
Content referencing J.B. Van Hollen

Right Wing Group Opposes Conservation of Land in Wisconsin

Right Wing Group Opposes Conservation of Land in Wisconsin

American Stewards of Liberty influences Republican legislators on Pelican River project.

Local Leaders Oppose Federal Grant for Pelican River Forest Conservation

Local Leaders Oppose Federal Grant for Pelican River Forest Conservation

Northern Wisconsin counties push to revoke grant for largest such project in state history.

The State of Politics: The Legacy of Concealed Carry in Wisconsin
The State of Politics

The Legacy of Concealed Carry in Wisconsin

10 years after the first concealed carry permit was issued, one in eight adults over 21 now have one.

Campaign Cash: Republican Group a Leading Fundraiser
Campaign Cash

Republican Group a Leading Fundraiser

Since 2010 it's raised $3.27 million from donors like the MMAC and Diane Hendricks.

Statement on Recent Election Misinformation
State Supreme Court OKs Private Attorneys for Redistricting

State Supreme Court OKs Private Attorneys for Redistricting

Lower court ruled that legislators can't hire private attorneys until a lawsuit is pending.

Murphy’s Laws: The New Gerrymandering Scheme
Murphy’s Laws

The New Gerrymandering Scheme

Republicans charge taxpayers for private attorneys to defend secret legislative scheme before it’s even been created.

The State of Politics: More Legislators Become Lobbyists 
The State of Politics

More Legislators Become Lobbyists 

Nygren and Shilling are the latest to take the lucrative road well-traveled.

Your Right to Know: Both Parties Delay on Open Records
Your Right to Know

Both Parties Delay on Open Records

Long delays by state officials to open records requests have been the norm for the last decade.

Op Ed: Voting Access Ensures All Voices Are Heard
Op Ed

Voting Access Ensures All Voices Are Heard

A new bipartisan coalition is working to promote safe, reliable voting in Wisconsin.

Bipartisan Group Will Promote Voting By Mail

Bipartisan Group Will Promote Voting By Mail

And in-person voting. Former GOP Attorney General dismisses fraud claims on mail-in ballots

Campaign Cash: Police Groups Have Big Capitol Clout
Campaign Cash

Police Groups Have Big Capitol Clout

They spent $2.3 million on state lobbying and elections over 10 years, pushing many bills they favor.

Campaign Cash: Menard to Get Honorary Doctorate
Campaign Cash

Menard to Get Honorary Doctorate

First such degree by UW-Eau Claire goes to businessman, record polluter, big GOP donor.

Murphy’s Law: Brad Schimel’s Dreadful Record on Rape Kits
Murphy’s Law

Brad Schimel’s Dreadful Record on Rape Kits

Attorney General is anything but tough on crime by serial rapists.

Campaign Cash: National Group Has Huge Clout in Wisconsin
Campaign Cash

National Group Has Huge Clout in Wisconsin

Virginia-based Republican State Leadership Committee spent $2.9 million to elect conservatives here.

Governor Walker Discusses “If You See Something, Say Something™” Initiative and Public Safety with Law Enforcement Officials
Press Release

Governor Walker Discusses “If You See Something, Say Something™” Initiative and Public Safety with Law Enforcement Officials

The campaign encourages citizens to report suspicious behavior or activities to local law enforcement.

Broken Whistle: Court Ruling Weakens Whistleblower Law
Broken Whistle

Court Ruling Weakens Whistleblower Law

Supreme Court justice called 2015 decision 'absurd,’ charging it weakens protections.

Campaign Cash: Sweetheart Bill For Rent-to-Own Industry
Campaign Cash

Sweetheart Bill For Rent-to-Own Industry

Two GOP legislators given donations from industry would exempt it from consumer protection laws.

Broken Whistle: State One of Worst for Whistle Blowers
Broken Whistle

State One of Worst for Whistle Blowers

GOP’s repeal of False Claims Act a “green light” to steal from taxpayers?

Back in the News: We Couldn’t Find Any Voter Fraud
Back in the News

We Couldn’t Find Any Voter Fraud

Ex legislator Dale Schultz exposes Republican scam on voter fraud.

The State of Politics: Bill Would End “Revolving Door” Lobbyists
The State of Politics

Bill Would End “Revolving Door” Lobbyists

Would require one-year wait for ex-legislators and legislative aides to become lobbyists.

Campaign Cash: Regent Nominees Gave Walker $22,550
Campaign Cash

Regent Nominees Gave Walker $22,550

The two nominees also gave more than $64,000 to other candidates.

Campaign Cash: GOP’s Redistricting Lawyers Are Big Donors
Campaign Cash

GOP’s Redistricting Lawyers Are Big Donors

Lawyers paid $2.1 million to defend gerrymandering, give $76,000 to politicians.

Murphy’s Law: Did Trump Steal Wisconsin?
Murphy’s Law

Did Trump Steal Wisconsin?

Some point to voter suppression as a factor in this state and others.

Murphy’s Law: Schimel Patrols Only Democratic Voters?
Murphy’s Law

Schimel Patrols Only Democratic Voters?

AG’s “Election Integrity Unit” will monitor polls, but targets urban or Democratic areas.

AG Schimel Announces Election Integrity Efforts
Press Release

AG Schimel Announces Election Integrity Efforts

Election integrity teams from DOJ monitor polling sites for such violations as electioneering, observer misconduct, or wrongful denial of right to vote.

Governor Walker Appoints New Deputy Chief of Staff for Budget, Legislative, and Intergovernmental Affairs
Press Release

Governor Walker Appoints New Deputy Chief of Staff for Budget, Legislative, and Intergovernmental Affairs

Governor Walker’s current Deputy Chief of Staff for Budget, Legislative, and Intergovernmental Affairs, Cindy Polzin, will be leaving her role effective November 28, 2016.

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Love Photo ID
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Love Photo ID

It may not make a huge difference in the vote. Just enough to win.

Your Right to Know: How Republicans Worked to End Public Records
Your Right to Know

How Republicans Worked to End Public Records

Planning began last September and would have ended open records for all local governments as well.

Murphy’s Law: John Doe Supported by Many Republicans
Murphy’s Law

John Doe Supported by Many Republicans

Supreme Court candidate James Daley was among many GOP judges and prosecutors involved in alleged "partisan witch hunt."

Your Right to Know: Is a Public Official’s Calendar a Public Record?
Your Right to Know

Is a Public Official’s Calendar a Public Record?

It can help explain what government officials are doing, but some are fighting media requests for this.

The State of Politics: Top Ten Stories of the Year
The State of Politics

Top Ten Stories of the Year

Which had the most impact on Wisconsin? The envelope, please.

Wisconsin and 43 States Win Suit Against Sirius Radio
Press Release

Wisconsin and 43 States Win Suit Against Sirius Radio

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen Announces Multistate Settlement with Sirius XM

GAB Judges Return Fire Against Vos

GAB Judges Return Fire Against Vos

They defend GAB leader Kevin Kennedy, criticize Vos and say no legislative changes in ethics and elections board are needed.

Data Wonk: The Assault on Wisconsin’s Campaign Laws
Data Wonk

The Assault on Wisconsin’s Campaign Laws

Given higher court’s slap-down of Judge Randa’s decisions overthrowing Wisconsin laws, just where does the law now stand?

ACLU of Wisconsin’s Freedom to Marry Case to go to U.S. Supreme Court
Press Release

ACLU of Wisconsin’s Freedom to Marry Case to go to U.S. Supreme Court

The Attorney General of Wisconsin appealed the decisions in the marriage equality case Wolf v. Walker to the U.S. Supreme Court.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on 7th Circuit Court Ruling for Marriage Equality in Wisconsin
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on 7th Circuit Court Ruling for Marriage Equality in Wisconsin

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin released the following statement today on the unanimous decision by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold a previous Federal Court ruling for marriage equality in Wisconsin.

The State of Politics: Pick Tuesday’s Primary Winners
The State of Politics

Pick Tuesday’s Primary Winners

Burke v. Hulsey won't be close. But the 19th Assembly District Democratic primary looks to be very competitive, who will win it?

Murphy’s Law: Handicapping the Democratic Race for Attorney General
Murphy’s Law

Handicapping the Democratic Race for Attorney General

Jon Richards is the favorite. But is he the best choice?

ACLU: Lift Stay, Restore Marriage for Same-Sex Couples in Wisconsin
Press Release

ACLU: Lift Stay, Restore Marriage for Same-Sex Couples in Wisconsin

Attorneys for the ACLU filed a motion asking Judge Barbara Crabb to vacate the stay she entered and allow marriages for same-sex couples to continue.

Murphy’s Law: How Republicans Cause Voter Fraud
Murphy’s Law

How Republicans Cause Voter Fraud

False claims of rampant voter fraud by GOP and talk radio prompt their followers to vote illegally.

ACLU Urges Wisconsin to Reach Quick Decision on Appeal of Marriage Case
Press Release

ACLU Urges Wisconsin to Reach Quick Decision on Appeal of Marriage Case

Couples Left in Limbo While Decision Striking Down Ban on Marriage for Same-Sex Couples is Put on Hold

The State of Politics: GOP Leaders Run Away from Same Sex Marriage Issue
The State of Politics

GOP Leaders Run Away from Same Sex Marriage Issue

Republicans who championed amendment barring gay marriages now avoid defending the measure.

House Confidential: Sen.Carpenter’s Rather Dull Duplex
House Confidential

Sen.Carpenter’s Rather Dull Duplex

His sided, south side home, in suburban-like Jackson Park, is a veritable pillar of middle-class respectability.

Federal Court Judge Crabb defers decision on stay; sets hearing date for proposed injunction
Press Release

Federal Court Judge Crabb defers decision on stay; sets hearing date for proposed injunction

Today, Judge Crabb held a hearing on Attorney General Van Hollen’s request to ‘stay’ her decision.

Chairwoman Celebrates Ruling That Finally Brings Marriage Equality to Wisconsin
Press Release

Chairwoman Celebrates Ruling That Finally Brings Marriage Equality to Wisconsin

"A just society is one that will thrive."

With Federal Court Ruling, Wisconsin’s Marriage Ban Becomes the Latest to Fall
Press Release

With Federal Court Ruling, Wisconsin’s Marriage Ban Becomes the Latest to Fall

WI Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen likely to appeal ruling to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, while Gov. Scott Walker has distanced himself from the ban in recent weeks

Part 1: Diploma Mills Prey on Milwaukee’s Adult Students
Part 1

Diploma Mills Prey on Milwaukee’s Adult Students

Online high schools promise GEDs, but deliver worthless sheets of paper. Part I of series.

Murphy’s Law: Voter Fraud Issue Gets Its Day in Court
Murphy’s Law

Voter Fraud Issue Gets Its Day in Court

The federal court gave the state a chance to show voter fraud was rampant. So what did they prove?

Plenty of Horne: Sen. Baldwin Gearing Up for LGBT Battles
Plenty of Horne

Sen. Baldwin Gearing Up for LGBT Battles

Baldwin hires expert attorney on these issues. And state board considers Talgo claim.

Mayor Barrett released the following statement regarding today’s decision on voter ID
Press Release

Mayor Barrett released the following statement regarding today’s decision on voter ID

“Judge Adelman’s decision is good for democracy."

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen and the Wisconsin Crime Victims Council Honor “Champions of Victims’ Rights” During Ceremony at the State Capitol
Press Release

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen and the Wisconsin Crime Victims Council Honor “Champions of Victims’ Rights” During Ceremony at the State Capitol

Three Honorees Were Recognized During Today’s Crime Victims’ Rights Week Ceremony

Why Open Records Are Important

Why Open Records Are Important

Moves to make government records less accessible are well-meant -- but wrong.

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen Announces Settlements Worth $310 Million for DRAM Memory Chips
Press Release

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen Announces Settlements Worth $310 Million for DRAM Memory Chips

Consumers who purchased computers, printers, video game consoles, or other electronic devices with DRAM memory could get money from settlements.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Sweet Revenge Against John Doe Prosecutors
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Sweet Revenge Against John Doe Prosecutors

Walker’s office gets to choose the attorneys defending John Chisholm and company from a federal suit.

DOJ must stop prosecuting unconstitutional tickets
Press Release

DOJ must stop prosecuting unconstitutional tickets

“Considering yesterday’s ruling, the DOJ must immediately dismiss all of the approximately 400 remaining frivolous citations.

Murphy’s Law: John Doe II Is Anything But Partisan
Murphy’s Law

John Doe II Is Anything But Partisan

Scott Walker’s defenders call the probe a partisan witch hunt. But newly released court documents say otherwise.

Christmas Gifts for Your Favorite Politician

Christmas Gifts for Your Favorite Politician

Here are some last-minute gift ideas for a few Wisconsin pols.

Plenty of Horne: Campaign Season Kicks Off
Plenty of Horne

Campaign Season Kicks Off

Politicos flock to Jon Richards fundraiser, and judicial candidate Janet C. Protasiewicz's event.

Murphy’s Law: Tom Ament Strikes Again
Murphy’s Law

Tom Ament Strikes Again

Author of infamous pension plan also devised a 1990 measure giving supervisors unconstitutional power over executive appointees.

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen Issues Formal Opinion Concerning Milwaukee County Board Confirmations of County Executive Appointments
Press Release

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen Issues Formal Opinion Concerning Milwaukee County Board Confirmations of County Executive Appointments

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen today issued a formal opinion to Milwaukee County Deputy Corporation Counsel Mark Grady.

Rep. Taylor statement on Attorney General campaign
Press Release

Rep. Taylor statement on Attorney General campaign

”I love my job as a state representative.”

Retiring With Guns Blazing

Retiring With Guns Blazing

Several politicians have announced retirement, some diplomatically, others firing shots at their opponents.

Plenty of Horne: Jon Richards Will Run for Attorney General
Plenty of Horne

Jon Richards Will Run for Attorney General

Like Abe Lincoln, Richards has been practicing law all across the state in preparation for his run.

Will Van Hollen Stay as Attorney General?

Will Van Hollen Stay as Attorney General?

He hasn't announced a 2014 reelection effort. He might decide to pursue other interests.

The GOP’s Young Guns

The GOP’s Young Guns

Some of the newest Assembly Republicans, including four accountants, dictated the final budget.

More Than 14,000 Wisconsin Borrowers Who Lost Their Homes to Foreclosure to Receive Payments Under National Mortgage Settlement
Press Release

More Than 14,000 Wisconsin Borrowers Who Lost Their Homes to Foreclosure to Receive Payments Under National Mortgage Settlement

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen announced today that more than $21.85 million dollars will be distributed to 14,723 Wisconsin residents who lost their homes to foreclosure.

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen Announces Mortgage Settlement Relief to Wisconsin Residents Tops $143 Million, Exceeding Initial Estimates
Press Release

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen Announces Mortgage Settlement Relief to Wisconsin Residents Tops $143 Million, Exceeding Initial Estimates

Loan-related relief has averaged more than $46,000 per eligible borrower.

Murphy’s Law: Act 10 Could Still Be in Trouble
Murphy’s Law

Act 10 Could Still Be in Trouble

Federal appeals court decision looks shaky, and state lawyers made mistakes defending anti-union law.

Murphy’s Law: Sykes’ Suspicious Smokescreen
Murphy’s Law

Sykes’ Suspicious Smokescreen

Charlie Sykes uses anonymous interview to claim the “family” putting up voter fraud billboards fears for its safety.

Supreme Court’s decision a win for democracy
Press Release

Supreme Court’s decision a win for democracy

I would like to take a minute to applaud the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s decision, yet again, not to take up Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen’s appeal of court orders that block the state’s unconstitutional Voter ID law from taking effect. I have argued repeatedly that Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem, would place an unreasonable burden on our constitutionally-guaranteed right to vote, and would disproportionately prevent minorities and low-income people from voting. The fight over Voter ID is far from over. But with this big win for the people, it is almost a certainty that Voter ID will not be in effect for the Nov. 6 presidential election.

Public should pay attention to AG’s Voter ID Law effort
Press Release

Public should pay attention to AG’s Voter ID Law effort

Statement of Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs

Murphy’s Law: Why Photo ID is Dead
Murphy’s Law

Why Photo ID is Dead

The Republican law will never become legal, because of Wisconsin’s unique constitution

Plenty of Horne: J B Van Hollen as You’ve Never Seen Him Before
Plenty of Horne

J B Van Hollen as You’ve Never Seen Him Before

Wisconsin's Attorney General, J. B. Van Hollen, was installed as the Grand Master of Masons in Wisconsin.