Edward A. Flynn is the police chief of the Milwaukee Police Department.

Official City Biography

Edward A. Flynn was appointed police chief in the Milwaukee Police Department in January 2008. In January 2012, he was appointed to a second term. He commands an agency of 2,000 sworn officers and 700 civilians serving a city of over 600,000 residents.

He was police commissioner in Springfield, Massachusetts from 2006 to 2008. As the police chief executive he was responsible for 470 officers and 100 civilians serving a city of 155,000 residents.

Flynn served as Secretary of Public Safety under Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney from January 2003 until taking command in Springfield. He was responsible for a secretariat employing 10,000 that included the Massachusetts State Police, the Department of Correction, the National Guard, the Department of Fire Services, the Parole Board, and the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency. He also served as the chief adviser to the Governor on homeland security.

Prior to his appointment as Secretary of Public Safety, he served for five years as the Chief of Police in Arlington, Virginia. He commanded a 360-officer department serving 190,000 residents. In this capacity he was instrumental in the recovery effort at the Pentagon after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack.

His began his career in the Jersey City Police Department, where he was promoted through the ranks of officer, sergeant, lieutenant, captain and inspector. He served as the Chief of Police in Braintree and subsequently Chelsea, Massachusetts.

Flynn is a member of the Board of Directors of the Police Executive Research Forum, serves on the Executive Committee of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, is on the Board of Directors for the Council of State Governments Justice Center, and serves on the Fight Crime Invest in Kids executive board. He is a past recipient of the prestigious Gary Hayes Memorial Award for Police Leadership from PERF. He is currently serving on scientific review panels on technology for the National Institute of Justice.

He holds a B.A. in history from LaSalle University in Philadelphia, a Masters degree in Criminal Justice from John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York and completed all course work in the Ph.D. program in criminal justice from the City University in New York. Chief Flynn is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, the National Executive Institute and was a National Institute of Justice Pickett Fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.


Content referencing Edward A. Flynn

MPD’s New Body Cam Release In Effect, But Advocates Still Have Concerns

MPD’s New Body Cam Release In Effect, But Advocates Still Have Concerns

Police union previously sued to stop policy's implementation.

Murphy’s Law: Does ShotSpotter Reduce Crime?
Murphy’s Law

Does ShotSpotter Reduce Crime?

Milwaukee is one of 150 cities that use it. But is there any hard evidence that it works?

Federal Trial Hears Charge of ‘Unlawful’ Arrest in 2016 by Milwaukee Police

Federal Trial Hears Charge of ‘Unlawful’ Arrest in 2016 by Milwaukee Police

Lawsuit charges ACLU legal observer and (then) state Rep. Brostoff wrongfully arrested.

Traffic Citations in City Down 54% Since 2017

Traffic Citations in City Down 54% Since 2017

Dropping from 71,402 citations issued in 2017 to 33,105 in 2022. Why?

City Hall: MPD Needs To Add 11 Officers Says Staffing Study
City Hall

MPD Needs To Add 11 Officers Says Staffing Study

But police department also needs to create 116 new civilian positions, reallocate officers.

City Hall: City Will Pay $237,480 For New Settlements, Lawsuits
City Hall

City Will Pay $237,480 For New Settlements, Lawsuits

One payout just the tip of the iceberg for incident that's cost taxpayers $518,000.

Dontre Hamilton Memorial Unveiled

Dontre Hamilton Memorial Unveiled

A memorial bench for Black man killed by police officer installed in Red Arrow Park.

City Hall: Former Police Captain Wins $350,000 Settlement
City Hall

Former Police Captain Wins $350,000 Settlement

Andra Williams charges discrimination after being rejected for two manager jobs.

Court Watch: 75% of Home Drug Searches Target Blacks
Court Watch

75% of Home Drug Searches Target Blacks

90% of Milwaukee County searches in 2019 were in the city. Second in a series.

City Hall: City Must Pay Detective Who Assaulted Murder Suspect
City Hall

City Must Pay Detective Who Assaulted Murder Suspect

Rodolfo Gomez was fired, went to prison and now he'll get a check for $335,772.

Morales Named Fitchburg Police Chief

Morales Named Fitchburg Police Chief

Former Milwaukee chief will lead suburban Madison department.

MKE County: Board Approves Dontre Hamilton Memorial
MKE County

Board Approves Dontre Hamilton Memorial

Memorial bench and plaque in Red Arrow Park to honor man killed by a police officer.

Dontre Hamilton Memorial Proposed for Red Arrow Park

Dontre Hamilton Memorial Proposed for Red Arrow Park

A Dontre Hamilton Memorial Bench would be installed in the downtown park.

Inside the Milwaukee Police Fusion Center

Inside the Milwaukee Police Fusion Center

Protesters have wondered what center is up to. The history and details of little-known unit.

City Hall: Council Committee Rejects MPD Request To Be Featured on Crime Show
City Hall

Council Committee Rejects MPD Request To Be Featured on Crime Show

MPD sees it as public relations improvement. Alderman sees it as "trauma porn."

City Hall: DeVougas Resigns From Fire & Police Commission
City Hall

DeVougas Resigns From Fire & Police Commission

Attorney was subject of police video leak that resulted in ethics investigation.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee A Leader in CCTV Snooping
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee A Leader in CCTV Snooping

City has 8 cameras per 1,000 people, more than 28 of 39 large cities studied.

City Hall: Council Overrides Mayoral Veto, Wants Power To Fire Police Chief
City Hall

Council Overrides Mayoral Veto, Wants Power To Fire Police Chief

Council wants Legislature to give it firing power. Mayor's veto of this fails.

City Hall: Barrett Sticks With Ann Wilson for FPC
City Hall

Barrett Sticks With Ann Wilson for FPC

Reappointing her to Fire & Police Commission though she backed its reckless decision to demote Chief Morales.

Jeffrey Norman Will Serve as Acting Police Chief

Jeffrey Norman Will Serve as Acting Police Chief

Once a finalist to be permanent chief, Norman will serve on interim basis.

Op Ed: Before Picking New Chief, Fix Policing
Op Ed

Before Picking New Chief, Fix Policing

Milwaukee’s system of policing has been broken for years. We need to rethink it.

City Hall: Council Wants Control Over Police and Fire Chiefs
City Hall

Council Wants Control Over Police and Fire Chiefs

Seeking changes to state law to give city's elected officials control.

MPD Survey Shows Police Perception Divided Along Racial, Economic Lines

MPD Survey Shows Police Perception Divided Along Racial, Economic Lines

Researcher says key takeaway is for MPD officers to exercise compassion in any interaction.

City Hall: New Commission Seeks Police Reforms
City Hall

New Commission Seeks Police Reforms

Led by Nate Hamilton, Community Collaborative Commission will work with MPD and FPC.

Op Ed: Defund the Drug War
Op Ed

Defund the Drug War

You can’t defund the police without changing what’s driving the military mentality of cops.

Murphy’s Law: Why Defunding Police Is Tough To Sell
Murphy’s Law

Why Defunding Police Is Tough To Sell

Minneapolis politicians are abandoning the idea. What will happen in Milwaukee?

Murphy’s Law: 9 Takeaways on Change of Police Chiefs
Murphy’s Law

9 Takeaways on Change of Police Chiefs

What's the impact of Morales firing, Brunson hiring, and where is the city headed on police?

Police Chief Alfonso Morales Demoted

Police Chief Alfonso Morales Demoted

Accused of unbecoming behavior and lying. Morales' attorney says it's a ploy to distract from problems at commission.

Broken Systems, Broken Promises
Press Release

Broken Systems, Broken Promises


Citizen Group Unhappy with MPD’s Community-Oriented Policing

Citizen Group Unhappy with MPD’s Community-Oriented Policing

Community Collaborative Commission says MPD's latest report falls short of recommendations.

Here Are Chief Morales’ Marching Orders

Here Are Chief Morales’ Marching Orders

Read all 11 directives, ranging from a COVID-19 mask policy to attending every commission meeting.

City Hall: FPC Gives Morales 11 Directives, Threatens Firing For Non-Compliance
City Hall

FPC Gives Morales 11 Directives, Threatens Firing For Non-Compliance

Move comes as part of six month review of Morales' performance.

City Hall: Ethics Board Launches Probe of FPC Chair
City Hall

Ethics Board Launches Probe of FPC Chair

Steven DeVougas will be investigated for ethical conflicts; his lawyer blasts "political gamesmanship" by police union.

Court Watch: Court Upholds MPD Officers’ Suspensions
Court Watch

Court Upholds MPD Officers’ Suspensions

FPC suspended two Milwaukee cops who swore at and manhandled a man walking in the street.

Murphy’s Law: Chief Morales Looks Bad in FPC Report
Murphy’s Law

Chief Morales Looks Bad in FPC Report

And FPC Chair DeVougas looks even worse. 12 takeaways on what report did and didn't find.

Back in the News: Chief Morales Drops Internal Investigation
Back in the News

Chief Morales Drops Internal Investigation

He promised internal probe of who leaked video to media that embarrassed FPC leader.

Back in the News: Is Chief Morales Doing a Good Job?
Back in the News

Is Chief Morales Doing a Good Job?

Council members ask for citizens' views in preparation for performance review of police chief.

Film About Milwaukee Police Killing Dontre Hamilton is Free this Week

Film About Milwaukee Police Killing Dontre Hamilton is Free this Week

Filmmaker removes fees to watch award-winning documentary.

Back in the News: Barrett, Hamilton Demand Probe of Leaked Police Video
Back in the News

Barrett, Hamilton Demand Probe of Leaked Police Video

Chief Morales says he didn’t leak it; mayor, council leader want investigation, find out who did.

Murphy’s Law: Did Chief Morales Target His FPC Boss?
Murphy’s Law

Did Chief Morales Target His FPC Boss?

Common Council concerned. “Borderline frightening” use of police power, Bauman charges.

Congratulations Chief Morales, you’ve earned it
Press Release

Congratulations Chief Morales, you’ve earned it

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan December 19, 2019

City Hall: Chief Morales Reappointed for Four Years
City Hall

Chief Morales Reappointed for Four Years

Commission grants police chief a full term, requires public meeting, reports.

The Milwaukee Police Association Calls for Milwaukee Fire & Police Commissioner Steven DeVougas to Resign
Murphy’s Law: Who Lost the City Residency Rule?
Murphy’s Law

Who Lost the City Residency Rule?

Lena Taylor blames Mayor Barrett. But did she fight the state law killing residency?

Police Chief Touts Successes

Police Chief Touts Successes

City's homicide and non-fatal shootings are down, but chief faces reappointment with rumors swirling that he might not be retained.

2 Police Brutality Settlements Before the City

2 Police Brutality Settlements Before the City

Council could approve $260,000 in settlements Tuesday.

Murphy’s Law: About Those Good Guys With a Gun
Murphy’s Law

About Those Good Guys With a Gun

Cop killer Jordan Fricke is the latest case undermining that theory.

To Curb Reckless Drivers, There is No Substitute for Police Officers
Press Release

To Curb Reckless Drivers, There is No Substitute for Police Officers

No plan can be considered comprehensive that neglects law enforcement

Op Ed: City Should Change Police Pursuit Policy
Op Ed

City Should Change Police Pursuit Policy

940 pursuits in one year? Police should return to using effective GPS technology tracking program.

In Defense of MPD’s Pursuit Policy
Press Release

In Defense of MPD’s Pursuit Policy

How quickly some seem to forget

Murphy’s Law: Are Police Pursuits Out of Control?
Murphy’s Law

Are Police Pursuits Out of Control?

Massive increase in high-speed chases under the new policy. Results are scary.

City Hall: MPD Complying With ACLU Settlement
City Hall

MPD Complying With ACLU Settlement

Changes due to suit alleging Milwaukee Police stop-and-frisk policy used racial profiling.

Murphy’s Law: The Lessons of Baltimore
Murphy’s Law

The Lessons of Baltimore

A city falling apart, its police department dysfunctonal. Can Milwaukee learn from this?

ACLU Attempts to End Stop-And-Frisk Policing

ACLU Attempts to End Stop-And-Frisk Policing

While at the same time, President Trump praises stop-and-frisk policing.

ACLU Justice Tour Targets Racism

ACLU Justice Tour Targets Racism

Mass incarceration and police stop-and-frisk program discussed at weekend event.

Special Report: Police Response Slow For Non-Violent Crimes
Special Report

Police Response Slow For Non-Violent Crimes

MPD response time averages 40 minutes for non-violent crimes, 68 minutes for auto theft.

Special Report: MPD Slow to Respond to Violent Crimes
Special Report

MPD Slow to Respond to Violent Crimes

But response times for all types of calls have dropped an average of 32 minutes since 2015.

Illegal drugs are strangling the life out of our neighborhoods
Press Release

Illegal drugs are strangling the life out of our neighborhoods

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan - July 19, 2018

Murphy’s Law: Who Now Has Power Over Police Chief?
Murphy’s Law

Who Now Has Power Over Police Chief?

Common Council may regret stripping mayor’s power over Police-Fire director.

City Hall: City’s $3.4 Million Settlement Will Cost More?
City Hall

City’s $3.4 Million Settlement Will Cost More?

IT costs weren't factored into city settlement of ACLU suit, could increase price tag.

Council Backs $3.4 Million to Settle Suit

Council Backs $3.4 Million to Settle Suit

ACLU sued over police “stop and frisk” practices from 2010 to 2017.

City Hall: Should Milwaukee Elect Police Chief?
City Hall

Should Milwaukee Elect Police Chief?

Alderman Rainey's proposal gets discussion, but not much support.

Brown Files Suit Against Milwaukee Police

Brown Files Suit Against Milwaukee Police

Bucks player files federal civil rights suit, claiming wrongful arrest and excessive force.

Data Wonk: Solving Murders in Milwaukee
Data Wonk

Solving Murders in Milwaukee

Milwaukee’s arrest rate in murder cases outpaces that of most other large U.S. cities.

City Hall: Police Reform Needed, Say Council Members
City Hall

Police Reform Needed, Say Council Members

Brown incident proves problem, changes needed, Hamilton, Coggs say at press conference.

City Hall: Mayor, Council Play Musical Chairs
City Hall

Mayor, Council Play Musical Chairs

New appointments open door for Ald. Jim Bohl to leave his elected position for lobbyist job.

City Hall: Stop-and-Frisk Suit Could Cost $6 Million
City Hall

Stop-and-Frisk Suit Could Cost $6 Million

Council members struggle with the rising price tag. Will they approve settlement?

Murphy’s Law: Why Fire-Police Chief Was Axed
Murphy’s Law

Why Fire-Police Chief Was Axed

FPC botched police chief search and nice guy Mayor Barrett decided to get tough.

Mayor’s firing of the executive director of the Fire and Police Commission most disappointing
Press Release

Mayor’s firing of the executive director of the Fire and Police Commission most disappointing

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan - April 23, 2018

Fire and Police Commission violates open meetings law, leading to do-over for police chief appointment
Press Release

Fire and Police Commission violates open meetings law, leading to do-over for police chief appointment

News release and meeting agenda from Alderman Terry L. Witkowski

More Community Policing Needed?

More Community Policing Needed?

Critics say Police Department must be more accountable.

Court Watch: City Seeks Dismissal of Stop & Frisk Suit
Court Watch

City Seeks Dismissal of Stop & Frisk Suit

Says Chief Flynn retired and practice ended.

Watching MPD closely during a critical transition period
Press Release

Watching MPD closely during a critical transition period

Joint Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan, Alderman José G. Pérez and Alderman Mark A. Borkowski - March 19, 2018

Murphy’s Law: Flynn’s Hit Job on FPC Director
Murphy’s Law

Flynn’s Hit Job on FPC Director

Evidence now shows he had cops digging for dirt on MaryNell Regan. Why?

ACLU Study Finds Racism By Police

ACLU Study Finds Racism By Police

About half of all traffic and pedestrian stops failed to show "reasonable suspicion.”

Wave of MPD retirements puts public safety at risk, new interim chief in difficult position
Press Release

Wave of MPD retirements puts public safety at risk, new interim chief in difficult position

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan - March 1, 2018

Court Watch: Muni Court Traffic Cases Up 30% in 2017
Court Watch

Muni Court Traffic Cases Up 30% in 2017

Numbers reflect change in pursuit policy Chief Flynn agreed to adopt.

Murphy’s Law: The Mystery of Flynn Vs. Regan
Murphy’s Law

The Mystery of Flynn Vs. Regan

Is the police chief or Fire & Police boss guilty of official misconduct?

The Rise of Reckless Driving

The Rise of Reckless Driving

Vehicles speeding, running red lights causing more deaths, hit-and-run accidents.

Finalists for Police Chief Meet the Public

Finalists for Police Chief Meet the Public

Many questions asked, but not the right ones, some attendees complain.

Council members respond to Chief Flynn’s exit tour of local media
Press Release

Council members respond to Chief Flynn’s exit tour of local media

Jointly signed response to Chief Flynn's comments from Aldermen Kovac, Perez and Stamper

Ed Flynn Looks Back — And Ahead

Ed Flynn Looks Back — And Ahead

The Common Council, he says, was a “little like middle school.”

Murphy’s Law: Mayor Barrett’s Power in Decline?
Murphy’s Law

Mayor Barrett’s Power in Decline?

Council taking more power, mayor taking a beating.

Forum Attendees Demand Local Police Chief

Forum Attendees Demand Local Police Chief

The also call for rebuilding trust between community and police.

Murphy’s Law: Flynn Blasts Police Chief Search
Murphy’s Law

Flynn Blasts Police Chief Search

Two-fold process could hurt department, he says. Other cities don’t do this, experts say.

Community Groups Want Say On Police Chief

Community Groups Want Say On Police Chief

In search for new chief, pushing for a candidate committed to community relations.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Barrett Ousts Bevan Baker Over Lead Fiasco
Eyes on Milwaukee

Barrett Ousts Bevan Baker Over Lead Fiasco

Failure to notify families of lead-poisoned children at issue; aldermen outraged.

FPC Process for the Selection of the MPD Interim Chief
Press Release

FPC Process for the Selection of the MPD Interim Chief

The person selected in this process will serve on a waiver basis until a permanent Chief is selected for a renewable term of office consistent with City of Milwaukee Code and State Law.

Donovan Says City Terrorized by Villains

Donovan Says City Terrorized by Villains

“I am not fabricating, falsifying,” he says, decrying current approaches to crime.

Police Chief Flynn Resigns

Police Chief Flynn Resigns

Nationally known chief who changed Milwaukee department retires at age 69.

Flynn Departure Creates New Opportunities
Press Release

Flynn Departure Creates New Opportunities

"Chief Flynn, your service has been appreciated, but it is time to move on."

Common Council Statement on Flynn Retirement
Press Release

Common Council Statement on Flynn Retirement

Statement from the Common Council - January 8th, 2018

There Should Be No Golden Parachute for Chief Flynn
Press Release

There Should Be No Golden Parachute for Chief Flynn

Statement of Alderman Tony Zielinski - January 8, 2018.

Fire & Police Commission Response to Chief Flynn Retirement Announcement
Press Release

Fire & Police Commission Response to Chief Flynn Retirement Announcement

Flynn will retire, effective February 16th, 2018.

Alderman Murphy and Alderman Pérez encouraged by Chief Flynn and Mayor’s new stance on traffic enforcement policy
Press Release

Alderman Murphy and Alderman Pérez encouraged by Chief Flynn and Mayor’s new stance on traffic enforcement policy

Ald. Murphy and Ald. Pérez look forward to further changes being implemented on the roadways to ensure safety.

Drug-Related Deaths To Hit 420 in 2017

Drug-Related Deaths To Hit 420 in 2017

Police targeting opioid suppliers. City-County Task Force struggles to hold meetings.

Town Hall Meetings Discuss Police Reforms

Town Hall Meetings Discuss Police Reforms

Fire and Police Commission seeks community responses to federal study of Milwaukee Police.

Back in the News: Council Okays Lawyers for Muni Court
Back in the News

Council Okays Lawyers for Muni Court

Will help defendants who can be jailed when they can’t afford to pay fines.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Zielinski Will Run for Mayor
Eyes on Milwaukee

Zielinski Will Run for Mayor

Alderman declares for mayor, two years before the election, and police union endorses him.

City leaders and community partners collaborate to prioritize DOJ recommendations
Eyes on Milwaukee: Council Overrides Mayor on Firing Flynn
Eyes on Milwaukee

Council Overrides Mayor on Firing Flynn

10-5 vote means city lobbyist must seek state law giving council power to fire chiefs.

Community Groups Want DOJ Police Reforms

Community Groups Want DOJ Police Reforms

Two months after DOJ draft report on MPD released, groups demand recommended changes.

Mayor Barrett tells the Common Council not to politicize the Police Chief position, yet uses him for fundraising
Eyes on Milwaukee: Zielinski Bashes Barrett, Flynn
Eyes on Milwaukee

Zielinski Bashes Barrett, Flynn

And Ald. Borkowski joins in, bashing the budget of "Rip Van Barrett."

Eyes on Milwaukee: How a Great Documentary Was Made
Eyes on Milwaukee

How a Great Documentary Was Made

Milwaukee Film Fest favorite explores the shooting of Dontre Hamilton. How was it made?

Aldermen Peréz voices disappointment in Mayor Barrett’s veto decision
Eyes on Milwaukee: Council Votes for Authority to Fire Flynn
Eyes on Milwaukee

Council Votes for Authority to Fire Flynn

Requests state law giving them power to fire police and fire chiefs. Mayor promises a veto.

Alderman Bohl offers condolences to latest accident victim and calls for action
Press Release

Alderman Bohl offers condolences to latest accident victim and calls for action

Statement by Alderman James A. Bohl, Jr. - October 5, 2017

Murphy’s Law: Will City Reform Municipal Court?
Murphy’s Law

Will City Reform Municipal Court?

Too many judges, indigent defendants treated badly, reform needed.

Alderman Rainey offers condolences to car crash victim’s families
Press Release

Alderman Rainey offers condolences to car crash victim’s families

Statement of Alderman Khalif J. Rainey - October 2, 2017

DOJ move could have lasting impact on Milwaukee and city residents
Press Release

DOJ move could have lasting impact on Milwaukee and city residents

Statement of Alderman Khalif J. Rainey - September 20, 2017

Murphy’s Law: Flynn Blasts “Incompetent” Report
Murphy’s Law

Flynn Blasts “Incompetent” Report

“We want to talk about reform,” police chief says, not DOJ report’s many errors.

Murphy’s Law: The Hit Job on Chief Flynn
Murphy’s Law

The Hit Job on Chief Flynn

Someone leaks incomplete report to Journal Sentinel, which slams chief with it.

Op Ed: Why FPC Wants More Police Pursuits
Op Ed

Why FPC Wants More Police Pursuits

We seek to work cooperatively with police chief while responding to community concerns.

Op Ed: Barrett Must Overrule FPC Pursuit Order
Op Ed

Barrett Must Overrule FPC Pursuit Order

Fire & Police Commission ignored century of precedent by demanding Flynn alter pursuit policy.

Beyond Sherman Park

Beyond Sherman Park

Community takes stock of central city a year after unrest. Discussion to air on PBS Aug. 10

Eyes on Milwaukee: Council Still Upset with Chief Flynn
Eyes on Milwaukee

Council Still Upset with Chief Flynn

"Damn right hold it again" proclaims alderman Bob Donovan. Council wants more control of chief.

A Call For Proactive Community-based Violence Prevention

A Call For Proactive Community-based Violence Prevention

In 2017, there have been 66 homicides in Milwaukee.

The Fire & Police Commission Deserves Mayor Barrett’s Support
Press Release

The Fire & Police Commission Deserves Mayor Barrett’s Support

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan - July 28, 2017

The Mystery of Immigration Controversy

The Mystery of Immigration Controversy

Why the change in police policy, why the lack of “transparency,” why all the furor?

Help Offered for South Side Prostitutes

Help Offered for South Side Prostitutes

Police, county partner with Benedict Center to combat growing prostitution problem.

FPC Directive on MPD pursuit policy appropriate, necessary
Press Release

FPC Directive on MPD pursuit policy appropriate, necessary

News release and related documents from Alderman Michael J. Murphy

Standing tall when it counts
Press Release

Standing tall when it counts

Statement of Alderwoman Chantia Lewis - July 14, 2017

Eyes on Milwaukee: Council Members Blast Chief Flynn
Eyes on Milwaukee

Council Members Blast Chief Flynn

Demanding more input into Flynn's decision making, they refuse to allocate federal funds.

The scourge of out of control prostitution, drugs
Press Release

The scourge of out of control prostitution, drugs

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan - June 29, 2017

Kids Asking City Hall for Safer Streets
Press Release

Kids Asking City Hall for Safer Streets

As many pedestrian killed in Milwaukee in first 6 months of 2017 as in all of 2017

Senator Craig’s Statement on Chief Flynn’s Blame Game
Press Release

Senator Craig’s Statement on Chief Flynn’s Blame Game

"Chief Flynn is playing politics instead of fixing problems under his direct control"

Eyes on Milwaukee: Sparks Fly Over Hamilton Settlement
Eyes on Milwaukee

Sparks Fly Over Hamilton Settlement

Council approves $2.3 million settlement, but black aldermen debate Donovan.

Murphy’s Law: Should Cops Do More High Speed Chases?
Murphy’s Law

Should Cops Do More High Speed Chases?

Common Council says yes. Chief Flynn says no. Who’s right?

Kansas City, KS reverses pursuit policy to address “skyrocketing crime
Press Release

Kansas City, KS reverses pursuit policy to address “skyrocketing crime

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan May 15, 2017

Still Questions on Claybrook’s Death

Still Questions on Claybrook’s Death

Suspect killed by hail of bullets from police. But was this necessary?

City, County Public Safety Agreement Wins Approval
Press Release

City, County Public Safety Agreement Wins Approval

Mayor Barrett, County Executive Abele announce partnership to improve public safety

A Protest for Pedestrians

A Protest for Pedestrians

They demand more tickets for drivers who fail to yield to pedestrians.

Thirteen Council members demand action from MPD, FPC
Press Release

Thirteen Council members demand action from MPD, FPC

Seek re-prioritization of traffic enforcement, immediate review of no pursuit policy

City’s commitment to police reforms persists in the face of flagging federal interest
Press Release

City’s commitment to police reforms persists in the face of flagging federal interest

Statement of Common Council President Ashanti Hamilton April 7, 2017

Murphy’s Law: Hidden Loaded Guns And No Training
Murphy’s Law

Hidden Loaded Guns And No Training

Republican bill to end permits and training for concealed carry is dangerous.

A citywide effort is needed to quell Milwaukee’s senseless violence
Press Release

A citywide effort is needed to quell Milwaukee’s senseless violence

Statement of Common Council President Ashanti Hamilton March 24, 2017

2017 State of the City
Press Release

2017 State of the City

As Delivered by Mayor Tom Barrett

Milwaukee Bucks and Daktronics Announce Pair of New Community Initiatives
Press Release

Milwaukee Bucks and Daktronics Announce Pair of New Community Initiatives

Partnership with Milwaukee Police Department will return Bucks basketball cards to the community; Daktronics will also provide six new scoreboards for area youth centers

Op Ed: Speeding Is Out of Control
Op Ed

Speeding Is Out of Control

City has big problem. More cops, cameras, traffic citations needed.

ACLU Suit Challenges Milwaukee Police

ACLU Suit Challenges Milwaukee Police

Charges key technique, “tens of thousands" of police stops, is unconstitutional.

“Day Without Immigrants, Refugees” Planned

“Day Without Immigrants, Refugees” Planned

Local immigrants, advocates ramping up opposition to Trump executive orders.

Supervisors: All Are Welcome in Milwaukee County
Press Release

Supervisors: All Are Welcome in Milwaukee County

"I commend my colleagues on the County Board for standing on the right side of history today..."

Your Right to Know: Public’s Trust Abused on Police Videos
Your Right to Know

Public’s Trust Abused on Police Videos

Flynn, Barrett gave misleading statements on Sylville Smith video, yet it still hasn’t been released.

Mixed Reactions to Charges in Sylville Smith’s Killing

Mixed Reactions to Charges in Sylville Smith’s Killing

DA charges officer Heaggan-Brown. Family and community demand video's release.

Murphy’s Law: The Council’s Battle Over Police
Murphy’s Law

The Council’s Battle Over Police

Donovan and several aldermen demand more, Hamilton slaps them down. Who’s right?

Council members call on Chief to boost South Side officer staffing
Press Release

Council members call on Chief to boost South Side officer staffing

Members seek MPD officer increases in Police Districts Two and Six

Safe & Sound Announces Neighborhood Team Expansion to North Milwaukee Neighborhoods
Press Release

Safe & Sound Announces Neighborhood Team Expansion to North Milwaukee Neighborhoods

As with any major expansion, Safe & Sound completed a new fundraising campaign to expand into the new district.

Op-Ed: More Police Is Not the Answer

More Police Is Not the Answer

Better trained police — and spending on services for under-served neighborhoods — is a better approach.

Back in the News: Sylville Smith’s Killer Charged With Sex Assault
Back in the News

Sylville Smith’s Killer Charged With Sex Assault

Officer Dominique Heaggan-Brown's fatal shooting of Smith had set off near-riot in city.

Plenty of Horne: Mexico Opens 50th US Consulate Here
Plenty of Horne

Mexico Opens 50th US Consulate Here

A big turnout of American and Mexican politicians with "Trumpism" in the air.

Twenty Milwaukee Organizations Express Serious Misgivings with Proposed Public Safety Action Plan
Press Release

Twenty Milwaukee Organizations Express Serious Misgivings with Proposed Public Safety Action Plan

We are writing on behalf of an array of community groups to express our serious misgivings regarding the recently released draft “Public Safety Action Plan.”

Legislature Resists Background Checks for Guns

Legislature Resists Background Checks for Guns

18 states require them, 85% of state residents support them, but Walker, GOP resist.

Op-Ed: Police Outreach to Teens a Failure

Police Outreach to Teens a Failure

Violence over weekend dramatizes issue. School board called for changes in outreach program.

Sponsored: The Plight of Milwaukee’s War Children

The Plight of Milwaukee’s War Children

Inner city violence creates a war zone for children. We need a solution.

Back in the News: Radio Ad Blasts John Chisholm
Back in the News

Radio Ad Blasts John Chisholm

Secretive group blames DA for carjackings, lauds his opponent Verona Swanigan.

Back in News: “Do something about guns,” Flynn Pleads
Back in News

“Do something about guns,” Flynn Pleads

Flynn calls for gun control at Obama's national town hall, demands action from legislature.

Murphy’s Law: 10 Lessons After Dallas
Murphy’s Law

10 Lessons After Dallas

How can Milwaukee and the nation assure that black lives and blue lives matter?

Murphy’s Law: The World According to Janel Brandtjen
Murphy’s Law

The World According to Janel Brandtjen

Republican lawmaker is angry about crime in the city. Here’s how she could help.

Data Wonk: Murder in Milwaukee
Data Wonk

Murder in Milwaukee

What do the statistics tell us about homicides and why they happen?

Aldermen Unveil Anti-Violence Initiative

Aldermen Unveil Anti-Violence Initiative

Hamilton and 11 other aldermen call for “holistic approach” to gun violence.

County’s defensive reaction to committee testimony disappointing
Press Release

County’s defensive reaction to committee testimony disappointing

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan June 7, 2016

Sensenbrenner, Mukasey, Flynn among guests for Law School conference on post-9/11 national security and individual liberty issues
Press Release

Sensenbrenner, Mukasey, Flynn among guests for Law School conference on post-9/11 national security and individual liberty issues

The terror attacks on September 11, 2001, led the U.S. government to enact new laws and take additional steps to protect national security. But has the government gone too far?

Rep. Bowen to host Emergency Public Forum on Juvenile Corrections Reform
Press Release

Rep. Bowen to host Emergency Public Forum on Juvenile Corrections Reform

Calls for immediate solutions to reduce youth recidivism

Let’s get to the root of the problem
Press Release

Let’s get to the root of the problem

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan May 20, 2016

Offer of police substation laudable, but real problem remains scarcity of cops
Press Release

Offer of police substation laudable, but real problem remains scarcity of cops

Administration continues to pursue “magic bullets” that don’t exist

Heroin study funding to go before Public Safety Committee
Press Release

Heroin study funding to go before Public Safety Committee

Since 2005, Milwaukee County has seen a 495% increase in heroin-related deaths.

Council President Hamilton urges community support for “Violence Prevention Month”
Press Release

Council President Hamilton urges community support for “Violence Prevention Month”

News release from Alderman Ashanti Hamilton

Juvenile Crime Data & Summer Supervision Needs Have Boys & Girls Clubs Launching Awareness Campaign, Extending Services
Press Release

Juvenile Crime Data & Summer Supervision Needs Have Boys & Girls Clubs Launching Awareness Campaign, Extending Services

Boys & Girls Clubs Extends Summer Club Hours; Debuts “A Club For Every Kid” Campaign Alerting Parents to Focus on Supervised Activities

YP Week: Building a Safer Milwaukee
YP Week

Building a Safer Milwaukee

Crime is a big issue for Millennials, who may have tough questions for Barrett and Flynn.

Crime Rate Like “a Third World Country”

Crime Rate Like “a Third World Country”

Officials at Greater Milwaukee Committee call for solutions to homicides, juvenile crime.

Youth Tell DOJ About Police Abuse

Youth Tell DOJ About Police Abuse

Department of Justice listening sessions here suggest Milwaukee has problems.

Murphy’s Law: Where City’s Crime is Rising
Murphy’s Law

Where City’s Crime is Rising

The biggest hike is in Ald. Donovan’s district. No wonder that’s his major issue.

Ald. Joe Davis posed with gangbangers in Facebook post

Ald. Joe Davis posed with gangbangers in Facebook post

2016 State of the City
Press Release

2016 State of the City

Hmong American Peace Academy - February 8, 2016

Critics Demand Federal Probe of Police Department

Critics Demand Federal Probe of Police Department

Huge turnout at listening session, many call for civil rights investigation of MPD's "patterns and practices."

James Methu’s Statement on Public Safety in Milwaukee
Press Release

James Methu’s Statement on Public Safety in Milwaukee

“Mayor Barrett seems to only care about addressing the issue of crime in the community around an election.”

Murphy’s Law: What Has Mayor Barrett Accomplished?
Murphy’s Law

What Has Mayor Barrett Accomplished?

After nearly 12 years in office, his impact can be seen -- if you look hard.

Nate Hamilton Still Fighting for Justice

Nate Hamilton Still Fighting for Justice

Brother of Dontre Hamilton, who was killed by a cop, has created the Coalition for Justice.

Now Serving: Street Food Tapas for Brady Street
Now Serving

Street Food Tapas for Brady Street

And a new pie place for 55th and North. Both places sound yummy.

U.S. Rep. Moore Welcomes DOJ Investigation of Milwaukee PD
Press Release

U.S. Rep. Moore Welcomes DOJ Investigation of Milwaukee PD

In response to the U.S. Department of Justice’s announcement that it will launch a collaborative reform initiative with the Milwaukee Police Department, Congresswoman Moore released the following statement:

Murphy’s Law: “The NRA’s Vision for America is Anarchy.”
Murphy’s Law

“The NRA’s Vision for America is Anarchy.”

Chief Flynn say legislature’s “insane” concealed carry law causes crime and threatens police safety.

Plenty Of Horne: All Hail Our Business Improvement Districts
Plenty Of Horne

All Hail Our Business Improvement Districts

City party celebrates work of 35 BIDs, which have helped improve many city neighborhoods.

Murphy’s Law: Does Milwaukee Need More Police?
Murphy’s Law

Does Milwaukee Need More Police?

Mayoral candidate Bob Donovan thinks so. How does this city compare to others?

Barrett’s Chief of Staff misses mark (and has a short memory!)
Press Release

Barrett’s Chief of Staff misses mark (and has a short memory!)

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan October 29, 2015

Plenty of Horne: Donovan Wants Fewer Police “Chiefs”
Plenty of Horne

Donovan Wants Fewer Police “Chiefs”

And "more Indians." Alderman and mayoral candidate proposes to redo police staffing to cut higher-ups.

Profile: MaryNell Regan on the Hot Seat

MaryNell Regan on the Hot Seat

New head of embattled Fire & Police Commission wants to allow more community input into its decisions.

MPD telecommunicators are scapegoats for poor policies, lack of management
Press Release

MPD telecommunicators are scapegoats for poor policies, lack of management

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan October 5, 2015

The State of Politics: Walker’s Post-Campaign “To Do” List
The State of Politics

Walker’s Post-Campaign “To Do” List

Back from his failed presidential campaign, what are his policy priorities for the state?

Chief Flynn Calls for Tougher Gun Laws

Chief Flynn Calls for Tougher Gun Laws

Bashes concealed carry law, says carrying illegal firearm should be a felony.

Safe Zones Need More Police Cooperation?

Safe Zones Need More Police Cooperation?

Ald. Hamilton, community, police disagree on how to make project work.

Body cameras = more politics than policing
Press Release

Body cameras = more politics than policing

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan August 31, 2015

Chief Flynn’s gun violence comments disappointing
Press Release

Chief Flynn’s gun violence comments disappointing

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan August 28, 2015

Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn goes “On the Issues”
Press Release

Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn goes “On the Issues”

With 2015 far from over, the city has already recorded more homicides than it did in all of 2014.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Municipal Court Under Fire
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Municipal Court Under Fire

It imprisons debtors and seems bloated with staff. Will city demand changes?

Police Ambassadors Serve Community

Police Ambassadors Serve Community

MPD ambassadors provide bridge between officers and community.

Alderman Davis requests police records of delayed response to rape report
Press Release

Alderman Davis requests police records of delayed response to rape report

News release from Alderman Joe Davis, Sr.

For safety and accountability, it’s time to re-make the FPC
Press Release

For safety and accountability, it’s time to re-make the FPC

The Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission (FPC) is a great idea, with increasingly poor results.

Milwaukee’s public safety crisis increasing fear, frustration of residents
Press Release

Milwaukee’s public safety crisis increasing fear, frustration of residents

Administration’s own policies fueling more crime, violence and mayhem

Heads must roll over outrageous delay in police response to rape case
Press Release

Heads must roll over outrageous delay in police response to rape case

Statement of Alderman Joe Davis, Sr. July 23, 2015

Chief’s comments outrageous
Press Release

Chief’s comments outrageous

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan July 20, 2015

Chief Flynn defends pursuit policy in wake of rolling crime crew

Chief Flynn defends pursuit policy in wake of rolling crime crew

Gangs turn to rolling drug houses, exploiting police chase policy

Gangs turn to rolling drug houses, exploiting police chase policy

Mayor Barrett again not the highest-paid employee in city of Milwaukee

Mayor Barrett again not the highest-paid employee in city of Milwaukee

Work needed toward a multifaceted solution to deadly violence
Press Release

Work needed toward a multifaceted solution to deadly violence

Statement from Alderman Jim Bohl July 7, 2015

To stop the violence, honesty and hard choices are needed
Press Release

To stop the violence, honesty and hard choices are needed

Perhaps my opponent is right, but perhaps he's not.

Mr. Mayor: Why no public review process for Chief Flynn?
Press Release

Mr. Mayor: Why no public review process for Chief Flynn?

Statement from Alderman Joe Davis, Sr. July 1, 2015

Murphy’s Law: The Disappearance of Dan Bice
Murphy’s Law

The Disappearance of Dan Bice

 The state’s top political reporter has disappeared. Is the Journal Sentinel killing his column?

Alderman Donovan asks for answers about secret MPD email system
Press Release

Alderman Donovan asks for answers about secret MPD email system

Alderman Donovan requested answers to specific questions about the purported secret e-mail system.

For mayor, ignorance is bliss on MPD video snafu
Press Release

For mayor, ignorance is bliss on MPD video snafu

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan May 12, 2015

$1 Million Plan to Upgrade Near West Side

$1 Million Plan to Upgrade Near West Side

Milwaukee Police, Marquette University and Harley-Davidson involved in project to redevelop area and cut crime.

Police-involved shooting in 2nd District
Press Release

Police-involved shooting in 2nd District

Statement from Alderman Joe Davis, Sr. April 15, 2015

Alderman Donovan asks for change in MPD vehicle pursuit policy
Press Release

Alderman Donovan asks for change in MPD vehicle pursuit policy

Current ‘no chase’ policy is emboldening criminals, Alderman Donovan says

A good cop, and a bad Fire and Police Commission decision
Press Release

A good cop, and a bad Fire and Police Commission decision

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan March 24, 2015

Plenty of Horne: Crowd Celebrates City Birthday Party
Plenty of Horne

Crowd Celebrates City Birthday Party

Politicians, PR people and other notables schmoozed away. The best rumor was that Chief Flynn might be retiring.

Murphy’s Law: Does “Broken Windows” Theory Hurt Milwaukee?
Murphy’s Law

Does “Broken Windows” Theory Hurt Milwaukee?

Police Chief Ed Flynn is one of the foremost practitioners of aggressive policing getting national criticism.

Back in the News: Chisholm Decision Triggers Controversy
Back in the News

Chisholm Decision Triggers Controversy

DA decides not to charge officer who killed mentally ill man, leaving community divided over issue.

Murphy’s Law: America’s Newest Hero, David Clarke
Murphy’s Law

America’s Newest Hero, David Clarke

He’s in the news everywhere and conservatives are falling all over themselves in adulation.

Washington Park Neighborhood and MPD Awarded National MetLife Foundation Community-Police Partnership Award
Press Release

Washington Park Neighborhood and MPD Awarded National MetLife Foundation Community-Police Partnership Award

Mobilizing Residents/Partnerships leads to improved neighborhood safety

Neighborhood Groups Who Target Crime

Neighborhood Groups Who Target Crime

Three community groups win awards for working with police on crime prevention.

Back in the News: The Ed Flynn Factor
Back in the News

The Ed Flynn Factor

Politico Magazine concludes Milwaukee is an innovator in policing. Why? Chief Flynn’s leadership.

City Residents Welcome ShotSpotter

City Residents Welcome ShotSpotter

Milwaukee Police program uses 110 sensors in 11-square mile area to detect gunfire and fight crime. Residents are seeing the impact.

District Attorney watches while the City of Milwaukee implodes
Press Release

District Attorney watches while the City of Milwaukee implodes

Statement of Alderman Joe Davis, Sr. November 11, 2014

Op-Ed: Cops in Shootings Should Be Promptly Named

Cops in Shootings Should Be Promptly Named

Police Chief Flynn waited more than five months to identify officer who shot Dontre Hamilton. The public deserves better.

Barrett administration public safety in disarray
Press Release

Barrett administration public safety in disarray

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan November 3, 2014

Key information remains under wraps in Dontre Hamilton case
Press Release

Key information remains under wraps in Dontre Hamilton case

Statement of Alderman Joe Davis, Sr. October 31, 2014

Executive Order, Keystone: No on the pipeline, yes on the cops
Press Release

Executive Order, Keystone: No on the pipeline, yes on the cops

Press release from the Red Arnold campaign

Cop’s firing warrants more comment
Press Release

Cop’s firing warrants more comment

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan October 16, 2014

Firing of officer involved in Red Arrow Park shooting reeks of politics
Press Release

Firing of officer involved in Red Arrow Park shooting reeks of politics

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan October 15, 2014

Murphy’s Law: Another Newspaper Attack on Chief Flynn
Murphy’s Law

Another Newspaper Attack on Chief Flynn

Has the Journal Sentinel renewed its war against the police chief or was its Sunday story simply botched reporting?

MPD actions further damage public faith
Press Release

MPD actions further damage public faith

Statement of Alderman Joe Davis, Sr. September 15, 2014

County Executive Abele & Mayor Barrett Host 9/11 Ceremony
Press Release

County Executive Abele & Mayor Barrett Host 9/11 Ceremony

Mayor Tom Barrett, County Executive Chris Abele, Governor Scott Walker, British Ambassador Sir Peter Westmacott and other local leaders will honor the victims of September 11, 2001.

Bill Would Require Body Camera on Police

Bill Would Require Body Camera on Police

Ald. Milele Coggs will introduce legislation requiring Milwaukee Police Department to buy and use body cameras.

Could Milwaukee Be the Next Ferguson?

Could Milwaukee Be the Next Ferguson?

Five reasons why it won't -- and seven reasons why it might be next.

Donovan accepts icy challenge from Chief Flynn
Press Release

Donovan accepts icy challenge from Chief Flynn

Alderman vows ice bucket challenge will create big splash but ‘won’t budge a single hair’

Sheriff Clarke is right on the money
Press Release

Sheriff Clarke is right on the money

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan August 5, 2014

Juvenile crime problems go up, and curfew enforcement goes down
Press Release

Juvenile crime problems go up, and curfew enforcement goes down

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan July 1, 2014

Murphy’s Law: “We Have Criminals Shooting Criminals!”
Murphy’s Law

“We Have Criminals Shooting Criminals!”

And bystanders getting shot. Chief Flynn calls on legislators to get tougher on felons with guns.

Gun Bill Dies Without Shots Being Fired

Gun Bill Dies Without Shots Being Fired

Despite overwhelming support for bill toughening penalties for felony firearms offenses, Alberta Darling and Republicans give up on it.

Gun Bills Fail, Shots Fly

Gun Bills Fail, Shots Fly

Chief Flynn implores legislature to pass bill targeting illegal gun possession. Will Republicans respond?

Council will honor former officer severely wounded in 2009 shooting
Press Release

Council will honor former officer severely wounded in 2009 shooting

News release from the Common Council

Washington Park Residents Face Prostitution Problem

Washington Park Residents Face Prostitution Problem

Neighbors meet with police, seeking solutions to prostitution and drug trafficking.

Alderman Donovan offers real alternative to mayor’s “plan ”
Press Release

Alderman Donovan offers real alternative to mayor’s “plan ”

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan

Five shootings in two hours – and it’s only April
Press Release

Five shootings in two hours – and it’s only April

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan April 9, 2014

Supervisor Russell Stamper II Says Safety in Milwaukee County Parks Must be a Priority
Press Release

Supervisor Russell Stamper II Says Safety in Milwaukee County Parks Must be a Priority

Supervisor Says Local Law Enforcement Ready for Summer Season

The State of Politics: Why the Huge Support for Shot Spotters?
The State of Politics

Why the Huge Support for Shot Spotters?

Legislature votes 132-1 to expand Milwaukee program monitoring gunshots.

Surveillance camera grant program will target businesses, commercial corridors
Press Release

Surveillance camera grant program will target businesses, commercial corridors

Launch news conference set for Friday on city’s near south side

Setting the record straight—Milwaukee sends delegation to address violence among black males
Press Release

Setting the record straight—Milwaukee sends delegation to address violence among black males

The work of Milwaukee’s Black Male Achievement Advisory Council, or BMAAC, is garnering national attention, and has already resulted in city officials being invited to participate in this week’s Cities United summit in New Orleans.

Mayor Tom Barrett’s 2014 State of the City Address
Press Release

Mayor Tom Barrett’s 2014 State of the City Address

Milwaukee February 24, 2014 As Prepared for Delivery

Zamarripa Proposal Would Help Undocumented Residents

Zamarripa Proposal Would Help Undocumented Residents

Milwaukee legislator's bill would allow them to get drivers licenses, attend state colleges.

Plenty of Horne: Owner of Strad Violin Tips Her Identity
Plenty of Horne

Owner of Strad Violin Tips Her Identity

The violin's owner was at the scene of the crime and signed her first name to a message published by Frank Almond.

Plenty of Horne: Huge Turnout for City Birthday Party
Plenty of Horne

Huge Turnout for City Birthday Party

Lots of politicians, journalists, lobbyists and others glad-handed each other and drank free beer to salute the city's 168th birthday.

Reward to be offered for Stolen Lipinski Stradivarius
Press Release

Reward to be offered for Stolen Lipinski Stradivarius

$100,000 reward offered for information leading to the safe return of the violin

Mayor Barrett Announces Stolen Thumb Drive Recovered
Press Release

Mayor Barrett Announces Stolen Thumb Drive Recovered

Jump drive with confidential city employee information found by Milwaukee police

Murphy’s Law: Crystal Ball for 2014
Murphy’s Law

Crystal Ball for 2014

25 predictions that are certain (well, maybe) to come true this year.

Attack gives Milwaukee a bloody, broken nose
Press Release

Attack gives Milwaukee a bloody, broken nose

Statement of Alderman Bob Donovan December 5, 2013

City leaders are right to crack down on duty disability retirement abuse
Press Release

City leaders are right to crack down on duty disability retirement abuse

Statement of Alderman Joe Davis, Sr. December 2, 2013

Murphy’s Law: Police Scam Artists
Murphy’s Law

Police Scam Artists

Why does the cop’s union protect officers who rip off taxpayers?

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee’s Most Underestimated Leader?
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee’s Most Underestimated Leader?

MPS superintendent Gregory Thornton has quietly righted a ship that once looked ready to sink.

Murphy’s Law: How to Nab Bad Guys
Murphy’s Law

How to Nab Bad Guys

ShotSpotter has become a key tool for city police, but Walker says no to funding and Abele says yes.

Barrett’s 100 cops just won’t cut it
Press Release

Barrett’s 100 cops just won’t cut it

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan September 30, 2013

The End of Suburbs?

The End of Suburbs?

So argues a new book. And former Milwaukee Mayor John Norquist agrees. Are they right?

Op-Ed: Send in the Cops?

Send in the Cops?

Ald. Donovan wants more cops in MPS, Chief Flynn wants a different approach. Who’s right?

Republicans Back Anti-Gun Bill

Republicans Back Anti-Gun Bill

Mandatory three-year term for illegal gun possession has support of Flynn and Barrett. But will it pass?

Where’s the Outrage? Wake Up Milwaukee!
Press Release

Where’s the Outrage? Wake Up Milwaukee!

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan July 29, 2013

Murphy’s Law: Is Milwaukee the Next Detroit?
Murphy’s Law

Is Milwaukee the Next Detroit?

Analyzing this city’s key strengths and weaknesses.

Global Anti-Bigotry Campaign Makes U.S. Debut in Milwaukee
Press Release

Global Anti-Bigotry Campaign Makes U.S. Debut in Milwaukee

Milwaukee Jewish Federation collaborates with U.S. Department of State to launch Hours Against Hate

Murphy’s Law: The Decline of Sheriff Clarke
Murphy’s Law

The Decline of Sheriff Clarke

The weirder and crankier he gets, the more unlikely his reelection.

Flynn’s Force: Making Neighborhood Connections
Flynn’s Force

Making Neighborhood Connections

How a community liaison officer gets neighbors involved in combating crime.

Flynn’s Force: How Police Reach Out to Youth
Flynn’s Force

How Police Reach Out to Youth

The STOP program connects police and youth to help gain their cooperation with cops.

New Procedure for Strip and Body-Cavity Searches Needs Public Input, Community Groups Say
Press Release

New Procedure for Strip and Body-Cavity Searches Needs Public Input, Community Groups Say

Letter to Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission Urges Open Meetings

Proposal deserves a closer look…and perspective
Press Release

Proposal deserves a closer look…and perspective

Statement from Alderman Ashanti Hamilton May 9, 2013

Flynn’s Force: Many Youth Feel Harassed
Flynn’s Force

Many Youth Feel Harassed

Black youths in the inner city sound off about police patrols. Part IV of a continuing series.

Alderman Donovan calls for increasing police overtime funding, adding 20 new officers
The New Czar of Community Safety

The New Czar of Community Safety

A partnership between the Milwaukee Police and a community organization will pay for a new leader to work on collaborative solutions to crime.

Flynn’s Force: Nabbing a Violator
Flynn’s Force

Nabbing a Violator

A squad car patrols a high crime neighborhood and turns up a violator. How it works. Part III of a series.

How a Cop Can Win Over Residents

How a Cop Can Win Over Residents

Jesus Gloria, a bilingual, award-winning police officer, has forged connections in his south side district.

Flynn’s Force: Studying the Crime Data
Flynn’s Force

Studying the Crime Data

The police chief meets weekly with top brass to review crime stats and seek improvements. Part II of a series.

Flynn’s Force: The Milwaukee Police In Action
Flynn’s Force

The Milwaukee Police In Action

A ride-along shows how a traffic stop leads to a drug bust. Part I of a series.

Alderman Donovan calls for hiring 300-400 new police officers; points to New York City’s example
Press Release

Alderman Donovan calls for hiring 300-400 new police officers; points to New York City’s example

Statement of Alderman Bob Donovan March 11, 2013

“Exhibit A” Criticizes the Sheriff
Press Release

“Exhibit A” Criticizes the Sheriff

Supervisor Patricia Jursik condemns Sheriff David Clarke’s name-calling and dishonesty, applauds the County Executive for appointing an interim Superintendent for the House of Correction

Mayor Tom Barrett issued the following statement regarding the Derek Williams Inquest:
Press Release

Mayor Tom Barrett issued the following statement regarding the Derek Williams Inquest:

“I want to thank Special Prosecutor John Franke for his professionalism while presenting the case and I want to thank the jury panel for their service.”

Plenty of Horne: Every Politician in Town
Plenty of Horne

Every Politician in Town

Well, not quite, but the City's Birthday Party had a big turnout of politicians and insiders.

Murphy’s Law: Hines Would Reduce Fire & Police Commission Power
Murphy’s Law

Hines Would Reduce Fire & Police Commission Power

Council appears to back radical change, Barrett seems lukewarm.

Murphy’s Law: The Incomplete Story
Murphy’s Law

The Incomplete Story

How the Journal Sentinel slants the story on venture capital -- and on downsizing the county board.

Milwaukee Reports Homicide Total for 2012
Press Release

Milwaukee Reports Homicide Total for 2012

Milwaukee reported 92 homicides in 2012 compared to 87 in 2011, a 6% increase.

Murphy’s Law: Biggest Taxer in Town
Murphy’s Law

Biggest Taxer in Town

Over the last five years property taxes have been driven by just one of the five local taxing units: Milwaukee Public Schools.

Maybe Reform Isn’t Needed

Maybe Reform Isn’t Needed

A 2006 report resulted in a restructured Fire & Police Commission. Just what changes are left to make?

The Incredible Flip-Flop

The Incredible Flip-Flop

Did the Fire & Police Commission bend to mob mentality or act as a responsible policy maker?

FPC’s change of heart in Schoen case sets dangerous precedent
Press Release

FPC’s change of heart in Schoen case sets dangerous precedent

Today’s reversal by the Fire and Police Commission on the reinstatement of Officer Richard Schoen should be very troubling to Milwaukee residents.

Statement of Alderman Joe Davis, Sr.
Press Release

Statement of Alderman Joe Davis, Sr.

Statement of Alderman Joe Davis, Sr.

Murphy’s Law: Mayor Backs Flynn, Slams Newspaper
Murphy’s Law

Mayor Backs Flynn, Slams Newspaper

Journal Sentinel’s series on data errors “takes crime fighting officers off the street,” Barrett charges.

Reinstatement of Officer Schoen sets dangerous precedent
Press Release

Reinstatement of Officer Schoen sets dangerous precedent

I am deeply troubled by the Fire and Police Commission’s inexplicable decision Monday to reinstate the employment of Police Officer Richard Schoen, who was fired by Chief Edward Flynn following an excessive force case.

Fire & Police Commission erred in reinstating Officer Schoen
Press Release

Fire & Police Commission erred in reinstating Officer Schoen

I may not agree with Chief Flynn on everything, but I believe he was right when he chose to fire Police Officer Richard Schoen for excessive force.

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel’s Circulation Problem
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel’s Circulation Problem

The statistics point to underlying problems. Meanwhile, some stories are undermining the brand.

Murphy’s Law: Deaths in Custody Decline Under Flynn
Murphy’s Law

Deaths in Custody Decline Under Flynn

Journal Sentinel story criticizing department doesn’t report data showing decline.

Murphy’s Law: Sykes’ Suspicious Smokescreen
Murphy’s Law

Sykes’ Suspicious Smokescreen

Charlie Sykes uses anonymous interview to claim the “family” putting up voter fraud billboards fears for its safety.

Murphy’s Law: Is Chief Flynn Off the Hook?
Murphy’s Law

Is Chief Flynn Off the Hook?

The federal investigation could cool calls for Flynn's resignation.

Alderman Donovan backs MPD, Chief Flynn on Williams case
Press Release

Alderman Donovan backs MPD, Chief Flynn on Williams case

While it appears to now be open season on the Milwaukee Police Department and its leader, I, for one, am standing squarely behind the dedicated and hard working men and women of the MPD and Chief Flynn with regard to the Derek Williams case.

Murphy’s Law: The public is “understandably horrified.”
Murphy’s Law

The public is “understandably horrified.”

Chief Flynn frankly discusses the death of Derek Williams in police custody.

Murphy’s Law: Should Chief Flynn Resign?
Murphy’s Law

Should Chief Flynn Resign?

The city is divided over the chief. But is it all his fault?

Citizens still waiting for answers about illegal strip searches
Press Release

Citizens still waiting for answers about illegal strip searches

Other Council members and I have recently been directing our efforts toward learning more about the tragic death in police custody of Derek Williams, and seeking justice for him.

Murphy’s Law: Capital Sex Scandal
Murphy’s Law

Capital Sex Scandal

Strange but true: Star member of Gov. Walker’s cabinet is accused of an affair that led to attempted murder.

Murphy’s Law: Abele Under Fire
Murphy’s Law

Abele Under Fire

Has the Johnny Thomas situation poisoned relations between the county exec and county board?

Murphy’s Law: City Defies Journal Sentinel
Murphy’s Law

City Defies Journal Sentinel

Fire & Police Commission will hire consultant the newspaper repeatedly claims is biased.

Alderwoman Coggs seeks word on status of strip search/cavity search investigations
Press Release

Alderwoman Coggs seeks word on status of strip search/cavity search investigations

Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs sent letters today to Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn and Fire and Police Commission Executive Director Mike Tobin (both attached) requesting status updates on the investigations into alleged illegal strip searches and body cavity searches by MPD personnel.

Murphy’s Law: The Journal Sentinel’s Attack Dog
Murphy’s Law

The Journal Sentinel’s Attack Dog

Two stories this week continue its relentlessly biased coverage of Chief Flynn and the police department.

We need a real public safety strategy, not another street roll call
Press Release

We need a real public safety strategy, not another street roll call

We need to fill the MPD officer vacancies and create a real public safety strategy for Milwaukee.

Chief Flynn should provide answers in public forum
Press Release

Chief Flynn should provide answers in public forum

Joint Statement from Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs, Alderman Ashanti Hamilton, and Alderman José G. Pérez

Statement on hearing regarding MPD crime statistics
Press Release

Statement on hearing regarding MPD crime statistics

To his credit, Chief Flynn put together an impressive presentation yesterday. The police department apparently reviewed more than 34,000 crime reports.

Watching the Watchdog – Joint Statement from Members of the Common Council
Press Release

Watching the Watchdog – Joint Statement from Members of the Common Council

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s recent investigations into the police department have misled the public about important facts relevant to the safety of our community.

Murphy’s Law: “Indignant” Police Chief Defends Department’s Integrity
Murphy’s Law

“Indignant” Police Chief Defends Department’s Integrity

Chief Flynn provides data that calls into question the Journal Sentinel’s reporting.

The Chatter: Will Allen Goes Viral
The Chatter

Will Allen Goes Viral

From ABC News to Colbert, everybody is celebrating Will Allen.

Murphy’s Law: The War Against Chief Flynn
Murphy’s Law

The War Against Chief Flynn

Why is the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel trashing the city’s best police chief in decades?

Eyes on Milwaukee: Free Bus Rides, Moneyball and Renderings, Crime on Buses Way Down, and More
Eyes on Milwaukee

Free Bus Rides, Moneyball and Renderings, Crime on Buses Way Down, and More

Welcome to the fourth installment of Eyes on Milwaukee. This week we take a look at free bus rides for St. Patrick's Day, the idea of applying Moneyball principles to project renderings, how Police Chief Flynn has apparently managed to cut in half the service calls originated from MCTS buses, the notion of a new union for UWM, and more.

Nearly One Gun Crime Per Household in West Milwaukee

Nearly One Gun Crime Per Household in West Milwaukee

The Village of West Milwaukee has a population of 4,201 people according to the 2000 census, which translates into 2,059 households.

Milwaukee Police District Boundaries Redrawn – Will Affect New UWM Dorm

Milwaukee Police District Boundaries Redrawn – Will Affect New UWM Dorm

Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn has had his new police district boundaries approved by the Common Council Public Safety Committee. The new boundaries will have the most significant effects on the East and South sides of Milwaukee.

East Town Shoots Itself In The Foot

East Town Shoots Itself In The Foot

We had originally speculated about the origins of the ban on carry-ins at Jazz in the Park. Our speculation was that it was really a money issue, but that we thought the East Town Association had the right to and should attempt to generate money from the event. Today we received just about all we needed to confirm our suspicions, a couple of great quotes from the Milwaukee Chief of Police Edward Flynn courtesy of the Journal Sentinel article Jazz in the Park fans have a whine and cheese party.