Political Contributions Tracker
Tracking $2,468,096 in contributions from 4,727 people.
Welcome to the beta release of Urban Milwaukee's Political Contributions Tracker. Our goal is to deliver an easy-to-use interface to follow the money in Milwaukee politics. The data included below is from an on-going effort to match campaign contributions to real people.
Future updates will add organization & business affiliations, substantially more reports and a number of other improvements. Please provide feedback on our beta relase using our contact form on how we can improve the service.
Top 100 Contributors
Name | Lifetime | Contributions | Excerpt |
Jason Auerbach | $55,302 | 14 | 2020 candidate for 14th aldermanic district on Milwaukee's South Side. |
Vincent Bobot | $42,064 | 31 | Attorney. 2020 candidate for Milwaukee City Attorney, eliminated in primary. Former Milwaukee Police Officer and employee of City Attorney’s Office. |
Frank Crivello | $31,255 | 21 | Executive Vice President at Phoenix Investors |
Spencer Coggs | $27,700 | 5 | Spencer Coggs is the City of Milwaukee Treasurer. |
Dennis Klein | $21,711 | 30 | Executive at CD Smith. |
Peter Burgelis | $16,937 | 16 | Elected to Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors in 2022. |
Robert Hillis | $16,220 | 5 | Founder of Direct Supply. |
Joe Crivello | $16,015 | 7 | Joe Crivello is the president of Capable Management Consulting and a director and advisory board member at Phoenix Investors. |
Anthony Crivello | $15,899 | 8 | Son of Frank Crivello. |
Karl Rajani | $14,920 | 19 | President of Matt Talbot Recovery Service. |
Chris Abele | $14,122 | 11 | Philanthropist and former Milwaukee County Executive. |
Michael Weiss | $13,643 | 10 | President of General Capital Group. |
Aycha Sawa | $11,980 | 6 | |
Kurt Jensen | $10,815 | 9 | Senior Vice President of Acquisitions and Leasing for Phoenix Investors. |
Nick Anton | $10,483 | 23 | Owner of La Perla. |
Scott Spiker | $10,343 | 4 | A focus on safe streets, quality neighborhoods, and service to residents. |
Rick Barrett | $9,533 | 12 | President of Barrett Visionary Development. |
Mark Irgens | $9,120 | 8 | CEO/Manager of Irgens Partners. |
John Schiek | $9,000 | 2 | Retired |
Ed Aprahamian | $8,900 | 4 | President of MidAmerican Building Services. |
Alex Lasry | $8,743 | 14 | Vice President of Strategy & Operations at the Milwaukee Bucks. |
Joel Lee | $8,580 | 16 | President of Van Buren Management, Inc. |
Charnjit Kaur | $8,565 | 11 | Owner of retail store at 1301 W. Atkinson Ave. and developing building at 4616 W. Hampton Ave. |
David Gruber | $8,500 | 3 | Attorney. |
Stephen Marcus | $8,189 | 16 | Chairman of Marcus Corp. |
Dick Abdoo | $7,658 | 6 | President of R.A. Abdoo and Company, LLC. |
Habib Manjee | $7,500 | 22 | General manger of the Lady Bug Club. |
Nicolas Alexander | $7,500 | 4 | Nicolas Alexander |
Amit Gauri | $7,394 | 7 | President of Chicago firm Black Dog Corp. |
Tina Chang | $7,350 | 7 | Tina Chang, CEO of SysLogic. |
Peter Feigin | $7,250 | 15 | President of the Milwaukee Bucks. |
Joseph Modl | $7,155 | 4 | Co-owner of Silk |
Mohammad Amir | $7,100 | 13 | Mohammad Amir |
Peter Ogden | $7,056 | 17 | President and chairman of Ogden & Company, Inc. |
Larry Erlich | $6,935 | 4 | Vice President at Waukesha Iron. |
Radomir Buzdum | $6,790 | 4 | |
Bob Donovan | $6,700 | 2 | Candidate for mayor and former alderman |
Prabhu “Patrick” Kasthurirangaian | $6,592 | 9 | Prabhu “Patrick” Kasthurirangaian |
Ralph Kauten | $6,400 | 5 | Chairman & CEO of Quintessence Biosciences. |
Giacomo Fallucca | $6,318 | 4 | President and CEO of Palermo Villa |
Darshan Dhaliwal | $6,310 | 6 | President at Bulk Petroleum |
Allah W. Bhatti | $6,250 | 2 | Allah W. Bhatti, MD. Resident of River Hills. |
Mandeep Dhawan | $6,179 | 17 | Mandeep Dhawan, owns multiple gas stations in the Milwaukee area. |
Tony Teich | $6,165 | 3 | Tony Teich, president of Mill Valley Recycling, 1006 S. Barclay St. |
Ted Kellner | $6,150 | 2 | |
Jalem Getz | $6,100 | 3 | President of Wantable. Founder and former head of BuySeasons |
John Kissinger | $6,033 | 11 | John H. Kissinger, P.E., S.E., LEED® AP, Chief Executive Officer, GRAEF |
Jason Fields | $6,025 | 2 | |
Stuart Sawa | $6,000 | 1 | Stuart Sawa |
Michael Cudahy | $6,000 | 2 | Philanthropist and the founder of Marquette Electronics. |
Thomas Manos | $6,000 | 2 | President and CEO of Park Dental Specialists. |
Alan Jin | $6,000 | 2 | Optometrist at Wheaton Eye Clinic in Wheaton, IL. |
Jeremy Kaufman | $6,000 | 3 | Chief Executive Officer of Kaufman Jacobs. |
Herb Kohl | $6,000 | 2 | Former U.S. Senator. |
Edward Stritch | $6,000 | 5 | CEO of the Concord Group. |
Kevin J. Schuele | $6,000 | 1 | Owner of PAK Technologies. |
Jay Rothman | $6,000 | 3 | Jay Rothman |
Don Layden | $6,000 | 2 | |
Ryan Trost | $5,855 | 10 | Senior Vice President of Finance for Phoenix Investors. |
Donald Raffaelli | $5,709 | 12 | Owner of Ricky's on State, a strip club and tavern. |
Dominic Giuffre | $5,600 | 10 | Owner of Giuffre Bros. Cranes. |
Renee Herzing | $5,550 | 6 | |
Carl Mueller | $5,520 | 30 | Founder, chairman and CEO of Mueller Communications. |
Ashleigh Trost | $5,505 | 8 | Married to Ryan Trost |
Sue Wiechmann | $5,500 | 5 | Sue Wiechmann |
John Hegarty | $5,475 | 3 | Former owner of Hegarty's Irish Pub and Glocca Morra. |
Larry Pachefsky | $5,355 | 20 | Owner of Mr. P's Tires. |
David Uihlein | $5,350 | 11 | David Vogel Uhlein, Jr. |
Cory Nettles | $5,257 | 6 | Founder and Managing Director of Generation Growth Capital, Inc. |
Brian Randall | $5,228 | 26 | Attorney with Davis & Kuelthau, s.c. |
Scott Haag | $5,050 | 5 | CEO of Moore Oil. |
Grant Langley | $5,000 | 1 | |
Lynde Uihlein | $5,000 | 1 | |
James A. Tarantino | $5,000 | 5 | Founder and principal of Tarantino & Company, LLC. |
Gary Goyke | $4,967 | 24 | Former State Senator. |
Jay Walia | $4,852 | 15 | |
Carrie Jensen | $4,715 | 7 | Wife of Kurt Jensen. |
David Marks | $4,715 | 8 | Managing director at Phoenix Investors, LLC. |
Mark Thomsen | $4,670 | 9 | |
Gary Gorman | $4,600 | 7 | Chief Executive Officer of Gorman & Company. |
Rick Wiegand | $4,600 | 5 | |
Jon Ferraro | $4,573 | 7 | Former owner of Silk Exotic. |
Johnny Vassallo | $4,470 | 4 | Founder and owner of Mo’s Restaurants. |
Matt Freeman | $4,458 | 5 | River Hills resident. Jimmy John's franchisee. |
Frank Jaber | $4,400 | 6 | Owner of grocery and convenience stores. |
Steve Chernof | $4,392 | 15 | |
Karen Gotzler | $4,389 | 26 | Karen Gotzler, executive director of the Milwaukee LGBT Community Center. |
Selahattin Kurter | $4,200 | 3 | Selahattin Kurter. |
Patty Doherty | $4,150 | 6 | |
Sally Peltz | $4,100 | 7 | |
Alex Brower | $4,067 | 14 | |
Steve Sazama | $4,050 | 8 | |
Julilly Kohler | $4,050 | 5 | Julily Kohler is a Milwaukee real estate developer and philanthropist. |
S.R. Mills | $4,036 | 4 | S.R. Mills is the President of Bear Development. |
James Phelps | $4,017 | 18 | President of JCP Construction. |
Matt Flynn | $4,013 | 9 | Attorney. |
Harvey Hammond Jr. | $4,000 | 2 | Executive chairman of the HNTB Companies. |
Tim Wendler | $4,000 | 2 | Vice president of operations at Duncan Solutions. |
Rich Meeusen | $4,000 | 2 | President and Chief Executive Officer of Badger Meter. |
Erich Schwenker | $3,944 | 4 | President of Cardinal Capital Management, Inc. |
Top Fundraisers
Reporting Periods
Name | # of Reports | Amount Raised |
2025 January Continuing | 6 | $80,043 |
2023 Pre-Primary | 2 | $13,598 |
2023 - January Continuing | 4 | $18,465 |
2021 - January Continuing | 39 | $157,512 |
2020 - July Continuing | 24 | $36,577 |
2020 Pre-Election | 3 | $16,966 |
2020 - Pre-Primary | 21 | $151,449 |
2020 - January Continuing | 39 | $375,811 |
2019 - Post-Election | 5 | $20,971 |
2019 - Special Pre-Election | 6 | $12,898 |
2019 - July Continuing | 27 | $301,853 |
2019 - January Continuing | 31 | $194,664 |
2019 - Pre-Primary | 1 | $930 |
2019 - Pre-Election | 6 | $66,119 |
2018 - July Continuing | 24 | $286,313 |
2018 - Pre-Primary | 1 | $3,179 |
2018 - January Continuing | 3 | $158,709 |
2017 - July Continuing | 8 | $170,837 |
2017 - January Continuing | 7 | $34,631 |
2016 - September Continuing | 1 | $10,925 |
2016 - July Continuing | 31 | $246,277 |
2016 - Pre-Election | 36 | $506,776 |
2016 - Spring Pre-Primary | 27 | $91,682 |
2016 - January Continuing | 46 | $519,037 |
2015 - July Continuing | 7 | $126,148 |
2015 - January Continuing | 9 | $62,508 |
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NOTE: Currently missing in this beta release are expenses, loans, in-kind contributions and account balances. We are working to add that information as soon as possible.
Interested in helping digitize old reports? Email us at info@UrbanMilwaukee.com