Content referencing Daniel Kelly - Page 2

Campaign Cash: Planned Parenthood Spends Big On Elections
Campaign Cash

Planned Parenthood Spends Big On Elections

But little influence on legislation in face of Republican domination.

Data Wonk: Why Is State Supreme Court So Angry?
Data Wonk

Why Is State Supreme Court So Angry?

Justices’ strange interpretation of watershed 1803 decision becomes a right-wing battering ram.

School Boards Across State Face Arguments, ‘Bullying’

School Boards Across State Face Arguments, ‘Bullying’

Three Oconomowoc board members resign, citing a “toxic” environment.

Op-Ed: Big Money Is Taking Over the Courts

Big Money Is Taking Over the Courts

Wealthy, right-wing interests are assaulting the integrity of the judiciary.

Op Ed: Campaign Spending Undermines Our Courts
Op Ed

Campaign Spending Undermines Our Courts

Out-of-control campaign spending and weak recusal rules are opposed by voters.

Law Professor to Run for Attorney General

Law Professor to Run for Attorney General

UW-Madison’s Ryan Owens the second Republican to enter race against Josh Kaul.

WILL President Rick Esenberg on Supreme Court Decision in Zignego v. WEC
Press Release

WILL President Rick Esenberg on Supreme Court Decision in Zignego v. WEC

WILL sued WEC in 2019 after state agency refused to clean up voter rolls.

Campaign Cash: GOP Group Targets Appeals Court Race
Campaign Cash

GOP Group Targets Appeals Court Race

Spends $56,000 on candidate backed by Scott Walker, to defeat Evers appointee.

GOP Spends Big on Appeals Court Race

GOP Spends Big on Appeals Court Race

Led by Republican fat cats Richard Uihlein, John Menard. Cost of state appeals court races up 700%.

How The Republican Party Lost Control

How The Republican Party Lost Control

Wisconsin was a hotbed for the far-right rebellion.

Data Wonk: We Hate State Administrators
Data Wonk

We Hate State Administrators

State Supreme Court conservatives keep blasting the administrative state. Why?

WI Supreme Court Hears Challenge to Latest COVID-19 Order

WI Supreme Court Hears Challenge to Latest COVID-19 Order

The suit challenges a statewide restriction on bar, restaurant capacity that already expired.

Kaul Sues Legislature Over Lame Duck Laws

Kaul Sues Legislature Over Lame Duck Laws

Lawsuits can’t be settled, consumers lose out on potential settlements, AG charges.

Lawsuit Challenges Evers Mask Mandate

Lawsuit Challenges Evers Mask Mandate

Conservative Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty challenges governor's emergency health order.

Data Wonk: State Supreme Court Is Radically Activist
Data Wonk

State Supreme Court Is Radically Activist

Record shows many examples of grabbing cases before lower courts rule.

Jill Karofsky Sworn Into Wisconsin Supreme Court

Jill Karofsky Sworn Into Wisconsin Supreme Court

She was sworn in after running 35 miles of a 100-mile ultramarathon.

Data Wonk: Evers Should Re-Order All Restrictions
Data Wonk

Evers Should Re-Order All Restrictions

Not just a mask mandate. Put the Supreme Court on the hot seat.

Evers Issues Statewide Mask Mandate

Evers Issues Statewide Mask Mandate

Order goes into effect August 1st.

Karofsky Swearing In During 100-Mile Run

Karofsky Swearing In During 100-Mile Run

New Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice will take oath 35 miles into a 100-mile ultramarathon.

Data Wonk: Why Evers Must Take Action
Data Wonk

Why Evers Must Take Action

Data shows state is losing the battle against COVID-19. He must reissue an emergency order.

Campaign Cash: State Supreme Court Race Cost $10 Million
Campaign Cash

State Supreme Court Race Cost $10 Million

Shatters spending record; 51% by Karofsky and outside groups supporting her in April election.

WI Supreme Court Upholds GOP Lame-Duck Laws

WI Supreme Court Upholds GOP Lame-Duck Laws

For second time, the state's high court rules in favor of laws stripping some of governor's powers.

Lame Duck Supreme Court Upholds Lame Duck GOP Power Grab
State High Court Narrows Chance of Voter Purge

State High Court Narrows Chance of Voter Purge

Rejects conservative group’s call for quick decision, delays oral arguments until 34 days before November election.

Voter Purge Push Threatens 129,000 Names

Voter Purge Push Threatens 129,000 Names

State Supreme Court will consider approach critics decry as voter suppression.

WILL Wants WI Supreme Court to Take Redistricting Cases First

WILL Wants WI Supreme Court to Take Redistricting Cases First

Conservative group wants state supreme court to handle redistricting disputes.

Data Wonk: Lessons from the Spring 2020 Election
Data Wonk

Lessons from the Spring 2020 Election

Republicans opposed liberals and alleged voter fraud and neither issue resonated.

Op Ed: Dan Kelly Wants Revenge
Op Ed

Dan Kelly Wants Revenge

He recused from voter purge case. After losing election the lame duck Supreme Court Justice has changed his mind.

State High Court to Hear Voter Purge Case

State High Court to Hear Voter Purge Case

Kelly ends recusal, Supreme Court will decide if 130,000 people should be removed from voting rolls.

Circuit Courts Planning For Re-Opening

Circuit Courts Planning For Re-Opening

Many in-person proceedings have been suspended since March.

Data Wonk: Justice Hagedorn Surprises Observers
Data Wonk

Justice Hagedorn Surprises Observers

Supreme Court justice seems like a true conservative, not a right-wing activist.

Court Watch: Ruling Limits Involuntary Medication of Inmates
Court Watch

Ruling Limits Involuntary Medication of Inmates

WI Supreme Court says prisoners can’t be forcibly medicated unless they are dangerous.

Campaign Cash: Justice Bradley Got $20K from Safer-At-Home Plaintiff
Campaign Cash

Justice Bradley Got $20K from Safer-At-Home Plaintiff

Bradley got max contribution from one of the parties to a second lawsuit challenging the safer-at-home orders.

Supreme Court Strikes Down “Safer at Home”

Supreme Court Strikes Down “Safer at Home”

Decision goes into effect immediately. Milwaukee's order remains in effect.

Data Wonk: Is It Safe to Reopen the State?
Data Wonk

Is It Safe to Reopen the State?

The data shows pandemic spreading into non-urban red counties.

Justice Suggests Evers’ Order Is ‘Tyranny’

Justice Suggests Evers’ Order Is ‘Tyranny’

State Supreme Court justices compare safer-at-home order to Japanese internment camps.

Special Interests Battle on High Court Case

Special Interests Battle on High Court Case

Koch and WMC filings push Supreme Court to stop Evers state shutdown, liberal groups disagree.

Justice Kelly Asks to ‘Unrecuse’ Himself

Justice Kelly Asks to ‘Unrecuse’ Himself

While running for reelection he withdrew from two election cases. Now he wants in.

Data Wonk: Did Republicans Doom Dan Kelly?
Data Wonk

Did Republicans Doom Dan Kelly?

Many voters in red counties opposed him, perhaps in anger at being forced to vote in a pandemic.

Supreme Court Asked to Block State Shutdown

Supreme Court Asked to Block State Shutdown

Republican legislators charge that ’Safer At Home’ order will leave state “in shambles.”

Court Watch: Karofsky Won 17 Milwaukee County Municipalities
Court Watch

Karofsky Won 17 Milwaukee County Municipalities

Lost only Hales Corners and Franklin by small margins, got 86% in Shorewood.

Pandemic Changing State’s Political Landscape?

Pandemic Changing State’s Political Landscape?

69% of Wisconsin voters say Trump did too little to prepare country for COVID-19.

Kelly Might Hear Voter Purge Case

Kelly Might Hear Voter Purge Case

Justice Dan Kelly could lift his recusal from the case now that he lost his election.

Democratic Turnout Surged in Election

Democratic Turnout Surged in Election

High absentee voting in Milwaukee, Dane counties. State results mirrored Tammy Baldwin win in 2018.

Op Ed: Did Voter Backlash Defeat Kelly?
Op Ed

Did Voter Backlash Defeat Kelly?

Voters angry about in-person election may have reacted by opposing Republican choice for high court.

12 Election Takeaways

12 Election Takeaways

How high was turnout, lawyers will be busy, girl power, streetcar wins again and a new council president?

Karofsky Easily Defeats Kelly

Karofsky Easily Defeats Kelly

54-46 margin for liberal candidate in race for Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Wisconsin Working Families Party Candidates Win Key Seats Across The State
Murphy’s Law: 21 Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

21 Winners and Losers

Beyond the candidates, what was the election about, who were the other winners and losers?

2020 Spring Election Results

2020 Spring Election Results

Live City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County results for the April 7th Spring Election.

Detente Ends for Evers, Legislature

Detente Ends for Evers, Legislature

Cooperation during pandemic ends as Vos, Fittzgerald blast governor on election timing.

Supreme Court Reinstates Election, Overrules Evers

Supreme Court Reinstates Election, Overrules Evers

April 7th in-person election will occur as scheduled says court.

Murphy’s Law: Republican Hypocrisy on Election
Murphy’s Law

Republican Hypocrisy on Election

Why wouldn’t Vos, Fitzgerald postpone the election? Because they were safer.

Judge refuses to dismiss lawsuit against WMC and RSLC
Press Release

Judge refuses to dismiss lawsuit against WMC and RSLC

Karofsky holds special interests accountable for false information

Op Ed: Dan Kelly’s Ideology Is 100% Relevant
Op Ed

Dan Kelly’s Ideology Is 100% Relevant

He was appointed to maintain Republican power and will overrule legal precedents to accomplish this.

Data Wonk: Is Dan Kelly Good for Democracy?
Data Wonk

Is Dan Kelly Good for Democracy?

His legal work and rulings as Supreme Court justice show strong anti-democratic views.

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Risk Public Health With Election
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Risk Public Health With Election

Refusal of Vos and Fitzgerald to postpone election could cause more disease, deaths.

Groups Spend $3 Million on High Court Race

Groups Spend $3 Million on High Court Race

Karofsky leads Kelly in special interest spending on state Supreme Court race.

Supreme Decision

Supreme Decision

Karofsky v. Kelly, stakes are high in state Supreme Court race.

Karofsky Campaign Issues Cease and Desist Over Attack Ads

Karofsky Campaign Issues Cease and Desist Over Attack Ads

Campaign calls ads "false, baseless, and disgusting."

Vote Absentee: Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidates
Vote Absentee

Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidates

Karofsky vs Kelly for a 10-year term on the state's highest court.

Poll: Bar members say Karofsky overwhelmingly more qualified
The Contrarian: Karofsky Wrong About State Supreme Court
The Contrarian

Karofsky Wrong About State Supreme Court

Her campaign charges against the Supreme Court amount to slander.

Campaign Cash: Karofsky Has 23-1 Lead in Outside Funding
Campaign Cash

Karofsky Has 23-1 Lead in Outside Funding

Kelly far behind in third party campaign spending in state Supreme Count race.

State High Court Suspends Jury Trials

State High Court Suspends Jury Trials

In blistering dissent, Justice Rebecca Bradley says court 'nullifies our Constitution.’

Milwaukee Mayor and Wisconsin Supreme Court Debates on WISN 12 Cancelled
Press Release

Milwaukee Mayor and Wisconsin Supreme Court Debates on WISN 12 Cancelled

Health safety concerns amid COVID-19 pandemic prompt decision

DPW Launches to Shine Light on Dan Kelly’s Blatant Corruption
Data Wonk: Judge Adelman Blasts U.S. Supreme Court
Data Wonk

Judge Adelman Blasts U.S. Supreme Court

Getting buzz nationally. Is his critique warranted?

Supreme Court Candidates Spar Over Integrity

Supreme Court Candidates Spar Over Integrity

Karofsky went after Kelly for the partisanship of his campaign and the state's high court at a debate Thursday.

Data Wonk: State Regulators at Issue in High Court Race
Data Wonk

State Regulators at Issue in High Court Race

Justice Dan Kelly seems to side with those out to destroy the “administrative state.”

Campaign Cash: Dan Kelly’s Big Guns
Campaign Cash

Dan Kelly’s Big Guns

Supreme Court Justice holds fundraiser at shooting gallery the day after Molson Coors shootings.

What’s Next in Voter Purge Battle?

What’s Next in Voter Purge Battle?

Appeals Court overturned lower court ruling requiring purge of voter rolls. But battle far from over.

Data Wonk: The Myth of Nonpartisan Judicial Elections
Data Wonk

The Myth of Nonpartisan Judicial Elections

They could hardly be more partisan. Time to rethink how we elect Supreme Court members?

Court Watch: Kelly, Karofsky Divide the County
Court Watch

Kelly, Karofsky Divide the County

Karofsky wins Milwaukee and North Shore, Kelly wins southern suburbs in high court race.

The State of Politics: Who Will Turn Out for April Election?
The State of Politics

Who Will Turn Out for April Election?

There might be a far bigger Republican turnout than some expect.

Op Ed: Stakes Are High for Supreme Court Race
Op Ed

Stakes Are High for Supreme Court Race

Kelly vs Karofsky will test the organizing, fundraising abilities of both parties.

It’s Kelly v. Karofsky for Supreme Court

It’s Kelly v. Karofsky for Supreme Court

Race could be tough: Candidates have accused each other of “corruption” and “disgusting slander”.

Murphy’s Law: 14 Election Winners, Losers
Murphy’s Law

14 Election Winners, Losers

Beyond the ballot totals, behind the scenes, who were the other election winners and losers?

AFP-WI Looks Ahead to Electing Justice Daniel Kelly to the Wisconsin Supreme Court
Campaign Cash: Outside Groups Spent $55,000 on High Court Race
Campaign Cash

Outside Groups Spent $55,000 on High Court Race

Majority of spending opposed conservative Justice Dan Kelly.

Vote Tuesday: State Supreme Court Candidates
Vote Tuesday

State Supreme Court Candidates

The only statewide race on Tuesday's primary ballot.

Campaign Cash: Kelly Leads Money Race for High Court
Campaign Cash

Kelly Leads Money Race for High Court

Conservative raised more than Fallone and Karofsky combined in Supreme Court race.

Murphy’s Law: Crowley Rising in County Exec Race
Murphy’s Law

Crowley Rising in County Exec Race

He and Chris Larson look likely to make it through the February primary.

State Supreme Court Candidates Battle at Debate

State Supreme Court Candidates Battle at Debate

Fallone manages to stay on the outside as Karofsky and Kelly sling mud at each other.

Dan Kelly’s Opinion: It’s OK to Lie in Judicial Campaigns
Press Release

Dan Kelly’s Opinion: It’s OK to Lie in Judicial Campaigns

State Supreme Court Candidate Co-Authored Column Opposing Efforts to Clean Up Court Campaigns

The State of Politics: Stakes High in Voter Purge Battle
The State of Politics

Stakes High in Voter Purge Battle

Would remove 17% of Milwaukee County voters, but less than 1% of Waukesha County voters.

Top Donors In Supreme Court Race

Top Donors In Supreme Court Race

Topping the list: Diane Hendricks and Richard Uihlein for Kelly, Lynde Uihlein for Karofsky.

Campaign Cash Keeps Flowing to WILL’s Shill Dan Kelly
Press Release

Campaign Cash Keeps Flowing to WILL’s Shill Dan Kelly

Over $14,000 from Board Members of Right-Wing Legal Group to State Court Justice’s Campaign

Right-Wing Group That Wants to Criminalize Abortion Backs Dan Kelly State Supreme Court Campaign
Press Release

Right-Wing Group That Wants to Criminalize Abortion Backs Dan Kelly State Supreme Court Campaign

Dan Kelly Supporters Want Court Action to Allow Enforcement of Abortion Ban Dating to 19th Century

Data Wonk: Both Parties Bar Primary Challenge to Trump
Data Wonk

Both Parties Bar Primary Challenge to Trump

Weld and Walsh barred from Republican presidential primary in state’s Spring election. Why?

Campaign Cash: Kelly Leads High Court Candidates in Funds
Campaign Cash

Kelly Leads High Court Candidates in Funds

Conservative Supreme Court justice has raised more than two opponents combined.

Court Watch: High Court Weakens Suspect Line-Up Rules
Court Watch

High Court Weakens Suspect Line-Up Rules

Roggensack decision allows police to use single-person showups rather than multi-person lineups.

Supreme Court Candidate Dan Kelly Tried to Hide Blog Posts From Public After Judicial Appointment
Press Release

Supreme Court Candidate Dan Kelly Tried to Hide Blog Posts From Public After Judicial Appointment

Dan Kelly's Failed Attempt to Scrub Writings Reveals Extreme Views and Contempt for Transparency

Op Ed: State Supreme Court Race Is Crucial
Op Ed

State Supreme Court Race Is Crucial

At stake is whether justices will recuse themselves to avoid flagrant conflicts of interest.

Op Ed: What Is Elections Commission Thinking?
Op Ed

What Is Elections Commission Thinking?

Requesting GOP legislators’ guidance on voter roll purge could corrupt process.

High Court Candidates Argue Role of Politics

High Court Candidates Argue Role of Politics

Incumbent Supreme Court Justice Dan Kelly spars with opponents Jill Karofsky, Ed Fallone.

A Simple Choice For Dan Kelly: Fair Elections or Voter Roll Purges
Press Release

A Simple Choice For Dan Kelly: Fair Elections or Voter Roll Purges

High Court Hopeful’s Right-Wing Allies Seeking to Rig the Rules for Their Electoral Advantage, Again

Lawsuit Demands State Purge Voter Rolls

Lawsuit Demands State Purge Voter Rolls

Conservative group WILL sues and assails Elections Commission.

Right-Wing Supporters of Dan Kelly Go to Court to Tip Electoral Scales in His Favor
Press Release

Right-Wing Supporters of Dan Kelly Go to Court to Tip Electoral Scales in His Favor

Dan Kelly Needs to Demand His Supporters Cease and Desist Efforts to Undermine Wisconsin Constitutional Right to Vote

Dan Kelly: Applying the Law as His Campaign Contributors Wish It To Be
Press Release

Dan Kelly: Applying the Law as His Campaign Contributors Wish It To Be

Kelly’s Right-Wing Activism Includes Overturning Court Precedent to Side With Donors

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