Dale Schultz is a Wisconsin State Senator.


Content referencing Dale Schultz

Murphy’s Law: Tommy Thompson Shames Himself
Murphy’s Law

Tommy Thompson Shames Himself

His embrace of Donald Trump and RFK Jr. has soiled the ex-governor’s reputation.

Charlie Sykes Endorses Kamala Harris

Charlie Sykes Endorses Kamala Harris

Joining former radio host are former Republican State Senate majority leader, former Court of Appeals judge.

Op Ed: Liz Cheney Opposes Rep. Van Orden
Op Ed

Liz Cheney Opposes Rep. Van Orden

She opposes Republican congressman because he was at U.S. Capitol on January 6.

Op Ed: Here’s To State Republicans Who Support Constitution
Op Ed

Here’s To State Republicans Who Support Constitution

GOP veterans join Wisconsin branch of national group Keep Our Republic.

85 of 86 Incumbent State Legislators Won in 2022

85 of 86 Incumbent State Legislators Won in 2022

Just one lost. Experts blame Republican gerrymandering and uncompetitive districts.

Op Ed: South Dakota Expands Medicaid
Op Ed

South Dakota Expands Medicaid

39 states have now expanded Medicaid. What is Wisconsin waiting for?

34 State Legislators Endorse Jill Underly for State Superintendent
The State of Politics: Where Are Act 10 Players Today?
The State of Politics

Where Are Act 10 Players Today?

Governor and three-fourths of legislators engaged in 2011 battle over law crushing public unions have moved on.

Redistricting conversation continues on virtual “On the Issues,” Feb. 11
Court Watch: 2,000 Object to Redistricting Proposal
Court Watch

2,000 Object to Redistricting Proposal

272 pages of comments compiled by Fair Maps Coalition oppose state Supreme Court drawing legislative districts.

Former lawmakers to go ‘On the Issues’ for virtual bipartisan conversation on redistricting, Oct. 13
The State Of Politics: Ten Years After Act 10
The State Of Politics

Ten Years After Act 10

Most of those who voted for it are gone. How has the Capitol changed?

Op Ed: Appeals Court Allows Suppression of Black Votes
Op Ed

Appeals Court Allows Suppression of Black Votes

Cynical decision allows Republican suppression because it's all part of a partisan game.

Op Ed: The Banality of State Sen. Luther Olsen
Op Ed

The Banality of State Sen. Luther Olsen

Retiring Republican moderate has rolled over repeatedly for the most extreme GOP ideas and politicians.

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Suppress Their Own Voters
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Suppress Their Own Voters

Because they thought even more Democrats would be discouraged. They were wrong.

Op Ed: How to Pass Expanded Medicaid Bill
Op Ed

How to Pass Expanded Medicaid Bill

Evers needs to be more strategic with Republicans.

Op Ed: Lessons of the Lower Wisconsin River
Op Ed

Lessons of the Lower Wisconsin River

Beautifully conserved, it's the longest free flowing river left in the Midwest.

The State of Politics: The Legacy of Morris Andrews
The State of Politics

The Legacy of Morris Andrews

He built state teachers union into the foremost Capitol power — only to see its dramatic decline.

Op Ed: Move Wisconsin Medicaid Expansion Forward
Op Ed

Move Wisconsin Medicaid Expansion Forward

70 percent of Wisconsinites support Medicaid expansion. It would provide health insurance to those without, and save state millions.

Gerrymandering Foes Push Reform

Gerrymandering Foes Push Reform

Fair Maps groups embrace nonpartisan redistricting in Assembly, Senate bills.

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Hate the Gas Tax
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Hate the Gas Tax

Once they promoted this user fee, now they’d rather roads fall apart. Why?

Waupaca County Opposes Gerrymandering

Waupaca County Opposes Gerrymandering

Conservative-leaning county’s board vote means 46 (of 72) state counties now favor non-partisan redistricting.

The State of Politics: How Evers Would End Gerrymandering
The State of Politics

How Evers Would End Gerrymandering

He proposes non-partisan redistricting plan similar to Iowa’s.

Op Ed: Why GOP Should Back Medicaid Expansion
Op Ed

Why GOP Should Back Medicaid Expansion

Voters want it, just like they opposed government shutdown. Republican legislators, take heed.

Secrecy Hides State Legislators’ Actions

Secrecy Hides State Legislators’ Actions

Anonymous budget amendments and "Body Snatcher” bills reward special interests, limit public input.

Tony Evers Launches Conservationists for Tony
Press Release

Tony Evers Launches Conservationists for Tony

"I’m excited and honored to be endorsed by bipartisan conservation leaders from across Wisconsin who understand how important protecting our natural resources is to our future."

Op Ed: Evers Could Benefit From Walker Fatigue
Op Ed

Evers Could Benefit From Walker Fatigue

There is exhaustion with Walker’s ambition and relentless negative campaigns.

Wisconsin Residents See Democracy in Decline

Wisconsin Residents See Democracy in Decline

Nationally and here in Wisconsin, citizens feel their voices aren't being heard.

The State of Politics: Remembering Mike Ellis
The State of Politics

Remembering Mike Ellis

He dealt in deals, barbs, facts and fiction.

The Push for Nonpartisan Redistricting

The Push for Nonpartisan Redistricting

Advocates push for Wisconsin to enact a redistricting process similar to Iowa's system.

U.S. Supreme Court Nears Decision on Wisconsin Redistricting Case

U.S. Supreme Court Nears Decision on Wisconsin Redistricting Case

Ruling could impact the nation’s elections and democracy for decades.

Murphy’s Law: Voter Suppression Hurts Everyone
Murphy’s Law

Voter Suppression Hurts Everyone

New research shows votes -- for both blacks and whites -- were suppressed in 2016.

Poll: Wisconsin Wants Fair Maps and Independent Map-Drawing Process
Press Release

Poll: Wisconsin Wants Fair Maps and Independent Map-Drawing Process

The Fair Elections Project supports the creation of fair maps that ensure the will of the people is reflected in the legislature.

Murphy’s Law: Leah Vukmir Welcomes Your Hate
Murphy’s Law

Leah Vukmir Welcomes Your Hate

Or how to run for U.S. Senate in the land of scorched-earth politics.

Back in the News: We Couldn’t Find Any Voter Fraud
Back in the News

We Couldn’t Find Any Voter Fraud

Ex legislator Dale Schultz exposes Republican scam on voter fraud.

Fair Elections Project calls for fair map drawing process to continue
Press Release

Fair Elections Project calls for fair map drawing process to continue

State tries to win by delay what they couldn’t win on the law

Fair Elections Project calls upon Legislature to focus on fair map drawing process
Press Release

Fair Elections Project calls upon Legislature to focus on fair map drawing process

State appeals case, increasing cost to taxpayers

Wisconsin Federal Court Permanently Blocks State Redistricting Plan
Press Release

Wisconsin Federal Court Permanently Blocks State Redistricting Plan

Litigators and lead plaintiff react to decision as case nears Supreme Court

Plaintiffs call for new maps for Wisconsin legislative district
Press Release

Plaintiffs call for new maps for Wisconsin legislative district

“The citizens of Wisconsin should have a chance to elect a government which represents us,” said Sachin Chheda, Director of the Fair Election Project

Federal Court overturns unconstitutional gerrymandering of Wisconsin legislative districts
Press Release

Federal Court overturns unconstitutional gerrymandering of Wisconsin legislative districts

The lawsuit fulfills a call issued by the U.S. Supreme Court in previous cases for a standard to measure how much partisan gerrymandering is allowable.

Murphy’s Law: Did Trump Steal Wisconsin?
Murphy’s Law

Did Trump Steal Wisconsin?

Some point to voter suppression as a factor in this state and others.

Op-Ed: Petri and Schultz Won’t Vote for Trump

Petri and Schultz Won’t Vote for Trump

Former Wisconsin congressman, former state senator are among long list of GOP dissenters.

Wis. Nonprofits Want US Dept. of Justice to Challenge Voter ID Law
Press Release

Wis. Nonprofits Want US Dept. of Justice to Challenge Voter ID Law

They Cite Recent Evidence of “Racist Intent”

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Love Photo ID
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Love Photo ID

It may not make a huge difference in the vote. Just enough to win.

SHOT/CHASER: Congressman Glenn Grothman Doubles Down On Rigging November 2016 Elections
Press Release

SHOT/CHASER: Congressman Glenn Grothman Doubles Down On Rigging November 2016 Elections

Rep. Grothman hasn't backed away from his comments since Tuesday.

Data Wonk: When Progressives Imitate the Right
Data Wonk

When Progressives Imitate the Right

The Shepherd’s campaign against Democrat Chris Abele is a classic example

10 Most Popular Stories of 2015

10 Most Popular Stories of 2015

The bus strike, Scott Walker’s meltdown, a sneaky Bucks arena plan -- readers flocked to these and other stories.

Can Auto Redistricting End Gerrymandering?

Can Auto Redistricting End Gerrymandering?

A software programmer devises a way to eliminate political bias.

The State of Politics: Conservative Power Rises in Senate
The State of Politics

Conservative Power Rises in Senate

With the replacement of two key GOP moderates, Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald has far more power.

Battle Over Iron Mine Leaves Scars

Battle Over Iron Mine Leaves Scars

The battle "tore the community apart" for mine that was never going to happen, Jauch charges.

The State of Politics: Gogebic Mine Dies Without a Whimper
The State of Politics

Gogebic Mine Dies Without a Whimper

After all the controversy, it’s been killed, with barely a word from partisans on either side. Why?

Back in the News: Dale Schultz’s Last Hurrah
Back in the News

Dale Schultz’s Last Hurrah

The retired Republican lawmaker dumps on his party and explains how Walker snookered him on Act 10.

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Had to Cut UW Funding
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Had to Cut UW Funding

His presidential ambitions left him with no other option.

Twas A Night In Wisconsin

Twas A Night In Wisconsin

Tis the season for a wry, poetic reflection on Wisconsin politics.

The State of Politics: School Choice Group Attacked Democrats
The State of Politics

School Choice Group Attacked Democrats

The group spent $850,000. Democratic Rep. Wright blames their late, “false” ads for her loss.

The State of Politics: Pick Tuesday’s Primary Winners
The State of Politics

Pick Tuesday’s Primary Winners

Burke v. Hulsey won't be close. But the 19th Assembly District Democratic primary looks to be very competitive, who will win it?

The State of Politics: The Coming War Against Common Core
The State of Politics

The Coming War Against Common Core

Top priority for Republican legislators next year is to kill Common Core educational standards.

The State of Politics: GOP Leaders Run Away from Same Sex Marriage Issue
The State of Politics

GOP Leaders Run Away from Same Sex Marriage Issue

Republicans who championed amendment barring gay marriages now avoid defending the measure.

Murphy’s Law: Walker, Sykes and Belling
Murphy’s Law

Walker, Sykes and Belling

The New Republic feature story on Scott Walker and talk radio is juicy stuff. But is it true?

Data Wonk: The Democratic Disadvantage
Data Wonk

The Democratic Disadvantage

Republicans can continue to control the legislature with 46% of the statewide vote. How can Democrats overcome this edge?

Republicans Should Retain Legislature This Fall

Republicans Should Retain Legislature This Fall

Democrats hope to retake Senate but their chances don't look good.

The State of Politics: Republicans Purge Their Elders
The State of Politics

Republicans Purge Their Elders

No matter how experienced, moderates willing to negotiate with Democrats are getting purged from the party.

Assembly candidate Brostoff calls for non-partisan redistricting
Press Release

Assembly candidate Brostoff calls for non-partisan redistricting

State Assembly candidate Jonathan Brostoff has called for non-partisan redistricting in Wisconsin to rectify gerrymandering.

Murphy’s Law: Why Moderates Are Extinct
Murphy’s Law

Why Moderates Are Extinct

The retirement of Petri, Ellis and Cullen suggests neither party has room for moderates.

Say Goodbye to the Party of Lincoln

Say Goodbye to the Party of Lincoln

State Sen. Dale Schultz retires, shaking his head at how the Republican Party has changed.

Christmas Gifts for Your Favorite Politician

Christmas Gifts for Your Favorite Politician

Here are some last-minute gift ideas for a few Wisconsin pols.

Eyes on Milwaukee: City Authority Okays New Beerline Buildings
Eyes on Milwaukee

City Authority Okays New Beerline Buildings

RACM approves two apartment buildings with 113 units that will increase density on N. Commerce St.

Lazich, August, Fitzgerald and Vos Still Silent on Redistricting Reform Public Hearings As Support & Pressure Builds
Press Release

Lazich, August, Fitzgerald and Vos Still Silent on Redistricting Reform Public Hearings As Support & Pressure Builds

Their Silence Underscores Need for an End to Gerrymandering in Wisconsin

No Compromise is Possible

No Compromise is Possible

State Sen Tim Cullen retires, saying the Capitol is run by the moneyed and powerful.

Legislative Musical Chairs

Legislative Musical Chairs

A new Republican leader and many other changes coming this fall.

Fun With Budget Numbers

Fun With Budget Numbers

An insider's take on the state budget and how it was put together.

Landlord registration program could be eliminated
Press Release

Landlord registration program could be eliminated

Statement from Alderman Nik Kovac June 20, 2013

Legislators think they know what’s best for Milwaukee neighborhoods
Press Release

Legislators think they know what’s best for Milwaukee neighborhoods

Statement from Alderman Michael J. Murphy June 20, 2013

An Attack on Student Journalism?

An Attack on Student Journalism?

What lesson does legislators attack on the Center for Investigative Journalism teach young journalists?

The GOP’s Young Guns

The GOP’s Young Guns

Some of the newest Assembly Republicans, including four accountants, dictated the final budget.

A Call for Redistricting Reform

A Call for Redistricting Reform

Given the distorted election results, good government groups want to reform the process of redistricting.

Mining Bill Compromise?

Mining Bill Compromise?

State Sen. Dale Schultz expects this. But will his Republican party colleagues play along?

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Won’t Compromise
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Won’t Compromise

He now says he will bring us together. But don’t bet on it.

The Chatter: Did Walker or Barrett Win Debate?
The Chatter

Did Walker or Barrett Win Debate?

Barrett was punchy, Walker was cool. Which strategy will convert more voters?

Murphy’s Law: The Anti-Recall Patriots
Murphy’s Law

The Anti-Recall Patriots

Suddenly it’s become patriotic to oppose recalls. Wouldn’t Tom Ament be surprised.

Plenty of Horne: Beer Protest Spill a Spash!
Plenty of Horne

Beer Protest Spill a Spash!

The Spirit of ’07 Milwaukee Beer Party Protest and Demonstration was a good old-fashioned publicity stunt that brought cameras and crowds to the Milwaukee Ale House on Tuesday, July 10th, 2007.

Sen Schultz: We Need Necro Laws Now!
Sen Schultz

We Need Necro Laws Now!

Schultz says he hopes to introduce a bill in the legislature next session to remedy this lacuna in Wisconsin jurisprudence.

The Roundup: Riemer: “Ready to Run”
The Roundup

Riemer: “Ready to Run”

This terse note from Riemer almost sounds like a Bill Christofferson soundbite, which means it's a good one.