Justin Bielinski.

Campaign Finance Reports

2020 - July Continuing - $60 - 2 contributions

2020 - Pre-Primary - $380 - 12 contributions

2020 - January Continuing - $2,542 - 42 contributions

2016 - July Continuing - $455 - 5 contributions

2016 - Pre-Election - $2,955 - 41 contributions

2016 - Pre-Primary - $350 - 4 contributions

2016 - January Continuing - $2,205 - 38 contributions


Content referencing Justin Bielinski

MKE County: Sheriff Ball Seeks Her Own Community Advisory Board
MKE County

Sheriff Ball Seeks Her Own Community Advisory Board

She would pick members. Meanwhile county board seeks to create advisory board.

MKE County: Two Key Issues Driving County’s Poor Budget Picture
MKE County

Two Key Issues Driving County’s Poor Budget Picture

County projects to have $47 million deficit in 2026, but it already faces a 2025 deficit.

MKE County: Sheriff Ball Holds Controlled Town Hall Following Jail Audit
MKE County

Sheriff Ball Holds Controlled Town Hall Following Jail Audit

MCSO announces costly plans for updates to jail facilities.

MKE County: Board Approves Expedited Video Release, But Sheriff Must Act
MKE County

Board Approves Expedited Video Release, But Sheriff Must Act

Resolution urges Sheriff to adopt policy similar to city's for Milwaukee Police.

Coalition of Milwaukee County Constitutional Officers, Supervisors Oppose Misguided Legislation from State Republicans
Transportation: Trump Administration Slashes Popular Transportation Grant Program by 90%, Imperiling Milwaukee Funding

Trump Administration Slashes Popular Transportation Grant Program by 90%, Imperiling Milwaukee Funding

Program previously funded several Milwaukee projects, including bridge repair, streets and streetcar extension.

MKE County: Supervisors Back Expedited Video Release Policy for Sheriff
MKE County

Supervisors Back Expedited Video Release Policy for Sheriff

Policy would require this when officers kill or injure anyone but Sheriff opposes it.

MKE County: County May Rejoin City-County Climate Change Committee
MKE County

County May Rejoin City-County Climate Change Committee

Resolution calls for reconstituting committee in union with city to monitor results.

MKE County: Supervisors Back Sade Robinson Memorial in Warnimont Park
MKE County

Supervisors Back Sade Robinson Memorial in Warnimont Park

Six supervisors are co-sponsors; Parks department working with Robinson family.

MKE County: County Hikes Funding For Jail Contractor
MKE County

County Hikes Funding For Jail Contractor

More funding for financially troubled company handling jail health care.

Milwaukee County Leaders Condemn Hateful Flyers Targeting Immigrant Communities
MKE County: Board Approves Villa Terrace, Charles Allis Privatization, With Extra Protection
MKE County

Board Approves Villa Terrace, Charles Allis Privatization, With Extra Protection

County Board approves transferring museums to nonprofit ownership.

Amendment Strengthens Safeguards in Transition of Charles Allis and Villa Terrace Museums to Nonprofit Management
MKE County: Supervisors Push To End Medicaid Suspension For Incarcerated
MKE County

Supervisors Push To End Medicaid Suspension For Incarcerated

Anyone jailed has federal health benefits suspended, even if not convicted of a crime.

Transportation: MCTS Tries New Tactics To Improve Safety for Operators

MCTS Tries New Tactics To Improve Safety for Operators

Providing rides for bus operators back to the station after they end their shift.

MKE County: Supervisors Move to Create Civilian Review Board for Sheriff
MKE County

Supervisors Move to Create Civilian Review Board for Sheriff

Proposal could provide citizen oversight for Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office.

MKE County: Tight Budget Forces Difficult Vote on Housing, Juvenile Justice
MKE County

Tight Budget Forces Difficult Vote on Housing, Juvenile Justice

Sup. Shawn Rolland wants $500,000 for a housing program. But his chosen source raises concerns for administration, colleagues.

Supervisors Capriolo and Bielinski to Host Community Event on Health Services and Budget Priorities this Saturday
Transportation: Board Spikes Chair’s Plan For Reduced Bus Fares For Voting

Board Spikes Chair’s Plan For Reduced Bus Fares For Voting

Wide-ranging concerns raised about Marcelia Nicholson's proposal.

Milwaukee County Board Adopts Amended Resolution to Avert 2024 Budget Deficit
MKE County: Solving County’s Budget Gap Includes Study of Sheriff’s Spending
MKE County

Solving County’s Budget Gap Includes Study of Sheriff’s Spending

$30,000 staffing study part of resolution closing 2024 budget deficit.

MKE County: Supervisors Move To Approve New County Attorney
MKE County

Supervisors Move To Approve New County Attorney

Acting Corp Counsel Scott Brown receives board's first approval for top attorney.

MKE County: Board Will Weigh In On MPS Trouble
MKE County

Board Will Weigh In On MPS Trouble

Six supervisors support Sup. Bielinski's resolution opposing any changes to MPS governance.

MKE County: Supervisors Embrace Part-Time Roles, Schedule
MKE County

Supervisors Embrace Part-Time Roles, Schedule

Supervisors change start time of board meetings, reflecting truly part-time nature of job.

MKE County: After Series of Deaths, County Jail Audit Approved
MKE County

After Series of Deaths, County Jail Audit Approved

Milwaukee County Board approves contract with third-party for independent audit of the jail. But not without derision over process.

MKE County: Supervisor Questions Jail Audit Contract
MKE County

Supervisor Questions Jail Audit Contract

County Board will consider whether or not to release funding for audit of county jail this month.

Supervisor Bielinski to Introduce Resolution Supporting Milwaukee Public Schools and Advocating for Adequate State Funding
Transportation: Should MCTS Take Over Operation of The Hop, Other Transit Systems?

Should MCTS Take Over Operation of The Hop, Other Transit Systems?

MCTS officials are considering bidding to operate the systems as a move to create a regional transit authority and financial security.

MKE County: Supervisors Grudgingly Approve Raises for Sheriff’s Deputies
MKE County

Supervisors Grudgingly Approve Raises for Sheriff’s Deputies

County Board unanimously approves new contract with sheriff's deputy union, but wants overtime under control.

MKE County: First Majority-Women Milwaukee County Board in History Sworn In
MKE County

First Majority-Women Milwaukee County Board in History Sworn In

Board chair Marcelia Nicholson hangs onto the position for a third-term.

City Hall: New Council Most Diverse In Milwaukee History
City Hall

New Council Most Diverse In Milwaukee History

The largest number of Black, women and LBGTQ+ members in history. Meet all 15.

MKE County: Meet The New Milwaukee County Board
MKE County

Meet The New Milwaukee County Board

When the next legislative cycle begins, there will be four new supervisors.

MTEA Announces Endorsements in April 2nd Election
MKE County: Justin Bielinski Running For Open Seat On County Board
MKE County

Justin Bielinski Running For Open Seat On County Board

Bielinski running for West Allis-centric seat being vacated by Sup. Tony Staskunas.

Larson Drops Out of Senate Race, Endorses Barnes

Larson Drops Out of Senate Race, Endorses Barnes

Eight candidates remain in race, including Godlewski, Lasry and Nelson.

Murphy’s Law: Zamarripa Defends Her Double Dipping
Murphy’s Law

Zamarripa Defends Her Double Dipping

Alderwoman will collect second full-time salary as state legislator for eight months.

12 Election Takeaways

12 Election Takeaways

How high was turnout, lawyers will be busy, girl power, streetcar wins again and a new council president?

2020 Spring Election Results

2020 Spring Election Results

Live City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County results for the April 7th Spring Election.

Vote Absentee: Common Council Candidates
Vote Absentee

Common Council Candidates

Ten contested races could reshape 15-member council.

Vote Tuesday: Common Council Races
Vote Tuesday

Common Council Races

Six of 15 Common Council seats feature three or more candidates.

MTEA Announces Endorsements in Milwaukee Spring Elections
Citizen Action endorses Chris Larson for Milwaukee County Executive
Press Release

Citizen Action endorses Chris Larson for Milwaukee County Executive

Announces more key endorsements in Milwaukee area spring elections

City Hall: Meet the Candidates for City Offices
City Hall

Meet the Candidates for City Offices

Packed spring election features 46 candidates for 19 city offices.

City Hall: Spiker Wins Seat on Common Council
City Hall

Spiker Wins Seat on Common Council

Legislative aide Scott Spiker will replace his former boss Terry Witkowski.

Bielinski calls for rejection of “Dark Money” and other forms of corporate, special-interest spending in Aldermanic Race
Press Release

Bielinski calls for rejection of “Dark Money” and other forms of corporate, special-interest spending in Aldermanic Race

"Politicians should be accountable to the people, not wealthy special interests."

Op Ed: City Could Help Solve Retirement Crisis
Op Ed

City Could Help Solve Retirement Crisis

Allowing private sector employees to buy into city’s pension fund has many advantages.

State Representative Marisabel Cabrera (D-MKE) endorses Justin Bielinski for 8th District Alderman
Press Release

State Representative Marisabel Cabrera (D-MKE) endorses Justin Bielinski for 8th District Alderman

"I am honored and humbled to have earned the support of such a strong leader as Marisabel Cabrera."

City Beat: Common Council Candidate Justin Bielinski
City Beat

Common Council Candidate Justin Bielinski

Organizer Justin Bielinski discusses his campaign to replace Bob Donovan at City Hall.

Trump Backer Running for Donovan’s Seat

Trump Backer Running for Donovan’s Seat

Pentecostal church pastor Eduardo Loera latest to run for south side district where Ald. Donovan retiring.

City Hall: Dimitrijevic Will Run For Common Council
City Hall

Dimitrijevic Will Run For Common Council

County Supervisor wants to represent Bay View at City Hall.

Justin Bielinski Will Seek to Become the Next Alderman of Milwaukee’s 8th District
City Hall: Food Truck Truce Reached
City Hall

Food Truck Truce Reached

But not before Donovan takes shots at the streetcar, potholes, Barrett and Tony Zielinski.

City Hall: Donovan Won’t Run for Re-Election
City Hall

Donovan Won’t Run for Re-Election

Fightin' Bob is walking away. Zamarripa and Bielinski likely to run for council seat.

House Confidential: Home For a Lieutenant Governor?
House Confidential

Home For a Lieutenant Governor?

Mandela Barnes' northwest-side condo was once part of segregated neighborhood.

Mandela Barnes hires Justin Bielinski as Campaign Manager in race for Lieutenant Governor
Op Ed: Republicans Lost The Healthcare Debate
Op Ed

Republicans Lost The Healthcare Debate

And they’re perfectly fine with that.

Campaign Cash: $1 Million In Donations to City Politicians
Campaign Cash

$1 Million In Donations to City Politicians

Our Political Contributions Tracker hits $1 million, reveals who’s giving and getting cash.

What I Learned Running for Alderman

What I Learned Running for Alderman

Justin Bielinski reflects on his razor-thin loss to Ald. Bob Donovan.

Murphy’s Law: Who Will Win the Elections?
Murphy’s Law

Who Will Win the Elections?

The turnout will be massive. And could result in upsets.

Point-Counterpoint for Three Council Races

Point-Counterpoint for Three Council Races

The views (or non-views) of aldermen Bauman, Donovan and Perez — and their opponents.

Domes Are An International Star

Domes Are An International Star

They are a tourist and architectural attraction. Yet there’s talk of tearing them down.

Wisconsin Working Families Party Continues Political Revolution With New Endorsements
Press Release

Wisconsin Working Families Party Continues Political Revolution With New Endorsements

After propelling State Sen. Chris Larson to a surprise win against County Exec. Abele, Wisconsin WFP works to establish progressive voting bloc in Milwaukee

Where Are Tonight’s Candidate Parties?

Where Are Tonight’s Candidate Parties?

Win or lose, today's primary candidates will be partying. But where? Here's the details.

School Board Director Tatiana Joseph Endorses Justin Bielinski for 8th District Alderman
Press Release

School Board Director Tatiana Joseph Endorses Justin Bielinski for 8th District Alderman

I have the utmost respect for Director Joseph and the work she does both as a professor at UWM and as an elected official serving Milwaukee’s south side.

Plenty of Horne: Donovan Wants Fewer Police “Chiefs”
Plenty of Horne

Donovan Wants Fewer Police “Chiefs”

And "more Indians." Alderman and mayoral candidate proposes to redo police staffing to cut higher-ups.

For safety and accountability, it’s time to re-make the FPC
Press Release

For safety and accountability, it’s time to re-make the FPC

The Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission (FPC) is a great idea, with increasingly poor results.

To stop the violence, honesty and hard choices are needed
Press Release

To stop the violence, honesty and hard choices are needed

Perhaps my opponent is right, but perhaps he's not.

Murphy’s Law: The Strange Politics of Anti-Streetcar-ites
Murphy’s Law

The Strange Politics of Anti-Streetcar-ites

So when is that referendum coming, and where are those aldermanic opponents?

Impact of City Reduction in Marijuana Fine?

Impact of City Reduction in Marijuana Fine?

Local leaders offer different views on new city ordinance lowering maximum fine for pot possession to just $50.

Big Dreams for Menomonee Valley

Big Dreams for Menomonee Valley

Second redevelopment plan for area envisions Riverwalk and food and beverage manufacturing district.

Plenty of Horne: Milwaukeean Scores Top NYC Job
Plenty of Horne

Milwaukeean Scores Top NYC Job

Phil Walzak, who ran campaigns for Kohl, Barrett and Abele, is now a high-paid aide and good buddy of New York Mayor de Blasio.

Justin Bielinski for 8th District Alderman
Press Release

Justin Bielinski for 8th District Alderman

Justin Bielinski of Burnham Park announced his candidacy for Alderman in Milwaukee’s 8th District.