
Content referencing Patrick Testin

Can Wisconsin Become a Video Game Player?

Can Wisconsin Become a Video Game Player?

Business and political leaders seek tax breaks, broadband access to build industry.

Evers Vetoes Nursing Licensure Bill

Evers Vetoes Nursing Licensure Bill

Evers, Republicans couldn't agree on supervision requirements.

GOP Senators Renew Fight Over Abortion, Tax Cuts

GOP Senators Renew Fight Over Abortion, Tax Cuts

And override an Evers' budget veto, part of busy session Tuesday.

Republicans Outraged By Evers’ Vetoes

Republicans Outraged By Evers’ Vetoes

Blasting 'trickery' of 'radical governor,' they vow to 'stand up and fight.'

Bill Gives Advance Practice Nurses More Freedom

Bill Gives Advance Practice Nurses More Freedom

Credentials allow them to work independently from doctors. But doctors oppose bill.

Ron Johnson Suggested Legislature Choose Electors in 2020 Election

Ron Johnson Suggested Legislature Choose Electors in 2020 Election

Top state Republican Party leaders opposed senator's push to overturn election.

Murphy’s Law: Will Republicans Legalize Marijuana?
Murphy’s Law

Will Republicans Legalize Marijuana?

Gov. Evers and two-thirds of voters support it. How long will legislators resist?

Vote Tuesday: Statewide Republican Candidates
Vote Tuesday

Statewide Republican Candidates

Hotly-contested race for gubernatorial nomination is just the tip of the iceberg.

Murphy’s Law: Everyone Wants to Be Lt. Governor
Murphy’s Law

Everyone Wants to Be Lt. Governor

10 candidates in all, including just two Democrats. Who stands out?

8 Republicans, 2 Democrats Running for Lt. Governor

8 Republicans, 2 Democrats Running for Lt. Governor

Crowded Republican primary includes two state senators. Democrats include non-profit leader and a state representative.

State Republicans Make No Endorsement in Top Races

State Republicans Make No Endorsement in Top Races

No candidate for governor, attorney general, lieutenant governor chosen at state convention.

Candidates to Appear at WisGOP State Convention
The State of Politics: Historic Turnover Will Change Legislature
The State of Politics

Historic Turnover Will Change Legislature

Retirements, redistricting and members pursuing higher office could transform Legislature.

Republicans Speak At Event With Anti-Government Flag

Republicans Speak At Event With Anti-Government Flag

Kleefisch, Nicholson, Grothman, others speak. Photos of this removed from GOP Facebook page.

Bowen Will Run For Lieutenant Governor

Bowen Will Run For Lieutenant Governor

Rep. David Bowen joins Lena Taylor, Sara Rodriguez in Democratic primary.

The State of Politics: Why The GOP Push To Oust Wolfe
The State of Politics

Why The GOP Push To Oust Wolfe

If elections commission administrator resigned and board deadlocks on who should replace her, Vos and Republicans get to choose new leader.

The State of Politics: Senate Targets Elections Commission
The State of Politics

Senate Targets Elections Commission

Three separate elections investigations pushing for changes. What's the likely impact?

Lena Taylor Is Running For Lieutenant Governor

Lena Taylor Is Running For Lieutenant Governor

Veteran state senator would be first Black woman to hold the position.

Republicans Resist State Help for Afghan Refugees

Republicans Resist State Help for Afghan Refugees

Testin raises concerns over resettling refugees at Fort McCoy, Tiffany opposes plan.

Nearly 200 Officers Fired Or Forced Out Are Back On The Job

Nearly 200 Officers Fired Or Forced Out Are Back On The Job

Hired again across the state after allegations including sexual harassment, drunken fights.

Evers Vetoes Bill to Help Paper Mills

Evers Vetoes Bill to Help Paper Mills

A 'gut punch,' Republican says. Using federal pandemic aid could be prohibited, Evers says.

Bill Requiring National Anthem Unworkable?

Bill Requiring National Anthem Unworkable?

Youth sports leaders in state say Republican bill — for every kids' soccer game? — is overly broad.

Gov. Evers Expresses Disappointment After Assembly Fails to Adopt Bipartisan Amendment Supporting Verso, Park Falls Paper Mills
Press Release

Gov. Evers Expresses Disappointment After Assembly Fails to Adopt Bipartisan Amendment Supporting Verso, Park Falls Paper Mills

Failure to adopt amendment proposed by bipartisan coalition jeopardizes federal funds, paper mill support

Who’s the Most Right Wing Of All?

Who’s the Most Right Wing Of All?

Conservative group ranks state’s most conservative members of Congress and Legislature.

As State Looks to Bounce Back from Pandemic, Gov. Evers Urges Bipartisan Support for $2.38 Billion in Capital Budget Investments to Provide Estimated 29,000 Family-Supporting Jobs, $4.3 Billion in Economic Impact 
Press Release

As State Looks to Bounce Back from Pandemic, Gov. Evers Urges Bipartisan Support for $2.38 Billion in Capital Budget Investments to Provide Estimated 29,000 Family-Supporting Jobs, $4.3 Billion in Economic Impact 

Governor's 2021-23 capital budget to be taken up by State Building Commission this week includes major projects in both Republican and Democratic districts

Court Watch: Bill Allows Testimony Via Video, Phone
Court Watch

Bill Allows Testimony Via Video, Phone

Opponents say it violates defendants’ right to confront witnesses against them.

Bill Requires National Anthem Before Games

Bill Requires National Anthem Before Games

Republican legislator’s bill mandates anthem played in all taxpayer-funded facilities in state.

Gov. Evers Announces Building Commission Approves $350 million for Key Projects
Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin Congratulates Newly Elected and Re-Elected State Lawmakers
No Veto-Proof Majority for Republican Legislators

No Veto-Proof Majority for Republican Legislators

They flipped two of three seats needed to get two-thirds majority in Senate.

Republican Health Committees: Missing in Action
Press Release

Republican Health Committees: Missing in Action

Say it ain’t so, Joe!

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin’s Legislature Laziest in U.S.?
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin’s Legislature Laziest in U.S.?

Other states with full-time legislators have met 18 times more frequently than in Wisconsin.

The State of Politics: 4 Reasons Legislature Won’t Reconvene
The State of Politics

4 Reasons Legislature Won’t Reconvene

Haven’t met since April, won’t return this year. Republicans explain why.

Building Commission Approves $65 million for Key Projects
Campaign Cash: Legislative Donors Give Record Amount in 2020
Campaign Cash

Legislative Donors Give Record Amount in 2020

$7.1 million showered on legislative races in first half of 2020, shattering 2016 record of $5.1 million.

Could Floyd’s Killing Lead to State Reform?

Could Floyd’s Killing Lead to State Reform?

Evers calls for long-delayed bill on deadly use of force by police to be taken up by Legislature.

25 Million Reasons Not to Trust Patrick Testin
Press Release

25 Million Reasons Not to Trust Patrick Testin

Republican’s Failure to Act Costs State Millions in Federal Funds

The State of Politics: Will Senate Act on Assembly-Passed Bills?
The State of Politics

Will Senate Act on Assembly-Passed Bills?

160 bills passed by Assembly haven’t gotten consideration by state Senate.

Campaign Cash: GOP Legislators Way Ahead on Donations
Campaign Cash

GOP Legislators Way Ahead on Donations

Republican legislators went into 2020 with four times more campaign cash than Democrats.

Building Commission Approves Projects, Gov. Evers Applauds Approval for Secure Residential Care Centers for Children and Youth
Senator Testin Turns His Back on Homeowners
Press Release

Senator Testin Turns His Back on Homeowners

Republican refuses to close the Dark Store Loophole despite pleas from community leaders.

Evers Signs Industrial Hemp Bill

Evers Signs Industrial Hemp Bill

Hemp becoming state’s “comeback crop,” Republican Sen. Testin says.

Rep. Considine on Hemp Bill Passing the Assembly
Press Release

Rep. Considine on Hemp Bill Passing the Assembly

This legislation updates state law regarding hemp, and creates more certainty for hemp producers, processors, and consumers in Wisconsin.

The State of Politics: The Path to Brad Pfaff’s Firing
The State of Politics

The Path to Brad Pfaff’s Firing

Why GOP legislators shot down Agriculture Secretary. And why Evers was incensed.

Polluted Wells Issue is Urgent, Legislator Says

Polluted Wells Issue is Urgent, Legislator Says

Rep. Shankland, member of Water Quality Task Force, says state funding needed to help families.

State Resists Immunizations

State Resists Immunizations

Wisconsin ranks 35th in percent of immunized children, yet bipartisan bill to address problem is stalled in committee.

Gov. Evers Applauds Renewable Energy Project Approved by Building Commission
The State of Politics: A World Without Scott Fitzgerald
The State of Politics

A World Without Scott Fitzgerald

Capitol insiders wonder who will be senate majority leader if Fitzgerald wins race for Congress.

Democrats Push Medical Marijuana, Red Flag Law

Democrats Push Medical Marijuana, Red Flag Law

Democratic legislators want to take up issues during fall legislative session.

Bipartisan Bill Would Legalize Medical Marijuana

Bipartisan Bill Would Legalize Medical Marijuana

But Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald strongly opposes the bill.

The State of Politics: Legislature May Debate Few Fall-Session Issues
The State of Politics

Legislature May Debate Few Fall-Session Issues

Short fall legislative session doesn't leave a lot of room for action on major issues.

Unanimous Senate Committee Vote on Hemp Bill

Unanimous Senate Committee Vote on Hemp Bill

Bipartisan bill would make pilot program for growing hemp in the state permanent.

Campaign Cash:  GOP Lawmakers Have Big Lead in 2019 Funds
Campaign Cash

GOP Lawmakers Have Big Lead in 2019 Funds

Raised twice as much as Democrats in campaign donations in first half of 2019.

Gov. Evers Announces Building Commission Approved Projects
Press Release

Gov. Evers Announces Building Commission Approved Projects

Gov. Evers is committed to maintaining safe and reliable buildings by making smart and efficient maintenance decisions and investing in needed repairs and upgrades across the state building portfolio.

Legislators Want to Protect ACA Coverage

Legislators Want to Protect ACA Coverage

Laws needed to assure health coverage continues if courts overrule it, Democrats say.

Back in the News: Vos Wants Medical Marijuana Bill
Back in the News

Vos Wants Medical Marijuana Bill

Assembly Speaker wants to push this bill in fall. Will Senate oppose it?

Legislature Passes “Born Alive” Abortion Bill

Legislature Passes “Born Alive” Abortion Bill

Evers has vowed to veto bill, along with three other abortion measures.

Hemp Industry Calls for Updated State Law

Hemp Industry Calls for Updated State Law

Hemp farmers, businesses say new federal law made state hemp regulations obsolete.

Murphy’s Law: Republican Pushes for Medical Marijuana
Murphy’s Law

Republican Pushes for Medical Marijuana

State Sen. Patrick Testin could be the key man in the success or failure of proposal.

State’s Hemp Industry Blooming

State’s Hemp Industry Blooming

Will medical or recreational marijuana be next?

The Choice for State Senators Testin and Feyen: Koch Brothers and Republican Party Bosses Or a People’s Budget?
Press Release

The Choice for State Senators Testin and Feyen: Koch Brothers and Republican Party Bosses Or a People’s Budget?

While Powerful Interests Seek Budget Influence Legislators Can Still Choose to Vote to Help Constituents

GOP Defends Anti-Abortion Bills

GOP Defends Anti-Abortion Bills

Bill offers more restrictions on abortions. Medical professionals oppose legislation.

Your Right to Know: Body Camera Bill Balances Privacy, Openness
Your Right to Know

Body Camera Bill Balances Privacy, Openness

Legislative Study Committee has created bipartisan bill with sensible regulations of police body cameras.

Bill Allows Pharmacists to Vaccinate Children

Bill Allows Pharmacists to Vaccinate Children

In reaction to measles outbreak, lawmakers look to strengthen state’s response.

AFP-WI Kicks Off New Grassroots Lobbying Efforts
Press Release

AFP-WI Kicks Off New Grassroots Lobbying Efforts

AFP-WI’s efforts will expand to additional legislative districts throughout the spring.

GOP Bill Targets Race, Sex-Based Abortions

GOP Bill Targets Race, Sex-Based Abortions

Doctors punished for abortions done solely because of race, ancestry, sex, conditions like Down syndrome.

Growing Opportunities Act Introduced to Reinforce Expanding Hemp Industry
Press Release

Growing Opportunities Act Introduced to Reinforce Expanding Hemp Industry

Bi-partisan Authors Optimistic about Crop’s Future

GOP rejects funding for cancer research facility, veteran homes, and mental health facilities
Press Release

GOP rejects funding for cancer research facility, veteran homes, and mental health facilities

Republicans jeopardize investments in Wisconsin’s future

Gov. Evers Announces 2019-2021 Capital Budget Recommendations
Press Release

Gov. Evers Announces 2019-2021 Capital Budget Recommendations

These Capital Budget Recommendations aggressively and responsibly address deferred maintenance and life safety issues in state-owned buildings.

State Building Commission Approves Key Projects
Press Release

State Building Commission Approves Key Projects

Design and construction of UW-Milwaukee Sandburg Hall renovation project.

Senate Majority Leader Fitzgerald Announces Senate Standing Committees, Chairs
Press Release

Senate Majority Leader Fitzgerald Announces Senate Standing Committees, Chairs

"I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Senate this session as we continue to pass reforms that put hard-working families first."

Conservatives Discover Renewable Energy

Conservatives Discover Renewable Energy

Republican-leaning groups who like solar and wind power, who knew?

Court Watch: GOP Legislators Push Harsher Bail Rules
Court Watch

GOP Legislators Push Harsher Bail Rules

State constitutional amendment opposed by defense lawyers, supported by City of Milwaukee.

GOP Legislative Districts Heavily White

GOP Legislative Districts Heavily White

Republican assembly districts are up to 96% white, senate districts as high as 95% white.

Governor Walker Signs Bills Supporting Veterans into Law at Applied Fab & Machining in Wausau
Press Release

Governor Walker Signs Bills Supporting Veterans into Law at Applied Fab & Machining in Wausau

"The proven skills, dedication, and work ethic of our veterans and service members illustrate their key role in keeping Wisconsin’s workforce strong and successful."

Strong Support for Sign Language Interpreter’s Bill
Press Release

Strong Support for Sign Language Interpreter’s Bill

Joint press release on strong support for sign language interpreter’s bill

Governor Walker Signs 19 Bills Into Law
Press Release

Governor Walker Signs 19 Bills Into Law

Acts 65-83.

With Elections Just a Year Away, Legislature Abandons Wisconsin Families
Press Release

With Elections Just a Year Away, Legislature Abandons Wisconsin Families

Industrial Acid Mining Bill Will Put Public Health at Risk for Generations

Governor Walker Signs Bill Banning Synthetic Types of Fentanyl
Press Release

Governor Walker Signs Bill Banning Synthetic Types of Fentanyl

The bill adds forms of fentanyl to the synthetic opiates category under Schedule I.

Leah unveils 100+ Wisconsin endorsements
Press Release

Leah unveils 100+ Wisconsin endorsements

Elected officials, grassroots activists and business owners unite behind Leah

Op Ed: Hemp’s Time Has Come
Op Ed

Hemp’s Time Has Come

Benefits of legalization are many. Will legislature, Walker approve it?

Bi-partisan Corey Adams Searchlight Act Would Create “Green Alert” to Help Find Missing At-Risk Veterans
Press Release

Bi-partisan Corey Adams Searchlight Act Would Create “Green Alert” to Help Find Missing At-Risk Veterans

This bill is supported by the Military Order of the Purple Heart and the VFW.

Governor Walker Signs 20 Bills Into Law
Press Release

Governor Walker Signs 20 Bills Into Law

Acts 37 - 56

Campaign Cash: Ag Interests Want Legalized Hemp
Campaign Cash

Ag Interests Want Legalized Hemp

Farm groups back bill, gave legislators $1.3 million.

Sen. Testin and Rep. Goyke Introduce Bi-partisan Wisconsin Veterans Farm Bill of 2017
Press Release

Sen. Testin and Rep. Goyke Introduce Bi-partisan Wisconsin Veterans Farm Bill of 2017

Proposal Would Create Program in DATCP to Recruit Veterans into Agriculture