Wisconsin Democracy Campaign

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Wausau Citizens File Ethics Complaint Against Mayor Doug Diny Over Ballot Drop Box Interference
Campaign Cash: Record $93 Million Spent by Outside Groups in 2022
Campaign Cash

Record $93 Million Spent by Outside Groups in 2022

$31 million more than total in 2018 and five times higher than in 2010.

Campaign Cash: Record Spending by Outside Groups for Republicans
Campaign Cash

Record Spending by Outside Groups for Republicans

$29 million to support GOP candidates for state office vs. $7.7 million for Democrats.

Campaign Cash: Club For Growth Spends Big on Campaigns
Campaign Cash

Club For Growth Spends Big on Campaigns

Spending $3.5 million, running attack ads to defeat Kleefisch in Republican primary.

Campaign Cash: WI Democratic Party Has 29 Times More Campaign Cash Than GOP
Campaign Cash

WI Democratic Party Has 29 Times More Campaign Cash Than GOP

State Republican party had held lead in campaign fundraising in past years.

Campaign Cash: Uihleins Spent $38 Million On 2022 Races
Campaign Cash

Uihleins Spent $38 Million On 2022 Races

Donations to Republicans include Senate candidate accused of sexual assault and 5 Big Lie proponents in House.

Campaign Cash: 52% of Evers’ Donations from State Residents
Campaign Cash

52% of Evers’ Donations from State Residents

His Republican opponents have much higher percent of Wisconsin campaign donors.

Campaign Cash: Service Employees Union Spends Big
Campaign Cash

Service Employees Union Spends Big

Since 2010, SEIU has spent more than $2.3 million on Democratic candidates in state.

Campaign Cash: Democratic Group Buys $9.8 Million In TV Ads
Campaign Cash

Democratic Group Buys $9.8 Million In TV Ads

Democratic Governors Association spent $13.4 million in 2018 to back Evers, attack Walker.

Campaign Cash: Jobs First Coalition Backs Republicans
Campaign Cash

Jobs First Coalition Backs Republicans

Brookfield-based conservative group has spent $2.6 million since 2010, mostly on legislators.

Campaign Cash: GOP Group In D.C. Targets Josh Kaul
Campaign Cash

GOP Group In D.C. Targets Josh Kaul

Republican AG Association will spend nearly $700,000 on ads against WI attorney general.

Campaign Cash: Wisconsin Conservation Voters Spends Big
Campaign Cash

Wisconsin Conservation Voters Spends Big

Green group has spent $3.85 million since 2010, mostly for Democratic candidates.

Campaign Cash: Right-Wing Money Helps Elect Appeals Court Judge
Campaign Cash

Right-Wing Money Helps Elect Appeals Court Judge

Uihleins and outside groups spend $450,000 to elect Maria Lazar.

Campaign Cash: For Our Future Spends Big
Campaign Cash

For Our Future Spends Big

Nearly $2.1 million by one of largest outside spenders in state supported Democratic candidates.

Campaign Cash: Outside Groups Have Already Spent $1.9 Million On Governor’s Race
Campaign Cash

Outside Groups Have Already Spent $1.9 Million On Governor’s Race

More than half of money for GOP candidates, some $800,000 to help Evers.

Campaign Cash: Local Races Attract Out-Of-State Super PACs
Campaign Cash

Local Races Attract Out-Of-State Super PACs

They spent $248,000 on 18 candidates in city, county races in state’s spring election.

Campaign Cash: $250,000 In Dark Money Backs Appeals Court Candidate
Campaign Cash

$250,000 In Dark Money Backs Appeals Court Candidate

Conservative Waukesha judge Judge Maria Lazar backed by shadowy Illinois group.

Campaign Cash: Liberal Group One Of Top Outside Spenders
Campaign Cash

Liberal Group One Of Top Outside Spenders

A Better Wisconsin Together, backed by unions, spent $5.2 million on 2020-2021 races.

Campaign Cash: GOP Lawmakers Far Ahead in Campaign Cash
Campaign Cash

GOP Lawmakers Far Ahead in Campaign Cash

Four times more money than Democratic legislators going into 2022 year.

Campaign Cash: Big Bucks Back Trucking Industry Handout
Campaign Cash

Big Bucks Back Trucking Industry Handout

Business, manufacturing, agricultural, and trucking interests behind bill gave $7.1 million to legislators since 2015.

Campaign Cash: Two Parties Got $1.3 Million Corporate Cash in 2021
Campaign Cash

Two Parties Got $1.3 Million Corporate Cash in 2021

$1 million went to GOP party, legislative committees, the rest to their Democratic counterparts.

Campaign Cash: 57% of Evers’ Donations From Wisconsin
Campaign Cash

57% of Evers’ Donations From Wisconsin

Kleefisch had much higher percentage of in-state contributors for 2021 year.

Campaign Cash: State Democrats Raise 5 Times More Than Republicans
Campaign Cash

State Democrats Raise 5 Times More Than Republicans

Democrats have overtaken GOP fundraising since Republicans changed campaign finance laws.

Campaign Cash: Planned Parenthood Spends Big On Elections
Campaign Cash

Planned Parenthood Spends Big On Elections

But little influence on legislation in face of Republican domination.

Campaign Cash: Real Estate Interests Back GOP Bill
Campaign Cash

Real Estate Interests Back GOP Bill

Change in how assessments done will cut commercial property taxes and hike them for residents, opponents charge.

Campaign Cash: Tourism, Businesses Back More Child Labor
Campaign Cash

Tourism, Businesses Back More Child Labor

GOP bill allows some businesses to schedule later working hours for children under 16.

Campaign Cash: Republican Group a Leading Fundraiser
Campaign Cash

Republican Group a Leading Fundraiser

Since 2010 it's raised $3.27 million from donors like the MMAC and Diane Hendricks.

Campaign Cash: Natural Resources Board Chair Supports Republicans
Campaign Cash

Natural Resources Board Chair Supports Republicans

Fred Prehn, Walker appointee who refuses to step down, gave $35.000 to GOP candidates.

Campaign Cash: Legislative Campaign Committees Awash in Cash
Campaign Cash

Legislative Campaign Committees Awash in Cash

Four campaign committees together banked a record $2.9 million this year.

Campaign Cash: Democrats Raise 5 Times More Than GOP
Campaign Cash

Democrats Raise 5 Times More Than GOP

State Democratic Party raised $4.4 million in first half of 2021, versus $835,000 for Republican party.

Campaign Cash: List of Evers Supporters Is Long
Campaign Cash

List of Evers Supporters Is Long

$20,000 each from three-dozen individuals and $1 million from state Democratic Party.

Campaign Cash: Superintendent Race Cost Record $3 Million
Campaign Cash

Superintendent Race Cost Record $3 Million

Underly and liberal groups spent combined $2.34 million, five times more than opponents.

Campaign Cash: Democratic Governors Association Spends Big
Campaign Cash

Democratic Governors Association Spends Big

One of biggest spenders on elections in state, nearly $13.5 million since 2012.

Campaign Cash: Special Interests Push for Tax Cut
Campaign Cash

Special Interests Push for Tax Cut

Big donor business lobbyist groups want big handout: $200 million tax cut.

Campaign Cash: Police Union Gets Change in Legislation
Campaign Cash

Police Union Gets Change in Legislation

Milwaukee union, frequent donor to legislators, gets bill regulating police use of force weakened.

Campaign Cash: State Business Group Has Massive Clout
Campaign Cash

State Business Group Has Massive Clout

WMC has secretly raised and spent $41 million on elections in last 15 years.

New Report Highlights Barriers to Voting

New Report Highlights Barriers to Voting

29% of Wisconsinites don’t have a driver’s license.

Campaign Cash: State Donors Gave $4.4 Million to Outside Smear Groups
Campaign Cash

State Donors Gave $4.4 Million to Outside Smear Groups

Two-thirds of money donated in 2020 went to Democratic-leaning groups.

Campaign Cash: Walker’s Presidential Fund Files Final Report
Campaign Cash

Walker’s Presidential Fund Files Final Report

Our American Revival spent $7.7 million on Scott Walker’s ill-fated run for president.

Campaign Cash: Uihleins, Walton Shower GOP Legislators With Cash
Campaign Cash

Uihleins, Walton Shower GOP Legislators With Cash

Out-of-state donors give $1.9 million to state legislators, 79% of it to Republicans.

Campaign Cash: Bills Cap Predatory Lending at 36%
Campaign Cash

Bills Cap Predatory Lending at 36%

Average payday interest rate is 517%. Industry has given generously to legislators

Campaign Cash: Record Outside Group Spending for Underly
Campaign Cash

Record Outside Group Spending for Underly

A record $1.02 million spent on state superintendent race, 80% of it by liberal groups.

Campaign Cash: Outside Groups Spent $1 Million on State Superintendent Race
Campaign Cash

Outside Groups Spent $1 Million on State Superintendent Race

Groups backing Underly had 5-1 advantage over those backing Kerr.

Campaign Cash: Rebecca Bradley Rules in Favor of Campaign Donor
Campaign Cash

Rebecca Bradley Rules in Favor of Campaign Donor

Justice overrules Evers emergency order, favoring $20,000 donor to her campaign.

Campaign Cash: Underly Raises 18 Times More Than Kerr
Campaign Cash

Underly Raises 18 Times More Than Kerr

Democratic-supported candidate for state school superintendent raises $1.3 million.

Campaign Cash: GOP Group Targets Appeals Court Race
Campaign Cash

GOP Group Targets Appeals Court Race

Spends $56,000 on candidate backed by Scott Walker, to defeat Evers appointee.

Campaign Cash: Liberals Have 13 to 1 Edge In Superintendent Race
Campaign Cash

Liberals Have 13 to 1 Edge In Superintendent Race

Groups supporting Underly bury the one group backing Kerr in total campaign donations.

Campaign Cash: Outside Spending Tops $800,000 for Election
Campaign Cash

Outside Spending Tops $800,000 for Election

Most of special interest spending for spring election is for state school superintendent race.

Campaign Cash: Companies Accused of Polluting Donated $72,000
Campaign Cash

Companies Accused of Polluting Donated $72,000

23 chemical companies sued for PFAS contamination support state political candidates.

Campaign Cash: Kleefisch a Big Donor to Republicans
Campaign Cash

Kleefisch a Big Donor to Republicans

Ex-Lt. Governor has PAC that gave $121,000 to GOP legislative candidates and state party.

Campaign Cash: GOP Gets 69% of Corporate Cash for Legislative Races
Campaign Cash

GOP Gets 69% of Corporate Cash for Legislative Races

$1.6 million donated in 2020, just below record set in 2018.

Campaign Cash: False Electors Were GOP Campaign Donors
Campaign Cash

False Electors Were GOP Campaign Donors

Republican insiders accused of election fraud gave $14,000 to state candidates.

Campaign Cash: Fitzgerald Cited for Campaign Violation
Campaign Cash

Fitzgerald Cited for Campaign Violation

His campaign committee agreed to $3,600 settlement, but hasn’t paid the fee.

Campaign Cash: Who’s Behind School Superintendent Candidates?
Campaign Cash

Who’s Behind School Superintendent Candidates?

More than half of Deborah Kerr’s campaign cash came from one fat cat.

Campaign Cash: Legislative Campaign Committee Spending Soars
Campaign Cash

Legislative Campaign Committee Spending Soars

Total spending by four state legislative committees up from $2 million in 2014 to $12 million in 2020.

Campaign Cash: Evers Raised $3.8 Million in 2020
Campaign Cash

Evers Raised $3.8 Million in 2020

Raised more money in off-election year than Walker or Doyle.

Campaign Cash: State Superintendent Candidates Raise $200,000
Campaign Cash

State Superintendent Candidates Raise $200,000

Which candidates have raised the most and who are the top donors?

Campaign Cash: State Businesses Supported Group Pushing Capitol Rally
Campaign Cash

State Businesses Supported Group Pushing Capitol Rally

$279,000 donated to Republican Attorneys General Association pushing ‘Stop the Steal’ rally.

Campaign Cash: Special Interests Want COVID Lawsuit Immunity
Campaign Cash

Special Interests Want COVID Lawsuit Immunity

Republican bill protects businesses from lawsuits even if they violate public health guidelines.

Campaign Cash: Justice Bradley Won’t Recuse Herself
Campaign Cash

Justice Bradley Won’t Recuse Herself

Rebecca Bradley will hear challenge to Evers' health order from donor who gave her campaign $20,000.

Campaign Cash: Outside Groups Spent $10 Million on Legislative Races
Campaign Cash

Outside Groups Spent $10 Million on Legislative Races

Special interest groups backing Democrats spent more of it, about $5.5 million.

Campaign Cash: Liberal Groups Far Outspend Republicans
Campaign Cash

Liberal Groups Far Outspend Republicans

$5.3 million spent on legislative races by Democratic advocacy groups, $2.9 million by GOP groups.

Campaign Cash: Vos Hit By Surge of Outside Spending
Campaign Cash

Vos Hit By Surge of Outside Spending

In last week outside groups spent nearly $280,000 against him. Foxconn issue in play?

Campaign Cash: Outside Liberal Groups Lead in Legislative Races
Campaign Cash

Outside Liberal Groups Lead in Legislative Races

Groups backing Democrats have spent $2.9 million versus $1.8 million for Republicans.

Campaign Cash: $2.3 Million Outside Spending on Legislative Races
Campaign Cash

$2.3 Million Outside Spending on Legislative Races

On 96 of 115 legislative races in state, with slightly more for Republicans.

Campaign Cash: Democratic Legislative Committees Spend Big
Campaign Cash

Democratic Legislative Committees Spend Big

Raising $1.9 million more than Republicans yet with $2.3 million less left in the bank.

Campaign Cash: Koch Group Leads Outside Spending
Campaign Cash

Koch Group Leads Outside Spending

63% of special interest spending on state legislative races backs Republicans.

Campaign Cash: Democrats Get More Unregulated Donations
Campaign Cash

Democrats Get More Unregulated Donations

68% of $2.7 million from outside special interests in 2020 went to Democrats. Abele the biggest donor.

Campaign Cash: Special Interest Contributions Skyrocket
Campaign Cash

Special Interest Contributions Skyrocket

$5.2 million spent in state for first six months of 2020, more than double the same period in 2016.

Campaign Cash: Outside Groups Spend More on GOP Candidates
Campaign Cash

Outside Groups Spend More on GOP Candidates

$300,000 spent on August primary’s legislative candidates, with $97,031 from Koch-connected AFP.

Campaign Cash: Republicans Grab Corporate Cash
Campaign Cash

Republicans Grab Corporate Cash

GOP candidates get 75% of state corporate donations to political campaigns.

Campaign Cash: Legislative Donors Give Record Amount in 2020
Campaign Cash

Legislative Donors Give Record Amount in 2020

$7.1 million showered on legislative races in first half of 2020, shattering 2016 record of $5.1 million.

Campaign Cash: Legislative Committees Raise Record Cash
Campaign Cash

Legislative Committees Raise Record Cash

Republican committees raise $1.8 million, Democrats $950,000 in first six months of 2020.

Campaign Cash: State Democrats Bury GOP in Fundraising
Campaign Cash

State Democrats Bury GOP in Fundraising

Democrats have raised record-breaking $11.5 million in 2020, versus $1.5 million for Republicans.

Campaign Cash: State Supreme Court Race Cost $10 Million
Campaign Cash

State Supreme Court Race Cost $10 Million

Shatters spending record; 51% by Karofsky and outside groups supporting her in April election.

State Has Weak Payday Loan Regulations

State Has Weak Payday Loan Regulations

Average borrower in state pays 528%. Now Trump has weakened federal regulations.

Op Ed: Evers Must Expand Access to Photo ID
Op Ed

Evers Must Expand Access to Photo ID

28 voting rights groups urge him to enforce executive order he issued.

Campaign Cash: Police Groups Have Big Capitol Clout
Campaign Cash

Police Groups Have Big Capitol Clout

They spent $2.3 million on state lobbying and elections over 10 years, pushing many bills they favor.

272 Candidates Running for State Legislature

272 Candidates Running for State Legislature

Highest number since 2012, many contested primaries.

Lafayette County Backs Overturning Citizens United

Lafayette County Backs Overturning Citizens United

56% of state lives in jurisdictions that now support constitutional amendment to nullify Supreme Court ruling.

Campaign Cash: Enbridge Energy Looks to Reroute Pipeline
Campaign Cash

Enbridge Energy Looks to Reroute Pipeline

Campaign donor wants to seize private property in North Woods for crude oil pipeline.

Campaign Cash: Justice Bradley Got $20K from Safer-At-Home Plaintiff
Campaign Cash

Justice Bradley Got $20K from Safer-At-Home Plaintiff

Bradley got max contribution from one of the parties to a second lawsuit challenging the safer-at-home orders.

Campaign Cash: The Portfolio of Pat Roggensack
Campaign Cash

The Portfolio of Pat Roggensack

Justice who suggested meat packers aren’t “regular folks” has big investments, campaign donations.

Special Interests Battle on High Court Case

Special Interests Battle on High Court Case

Koch and WMC filings push Supreme Court to stop Evers state shutdown, liberal groups disagree.

Campaign Cash: The State’s Top 25 Fat Cats
Campaign Cash

The State’s Top 25 Fat Cats

Diane Hendricks and Lynde Uihlein lead the list of top political donors over last 25 years.

Campaign Cash:  WMC Opposes Help for First Responders
Campaign Cash

WMC Opposes Help for First Responders

Big business group gets legislative change so it's harder for police, fire fighters to get workers comp.

Op Ed: 40 Policies That Helped Pollute State
Op Ed

40 Policies That Helped Pollute State

Over last decade state leaders have backed 40 actions that have harmed environment.

Campaign Cash: Massive Spending on Marsy’s Law
Campaign Cash

Massive Spending on Marsy’s Law

Group funded by California billionaire spent $3.5 million in Wisconsin pushing for more victim rights.

Campaign Cash: Democrats Ahead on Campaign Donations
Campaign Cash

Democrats Ahead on Campaign Donations

State Democratic Party raised nine times more than state Republican Party in 2020.

Campaign Cash: Karofsky Leads Kelly in Campaign Donations
Campaign Cash

Karofsky Leads Kelly in Campaign Donations

She’s raised $2.4 million, he’s raised $1.6 million, in race for state Supreme Court.

Groups Spend $3 Million on High Court Race

Groups Spend $3 Million on High Court Race

Karofsky leads Kelly in special interest spending on state Supreme Court race.

Campaign Cash: Shadowy Groups Got $4.8 Million in 2019
Campaign Cash

Shadowy Groups Got $4.8 Million in 2019

Abele was top contributor to unregulated 527 groups that often smear candidates.

Campaign Cash: Menards Accused of Price Gouging
Campaign Cash

Menards Accused of Price Gouging

Stores in Wisconsin and Michigan at issue, Michigan AG sends cease-and-disest letter.

Campaign Cash: Karofsky Has 23-1 Lead in Outside Funding
Campaign Cash

Karofsky Has 23-1 Lead in Outside Funding

Kelly far behind in third party campaign spending in state Supreme Count race.

Campaign Cash: Law Cuts Notice Time for Insurance Premium Hikes
Campaign Cash

Law Cuts Notice Time for Insurance Premium Hikes

Insurance industry gave generously to legislators, Evers, Walker.

Campaign Cash: Shipbuilder Donates, Gets State Grant
Campaign Cash

Shipbuilder Donates, Gets State Grant

Marinette Marine gives $45,000 to Democratic Governors; Evers awards $29 million grant.

Campaign Cash: Dan Kelly’s Big Guns
Campaign Cash

Dan Kelly’s Big Guns

Supreme Court Justice holds fundraiser at shooting gallery the day after Molson Coors shootings.

Campaign Cash: GOP Legislators Way Ahead on Donations
Campaign Cash

GOP Legislators Way Ahead on Donations

Republican legislators went into 2020 with four times more campaign cash than Democrats.

Campaign Cash: Outside Groups Spent $55,000 on High Court Race
Campaign Cash

Outside Groups Spent $55,000 on High Court Race

Majority of spending opposed conservative Justice Dan Kelly.

Campaign Cash: GOP Bill Allows Guns in Churches
Campaign Cash

GOP Bill Allows Guns in Churches

And other places of worship, even in school zones. Big donor NRA favors such legislation.

Campaign Cash: Big Money Groups Oppose PFAS Regulation
Campaign Cash

Big Money Groups Oppose PFAS Regulation

Wisconsin Manufacturers, other business groups spent $8.5 million on campaigns, oppose regulating “forever chemicals."

Campaign Cash: Kelly Leads Money Race for High Court
Campaign Cash

Kelly Leads Money Race for High Court

Conservative raised more than Fallone and Karofsky combined in Supreme Court race.

Campaign Cash: $1.1 Million in Corporate Political Gifts in 2019
Campaign Cash

$1.1 Million in Corporate Political Gifts in 2019

Total amount given to state party groups, with 78% going to Republicans.

Gerrymandering Has Racial Bias, Evers Says

Gerrymandering Has Racial Bias, Evers Says

Black disenfranchisement still happening, governor declares at Black History Month event.

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Files Ethics Complaint against Democratic Groups
Democrats Denounce Citizens United

Democrats Denounce Citizens United

On 10th anniversary of decision, legislators call for statewide advisory referendum to amend constitution.

Top Donors In Supreme Court Race

Top Donors In Supreme Court Race

Topping the list: Diane Hendricks and Richard Uihlein for Kelly, Lynde Uihlein for Karofsky.

Campaign Cash: Kelly Leads High Court Candidates in Funds
Campaign Cash

Kelly Leads High Court Candidates in Funds

Conservative Supreme Court justice has raised more than two opponents combined.

Campaign Cash: American Transmission Co. Has Clout
Campaign Cash

American Transmission Co. Has Clout

Builds and owns high-voltage power lines, has spent $1.8 million to elect state officials.

Bill Pushes Ranked Choice Voting

Bill Pushes Ranked Choice Voting

Democratic legislation would switch to approach used in Maine and numerous cities.

Campaign Cash: Farm Pollution Rules May Get Killed
Campaign Cash

Farm Pollution Rules May Get Killed

Big business lobby WMC and Big Agriculture donors oppose the rules.

Campaign Cash: State Dental Group Has Big Teeth
Campaign Cash

State Dental Group Has Big Teeth

Has spent $2.4 million on campaign donations and lobbying, getting a dozen bills it favors passed.

Campaign Cash: Top Republican Donors Give to Biden
Campaign Cash

Top Republican Donors Give to Biden

Ted and Mary Kellner have donated $1 million to state GOP candidates, but now giving to Biden.

Campaign Cash: Legislators Got $2 Million During Budget
Campaign Cash

Legislators Got $2 Million During Budget

Twice as much donated to Republican lawmakers by special interest groups.

Campaign Cash: State Insurance Group Pays for Clout
Campaign Cash

State Insurance Group Pays for Clout

WIA spends millions on lobbying, campaign donations, gets favored bills passed.

Campaign Cash: Strange Bedfellows Back Pipeline Protest Bill
Campaign Cash

Strange Bedfellows Back Pipeline Protest Bill

Businesses and unions support bill limiting protests of oil, gas, and water pipelines.

Campaign Cash: The NRA Brigade
Campaign Cash

The NRA Brigade

48 Republican legislators get NRA donations, may resist Evers' Special Session on gun control.

Campaign Cash: Trump Supporter Picked For Elections Commission
Campaign Cash

Trump Supporter Picked For Elections Commission

Fitzgerald appoints Bob Spindell, GOP donor and supporter of Voter ID law, to state commission.

Campaign Cash: Senate Passes Insurance Industry Bill
Campaign Cash

Senate Passes Insurance Industry Bill

Industry gave $1.9 million in campaign donations. Bill allows shorter notice of premium hikes.

Campaign Cash: VP Pence’s Wisconsin Trip Cancelled
Campaign Cash

VP Pence’s Wisconsin Trip Cancelled

VP was to visit the plant of Elizabeth and Richard Uihlein, who’ve donated millions to Republicans.

Capitol Cash: Marsy’s Law Advocates Spend Big
Capitol Cash

Marsy’s Law Advocates Spend Big

Group pushing constitutional amendments for victim rights spends $1.6 million to lobby Legislature.

Campaign Cash: Shipbuilder Gives to Fund for Democrats
Campaign Cash

Shipbuilder Gives to Fund for Democrats

Donation followed by Gov. Evers announcing plan for $31 million in state support to help company expand.

Campaign Cash: Liberal 527 Groups Crush GOP Groups
Campaign Cash

Liberal 527 Groups Crush GOP Groups

State’s pro-Democratic special interest groups raised 5 times more than pro-GOP groups in first half of 2019.

Campaign Cash:  GOP Lawmakers Have Big Lead in 2019 Funds
Campaign Cash

GOP Lawmakers Have Big Lead in 2019 Funds

Raised twice as much as Democrats in campaign donations in first half of 2019.

Campaign Cash: State Teachers’ Union Still Has Clout
Campaign Cash

State Teachers’ Union Still Has Clout

Its membership more than cut in half, but still one of biggest donors to Democratic candidates.

Campaign Cash: GOP Got 5 Times More Corporate Cash
Campaign Cash

GOP Got 5 Times More Corporate Cash

State Republicans get $321,910 in corporate donations, Democrats $64,875 in first half of 2019.

Campaign Cash: Planned Parenthood Lacks Capitol Clout
Campaign Cash

Planned Parenthood Lacks Capitol Clout

Millions spent on campaign donations and lobbying since 2010, but many laws it opposed passed.

Campaign Cash: PAC, Corporate Donations Hit $27 Million
Campaign Cash

PAC, Corporate Donations Hit $27 Million

New state record in 2018, up three-fold since 2015 GOP changes in campaign finance law.

Campaign Cash: Tesla, Sen. Kapenga Helped by State Budget
Campaign Cash

Tesla, Sen. Kapenga Helped by State Budget

Republicans add item letting Tesla sell vehicles directly to consumers. Kapenga owns business that sells Tesla parts.

Campaign Cash: Real Estate Owners Give Republicans Millions
Campaign Cash

Real Estate Owners Give Republicans Millions

And GOP legislators pass a raft of laws benefiting landlords, real estate industry.

Campaign Cash: Accused Polluter a Big Campaign Donor
Campaign Cash

Accused Polluter a Big Campaign Donor

Johnson Controls International’s subsidiary accused of releasing hazardous chemicals, contaminating drinking water.

Campaign Cash: Foxconn Judge Was Former Walker Aide
Campaign Cash

Foxconn Judge Was Former Walker Aide

And donor to GOP candidates. His ruling allows huge drawdown of Lake Michigan water by Foxconn.

Campaign Cash: GOP Plan Restricts Local Control Over Quarries
Campaign Cash

GOP Plan Restricts Local Control Over Quarries

Legislators get donations from frac sand companies, reduce oversight of sand mines and quarries.

Campaign Cash: Wisconsin Conservation Voters Spends Big
Campaign Cash

Wisconsin Conservation Voters Spends Big

Since 2010, group spent $3.2 million on elections, mostly for Democrats, and $1.2 million on lobbying.

Campaign Cash: Factory Farms Oppose Clean Water Fees
Campaign Cash

Factory Farms Oppose Clean Water Fees

Evers wants fees to fund pollution oversight. GOP legislators oppose this and got $1.4 million from Big Dairy.

Campaign Cash: Menard to Get Honorary Doctorate
Campaign Cash

Menard to Get Honorary Doctorate

First such degree by UW-Eau Claire goes to businessman, record polluter, big GOP donor.

Campaign Cash: Outside Groups Co-Wrote 47 State Laws
Campaign Cash

Outside Groups Co-Wrote 47 State Laws

Special interest groups like ALEC created model bills for dozens of laws passed since 2009.

Campaign Cash: 250 Donors Gave to Dubious Election Group
Campaign Cash

250 Donors Gave to Dubious Election Group

State donors gave to $15.4 million fund of ex-Trump campaign aide who spent 3% of money on candidates.

Campaign Cash: Special Interest Groups Spent $226 Million
Campaign Cash

Special Interest Groups Spent $226 Million

Since 2010, 19 outside electioneering groups have spent $2 million or more.

Campaign Cash: Big Republican Donor Sued for Polluting
Campaign Cash

Big Republican Donor Sued for Polluting

Trempealeau County residents sue frac sand mining company for air, water, noise pollution.

Campaign Cash: We Energies Has Capitol Clout
Campaign Cash

We Energies Has Capitol Clout

Its holding company spent $1 million on lobbying and $1 million donating to mostly GOP candidates.

45 Counties Want to Ban Gerrymandering

45 Counties Want to Ban Gerrymandering

Buffalo, Fond du Lac and Iowa counties are latest to pass resolutions demanding non-partisan redistricting.

Campaign Cash: Special Interests Spent $4.3 Million on Supreme Court Race
Campaign Cash

Special Interests Spent $4.3 Million on Supreme Court Race

63% of the money spent to support losing candidate Lisa Neubauer.

Campaign Cash: SEIU Biggest Labor Union Campaign Donor
Campaign Cash

SEIU Biggest Labor Union Campaign Donor

Public-private employees union spent $718,700 on Evers, $131,140 on Neubauer.

Campaign Cash: Unions, GOP Give $300,000 in High Court Race
Campaign Cash

Unions, GOP Give $300,000 in High Court Race

Six labor PACs give to Neubauer campaign, five Republican groups give to Hagedorn.

Campaign Cash: Outside Spending for Neubauer Swamps Hagedorn
Campaign Cash

Outside Spending for Neubauer Swamps Hagedorn

A 14 to 1 spending advantage for groups supporting Neubauer in Supreme Court race.

Campaign Cash: Top Polluters Give to GOP Candidates
Campaign Cash

Top Polluters Give to GOP Candidates

Waupaca Foundry and Mullins Cheese donated more than $16,000 to Republicans.

Campaign Cash: Third Party Donations Favor Neubauer
Campaign Cash

Third Party Donations Favor Neubauer

Just 4% of $407,000 in outside money for Supreme Court race so far backs Hagedorn.

Campaign Cash: Donors Gave $10 Million to Secretive Groups
Campaign Cash

Donors Gave $10 Million to Secretive Groups

State donors giving to third party groups for 2018 election set new state record.

Campaign Cash: $35.8 Million Spent on Legislative Races
Campaign Cash

$35.8 Million Spent on Legislative Races

New record set: 2018 spending was 27% more than in 2016, double that in 2014.

Campaign Cash: Nebraska Billionaire Loves Our Politicians
Campaign Cash

Nebraska Billionaire Loves Our Politicians

Marlene Ricketts, whose rich husband emails racist jokes, gave $1 million to state Republicans.

Campaign Cash: Big Donors Give More to Hagedorn
Campaign Cash

Big Donors Give More to Hagedorn

But his opponent Lisa Neubauer has more cash on hand in race for Supreme Court.

Campaign Cash: Evers Opposes ‘Dark Store’ Loophole
Campaign Cash

Evers Opposes ‘Dark Store’ Loophole

Would end tax break backed by WMC, which has donated $25 million to politicians.

Campaign Cash: The State’s Top 20 Fat Cat Donors
Campaign Cash

The State’s Top 20 Fat Cat Donors

All gave $100,00 and more to state politicians, mostly to Republicans.

Campaign Cash: Corporations Spent $1.7 Million On 2018 Races
Campaign Cash

Corporations Spent $1.7 Million On 2018 Races

Republicans got 83% of state’s corporate campaign donations.

Campaign Cash: Secretive Fund Spent $715,480 On Democrats
Campaign Cash

Secretive Fund Spent $715,480 On Democrats

High Ground Political Fund, connected to Nation Consulting, funded six state senate races.

Campaign Cash: Walker Far Outspent Evers in Election
Campaign Cash

Walker Far Outspent Evers in Election

Record $93 million spent on governor’s race, with nearly $58 million for Walker.

Campaign Cash: Here’s the Top Donors in High Court Race
Campaign Cash

Here’s the Top Donors in High Court Race

Lubars and Lynne Uihlein top those for Neubauer, many corporate leaders for Hagedorn.

Campaign Cash: Tavern League Still Has Clout in Capitol
Campaign Cash

Tavern League Still Has Clout in Capitol

Which is why bill to criminalize drunk driving unlikely to get legislative approval.

Campaign Cash: Power Line Companies Give Big to Legislators
Campaign Cash

Power Line Companies Give Big to Legislators

ATC and Dairyland Power give $338,000 to state politicians, seek controversial transmission line.

Campaign Cash: Hendricks Top State Donor in Federal Races
Campaign Cash

Hendricks Top State Donor in Federal Races

34th nationally, spending $4.5 million, mostly on Leah Vukmir.

Campaign Cash: Only Neubaurer, Hagedorn in Court Race
Campaign Cash

Only Neubaurer, Hagedorn in Court Race

Two-candidate, left vs. right race for state Supreme Court. Neubauer has raised more money.

Campaign Cash: NRA Still Has Capitol Clout
Campaign Cash

NRA Still Has Capitol Clout

Spent nearly $1 million on Walker’s losing campaign, still has major power with legislators.

Campaign Cash: Lame Duck Law Helped Ashley Furniture
Campaign Cash

Lame Duck Law Helped Ashley Furniture

Big GOP donor benefits from flood control grant, gave Walker $56,100.

Campaign Cash: Walker Rewards Restaurant Association?
Campaign Cash

Walker Rewards Restaurant Association?

They gave him $38,000, his board bans city’s food safety ratings of restaurants.

Campaign Cash: Lame Duck Appointees Gave Walker $16,000
Campaign Cash

Lame Duck Appointees Gave Walker $16,000

One-fifth of 82 lame duck appointees by governor donated to his failed campaign.

Campaign Cash: WMC Behind New Anti-Regulation Bill
Campaign Cash

WMC Behind New Anti-Regulation Bill

State’s top business group pushed lame duck bill giving Republicans control of state rules.

Campaign Cash: Outside Groups Spent $61.5 Million on Election!
Campaign Cash

Outside Groups Spent $61.5 Million on Election!

Smashes states previous mid-term record, $38.6 million in 2014. Both sides spent lavishly.

More Pro-Reform Referendums Passed

More Pro-Reform Referendums Passed

Wisconsin, nation, support end to gerrymandering, overturning Citizen’s United, more access to voting.

Campaign Cash: Attorneys General Group Spent Big On Schimel
Campaign Cash

Attorneys General Group Spent Big On Schimel

National Republican group spent $2.4 million on ads battering Democrat Josh Kaul, but he won anyway.

Campaign Cash: Record Outside Group Spending, $36.5 Million
Campaign Cash

Record Outside Group Spending, $36.5 Million

Republicans had 2-1 advantage in special interest spending, most of it for Walker.

Campaign Cash: Walker Has Massive Money Advantage
Campaign Cash

Walker Has Massive Money Advantage

$50 million in campaign and outside advocacy funds for Walker, $14 million for Evers.

Campaign Cash: Record Outside Spending in AG Race
Campaign Cash

Record Outside Spending in AG Race

Nearly $5 million, about five times higher than past record, spent on Schimel, Kaul.

Groups Spend $32.4 Million On Election!

Groups Spend $32.4 Million On Election!

New mid-term record, old mark was $18.9 million. Republicans have 2-1 edge in outside group spending.

Campaign Cash: Kaul Leads Schimel in Campaign Dollars
Campaign Cash

Kaul Leads Schimel in Campaign Dollars

Democratic challenger for AG raised $877,000 in last two months while Schimel raised $604,000.

Campaign Cash: State Democrats Buried by Outside Funding
Campaign Cash

State Democrats Buried by Outside Funding

GOP express advocacy groups have spent $17.3 million compared to just $6.6 million by Democratic groups.

Campaign Cash: GOP Legislative Candidates Have 3-1 Edge in Cash
Campaign Cash

GOP Legislative Candidates Have 3-1 Edge in Cash

But state’s Democratic legislative candidates raised nearly as much since January.

Campaign Cash: Outside Group Targets Republican Legislators
Campaign Cash

Outside Group Targets Republican Legislators

Will spend $1 million against four state senators, including Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald.

Campaign Cash: GOP Donor Gets No Fine for Polluting
Campaign Cash

GOP Donor Gets No Fine for Polluting

No fine from DNR, citing “emergency" for sand mine owner Hi-Crush Proppants, a $340,000 donor.

Campaign Cash: Republicans Have 4-1 Spending Edge
Campaign Cash

Republicans Have 4-1 Spending Edge

Outside groups supporting GOP have spent $11 million, vs $2.5 million for Democratic candidates.

Campaign Cash: Liberal Outside Groups Spend Big
Campaign Cash

Liberal Outside Groups Spend Big

More spending for Democrats in five of six key state senate races.

Campaign Cash: Massive Spending by Realtors for One Legislator
Campaign Cash

Massive Spending by Realtors for One Legislator

Spending $208,000 to reelect state Sen. Roger Roth, 7 times more than he has spent.

Campaign Cash: Evers Raised $1.9 Million in August
Campaign Cash

Evers Raised $1.9 Million in August

More than one-third of money came from unions.

Campaign Cash: Kleefisch Campaign Gives Walker $1 Million
Campaign Cash

Kleefisch Campaign Gives Walker $1 Million

While Barnes campaign gives just $20,000 to Evers campaign.

Campaign Cash: GOP Outside Groups Far Outspend Dems
Campaign Cash

GOP Outside Groups Far Outspend Dems

Through August, $4.9 million spent on state’s Republican candidates versus $1.1 million for Democrats.

Campaign Cash: Big Walker Donor Gets $250,000 Grant
Campaign Cash

Big Walker Donor Gets $250,000 Grant

Badger Meter donates $26,000 to governor, gets big state grant from WEDC.

Campaign Cash: WMC Pushes For Kimberly-Clark Subsidy
Campaign Cash

WMC Pushes For Kimberly-Clark Subsidy

State’s biggest business lobby has spent nearly $20 million to elect conservatives.

Campaign Cash: Foxconn Partners Are Big Walker Donors
Campaign Cash

Foxconn Partners Are Big Walker Donors

Aurora, Northwestern Mutual, Johnson Controls help create Foxconn venture fund while donating to governor.

Campaign Cash: The Huge Clout of Bradley Foundation
Campaign Cash

The Huge Clout of Bradley Foundation

Milwaukee foundation gave $37 million last year to conservative groups, and many then spend to elect Republicans.

Campaign Cash: Parties Spending $4.5 Million on AG Race
Campaign Cash

Parties Spending $4.5 Million on AG Race

Republicans lead spending on Attorney General race, two-party total already exceeds 2014.

Campaign Cash: 3M Gives Donations, Pays No Fines
Campaign Cash

3M Gives Donations, Pays No Fines

Company gave donations to Walker and others, pays no fines for environmental violations.

Campaign Cash: Six Wealthy Donors Give GOP $255,000
Campaign Cash

Six Wealthy Donors Give GOP $255,000

In just two weeks, given to state Republican Party, all but one donor from outside state.

Campaign Cash: Unions Go Big for Mahlon Mitchell
Campaign Cash

Unions Go Big for Mahlon Mitchell

No candidate got more from outside groups, who spent $412,300 on Democratic candidate for governor.

Campaign Cash: Out-of-State Money Backs AG Candidates
Campaign Cash

Out-of-State Money Backs AG Candidates

In July, about half of the largest contributors to candidates came from outside of Wisconsin.

Campaign Cash: State Parties Breaking Fundraising Records
Campaign Cash

State Parties Breaking Fundraising Records

$4.9 million raised for campaigns in first half of 2018; GOP gets 23% more than Democrats.

Campaign Cash: Foxconn Bid Winners Donate $68,000 to Walker
Campaign Cash

Foxconn Bid Winners Donate $68,000 to Walker

One-third of three dozen companies winning contracts give to Walker’s campaign.

Campaign Cash: WMC Loves Republican Governors Group
Campaign Cash

WMC Loves Republican Governors Group

State’s big business group gives most of the $1.9 million from state donors to GOP campaign group.

Campaign Cash: AG Race Attracts $1.3 Million in Six Months
Campaign Cash

AG Race Attracts $1.3 Million in Six Months

Challenger Kaul raised nearly as much as incumbent Schimel in first half of 2018.

Campaign Cash: Russian Operative Highlights Walker’s NRA Ties
Campaign Cash

Russian Operative Highlights Walker’s NRA Ties

Gun lobby has given Walker $3.5 million; he’s rewarded them with pro-gun legislation.

Campaign Cash: Walker Gets Donation From Tainted Texas Firm
Campaign Cash

Walker Gets Donation From Tainted Texas Firm

Accepts $2,700 from Texas company advising state investment board; donation violates SEC rules.

Campaign Cash: State Writes Off Shady $1.1 Million Loan
Campaign Cash

State Writes Off Shady $1.1 Million Loan

Convicted fraudster Ron Van Den Heuvel, a generous GOP donor, defrauded state agency.

Campaign Cash: High Court Favors Donors to Justices
Campaign Cash

High Court Favors Donors to Justices

Conservative justices decide malpractice case in favor of business groups who gave them $37,000.

Campaign Cash: National Democratic Group Impacts State
Campaign Cash

National Democratic Group Impacts State

Run by Eric Holder, with money from George Soros and AFSCME.

Campaign Cash: Foxconn Winners Give Big to Walker
Campaign Cash

Foxconn Winners Give Big to Walker

Owners, employees of companies chosen to construct Foxconn plant give him $180,000.

Campaign Cash: Trump Fundraiser Hosted by Walker Crony
Campaign Cash

Trump Fundraiser Hosted by Walker Crony

Milwaukee businessman Ted Kellner hosted luncheon fundraiser at Pfister Hotel.

Campaign Cash: Harley Gave Generously to Republicans
Campaign Cash

Harley Gave Generously to Republicans

So did Sartori Foods. Both now hurt by Trump tariffs.

Campaign Cash: Road Companies Give $221,200 to Walker
Campaign Cash

Road Companies Give $221,200 to Walker

9 of 15 companies just picked to rebuild I-94 donate to governor’s campaign.

Campaign Cash: Outside Groups Spend $4 Million on State Elections
Campaign Cash

Outside Groups Spend $4 Million on State Elections

Leading spenders are liberal Greater Wisconsin Committee and two conservative groups.

No Choice in 36% of Legislative Races

No Choice in 36% of Legislative Races

Gerrymandering and decline in number of candidates leaves 2.5 million residents with no choice.

Campaign Cash: Big Donors Get Big Tax Breaks
Campaign Cash

Big Donors Get Big Tax Breaks

Corporate welfare recipients contributed more than $800,000 to Gov. Walker.

Campaign Cash: Out of District Money Pours into Special Elections
Campaign Cash

Out of District Money Pours into Special Elections

87% of 42nd district candidate Jon Plumer's contributions are from outside of the district.

Campaign Cash: Spending Tops $1.2 Million on Two Special Elections
Campaign Cash

Spending Tops $1.2 Million on Two Special Elections

In the 1st Senate District race alone seven special interest groups spent a total of $700,000.

Campaign Cash: High Court Approves New Factory Farm
Campaign Cash

High Court Approves New Factory Farm

Factory farm had backing from large GOP contributors.

Campaign Cash: Special Election Spending Builds
Campaign Cash

Special Election Spending Builds

In one race, Democratic groups are outspending a Republican group at almost 2-to-1.

Campaign Cash: Dem Groups Pour Money Into Special Elections
Campaign Cash

Dem Groups Pour Money Into Special Elections

League of Conservation Voters PAC is spending $170,750 supporting Democrat Caleb Frostman

Campaign Cash: WMC Brags About Legislative Victories
Campaign Cash

WMC Brags About Legislative Victories

Such as repealing the metallic mining moratorium, and approving a $3 billion subsidy for Foxconn.

Campaign Cash: State Politicians Funded by Accused Drug Makers
Campaign Cash

State Politicians Funded by Accused Drug Makers

Drug companies sued for pushing opioids donated $39,000 to Walker, legislators.

Campaign Cash: State Investigating Big Walker Donor
Campaign Cash

State Investigating Big Walker Donor

The sand mining company dumped 10 million gallons of sludge into Trempealeau River.

Campaign Cash: GOP Not Backing Republican Legislator
Campaign Cash

GOP Not Backing Republican Legislator

Rep. Andre Jacque running for 1st Senate seat, but GOP backing newcomer Alex Renard.

Campaign Cash: Dark Money Funds Special Election
Campaign Cash

Dark Money Funds Special Election

GOP primary for state's 1st Senate District attracts independent expenditures.

Campaign Cash: Judge Nixes Permit for Sand Mine
Campaign Cash

Judge Nixes Permit for Sand Mine

Sand-processing plant would destroy wetland. Its owner donated to state Republican Party.

Campaign Cash: Greater Wisconsin Committee Spends Big
Campaign Cash

Greater Wisconsin Committee Spends Big

But the liberal group has mostly lost in elections since 2010.

Campaign Cash: New Law Could Increase Pollution, Flooding
Campaign Cash

New Law Could Increase Pollution, Flooding

Special interest-backed GOP bill restricts local government regulations of storm water runoff.

Campaign Cash: Slag Is No Longer Considered Waste
Campaign Cash

Slag Is No Longer Considered Waste

Law backed by WMC, signed by Walker, lets waste byproduct of steel and iron evade rules.

Campaign Cash: No, You Can’t Regulate Drones
Campaign Cash

No, You Can’t Regulate Drones

New state law backed by Milwaukee business group prevents local governments from regulating drones.

Campaign Cash: Meet the State’s Top 100 Political Donors
Campaign Cash

Meet the State’s Top 100 Political Donors

Led by Diane Hendricks (GOP) and Chris Abele (Democrat); who are the other 98?

Campaign Cash: Walker Signs Restrictions on Pro-Worker Rules
Campaign Cash

Walker Signs Restrictions on Pro-Worker Rules

Law restricting local governments backed by Koch Brothers, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce.

Campaign Cash: Walker Signs Bill Sought By Landlords
Campaign Cash

Walker Signs Bill Sought By Landlords

Lessens tenant rights and overthrows host of local government controls on rental properties.

Campaign Cash: Democratic Group Books $500,000 TV Ads
Campaign Cash

Democratic Group Books $500,000 TV Ads

All for governors race. Falls far short of planned ads for Walker.

Campaign Cash: Robin Vos’s Title Loan Trip Troubles
Campaign Cash

Robin Vos’s Title Loan Trip Troubles

Company pays for his trip to London, he backs less regulations on its high interest loans.

Campaign Cash: Supreme Court Race Spending Topped $3 Million
Campaign Cash

Supreme Court Race Spending Topped $3 Million

And that’s just outside spending, which was nearly even for Screnock and Dallet.

Campaign Cash: Walker Gets $5.1 Million Boost
Campaign Cash

Walker Gets $5.1 Million Boost

Republican Governors Association books $5.1 million of TV ads to support Gov. Walker's reelection.

Campaign Cash: Big Donations for Anti-Abortion Law
Campaign Cash

Big Donations for Anti-Abortion Law

Walker and Republicans got more than $200,000 in donations.

Campaign Cash: New Law Restricts Civil Lawsuits
Campaign Cash

New Law Restricts Civil Lawsuits

Backed by long list of special interests, led by mega-campaign donor WMC.

Campaign Cash: Republican Governors Group Has State Clout
Campaign Cash

Republican Governors Group Has State Clout

The DC-based association gets Wisconsin donors, gave $18 million to Walker’s three elections.

Campaign Cash: Outside Groups Spend $2.2 Million on High Court
Campaign Cash

Outside Groups Spend $2.2 Million on High Court

WMC and Greater Wisconsin are biggest spenders on Supreme Court race.

Campaign Cash: Big Polluters Are Big Campaign Donors
Campaign Cash

Big Polluters Are Big Campaign Donors

List of top polluting contributors is led by We Energies.

Campaign Cash: Screnock Outspending Dallet in Court Race
Campaign Cash

Screnock Outspending Dallet in Court Race

Together two candidates’ campaigns spending $1.2 million

Campaign Cash: GOP’s Favorite Sand Mining Company
Campaign Cash

GOP’s Favorite Sand Mining Company

Assembly Republicans have twice passed a bill exempting a Georgia company from state law.

Campaign Cash: Bill Restricts Civil Lawsuits
Campaign Cash

Bill Restricts Civil Lawsuits

Backed by many special interests; statute of limitations for suits reduced from six to three years.

Campaign Cash: Koch-Backed Bill Guts Local Control
Campaign Cash

Koch-Backed Bill Guts Local Control

Bars local governments from setting many labor and employment rules.

Campaign Cash: Legislators Pass Law to Benefit Landlords
Campaign Cash

Legislators Pass Law to Benefit Landlords

Overturns city regulations on landlords, reduces tenant rights.

Campaign Cash: Corporate Campaign Donations Topped $1 Million
Campaign Cash

Corporate Campaign Donations Topped $1 Million

All spent in 2017, with 7-to-1 edge for Republicans, who legalized corporate giving in 2015.

Campaign Cash: Walker Backs Off on Marine Sanctuary
Campaign Cash

Walker Backs Off on Marine Sanctuary

Would have preserved stretch of Lake Michigan, but Koch activist opposes it.

Campaign Cash: Legislators’ Donations Up 40% in 2017
Campaign Cash

Legislators’ Donations Up 40% in 2017

Most of it to Republicans, who have 3.2 times more campaign cash than Democrats.

Campaign Cash: GOP Legislative Committees Swamp Democrats
Campaign Cash

GOP Legislative Committees Swamp Democrats

Republicans raised $1.9 million vs. $900,000 for Democratic legislative committees in 2017.

Campaign Cash: WMC Backs Kimberly-Clark Subsidy
Campaign Cash

WMC Backs Kimberly-Clark Subsidy

Business lobbying group and Kimberly-Clark have both donated to Walker.

Campaign Cash: GOP Far Outspends Democrats on 527 Groups
Campaign Cash

GOP Far Outspends Democrats on 527 Groups

Republicans raised $2.8 million, Democrats $1.7 million in 2017.

Campaign Cash: The Unlimited Cash Campaign Groups
Campaign Cash

The Unlimited Cash Campaign Groups

527 groups can spend freely, led by MMAC, Chris Abele and Potawatomi.

Campaign Cash: State Okays Park Land for Golf Course
Campaign Cash

State Okays Park Land for Golf Course

Course owner, industrialist Herbert Kohler, gave $400,000 to Walker, other Republicans.

Campaign Cash: How Americans for Prosperity Wins
Campaign Cash

How Americans for Prosperity Wins

Koch-funded group gives huge campaign donations, has gotten long list of bills passed.

Campaign Cash: The Mystery of Meteor Timber
Campaign Cash

The Mystery of Meteor Timber

GOP bill would let company destroy hardwood wetlands, but the money trail is murky.

Campaign Cash: Assembly Approves Rollback of Wetlands Protection
Campaign Cash

Assembly Approves Rollback of Wetlands Protection

Bill backed by WMC, Kochs, could destroy 1 million acres of wetlands.

Campaign Cash: Wealthy Donors Give Big to GOP Group
Campaign Cash

Wealthy Donors Give Big to GOP Group

Gave $1.7 million in 2017 to Republican Governors Association, a huge donor to Walker.

Campaign Cash: Republican Party is Screnock’s Top Donor
Campaign Cash

Republican Party is Screnock’s Top Donor

Dallet and Burns have no donations from two parties in state Supreme Court race.

Campaign Cash: Dark Money Targets Supreme Court Race
Campaign Cash

Dark Money Targets Supreme Court Race

Secretive Wisconsin Alliance for Reform will do ads, has connections to GOP, Koch Brothers.

Campaign Cash: Kimberly-Clark Donated to Walker, Legislators
Campaign Cash

Kimberly-Clark Donated to Walker, Legislators

Paper industry gave $225,000. Walker wants state handout to Kimberly Clark.

Campaign Cash: Walker Signs Law Favoring Utilities
Campaign Cash

Walker Signs Law Favoring Utilities

Less power for consumers in rate disputes. Utility industry gave $2.1 million to state politicians.

Campaign Cash: National Group Has Huge Clout in Wisconsin
Campaign Cash

National Group Has Huge Clout in Wisconsin

Virginia-based Republican State Leadership Committee spent $2.9 million to elect conservatives here.

Campaign Cash: Bill Would Shine Light on ALEC
Campaign Cash

Bill Would Shine Light on ALEC

Right-wing group would have to register as lobbyist, disclose its payments to legislators.

Campaign Cash: Hendricks Family Gives Walker $80,000
Campaign Cash

Hendricks Family Gives Walker $80,000

That’s in addition to more than half a million Diane Hendricks gave to date.

Campaign Cash: 1 in 3 of Walker’s Donations from Out of State
Campaign Cash

1 in 3 of Walker’s Donations from Out of State

$2.4 million of $7.2 million raised in 2017 from outside Wisconsin.

Campaign Cash: Landlords Win in the Assembly
Campaign Cash

Landlords Win in the Assembly

Bills makes evictions easier. Real estate industry gave $1.2 million to GOP legislators.

Campaign Cash: State Campaigns’ Cost Up 550% Since 1990
Campaign Cash

State Campaigns’ Cost Up 550% Since 1990

From governor down to legislators, total cost was $9.2 million, rose to $61.2 million by 2014.

Campaign Cash: Walker Donor Given State Park Land
Campaign Cash

Walker Donor Given State Park Land

State approves giving Herbert Kohler lakeshore parkland for his golf course.

Campaign Cash: GOP Has Cash Edge in 10th Senate Race
Campaign Cash

GOP Has Cash Edge in 10th Senate Race

Republican Jarchow raised more, has more dark money than Democrat Schachtner.

GOP Legislative Districts Heavily White

GOP Legislative Districts Heavily White

Republican assembly districts are up to 96% white, senate districts as high as 95% white.

Campaign Cash: Republican Bills Prohibit Local Labor Rules
Campaign Cash

Republican Bills Prohibit Local Labor Rules

WMC and Kochs favor overriding long list of local government laws.

Campaign Cash: How Wealthy Are Supreme Court Candidates?
Campaign Cash

How Wealthy Are Supreme Court Candidates?

Liberal Burns has most money, conservative Screnock the least.

Campaign Cash: Special Interests Target 10th Senate District
Campaign Cash

Special Interests Target 10th Senate District

One Democratic and two Republican groups will run phony issue ads.

Campaign Cash: GOP Lawmaker’s Possible Ethics Violation
Campaign Cash

GOP Lawmaker’s Possible Ethics Violation

Ethics Commission finds Rep Kulp uses state media accounts to promote his business.

Campaign Cash: Bill Helps Real Estate Industry
Campaign Cash

Bill Helps Real Estate Industry

Weakens historic preservation and tenants rights. Realtors big donors to legislators.

Campaign Cash: WMC Still Leads In Capitol Clout
Campaign Cash

WMC Still Leads In Capitol Clout

Massive spending on campaigns and lobbying by state’s biggest business group.

Campaign Cash: Schimel Helps Construction Industry
Campaign Cash

Schimel Helps Construction Industry

They gave $169,700 to attorney general; his ruling kills fire safety rule requiring sprinklers.

Campaign Cash: Big Loans Finance Some Legislative Races
Campaign Cash

Big Loans Finance Some Legislative Races

Four Republicans in special elections have loaned their campaign most of its money.

Campaign Cash: Republicans Stall “Dark Store” Bill
Campaign Cash

Republicans Stall “Dark Store” Bill

Bill opposed by special interests ends loophole lowering big box stores' property taxes.

Campaign Cash: Kwik Trip Cashes in on Walker Support
Campaign Cash

Kwik Trip Cashes in on Walker Support

Convenience store chain gave Walker $90,000, got $21 million from state jobs agency.

Campaign Cash: GOP Bill Restricts Suits Against Businesses
Campaign Cash

GOP Bill Restricts Suits Against Businesses

Special interests supporting legal restrictions donated $14 million to Republican legislators.

Campaign Cash: Tavern League Has Capitol Clout
Campaign Cash

Tavern League Has Capitol Clout

More than $2 million in campaign donations helps explain state’s weaker laws on drunk driving.

Campaign Cash: Bill Repeals Nearly 300 Air Pollution Rules
Campaign Cash

Bill Repeals Nearly 300 Air Pollution Rules

Backed by WMC, oil, paper and manufacturing companies.

Campaign Cash: Walker Signs Koch Bills to Loosen Licensing
Campaign Cash

Walker Signs Koch Bills to Loosen Licensing

ALEC-developed bills reduce training requirements for barbers, cosmetologists, others.

Campaign Cash: Walker Signs Lax Land Use Law
Campaign Cash

Walker Signs Lax Land Use Law

Makes it easier to sell substandard lots. Backed by big business, realtors, Koch group.

Campaign Cash: High Court Candidate Hires Koch Operatives
Campaign Cash

High Court Candidate Hires Koch Operatives

Judge Michael Screnock’s Supreme Court campaign hires former execs of Koch-funded groups.

Campaign Cash: Schimel Chats Up Big Donors at Trump Resort
Campaign Cash

Schimel Chats Up Big Donors at Trump Resort

Event sponsored by group that gave $300,000 to state campaigns in 2014 election.

Campaign Cash: Sweetheart Bill For Rent-to-Own Industry
Campaign Cash

Sweetheart Bill For Rent-to-Own Industry

Two GOP legislators given donations from industry would exempt it from consumer protection laws.

Campaign Cash: New GOP Pro-Mining Group Ran Attack Ads
Campaign Cash

New GOP Pro-Mining Group Ran Attack Ads

Natural Resources Development Association did ads attacking mining opponents.

Campaign Cash: Mega-Donors’ Offshore Cash Backed Walker
Campaign Cash

Mega-Donors’ Offshore Cash Backed Walker

Paradise Papers show billionaire’s off-shore tax havens donated to Gov. Walker.

Campaign Cash: Bill Would Let Utilities Destroy Wetlands
Campaign Cash

Bill Would Let Utilities Destroy Wetlands

They donated $1.9 million to politicians, want bill letting them take over wetlands.

Campaign Cash: Bill Restricts Abortion Coverage for State Workers
Campaign Cash

Bill Restricts Abortion Coverage for State Workers

No abortion coverage after rape or incest unless victim reports the crime.

Campaign Cash: Bill Lets Tesla Sell Cars in State
Campaign Cash

Bill Lets Tesla Sell Cars in State

Opposed by auto and truck dealers, who’ve donated $1.1 million to state politicians.

Campaign Cash: Gun Lobby Supports Young Hunters
Campaign Cash

Gun Lobby Supports Young Hunters

NRA, which has donated millions to state politicians, supports bill eliminating age limit.

Campaign Cash: DNR Opens Huge Forest to ATV Drivers
Campaign Cash

DNR Opens Huge Forest to ATV Drivers

200 miles of new routes in North Woods. Big victory for big lobbyist, ATV company Polaris.

Campaign Cash: Koch Brothers Want Less Local Control
Campaign Cash

Koch Brothers Want Less Local Control

GOP bill would limit city, county control over substandard lots.

Campaign Cash: DNR Decision Pleases Big Dairy
Campaign Cash

DNR Decision Pleases Big Dairy

Settles lawsuit on terms that restrict state oversight of factory farms.

Campaign Cash: Bill Would Change How Coops Operate
Campaign Cash

Bill Would Change How Coops Operate

Backed by big donors, agriculture and electric cooperatives and propane dealers.

Campaign Cash: Should State Drop “America’s Dairyland” Slogan?
Campaign Cash

Should State Drop “America’s Dairyland” Slogan?

Big bucks WMC wants license plates changed. Big bucks Dairy Business group disagrees.

Capitol Eye: Will “Riot Bill” Threaten Non-Violent Protestors?
Capitol Eye

Will “Riot Bill” Threaten Non-Violent Protestors?

Even some GOP legislators have qualms about proposed law.

Campaign Cash: Bipartisan Bill Legalizes Hemp
Campaign Cash

Bipartisan Bill Legalizes Hemp

Big farm groups support it, state police chiefs oppose it.

Campaign Cash: Chiropractors Have Capitol Clout
Campaign Cash

Chiropractors Have Capitol Clout

Group gave $1.4 million in political donations, pushed one of most heavily lobbied bills.

Campaign Cash: For-Profit Colleges Give $63,000 to Walker
Campaign Cash

For-Profit Colleges Give $63,000 to Walker

And his veto eliminates watchdog agency overseeing these colleges.

Campaign Cash: Special Interests Battle Over Workers Comp
Campaign Cash

Special Interests Battle Over Workers Comp

Big business group wants bill setting payment rates to health plans, medical society opposed.

Campaign Cash: NRA Gives $3.6 Million to Walker, Legislators
Campaign Cash

NRA Gives $3.6 Million to Walker, Legislators

Just one Democrat benefits from gun lobby’s generous donations.

Campaign Cash: Democrat’s Bill Restores Elections Commission Staff
Campaign Cash

Democrat’s Bill Restores Elections Commission Staff

Walker used a veto to slash staff of state’s watchdog agency.

Campaign Cash: One Million Acres of Wetlands Endangered
Campaign Cash

One Million Acres of Wetlands Endangered

Republican bill backed by big business could eliminate one-fifth of state’s wetlands.

Campaign Cash: Special Interests Like New DNR Appointee
Campaign Cash

Special Interests Like New DNR Appointee

GOP Rep. Dan Meyer, new DNR head, has backing of WMC.

Campaign Cash: Airport For GOP Donor’s Resort Gets State Aid
Campaign Cash

Airport For GOP Donor’s Resort Gets State Aid

He gives $61,000 to Republicans, they budget $4 million for airport near his golf resort.

Op Ed: Foxconn Deal Suspends Judicial Rules
Op Ed

Foxconn Deal Suspends Judicial Rules

Proposal allows company to skip lower courts, appeal directly to state Supreme Court.

Campaign Cash: Bill Restricts Local Control Over Sand Mines
Campaign Cash

Bill Restricts Local Control Over Sand Mines

Fracking industry donated big money to Walker, GOP legislators.

Campaign Cash: Regents Gave 100 Times More to GOP
Campaign Cash

Regents Gave 100 Times More to GOP

UW Regents and spouses gave $214,000 to Republican politicians, $2,050 to Democrats.

Campaign Cash: Construction Industry Has Huge Capitol Clout
Campaign Cash

Construction Industry Has Huge Capitol Clout

$11 million political in donations helps get policies to reduce safety measures in buildings.

Campaign Cash: Joint Finance Okays School Choice Expansion
Campaign Cash

Joint Finance Okays School Choice Expansion

Powerful voucher lobby, including Betsy DeVos, has spent millions to support state politicians.

Campaign Cash: Business Group Is the Lord of Lobbying
Campaign Cash

Business Group Is the Lord of Lobbying

Of 700 lobbyists in 2017, no one spent more than Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce.

Campaign Cash: GOP Crushes Democrats in Campaign Dollars
Campaign Cash

GOP Crushes Democrats in Campaign Dollars

So far in 2017 Republican legislative candidates have 3-1 edge over Democrats.

Campaign Cash: Business Lobby Delays “Dark Stores” Bill?
Campaign Cash

Business Lobby Delays “Dark Stores” Bill?

Bill overturns ruling that assesses big-box stores as though they are empty.

Campaign Cash: GOP Bill Would End Mining Moratorium
Campaign Cash

GOP Bill Would End Mining Moratorium

Proposal would open door to copper, lead and zinc mines in the Northwoods.

Campaign Cash: More Republican Dark Money to 527 Groups
Campaign Cash

More Republican Dark Money to 527 Groups

GOP donors give $1.2 million, Democrats give $824,000 in first half of 2017.

Campaign Cash: Did Foxconn Lobby Illegally?
Campaign Cash

Did Foxconn Lobby Illegally?

Began meeting with state officials in April, didn’t register as lobbyist until August.

Campaign Cash: Walker Signs Koch-Backed Anti-Regulation Law
Campaign Cash

Walker Signs Koch-Backed Anti-Regulation Law

State agencies now have less power to protect environment, consumer rights, public health.

Campaign Cash: Who Are State’s Dark Money Leaders?
Campaign Cash

Who Are State’s Dark Money Leaders?

MMAC, Chris Abele, liberal Greater Wisconsin Committee lead the way in 2017.

Campaign Cash: How Much Do DOJ Civil Suits Cost?
Campaign Cash

How Much Do DOJ Civil Suits Cost?

Bill requires state AG to disclose cost of many suits against federal government.

Campaign Cash: Bill Has $10 Million Giveaway to Fiserv
Campaign Cash

Bill Has $10 Million Giveaway to Fiserv

Included in Foxconn bill. Fiserv employees donated $15,400 to state politicians.

Campaign Cash: NRA, Others Want Gun Classes
Campaign Cash

NRA, Others Want Gun Classes

Opposed by Madison schools, backed by Bear Hunters Association.

Campaign Cash: 34% of Walker Donations From Outside State
Campaign Cash

34% of Walker Donations From Outside State

Analysis of his 2017 fundraising shows 31 people gave $20,000 each.

Campaign Cash: $8.5 Million Reasons Why GOP Expanding Vouchers
Campaign Cash

$8.5 Million Reasons Why GOP Expanding Vouchers

Multi millions in campaign donations, mostly from out-of-state voucher supporters.

Campaign Cash: Superintendent’s Race Cost $1 Million
Campaign Cash

Superintendent’s Race Cost $1 Million

More than three-fourths of money spent to reelect Tony Evers.

Campaign Cash: $1 Million Donated to Walker-Led Group
Campaign Cash

$1 Million Donated to Walker-Led Group

10 state donors funnel cash with no limits to GOP candidates for governor.

Campaign Cash: Democrats’ Bill Requires More Campaign Disclosure
Campaign Cash

Democrats’ Bill Requires More Campaign Disclosure

Committees, corporations required to disclose any spending on ads within 60 days of elections.

Campaign Cash: Vos Goads WMC for Their Roads Plan
Campaign Cash

Vos Goads WMC for Their Roads Plan

Business group's lobbying killed trucks fee, leaving roads budget still far short.

Campaign Cash: Hospitals Group Pays for Capitol Clout
Campaign Cash

Hospitals Group Pays for Capitol Clout

Wisconsin Hospital Association spends millions on lobbying, campaign donations.

Campaign Cash: Fireworks Industry Has Capitol Clout
Campaign Cash

Fireworks Industry Has Capitol Clout

Bipartisan donations help pass laws expanding fireworks use in state.

Campaign Cash: Bill Expands Winery Retail Hours
Campaign Cash

Bill Expands Winery Retail Hours

It pits Koch Brothers and Farm Bureau (supporters) against Tavern League (opposed).

Campaign Cash: Fish Farm Regulations Reduced
Campaign Cash

Fish Farm Regulations Reduced

Walker signs bill big business lobbied for and environmentalists opposed.

Campaign Cash: Anthem Insurance Likes Republicans
Campaign Cash

Anthem Insurance Likes Republicans

Pulling out of Obamacare, giving almost $175,000 to GOP politicians.

Campaign Cash: Walker Loves Ashley Furniture
Campaign Cash

Walker Loves Ashley Furniture

Company gets a state grant, and he gets big campaign donations.

Campaign Cash: GOP Considers Heavy Fees for Trucks
Campaign Cash

GOP Considers Heavy Fees for Trucks

Trucking lobby opposes solution to transportation shortfall.

Campaign Cash: GOP Bill Allows No License Bakeries
Campaign Cash

GOP Bill Allows No License Bakeries

Part of ALEC agenda to reduced licensing requirements for barbers, cosmetologists, etc.

Campaign Cash: Koch-Funded Group Backs Tax Cut
Campaign Cash

Koch-Funded Group Backs Tax Cut

Cut could reduce state forestry funding.

Campaign Cash: Walker Signs High-Capacity Wells Bill
Campaign Cash

Walker Signs High-Capacity Wells Bill

Good for powerful agriculture interests, bad for the environment.

Campaign Cash: WMC Wants Another Business Tax Break
Campaign Cash

WMC Wants Another Business Tax Break

Bill increases construction industry tax exemption; pushed by legislator whose business will benefit.

Campaign Cash: How MMAC Peddles Influence
Campaign Cash

How MMAC Peddles Influence

Milwaukee business group has spent $2.4 million on campaigns and lobbying.

Campaign Cash: Sand Plant Will Destroy Rare Wetlands
Campaign Cash

Sand Plant Will Destroy Rare Wetlands

Approved by DNR. Law firm pushing for it generous to Walker.

Campaign Cash: MillerCoors Loves Scott Walker
Campaign Cash

MillerCoors Loves Scott Walker

He gets $72,000 from its employees and $32,000 from Mills Fleet Farm.

Campaign Cash: Walker Gets $51,000 From Six Companies
Campaign Cash

Walker Gets $51,000 From Six Companies

And they get $25 million in grants, credits from WEDC.

Kochs Big Donors to Colleges

Kochs Big Donors to Colleges

Giving more than $1 million to state's public, private colleges.

Campaign Cash: Bill Buries State Regulations
Campaign Cash

Bill Buries State Regulations

After 7 years they would expire. Kochs and WMC back the bill.

Campaign Cash: Fish Farm Regulations Rolled Back
Campaign Cash

Fish Farm Regulations Rolled Back

Big business lobby wants it, legislature approves it, will Walker sign it?

Campaign Cash: Child Labor Law Passes
Campaign Cash

Child Labor Law Passes

Teen work permits without parental okay approved. Will Walker sign it?

Campaign Cash: Businesses Want Wealthy Tax Cut
Campaign Cash

Businesses Want Wealthy Tax Cut

Bill gives $519 million in tax cuts to millionaires. MMAC favors it.

Campaign Cash: Ag Interests Want Legalized Hemp
Campaign Cash

Ag Interests Want Legalized Hemp

Farm groups back bill, gave legislators $1.3 million.

Campaign Cash: Bill Ends Chain Store Tax Loophole
Campaign Cash

Bill Ends Chain Store Tax Loophole

Proposed by GOP legislators, opposed by business lobbyists.

Campaign Cash: A Special Bill for Special Interests
Campaign Cash

A Special Bill for Special Interests

They dole out $30 million on candidates, get a bill cutting regulations on businesses.

Campaign Cash: Koch-Backed Texas Group Lobbies Here
Campaign Cash

Koch-Backed Texas Group Lobbies Here

With $73 million in funding, it lobbies for long list of conservative causes.

Campaign Cash: GOP Bill Targets Local Wheel Taxes
Campaign Cash

GOP Bill Targets Local Wheel Taxes

100 proposals restricting local governance passed since 2011.

Campaign Cash: Bear Hunters Association Has Big Clout
Campaign Cash

Bear Hunters Association Has Big Clout

Donated $369,000, wants less rules on guns, no photos of hunters.

Campaign Cash: Bill Goes Easy on Business Polluters
Campaign Cash

Bill Goes Easy on Business Polluters

And manufacturers donate to legislators pushing the proposal.

Campaign Cash: GOP Bill Repeals Minimum Markup
Campaign Cash

GOP Bill Repeals Minimum Markup

But business, tourism interests back current law on "unfair sales."

Campaign Cash: WMC Opposes Lead Pipes Bill
Campaign Cash

WMC Opposes Lead Pipes Bill

Business lobbyist opposes loans to homeowners to replace pipes.

Campaign Cash: That’s a Whole Lot of Manure
Campaign Cash

That’s a Whole Lot of Manure

55 million gallons per year from one mega farm; $75,000 to politicians.

Campaign Cash: Health Care Bigwigs Give Walker $44,000
Campaign Cash

Health Care Bigwigs Give Walker $44,000

Walker budget spends on medical education, health programs.

Campaign Cash: Kochs Support Prevailing Wage Bill
Campaign Cash

Kochs Support Prevailing Wage Bill

GOP bill pushed by ALEC and group's treasurer, Sen Leah Vukmir.

Bill Restricts Election Recounts

Bill Restricts Election Recounts

Inspired by Jill Stein recount, would make state more restrictive than most.

Campaign Cash: Legislators Dump 83 Walker Policies
Campaign Cash

Legislators Dump 83 Walker Policies

No such action in 25 years. Many of budget items sought by special interests.

Campaign Cash: Referendums Voted Against Citizens United
Campaign Cash

Referendums Voted Against Citizens United

105 communities with 48% of state’s voters have now voted to overturn Supreme Court decision.

Campaign Cash: Accused Insurer Is Big Campaign Donor
Campaign Cash

Accused Insurer Is Big Campaign Donor

UnitedHealth Group accused of Medicaid fraud, gave $42,000 to state politicians.

Campaign Cash: Farm Bureau Has Capitol Clout
Campaign Cash

Farm Bureau Has Capitol Clout

Spends $3 million on lobbying alone, gets policies hurting environment.

Campaign Cash: Regent Nominees Gave Walker $22,550
Campaign Cash

Regent Nominees Gave Walker $22,550

The two nominees also gave more than $64,000 to other candidates.

Campaign Cash: NRA Wants Guns Without Permits
Campaign Cash

NRA Wants Guns Without Permits

More than 40 GOP legislators back bill, received NRA donations.

Campaign Cash: Liberal Group Spends $225,000 on Evers
Campaign Cash

Liberal Group Spends $225,000 on Evers

Greater Wisconsin Committee buying TV ads in Milwaukee, Green Bay areas.

Campaign Cash: Top Donors to Superintendent Candidates
Campaign Cash

Top Donors to Superintendent Candidates

Unions love incumbent Evers; corporate leaders back Holtz.

Campaign Cash: Democrats File Complaint Against Gableman
Campaign Cash

Democrats File Complaint Against Gableman

Claiming he violated code of conduct by helping Republican fundraiser.

Campaign Cash: Bill Reveals School Voucher Costs
Campaign Cash

Bill Reveals School Voucher Costs

Democratic bill says property tax bills must show cost to local school district.

Campaign Cash: Corporations Gave $1.3 Million to Politicians
Campaign Cash

Corporations Gave $1.3 Million to Politicians

Allowed by new state law. $827,000 given to state GOP, $479,000 to Democrats.

Campaign Cash: Bill Targets Business Grantees
Campaign Cash

Bill Targets Business Grantees

Bipartisan bill fines or jails businesses who cheat state on WEDC grants.

Campaign Cash: Illegal Funding By Democratic Group?
Campaign Cash

Illegal Funding By Democratic Group?

WDC files complaint against Assembly group for violating campaign finance law.

Campaign Cash: Budget Has Millions in Tax Breaks
Campaign Cash

Budget Has Millions in Tax Breaks

Breaks go to special interest groups who donated $10.2 million to Walker.

Wis. Democracy Campaign Files Ethics Complaint Against Rep. Dean Knudson
Press Release

Wis. Democracy Campaign Files Ethics Complaint Against Rep. Dean Knudson

“The creation of the Wisconsin Liberty Fund, an express advocacy PAC by a sitting legislator, is patently illegal.”

Corporations Pour Money Into State Politics

Corporations Pour Money Into State Politics

They spend nearly $300,000 in first four months of 2016 to elect favored candidates.

Wis. Nonprofits Want US Dept. of Justice to Challenge Voter ID Law
Press Release

Wis. Nonprofits Want US Dept. of Justice to Challenge Voter ID Law

They Cite Recent Evidence of “Racist Intent”

Wis. Repubs Try to Crush Voter Registration Drives. Urgent: Block SB 295!
Press Release

Wis. Repubs Try to Crush Voter Registration Drives. Urgent: Block SB 295!

It would make it impossible to conduct voter registration drives.

3 DA’s Appeal John Doe
Press Release

3 DA’s Appeal John Doe

“This is great news for anyone who is concerned about money in politics,” said Matt Rothschild, the executive director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.

Wisconsin State Supreme Court Out of Order on John Doe II!
Press Release

Wisconsin State Supreme Court Out of Order on John Doe II!

“This is a corrupt, rigged, and renegade court,” said Matt Rothschild.

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Supports Iowa-Model Redistricting Reform
Press Release

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Supports Iowa-Model Redistricting Reform

The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign endorses Senate Bill 58 and Assembly Bill 328.

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Condemns State Supreme Court Ruling in John Doe II
Press Release

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Condemns State Supreme Court Ruling in John Doe II

“It is not only regrettable; it is downright dangerous,” said Matt Rothschild, the executive director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.

Walker Campaign Finance Report Riddled with Errors
Press Release

Walker Campaign Finance Report Riddled with Errors

The Democracy Campaign filed a complaint with the Government Accountability Board.