
Content referencing Christine Neumann-Ortiz

Downtown Janitors Secure Wage Increases

Downtown Janitors Secure Wage Increases

Wages were a top priority when contract negotiations began in June.

Anti-Republican Group Takes Over Downtown Streets

Anti-Republican Group Takes Over Downtown Streets

Coalition to March on the RNC is the result of some 100 groups coming together.

Bernie Sanders to Host Private Brunch in Milwaukee

Bernie Sanders to Host Private Brunch in Milwaukee

Event canceled after publication.

Statement on the passing of Ray Vahey
Press Release

Statement on the passing of Ray Vahey

Joint Statement from Alderwoman JoCasta Zamarripa and Alderman Peter Burgelis

Janitors Union Prepares for Contract Fight

Janitors Union Prepares for Contract Fight

Union representing downtown janitors seeks to protect workers' pandemic-era wage gains. Mayor joins the rally.

RNC Closed Hispanic Center in Milwaukee

RNC Closed Hispanic Center in Milwaukee

Closed in 2022, hasn't reopened since. Republicans closing centers focused on minority voters across the U.S.

May Day Activists Call For Immigration Reform

May Day Activists Call For Immigration Reform

Activists call for restoring driver’s licenses, in-state tuition for immigrants.

Wisconsin’s largest grassroots Latinx organization, Voces de la Frontera Action, responds to President Biden’s State of the Union address and visit to Madison
Press Release

Wisconsin’s largest grassroots Latinx organization, Voces de la Frontera Action, responds to President Biden’s State of the Union address and visit to Madison

While President Biden has made strides for many Latinx and immigrant workers, his policies leave Wisconsin working-class voters wanting more

Voces de la Frontera joins Milwaukee community leaders and organizations on the 22nd annual Dr Martin Luther King Jr Birthday Celebration
Immigrant Advocates Call For Compassion, Ending Title 42

Immigrant Advocates Call For Compassion, Ending Title 42

Rally at City Hall as Biden asks Supreme Court to allow Title 42 to end.

Federal Court Ruling Ends the Racist and Discriminatory Title 42 Policy and Restores Access to Asylum for Children, Adults, and Families
Op Ed: 5 Lessons From Mid-Term Election
Op Ed

5 Lessons From Mid-Term Election

Milwaukee's under-performance is a problem. And lack of national Democratic funding doomed Pfaff.

What Do Milwaukee Voters Want?

What Do Milwaukee Voters Want?

Voces de la Frontera does voter education. BLOC goes door to door, finds people want 'housing and good jobs.'

Community Groups Denounce Michels Corp.

Community Groups Denounce Michels Corp.

Rally in Milwaukee blasts company for lack of diversity, discrimination, sexual harassment.

State’s Sheriffs Helping ICE Deport People

State’s Sheriffs Helping ICE Deport People

These practices surged under Trump administration, new report by ACLU finds.

Voces de la Frontera Joins Milwaukee Coalition Calling on President Biden to End the U.S. Embargo on Cuba and Act on Immigration Reform
Over 300 Immigrant Essential Workers, Farmers, Students Lobby State Republicans to Stop Blocking Driver Licenses & In-State Tuition for Immigrants
Press Release

Over 300 Immigrant Essential Workers, Farmers, Students Lobby State Republicans to Stop Blocking Driver Licenses & In-State Tuition for Immigrants

Lobby Day Is Final Day of “Two Days Without Latinxs and Immigrants” Statewide General Strike

Thousands March for Immigrant Rights

Thousands March for Immigrant Rights

Voces da la Frontera leads May Day march, challenges Pres. Biden and Sen. Ron Johnson

Did 2020 Census Undercount City Residents?

Did 2020 Census Undercount City Residents?

National data shows much higher undercount of Blacks, Latinos than in 2010.

Immigrants & Advocates from WI Respond to President Biden’s State of the Union Address, Express Urgency to Deliver Path to Citizenship & End Cruel Immigration Enforcement Through Administrative Action
Election Official Refutes Bogus Fraud Claims

Election Official Refutes Bogus Fraud Claims

Addressing false claims wastes valuable time, election tech director said.

Voces de la Frontera Action Celebrates Gableman’s Withdrawal of Baseless Subpoenas
Voces de la Frontera Action Files Lawsuit Challenging Subpoena as Part of Sham Election Review
Press Release

Voces de la Frontera Action Files Lawsuit Challenging Subpoena as Part of Sham Election Review

Voces De La Frontera Action Condemns Speaker Vos's Attempts to Intimidate and Silence the Political Voices of Communities of Color; Files Lawsuit Challenging Gableman's Subpoena as Part of Sham Election Review

City Hall: Council Ends Redistricting With Anger, Tears
City Hall

Council Ends Redistricting With Anger, Tears

Council members call process unfair, unjust and infuriating. How did things go wrong?

City Hall: Latino Leaders Could Sue Over Redistricting
City Hall

Latino Leaders Could Sue Over Redistricting

They demand council hire outside counsel. City Attorney defends his closed-door advice.

Latinx Leaders Condemn Common Council’s Refusal to Draw New Districts Reflecting Dramatic Growth of Latinx Population; Demand Second Legal Opinion
Press Release

Latinx Leaders Condemn Common Council’s Refusal to Draw New Districts Reflecting Dramatic Growth of Latinx Population; Demand Second Legal Opinion

The press conference occurred shortly after a group of Latinx leaders delivered a letter signed by more than 70 Latinx leaders, organizations, elected officials and allies

Voces de la Frontera Statement on Redistricting Decision
City Hall: Milwaukee Starts Over On Redistricting, Only To Adopt Same Map Again
City Hall

Milwaukee Starts Over On Redistricting, Only To Adopt Same Map Again

Effort to expand Latino influence won't stand up to legal challenges says City Attorney. Alderwoman says council "hoodwinked" and "railroaded."

Vote to sustain veto a vote to uplift Milwaukee’s Latino community
Press Release

Vote to sustain veto a vote to uplift Milwaukee’s Latino community

Statement of Alderwoman JoCasta Zamarripa December 14, 2021

Voces de la Frontera Applauds Mayor Barrett for Listening to Latinx Communities & Vetoing Maps
City Hall: Barrett Vetoes Redistricting Map
City Hall

Barrett Vetoes Redistricting Map

Voces de la Frontera lobbied for a veto to push council to create third Hispanic district.

City Hall: Group Introduces Nine Options To Create Three Latino-Majority Council Districts
City Hall

Group Introduces Nine Options To Create Three Latino-Majority Council Districts

But none have majority Latino voting age populations today. Will Barrett veto?

City Hall: Barrett Pushed To Veto New Council Map
City Hall

Barrett Pushed To Veto New Council Map

Voces de la Frontera calls for creation of third majority-Hispanic district.

‘No Thanksgiving Without immigrants’

‘No Thanksgiving Without immigrants’

Advocates in Wisconsin call on congressional Democrats to deliver a pathway to citizenship.

Voces Protests Change in Biden Bill

Voces Protests Change in Biden Bill

Build Back Better drops pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

Voces De La Frontera Joins Federal & State Lawsuits To Ensure Voters of Color Get To Elect Representatives Of Their Choice
Democrats Pressured on Immigration Reform

Democrats Pressured on Immigration Reform

Voces de la Frontera and allies picket Sen. Tammy Baldwin.

Day Without Immigrants Strike Advocates Pathway to Citizenship

Day Without Immigrants Strike Advocates Pathway to Citizenship

The annual action organized by Voces de la Frontera calls on Democrats to pass a pathway to citizenship in spending bill.

March organizers and participants honored for amplifying need for more pathways to citizenship
Press Release

March organizers and participants honored for amplifying need for more pathways to citizenship

Statement from Alderman José G. Pérez and Alderwoman JoCasta Zamarripa September 21, 2021

U.S. Labor Secretary Visits Milwaukee

U.S. Labor Secretary Visits Milwaukee

Marty Walsh visits building trades and manufacturing trainees, hears from immigrant rights advocates.

Op Ed: Will Biden Deliver Immigration Reform?
Op Ed

Will Biden Deliver Immigration Reform?

It’s time. He promised voters to prioritize reform bill in the first 100 days.

Local Activists Demand Action From Biden

Local Activists Demand Action From Biden

Voces de la Frontera, BLOC, others push for COVID relief and criminal justice and immigration reforms.

Biden Policies Will Help State’s Immigrants

Biden Policies Will Help State’s Immigrants

Order halting deportations and bill providing path to citizenship for 11 million welcomed by many.

Local Activists Demand Biden End Immigrant Family Separation

Local Activists Demand Biden End Immigrant Family Separation

Activist groups call for a reversal of the Trump administration's immigration policies.

Documentary Tells Story of ‘Latino Wisconsin’

Documentary Tells Story of ‘Latino Wisconsin’

New film in many ways a culmination of 35 years of reporting by Georgia Pabst.

Recount an Insult to Minority Voters?

Recount an Insult to Minority Voters?

'Shameless' and part of a pattern of "blaming Black and brown voters," advocates say.

Murphy’s Law: Will Black, Latinx and Young Voters Turn Out?
Murphy’s Law

Will Black, Latinx and Young Voters Turn Out?

Three groups are working hard -- and spending big -- to turn out these voters.

City Hall: New Commission Seeks Police Reforms
City Hall

New Commission Seeks Police Reforms

Led by Nate Hamilton, Community Collaborative Commission will work with MPD and FPC.

State’s DACA Recipients Vow to ‘Push On’

State’s DACA Recipients Vow to ‘Push On’

Saved by Supreme Court decision, some say they will fight for more immigration reform.

Op Ed: Briggs & Stratton Execs Get Millions
Op Ed

Briggs & Stratton Execs Get Millions

Even as employee who pushed for more pandemic protections in workplace has died from virus.

Voces de la Frontera: Assembly Speaker Robin Vos Should Resign Leadership
Companies’ Absence Policies Cause COVID-19 Risk?

Companies’ Absence Policies Cause COVID-19 Risk?

Briggs & Stratton worker collapses on the job. Employees fear calling in sick will get them fired.

City Activists Decry Supreme Court Ruling

City Activists Decry Supreme Court Ruling

Getting rid of the Safer-At-Home Order is a "recipe for disaster," they say.

Op Ed: Republicans Test Ugly Campaign Theme
Op Ed

Republicans Test Ugly Campaign Theme

Message for 2020: ’Some of you will have to die’.

Murphy’s Law: Cudahy Coronavirus Controversy
Murphy’s Law

Cudahy Coronavirus Controversy

Is Patrick Cudahy safe for workers? Are Cudahy officials protecting the community?

Voces de La Frontera Mobilizing Voters

Voces de La Frontera Mobilizing Voters

Effort for 2020 builds on 2016, when it recruited 5,600 Latinx voters, 67% of them new voters.

2020 County Exec Race: Nath Kicked Out Of Voces Event
2020 County Exec Race

Nath Kicked Out Of Voces Event

In interview with Urban Milwaukee, Nath gives her version of events.

Voces de la Frontera Action Endorses Chris Larson
Op Ed: State Doesn’t Need English Only Law
Op Ed

State Doesn’t Need English Only Law

Bill’s language is sweeping. Its purpose is to fan the flames of bigotry.

‘Relentless Pursuit’ Worries Immigration Activists

‘Relentless Pursuit’ Worries Immigration Activists

Will new federal enforcement effort, working with Milwaukee Police, involve ICE agents?

Man Arrested By ICE Reunited With Family

Man Arrested By ICE Reunited With Family

José Alejandro de la Cruz-Espinoza, 38, has lived in U.S. for decades.

Downtown Rally for DACA, Dreamers

Downtown Rally for DACA, Dreamers

Bus loads of activists at Federal Building urged U.S. Supreme Court to rule in favor of immigrants.

Plats and Parcels: Journal Sentinel Complex Sold
Plats and Parcels

Journal Sentinel Complex Sold

Plus: Badger Mutual moving downtown, Northridge security deal, Lion House has a buyer and much more.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Voces Buying Mitchell Street Building
Eyes on Milwaukee

Voces Buying Mitchell Street Building

After long search, immigrant rights group Voces de la Frontera finds new home, space to grow.

Panel of experts discusses ‘Asylum Seekers at Our Southern Border’
Press Release

Panel of experts discusses ‘Asylum Seekers at Our Southern Border’

The panel is presented by the Church and Society Committee of the United Methodist Church of Whitefish Bay, 819 E. Silver Spring Dr.

Immigration Activists Question MPD Policy Towards ICE

Immigration Activists Question MPD Policy Towards ICE

Fire and Police Commission delays vote on policy a third time, meanwhile activists want answers.

Op Ed: Allow Immigrants to Get Drivers Licenses
Op Ed

Allow Immigrants to Get Drivers Licenses

Change the law and roads will be safer, and state drivers will save millions in insurance premiums.

Will Wisconsin Become a ‘Sanctuary State’?

Will Wisconsin Become a ‘Sanctuary State’?

Rep. Cabrera pushes ban on using Wisconsin facilities to detain undocumented immigrants.

Hispanic Convention Should Draw 20,000 People

Hispanic Convention Should Draw 20,000 People

League of United Latin American Citizens will celebrate 90th anniversary with July convention held in Milwaukee.

Board of Supervisors Endorses Expanded Access to Driver’s Licenses for Undocumented Immigrants
Press Release

Board of Supervisors Endorses Expanded Access to Driver’s Licenses for Undocumented Immigrants

"Expanding access to driver's licenses will make the roads safer for everyone."

Evers’ Budget Allows Immigrants In-State Tuition

Evers’ Budget Allows Immigrants In-State Tuition

Proposal praised by Democrats, slammed by Republicans.

Group Seeks Drivers Licenses for Undocumented

Group Seeks Drivers Licenses for Undocumented

Would help immigrants, makes road safer, Voces de la Frontera argues.

Governor-elect Tony Evers and Lt. Governor-elect Mandela Barnes Announce Next Generation Workforce and Economic Development Policy Advisory Council

Contribution to Bob Peterson of $100

Governor-elect Tony Evers and Lt. Governor-elect Mandela Barnes Announce Next Generation Workforce and Economic Development Policy Advisory Council
Press Release

Governor-elect Tony Evers and Lt. Governor-elect Mandela Barnes Announce Next Generation Workforce and Economic Development Policy Advisory Council

"Investing in an economy that creates good-paying, family-supporting jobs for the people of Wisconsin is a top priority for our administration."

Federal Agents Arrest 30 State Immigrants

Federal Agents Arrest 30 State Immigrants

Crackdown by ICE agents arrests two in Milwaukee, 11 in Madison.

Randy Bryce Endorsed by Voces de la Frontera Action
Press Release

Randy Bryce Endorsed by Voces de la Frontera Action

"I'm proud to partner with the incredible activists at Voces de la Frontera Action."

Eyes on Milwaukee: Labor Groups Rally Against KKK Supporter
Eyes on Milwaukee

Labor Groups Rally Against KKK Supporter

"We'll shout the fascists down, Milwaukee is a union town."

Fighting for Transgender Rights

Fighting for Transgender Rights

Genderqueer Milwaukee board member Livia Rowell-Ortiz has dedicated her life to issue.

Community Groups Hail Clarke’s Resignation

Community Groups Hail Clarke’s Resignation

Anti-Clarke groups declare victory, push Walker on replacement he appoints.

Grassroots Group Targets Sheriff Clarke

Grassroots Group Targets Sheriff Clarke

But Clarke calls group’s leaders “mush-minds” and “rabble rousers.”

The Mystery of Immigration Controversy

The Mystery of Immigration Controversy

Why the change in police policy, why the lack of “transparency,” why all the furor?

Local Leaders Demand Clarke’s Removal

Local Leaders Demand Clarke’s Removal

Legislators, community leaders call on Gov. Walker to remove sheriff from office.

Trump Administration Issues Unconstitutional Threat to Milwaukee County Over Pro-Immigrant Stance
Press Release

Trump Administration Issues Unconstitutional Threat to Milwaukee County Over Pro-Immigrant Stance

"This latest exercise in bullying is part of Trump and Jeff Sessions' campaign of terror against immigrant families, Muslims, African Americans, Latinxs and LGBTQ people."

Every School A Sanctuary

Every School A Sanctuary

Immigrant students organize to create safe havens in MPS schools.

“Day Without Immigrants, Refugees” Planned

“Day Without Immigrants, Refugees” Planned

Local immigrants, advocates ramping up opposition to Trump executive orders.

A Strong Voice for Immigrant Families

A Strong Voice for Immigrant Families

Christine Neumann–Ortiz led 80,000 people in powerful immigrant rights march.

Op-Ed: Of Taco Trucks and Voter Education

Of Taco Trucks and Voter Education

Trump supporter warns of taco trucks on every corner; Latino leaders mobilize voters.

Murphy’s Law: Koch Brothers Recruit State’s Latinos
Murphy’s Law

Koch Brothers Recruit State’s Latinos

But efforts by their shadowy Libre Initiative may be undercut by Trump.

Quotations from the campaign trail
Press Release

Quotations from the campaign trail

1/17/16 - 1/24/16

Obama Order Will Affect Thousands of Immigrants Here

Obama Order Will Affect Thousands of Immigrants Here

Executive order will help 5 million immigrants nationally and up to 30,000 in Milwaukee.

Stop “Terrorizing Our Community!”

Stop “Terrorizing Our Community!”

Group led by Voces de la Frontera protested outside immigration office, calling for end to deportations.

Support Grows for Marina Dimitrijevic
Press Release

Support Grows for Marina Dimitrijevic

More Labor and Community Groups Endorse Marina

Local Advocates Hope for Changes in Immigration Reform Bill

Local Advocates Hope for Changes in Immigration Reform Bill

Advocates says bill before Congress is historic but could still be improved.