Jim Doyle is the former Governor of the State of Wisconsin.

Content referencing Jim Doyle - Page 2

My 25 Years in State Government

My 25 Years in State Government

Walker appointee Mike Huebsch talks about Act 10, energy policy and retiring.

Murphy’s Law: State’s ‘Hidden Deficit’ Lowest in 30 Years
Murphy’s Law

State’s ‘Hidden Deficit’ Lowest in 30 Years

Great news except… it’s still higher than in 49 other states.

Another Walker Appointee Gets Top EPA Job

Another Walker Appointee Gets Top EPA Job

Kurt Thiede, former deputy secretary of state DNR, will run federal EPA’s regional office in Chicago.

Murphy’s Law: Remembering John Pawasarat
Murphy’s Law

Remembering John Pawasarat

UWM researcher had huge impact with his studies.

Derailed: Talgo Trains Return to Milwaukee

Talgo Trains Return to Milwaukee

After 5 years in storage, trains built for Wisconsin may be used on Pacific Northwest line.

State Highway Projects Panel Wakes Up

State Highway Projects Panel Wakes Up

Transportation Projects Commission meets for first time in five years, restarts planning.

Derailed: Could Doyle Have Saved High Speed Rail?

Could Doyle Have Saved High Speed Rail?

And could the state still get it some day? Last in a series.

High Court Candidates Argue Role of Politics

High Court Candidates Argue Role of Politics

Incumbent Supreme Court Justice Dan Kelly spars with opponents Jill Karofsky, Ed Fallone.

Dozens more Wisconsin elected officials endorse Judge Jill Karofsky for Wisconsin Supreme Court
Press Release

Dozens more Wisconsin elected officials endorse Judge Jill Karofsky for Wisconsin Supreme Court

Karofsky earns support from Democrats, Republicans, and Independents from across Wisconsin

Derailed: How Waterloo Lost High Speed Rail

How Waterloo Lost High Speed Rail

Blame Gov. Doyle. And Charlie Sykes. Part 7 in a series.

The State of Politics: The Path to Brad Pfaff’s Firing
The State of Politics

The Path to Brad Pfaff’s Firing

Why GOP legislators shot down Agriculture Secretary. And why Evers was incensed.

Derailed: State’s Talgo Trains Still Sit Idle

State’s Talgo Trains Still Sit Idle

Since Republicans killed deal with manufacturer, trains have sat unused in Beech Grove, Indiana. Part 6 of series.

Gov. Evers Appoints Randy Romanski as Interim DATCP Secretary
Press Release

Gov. Evers Appoints Randy Romanski as Interim DATCP Secretary

Romanski has held leadership roles across various Wisconsin state agencies, and previously served as DATCP deputy secretary and secretary under former Gov. Jim Doyle.

Upgrade the New Deal, Riemer Declares

Upgrade the New Deal, Riemer Declares

Book by former aide to Norquist, Doyle, who helped Tommy Thompson design Badger Care, offers bold solutions.

Derailed: Decision to Refuse Train Funding “Purely Political”

Decision to Refuse Train Funding “Purely Political”

LaHood says Walker wanted to kill a Democratic plan created by Doyle and Obama. Part 4 of series.

Derailed: How Walker and Sykes Killed the Train

How Walker and Sykes Killed the Train

With constant support from talk radio, Walker rejected fully funded, $810 million rail project. Part 3 in a series.

Derailed: Stimulus Program Funded Entire Rail Project

Stimulus Program Funded Entire Rail Project

How Doyle administration got $800 million "100 percent funded” high speed rail. Part two in a series.

Senate Targets Governor’s Veto Power

Senate Targets Governor’s Veto Power

Pushes constitutional amendment to limit partial veto. Legal group WILL will pursue Supreme Court review.

Wisconsin legislators rally behind Judge Jill Karofsky for Wisconsin Supreme Court
Press Release

Wisconsin legislators rally behind Judge Jill Karofsky for Wisconsin Supreme Court

Judge Karofsky currently serves as a criminal court judge in Dane County.

Murphy’s Law: What Walker Cost Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

What Walker Cost Wisconsin

New report shows big decline in federal aid for state while he was governor.

Derailed: Behind Wisconsin’s Abandoned High Speed Rail

Behind Wisconsin’s Abandoned High Speed Rail

Former Gov. Tommy Thompson laid groundwork for the project that Gov. Scott Walker killed.

Milwaukee 2020 Host Committee Announces Events & Production Staff
Press Release

Milwaukee 2020 Host Committee Announces Events & Production Staff

Host committee launches online portal for venues

Women Lead endorses Judge Jill Karofsky for WI Supreme Court
Press Release

Women Lead endorses Judge Jill Karofsky for WI Supreme Court

“Jill has the depth of experience and commitment to our values that we look for in a candidate.”

Shirley Abrahamson Steps Down

Shirley Abrahamson Steps Down

Her legacy saluted by liberal Ruth Bader Ginsberg and conservative Diane Sykes.

The State of Politics: Healthy Economy Buys New State Spending
The State of Politics

Healthy Economy Buys New State Spending

Which helps explain budget victory being claimed by both parties.

Education Activists Turn To Misinformation To Distort GOP Budget
Press Release

Education Activists Turn To Misinformation To Distort GOP Budget

Public education activists should be honest about the large increase and they should be grateful to taxpayers for the hard-earned dollars provided to fund it

How State Created Strongest Veto Power

How State Created Strongest Veto Power

No governor has more power to rewrite bills. How and why Wisconsin adopted this.

The State of Politics: The Curious Job of Lieutenant Governor
The State of Politics

The Curious Job of Lieutenant Governor

Mandela Barnes finding out there is no manual — and few certainties — for the job.

High Tolerance: State Has 22,000 OWI Convictions Per Year
High Tolerance

State Has 22,000 OWI Convictions Per Year

Still high, but way down from 10 years ago when it was 40,000.

Governor Jim Doyle and Jessica Doyle endorse Judge Jill Karofsky for Wisconsin Supreme Court
Press Release

Governor Jim Doyle and Jessica Doyle endorse Judge Jill Karofsky for Wisconsin Supreme Court

"We need Judge Jill Karofsky on the Wisconsin Supreme Court to defend our Constitution and to defend our rights."

Why and When Flag Flies at Half-Staff

Why and When Flag Flies at Half-Staff

Wisconsin does it more often in recent years, 400 times since 9/11.

Kids Sent Out of State for Mental Health Care

Kids Sent Out of State for Mental Health Care

Wisconsin sends hundreds of children to other states for residential treatment as in-state beds decline.

Campaign Cash: Menard to Get Honorary Doctorate
Campaign Cash

Menard to Get Honorary Doctorate

First such degree by UW-Eau Claire goes to businessman, record polluter, big GOP donor.

GOP Lawmakers Reject Pillars of Evers Budget

GOP Lawmakers Reject Pillars of Evers Budget

Joint Finance drops Medicaid expansion, medical pot, reduction in manufacturing tax credit.

Transportation: City a Leader in Complete Streets Policy

City a Leader in Complete Streets Policy

Milwaukee's Complete Streets policy ranks third nationally in report, but yet to be tested.

Supreme Court Vote Was Most Partisan Ever

Supreme Court Vote Was Most Partisan Ever

Voting patterns in state almost exactly match the 2016 presidential victory for Trump.

Supreme Court Race Too Close to Call

Supreme Court Race Too Close to Call

Hagedorn claims victory, recount likely.

Neubauer Downplays Her Democratic Ties

Neubauer Downplays Her Democratic Ties

Traditional campaign for Supreme Court stressing experience, endorsements by judges.

Murphy’s Law: The Trashing of Shirley Abrahamson
Murphy’s Law

The Trashing of Shirley Abrahamson

Why is Brian Hagedorn attacking a legal giant, rather than his opponent in high court race?

Op Ed: Recusal At Issue in High Court Race
Op Ed

Recusal At Issue in High Court Race

State Supreme Court has one of nation’s weakest rules to prevent ethical conflicts.

Op Ed: Gerrymandering Goes Back to Patrick Henry
Op Ed

Gerrymandering Goes Back to Patrick Henry

Evers has plan to end it in Wisconsin. It’s long overdue

Murphy’s Law: Who Will Win State Budget Battle?
Murphy’s Law

Who Will Win State Budget Battle?

Right now it looks like an endless standoff. But appearances can be deceiving.

Plenty of Horne: Painting Headed Back to Governor’s Mansion
Plenty of Horne

Painting Headed Back to Governor’s Mansion

Rejected by Walker, Evers will have painting of three Milwaukee children re-installed.

State Heavily Reliant on Property Tax

State Heavily Reliant on Property Tax

Report: Wisconsin ranks seventh nationally in reliance on property taxes to fund municipal services.

Evers Will Give Pardons

Evers Will Give Pardons

Reversing Walker’s policy, governor to consider pardons, as other predecessors did.

The State of Politics: Evers Appoints Record Number of Women
The State of Politics

Evers Appoints Record Number of Women

For first time in history, majority of governor’s advisors are women.

City Hall: New Leader for Zoning Appeals Board
City Hall

New Leader for Zoning Appeals Board

Mayor picks attorney Brett Blomme to succeed controversial BOZA board chair.

Campaign Cash: Secretive Fund Spent $715,480 On Democrats
Campaign Cash

Secretive Fund Spent $715,480 On Democrats

High Ground Political Fund, connected to Nation Consulting, funded six state senate races.

Good Fiscal News Another Reminder That Cutting Taxes Is The Best Path to Prosperity for All
Press Release

Good Fiscal News Another Reminder That Cutting Taxes Is The Best Path to Prosperity for All

"Eight years of conservative fiscal management put us on a better path."

The Contrarian: About that Republican Cash Surplus
The Contrarian

About that Republican Cash Surplus

The term is meaningless and such half-truths muddy our understanding of state budget.

The Contrarian: The Incredible Decline of State Roads Funding
The Contrarian

The Incredible Decline of State Roads Funding

Nonpartisan report shows percent of state taxes going to transportation fell 48% since 1970.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Evers Sells Vision to Local Leaders
Eyes on Milwaukee

Evers Sells Vision to Local Leaders

Governor urges business leaders to help two parties find common ground on tough issues.

Campaign Cash: Only Neubaurer, Hagedorn in Court Race
Campaign Cash

Only Neubaurer, Hagedorn in Court Race

Two-candidate, left vs. right race for state Supreme Court. Neubauer has raised more money.

Op Ed: Lame Duck Mischief Defamed the State
Op Ed

Lame Duck Mischief Defamed the State

Walker opted to divide and conquer up until last day in office.

Data Wonk: Walker and Jobs, the Final Tally
Data Wonk

Walker and Jobs, the Final Tally

In eight years, state steadily fell further behind nation and Midwest.

Walker Signs Lame Duck Bills

Walker Signs Lame Duck Bills

Doesn’t veto a single measure, chooses to “override the will of the people,” Evers says.

The Contrarian: The Rise and Fall of Scott Walker
The Contrarian

The Rise and Fall of Scott Walker

He accomplished much, then was consumed by an insular hubris.

Evers Forms Panel On Prison Reform

Evers Forms Panel On Prison Reform

Includes two former Supreme Court justices, three former prisons administrators.

Murphy’s Law: What Will Scott Walker’s Legacy Be?
Murphy’s Law

What Will Scott Walker’s Legacy Be?

Remembered for his accomplishments? Or his “poor loser” legislation?

The State Of Politics: How Walker Transformed Wisconsin’s Courts
The State Of Politics

How Walker Transformed Wisconsin’s Courts

One-third of all judges in state appointed by Republican governor.

The Contrarian: Tony Evers’ Best Chance for Enduring Reform
The Contrarian

Tony Evers’ Best Chance for Enduring Reform

Restructure transportation funding, using the model of electric utilities.

Plenty of Horne: Will Painting Return to Governor’s Mansion?
Plenty of Horne

Will Painting Return to Governor’s Mansion?

Painting of urban children commissioned for state mansion was removed by Walker.

Governor-elect Tony Evers and Lt. Governor-elect Mandela Barnes Announce Senior Advisor, Deputy Transition Director, Personnel Advisory Council
Press Release

Governor-elect Tony Evers and Lt. Governor-elect Mandela Barnes Announce Senior Advisor, Deputy Transition Director, Personnel Advisory Council

Governor-elect Evers will make numerous new appointments in the near future.

Murphy’s Law: About That Republican Victory
Murphy’s Law

About That Republican Victory

Voters rejected Democrats for the Assembly, Robin Vos declares. Er, not exactly.

Legislature Approves Evers’ Transition Budget

Legislature Approves Evers’ Transition Budget

Unanimous vote okays $94,600 transition budget for hiring staff, travel expenses, equipment purchase.

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Lost
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Lost

He seemed to have the perfect strategy. The top 10 reasons he failed.

Republicans Could Curb Governor’s Power

Republicans Could Curb Governor’s Power

GOP legislative leaders plan lame-duck session to reduce governor’s power before Evers takes office.

Governor Race Closest Since 1950s

Governor Race Closest Since 1950s

Evers makes history in his defeat of Gov. Scott Walker.

Murphy’s Law: The Fight Against Gerrymandering
Murphy’s Law

The Fight Against Gerrymandering

Advocates hope their Supreme Court case -- now being rewritten -- will succeed.

The State of Politics: Voters Could Return Divided Power to Capitol
The State of Politics

Voters Could Return Divided Power to Capitol

But will it mean compromise -- or deadlocked government?

Data Wonk: The Incoherence of Scott Walker
Data Wonk

The Incoherence of Scott Walker

His suddenly changing policies make for a confused campaign.

Op Ed: Our 1,000 Miles of Great Lakes Shoreline
Op Ed

Our 1,000 Miles of Great Lakes Shoreline

Great Lakes are huge resource for state. Foxconn threatens agreement that protects lakes.

The State of Politics: The Rise of Absentee Ballots
The State of Politics

The Rise of Absentee Ballots

Just 12% of all ballots in 2004, could hit 33% in 2020.

Campaign Cash: Kleefisch Campaign Gives Walker $1 Million
Campaign Cash

Kleefisch Campaign Gives Walker $1 Million

While Barnes campaign gives just $20,000 to Evers campaign.

Murphy’s Law: Schimel’s Spoils System
Murphy’s Law

Schimel’s Spoils System

DOJ gag order on his employees shows the impact of ending civil service protections.

The Contrarian: Tommy Thompson Is Wrong About Prisons
The Contrarian

Tommy Thompson Is Wrong About Prisons

He regrets 1991 plan I wrote. But he never implemented it.

Op Ed: Local Governments Beg State to Fix Roads
Op Ed

Local Governments Beg State to Fix Roads

Municipalities have passed 559 resolutions calling on state leaders to fix the roads budget.

Legislation Moved Quickly Under Walker

Legislation Moved Quickly Under Walker

Much quicker passage, less public input, in first legislative session under Walker, analysis finds.

The Contrarian: Roads Spending Way Down, Debt Way Up
The Contrarian

Roads Spending Way Down, Debt Way Up

New state report shows roads funding down 28%, yet debt service doubling under Walker.

DNR Wastewater Permit Backlog Still a Problem

DNR Wastewater Permit Backlog Still a Problem

One year after critical audit DNR still slow to review potential municipal, industrial and agricultural pollution.

Hagedorn Will Run for Supreme Court

Hagedorn Will Run for Supreme Court

Former attorney for Walker wants seat held by retiring justice Shirley Abrahamson

Governors Jim Doyle, Tony Earl and Marty Schreiber endorse Earnell Lucas
Press Release

Governors Jim Doyle, Tony Earl and Marty Schreiber endorse Earnell Lucas

Lucas is a decorated law enforcement executive and respected public safety professional.

Op Ed: Give State Treasurer Real Power
Op Ed

Give State Treasurer Real Power

Voters favored keeping position, so why not empower state treasurer as a fiscal cop?

The State of Politics: Democrats Rejected Redistricting Reform
The State of Politics

Democrats Rejected Redistricting Reform

Legislative leaders rejected reforms proposed in 2009-2010 session.

Photo Gallery: Juneteenth Day 2018
Photo Gallery

Juneteenth Day 2018

Neither rain nor chilly summer temperatures stopped the festivities, as our photos attest.

Race for Governor: The Many Campaigns of Paul Soglin
Race for Governor

The Many Campaigns of Paul Soglin

First elected to Madison Common Council in 1967, now running for governor in Democratic primary.

Can Tony Evers’ Laid Back Approach Win?

Can Tony Evers’ Laid Back Approach Win?

Some question his ability to be tough in campaign against Gov. Walker.

The State of Politics: A State MPS Reform Proposal. Again
The State of Politics

A State MPS Reform Proposal. Again

Scott Walker joins a list of governors and others who’ve proposed reforms.

MPS Becomes Issue in Governor’s Race

MPS Becomes Issue in Governor’s Race

Budget cuts, poor achievement, Walker’s call for state action heat up discussion.

Murphy’s Law: The Anti-Roads Governor
Murphy’s Law

The Anti-Roads Governor

Why would a Republican governor be as anti-highways as Scott Walker?

Campaign Cash: Greater Wisconsin Committee Spends Big
Campaign Cash

Greater Wisconsin Committee Spends Big

But the liberal group has mostly lost in elections since 2010.

Op Ed: The Long Arm of the WMC
Op Ed

The Long Arm of the WMC

Big business group wants to buy another high court justice, as WMC has admitted.

Former Governor Jim Doyle  Endorses Rebecca Dallet for Wisconsin Supreme Court
Press Release

Former Governor Jim Doyle Endorses Rebecca Dallet for Wisconsin Supreme Court

"I am grateful to Governor Doyle for his support."

Walker’s “Welfare Reform” Approach is Punishment, Not Lifting People Out of Poverty
Press Release

Walker’s “Welfare Reform” Approach is Punishment, Not Lifting People Out of Poverty

"The strings Walker wants to attach to benefits are intended to shame the recipients, not help them."

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn Deal Gets Even Worse
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn Deal Gets Even Worse

$4.1 billion handout will deliver even less benefits, more costs than imagined.

Op Ed: Pendulum Swinging Against GOP
Op Ed

Pendulum Swinging Against GOP

Voters could punish Walker, Republicans for cuts in UW and environmental protection.

Murphy’s Law: The Governor of Giveaways
Murphy’s Law

The Governor of Giveaways

Instead of building a real economy, Walker is trying to buy one.

Smart Politics: History Gives Walker Slim Odds to Win
Smart Politics

History Gives Walker Slim Odds to Win

State voters rarely elect a gubernatorial candidate whose party holds the presidency.

The State of Politics: Spending on Medicaid, Tech Colleges Soars
The State of Politics

Spending on Medicaid, Tech Colleges Soars

Up by 81% and 281% under Walker.

AFP-WI and MacIver Institute Ask Legislature To Rethink Move to Resurrect New Deal Conservation Corps
Press Release

AFP-WI and MacIver Institute Ask Legislature To Rethink Move to Resurrect New Deal Conservation Corps

It seems that some Wisconsin lawmakers are so nostalgic for the old days of the Great Depression

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