
Content referencing George W. Bush

Murphy’s Law: How Deportations Will Hurt Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

How Deportations Will Hurt Milwaukee

Most of its growth in population and workers in last 30 years has come from immigrants.

Op Ed: Sean Duffy Is Odd Pick to Run Department of Transportation
Op Ed

Sean Duffy Is Odd Pick to Run Department of Transportation

Former Wisconsin congressman has little management experience or interest in the issue.

Wisconsin’s 10 GOP Electors Cast Legal Votes for Donald Trump, JD Vance

Wisconsin’s 10 GOP Electors Cast Legal Votes for Donald Trump, JD Vance

4 years ago, a different group of Republicans tried to pull off a false electors scheme.

K-12 Education: State Test Results ‘Worthless’?
K-12 Education

State Test Results ‘Worthless’?

Changes in tests make it difficult to measure how MPS students are doing.

Murphy’s Law: How Trump Will Change Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

How Trump Will Change Wisconsin

Voters in this state opted for change. What will they get?

Women Could Decide Wisconsin Elections

Women Could Decide Wisconsin Elections

Moms for Liberty vs. Motherhood for Good?

Why Trump Voter Now Opposes Him

Why Trump Voter Now Opposes Him

Lori McCammon of Alma, Wisconsin, has recorded a video for Republican Voters Against Trump.

Murphy’s Law: Bradley Trustee a Gun Rights ‘Superstar’
Murphy’s Law

Bradley Trustee a Gun Rights ‘Superstar’

Attorney, Milwaukee native and Bradley Foundation board member Paul Clement faces questions for his starring role in gun rights.

Wisconsin Joins New Federal Online Program for Filing Income Tax Returns

Wisconsin Joins New Federal Online Program for Filing Income Tax Returns

In its first year Direct File saved taxpayers using it some $5.6 million in tax preparation fees.

Former Governor Tommy Thompson among those to be honored at 2024 LGBTQ+ Honor Awards
Press Release

Former Governor Tommy Thompson among those to be honored at 2024 LGBTQ+ Honor Awards

Thompson became an LGBTQ ally in the 1980s when the first AIDS case was reported in Wisconsin and he funded the Milwaukee AIDS Project

Wisconsin’s Long-Vacant Federal Judgeship Could Finally Be Filled

Wisconsin’s Long-Vacant Federal Judgeship Could Finally Be Filled

Atty Byron Conway has bipartisan backing from Wisconsin's U.S. senators.

Murphy’s Law: National Media Discovers Mayor Johnson
Murphy’s Law

National Media Discovers Mayor Johnson

Gaining lots of positive press during RNC, now talking of running for governor.

Former Machine Shop Is RNC Party Venue

Former Machine Shop Is RNC Party Venue

Warehouse party for GOP conventioneers will take place nightly in Brewers Hill.

Data Wonk: Which Party Has Done More to Increase Federal Debt?
Data Wonk

Which Party Has Done More to Increase Federal Debt?

Ron Johnson has pushed hard on this issue. What has been the result?

Green Party Candidate Will Be On Wisconsin’s Presidential Ballot

Green Party Candidate Will Be On Wisconsin’s Presidential Ballot

Democrats fear a loss of votes that could defeat President Joe Biden.

Murphy’s Law: Even Republicans Praise Tammy Baldwin
Murphy’s Law

Even Republicans Praise Tammy Baldwin

Democrat’s ability to court rural vote wins grudging respect — and fear.

UWM to award more than 2,000 degrees at commencement Dec. 17
Veteran Anchor Carole Meekins announces retirement from TMJ4 News
After Waukesha, Will Other Communities Seek Great Lakes Water?

After Waukesha, Will Other Communities Seek Great Lakes Water?

City spent nearly a decade pursuing diversion, which was eventually reduced by Great Lakes governors.

Janet Protasiewicz Defeats Kelly, Flips Supreme Court For Liberals

Janet Protasiewicz Defeats Kelly, Flips Supreme Court For Liberals

Her win creates liberal majority on Wisconsin's high court for first time in 15 years.

Senator Baldwin Votes to Formally End Gulf and Iraq Wars
Will Threats to Social Security Drive Voter Turnout?

Will Threats to Social Security Drive Voter Turnout?

Ron Johnson, others in GOP seek to change system.

Murphy’s Law: Did Democrats Devise Great Replacement Theory?
Murphy’s Law

Did Democrats Devise Great Replacement Theory?

So say conservatives like the policy director for 'free market' Badger Institute.

Trump Endorses Tim Michels for Governor

Trump Endorses Tim Michels for Governor

Former Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch has now lost out on two major endorsements.

Milwaukee County Elections Director Julietta Henry to Participate in Elections Panel at George W. Bush Presidential Center
Murphy’s Law: The Bradley Foundation and ‘Superpredators’
Murphy’s Law

The Bradley Foundation and ‘Superpredators’

Research it helped fund demonized young Black males, leading to long prison sentences.

Doug La Follette Faces Primary Challenge for Secretary of State

Doug La Follette Faces Primary Challenge for Secretary of State

Alexia Sabor, Chair of Dane County Democratic Party, running for Secretary of State.

Thompson Won’t Run For Governor

Thompson Won’t Run For Governor

Former governor, 80, could have shaken up the Republican primary.

Tommy Thompson Won’t Rule Out Another Run for Governor

Tommy Thompson Won’t Rule Out Another Run for Governor

Thompson served four terms as governor from 1987 to 2001. He recently served as interim UW-System president.

Key Republican Bashes GOP Elections Probe

Key Republican Bashes GOP Elections Probe

Sen. Bernier, Senate’s elections committee chair, calls investigation a ‘charade’ that will harm her party.

Op Ed: Tommy Thompson For Governor?
Op Ed

Tommy Thompson For Governor?

He might welcome an overture from Republican Party. And add depth to 2022 campaign.

Wisconsin School Boards Suspend Participation With National Association

Wisconsin School Boards Suspend Participation With National Association

State group joins mostly conservative states blasting NSBA for attacking “terrorism” against local boards.

Barrett Ambassador Confirmation Stalled in Senate

Barrett Ambassador Confirmation Stalled in Senate

But candidates are still lining up to replace him. Seven have filed candidacy already.

Murphy’s Law: College Grads Are Leaving Republican Party
Murphy’s Law

College Grads Are Leaving Republican Party

While less educated voters ditch the Democratic Party. How is that changing the state?

Republican Schools Colleagues on Election Lies

Republican Schools Colleagues on Election Lies

Elections chair Sen. Kathy Bernier runs 2.5 hour meeting with experts and verifiable facts.

Competing Redistricting Lawsuits in Federal, State Courts

Competing Redistricting Lawsuits in Federal, State Courts

Liberal groups file in federal court, conservative group asks state Supreme Court to act.

UW Campuses Vary on Mask Policy

UW Campuses Vary on Mask Policy

UWM among eight state universities requiring them. Others hint it may be voluntary.

HIPAA Does Not Prevent Asking For Vaccine Status

HIPAA Does Not Prevent Asking For Vaccine Status

A Q&A on what the medical privacy law actually covers.

Murphy’s Law: Republican Class Warfare
Murphy’s Law

Republican Class Warfare

It hurts their own voters in Wisconsin. How do they get away with it?

Murphy’s Law: Evers Is the Pro-Science Candidate
Murphy’s Law

Evers Is the Pro-Science Candidate

Why has that description become so controversial?

Back in the News: Is Ron Johnson the New Trump?
Back in the News

Is Ron Johnson the New Trump?

The nation's new leader in peddling conspiracy theories. Is he planning a run for president?

Ron Johnson Declines Vaccine

Ron Johnson Declines Vaccine

As polls show about 50% of GOP men will refuse vaccine, state’s Republican congressmen won’t speak out.

Republicans Attack Zuckerberg Election Grants Again

Republicans Attack Zuckerberg Election Grants Again

Using emails from Green Bay's former clerk, GOP lawmakers are calling for an investigation.

Data Wonk: Trump’s Dismal Record on the Economy
Data Wonk

Trump’s Dismal Record on the Economy

The data shows the worst performance of any president since World War II.

Murphy’s Law: 10 Republicans Accused of Voter Fraud 
Murphy’s Law

10 Republicans Accused of Voter Fraud 

Meet the folks who wanted to overturn Wisconsin’s election. Legal complaint says they committed crimes.

Op Ed: In Praise of Biden’s Press Secretary
Op Ed

In Praise of Biden’s Press Secretary

Jennifer Psaki brings credibility — remember that? — back to the job.

Smart Politics: Wisconsin Is America’s Plurality King
Smart Politics

Wisconsin Is America’s Plurality King

Biden won state with less than a majority, the 14th such result for Wisconsin, the nation’s leader.

Data Wonk: The Republican Push For Autocracy
Data Wonk

The Republican Push For Autocracy

Analysis shows GOP now resembles authoritarian parties in Hungary and Turkey.

Lawsuit Seeks to Invalidate Votes in Milwaukee County

Lawsuit Seeks to Invalidate Votes in Milwaukee County

Suit uses anonymous sources to allege voter fraud.

State’s Past Votes Could Foretell 2020 Result

State’s Past Votes Could Foretell 2020 Result

Wisconsin has had two kinds of presidental elections. Which one this time?

Kavanaugh Opinion on State’s Election Called “Ominous”

Kavanaugh Opinion on State’s Election Called “Ominous”

Supreme Court justice echoes Trump’s view that election day must decide final vote.

The State of Politics: Will Evers Run for Second Term?
The State of Politics

Will Evers Run for Second Term?

He’s had no time to think about that, he says. Why his reelection won’t be easy.

Judge Rejects Challenge to Election Grants

Judge Rejects Challenge to Election Grants

Conservative group argued against cities accepting private grants for election activities.

Lessons From the 1918 Influenza Plague

Lessons From the 1918 Influenza Plague

‘We have done such a poor job.' Wisconsin was a leader in 1918, says historian.

Op Ed: Trump Has Enormous “Emergency” Powers
Op Ed

Trump Has Enormous “Emergency” Powers

1978 law gives president 123 statutory powers. He could round up a lot of people, a lot of groups.

Op Ed: The Party of Lincoln No More
Op Ed

The Party of Lincoln No More

Johnson, Grothman, Tiffany redefine Republican Party in an un-Abe-like way.

Appeals Court Upholds Early Voting Restriction

Appeals Court Upholds Early Voting Restriction

Overrules federal district court, upholds Republican restrictions on voting in Wisconsin.

The State of Politics: UW Tests Tommy’s Legacy As a ‘Builder”
The State of Politics

UW Tests Tommy’s Legacy As a ‘Builder”

Former governor has huge legacy of bipartisan success, but leading UW won’t be easy.

Tommy Thompson Named Interim UW System President

Tommy Thompson Named Interim UW System President

Former governor comes in after a controversial search process that lost its top candidate.

Former Governor Tommy G. Thompson to serve as UW System Interim President
High Rate of Turnover for School Superintendents

High Rate of Turnover for School Superintendents

Some superintendents leap frog from district to district, advancing their career or salary.

Data Wonk: How Bad Is The Pandemic Recession?
Data Wonk

How Bad Is The Pandemic Recession?

The numbers tell a sobering story. Will policymakers learn from it?

Republican Anti-Trump Ad Hits State

Republican Anti-Trump Ad Hits State

Meet the Lincoln Project, led by past members of GOP campaigns, administrations.

Baldwin, Murray, Heinrich, Democrats to Scalia: Do Your Job and Protect Workers Before Reopening the Economy
Press Release

Baldwin, Murray, Heinrich, Democrats to Scalia: Do Your Job and Protect Workers Before Reopening the Economy

As the Trump Administration pushes to reopen economy, Senate Democrats insist that worker protections must come first

Op Ed: Trump’s Decision to Kill
Op Ed

Trump’s Decision to Kill

The President seems to have gotten away with murder, just like he said he would.

Huge Drop in Refugees Resettled Since 2016

Huge Drop in Refugees Resettled Since 2016

Wisconsin resettled 480 refugees in 2019, compared to nearly 1,877 in 2016.

Data Wonk: The Return of Texas v. U.S.
Data Wonk

The Return of Texas v. U.S.

Case could kill ACA, leave 18 million without health insurance. Which states would be hurt most?

Trump Picks Camp David Over Milwaukee

Trump Picks Camp David Over Milwaukee

G7 summit to be held at Presidential retreat, not downtown Milwaukee site Barrett offered.

Derailed: Could Doyle Have Saved High Speed Rail?

Could Doyle Have Saved High Speed Rail?

And could the state still get it some day? Last in a series.

Derailed: How Republicans Became Anti-Train

How Republicans Became Anti-Train

The politics of resentment replaced business-oriented development, as Tommy Thompson would learn. Part 8 of series.

Data Wonk: The Charter School Dilemma
Data Wonk

The Charter School Dilemma

They perform better and are supported by most black voters — but opposed by most white Democrats.

Derailed: Behind Wisconsin’s Abandoned High Speed Rail

Behind Wisconsin’s Abandoned High Speed Rail

Former Gov. Tommy Thompson laid groundwork for the project that Gov. Scott Walker killed.

Junior Achievement of Wisconsin Presents Annual Volunteer Awards
Press Release

Junior Achievement of Wisconsin Presents Annual Volunteer Awards

2019-2020 JA State Board Members Announced

Local Anti-War Protestors Keep Pushing

Local Anti-War Protestors Keep Pushing

America has been at war since 2001. Local activists continue their call for peace.

The State of Politics: The Curious Job of Lieutenant Governor
The State of Politics

The Curious Job of Lieutenant Governor

Mandela Barnes finding out there is no manual — and few certainties — for the job.

Hispanic Convention Should Draw 20,000 People

Hispanic Convention Should Draw 20,000 People

League of United Latin American Citizens will celebrate 90th anniversary with July convention held in Milwaukee.

Op Ed: Movie “Vice” Distorts Cheney, Rumsfeld
Op Ed

Movie “Vice” Distorts Cheney, Rumsfeld

I knew them both. Movie is a distorted hit job on two long-serving patriotic Americans.

Sensenbrenner Reintroduces the Disability Integration Act
Press Release

Sensenbrenner Reintroduces the Disability Integration Act

"I am proud to again sponsor the House version of this strong, bipartisan bill."

Vos and Fitzgerald Trash Urban Voters

Vos and Fitzgerald Trash Urban Voters

Affirming the alignment of Republicans with voters from shrinking counties.

Sensenbrenner’s Second Chance Reauthorization Act Sent to President’s Desk as Part of Bipartisan Criminal Justice Reform Package
Press Release

Sensenbrenner’s Second Chance Reauthorization Act Sent to President’s Desk as Part of Bipartisan Criminal Justice Reform Package

"Republicans and Democrats coming together to pass criminal justice reform is a monumental victory for the American people..."

Op Ed: Republican Power Grab Unprecedented
Op Ed

Republican Power Grab Unprecedented

Legislators “don’t trust” newly elected governor, so they want to take away Evers’ power.

The State of Politics: How Thompson Grew State Prisons
The State of Politics

How Thompson Grew State Prisons

Number of prisoners rose from 4,867 to 20,536 under Gov. Thompson. Now he wants reform.

Op Ed: Tommy Could Help Create Prison Reform
Op Ed

Tommy Could Help Create Prison Reform

Thompson, former Republican governor, regrets increase in incarceration, could team with Democratic reformers.

Data Wonk: Making Wisconsin More Like Texas
Data Wonk

Making Wisconsin More Like Texas

Schimel and Walker support changes in Affordable Care Act most voters oppose. Why?

Vote Tuesday: Guide to Republican Candidates
Vote Tuesday

Guide to Republican Candidates

Republican U.S. Senate duel leads the way on Tuesday's ballot.

Data Wonk: How Government Helps the Economy
Data Wonk

How Government Helps the Economy

A government safety net is the best way of assuring the economy can evolve and grow.

Vukmir, Nicholson Debate, Both Back Trump

Vukmir, Nicholson Debate, Both Back Trump

Neither criticized anything president has done, no major disagreements between candidates.

Data Wonk: How Trump Threatens State’s Exports
Data Wonk

How Trump Threatens State’s Exports

As parties flip-flop on free trade, can Wisconsin’s export economy be protected?

Op Ed: A New Low for Leah Vukmir?
Op Ed

A New Low for Leah Vukmir?

GOP candidate for Senate smears Sen.Baldwin, branding her a “terrorist.”

Legality of Foxconn’s Water Use At Issue

Legality of Foxconn’s Water Use At Issue

New York and Michigan officials question whether Lake Michigan water diversion only for residential users.

Sensenbrenner Receives Award for Work on Second Chance Act
Press Release

Sensenbrenner Receives Award for Work on Second Chance Act

"I’m grateful to accept this award and look forward to seeing this important legislation reauthorized this year."

Milwaukee Board of School Directors Selects Interim Superintendent
Press Release

Milwaukee Board of School Directors Selects Interim Superintendent

Veteran educator Dr. Keith P. Posley to lead district

Governor Walker Welcomes President Trump’s Aggressive Actions to Secure America’s Southern Border
Press Release

Governor Walker Welcomes President Trump’s Aggressive Actions to Secure America’s Southern Border

Illegal flow of drugs across southern border is a threat to Wisconsin

Where The Great Lakes Compact Ends and Wisconsin Law Begins

Where The Great Lakes Compact Ends and Wisconsin Law Begins

Why the Waukesha and Foxconn water diversions involve different rules.

Data Wonk: A Federal Jobs Guarantee?
Data Wonk

A Federal Jobs Guarantee?

NY Senator Gillibrand is pushing idea. Polls show people favor it.

Murphy’s Law: Where Are Wage Gains Ryan Promised?
Murphy’s Law

Where Are Wage Gains Ryan Promised?

Companies aren’t delivering -- and never promised -- the salary hikes Republicans touted.

Eyes on Milwaukee: HUD Awards $240,000 to Local Group
Eyes on Milwaukee

HUD Awards $240,000 to Local Group

SET Ministry, the state's only grant winner, works with public housing residents.

Smart Politics: History Gives Walker Slim Odds to Win
Smart Politics

History Gives Walker Slim Odds to Win

State voters rarely elect a gubernatorial candidate whose party holds the presidency.

Sensenbrenner Votes to Protect Abortion Survivors
Data Wonk: Will Federal Tax Plan Succeed?
Data Wonk

Will Federal Tax Plan Succeed?

Past economic data suggests it won’t. And voters think it will fail.

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