$1,81914$130
Larresa Taylor$1,80412$150
James Methu$1,71233$52
Victor Nwagbaraocha$1,6103$537
Sean Muhammad$1,6005$320
Tracey Dent$1,11117$65
Michael Sugden, Jr.$9125$182
Frank Emanuele Jr$5021$502
Majungaray Watts$5001$500
Annette Jackson$5001$500
Penny Sikora$45510$46
Tory Lowe$3901$390
Odell Ball$3532$176
Vivan Redd-Fehr$3057$44
Nicholas McVey$2853$95
Tim Kenney$2055$41
Jacob Marek$1463$49
Matt Elder$1185$24
Angel C. Sanchez$1001$100
Cheryl Hayes$501$50
Jacob Krieg$341$34
Jim Bohl$251$25

Reporting Periods

Name # of Reports Amount Raised
2025 January Continuing6$80,043
2023 Pre-Primary2$13,598
2023 - January Continuing4$18,465
2021 - January Continuing39$157,512
2020 - July Continuing24$36,577
2020 Pre-Election3$16,966
2020 - Pre-Primary21$151,449
2020 - January Continuing39$375,811
2019 - Post-Election5$20,971
2019 - Special Pre-Election6$12,898
2019 - July Continuing27$301,853
2019 - January Continuing31$194,664
2019 - Pre-Primary1$930
2019 - Pre-Election6$66,119
2018 - July Continuing24$286,313
2018 - Pre-Primary1$3,179
2018 - January Continuing3$158,709
2017 - July Continuing8$170,837
2017 - January Continuing7$34,631
2016 - September Continuing1$10,925
2016 - July Continuing31$246,277
2016 - Pre-Election36$506,776
2016 - Spring Pre-Primary27$91,682
2016 - January Continuing46$519,037
2015 - July Continuing7$126,148
2015 - January Continuing9$62,508

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NOTE: Currently missing in this beta release are expenses, loans, in-kind contributions and account balances. We are working to add that information as soon as possible.

Interested in helping digitize old reports? Email us at info@UrbanMilwaukee.com