Bruce Thompson

Recent Articles

Data Wonk: Measuring Trump’s Approval Rating
Data Wonk

Measuring Trump’s Approval Rating

Declining both nationally and in Wisconsin. By how much?

Data Wonk: Why Is Trump Targeting Veterans?
Data Wonk

Why Is Trump Targeting Veterans?

Trump/Musk cuts hurt a popular government program and many workers who back MAGA.

Data Wonk: How Vulnerable Is Wisconsin to Federal Firings?
Data Wonk

How Vulnerable Is Wisconsin to Federal Firings?

State has 30,000 federal employees. And many state workers in federally funded agencies.

Data Wonk: How Fair Are Wisconsin’s Taxes?
Data Wonk

How Fair Are Wisconsin’s Taxes?

The wealthy pay a lower percent of their income in taxes. Evers proposal addresses this.

Data Wonk: The Myth of Immigrant Violence
Data Wonk

The Myth of Immigrant Violence

Neighborhoods with Hispanic immigrants actually have lower rates of violent crime.

Data Wonk: How Much Did New State Legislative Districts Change?
Data Wonk

How Much Did New State Legislative Districts Change?

Much closer results, far less gerrymandered despite increasing polarization.

Data Wonk: Crime, Trump’s Claims and The Facts
Data Wonk

Crime, Trump’s Claims and The Facts

Has the crime rate gone up or down in Milwaukee and nationally?

Data Wonk: Why People Live Longer in Some States
Data Wonk

Why People Live Longer in Some States

The differences between Wisconsin and states like Mississippi.

Data Wonk: Did Act 10 Improve Wisconsin’s Economy?
Data Wonk

Did Act 10 Improve Wisconsin’s Economy?

Scott Walker fell far short of his promises and behind some neighboring states.

Data Wonk: How Fair Are Wisconsin’s Taxes?
Data Wonk

How Fair Are Wisconsin’s Taxes?

And how will they be affected by Trump tax cuts?

Data Wonk: Is Raising the Minimum Wage Good Policy?
Data Wonk

Is Raising the Minimum Wage Good Policy?

Or just good politics? Let's consider the data for both.

Data Wonk: What the 2024 Election Tells Us About Wisconsin Voters
Data Wonk

What the 2024 Election Tells Us About Wisconsin Voters

Wisconsin was the most competitive state in America. Which issues mattered?

Data Wonk: What Kind of Economy Will Trump Inherit?
Data Wonk

What Kind of Economy Will Trump Inherit?

Across the board the numbers all tell a similar story.

Data Wonk: Is Immigration A “Happy Problem?”
Data Wonk

Is Immigration A “Happy Problem?”

People are voting with their feet to come to the U.S., despite how Trump characterizes it.

Data Wonk: Were We Better Off Four Years Ago?
Data Wonk

Were We Better Off Four Years Ago?

It's a central claim in Trump campaign. But the data tells an interesting story.

Data Wonk: Is It Finally Time For Wisconsin To Accept Medicaid Expansion Dollars?
Data Wonk

Is It Finally Time For Wisconsin To Accept Medicaid Expansion Dollars?

And would Donald Trump reduce the number of uninsured people?

Data Wonk: Fact Checking Trump and Vance
Data Wonk

Fact Checking Trump and Vance

The data show they are lying about crime, the economy and health insurance coverage.

Data Wonk: Will State Move to Legalize Marijuana?
Data Wonk

Will State Move to Legalize Marijuana?

There are lessons to be learned from states that have done so.

Data Wonk: Should Wisconsin Legalize Marijuana?
Data Wonk

Should Wisconsin Legalize Marijuana?

What do the people want? Let's look at the data.

Data Wonk: Harris May Need More Than 51% of Vote
Data Wonk

Harris May Need More Than 51% of Vote

Wisconsin looks good, but she may need 3% lead in national vote to win electoral college.

Data Wonk: Abortions Up In U.S., Down in State
Data Wonk

Abortions Up In U.S., Down in State

Rising since 2017 and even after Dobbs decision. But declining in Wisconsin since 2022.

Data Wonk: Will Trump Protect Social Security and Medicare?
Data Wonk

Will Trump Protect Social Security and Medicare?

So claims literature mailed by Republican Party of Wisconsin. Let's examine the facts.

Data Wonk: WOW Counties Turning Less Republican
Data Wonk

WOW Counties Turning Less Republican

Ozaukee and Waukesha now less red while Washington County resists the trend.

Data Wonk: Why Do Republicans Say They’re Struggling?
Data Wonk

Why Do Republicans Say They’re Struggling?

Their positive views on economy turned sour even as the economy improved. What gives?

Data Wonk: What Tuesday’s Election Tells Us
Data Wonk

What Tuesday’s Election Tells Us

Two cynical structured and timed amendments and one race for Waukesha County DA that ignores actual data.

Data Wonk: Did Trump Oversee The Best Economy in History?
Data Wonk

Did Trump Oversee The Best Economy in History?

The data for Wisconsin and nation offers a less euphoric conclusion.

Data Wonk: Why Those Proposed Amendments to State Constitution?
Data Wonk

Why Those Proposed Amendments to State Constitution?

Why did Republicans craft them? And why did choose August election for the vote?

Data Wonk: Why Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes Are Now Legal
Data Wonk

Why Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes Are Now Legal

The explanation begins with a highly unusual 2022 Wisconsin Supreme Court decision.

Data Wonk: The Imperial Legislature Is Shot Down
Data Wonk

The Imperial Legislature Is Shot Down

6-1 decision by Wisconsin Supreme Court a surprise. What does it tell us about the court?

Data Wonk: Counting the Lies By Trump
Data Wonk

Counting the Lies By Trump

The other side of his debate with Joe Biden.

Data Wonk: How Did Politics Affect Covid Deaths?
Data Wonk

How Did Politics Affect Covid Deaths?

Data by state shows interesting trend for Wisconsin, the U.S.

Data Wonk: How To Make Wisconsin Richer
Data Wonk

How To Make Wisconsin Richer

ALEC's annual 'Rich States Poor States' report is at odds with its own data.

Data Wonk: Would Trump or Biden Be Better for Economy?
Data Wonk

Would Trump or Biden Be Better for Economy?

What the data shows about Wisconsin and U.S. economies.

Data Wonk: How Wisconsin Republicans View Trump’s Conviction
Data Wonk

How Wisconsin Republicans View Trump’s Conviction

It's agreed: A 'dark day' and Democrats have 'weaponized' the legal system.

Data Wonk: Which Party Has Done More to Increase Federal Debt?
Data Wonk

Which Party Has Done More to Increase Federal Debt?

Ron Johnson has pushed hard on this issue. What has been the result?

Data Wonk: How Bipartisan Is Wisconsin’s Congressional Delegation?
Data Wonk

How Bipartisan Is Wisconsin’s Congressional Delegation?

Lugar index shows Ron Johnson, Tom Tiffany least bipartisan. Baldwin, Gallagher rank high.

Data Wonk: Why Are Wisconsin Republicans So Hostile to Ukraine?
Data Wonk

Why Are Wisconsin Republicans So Hostile to Ukraine?

All 5 of state's remaining Republican House members voted against aid to Ukraine.

Data Wonk: Which Party Is Better For The Economy?
Data Wonk

Which Party Is Better For The Economy?

Data shows a clear difference going back a century, including Biden and Trump.

Data Wonk: How Partisan Is Wisconsin’s Congressional Delegation?
Data Wonk

How Partisan Is Wisconsin’s Congressional Delegation?

DW-NOMINATE shows our members are typically more partisan than the median.

Data Wonk: Wisconsin’s Legislative Committees Uniquely Powerful?
Data Wonk

Wisconsin’s Legislative Committees Uniquely Powerful?

Suit by Gov. Evers shows Wisconsin violating separation-of-powers doctrine.

Data Wonk: Why Can’t MPS Improve Student Reading Scores?
Data Wonk

Why Can’t MPS Improve Student Reading Scores?

Failure to use phonics and poorly trained teachers may help explain this.

Data Wonk: Was Wisconsin’s Presidential Primary a ‘Huge Success’ For Trump?
Data Wonk

Was Wisconsin’s Presidential Primary a ‘Huge Success’ For Trump?

So claims Republican fundraising emails. Let's consider the data.

Data Wonk: Scott Walker’s Misleading Use of Job Data
Data Wonk

Scott Walker’s Misleading Use of Job Data

Citing isolated fact to CNN contradicted by a raft of positive data on job growth.

Data Wonk: How Partisan Divide on Education Hurts State
Data Wonk

How Partisan Divide on Education Hurts State

Some schools with poor students have success. Why aren't we learning from that?

Data Wonk: Will Wisconsin Supreme Court Legalize Absentee Ballot Boxes?
Data Wonk

Will Wisconsin Supreme Court Legalize Absentee Ballot Boxes?

It rejected three issues raised in lawsuit and will rule on only one. Why?

Data Wonk: About That Recall Effort Against Robin Vos
Data Wonk

About That Recall Effort Against Robin Vos

The campaign by Vos haters is anti-democratic. Here's why.

Data Wonk: Who Is Most At Risk From Gun Shootings?
Data Wonk

Who Is Most At Risk From Gun Shootings?

The data on Milwaukee tells the story.

Data Wonk: State High Court Should Review Our Gerrymandered Congressional Districts
Data Wonk

State High Court Should Review Our Gerrymandered Congressional Districts

Just how gerrymandered are Wisconsin's districts? Let's look at the numbers.

Data Wonk: How Healthy Is The Wisconsin Economy?
Data Wonk

How Healthy Is The Wisconsin Economy?

Poll reveals Republicans higher on Wisconsin than U.S., but what do economic indicators say?

Data Wonk: Should Evers Sign Redistricting Bill?
Data Wonk

Should Evers Sign Redistricting Bill?

It's governor's plan, but gives Democrats only a 17% chance of winning half of all Assembly seats with 50% of state vote.

Data Wonk: Supreme Court Should Have Consultants Draw New District Maps
Data Wonk

Supreme Court Should Have Consultants Draw New District Maps

Data shows all suggested maps tilt Republican and fairer maps can be drawn.

Data Wonk: Why GOP Redistricting Gambit Failed
Data Wonk

Why GOP Redistricting Gambit Failed

Last minute Republican legislation based on Evers' plan vetoed by governor. Why?

Data Wonk: How Gerrymandered Are State’s Congressional Districts?
Data Wonk

How Gerrymandered Are State’s Congressional Districts?

And how much can they be improved by fair maps?

Data Wonk: Ranking The 7 Proposed Legislative Maps
Data Wonk

Ranking The 7 Proposed Legislative Maps

7 redistricting maps were submitted to state Supreme Court. Which is best and why?

Data Wonk: District 8 Becoming More Democratic. Its Senator Isn’t.
Data Wonk

District 8 Becoming More Democratic. Its Senator Isn’t.

State Sen. Dan Knodl votes like MAGA Republican in a nearly evenly divided district.

Data Wonk: Would Ranked Choice Voting Enhance Democracy?
Data Wonk

Would Ranked Choice Voting Enhance Democracy?

Bill before state Legislature has more support from Democrats, but could help both parties.

Data Wonk: The State Supreme Court Minority’s View of Gerrymandering
Data Wonk

The State Supreme Court Minority’s View of Gerrymandering

226 pages of dissent that ignore key facts and data.

Data Wonk: Why Voters Are Pessimistic About Economy
Data Wonk

Why Voters Are Pessimistic About Economy

The economic data for state and U.S. is very positive. So why is it viewed so negatively?

Data Wonk: What Does The Data Say About The Wisconsin Economy?
Data Wonk

What Does The Data Say About The Wisconsin Economy?

Poll reviews sour mood, but data paints a different picture.

Data Wonk: How the Gerrymander Wastes Votes
Data Wonk

How the Gerrymander Wastes Votes

Compared to 4 other maps of Wisconsin's legislative districts, the current one nullifies the most votes.

Data Wonk: How Will Supreme Court Rule On Gerrymandering Lawsuit?
Data Wonk

How Will Supreme Court Rule On Gerrymandering Lawsuit?

And what exactly does contiguity mean when it comes to legislative maps?

Data Wonk: Is Legislature Illegally Grabbing Executive Power?
Data Wonk

Is Legislature Illegally Grabbing Executive Power?

Evers suit charges Legislature has repeatedly violated state constitution.

Data Wonk: Meagan Wolfe Impeachment Effort Shows Power of MAGA Republicans
Data Wonk

Meagan Wolfe Impeachment Effort Shows Power of MAGA Republicans

A 2022 primary challenge and an unprecedented impeachment challenge are signs of far-right control of GOP.

Data Wonk: What Can We Learn From Gerrymandering Case Briefs?
Data Wonk

What Can We Learn From Gerrymandering Case Briefs?

Seven parties submit written briefs in advance of oral arguments in Supreme Court case.

Data Wonk: In Defense of Gerrymandering
Data Wonk

In Defense of Gerrymandering

How the Supreme Court minority defends its objection to 'Fair maps!'.

Data Wonk: The Wisconsin Supreme Court Starts Its Review of Gerrymandering Case
Data Wonk

The Wisconsin Supreme Court Starts Its Review of Gerrymandering Case

And conservative justices are already dissenting.

Data Wonk: How Gerrymanders Hurt Both Parties
Data Wonk

How Gerrymanders Hurt Both Parties

Making political parties in state and nation more extreme, unrepresentative.

Data Wonk: Why That ‘Iowa’ Redistricting Plan Was Unfair
Data Wonk

Why That ‘Iowa’ Redistricting Plan Was Unfair

Wisconsin Republicans' plan did not provide political proportionality.

Data Wonk: The Impact of Impeachment Threats
Data Wonk

The Impact of Impeachment Threats

Republicans seek to scare Justice Protasiewicz and elections overseer Meagan Wolfe into following their dictates.

Data Wonk: The Power of Wisconsin’s Gerrymander
Data Wonk

The Power of Wisconsin’s Gerrymander

Recent election results show how entrenched the Republican advantage is.

Data Wonk: 3 Scenarios For GOP Threats Against Protasiewicz
Data Wonk

3 Scenarios For GOP Threats Against Protasiewicz

Federal and state case law suggest there are no grounds for impeachment.

Data Wonk: Should Judicial Candidates Be Muzzled?
Data Wonk

Should Judicial Candidates Be Muzzled?

Forcing Protasiewicz to recuse could doom fair maps and discourage informative judicial races.

Data Wonk: Should Protasiewicz Recuse From Redistricting Cases?
Data Wonk

Should Protasiewicz Recuse From Redistricting Cases?

Or should Rebecca Bradley? Her comment was less factual and more scathing.

Data Wonk: Who Are State Supreme Court’s ‘Rogue Members’?
Data Wonk

Who Are State Supreme Court’s ‘Rogue Members’?

Ziegler and conservatives have ignored state Constitution in governance dispute.

Data Wonk: North Shore Special Elections Show Impact of Gerrymandering
Data Wonk

North Shore Special Elections Show Impact of Gerrymandering

Packing-and-cracking allowed Republicans to keep control of seats that were trending Democratic.

Data Wonk: Do Act 12 Mandates Violate State Constitution?
Data Wonk

Do Act 12 Mandates Violate State Constitution?

Legislation enabling Milwaukee sales tax included restrictions that could be challenged.

Data Wonk: Is City’s Decline in Homicides For Real?
Data Wonk

Is City’s Decline in Homicides For Real?

The data shows significant decline for Milwaukee in 2023, but a still worrisome trend.

Data Wonk: Tax Plans Reveal Very Different Values
Data Wonk

Tax Plans Reveal Very Different Values

Evers and Republicans each offered a helping hand. But to whom?

Data Wonk: How Milwaukee’s Financial Crisis Arose
Data Wonk

How Milwaukee’s Financial Crisis Arose

And how good -- or bad -- is the state's solution?

Data Wonk: Which Party Is Better for U.S. and Wisconsin Economies?
Data Wonk

Which Party Is Better for U.S. and Wisconsin Economies?

75 years of data shows greater jobs and economic growth under Democratic presidents.

Data Wonk: Grothman Vs. Biden On Federal Judges
Data Wonk

Grothman Vs. Biden On Federal Judges

Did president not appoint enough 'white guys'? Let's look at the numbers.

Data Wonk: Why GOP Fears Advisory Referendums
Data Wonk

Why GOP Fears Advisory Referendums

Vernon County's vote against abortion ban helps explain local restrictions in revenue sharing bill.

Data Wonk: Two Issues Show Decline Of Democracy In Wisconsin
Data Wonk

Two Issues Show Decline Of Democracy In Wisconsin

Republican Legislature ignores huge majority of voters on abortion and redistricting.

Data Wonk: Wisconsin Ranks Among Four Least Democratic States
Data Wonk

Wisconsin Ranks Among Four Least Democratic States

National ranking shows it dropped since 2011 from one of most democratic to third worst.

Data Wonk: Will State Supreme Court Cool Its Ideological Rancor?
Data Wonk

Will State Supreme Court Cool Its Ideological Rancor?

As of August 1, its hostility toward experts and democracy won't fly.

Data Wonk: Liberals Winning State Supreme Court Races
Data Wonk

Liberals Winning State Supreme Court Races

They’ve now won three of last four races by big margins. What the data shows.

Data Wonk: Election Shows Shifting Demographics
Data Wonk

Election Shows Shifting Demographics

The WOW counties delivered less wow for the Republican Party.

Data Wonk: Republicans Seek a One-Party State
Data Wonk

Republicans Seek a One-Party State

Gerrymandering, and electing Dan Knodl, are a means to get there.

Data Wonk: Is Democracy at Stake in Supreme Court Race?
Data Wonk

Is Democracy at Stake in Supreme Court Race?

A conservative majority seems set on restricting voting rights.

Data Wonk: Will Tax Cuts For the Rich Boost Economy?
Data Wonk

Will Tax Cuts For the Rich Boost Economy?

Or help convince people to move to Wisconsin? What the data tells us.

Data Wonk: What Kind of Justice Would Daniel Kelly Be?
Data Wonk

What Kind of Justice Would Daniel Kelly Be?

He left a clear track record during his four years on state Supreme Court.

Data Wonk: Will a Flat Tax Grow State’s Economy?
Data Wonk

Will a Flat Tax Grow State’s Economy?

The data for other states doesn't support this claim.

Data Wonk: Flat Income Tax a Bonanza for Wealthy
Data Wonk

Flat Income Tax a Bonanza for Wealthy

Republican proposal skewed to help the rich, cutting income tax for millionaires by 53%.

Data Wonk: Multiple Representatives Would Lessen Gerrymandering
Data Wonk

Multiple Representatives Would Lessen Gerrymandering

If every Assembly district had 3 representatives rather than 1 the result would be dramatic.

Data Wonk: Would Ranked-Choice Voting Reduce Partisanship?
Data Wonk

Would Ranked-Choice Voting Reduce Partisanship?

Alaska's experience offers fascinating lessons for those who care about democracy.

Data Wonk: Examining Wisconsin Gerrymandering By Analyzing 2022 Election Results
Data Wonk

Examining Wisconsin Gerrymandering By Analyzing 2022 Election Results

The present Wisconsin gerrymander is a tool for assuring continued one-party rule.

Data Wonk: Do Democratic Voters Live Longer?
Data Wonk

Do Democratic Voters Live Longer?

Data shows a powerful connection between life expectancy and partisanship.

Data Wonk: All About Wisconsin’s ‘Zuckerbucks’
Data Wonk

All About Wisconsin’s ‘Zuckerbucks’

If anything the funding helped Trump, election data suggests. So why are Republicans angry?

Data Wonk: Why Are Our Congressional Districts So Gerrymandered?
Data Wonk

Why Are Our Congressional Districts So Gerrymandered?

Key reason: too much emphasis on 'communities of interest.'

Data Wonk: How Democratic Are State’s Smaller Cities?
Data Wonk

How Democratic Are State’s Smaller Cities?

Across the state they are always more Democratic than the rest of the county.

Data Wonk: Should Wisconsin Adopt a Flat Tax?
Data Wonk

Should Wisconsin Adopt a Flat Tax?

Republicans are pushing this. Is it a good idea?

Data Wonk: Trump, Evers and Urban ‘Cesspools’
Data Wonk

Trump, Evers and Urban ‘Cesspools’

Trump's hatred of cities might help explain how metro area residents voted in November.

Data Wonk: Politics and Population Density
Data Wonk

Politics and Population Density

It's remarkable: The further voters live from the center of Milwaukee the more Republican their views.

Data Wonk: Measuring Wisconsin’s Economy
Data Wonk

Measuring Wisconsin’s Economy

The data give a mixed picture of the state's economy, with stagnant labor force growth.

Data Wonk: Who Is The Real Tim Michels?
Data Wonk

Who Is The Real Tim Michels?

Pragmatic businessman or right-wing idealogue? His policy statements offer clues.

Data Wonk: Is Wisconsin ‘Flush With Cash’?
Data Wonk

Is Wisconsin ‘Flush With Cash’?

Why state has $4.3 billion surplus, what it means and how should it be handled.

Data Wonk: 3 Solutions to City, County Fiscal Woes
Data Wonk

3 Solutions to City, County Fiscal Woes

Without one or more of these solutions Milwaukee will see drastic cuts in service.

Is Trump a Threat to Republican Candidates?

Is Trump a Threat to Republican Candidates?

A Trump endorsement may mean something different in a general election than a primary election.

Data Wonk: Can Ranked Choice Voting Calm Political Rancor, Extremism?
Data Wonk

Can Ranked Choice Voting Calm Political Rancor, Extremism?

The voting system would also solve the third party problem in the American political system.

Data Wonk: Yes, Religion Matters in Election
Data Wonk

Yes, Religion Matters in Election

Data shows religion can influence voters’ position on abortion -- and perhaps on GOP candidate for governor Tim Michels.

Data Wonk: Is A Compromise on Abortion Possible?
Data Wonk

Is A Compromise on Abortion Possible?

Actually, polling data for Wisconsin suggests an approach most would favor.

Data Wonk: Examining Michels ‘Blueprint For Elections’
Data Wonk

Examining Michels ‘Blueprint For Elections’

The GOP businessman candidate for governor offers a very un-business like analysis.

Data Wonk: Wisconsin’s Banana Republicans
Data Wonk

Wisconsin’s Banana Republicans

Why are Grothman, Johnson, Michels defending Trump’s illegal hoarding of top secret files.

Data Wonk: What Does Kansas Abortion Vote Mean for Wisconsin?
Data Wonk

What Does Kansas Abortion Vote Mean for Wisconsin?

Kansas vote shows abortion still a partisan issue. But abortion bans are widely unpopular, even in conservative states.

Data Wonk: About The Non-Delegation Doctrine
Data Wonk

About The Non-Delegation Doctrine

A favorite weapon of Justice Rebecca Bradley distorts constitutional history to limit government.

Data Wonk: State Supreme Court At War With Itself
Data Wonk

State Supreme Court At War With Itself

Nasty divide caused by rage of Rebecca Bradley.

Data Wonk: The Ugly Rhetoric of Justice Rebecca Grassl Bradley
Data Wonk

The Ugly Rhetoric of Justice Rebecca Grassl Bradley

Radical Supreme Court justice ignores democratic principles and pandemic data.

Data Wonk: Do Absentee Drop Boxes Lead To Tyranny?
Data Wonk

Do Absentee Drop Boxes Lead To Tyranny?

So claims state Supreme Court in 122 pages of overheated rhetoric.

Data Wonk: Independent State Legislature Theory Is a Threat to Democracy
Data Wonk

Independent State Legislature Theory Is a Threat to Democracy

And the Supreme Court will hear a case being brought on the grounds that this theory is correct.

Data Wonk: Does Wisconsin Have Republicans With Integrity?
Data Wonk

Does Wisconsin Have Republicans With Integrity?

For instance, how about the four candidates for governor?

Data Wonk: Trump’s “Big Lie” Vs The Election Data
Data Wonk

Trump’s “Big Lie” Vs The Election Data

The story in Wisconsin and nationally could not have been clearer.

Data Wonk: Kyle Rittenhouse and Lax Gun Laws
Data Wonk

Kyle Rittenhouse and Lax Gun Laws

What is the impact of differing state laws on gun violence?

Data Wonk: The Right Wing Answer to Gun Violence
Data Wonk

The Right Wing Answer to Gun Violence

Radio talker Dan O’Donnell has marshalled his facts. Let’s consider the data.

Data Wonk: Do More Guns Mean More Killings?
Data Wonk

Do More Guns Mean More Killings?

All the data, global, national and in Wisconsin, tells a similar story.

Data Wonk: How To Grow Wisconsin’s Wealth Gap
Data Wonk

How To Grow Wisconsin’s Wealth Gap

The Institute for Reforming Government offers a plan to help the wealthy.

Data Wonk: Late-Term Abortions Change Voters’ Views
Data Wonk

Late-Term Abortions Change Voters’ Views

Both in Wisconsin and nationally. But few abortions are done after 16 weeks.

Data Wonk: What Do Voters Think About Abortion?
Data Wonk

What Do Voters Think About Abortion?

In Wisconsin and nationally, it depends on your partisan views and particularly, your religion.

Data Wonk: How Many Support Gableman Probe?
Data Wonk

How Many Support Gableman Probe?

And what percent in state are confident of election results?

Data Wonk: How Do City, State Rank In Gun Homicides?
Data Wonk

How Do City, State Rank In Gun Homicides?

Guns in household less of a factor than a state’s legal restrictions.

Data Wonk: What’s Causing City’s Rise in Shootings?
Data Wonk

What’s Causing City’s Rise in Shootings?

The statistics are overwhelming. The solutions are less unanimous.

Data Wonk: State Trails Badly In Renewable Energy
Data Wonk

State Trails Badly In Renewable Energy

How far behind is Wisconsin? Let’s check the data.

Data Wonk: Another Bizarre Gableman Proposal
Data Wonk

Another Bizarre Gableman Proposal

With no evidence recommends state stop using ERIC voter registration system.

Data Wonk: State’s Gerrymander Could Last Forever
Data Wonk

State’s Gerrymander Could Last Forever

If state high court’s ‘least change’ rule followed in future, gerrymandering might last for decades.

Data Wonk: DeSantis Leads The COVID-19 Death Squad
Data Wonk

DeSantis Leads The COVID-19 Death Squad

GOP politicians who discourage vaccines are causing more deaths.

Data Wonk: How Gerrymandered Is New State Map?
Data Wonk

How Gerrymandered Is New State Map?

Let’s measure how the two parties will fare under maps approved by state Supreme Court.

Data Wonk: Michael Gableman Versus The Facts
Data Wonk

Michael Gableman Versus The Facts

His report claims grants to 5 Wisconsin cities changed the 2020 election. Let’s examine the evidence.

Data Wonk: Should MPS Be Split Into Smaller Districts?
Data Wonk

Should MPS Be Split Into Smaller Districts?

What data is there to suggest legislative proposal is a good one?

Data Wonk: Should Wisconsin End Its Income Tax?
Data Wonk

Should Wisconsin End Its Income Tax?

Five conservative groups pushing this. Its impact is astonishingly regressive.

Data Wonk: Republicans Are Killing Republicans
Data Wonk

Republicans Are Killing Republicans

167,000 lives could have been saved in states opposed to vaccines.

Data Wonk: Is COVID-19 Transforming Itself?
Data Wonk

Is COVID-19 Transforming Itself?

Far fewer deaths per cases of omicron in Wisconsin and nation. Will anti-vaxxers exploit this?

Data Wonk: Who Are The Unvaccinated?
Data Wonk

Who Are The Unvaccinated?

They are 100 times more likely to die than those fully vaccinated with booster shot.

Data Wonk: Trump’s Lies Corrupting Wisconsin
Data Wonk

Trump’s Lies Corrupting Wisconsin

His claims about elections shot down by courts, but WILL and Republicans working to turn those lies into laws.

Data Wonk: What Can School District Report Cards Tell Us?
Data Wonk

What Can School District Report Cards Tell Us?

Despite an improved score for MPS, many problems remain.

Data Wonk: The War Against the Wisconsin Elections Commission
Data Wonk

The War Against the Wisconsin Elections Commission

Wisconsin Republicans have picked up where Trump left off.

Data Wonk: Economy Is Booming Under Biden
Data Wonk

Economy Is Booming Under Biden

Economic numbers at historic highs. And Milwaukee doing even better.

Data Wonk: How We’ve Recovered From Economic Woes
Data Wonk

How We’ve Recovered From Economic Woes

Recent history shows similar patterns -- and keys to recovery -- for Wisconsin and U.S.

Data Wonk: WILL’s Report Short on Evidence
Data Wonk

WILL’s Report Short on Evidence

Conservative report asserts, with no evidence, that changes in election law needed.

Data Wonk: How Republicans Are Killing Their Supporters
Data Wonk

How Republicans Are Killing Their Supporters

Right-wing anti-vaxxers help cause more deaths of Republicans nationally and in Wisconsin.

Data Wonk: The American Right’s Scary Views
Data Wonk

The American Right’s Scary Views

The future of conservative thought after Trump looks dark.

Data Wonk: Rittenhouse Feared His Rifle Endangered Him
Data Wonk

Rittenhouse Feared His Rifle Endangered Him

His case adds to data showing proliferation of guns makes us less safe.

Data Wonk: Comparing GOP And People’s Maps
Data Wonk

Comparing GOP And People’s Maps

Under GOP redistricting, Republicans can win majority of Assembly with 44% of the vote.

Data Wonk: What Explains the Virginia and New Jersey Election Results?
Data Wonk

What Explains the Virginia and New Jersey Election Results?

Huge increase in Republican turnout. Perhaps ‘critical race theory’ was a factor.

Data Wonk: Is Ballot Harvesting A Problem?
Data Wonk

Is Ballot Harvesting A Problem?

Kleefisch says so. The only two claims of this, both in other states, involved Republicans.

Data Wonk: Measuring The Redistricting Plans
Data Wonk

Measuring The Redistricting Plans

Which map is fairest and most democratic? Here are the experts’ analysis.

Data Wonk: GOP-Backed Legislation Could Worsen Gun Violence Epidemic
Data Wonk

GOP-Backed Legislation Could Worsen Gun Violence Epidemic

Data on gun violence indicates a correlation between proliferation of firearms and increased gun violence.

Data Wonk: Why is Milwaukee’s Murder Rate Increasing?
Data Wonk

Why is Milwaukee’s Murder Rate Increasing?

Systemic problems, the COVID-19 pandemic and policing failures appear to be responsible.

Data Wonk: Which Party Is Better For The Economy?
Data Wonk

Which Party Is Better For The Economy?

Economic data from the last 70 years suggest one party does a better job of managing the economy.

Data Wonk: Will 10 Years of Gerrymandering End?
Data Wonk

Will 10 Years of Gerrymandering End?

The data shows huge advantage for Republicans. Will courts allow this to continue?

Data Wonk: Are The Rich Overtaxed?
Data Wonk

Are The Rich Overtaxed?

So claim conservatives. But how much of the total tax burden are they including?

Data Wonk: Biden Vaccine Plan Helps GOP Governors
Data Wonk

Biden Vaccine Plan Helps GOP Governors

States supporting Trump have much greater chance of COVID-19 deaths. Biden’s mandates bail out governors afraid to act.

Data Wonk: Pandemic Politics Threatens Lives And Economy
Data Wonk

Pandemic Politics Threatens Lives And Economy

The data for Wisconsin is worrisome. The politics is puzzling.

Data Wonk: Why Is State Supreme Court So Angry?
Data Wonk

Why Is State Supreme Court So Angry?

Justices’ strange interpretation of watershed 1803 decision becomes a right-wing battering ram.

Data Wonk: Bipartisan Consensus Backs Helping Afghan Allies
Data Wonk

Bipartisan Consensus Backs Helping Afghan Allies

But Trump, Tiffany, others on far right oppose helping settle Afghans in U.S.

Data Wonk: Most Republican Voters Want The Vaccine
Data Wonk

Most Republican Voters Want The Vaccine

Only a hard-core minority oppose it. So why are GOP politicians encouraging this, and risking our health?

Data Wonk: Higher Vaccination Rates Lead To Fewer Deaths
Data Wonk

Higher Vaccination Rates Lead To Fewer Deaths

A political divide is evident in COVID-19 data. Republican leaning states tend toward fewer vaccinations, more deaths.

Data Wonk: What Is MPS Strategy For Stimulus Aid?
Data Wonk

What Is MPS Strategy For Stimulus Aid?

It's a huge opportunity to improve student achievement -- which is badly needed.

Data Wonk: How Trump Polarized Voters
Data Wonk

How Trump Polarized Voters

Part of shift in Republican Party but no GOP politician has same impact as Trump.

Data Wonk: Trump Country Won Wisconsin For Biden
Data Wonk

Trump Country Won Wisconsin For Biden

40,000 vote increase in Democratic vote since 2016 election came from pro-Trump areas of state.

Data Wonk: Should Michael Gableman Investigate 2020 Election?
Data Wonk

Should Michael Gableman Investigate 2020 Election?

Vos picks ethically challenged former justice who's already declared election stolen.

Data Wonk: Wisconsin, U.S. Life Expectancy Declines
Data Wonk

Wisconsin, U.S. Life Expectancy Declines

Other developed countries doing better. Lack of safety net causing problem?

Data Wonk: The Paradox of Anti-Vaxxers
Data Wonk

The Paradox of Anti-Vaxxers

The vaccines were developed under Trump. So why do his supporters oppose them?

Data Wonk: The Private Election Grants Didn’t Help Biden
Data Wonk

The Private Election Grants Didn’t Help Biden

If anything they helped Trump, an analysis of state election results show.

Data Wonk: Trump Country Has Much Lower GDP
Data Wonk

Trump Country Has Much Lower GDP

Yet the difference is smaller in Wisconsin. Why?

Data Wonk: Republicans Oppose Making It Easier to Vote
Data Wonk

Republicans Oppose Making It Easier to Vote

Against foundation grants to improve elections even in GOP-leaning districts.

Data Wonk: Should Unemployment Payments be Lower?
Data Wonk

Should Unemployment Payments be Lower?

Businesses struggling to hire should focus on making their wages more attractive.

Data Wonk: How Republicans Are Misleading Donors
Data Wonk

How Republicans Are Misleading Donors

NRCC creates fake Trump fundraising letter filled with misleading information.

Data Wonk: Should Liz Cheney Be Praised?
Data Wonk

Should Liz Cheney Be Praised?

Or condemned? Liberals seem to disagree.

Data Wonk: Ron Johnson Threatens Republicans
Data Wonk

Ron Johnson Threatens Republicans

Pandemic policies he pushes will cause the most deaths among Republican voters.

Data Wonk: About That Data on Charter Schools
Data Wonk

About That Data on Charter Schools

Diving deeper into charter school data and polls of voters tells interesting story.

Data Wonk: The Paradox of Voucher Schools
Data Wonk

The Paradox of Voucher Schools

They work better than MPS schools for minority students. Yet most Democrats oppose them.

Data Wonk: GOP Governors Have Higher COVID-19 Rates
Data Wonk

GOP Governors Have Higher COVID-19 Rates

More cases, more deaths per capita in states run by Republicans.

Data Wonk: How Fox Spread Lies About State’s Election
Data Wonk

How Fox Spread Lies About State’s Election

Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani and some very fishy graphs about Wisconsin’s presidential election.

Data Wonk: State Faces Voter Suppression Effort
Data Wonk

State Faces Voter Suppression Effort

Not by the Legislature. Instead court cases seek new policies to restrict voting.

Data Wonk: Will Biden Relief Plan Work?
Data Wonk

Will Biden Relief Plan Work?

Its likely impact will be very different than that of the Trump tax cuts.

Data Wonk: School Vouchers a Danger For Democrats
Data Wonk

School Vouchers a Danger For Democrats

The issue could lose them enough voters in Milwaukee to lose the state.

Data Wonk: Trump’s Dismal Record on the Economy
Data Wonk

Trump’s Dismal Record on the Economy

The data shows the worst performance of any president since World War II.

Data Wonk: High Court Minority Embarrasses Itself
Data Wonk

High Court Minority Embarrasses Itself

State Supreme Court came perilously close to invalidating a legal election.

Data Wonk: With Donald Trump It’s Never Over
Data Wonk

With Donald Trump It’s Never Over

His lawyers are still pushing election lawsuit, hoping for a Trump coup in 2024.

Data Wonk: Democratic Assembly Candidates Trailed Biden
Data Wonk

Democratic Assembly Candidates Trailed Biden

While state Republican candidates outperformed Trump. A problem for both parties.

Data Wonk: Why Republicans Oppose Mask Mandate
Data Wonk

Why Republicans Oppose Mask Mandate

They say it’s about the governor exceeding his authority. So why not pass their own plan?

Data Wonk: Why GOP Wants to Spread COVID-19
Data Wonk

Why GOP Wants to Spread COVID-19

72% of state voters support mask mandate. But Republicans worry only about Trump supporters.

Data Wonk: New Voters Won the 2020 Election
Data Wonk

New Voters Won the 2020 Election

And the results in swing states challenged by Trump are exactly in line with the national vote.

Data Wonk: We Hate State Administrators
Data Wonk

We Hate State Administrators

State Supreme Court conservatives keep blasting the administrative state. Why?

Data Wonk: State’s COVID-19 Surge Has Passed
Data Wonk

State’s COVID-19 Surge Has Passed

But will it return? The data tells a story of what we might expect.

Data Wonk: Tales Told By The 2020 Election
Data Wonk

Tales Told By The 2020 Election

The Republican gerrymander held. But Waukesha County has grown more Democratic since 2012.

Data Wonk: We Won Wisconsin Big!
Data Wonk

We Won Wisconsin Big!

Actually Trump was defeated by Trump — as state and national voting patterns show.

Data Wonk: State Supreme Court Justices Unmasked
Data Wonk

State Supreme Court Justices Unmasked

The losing minority in Trump election case vent their anger and reveal their prejudices.

Data Wonk: How Trump Lost Wisconsin
Data Wonk

How Trump Lost Wisconsin

County-by-county analysis shows similar pattern of voting to 2016 — with key differences.

Data Wonk: Trump’s Lawyers vs Democracy
Data Wonk

Trump’s Lawyers vs Democracy

Reading through the lawsuits, you can see why judges rejected them

Data Wonk: State’s Leadership Vacuum Is Killing People
Data Wonk

State’s Leadership Vacuum Is Killing People

Deaths per day will double by Christmas. And red counties are getting hit the worst.

Data Wonk: The Republican Push For Autocracy
Data Wonk

The Republican Push For Autocracy

Analysis shows GOP now resembles authoritarian parties in Hungary and Turkey.

Data Wonk: Can Biden Improve the Economy?
Data Wonk

Can Biden Improve the Economy?

Democratic presidents typically do better, but Biden will face an obvious challenge.

Data Wonk: ‘Bleak Winter’ Coming for Wisconsin
Data Wonk

‘Bleak Winter’ Coming for Wisconsin

The numbers show COVID-19 exploding. True leadership is sorely needed.

Data Wonk: Biden or Trump Better for Economy?
Data Wonk

Biden or Trump Better for Economy?

Moody’s Analytics breaks it down. The difference is huge.

Data Wonk: Wisconsin Losing War Against COVID-19
Data Wonk

Wisconsin Losing War Against COVID-19

Both on the health and economic front, harder hit than most states. Why?

Data Wonk: How Republicans Screwed Themselves
Data Wonk

How Republicans Screwed Themselves

Opposition to mask mandate by GOP is bad law and very bad politics.

Data Wonk: The Republican Death Squad
Data Wonk

The Republican Death Squad

Why won’t Vos and Fitzgerald support measures to contain the state’s pandemic surge?

Data Wonk: The State of American Judiciary in 2020
Data Wonk

The State of American Judiciary in 2020

ACA rulings show a disturbing right-wing activism. It could get worse.

Data Wonk: Supreme Court Shows Its Colors
Data Wonk

Supreme Court Shows Its Colors

What the Green Party ruling tells about the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Data Wonk: Is COVID-19 Winning in Wisconsin?
Data Wonk

Is COVID-19 Winning in Wisconsin?

The data is alarming. As are the many allies of the virus.

Data Wonk: Has Trump Been Good for the Economy?
Data Wonk

Has Trump Been Good for the Economy?

What people believe about the economy and what the data shows.

Data Wonk: How Republicans Embrace COVID-19
Data Wonk

How Republicans Embrace COVID-19

The data shows a strange alliance; how the GOP helps a deadly virus spread.

Data Wonk: Is The Stock Market Betting on Biden?
Data Wonk

Is The Stock Market Betting on Biden?

Two theories on why stock values are rising amid an economic downturn.

Data Wonk: State Supreme Court Is Radically Activist
Data Wonk

State Supreme Court Is Radically Activist

Record shows many examples of grabbing cases before lower courts rule.

Data Wonk: A Mask Mandate is Not Enough
Data Wonk

A Mask Mandate is Not Enough

It's a step in the right direction, but not enough to suppress the virus.

Data Wonk: Evers Should Re-Order All Restrictions
Data Wonk

Evers Should Re-Order All Restrictions

Not just a mask mandate. Put the Supreme Court on the hot seat.

Data Wonk: Why Evers Must Take Action
Data Wonk

Why Evers Must Take Action

Data shows state is losing the battle against COVID-19. He must reissue an emergency order.

Data Wonk: Why Wisconsin, U.S. Failed Against COVID-19
Data Wonk

Why Wisconsin, U.S. Failed Against COVID-19

Conservative network, including key state operatives, quietly fought solutions other advanced countries pursued.

Data Wonk: The War Against Masks
Data Wonk

The War Against Masks

It’s the most cost effective way to slow the pandemic. So why such opposition?

Data Wonk: Who Benefits From the Madison Vandalism?
Data Wonk

Who Benefits From the Madison Vandalism?

History suggests it could change the narrative, change voters’ views.

Data Wonk: Is Less Testing for COVID-19 the Answer?
Data Wonk

Is Less Testing for COVID-19 the Answer?

Trump says the rise in cases is due to more testing. What does the data show?

Data Wonk: Will State Face a Second COVID-19 Wave?
Data Wonk

Will State Face a Second COVID-19 Wave?

All evidence suggests state is doing well. But there may be danger from other states.

Data Wonk: How Bad Is The Pandemic Recession?
Data Wonk

How Bad Is The Pandemic Recession?

The numbers tell a sobering story. Will policymakers learn from it?

Data Wonk: Lessons from the Spring 2020 Election
Data Wonk

Lessons from the Spring 2020 Election

Republicans opposed liberals and alleged voter fraud and neither issue resonated.

Data Wonk: Justice Hagedorn Surprises Observers
Data Wonk

Justice Hagedorn Surprises Observers

Supreme Court justice seems like a true conservative, not a right-wing activist.

Data Wonk: What Comes Next in the Fight Against the Coronavirus?
Data Wonk

What Comes Next in the Fight Against the Coronavirus?

Will individual choices be enough to keep a spike in cases and deaths at bay?

Data Wonk: Should the Federal Government Keep its Word?
Data Wonk

Should the Federal Government Keep its Word?

The Supreme Court says yes, except Justice Alito, who sees things differently.

Data Wonk: Is It Safe to Reopen the State?
Data Wonk

Is It Safe to Reopen the State?

The data shows pandemic spreading into non-urban red counties.

Data Wonk: The Politics of the Pandemic
Data Wonk

The Politics of the Pandemic

Republican push to reopen state economy depends on distorting the data.

Data Wonk: Did Republicans Doom Dan Kelly?
Data Wonk

Did Republicans Doom Dan Kelly?

Many voters in red counties opposed him, perhaps in anger at being forced to vote in a pandemic.

Data Wonk: Why Was Election in Pandemic Required?
Data Wonk

Why Was Election in Pandemic Required?

So ruled both the Wisconsin and U.S. Supreme Court. Let’s examine their reasoning.

Data Wonk: The Scott Walker Economy
Data Wonk

The Scott Walker Economy

The final data on GDP, jobs, unemployment: how we did compared to nation, Midwest.

Data Wonk: Is Dan Kelly Good for Democracy?
Data Wonk

Is Dan Kelly Good for Democracy?

His legal work and rulings as Supreme Court justice show strong anti-democratic views.

Data Wonk: What Will Green New Deal Cost?
Data Wonk

What Will Green New Deal Cost?

And why is the research on this so sloppy?

Data Wonk: Judge Adelman Blasts U.S. Supreme Court
Data Wonk

Judge Adelman Blasts U.S. Supreme Court

Getting buzz nationally. Is his critique warranted?

Data Wonk: Why The MPS Referendum Is Needed
Data Wonk

Why The MPS Referendum Is Needed

The data shows MPS trails other metro area districts in per-pupil spending.

Data Wonk: State Regulators at Issue in High Court Race
Data Wonk

State Regulators at Issue in High Court Race

Justice Dan Kelly seems to side with those out to destroy the “administrative state.”

Data Wonk: The Myth of Nonpartisan Judicial Elections
Data Wonk

The Myth of Nonpartisan Judicial Elections

They could hardly be more partisan. Time to rethink how we elect Supreme Court members?

Data Wonk: Will School Choice Help Reelect Trump?
Data Wonk

Will School Choice Help Reelect Trump?

Democratic attacks on choice and charter schools favored by minority voters could backfire.

Data Wonk: A Report Card for Milwaukee Schools
Data Wonk

A Report Card for Milwaukee Schools

State data shows charter and choice schools typically outperform traditional public schools.

Data Wonk: The Republicans’ Gerrymander Scheme
Data Wonk

The Republicans’ Gerrymander Scheme

The polls, the data, the legalities. How Robin Vos hopes to triumph.

Data Wonk: Both Parties Bar Primary Challenge to Trump
Data Wonk

Both Parties Bar Primary Challenge to Trump

Weld and Walsh barred from Republican presidential primary in state’s Spring election. Why?

Data Wonk: The Return of Texas v. U.S.
Data Wonk

The Return of Texas v. U.S.

Case could kill ACA, leave 18 million without health insurance. Which states would be hurt most?

Data Wonk: Measuring Republican Views on Impeachment
Data Wonk

Measuring Republican Views on Impeachment

Poll shows a culture of denial among Wisconsin Trump supporters.

Data Wonk: Rep. Sensenbrenner’s Disappointing Column
Data Wonk

Rep. Sensenbrenner’s Disappointing Column

The Republican has showed his independence in the past. But not this time, not on impeachment.

Data Wonk: Can More Cities Become Tech Innovators?
Data Wonk

Can More Cities Become Tech Innovators?

Study suggests federal government invest in cities like Madison. Good idea?

Data Wonk: The Problem of Low Wage Workers
Data Wonk

The Problem of Low Wage Workers

The data is very revealing. Can it point to solutions?

Data Wonk: How We View Undocumented Immigrants
Data Wonk

How We View Undocumented Immigrants

Polls show even state’s Republican voters overwhelmingly oppose current policies.

Data Wonk: Can Government Break Its Promises?
Data Wonk

Can Government Break Its Promises?

Obamacare law’s promises to insurers later broken by Republicans. Courts will decide if that’s legal

Data Wonk: Why Raise the Minimum Wage
Data Wonk

Why Raise the Minimum Wage

The data is now overwhelming on the positive effect in states that did so.

Data Wonk: The Charter School Dilemma
Data Wonk

The Charter School Dilemma

They perform better and are supported by most black voters — but opposed by most white Democrats.

Data Wonk: NAEP Test Results Bad News for MPS
Data Wonk

NAEP Test Results Bad News for MPS

They’ve also gone down for the state. How can we do better?

Data Wonk: What’s Causing Decline in Insured Children?
Data Wonk

What’s Causing Decline in Insured Children?

Health insurance for kids declined in some states including Wisconsin under Walker. Why?

Data Wonk: Segregation in Milwaukee Area Schools
Data Wonk

Segregation in Milwaukee Area Schools

The data tells a sobering story of racial and economic separation.

Data Wonk: Do ‘Checkoff Groups’ Help or Hurt Family Dairy Farms?
Data Wonk

Do ‘Checkoff Groups’ Help or Hurt Family Dairy Farms?

Federally-required agricultural promotion organizations may not benefit small dairy farms

Data Wonk: Does the Growing Partisan Divide Make Sense?
Data Wonk

Does the Growing Partisan Divide Make Sense?

As the global economy changed, so did traditional Republican and Democratic constituencies.

Data Wonk: The Use and Abuse of Jobs Data
Data Wonk

The Use and Abuse of Jobs Data

Walker administration used flimsy interpretations of jobs reports to put a positive spin on the state's economy.

Data Wonk: Rethinking State Economic Policies
Data Wonk

Rethinking State Economic Policies

What do state policies on Foxconn and dairy industry have in common?

Data Wonk: Gerrymandering Is Built on Lies
Data Wonk

Gerrymandering Is Built on Lies

Which is why the North Carolina plan was overruled. Wisconsin’s is very similar.

Data Wonk: Comparing Wisconsin and Minnesota
Data Wonk

Comparing Wisconsin and Minnesota

Minnesota doing worse? MacIver cherry picks data to make this claim.

Data Wonk: Measuring Poverty’s Impact in the City
Data Wonk

Measuring Poverty’s Impact in the City

Powerful new data has been done. But some research was shut down.

Data Wonk: The Future of Wisconsin Gerrymandering
Data Wonk

The Future of Wisconsin Gerrymandering

An inexplicable U.S. Supreme Court decision leaves door open for GOP mischief.

Data Wonk: Would MPS Referendum Pass? Should it?
Data Wonk

Would MPS Referendum Pass? Should it?

Poll shows city residents support increased funding for MPS, but referendum still faces obstacles.

Data Wonk: How Democrats Can Beat Trump
Data Wonk

How Democrats Can Beat Trump

And win the state. Polls show which issues are winners — or too leftist.

Data Wonk: Do Stock Buybacks Depress Worker Pay?
Data Wonk

Do Stock Buybacks Depress Worker Pay?

Money spent on buybacks could be used to hike worker pay.

Data Wonk: High CEO Pay Due to Stock Buybacks?
Data Wonk

High CEO Pay Due to Stock Buybacks?

It’s definitely one cause. It may also make the American economy less productive.

Data Wonk: Can Democrats Win Small-Town Wisconsin?
Data Wonk

Can Democrats Win Small-Town Wisconsin?

Wisconsin could decide the election and those small towns are crucial.

Data Wonk: State Supreme Court Off the Deep End?
Data Wonk

State Supreme Court Off the Deep End?

Ruling reducing state superintendent’s power violates state constitution, common sense.

Data Wonk: Democrats Now The Free Trade Party?
Data Wonk

Democrats Now The Free Trade Party?

Attitudes of the two parties seem to be flip-flopping on this issue.

Data Wonk: Can Democrats Win the State Assembly?
Data Wonk

Can Democrats Win the State Assembly?

With right issues, it’s possible, even If districts are still gerrymandered.

Data Wonk: Republican Grifters
Data Wonk

Republican Grifters

Many fake right wing groups rip off donors. Why are conservatives more vulnerable?

Data Wonk: The Republican Attack On “Socialism”
Data Wonk

The Republican Attack On “Socialism”

Ron Johnson and Trump lead the way. But beyond that word, things get murky.

Data Wonk: How Non-Partisan Are Supreme Court Races?
Data Wonk

How Non-Partisan Are Supreme Court Races?

Not very, the data suggests. Is there any way to change this?

Data Wonk: Ranking the Top States
Data Wonk

Ranking the Top States

Many of the lowest ranked states supported Trump. Wisconsin was one exception.

Data Wonk: The Surprising Strength of Obamacare
Data Wonk

The Surprising Strength of Obamacare

Health exchanges working better than ever, particularly for Trump supporters.

Data Wonk: Is State a Leader in “Economic Freedom”?
Data Wonk

Is State a Leader in “Economic Freedom”?

So says a Cato Institute report. There’s reason to doubt this.

Data Wonk: Democracy In Retreat
Data Wonk

Democracy In Retreat

It’s happening world-wide and in the U.S. with Wisconsin helping lead the way.

Data Wonk: Should State Expand Medicaid With Federal Funds?
Data Wonk

Should State Expand Medicaid With Federal Funds?

No, say two researchers. But their data is highly suspect.

Data Wonk: Wisconsin’s Disappearing Counties
Data Wonk

Wisconsin’s Disappearing Counties

Rural counties losing population. Immigrants would help -- and might be welcomed.

Data Wonk: What Is The Future of Health Care?
Data Wonk

What Is The Future of Health Care?

Who’s gained the most from ACA and why Medicare for All could be a trap.

Data Wonk: Walker Seeks to Gerrymander America
Data Wonk

Walker Seeks to Gerrymander America

His new job: finance chair of national group opposing non-partisan redistricting.

Data Wonk: Who Are Those Education Reformers?
Data Wonk

Who Are Those Education Reformers?

Are conservatives or liberals pushing for charter schools?

Data Wonk: The Gerrymander Wars March On
Data Wonk

The Gerrymander Wars March On

Wisconsin Republicans strategy is to support Maryland gerrymander that hurts GOP voters.

Data Wonk: How Walker, Trump Hurt Dairy Industry
Data Wonk

How Walker, Trump Hurt Dairy Industry

Their policies helped fuel a dairy crisis.

Data Wonk: Why is MPS Shrinking?
Data Wonk

Why is MPS Shrinking?

Because it opposes the choices of many of its customers.

Data Wonk: Does the Manufacturing Tax Credit Work?
Data Wonk

Does the Manufacturing Tax Credit Work?

Gov. Evers and Republicans differ on value of the Manufacturing and Agriculture Tax Credit. Who's right?

Data Wonk: A Data Portrait of the Walker Years
Data Wonk

A Data Portrait of the Walker Years

A huge success! — according to the MacIver Institute. Ah, not exactly.

Data Wonk: Not All Conservatives Oppose Streetcar
Data Wonk

Not All Conservatives Oppose Streetcar

In fact, some argue New Urbanism enhances conservative values.

Data Wonk: Texas Lawsuit Threatens Republicans
Data Wonk

Texas Lawsuit Threatens Republicans

Vos and Fitzgerald support lawsuit overturning Obamacare, but voters don’t.

Data Wonk: How Evers and Legislators Can Cooperate
Data Wonk

How Evers and Legislators Can Cooperate

Marquette Poll shows where voters of both parties agree. Will GOP leaders take the hint?

Data Wonk: A Customer Service Model for MPS
Data Wonk

A Customer Service Model for MPS

The data shows what schools work and are more popular. Why not sell this?

Data Wonk: Can MPS Be Fixed?
Data Wonk

Can MPS Be Fixed?

The school board seems opposed to any innovations that might fix struggling schools.

Data Wonk: Why State’s Dairy Farms Face a Crisis
Data Wonk

Why State’s Dairy Farms Face a Crisis

And why Gov. Evers should change the policies of his predecessor.

Data Wonk: Will Judge Peterson Allow Voting Restrictions?
Data Wonk

Will Judge Peterson Allow Voting Restrictions?

Since lame duck law reinstates provisions he previously struck down, that seems unlikely.

Vos and Fitzgerald Trash Urban Voters

Vos and Fitzgerald Trash Urban Voters

Affirming the alignment of Republicans with voters from shrinking counties.

Data Wonk: Walker and Jobs, the Final Tally
Data Wonk

Walker and Jobs, the Final Tally

In eight years, state steadily fell further behind nation and Midwest.

Data Wonk: Gerrymander is Alive and Well
Data Wonk

Gerrymander is Alive and Well

Data from November election tells a tale of totalitarian tendencies.

Data Wonk: The Republican War Against Democracy
Data Wonk

The Republican War Against Democracy

Details in lame duck bills show disdain for democracy by Vos and Fitzgerald.

Data Wonk: Gap Grows Between MPS and Charter, Choice
Data Wonk

Gap Grows Between MPS and Charter, Choice

State school report cards since 2014 tell the tale. Are there solutions for MPS?

Data Wonk: What State School Report Cards Tell Us
Data Wonk

What State School Report Cards Tell Us

Measuring charter and choice schools against MPS is revealing.

Data Wonk: Banana Republic Politics
Data Wonk

Banana Republic Politics

Republicans threaten governor’s power, but may actually kill a bad 2017 law they passed.

Data Wonk: MPS Charter Schools Work Better
Data Wonk

MPS Charter Schools Work Better

So why doesn’t the school board embrace them?

Data Wonk: Why Schimel’s Lawsuit Makes No Sense
Data Wonk

Why Schimel’s Lawsuit Makes No Sense

Even conservatives suggest the AG’s suit against Affordable Care Act is bad law.

Data Wonk: Why Republicans Lie About Health Care
Data Wonk

Why Republicans Lie About Health Care

The reality is they can’t create an alternative way to cover pre-existing conditions.

Data Wonk: The Strange Suit by Brad Schimel
Data Wonk

The Strange Suit by Brad Schimel

Why try to end coverage of pre-existing conditions which 67% of Republicans support?

Data Wonk: The Incoherence of Scott Walker
Data Wonk

The Incoherence of Scott Walker

His suddenly changing policies make for a confused campaign.

Data Wonk: The Curious Campaign of Leah Vukmir
Data Wonk

The Curious Campaign of Leah Vukmir

Her campaign seems to ignore poll data showing most disagree with her stands.

Data Wonk: Does Manufacturing Tax Credit Matter?
Data Wonk

Does Manufacturing Tax Credit Matter?

Evers would scrap tax break passed by Walker and Republicans. Will that help or hurt?

Data Wonk: The Impact of Republican Tax Cuts
Data Wonk

The Impact of Republican Tax Cuts

It relies on supply side economics. So how well is that working?

Data Wonk: Making Wisconsin More Like Texas
Data Wonk

Making Wisconsin More Like Texas

Schimel and Walker support changes in Affordable Care Act most voters oppose. Why?

Data Wonk: Walker Cost State 80,000 Jobs
Data Wonk

Walker Cost State 80,000 Jobs

Jobs grew 33 percent less under him compared to other states, the data shows.

Data Wonk: The Case for Single Payer Care
Data Wonk

The Case for Single Payer Care

65% in this state get insurance at work. Would they support Medicare for All?

Data Wonk: Must Democrats Have a Unified Message?
Data Wonk

Must Democrats Have a Unified Message?

So claims a NYT story. But the party generally fares better by allowing differing views.

Data Wonk: Why Republicans Lack Health Coverage
Data Wonk

Why Republicans Lack Health Coverage

Trump’s attack on Affordable Care Act mostly hurts Republicans, the data shows.

Data Wonk: The Trouble with Freedom Indices
Data Wonk

The Trouble with Freedom Indices

Assumption that government spending reduces freedom limits the ability to assess government programs.

Data Wonk: How Government Helps the Economy
Data Wonk

How Government Helps the Economy

A government safety net is the best way of assuring the economy can evolve and grow.

Data Wonk: The Rise of Federalist Society Judges
Data Wonk

The Rise of Federalist Society Judges

Nationally and in Wisconsin they have become activists and super legislators.

Data Wonk: Why Roys Is Wrong On School Choice
Data Wonk

Why Roys Is Wrong On School Choice

And what this may say about the Democratic Party.

Data Wonk: McAdams Decision Is a Travesty
Data Wonk

McAdams Decision Is a Travesty

Cyber-bullying was championed by state Supreme Court, while trashing faculty governance.

Data Wonk: How Trump Threatens State’s Exports
Data Wonk

How Trump Threatens State’s Exports

As parties flip-flop on free trade, can Wisconsin’s export economy be protected?

Data Wonk: Can Democrats Still Contest Gerrymander?
Data Wonk

Can Democrats Still Contest Gerrymander?

Strange Supreme Court decision on Wisconsin redistricting leaves some room for hope.

Data Wonk: Comparing Badger Economy to Border States
Data Wonk

Comparing Badger Economy to Border States

Wisconsin does both better and worse than neighboring states.

Data Wonk: Solving Murders in Milwaukee
Data Wonk

Solving Murders in Milwaukee

Milwaukee’s arrest rate in murder cases outpaces that of most other large U.S. cities.

Data Wonk: The Republican Love of Big Government
Data Wonk

The Republican Love of Big Government

Are Republican states the most socialistic?

Data Wonk: What’s Wrong With Illinois?
Data Wonk

What’s Wrong With Illinois?

Its economic problems stem from political gridlock over how to pay for its commitments.

Data Wonk: More Ways Minnesota Beats Wisconsin
Data Wonk

More Ways Minnesota Beats Wisconsin

Less people leaving state, more getting health insurance in Minnesota.

Data Wonk: Yes, Minnesota Beats Wisconsin
Data Wonk

Yes, Minnesota Beats Wisconsin

But is its better economic performance due to more liberal policies?

Data Wonk: Trickle Up Economics
Data Wonk

Trickle Up Economics

The Great Recession’s huge impact on employment shows why trickle down doesn’t work.

Data Wonk: Is California the Future?
Data Wonk

Is California the Future?

The data about California may have political and economic lessons for Wisconsin.

Data Wonk: Why Is City’s Student Achievement So Low?
Data Wonk

Why Is City’s Student Achievement So Low?

NAEP results show notable progress in Chicago, but discouraging results here.

Data Wonk: What Do Voters Want from Justices?
Data Wonk

What Do Voters Want from Justices?

Screnock’s defeat suggests they want integrity, not a Supreme Court bought by special interests.

Data Wonk: Voters Want Checks and Balances
Data Wonk

Voters Want Checks and Balances

That’s the message on Supreme Court race, Treasurer referendum. Was message received?

Data Wonk: Walker’s Plan to Break the Law
Data Wonk

Walker’s Plan to Break the Law

And why Attorney General Schimel didn’t warn him it was folly.

Data Wonk: A Federal Jobs Guarantee?
Data Wonk

A Federal Jobs Guarantee?

NY Senator Gillibrand is pushing idea. Polls show people favor it.

Data Wonk: How MPS Is Hurt By Its “Friends”
Data Wonk

How MPS Is Hurt By Its “Friends”

North Division controversy raises issue: which schools best serve low-income black students?

Data Wonk: Many Republicans Oppose Gerrymandering
Data Wonk

Many Republicans Oppose Gerrymandering

Even in Wisconsin. But nearly all are former officeholders.

Data Wonk: Is GOP Trying to Destroy Democracy?
Data Wonk

Is GOP Trying to Destroy Democracy?

New report points to problems, which can be seen nationally and in Wisconsin.

Data Wonk: The Lessons of Amazon’s City Search
Data Wonk

The Lessons of Amazon’s City Search

What can Milwaukee learn from from losing its bid for Amazon’s headquarters?

Data Wonk: Evaluating Walker’s Reinsurance Plan
Data Wonk

Evaluating Walker’s Reinsurance Plan

It has some benefits, but not enough to make up for Trump’s health care changes.

Data Wonk: GOP Abandoning The Free Market
Data Wonk

GOP Abandoning The Free Market

Wisconsin instead picks winners and losers. How is that working?

Data Wonk: GOP Not the Law-and-Order Party?
Data Wonk

GOP Not the Law-and-Order Party?

Republicans are undermining prosecutors, FBI, both here and nationally.

Data Wonk: Why Can’t MPS Improve Results?
Data Wonk

Why Can’t MPS Improve Results?

Perhaps because our leaders ignore data on which schools work.

Data Wonk: Has Tide Turned Against Republicans?
Data Wonk

Has Tide Turned Against Republicans?

Last week’s elections show GOP could be vulnerable to right kind of campaign.

Data Wonk: Behold the Elephant Chart
Data Wonk

Behold the Elephant Chart

It shows global and U.S. changes benefit 1%; who are the losers?

Data Wonk: Will Federal Tax Plan Succeed?
Data Wonk

Will Federal Tax Plan Succeed?

Past economic data suggests it won’t. And voters think it will fail.

Data Wonk: How Are Our Schools Doing?
Data Wonk

How Are Our Schools Doing?

Much worse than Chicago’s. And little difference between public and choice schools.

Data Wonk: The Many Errors of Brad Schimel
Data Wonk

The Many Errors of Brad Schimel

His sloppy report on John Doe leaks won’t help Attorney General’s reputation.

Data Wonk: The Rise of a Partisan Supreme Court
Data Wonk

The Rise of a Partisan Supreme Court

It’s supposed to be non-partisan. How and why did this change?

Data Wonk: Did Walker Save Wisconsin’s Economy?
Data Wonk

Did Walker Save Wisconsin’s Economy?

So claims his supporters at WILL. Let’s consider the evidence they offer.

Data Wonk: Is Waukesha County Becoming Less Red?
Data Wonk

Is Waukesha County Becoming Less Red?

Perhaps not, but legislative districts straddling its border are changing.

Data Wonk: Why Does GOP Want To Raise My Taxes?
Data Wonk

Why Does GOP Want To Raise My Taxes?

And why do I get nothing back in return but a bigger federal deficit?

Data Wonk: The Wisconsin Jobs Mystery
Data Wonk

The Wisconsin Jobs Mystery

How can unemployment be low when jobs growth is so low?

Data Wonk: Is Wisconsin’s Economy “On Fire”?
Data Wonk

Is Wisconsin’s Economy “On Fire”?

Walker says so in new ad that slams Illinois. Is its claim true or false?

Data Wonk: Who Benefits From Federal Housing Subsidies?
Data Wonk

Who Benefits From Federal Housing Subsidies?

Higher income get more than low income, Waukesha more than Milwaukee.

Data Wonk: The More Guns, Less Crime Scam
Data Wonk

The More Guns, Less Crime Scam

Questionable research shows Right To Carry reduces crime. Here’s the full story.

Data Wonk: John Roberts’ Nightmare
Data Wonk

John Roberts’ Nightmare

His decision on gerrymandering case could ruin Supreme Court’s reputation.

Data Wonk: The Lessons of Repeal and Replace
Data Wonk

The Lessons of Repeal and Replace

Republicans never had an actual plan. Bernie Sanders might learn from that.

Data Wonk: Should Wisconsin Join The Amazon Bidding War?
Data Wonk

Should Wisconsin Join The Amazon Bidding War?

If the Foxconn deal is the new standard, the subsidy for Amazon could reach $10 billion.

Data Wonk: Can Milwaukee Win The Amazon Challenge?
Data Wonk

Can Milwaukee Win The Amazon Challenge?

If a lower cost of living for employees is a key criteria.

Data Wonk: How to Build Wisconsin’s Economy
Data Wonk

How to Build Wisconsin’s Economy

Bribing companies to relocate here doesn’t work. So what does?

Data Wonk: Should State Look Beyond Manufacturing?
Data Wonk

Should State Look Beyond Manufacturing?

Rustbelt jobs have steadily declined since 1990. State should look elsewhere for answers.

Data Wonk: Judges Consider a Democratic Gerrymander
Data Wonk

Judges Consider a Democratic Gerrymander

Maryland uses same technique as Wisconsin, but to benefit Democrats.

Data Wonk: Right Wing Seeks to End Democracy?
Data Wonk

Right Wing Seeks to End Democracy?

Their support for Wisconsin gerrymander part of a disturbing international trend.

Data Wonk: Will Foxconn Deal Fight Poverty?
Data Wonk

Will Foxconn Deal Fight Poverty?

Legislative language suggests this. What are the deal’s true aims and costs?

Data Wonk: Walker’s Health Care Gamble Exposes State
Data Wonk

Walker’s Health Care Gamble Exposes State

He bet on health care exchanges and against expanding Medicaid, which could hurt Wisconsin.

Data Wonk: Foxconn, Wisconsin’s Manufacturing Future?
Data Wonk

Foxconn, Wisconsin’s Manufacturing Future?

Deal will cost $500 for every person in the state.

Data Wonk: Has Barrett Driven Up City Debt?
Data Wonk

Has Barrett Driven Up City Debt?

Conservative MacIver Institute says yes. Let’s look at the data.

Data Wonk: The “Democrats Are Evil” Trap
Data Wonk

The “Democrats Are Evil” Trap

National Review’s David French blames this for GOP loyalty to Trump. Let us consider the irony.

Data Wonk: Who Wins From Global Warming?
Data Wonk

Who Wins From Global Warming?

Wisconsin wins; Florida, Texas, southern states big losers.

Data Wonk: How Will Trumpcare Affect Wisconsin?
Data Wonk

How Will Trumpcare Affect Wisconsin?

The bottom line: worse health and 1,000 additional deaths per year.

Data Wonk: Will Supremes Rule on State Redistricting?
Data Wonk

Will Supremes Rule on State Redistricting?

Past cases show Supreme Court is reluctant to overrule district courts.

Data Wonk: Is Manufacturing in Decline?
Data Wonk

Is Manufacturing in Decline?

Recent trends are down in Wisconsin, but hardly a cause for panic.

Data Wonk: Who is Leaving Wisconsin?
Data Wonk

Who is Leaving Wisconsin?

And why?

Data Wonk: You Dare Not Question Scott Walker
Data Wonk

You Dare Not Question Scott Walker

A Federalist column attacks my conclusion that governors have little impact on the economy.

Data Wonk: US Supreme Court Wrong on Redistricting?
Data Wonk

US Supreme Court Wrong on Redistricting?

By focusing only on racial gerrymandering justices miss the bigger picture.

Data Wonk: Why GOP Backs Gerrymander
Data Wonk

Why GOP Backs Gerrymander

Once leaders both parties' leaders opposed it. Why did Republicans change?

Data Wonk: State’s Political Map At Issue
Data Wonk

State’s Political Map At Issue

Does geography or gerrymandering give a GOP edge? U.S. Supreme Court could decide.

Data Wonk: Does Tax Credit Make State a Winner?
Data Wonk

Does Tax Credit Make State a Winner?

An Econ professor and Walker fan uses shaky research to say yes.

Data Wonk: Can Governors Do Much About Economy?
Data Wonk

Can Governors Do Much About Economy?

Less than people think. But more, perhaps, than Walker is doing.

Data Wonk: ALEC and Wisconsin’s Economy
Data Wonk

ALEC and Wisconsin’s Economy

ALEC ranks state high for its policies, but they haven’t improved economy.

Data Wonk: WMC Manufactures Bogus Data
Data Wonk

WMC Manufactures Bogus Data

Does it show Manufacturing & Agriculture tax credit creates jobs? Nope.

Data Wonk: Why Walker Should Expand Medicaid
Data Wonk

Why Walker Should Expand Medicaid

Both the data and politics point in one direction: accept the federal funding.

Data Wonk: Should Wisconsin Reconsider Medicaid Expansion?
Data Wonk

Should Wisconsin Reconsider Medicaid Expansion?

States that did saw the largest decrease in uninsured.

Data Wonk: Three Whopping Data Lies
Data Wonk

Three Whopping Data Lies

Or how Walker, Schimel, Trump jump from correlation to causality.

Data Wonk: How Trump Betrays His Supporters
Data Wonk

How Trump Betrays His Supporters

Trumpcare in Wisconsin and nation hikes costs the most for Trump voters.

Data Wonk: Who Wins From Anti-Poverty Programs?
Data Wonk

Who Wins From Anti-Poverty Programs?

In U.S. and Wisconsin, biggest beneficiaries are whites without degrees.

Data Wonk: Should State Shift Economic Development Strategies?
Data Wonk

Should State Shift Economic Development Strategies?

A differentiation strategy might work better than Walker’s low-cost approach.

Data Wonk: National Press Discovers Rural Wisconsin
Data Wonk

National Press Discovers Rural Wisconsin

Their observations, and demographic data, tell a story Democrats need to hear.

Data Wonk: The Curious Politics Of Rural Counties
Data Wonk

The Curious Politics Of Rural Counties

New voting data shows their power, but makes their trust in Trump a mystery.

Court Watch: Court’s Redistricting Order A Problem?
Court Watch

Court’s Redistricting Order A Problem?

The solution that Democrats have cheered may not be so simple.

Court Watch: 54 Judges’ Powerful Case for Recusal
Court Watch

54 Judges’ Powerful Case for Recusal

Their petition lays bare the problem. State Supreme Court hasn’t responded.

Data Wonk: The Rise of Right-Wing Propaganda
Data Wonk

The Rise of Right-Wing Propaganda

Commentators peddling non-facts are crowding out thoughtful conservatives.

Data Wonk: 5 Issues Democrats Must Face
Data Wonk

5 Issues Democrats Must Face

The data is clear: Democrats must change strategies or they will never succeed.

Data Wonk: How Will Trumponomics Impact State?
Data Wonk

How Will Trumponomics Impact State?

If he targets trade with China, that’s a major trading partner for Wisconsin.

Data Wonk: 2016 Election Results Prove Gerrymandering
Data Wonk

2016 Election Results Prove Gerrymandering

State election totals by ward prove the problem again. How will courts react?

Data Wonk: What Do Trump’s Voters Want?
Data Wonk

What Do Trump’s Voters Want?

Data provides clear picture of Trump country. Democrats may need new policies.

Data Wonk: DeVos All Wrong on Charter Schools?
Data Wonk

DeVos All Wrong on Charter Schools?

Trump education appointee favors charter schools without accountability. Data shows they fail.

Data Wonk: Measuring Wisconsin’s Gerrymandering
Data Wonk

Measuring Wisconsin’s Gerrymandering

Data shows why the court struck down state's map; “efficiency gap” not the reason.

Data Wonk: Trump, Truth, and Financial Trouble
Data Wonk

Trump, Truth, and Financial Trouble

Voters’ median income -- and gullibility -- help explain election results

Data Wonk: Can Trump Voters’ Pessimism Be Overcome?
Data Wonk

Can Trump Voters’ Pessimism Be Overcome?

Identity politics failed. Democrats need policies that help all, regardless of race, region.

Data Wonk: Trump’s Politics of Pessimism
Data Wonk

Trump’s Politics of Pessimism

The data show his supporters are very pessimistic. How will he meet their needs?

Data Wonk: Do “No Excuses” Charter Schools Work?
Data Wonk

Do “No Excuses” Charter Schools Work?

The data is encouraging. So why are some MPS leaders resistant?

Data Wonk: Do Tax Cuts Lead to Economic Growth?
Data Wonk

Do Tax Cuts Lead to Economic Growth?

What the historic evidence since 1960s shows.

Data Wonk: Three Visions of the Future
Data Wonk

Three Visions of the Future

Comparing the Trump, Clinton and Ryan tax plans and their impact on the economy.

Data Wonk: Is Obamacare Failing?
Data Wonk

Is Obamacare Failing?

Rhetoric aside, what does the data show?

Court Watch: Secrecy and the John Doe Probe
Court Watch

Secrecy and the John Doe Probe

Did secrecy hurt the investigation? Will courts release the info now that the case is over?

Data Wonk: Global Warming and Wisconsin’s Economy
Data Wonk

Global Warming and Wisconsin’s Economy

Will state’s leaders heed the example of Warren Buffett on alternative energy?

Data Wonk: Does Big Government Threaten Freedom?
Data Wonk

Does Big Government Threaten Freedom?

The Church of the Gipper argues big government threatens freedom. But what about private parties? Such as Donald Trump.

Data Wonk: The Decline of Reaganism
Data Wonk

The Decline of Reaganism

The Church of the Gipper is defied by Donald Trump. Will Republicans adjust their ideology?

Court Watch: Schimel Switches Strategy on John Doe
Court Watch

Schimel Switches Strategy on John Doe

His response to appeal abandon’s state Supreme Court’s position, suggesting its ruling is weak.

Data Wonk: Redistricting and Democracy
Data Wonk

Redistricting and Democracy

Gerrymandering has eliminated nearly all competitive legislative and congressional districts.

Data Wonk: Which Candidates Lie the Most?
Data Wonk

Which Candidates Lie the Most?

Aggregating the Politifact ratings of candidates for president and U.S. Senate.

Court Watch: Why Courts Have Limited Photo ID
Court Watch

Why Courts Have Limited Photo ID

Two recent cases have made Wisconsin ground zero for voting rights.

Data Wonk: Trumpism
Data Wonk


The evidence-free appeal of Donald Trump.

Data Wonk: The Further Adventures of John Doe
Data Wonk

The Further Adventures of John Doe

U.S. Supreme Court signals it might take appeal of decision shutting down John Doe probe.

Data Wonk: Schools With Low-Income Students Can Succeed
Data Wonk

Schools With Low-Income Students Can Succeed

But they tend to be charter schools. Will Abele use OSPP to create more?

Data Wonk: Can MPS Learn From the Data?
Data Wonk

Can MPS Learn From the Data?

Its rejection of the Opportunity Schools Partnership is merely one sign the answer is no.

Data Wonk: The Radical State Supreme Court?
Data Wonk

The Radical State Supreme Court?

Three cases reveal the court overruling precedent while claiming it isn’t.

Data Wonk: Why Trump’s Hostile Takeover Succeeded
Data Wonk

Why Trump’s Hostile Takeover Succeeded

The data shows how he stole Republican Party despite opposition of its leaders.

Data Wonk: How to Fix Medicaid
Data Wonk

How to Fix Medicaid

State officials wrestling with problem of rising costs ignore the obvious solution.

Data Wonk: Possible Solutions to Murder in Milwaukee
Data Wonk

Possible Solutions to Murder in Milwaukee

Should it be treated as health epidemic? And why are shootings now more lethal?

Data Wonk: Murder in Milwaukee
Data Wonk

Murder in Milwaukee

What do the statistics tell us about homicides and why they happen?

Data Wonk: Why Federal Court Rejected Archer Suit
Data Wonk

Why Federal Court Rejected Archer Suit

Eric O’Keefe’s attempt to punish DA John Chisholm was way thin on evidence.

Data Wonk: The Shrinking Middle Class
Data Wonk

The Shrinking Middle Class

National shrinkage of middle class households hits Milwaukee hard. Is there any solution?

Data Wonk: Did John Doe Threaten High Court?
Data Wonk

Did John Doe Threaten High Court?

Two Supreme court justices were deeply implicated in probe, yet voted to shut it down.

Data Wonk: How to Attract Jobs to Wisconsin
Data Wonk

How to Attract Jobs to Wisconsin

Walker’s policies haven’t worked. More urban-centered policies could improve things.

Data Wonk: John Doe Controversy Gets Even Stranger
Data Wonk

John Doe Controversy Gets Even Stranger

Judge Lynn Adelman seemed mystified by attorneys for both sides in suit against John Chisholm.

Data Wonk: Road Map To Economic Failure
Data Wonk

Road Map To Economic Failure

Why has Walker’s jobs plan failed? And why won’t he change his approach?

Data Wonk: When Progressives Imitate the Right
Data Wonk

When Progressives Imitate the Right

The Shepherd’s campaign against Democrat Chris Abele is a classic example

Data Wonk: Media Used By Right Against Kloppenburg
Data Wonk

Media Used By Right Against Kloppenburg

Journal Sentinel attacks Kloppenburg on unproven issue raised by right-wing.

Data Wonk: Did Club for Growth Help Create Trump?
Data Wonk

Did Club for Growth Help Create Trump?

Conservatives that got courts to end campaign spending limits gave Trump his key issue.

Data Wonk: Caperton Rule Could Kill John Doe Decision
Data Wonk

Caperton Rule Could Kill John Doe Decision

State high court’s Doe ruling runs afoul of U.S. Supreme Court decision on judicial conflicts.

Data Wonk: John Doe Foes Worried About Appeal?
Data Wonk

John Doe Foes Worried About Appeal?

They’re concerned U.S. Supreme Court might review state court ruling killing Doe probe.

Data Wonk: Have Anti-John Doe Forces Blundered?
Data Wonk

Have Anti-John Doe Forces Blundered?

They could open door to federal court questioning state Supreme Court’s shutdown of Doe probe.

Data Wonk: Is The Central City Economy Improving?
Data Wonk

Is The Central City Economy Improving?

Black employment has risen. Why?

Data Wonk: The Curious Case of Brad Schimel
Data Wonk

The Curious Case of Brad Schimel

Why has Attorney General suddenly entered John Doe controversy?

Data Wonk: Has Walker Shrunk Wisconsin’s Economy?
Data Wonk

Has Walker Shrunk Wisconsin’s Economy?

Both Barca and Trump blame him. But what does the data show? Second in series.

Data Wonk: The Decline of Conservative Thought
Data Wonk

The Decline of Conservative Thought

Once the party of ideas, the GOP now polices political correctness.

Data Wonk: Has Walker Grown Wisconsin’s Economy?
Data Wonk

Has Walker Grown Wisconsin’s Economy?

His conservative policies were supposed to grow jobs. Did they? First in a series.

Data Wonk: Did Democrats Overreact to ACT Scores?
Data Wonk

Did Democrats Overreact to ACT Scores?

The claim that state dropped from 2nd to 41st on ACT scores is simply wrong.

Data Wonk: Can New Approach End Gerrymandering?
Data Wonk

Can New Approach End Gerrymandering?

“Efficiency model” goes before courts. It has a chance.

Roggensack Weakens Judicial Watchdog?

Roggensack Weakens Judicial Watchdog?

Chief justice appoints GOP operative sanctioned by federal court to Judicial Commission.

Data Wonk: U.S. Supreme Court Must Meet John Doe
Data Wonk

U.S. Supreme Court Must Meet John Doe

By hearing case, court would end legal confusion and might enhance its reputation.

Data Wonk: Why John Doe Won’t Die
Data Wonk

Why John Doe Won’t Die

The court cases haven’t ended. Will U.S. Supreme Court take the case?

Data Wonk: The Shrinking Labor Force
Data Wonk

The Shrinking Labor Force

The percent working has dropped in U.S. and even faster in Wisconsin. Why?

Data Wonk: How Liberals Imitate Right Wing
Data Wonk

How Liberals Imitate Right Wing

Their stance on Abele and charter schools is just as close-minded as right wingers.

Data Wonk: Why Mortality is Rising for Middle Aged Whites
Data Wonk

Why Mortality is Rising for Middle Aged Whites

Since 2000, the death rate for this group has begun rising. Are there political causes?

Data Wonk: Has Wisconsin Become a Can’t Do State?
Data Wonk

Has Wisconsin Become a Can’t Do State?

State’s still lagging economy points to problems with political leadership.

Data Wonk: Do More Guns Lower Crime?
Data Wonk

Do More Guns Lower Crime?

That’s the theory behind proposed bill to permit guns in college buildings. Is the theory true?

Data Wonk: Marching Towards Ideological Conformity
Data Wonk

Marching Towards Ideological Conformity

Ideology prevents Republicans from offering real solutions. Ditto for liberal charter school haters.

Data Wonk: What Explains Trump’s Popularity?
Data Wonk

What Explains Trump’s Popularity?

Polls of Wisconsin voters and other data provides disturbing clues.

Data Wonk: Is ObamaCare Working in Wisconsin?
Data Wonk

Is ObamaCare Working in Wisconsin?

Yes, because Walker used one part of Obamacare to replace what he rejected.

Data Wonk: The Fall of Scott Walker
Data Wonk

The Fall of Scott Walker

Did the Club for Growth contribute to the rise of Donald Trump and the fall of Scott Walker?

Data Wonk: Why Was Cindy Archer Lawsuit Pursued?
Data Wonk

Why Was Cindy Archer Lawsuit Pursued?

It’s certainly not helping conservatives who filed it. Another John Doe mystery.

Data Wonk: The Mysterious Silence of John Chisholm
Data Wonk

The Mysterious Silence of John Chisholm

His unwillingness to answer challenges to John Doe raises questions.

Data Wonk: Mysteries of the John Doe investigation
Data Wonk

Mysteries of the John Doe investigation

The probe has left many mysteries and unanswered questions. First of two parts.

Data Wonk: Will Walker Plan to Replace ObamaCare Work?
Data Wonk

Will Walker Plan to Replace ObamaCare Work?

He’s the only Republican to present a specific plan, but its results might explain why.

Data Wonk: The John Doe Fiction Continues
Data Wonk

The John Doe Fiction Continues

National Review doubles down on dubious claim of “paramilitary raids.”

Data Wonk: Why David Brooks Is Wrong on Minimum Wage
Data Wonk

Why David Brooks Is Wrong on Minimum Wage

He opposes raising it but uses bad math and incomplete research.

Data Wonk: About Those John Doe “Paramilitary Raids”
Data Wonk

About Those John Doe “Paramilitary Raids”

Are right-wing accounts of the Doe investigation fictional?

Data Wonk: Why Conservatives Attack Minnesota
Data Wonk

Why Conservatives Attack Minnesota

They condemn its business climate even as it out-performs Wisconsin.

Data Wonk: Doe Decision “Overrules” U.S. Supreme Court
Data Wonk

Doe Decision “Overrules” U.S. Supreme Court

Wisconsin justices knew coordination was occurring. So they simply tried to rewrite federal law.

Data Wonk: Why Is Minnesota Outperforming Wisconsin?
Data Wonk

Why Is Minnesota Outperforming Wisconsin?

Does having a Republican or Democratic governor explain the difference?

Data Wonk: Why Transportation Costs Are Out of Line
Data Wonk

Why Transportation Costs Are Out of Line

U.S. and Wisconsin use a Soviet model, which results in shortages of funding and long lines of traffic.

Data Wonk: Who Wins From Court’s Obamacare Ruling?
Data Wonk

Who Wins From Court’s Obamacare Ruling?

Wisconsin and Walker are both big winners, while Rojo and Paul Ryan look foolish.

Data Wonk: Why is Wisconsin Last in Startup Businesses?
Data Wonk

Why is Wisconsin Last in Startup Businesses?

The state’s backward-looking business culture may be to blame.

Data Wonk: Will Jobs Record Hurt Walker’s Presidential Bid?
Data Wonk

Will Jobs Record Hurt Walker’s Presidential Bid?

The numbers for Wisconsin are bad, yet Walker is a leading presidential candidate. Why?

Data Wonk: The Economic Impact of a New Bucks Arena
Data Wonk

The Economic Impact of a New Bucks Arena

Separating fact from fiction, what does the data show?

Data Wonk: Wisconsin Ranks Last In Welfare Reform
Data Wonk

Wisconsin Ranks Last In Welfare Reform

A conservative group’s ranking of results suggests the state ranks 50th in the results of its reforms.

Data Wonk: Will Supreme Court Overrule Key Part of Obamacare?
Data Wonk

Will Supreme Court Overrule Key Part of Obamacare?

Result could increase health care costs and number of uninsured in states like Wisconsin.

Data Wonk: Why Doesn’t Milwaukee Embrace Charter Schools?
Data Wonk

Why Doesn’t Milwaukee Embrace Charter Schools?

Data shows they work better than MPS schools, but board adamantly opposes them.

Data Wonk: A New Approach to Equal Opportunity
Data Wonk

A New Approach to Equal Opportunity

New data shows switching neighborhoods can improve equality. What does this mean for Milwaukee?

Data Wonk: The Meaning of Judge Bradley’s Victory
Data Wonk

The Meaning of Judge Bradley’s Victory

She carried more assembly districts than Obama or Mary Burke. Are there lessons for Democrats and the GOP in her victory?

Data Wonk: Push For $15 Minimum Wage A Mistake?
Data Wonk

Push For $15 Minimum Wage A Mistake?

Research clearly shows $10 minimum wage helps workers, but there’s no data to support hike to $15.

Data Wonk: The Cult of the Free Market
Data Wonk

The Cult of the Free Market

Adam Smith gets distorted as partisan ideologues increasingly skew data to simplify reality.

Data Wonk: The Charter School Advantage
Data Wonk

The Charter School Advantage

A new study shows charter schools outperform MPS schools. But they still trail the average state school.

Data Wonk: Exploding the Myths About Poverty
Data Wonk

Exploding the Myths About Poverty

America didn’t “lose” the War on Poverty. Poverty declined. Can it be reduced further in cities like Milwaukee?

Data Wonk: Predicting Wisconsin’s Economic Future
Data Wonk

Predicting Wisconsin’s Economic Future

Two commentators fiercely disagree as to whether Wisconsin has turned the corner. Who’s right?

Data Wonk: Can Wisconsin Democrats Rebuild Their Brand?
Data Wonk

Can Wisconsin Democrats Rebuild Their Brand?

Maybe the party needs to think like a business and rethink the product it offers.

Data Wonk: On The Road to Serfdom?
Data Wonk

On The Road to Serfdom?

Paul Ryan and others argue U.S. spending and government control is increasing. What does the data show?

Data Wonk: Will Right-to-Work Cause Sickness and Death?
Data Wonk

Will Right-to-Work Cause Sickness and Death?

Logic of the law’s supporters suggest this -- and other terrible things -- will happen.

Data Wonk: Milwaukee a Leader in City Center Job Growth
Data Wonk

Milwaukee a Leader in City Center Job Growth

So says a recent study. But is the data more than a passing fad?

Data Wonk: Testing Walker’s Jobs Theory
Data Wonk

Testing Walker’s Jobs Theory

He’s embraced a low-taxes approach used by other states, which has been a failure.

Data Wonk: The Walker Economic Record
Data Wonk

The Walker Economic Record

Crunching the numbers: How has Wisconsin’s economy fared in his first four years?

Data Wonk: How Good Are Charter Schools?
Data Wonk

How Good Are Charter Schools?

The data is very encouraging, so why are liberals so opposed?

Data Wonk: Will Streetcar Help The Inner City?
Data Wonk

Will Streetcar Help The Inner City?

Opponents say it won’t. Let’s examine the data.

Data Wonk: Millennials And The Streetcar
Data Wonk

Millennials And The Streetcar

Will it attract young professionals?

Data Wonk: Does Walker Have Losing Strategy for Global Warming?
Data Wonk

Does Walker Have Losing Strategy for Global Warming?

States that are unfriendly to new technologies confronting the problem could be economic losers.

Data Wonk: The Bogus Claims on Right to Work
Data Wonk

The Bogus Claims on Right to Work

Serious researchers on impact offer many caveats, which advocates blithely ignore.

Data Wonk: The Real Impact of the Minimum Wage
Data Wonk

The Real Impact of the Minimum Wage

A new study by the non­partisan Congressional Budget Office looks at the costs and benefits.

Data Wonk: The Impact of Right to Work Laws
Data Wonk

The Impact of Right to Work Laws

State Republican leaders want to pass such a law. What will be the impact on jobs and wages?

Data Wonk: Wisconsin Taxes and Inequality
Data Wonk

Wisconsin Taxes and Inequality

Have Walker’s tax changes increased or decreased inequality in the state?

Data Wonk: Wisconsin Is Now a Republican Oligopoly
Data Wonk

Wisconsin Is Now a Republican Oligopoly

Election results reveal Democrats now start all elections with a ten percent disadvantage.

Data Wonk: The Rise in Income Inequality
Data Wonk

The Rise in Income Inequality

The problem is national, but choices made by Walker and the Republicans may widen or reduce it in Wisconsin

Data Wonk: Walker Decision on Obamacare Is Costly
Data Wonk

Walker Decision on Obamacare Is Costly

New numbers allow for analysis of Affordable Care Act’s impact nationally and in Wisconsin.

Data Wonk: Do Democrats Have a Future?
Data Wonk

Do Democrats Have a Future?

They need to get 55 percent of the vote to get back the legislature. Will any strategy work?

Data Wonk: Evaluating The Burke and Walker Jobs Plans
Data Wonk

Evaluating The Burke and Walker Jobs Plans

Can either reverse the state’s long-term trend of lagging national job growth?

Data Wonk: The Assault on Wisconsin’s Campaign Laws
Data Wonk

The Assault on Wisconsin’s Campaign Laws

Given higher court’s slap-down of Judge Randa’s decisions overthrowing Wisconsin laws, just where does the law now stand?

Data Wonk: Both Sides Wrong About Walker’s Impact on Jobs
Data Wonk

Both Sides Wrong About Walker’s Impact on Jobs

Actually, the data shows Gov. Walker has had little impact, positive or negative, on how the state grows jobs.

Data Wonk: Why the Appeals Court Slapped Down Conservatives
Data Wonk

Why the Appeals Court Slapped Down Conservatives

In John Doe case, the Republican-leaning court tossed out 7 suits against John Chisholm, and chastised Judge Randa. Why?

Data Wonk: What Explains the Democratic Economic Advantage?
Data Wonk

What Explains the Democratic Economic Advantage?

Possible explanations for why the economy and stock market perform better under Democratic presidents.

Data Wonk: Are Democrats Better for the Economy?
Data Wonk

Are Democrats Better for the Economy?

The data shows Democratic presidents have better economic growth. But is the data meaningful?

Data Wonk: The Curious Contradictions of Christian Schneider
Data Wonk

The Curious Contradictions of Christian Schneider

Journal Sentinel columnist admits killing Obamacare would hurt Wisconsin, even as he bashes it.

Data Wonk: Will Liberal Democrats Undermine Mary Burke?
Data Wonk

Will Liberal Democrats Undermine Mary Burke?

Opposition to a pro-business Democrat could help Walker win reelection.

Data Wonk: Obamacare’s Success So Far
Data Wonk

Obamacare’s Success So Far

Uninsured rates decline in most states, more so for those “embracing” the legislation, and Wisconsin finds itself in the middle of the pack.

Data Wonk: Court Decision Could Kill Obamacare in Wisconsin
Data Wonk

Court Decision Could Kill Obamacare in Wisconsin

That would hurt many who’ve enrolled, and leave Gov. Walker in a tough position.

Data Wonk: Why MPS Can’t Improve
Data Wonk

Why MPS Can’t Improve

It’s clearly failing black children. Why can’t MPS do as well as other cities in addressing the problem?

Data Wonk: Why Did Walker Flip on Common Core?
Data Wonk

Why Did Walker Flip on Common Core?

And why is the opposition to it so heated? An analysis of the actual standards and the arguments against them.

Data Wonk: The Impact of Obamacare
Data Wonk

The Impact of Obamacare

States that embraced it have greatly lowered the number of uninsured. What’s the impact on Wisconsin?

Data Wonk: Is Walker to Blame for Poor Job Growth?
Data Wonk

Is Walker to Blame for Poor Job Growth?

Liberal and conservatives adamantly disagree. What does the data show?

Data Wonk: Supreme Court May Disappoint Conservatives
Data Wonk

Supreme Court May Disappoint Conservatives

Their past decisions may force them to rule against those appealing the John Doe investigation.

Data Wonk: The Milwaukee Advantage
Data Wonk

The Milwaukee Advantage

Why is population growth here better than in most Great Lakes states?

Data Wonk: The Democratic Disadvantage
Data Wonk

The Democratic Disadvantage

Republicans can continue to control the legislature with 46% of the statewide vote. How can Democrats overcome this edge?

Data Wonk: Will New EPA Rules Hurt Wisconsin’s Economy?
Data Wonk

Will New EPA Rules Hurt Wisconsin’s Economy?

Looking at the impact of efforts to combat global warming.

Data Wonk: Walker’s Record on Unemployment
Data Wonk

Walker’s Record on Unemployment

Wisconsin has had less success reducing unemployment than surrounding states. Why?

Milwaukee Is a Great Lakes Star

Milwaukee Is a Great Lakes Star

New census estimates show Milwaukee’s population is growing faster than any other Great Lakes city.

Journal Sentinel Gets Snookered by Walker

Journal Sentinel Gets Snookered by Walker

Newspaper’s vaunted Politifact column approves of Walker’s very misleading claim about state job growth.

Decline of the Dairy State

Decline of the Dairy State

Walker’s policies may help depopulate farms. How will cities be affected?

Why Utah Scores High on New Economy Rankings

Why Utah Scores High on New Economy Rankings

Yes, it’s conservative, but it strongly supports rail transit and urban living. Final story of a series.

Why Wisconsin Lags in High Tech Economy

Why Wisconsin Lags in High Tech Economy

Are the state’s liberals too opposed to change? Part II in a series.

Wisconsin Lags in Building a High Tech Economy

Wisconsin Lags in Building a High Tech Economy

Which states and cities lead the way in building a new economy? Part I of a three-part series.

Myths About the Minimum Wage

Myths About the Minimum Wage

Economists don’t agree that raising the minimum wage reduces employment. It actually increases jobs in fast-food industry.

Ending Income Taxes Won’t Bring Jobs

Ending Income Taxes Won’t Bring Jobs

Gov. Walker says states without the tax do better. Statistics say otherwise.

Why Walker’s Job Strategy Has Failed

Why Walker’s Job Strategy Has Failed

He’s followed a much-touted strategy used by successful companies. Why hasn’t it worked?

Which Governor is Best At Growing Jobs?

Which Governor is Best At Growing Jobs?

The truth is far more complicated than either party would claim.

The State’s Spin Machine

The State’s Spin Machine

Dept of Workforce Development spins job numbers to make Walker look good. Does it matter?

Cities Lead the Way

Cities Lead the Way

Latest census figures shows all state population growth in urban areas.