State Sen. Chris Larson

Recent Articles

Trump Executive Action on K-12 Education reads like something out of North Korea, not the Land of the Free
Sen. Larson Commends Gov. Evers’ Passionate Plea for Gun Reform
DPI budget proposal finally addresses the elephant in the room for K-12 education
A better way forward for our Wisconsin Universities
Senator Larson calls for PSC to reject WE Energies’ latest rate increase
Senator Larson, school officials, and parents speak out on special ed funding gap, rise in referendums across WI
Sen. Larson reacts to the resignation of MPS Superintendent Keith Posley
Negotiated resolution of UWM protest a victory for peace, model for needed change
State-sanctioned inequity
Press Release

State-sanctioned inequity


Republican majority gets an “F” for its handling of public education
Senate Republican bullies take out their frustrations on appointees
Feeding kids or feeding bigotry? Senate Republicans choose bigotry
Gerrymandering – The Addiction WI Republicans Just Can’t Quit
Sen. Larson joins national call to Pres. Biden for ceasefire in Gaza
Christmas came early for our Wisconsin Democracy
“An exciting day” – Sen. Larson congratulates Sen. Dianne Hesselbein on her election as Senate Democratic Leader
A swing, a miss, and an errant bat in the stands
“Like swinging at a wild pitch” – Assembly vote on Brewers stadium is a strike for WI taxpayers
Scapegoating of Meagan Wolfe just the latest attempt to subvert our democracy
Sen. Larson, Rep. Hong Introduce the Nurse Staffing and Patient Protection Act
Sen. Larson, Rep. Hong reintroduce legislation to end tipped minimum wage in WI
Republican wrecking crew: UW System budget problems are no accident
The Unbearable Cost of Opportunity Lost
Press Release

The Unbearable Cost of Opportunity Lost

Sen. Larson reacts to Senate passage of the Republican Budget Proposal

“No cause for celebration”
Press Release

“No cause for celebration”


Trickling toward decline – Republicans ignore critical needs, swing and miss with workforce package
Senate Republicans’ campaign of obstruction enters its fifth year
A time to be bold: Evers’ budget a generational investment in our kids
Gov. Evers on the right track with budget provision to prevent drunk driving, save lives
In State of the State, Governor Evers reminds us that investing in our kids is the key to a brighter future
Republicans ignore the will of the people, play politics with our constitution
Ho-Ho-Horrible: Ascension leaves a lump of coal in its workers’ stockings, earns a spot on the naughty list
Heads WE wins, tails we all lose – Sen. Larson reacts to latest WE Energies rate hike
Sen. Larson reacts to SCOTUS ruling on EPA’s power to fight climate change
Senator Larson Statement on SCOTUS Overturning Roe v. Wade
Senate Republicans plot to dismantle public education, take the rest of the year off
GOP plan to dismantle public education would raise taxes by over $577 million
With fairness off the table, Wisconsin’s gerrymander grows less extreme
GOP elections bills are real voter fraud
Press Release

GOP elections bills are real voter fraud


Legislative Leaders Release Package Aimed at Maintaining Wisconsin’s Education Workforce
“A steady hand through rough waters” – Sen. Larson reacts to Gov. Evers’ State of the State Address
Freedom to harm: GOP attempts to make selfishness a protected class
Proposed GOP election bills a fast-track to voter suppression
Letter to Sen. LeMahieu Regarding WEC Commissioner Spindell
Sen. Larson, Rep. Brostoff introduce bill to repeal punitive “death tax” on poor Wisconsinites
Rigged maps, culture wars, and the big lie – Today’s Senate session a low point for our democracy
Mayor Erik Brooks leaves an impressive legacy; South Milwaukee will miss his leadership
Sen. Larson, Rep. Anderson introduce the Telehealth Parity Act
GOP members of JCRAR show contempt for LGBTQIA+ community with vote to block medical care for transgender patients
Confirming Evers’ appointments too little, too late
Superintendent Underly demonstrates clear vision, strong resolve through challenging times in State of Education speech
Sen. Larson statement on Sen. Jacque positive COVID-19 test
GOP chases imaginary problems while ignoring the crisis they helped create
Sen.Larson Statement on the Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules
Campaign Integrity Package Announced
Press Release

Campaign Integrity Package Announced


Larson campaign’s second-quarter filing shows strong grassroots support
Sen. Larson Statement on Gov. Evers’ Partial Budget Veto
Sen. Chris Larson on State Budget Vote: “Republicans Choose the Wealthy Few Over You”
GOP Budget Fails Wisconsin Children – Needs Veto
Another Fib about the Big Lie
Press Release

Another Fib about the Big Lie


Committee vote by WI GOP shows their contempt for unemployed Wisconsinites
Sen. Larson Statement on outcome of Derek Chauvin trial
“We are not out of the woods yet. Let’s not lose our way.” – Sen. Larson statement on COVID-19 diagnosis
“All ways here are my ways” – WI GOP ignores science, blocks rules to protect our health
The road back – Governor’s Budget charts a fresh course to a renewed Badger State
Legislators cave to biz lobby, use tax code to create $419 million in wasteful handouts
The power of informed choice: Passage of SB3 a leap forward for prescription drug reform
They wouldn’t fight the fire: 296 days (and counting) of GOP inaction leaves us all burned
WI GOP: All aboard the COVID express
Press Release

WI GOP: All aboard the COVID express


GOP continues 9-month streak of failing to deliver for Wisconsin
GOP to Wisconsin Neighbors: “Let them eat COVID”
Sen. Larson statement on adopted COVID-19 legislation
Sen. Larson statement on treasonous U.S. Capitol mob in support of Pres. Trump
Bowing to special interests, Republicans fail first PFAS test, putting your health at risk
With Wisconsin in need of a lifeline, Assembly GOP created an obstacle course
Enough is enough: The time has come for all-virtual schooling
With no plan of their own, Republicans play politics with state’s COVID response
Senator Larson, Democratic colleagues release Pandemic School Stability Legislation
“Our senate chamber is not a prop.” – Senator Larson reaction to Sec. Pompeo’s Madison visit
Senator Chris Larson Applauds Superintendent Stanford Taylor’s Vision for Wisconsin’s Public Schools
Senator Larson launches statewide petition demanding the legislature reconvene to take action on Wisconsin’s multiple concurrent crises
Senator Larson Statement: The Human Cost of Obstruction
For the sake of Wisconsin’s schools, state legislators urge U.S. Senate Delegation to pass the HEROES Act
A victory for public health – Sen. Larson praises statewide mask order
Face mask petition shows strong support from every corner of Wisconsin
Lame Duck Supreme Court Upholds Lame Duck GOP Power Grab
During Pride Month, Republican members of JCRAR vote to allow continued torture of LGBTQ+ people
Senator Larson Statement on SCOWIS decision r.e. Safer at Home Extension
Chris Larson Statement on Updated Election Results
Larson Acquires Four More Union Endorsements: AFSCME, UAW, SEIU, & MTEA
MTEA Endorses Chris Larson for Milwaukee County Executive
State Senator Chris Larson Releases Comprehensive Plan to Help Seniors in Milwaukee County
Chris Larson Earns More Endorsements than Other Candidates Combined
Sen. Larson Announces the “Wisconsin Promise Program”
Citizen Action of Wisconsin Endorses Senator Chris Larson for Milwaukee County Executive
Chris Larson Addresses Nomination Decision
Press Release

Chris Larson Addresses Nomination Decision

"While today's ruling was understandable given the clarity of the statute, I am disappointed that my friends Jim and Bryan will not be on the ballot."

Senator Chris Larson – Reaction to State of the State
Press Release

Senator Chris Larson – Reaction to State of the State

While obstructionist Republican Legislators have attempted to stymie much of Governor Evers’ agenda, Democrats were still able to accomplish a lot in the last year.

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 998 Endorses   Senator Chris Larson for Milwaukee County Executive
Press Release

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 998 Endorses Senator Chris Larson for Milwaukee County Executive

James Macon, President of ATU Local 998, stated, “ATU 998 members are proud to give their endorsements to Chris Larson for Milwaukee County Executive.

Voces de la Frontera Action Endorses Chris Larson
Chris Larson Cements Lead in Milwaukee County Executive Race
American Federation of Teachers Local 212 COPE Endorses Chris Larson
State Senator Chris Larson Registers Fundraising Committee to Explore Running for Milwaukee County Executive
Press Release

State Senator Chris Larson Registers Fundraising Committee to Explore Running for Milwaukee County Executive

"Today’s filing allows me to explore running for Milwaukee County Executive on a deeper level and a greater capacity to listen to our neighbors."

In Rejecting Pfaff the Message was clear, Dissent Won’t be Allowed in Wisconsin
Press Release

In Rejecting Pfaff the Message was clear, Dissent Won’t be Allowed in Wisconsin

"Brad Pfaff was raised on a farm here in Wisconsin, is eminently qualified for this job, and deserved better than this from legislative Republicans."

Senator Larson Continues to Support Legalization and Decriminalization of Marijuana
Press Release

Senator Larson Continues to Support Legalization and Decriminalization of Marijuana

"Support for legalizing and decriminalizing marijuana in Wisconsin has grown to be popular for many reasons."

Governor Evers State of the State: A New Way Forward
Press Release

Governor Evers State of the State: A New Way Forward

"In his first State of the State Address, Governor Evers laid out a strong vision for a first term that has a foundation in working together for the benefit of all of our friends and neighbors, not just those who can afford an army of lobbyists."

It is an Honor to Serve the Milwaukee Area and the Seventh Senate District
Press Release

It is an Honor to Serve the Milwaukee Area and the Seventh Senate District

"It is a new era for Wisconsin politics and I am thankful and grateful to be a part of building a better future for all of us."

Your Right to Know: Legislature Exempts Itself From Open Records
Your Right to Know

Legislature Exempts Itself From Open Records

While requiring it of all other governments in state.

Governor Walker just sealed his legacy as the worst Governor in state history
Press Release

Governor Walker just sealed his legacy as the worst Governor in state history

"Scott Walker is leaving the Governorship the same way he arrived: in chaos."

This Isn’t an Economic Development Strategy, This is an Extortion.
Press Release

This Isn’t an Economic Development Strategy, This is an Extortion.

"By paying this ransom to a profitable corporation, Republican economic mismanagement opens Wisconsin up to further extortion from other profitable companies."

Op Ed: Republican Power Grab Unprecedented
Op Ed

Republican Power Grab Unprecedented

Legislators “don’t trust” newly elected governor, so they want to take away Evers’ power.

Unprecedented Power Grab Will Break Wisconsin for Years to Come
Press Release

Unprecedented Power Grab Will Break Wisconsin for Years to Come

"This morning, fresh of an election defeat, the Republican-controlled legislature voted to subvert the will of the people."

Statement on the Passing of Phil Neuenfeldt
Press Release

Statement on the Passing of Phil Neuenfeldt

"I am greatly saddened to hear of the passing of my friend, Phil Neuenfeldt."

Senator Chris Larson: Statement on the State of Education in Wisconsin
Press Release

Senator Chris Larson: Statement on the State of Education in Wisconsin

Over the Lost Walker Decade, Wisconsin has seen $1 billion cut from our neighborhood public schools, of which $183 million still remains unrestored.

Senator Larson & Representative Bowen: Call on Gun Manufacturers to Prioritize “Smart Gun” Technology and Other Gun Safety Measures in Order to Reduce Gun Violence
Op Ed: On My Daughter’s First School Day
Op Ed

On My Daughter’s First School Day

What will her school be like after years of funding cuts and teacher resignations under Walker?

Op Ed: Say No to Kimberly-Clark Subsidy
Op Ed

Say No to Kimberly-Clark Subsidy

They’re awash in profits from federal tax cuts and worker givebacks. Now they want more from state taxpayers?

School Safety Grant Program Avoids Larger Issues of Gun Violence
Press Release

School Safety Grant Program Avoids Larger Issues of Gun Violence

"Trying to solve gun violence while pushing the gun industries priorities is like trying to put out a fire with a flamethrower."

Republicans Again Did Nothing to Address Gun Violence
Press Release

Republicans Again Did Nothing to Address Gun Violence

"Republicans also rejected reinstating the 48 hour waiting period for handgun purchases."

Predatory Rent-to-Own Bill Stalled
Press Release

Predatory Rent-to-Own Bill Stalled

"This proposal would have invited into Wisconsin those that prey on our military families and neighbors that are struggling financially."

Passage of Senate Bill 408
Press Release

Passage of Senate Bill 408

After many steps back, a step forward on ending gun violence

Changes Needed at Lincoln Hills Now, Not After the Next Election
Press Release

Changes Needed at Lincoln Hills Now, Not After the Next Election

"I call on Governor Walker to protect Wisconsin youth currently at Lincoln Hills by immediately implementing these common-sense strategies."

One Step Closer to Tackling Wisconsin’s Lead Crisis
Press Release

One Step Closer to Tackling Wisconsin’s Lead Crisis

MADISON – The following is a statement from Senator Chris Larson regarding the Senate passage of Senate Bill 48: “Each of our neighbors deserve to live in a healthy, safe community. Lead pipes are an avoidable public illness that is quietly devastating Wisconsin neighborhoods. Over the past few decades there has been significant research revealing how devastatingly harmful lead exposure is for both children and adults. We must prioritize addressing and preventing lead poisoning in our children. “Tackling the threat of lead poisoning is a moral and economic imperative. According to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), our state would save $7 billion if the threat of lead poisoning was eliminated. This includes savings in medical care, special education, and even crime reduction among adults and youth. “Today, the Senate took up a bipartisan bill (Senate Bill 48) that moves our state one small step towards addressing Wisconsin’s lead crisis. During the state budget debate last month, Senate Democrats fought for Wisconsin to take swift action by introducing a Lead Abatement Amendment, which would have committed the necessary funds to provide adequate relief to communities access the state, after Senate Bill 48 was stalled in committee for months. “I urge my Republican colleagues to continue the momentum and take immediate action to keep our kids safe from being further poisoned by lead. Among the available bills are Senate Bill 41, which would protect renters from lead poisoning, Senate Bill 141, which would give schools more flexibility to invest in lead abatement costs, Senate Joint Resolution 67, a bill to declare a Lead Poison Prevention Week in Wisconsin. “So far, despite the lead pipe crisis, none of these bills have even received a public hearing.”

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on the State of Education
Press Release

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on the State of Education

"Under Walker and the GOP, our state’s commitment to our neighborhood schools has plummeted."

GOP Passes $76 Billion Betrayal of our Values
Press Release

GOP Passes $76 Billion Betrayal of our Values

The following is a statement from Senator Chris Larson regarding the Senate passage of the defenseless 2017-19 state budget

Democrats Call for Campaign Integrity to be Restored in State Budget
Press Release

Democrats Call for Campaign Integrity to be Restored in State Budget

The following is a statement from Senator Chris Larson regarding the Senate GOP rejecting a common sense Campaign Integrity amendment to the 2017-19 state budget.

Republicans Again Shortchanging our Kids, Betraying our Values
Press Release

Republicans Again Shortchanging our Kids, Betraying our Values

"We can and must do better for our kids."

Foxconn Frenzy: Proceed with Caution
Press Release

Foxconn Frenzy: Proceed with Caution

“We demand fairness, and that’s what we’ll be looking for in this deal.”

Rushed Voucher Bill Passes GOP-led Senate
Press Release

Rushed Voucher Bill Passes GOP-led Senate

This bill was rapidly jammed through the full Senate.

Lock Your Doors, Protect Your Neighbors
Press Release

Lock Your Doors, Protect Your Neighbors

"Trump knows that Clarke will back bad policies that betray our values, harm our neighbors, and enforce policies that rip families apart. "

Recognizing Workers’ Memorial Day
Press Release

Recognizing Workers’ Memorial Day

"The right to organize, receive fair treatment, and work in safe conditions are fundamental values that we, as Americans, hold."

Right to Internet Privacy
Press Release

Right to Internet Privacy

"The reasonable expectation of privacy and the right to protect our sensitive personal information is a right important to all Wisconsinites."

We Are Stronger Together: Legislature Must Take a Stand Against Islamophobia and Hate After Brutal Attack
Press Release

We Are Stronger Together: Legislature Must Take a Stand Against Islamophobia and Hate After Brutal Attack

"We must continue to stand up against the misguided hate and violence being fueled by a loud but small minority"

GOP Demolishes Over 150 Years of Wisconsin Heritage
Press Release

GOP Demolishes Over 150 Years of Wisconsin Heritage

"Wisconsin Republicans continue to play pay-off politics with our water..."

Legislators Introduce the Jail Death Transparency Act
Press Release

Legislators Introduce the Jail Death Transparency Act

Current law is only applicable to law enforcement officers and does not hold correctional officers in city, county, and state correctional facilities to the same investigatory standards.

Irresponsible Republican Bill Proposes Arming Teens
Press Release

Irresponsible Republican Bill Proposes Arming Teens

"Instead of fighting this public health crisis, Republicans in control of the Legislature are proposing to give guns to teens with no training..."

Senator Chris Larson Proposes Fix to CBD Treatment Barriers
Press Release

Senator Chris Larson Proposes Fix to CBD Treatment Barriers

“We cannot keep writing out prescriptions without a way for families to fill them in Wisconsin.”

Statement from Senator Larson on Walker’s Budget Announcement
Press Release

Statement from Senator Larson on Walker’s Budget Announcement

"Walker and legislative Republicans have started another budget that favors wealthy campaign donors over our children."

Wisconsin Kids Still Shortchanged by Governor Walker
Press Release

Wisconsin Kids Still Shortchanged by Governor Walker

"Now, Walker is throwing handfuls of water at a fire he created - and expects everyone to cheer."

Senator Chris Larson Calls on U.S. Senator Ron Johnson to Oppose DeVos Nomination
Press Release

Senator Chris Larson Calls on U.S. Senator Ron Johnson to Oppose DeVos Nomination

"Betsy DeVos has proven that she supports the same kind of irresponsible policies that have and will continue to hurt the children of our great state. "

Wisconsin Lawmakers Join Nationwide Effort to Safeguard Abortion Rights
Press Release

Wisconsin Lawmakers Join Nationwide Effort to Safeguard Abortion Rights

"We can’t ignore science and return to back alley abortions and jailing women."

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on the State of the State
Press Release

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on the State of the State

“The only thing remarkable about his address is that anyone is bothering to listen.”

Sen. Larson Announces Committee Assignments for 2017-2018 Legislative Session
Press Release

Sen. Larson Announces Committee Assignments for 2017-2018 Legislative Session

“As a state senator and as a member of these important committees, I look forward to working with my neighbors and colleagues to support policies that will provide each of our neighbors the freedom to pursue the American Dream.”

Senator Chris Larson Echoes Congresswoman Moore’s Call for Investigation
Press Release

Senator Chris Larson Echoes Congresswoman Moore’s Call for Investigation

“Over the past six months, four families lost their loved ones due to Clarke’s gross mismanagement.”

Statement urging the resignation or removal of Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke.
Press Release

Statement urging the resignation or removal of Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke.

Today, Senator Chris Larson, Representative Jonathan Brostoff, and Representative Christine Sinicki released the following statement urging the resignation or removal of Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke.

Statement on Redistricting Ruling
Press Release

Statement on Redistricting Ruling

“Voters should choose their politicians; politicians shouldn’t choose their voters."

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on the Department of Instruction Budget Proposal
Press Release

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on the Department of Instruction Budget Proposal

"This is a great plan to address the crisis created in our state’s schools.'

Community Action to Invest in Education
Press Release

Community Action to Invest in Education

“The future of our children is on the line.”

U.S. Supreme Court Ruling a Victory for Women and Families
Press Release

U.S. Supreme Court Ruling a Victory for Women and Families

“The Supreme Court has powerfully reaffirmed a woman’s constitutional right to make her own decisions about her health, family, and future, no matter her zip code.”

Statement on Milwaukee Residency Requirement Ruling
Press Release

Statement on Milwaukee Residency Requirement Ruling

“Decisions regarding residency requirements should be left to local communities to make.”

Thanks Congresswoman Moore for her Leadership
Press Release

Thanks Congresswoman Moore for her Leadership

“I applaud Congresswoman Moore and others who are willing to do whatever it takes to end the epidemic of gun violence in America.”

It’s Time to Take Action to Prevent Senseless Acts of Violence
Press Release

It’s Time to Take Action to Prevent Senseless Acts of Violence

"We must stand up to the gun lobby that refuses to change and we must reject excuses from politicians who refuse to make an effort to prevent future tragedies."

Statement on Milwaukee Bucks Labor Agreement
Press Release

Statement on Milwaukee Bucks Labor Agreement

“Permanent, living wage jobs to our neighbors who need them the most and the ability to unionize freely without interference or intimidation were paramount in getting support for the Bucks arena deal.”

The Numbers Don’t Lie: Wisconsin Loses Under GOP Failed Leadership
Press Release

The Numbers Don’t Lie: Wisconsin Loses Under GOP Failed Leadership

“With a losing streak this bad, it is clear our state needs a new playbook.”

Statement from Senator Larson on “Right to Work” Court Ruling
Press Release

Statement from Senator Larson on “Right to Work” Court Ruling

"Today is a huge victory for Wisconsin workers."

Chris Larson to Honor Federal Consent Decree Upon Taking Office
Press Release

Chris Larson to Honor Federal Consent Decree Upon Taking Office

More than 140 current County employees are affected by the 1980 Johnnie Jones Federal Consent Decree.

Larson Demands Abele Come Clean on Secret Domes Group
Press Release

Larson Demands Abele Come Clean on Secret Domes Group

“It's time for Abele to release the secret instructions, meeting records, and real mission of his Dome steering committee.”

Abele Admits to Secret Ongoing Land Sale Negotiations
Press Release

Abele Admits to Secret Ongoing Land Sale Negotiations

Senator Larson calls on Abele to come clean about all land sales, saying public has right to know

Larson Announces First Appointment as Milwaukee County Executive
Press Release

Larson Announces First Appointment as Milwaukee County Executive

Says he will appoint Jonette Arms Director of Department on Aging

Senator Larson calls on Chris Abele to Pull TV Ad
Press Release

Senator Larson calls on Chris Abele to Pull TV Ad

Urges media to stop airing unethical and false attack

State Senator Chris Larson Issues Statement on Last Week’s Exchange with Senator Taylor
Press Release

State Senator Chris Larson Issues Statement on Last Week’s Exchange with Senator Taylor

"Last Tuesday, as I was approaching the Senate chambers in the Capitol, I ran into Senator Taylor. She began yelling at me, which was followed by some heated words from both sides."

Resolving Estabrook Dam Issue Requires Leadership
Press Release

Resolving Estabrook Dam Issue Requires Leadership

"The lack of leadership from the county executive and his inability to work with local officials in a constructive manner has caused needless confusion about the future of the Estabrook Dam and a lack of action."

Senator Larson Asks: Who Pays to Clean Up Abele’s Mess?
Press Release

Senator Larson Asks: Who Pays to Clean Up Abele’s Mess?

“Despite the pageantry, there are problems.”

Abele’s Living Wage Veto: Still Wrong After Two Years
Press Release

Abele’s Living Wage Veto: Still Wrong After Two Years

Abele vetoed the Living Wage Ordinance, condemned it with misinformation, and went so far as to go to Madison to try and get Republicans to step in and subvert local control again.

Another Abele Election Year Conversion: Won’t Follow MPS Takeover Law
Press Release

Another Abele Election Year Conversion: Won’t Follow MPS Takeover Law

The law explicitly requires the commissioner to target a public school for transfer into the separate district and then initiate a request-for-proposal to determine who should run the school.

Senator Larson Demands County Executive Abele Pull False and Misleading TV Attack Ad
Press Release

Senator Larson Demands County Executive Abele Pull False and Misleading TV Attack Ad

Calls for Abele to Apologize to Community Leader and Milwaukee County Voters

State Senator Chris Larson Contrasts Abele’s Domes “Steering Committee” with Rush to Build the New Bucks Arena
Press Release

State Senator Chris Larson Contrasts Abele’s Domes “Steering Committee” with Rush to Build the New Bucks Arena

“Abele was happy to have County taxpayers pick up the $80 million tab for a couple of billionaires, but he doesn’t want to spend any public money on our Domes...”

State Senator Chris Larson Blasts Abele for Flawed Bucks Deal
Press Release

State Senator Chris Larson Blasts Abele for Flawed Bucks Deal

“To be clear, before he walked in the room, County taxpayers were on the hook for zero extra dollars."

Milwaukee Deputy Sheriffs Endorse Chris Larson for Milwaukee County Executive
Press Release

Milwaukee Deputy Sheriffs Endorse Chris Larson for Milwaukee County Executive

"I’m proud to accept their endorsement."

State Senator Chris Larson Proposes Property Tax Cuts for Milwaukee County Homeowners
Press Release

State Senator Chris Larson Proposes Property Tax Cuts for Milwaukee County Homeowners

Calls for shifting tax burden to protect parks, cultural assets, improve transit, and public safety.

State Senator Chris Larson Calls for Action to Preserve Mitchell Park Domes for Future Generations
Press Release

State Senator Chris Larson Calls for Action to Preserve Mitchell Park Domes for Future Generations

“If elected leaders can afford to spend millions on an arena for out-of-state billionaires, we can afford to preserve and protect cultural institutions important to our community.”

State Senator Chris Larson Draws Sharp Contrasts with Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele in Public Policy Forum Debate
Press Release

State Senator Chris Larson Draws Sharp Contrasts with Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele in Public Policy Forum Debate

The two candidates sparred over issues such as the County's structural deficit, mass transit funding, the future of the Milwaukee County Mental Health Complex, County infrastructure, stewardship of County-owned parks, as well as the Sheriff's budget.

Larson Wins Big in Milwaukee County Executive Primary
Press Release

Larson Wins Big in Milwaukee County Executive Primary

“Our incredible showing in the primary is a clear statement from the voters that they are ready for new leadership in Milwaukee County government.”

Politifact Publishes Partisan Hit Piece Against Chris Larson
Press Release

Politifact Publishes Partisan Hit Piece Against Chris Larson

Larson is factually correct that Abele has vetoed this funding in the past and has generally opposed it.

Deferred Maintenance Threatens Future of Mitchell Park Domes
Press Release

Deferred Maintenance Threatens Future of Mitchell Park Domes

“I call on Chris Abele and regional leaders to join me in committing to do whatever it takes to keep our Mitchell Park Domes in Milwaukee for the next generation.”

Statement by Josh Kilroy, Chris Larson’s Campaign Manager
Press Release

Statement by Josh Kilroy, Chris Larson’s Campaign Manager

“We are shocked and saddened by this development. Our fervent hope is for justice and healing for all involved,” said Josh Kilroy.

New Poll Shows County Executive Race Close
Press Release

New Poll Shows County Executive Race Close

Poll Shows Abele Highly Unpopular, Larson within Striking Distance

Chris Abele Sends Campaign Dollars Out-Of-State
Press Release

Chris Abele Sends Campaign Dollars Out-Of-State

According to his campaign finance reports, Abele paid a Chicago-based direct mail firm, The Strategy Group, almost $300,000.

Civil Service Protections Need to be Restored
Press Release

Civil Service Protections Need to be Restored

The weakening of civil service protections can lead to cronyism and corruption.

Chris Larson Congratulates Deputy Graduating Class of 2016
Press Release

Chris Larson Congratulates Deputy Graduating Class of 2016

“Under Abele, we continue to fall short of our public safety goals.”

As Concerns Over Homelessness in Milwaukee Increase, Chris Larson Addresses County Executive Abele’s Insufficient Emergency Shelter Funding
Press Release

As Concerns Over Homelessness in Milwaukee Increase, Chris Larson Addresses County Executive Abele’s Insufficient Emergency Shelter Funding

“County Executive Abele has actually lectured homeless shelters on searching for other sources of funding while simultaneously requesting $100,000 taxpayer money to fund his private armed bodyguards.”

Chris Larson’s Statement on Corporate Interest Loophole in New Campaign Finance Law
Press Release

Chris Larson’s Statement on Corporate Interest Loophole in New Campaign Finance Law

"Wisconsin should follow our long tradition of open, transparent government. The latest changing of the rules by Republicans currently in power shuts the public out of what their government is up to and why."

Chris Larson Submits Maximum Amount of Signatures for Milwaukee County Executive Race
Press Release

Chris Larson Submits Maximum Amount of Signatures for Milwaukee County Executive Race

“Our grassroots movement is taking on incredible momentum.”

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on Drunk Driving Prevention Act
Press Release

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on Drunk Driving Prevention Act

This proposed legislation would require ignition interlock devices for all first-time OWI offenders.

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on Governor Walker’s Attempt to Reject Syrian Refugees
Press Release

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on Governor Walker’s Attempt to Reject Syrian Refugees

“I am proud to stand with President Obama in welcoming refugees fleeing a vicious civil war.”

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on Ensuring Wisconsin Workers Receive Fair Wages
Press Release

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on Ensuring Wisconsin Workers Receive Fair Wages

“Under Walker’s Wisconsin we are seeing stagnant wages, a shrinking middle class, and businesses fleeing our state.”

GOP Leaders Open the Floodgates for Corruption, Collusion, and Corporate Cash
Press Release

GOP Leaders Open the Floodgates for Corruption, Collusion, and Corporate Cash

“It is unconscionable that Republicans would want to further suppress the voice of Wisconsinites by allowing the wealthiest 1% and special interest influences to poison our political system.”

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on Fast-Tracking of Another Bill to Streamline Corruption in Wisconsin
Press Release

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on Fast-Tracking of Another Bill to Streamline Corruption in Wisconsin

“Legislative Republicans are betraying the public trust once again by inviting corruption into our state.”

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on the MPS Takeover Information Released by DPI
Press Release

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on the MPS Takeover Information Released by DPI

“One thing is clear after yesterday’s update, the misguided architects of this power grab have failed at their own game.”

Wisconsinites Aren’t Fooled by Walker
Press Release

Wisconsinites Aren’t Fooled by Walker

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on the Public Hearing to Gut Civil Service Protections

Wisconsin Loses Relentless Advocate for Wisconsin’s Middle Class
Press Release

Wisconsin Loses Relentless Advocate for Wisconsin’s Middle Class

The following is a statement from State Senator Chris Larson on the tragic loss of Marty Beil.

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on the Caterpillar Announcement to Cut Jobs
Press Release

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on the Caterpillar Announcement to Cut Jobs

“Walker’s Wisconsin already has the fastest shrinking middle class in the U.S., is last in the nation for new business startups, and lags in job creation.”

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on the State of Education Address
Press Release

Statement from Senator Chris Larson on the State of Education Address

"The most-recent voucher school to close its doors did so just nine days into the school year"

Senate Approves Bucks Arena Deal
Press Release

Senate Approves Bucks Arena Deal

Statement from Senator Chris Larson On Passage of Arena Deal For Milwaukee

Republicans betray Wisconsinites by passing a state budget that fails to invest in our traditional, shared values
Press Release

Republicans betray Wisconsinites by passing a state budget that fails to invest in our traditional, shared values

Statement from Senator Larson on Passage of Republican’s Backwards Budget

Statement from Senator Larson on Budget Secrecy
Press Release

Statement from Senator Larson on Budget Secrecy

Republicans attempt to outrun public scrutiny

Statement from State Senator Chris Larson on the Assembly Republicans’ Arena Proposal
Press Release

Statement from State Senator Chris Larson on the Assembly Republicans’ Arena Proposal

“Democrats remain willing to work with Republicans on the arena deal, however, it is disappointing that our continuous calls for inclusion have been ignored.”

Statement from State Senator Chris Larson on Affirmation of Marriage Equality For All
Press Release

Statement from State Senator Chris Larson on Affirmation of Marriage Equality For All

“Today, love wins once again nationwide for all Americans. ”

Republicans put ideology before the lives of women yet again
Press Release

Republicans put ideology before the lives of women yet again

Statement from Sen. Larson on GOP’s Abortion Ban

Republicans Continue Pattern of Underfunding, Undermining, and Devaluing Our Children’s Education
Press Release

Republicans Continue Pattern of Underfunding, Undermining, and Devaluing Our Children’s Education

Sen. Harris Dodd and Sen. Larson Statement on Joint Finance Action on K12 Education

Republicans attempted power grab crumbles under a poorly built foundation
Press Release

Republicans attempted power grab crumbles under a poorly built foundation

Statement from Sen. Larson on GOP’s Failed Attempt to Repeal Prevailing Wage in Wisconsin

Republicans need to look past ideology and work with Democrats to fix Wisconsin’s budget crisis
Press Release

Republicans need to look past ideology and work with Democrats to fix Wisconsin’s budget crisis

Statement from Sen. Larson on No New Revenue for State Budget

Statement from Sen. Larson on GOP Hearing to Repeal the State Prevailing Wage Law
Press Release

Statement from Sen. Larson on GOP Hearing to Repeal the State Prevailing Wage Law

Republicans push for lower pay and less skill for Wisconsin workers and their families.

Statement from Sen. Larson on GOP Repealing 48-hour Cooling-off Period for Gun Purchases
Press Release

Statement from Sen. Larson on GOP Repealing 48-hour Cooling-off Period for Gun Purchases

Republicans choose to ignore public safety need, side with special interest groups