Content referencing Alan Borsuk

Trump Administration Creating ‘Chaos’ for Wisconsin’s Schools?

Trump Administration Creating ‘Chaos’ for Wisconsin’s Schools?

Fear over federal funding and immigration raids. 'The kids are scared.'

K-12 Education: Milwaukee Excellence Ends School Charter
K-12 Education

Milwaukee Excellence Ends School Charter

Its demise leaves questions about 'zero-tolerance' approach to discipline.

K-12 Education: Will ‘Science of Reading’ Improve Learning?
K-12 Education

Will ‘Science of Reading’ Improve Learning?

Passage of Act 20, emphasis on phonics, may be too restrictive.

K-12 Education: Virtual Schooling Wasn’t a Failure
K-12 Education

Virtual Schooling Wasn’t a Failure

Both locally and nationally there's evidence it can work for schools. Part 1 of a series.

Marquette Law School, College of Education to host conversation on path ahead for education in Wisconsin and the nation Nov. 17
Op Ed: Beware Skewed Numbers on School Funding
Op Ed

Beware Skewed Numbers on School Funding

School choice supporters push misleading statistics.

Op Ed: Public Schools At Stake in Governor’s Race
Op Ed

Public Schools At Stake in Governor’s Race

Michels wants universal school choice, would dismantle public schools.

Data Wonk: Should MPS Be Split Into Smaller Districts?
Data Wonk

Should MPS Be Split Into Smaller Districts?

What data is there to suggest legislative proposal is a good one?

Hunger Task Force executive director to go “On the Issues,” Feb. 21
K-12 Education: Waukesha School Board a Political Battleground
K-12 Education

Waukesha School Board a Political Battleground

Primary election shows conservative momentum, a microcosm of national trends.

Back in the News: Veterans Leaving Journal Sentinel
Back in the News

Veterans Leaving Journal Sentinel

John Fauber the latest, following on heels of Craig Gilbert and Tom Haudricourt.

Marquette University releases “Paying it Forward” conversation series with Dr. Howard Fuller
Marquette Law School Poll to release national surveys on political topics, Supreme Court, Jan. 26-27
Data Wonk: What Is MPS Strategy For Stimulus Aid?
Data Wonk

What Is MPS Strategy For Stimulus Aid?

It's a huge opportunity to improve student achievement -- which is badly needed.

Marquette Law School, College of Education to host debate for Wisconsin school superintendent March 17
Data Wonk: Will School Choice Help Reelect Trump?
Data Wonk

Will School Choice Help Reelect Trump?

Democratic attacks on choice and charter schools favored by minority voters could backfire.

Data Wonk: NAEP Test Results Bad News for MPS
Data Wonk

NAEP Test Results Bad News for MPS

They’ve also gone down for the state. How can we do better?

The Contrarian: Journal Sentinel Censors Voucher Test Scores?
The Contrarian

Journal Sentinel Censors Voucher Test Scores?

All the news about public school test scores, very little about voucher students.

Sherman Park Still “Warm and Welcoming”

Sherman Park Still “Warm and Welcoming”

Three years after the unrest, residents talk about their diverse neighborhood.

Data Wonk: Would MPS Referendum Pass? Should it?
Data Wonk

Would MPS Referendum Pass? Should it?

Poll shows city residents support increased funding for MPS, but referendum still faces obstacles.

Data Wonk: Why is MPS Shrinking?
Data Wonk

Why is MPS Shrinking?

Because it opposes the choices of many of its customers.

Data Wonk: Can MPS Be Fixed?
Data Wonk

Can MPS Be Fixed?

The school board seems opposed to any innovations that might fix struggling schools.

Data Wonk: Gap Grows Between MPS and Charter, Choice
Data Wonk

Gap Grows Between MPS and Charter, Choice

State school report cards since 2014 tell the tale. Are there solutions for MPS?

The Contrarian: Let the Debate Over Vouchers Begin
The Contrarian

Let the Debate Over Vouchers Begin

Tony Evers ran against school choice. But his DPI data shows choice and charter schools do better.

Data Wonk: The Incoherence of Scott Walker
Data Wonk

The Incoherence of Scott Walker

His suddenly changing policies make for a confused campaign.

MPS Becomes Issue in Governor’s Race

MPS Becomes Issue in Governor’s Race

Budget cuts, poor achievement, Walker’s call for state action heat up discussion.

Matt Flynn Announces K-12 Education Plan, Calls for Supporting Teachers on National Teachers Day
Press Release

Matt Flynn Announces K-12 Education Plan, Calls for Supporting Teachers on National Teachers Day

"The education system in Wisconsin has fallen below the high standards we have come to expect."

Data Wonk: How MPS Is Hurt By Its “Friends”
Data Wonk

How MPS Is Hurt By Its “Friends”

North Division controversy raises issue: which schools best serve low-income black students?

Sheldon and Marianne Lubar give $5.5 million gift to fund Marquette Law School public policy initiative
Press Release

Sheldon and Marianne Lubar give $5.5 million gift to fund Marquette Law School public policy initiative

Law School establishes Lubar Center for Public Policy Research and Civic Education

Plenty of Horne: Two Tall Men Duel Over Schools
Plenty of Horne

Two Tall Men Duel Over Schools

Evers and Holtz square off in superintendent's race; sparks fly both ways.

Data Wonk: DeVos All Wrong on Charter Schools?
Data Wonk

DeVos All Wrong on Charter Schools?

Trump education appointee favors charter schools without accountability. Data shows they fail.

Data Wonk: Do “No Excuses” Charter Schools Work?
Data Wonk

Do “No Excuses” Charter Schools Work?

The data is encouraging. So why are some MPS leaders resistant?

Opponents Agree New Education Funding Model Needed

Opponents Agree New Education Funding Model Needed

Union leader, key Republican and DPI all want a student centered approach to state funding.

Murphy’s Law: Why Urban School Chiefs Fail
Murphy’s Law

Why Urban School Chiefs Fail

The lessons of former MPS superintendent Gregory Thornton’s firing in Baltimore.

Marquette Law School, College of Education to host half-day conference on critical K-12 education issues
Press Release

Marquette Law School, College of Education to host half-day conference on critical K-12 education issues

The event is part of a continuing series of conferences on K–12 education sponsored by the Law School and College of Education, and is open to the public.

Data Wonk: The Impact of Right to Work Laws
Data Wonk

The Impact of Right to Work Laws

State Republican leaders want to pass such a law. What will be the impact on jobs and wages?

72% of MPS High School Students Are Truants

72% of MPS High School Students Are Truants

"Habitual students" have at least 5 unexcused absences per semester. Many get picked up by police.

Murphy’s Law: Why Burke’s Loss Was Inevitable
Murphy’s Law

Why Burke’s Loss Was Inevitable

Burke's impact as a candidate was so negligible that Walker was almost running against himself. He had to hope the Walker lovers outnumbered his haters.

Op Ed: Why Thornton Is Leaving MPS
Op Ed

Why Thornton Is Leaving MPS

It's all about moving back home, not about frustration with Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Why Did Thornton Leave?
Murphy’s Law

Why Did Thornton Leave?

The loss of MPS superintendent raises troubling questions about public education in Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee’s Most Underestimated Leader?
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee’s Most Underestimated Leader?

MPS superintendent Gregory Thornton has quietly righted a ship that once looked ready to sink.

MPS Funding Continues to Decline

MPS Funding Continues to Decline

Loss of 19,000 students since 2003 and recent decline in its charter schools pushes revenue downward.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of MU Law School
Murphy’s Law

The Rise of MU Law School

How it became the state's leading pollster and a high profile place for public forums.

Murphy’s Law: Can Falk And Thompson Play Spoilers in the Governor’s Race?
Murphy’s Law

Can Falk And Thompson Play Spoilers in the Governor’s Race?

I'm hard pressed to think of a more interesting state race than the upcoming campaign for governor.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise and Fall of Polly Williams
Murphy’s Law

The Rise and Fall of Polly Williams

Time was when Rep. Annette Polly Williams (D-Milwaukee) was the star of the conservative talk circuit.