John Norquist is the former President of the Congress for the New Urbanism.

He is the former Mayor of the City of Milwaukee.


Content referencing John Norquist

Tom Barrett Is Figuring Out What Comes Next

Tom Barrett Is Figuring Out What Comes Next

Rotary speech by ex-mayor and newly-returned ambassador is frank and funny.

Comptroller Discovers Housing Authority Owes City An Additional $4 Million

Comptroller Discovers Housing Authority Owes City An Additional $4 Million

Latest 'crippling' blow for HACM adds to long list of problems.

New Riverwalk Plaza Will Be Named For Visionary Developer

New Riverwalk Plaza Will Be Named For Visionary Developer

Gary Grunau was longtime champion of big civic projects, including riverwalk system.

Murphy’s Law: Did Harbor Commissioner Serve Illegally?
Murphy’s Law

Did Harbor Commissioner Serve Illegally?

Ron San Felippo has homes in East Troy and Florida while serving on commission and also voting in elections as city resident.

Ironworkers Local 8 Hosts 25th Anniversary Remembrance Ceremony, Game Day Tribute
Press Release

Ironworkers Local 8 Hosts 25th Anniversary Remembrance Ceremony, Game Day Tribute

Honor Fallen Ironworkers, Recognize Milwaukee and Wisconsin Construction Building Trades

See the 2024 Mayor’s Design Awards Winners

See the 2024 Mayor’s Design Awards Winners

20 projects big and small are named best of the best in Milwaukee design

Mayor Backs Boulevard To Replace I-794 Downtown

Mayor Backs Boulevard To Replace I-794 Downtown

'We should be thinking about the city we want in the future, 30 years from now.'

City Hall: Mayor Pledges To Get Involved in Schools
City Hall

Mayor Pledges To Get Involved in Schools

Johnson vows to make Milwaukee a city that attracts people because of its schools.

City Hall: Council President Jose Perez Reelected
City Hall

Council President Jose Perez Reelected

Pérez wins by 10-5 vote over Milele Coggs to lead city's legislative body.

Bill Christianson Is Milwaukee’s New Fiscal Watchdog

Bill Christianson Is Milwaukee’s New Fiscal Watchdog

Christianson defeats Greg Gracz for open seat as city comptroller.

Data Wonk: How Partisan Divide on Education Hurts State
Data Wonk

How Partisan Divide on Education Hurts State

Some schools with poor students have success. Why aren't we learning from that?

Vote April 2: Meet the Candidates For City Office
Vote April 2

Meet the Candidates For City Office

And read the analysis of each race and bios for each candidate.

What’s It Worth?: University Club Milwaukee, $2,728,500
What’s It Worth?

University Club Milwaukee, $2,728,500

With quite a history. But now that it's closing, what can be done with the building?

Changes To Milwaukee’s Zoning Code Would Encourage More Development

Changes To Milwaukee’s Zoning Code Would Encourage More Development

"Growing MKE" proposal part of strategy to grow city to 1 million residents.

Safety Fencing Being Added to Hoan Bridge

Safety Fencing Being Added to Hoan Bridge

Bridge has been the site of dozens of suicides.

Milwaukee Still Paying $1 Million Per Year For Brewers Stadium

Milwaukee Still Paying $1 Million Per Year For Brewers Stadium

New request for $2.5 million annually comes as city still paying prior costs

Murphy’s Law: Who Will Blink on Brewers Subsidy?
Murphy’s Law

Who Will Blink on Brewers Subsidy?

Vos wants a local contribution and Milwaukee officials oppose this. The issue could get very ugly.

Murphy’s Law: Park East Removal Didn’t ‘Devastate’ Downtown
Murphy’s Law

Park East Removal Didn’t ‘Devastate’ Downtown

Controversy over its removal offers lessons to those opposing plan to take down I-794 link.

How Committed Is City To Tearing Down 794?

How Committed Is City To Tearing Down 794?

Council members question 'weasel language' in Milwaukee plan for Downtown.

City Hall: Street Will Receive Honorary Name For Wisconsin’s First Black Sheriff
City Hall

Street Will Receive Honorary Name For Wisconsin’s First Black Sheriff

"Sheriff Richard Artison" will be applied to portion of N. 9th Street near courthouse.

Your Input Sought On How To Get To One Million Residents

Your Input Sought On How To Get To One Million Residents

Public meetings will seek suggestions on how to grow city and achieve mayor's vision.

Eyes on Milwaukee: See The 2023 Mayor’s Design Awards Winners
Eyes on Milwaukee

See The 2023 Mayor’s Design Awards Winners

20 winners span the city, represent the best of Milwaukee architecture and design.

Back in the News: Wisconsin Center Won’t Reconsider Removing Literary Artwork
Back in the News

Wisconsin Center Won’t Reconsider Removing Literary Artwork

CEO Marty Brooks emails board members to explain why.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin Center Will Destroy Literary Artworks
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin Center Will Destroy Literary Artworks

Nationally unique installation done in 1998. Public board didn't vote on its destruction.

Interstate 794 Named Freeway Without A Future

Interstate 794 Named Freeway Without A Future

Congress for the New Urbanism report will include downtown Milwaukee highway.

Murphy’s Law: Will Vos Kill Shared Revenue Hike For City?
Murphy’s Law

Will Vos Kill Shared Revenue Hike For City?

Assembly Speaker's comments blasting Milwaukee worries Mayor Johnson.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Mayor Johnson Moves to Concordia Neighborhood
Eyes on Milwaukee

Mayor Johnson Moves to Concordia Neighborhood

A new house for new mayor, who buys historic mansion on Near West Side.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Zoning Changes Could Grow City Population
Eyes on Milwaukee

Zoning Changes Could Grow City Population

City looks to update zoning code, in line with Mayor Johnson's vision for growth.

Friday Photos: New Hotel Hints At Potential of Deer District
Friday Photos

New Hotel Hints At Potential of Deer District

The Trade could be a key connecting piece between Fiserv Forum and Downtown, activating forlorn W. Juneau Ave.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Clifton Crump Named To Zoning Board
Eyes on Milwaukee

Clifton Crump Named To Zoning Board

Former secretary of city's Board of Zoning Appeals returns to serve on board, to acclaim from council members.

Milwaukee Walks: A Walk That’s All Woods And Water
Milwaukee Walks

A Walk That’s All Woods And Water

From Caesar’s Park to Urban Ecology Center you pass 70 different tree species and dozens of wildflowers, shrubs, and grasses.

The Rise of José Pérez

The Rise of José Pérez

How high school dropout rose to become first Latino Common Council president in Milwaukee history.

Eyes on Milwaukee: 2022 Mayor’s Design Awards Announced
Eyes on Milwaukee

2022 Mayor’s Design Awards Announced

25 projects cover entire city, range from big to small.

Milwaukee Walks: Riverwalk Offers Many Different Views
Milwaukee Walks

Riverwalk Offers Many Different Views

Of Downtown, the river, many artworks and brewpubs of course.

Perez Elected Common Council President

Perez Elected Common Council President

Ald. Jose Perez is first Latino to lead council. Fills vacancy created by Johnson's election as mayor.

Johnson Carried 81% of City’s Wards

Johnson Carried 81% of City’s Wards

Sweeping victory in low-turnout election, lowest in an open race for Milwaukee mayor since 1900.

Murphy’s Law: Baldwin, Pocan Deliver for Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

Baldwin, Pocan Deliver for Wisconsin

Both among top members of Congress in getting earmarked federal spending for this state.

The Fall and Rise of Bronzeville

The Fall and Rise of Bronzeville

A more than decade-long effort to restore neighborhood’s glory gaining momentum.

Friday Photos: The Trade Starts To Climb
Friday Photos

The Trade Starts To Climb

New hotel across the street from Fiserv Forum will ultimately rise nine stories.

Plenty of Horne: Milwaukee Has a Singing Mayor Again
Plenty of Horne

Milwaukee Has a Singing Mayor Again

Acting Mayor Cavalier Johnson tries singing at city's 176th Birthday Party, before a big turnout of politicians.

Murphy’s Law: Who Will Win Mayoral Primary?
Murphy’s Law

Who Will Win Mayoral Primary?

Voter turnout may decide which two candidates get through primary.

Plats and Parcels: Johnson Controls’ Departure Impacts Third Ward
Plats and Parcels

Johnson Controls’ Departure Impacts Third Ward

The story goes all the way back to 1993. Plus: A recap of the week's real estate news

Cavalier Johnson Says He’s Ready To Be Mayor

Cavalier Johnson Says He’s Ready To Be Mayor

He'll become acting mayor immediately upon Tom Barrett's resignation. Expected by Dec. 28.

City Hall: Public Works Commissioner Jeff Polenske Leaving For Private Sector
City Hall

Public Works Commissioner Jeff Polenske Leaving For Private Sector

Three-decade government veteran "retiring" for private-sector employment.

Friday Photos: A Deer District Foundation
Friday Photos

A Deer District Foundation

The Trade hotel will rise nine stories, including 205 rooms.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Bucks, NCG Break Ground on Deer District Hotel
Eyes on Milwaukee

Bucks, NCG Break Ground on Deer District Hotel

"The Trade" will be a Marriott hotel with an entire floor intended for NBA players.

Murphy’s Law: How The City Lost the Medical Center
Murphy’s Law

How The City Lost the Medical Center

New mental health center on near West Side of city a change from decades of hospitals moving to Wauwatosa.

Murphy’s Law: Mayor’s Race Looks Like a Wild One
Murphy’s Law

Mayor’s Race Looks Like a Wild One

Wide open, with lots of candidates, no obvious favorites and so much at stake.

What’s It Worth?: Harley-Davidson Museum Worth $12 Million
What’s It Worth?

Harley-Davidson Museum Worth $12 Million

But this value will soon increase. And the site has a remarkable history.

Op Ed: Democrats Should Be Tough on Crime
Op Ed

Democrats Should Be Tough on Crime

It’s not a winning message to say crime is justified by poverty.

Op Ed: Evers Is Wrong on I-94 Expansion
Op Ed

Evers Is Wrong on I-94 Expansion

The proposal doesn't learn from history and contradicts the approach of Biden, Buttigieg.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Build a Better City From Your Couch
Eyes on Milwaukee

Build a Better City From Your Couch

Annual Congress for the New Urbanism pivots to virtual format.

Op Ed: Local Black History You Should Know
Op Ed

Local Black History You Should Know

Including Marvin Pratt, Heal the Hood and the Young, Black & Opinionated podcast.

Another Milwaukee Icon Falls Victim to COVID-19
City Hall: Council Overrides Mayoral Veto, Wants Power To Fire Police Chief
City Hall

Council Overrides Mayoral Veto, Wants Power To Fire Police Chief

Council wants Legislature to give it firing power. Mayor's veto of this fails.

Eyes on Milwaukee: 2020 Mayor’s Design Awards Announced
Eyes on Milwaukee

2020 Mayor’s Design Awards Announced

23rd annual awards program goes virtual, but still finds 31 winners across the city.

City Hall: Council Wants Control Over Police and Fire Chiefs
City Hall

Council Wants Control Over Police and Fire Chiefs

Seeking changes to state law to give city's elected officials control.

Milwaukee Walks: The Loveliness of Lakeshore State Park
Milwaukee Walks

The Loveliness of Lakeshore State Park

Wisconsin’s only urban state park offers walkers unparalleled views of the lake, downtown skyline and prairie.

Back in the News: Norquist Says City Not ‘Most Racist’
Back in the News

Norquist Says City Not ‘Most Racist’

Milwaukee is very diverse, Wisconsin’s least racist city, he tells Washington DC radio station.

Article offers insight into how Milwaukee suburbs keep out affordable housing
Press Release

Article offers insight into how Milwaukee suburbs keep out affordable housing

Statement of Alderman Michael J. Murphy August 19, 2020

State’s Largest Brownfield Now Clean

State’s Largest Brownfield Now Clean

After years of remediation, a highly-contaminated site in the Menomonee Valley is certified as clean by the DNR.

Baldwin Bill Pushes Transitional Jobs

Baldwin Bill Pushes Transitional Jobs

Pandemic dramatizes long-term issue of job shortages, issue pushed by policy analyst David Riemer.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee 6th Most Diverse City in US?
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee 6th Most Diverse City in US?

More diverse than nearly 600 other cities, says new report. Should we believe it?

Op Ed: What FDR Did That Addresses the Pandemic
Op Ed

What FDR Did That Addresses the Pandemic

Creating unemployment compensation, other reforms that are helping us weather this crisis.

Port Renaming Boat “Larry Sullivan” After 53-Year City Employee

Port Renaming Boat “Larry Sullivan” After 53-Year City Employee

Sullivan retired last week after nearly three decades as port's chief engineer.

Murphy’s Law: About that Miller Park Economic Impact
Murphy’s Law

About that Miller Park Economic Impact

New study greatly exaggerates the benefits — as it was expected to do.

Murphy’s Law: Poll Shows Surprising Support for MPS
Murphy’s Law

Poll Shows Surprising Support for MPS

Most think MPS needs more funding and would back it in the referendum, poll shows.

Op Ed: City Attorney Guts Authority of FPC Board
Op Ed

City Attorney Guts Authority of FPC Board

The FPC board clearly has the power to oversee executive director and staff.

Top 10 of 2019: Most Popular Plenty of Horne Columns
Top 10 of 2019

Most Popular Plenty of Horne Columns

Scott Walker, Chris Abele, John Norquist and Rudy Guiliani all made the list.

Plats and Parcels: See The Canstruction of Local Landmarks
Plats and Parcels

See The Canstruction of Local Landmarks

Plus: Associated gives Milwaukee Center new name & upgrades, mass timber building tops off.

Eyes on Milwaukee: City Adjusts Zoning for First Floor Design
Eyes on Milwaukee

City Adjusts Zoning for First Floor Design

More active first floors create more a more activated, walkable city.

Plenty of Horne: John Norquist’s 70th Birthday Party
Plenty of Horne

John Norquist’s 70th Birthday Party

A host of Milwaukeeans and former city officials attend gala party in Chicago.

The Educator: St. Paul a Model for MPS Funding Effort?
The Educator

St. Paul a Model for MPS Funding Effort?

That city's successful school funding referendum was backed by local officials.

Murphy’s Law: Should Summerfest Pay Higher Rent?
Murphy’s Law

Should Summerfest Pay Higher Rent?

Harbor House pays at least 7 times more than Summerfest per acre of lakefront land.

Eyes on Milwaukee: The Quiet Plan to Save Grand Avenue
Eyes on Milwaukee

The Quiet Plan to Save Grand Avenue

Actually written 10 years ago. Civic leaders discuss how public private partnerships revived Downtown.

Upgrade the New Deal, Riemer Declares

Upgrade the New Deal, Riemer Declares

Book by former aide to Norquist, Doyle, who helped Tommy Thompson design Badger Care, offers bold solutions.

Op Ed: Tom Barrett’s Black Voter Challenge
Op Ed

Tom Barrett’s Black Voter Challenge

His support solid in black community. But 2020 could be different.

Eyes on Milwaukee: 5 Ways to Make to City Magic Happen
Eyes on Milwaukee

5 Ways to Make to City Magic Happen

Congress for New Urbansim head Lynn Richards touts urban strategies in Rotary speech.

Murphy’s Law: Should Barrett Worry About Reelection?
Murphy’s Law

Should Barrett Worry About Reelection?

Another easy win seems certain. Which may not be so good for Milwaukee.

Out Look: The Flag Stands for LGBTQ People, Too
Out Look

The Flag Stands for LGBTQ People, Too

On July 4th, remembering those Milwaukeeans who stood up for LGBTQ rights.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Nothing New in Northridge Mall Plan
Eyes on Milwaukee

Nothing New in Northridge Mall Plan

Is Northridge dispute simply an echo of the drawn-out Menomonee Valley fight?

City Hall: City Is Repaving More Streets
City Hall

City Is Repaving More Streets

But is focus on streets just creating a backlog of alleys and sidewalks needing work?

Eyes on Milwaukee: 2019 Mayor’s Design Awards Recipients
Eyes on Milwaukee

2019 Mayor’s Design Awards Recipients

Here are winners of annual awards for the best in Milwaukee design.

What’s It Worth?: George Watts Building Worth $1.5 Million
What’s It Worth?

George Watts Building Worth $1.5 Million

And so many memories of genteel china shop visited by folks like the 4th Baron Wedgwood.

In Public: A Rising Star in Architecture
In Public

A Rising Star in Architecture

I missed the boat on architect Matt Rinka. High time for a reconsideration.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Who Should Win A Mayor’s Design Award?
Eyes on Milwaukee

Who Should Win A Mayor’s Design Award?

Nominations open until March 31st for 22nd annual Mayor's Design Awards contest.

City Hall: Hamilton Ally May Run for His Seat
City Hall

Hamilton Ally May Run for His Seat

Marvin Pratt's daughter may run. Ald. Hamilton's bid for mayor now seems all but certain.

City Hall: Ashanti Hamilton Files for Mayoral Run
City Hall

Ashanti Hamilton Files for Mayoral Run

Is Chris Abele planning to back Hamilton?

Governor-Elect Tony Evers Announces Chief of Staff and Transition Team Director, Co-Chairs
Press Release

Governor-Elect Tony Evers Announces Chief of Staff and Transition Team Director, Co-Chairs

Maggie Gau, Governor-Elect Evers’ campaign manager, will become Governor-Elect Evers’ Chief of Staff.

Milwaukee Pride brings rainbow crosswalks to Cathedral Square
Press Release

Milwaukee Pride brings rainbow crosswalks to Cathedral Square

Join us Saturday for our Opening Ceremony

Eyes on Milwaukee: 11 Things to Know Before You Ride The Hop
Eyes on Milwaukee

11 Things to Know Before You Ride The Hop

How many people will ride it? How is it free? Oh so many questions, all answered here.

City Hall: Barrett Taps Polenske For Public Works
City Hall

Barrett Taps Polenske For Public Works

Veteran City Engineer to become head of 2,300-employee Department of Public Works.

Murphy’s Law: Norquist Bashes Inspector General Idea
Murphy’s Law

Norquist Bashes Inspector General Idea

Council wants its own watchdog. Former mayor says post is unnecessary.

House Confidential: Home For a Lieutenant Governor?
House Confidential

Home For a Lieutenant Governor?

Mandela Barnes' northwest-side condo was once part of segregated neighborhood.

Plats and Parcels: Brady Street Project Cancelled
Plats and Parcels

Brady Street Project Cancelled

City marketing vacant lot on Lower East Side main street for $105,000.

Norquist: Why Milwaukee Needs a Streetcar

Why Milwaukee Needs a Streetcar

Across the globe cities embrace transit, reject freeways in urban areas.

Murphy’s Law: Who Now Has Power Over Police Chief?
Murphy’s Law

Who Now Has Power Over Police Chief?

Common Council may regret stripping mayor’s power over Police-Fire director.

City Hall: Council Backs Less Mayoral Power Over FPC
City Hall

Council Backs Less Mayoral Power Over FPC

Votes 13-1 to ask state to reduce mayor's power to appoint Fire and Police leader.

Murphy’s Law: High Court Sticks It To Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

High Court Sticks It To Milwaukee

Roggensack’s political decision gives police and fire unions more power over pension fund.

Data Wonk: How Trump Threatens State’s Exports
Data Wonk

How Trump Threatens State’s Exports

As parties flip-flop on free trade, can Wisconsin’s export economy be protected?

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