Content referencing Charles Koch

Murphy’s Law: State Group Funds National Attack on DEI
Murphy’s Law

State Group Funds National Attack on DEI

The Searle Family Trust, based in Madison, has bankrolled many other right-wing causes.

Murphys Law: How Generous Are We?
Murphys Law

How Generous Are We?

New data shows how much Milwaukee and Wisconsin give. And flags a troubling trend of wealthy donors.

Campaign Cash: Record Spending by Outside Groups for Republicans
Campaign Cash

Record Spending by Outside Groups for Republicans

$29 million to support GOP candidates for state office vs. $7.7 million for Democrats.

Campaign Cash: For Our Future Spends Big
Campaign Cash

For Our Future Spends Big

Nearly $2.1 million by one of largest outside spenders in state supported Democratic candidates.

Biden Plans Seek to Persuade Trump Voters

Biden Plans Seek to Persuade Trump Voters

Battle playing out in Rep. Ron Kind’s western Wisconsin district, which supported Trump.

Murphy’s Law: The Push For a New U.S. Constitution
Murphy’s Law

The Push For a New U.S. Constitution

Scott Walker, Eric O’Keefe, Republican legislators part of scary national movement.

Campaign Cash: Special Interests Want COVID Lawsuit Immunity
Campaign Cash

Special Interests Want COVID Lawsuit Immunity

Republican bill protects businesses from lawsuits even if they violate public health guidelines.

Back in the News: John Menard Loves Universities
Back in the News

John Menard Loves Universities

With conditions. They get donations. He gets recognition and an honorary degree.

Data Wonk: Should the Federal Government Keep its Word?
Data Wonk

Should the Federal Government Keep its Word?

The Supreme Court says yes, except Justice Alito, who sees things differently.

Right-Wing Groups Linked to #ReopenWisconsin Campaign

Right-Wing Groups Linked to #ReopenWisconsin Campaign

Members of Americans for Prosperity, American Majority and John Birch Society have their hands in the campaign.

State Occupational Licenses Under Scrutiny

State Occupational Licenses Under Scrutiny

Legislators, pushed by conservative groups, seek to review, relax occupational licensing.

Data Wonk: Can Government Break Its Promises?
Data Wonk

Can Government Break Its Promises?

Obamacare law’s promises to insurers later broken by Republicans. Courts will decide if that’s legal

Murphy’s Law: Bradley Foundation Works to Kill Food Aid
Murphy’s Law

Bradley Foundation Works to Kill Food Aid

And reduce Medicaid. Working with Koch groups, they push Trump to slash safety net.

Data Wonk: Is State a Leader in “Economic Freedom”?
Data Wonk

Is State a Leader in “Economic Freedom”?

So says a Cato Institute report. There’s reason to doubt this.

Campaign Cash: Walker Far Outspent Evers in Election
Campaign Cash

Walker Far Outspent Evers in Election

Record $93 million spent on governor’s race, with nearly $58 million for Walker.

Campaign Cash: Outside Groups Spent $61.5 Million on Election!
Campaign Cash

Outside Groups Spent $61.5 Million on Election!

Smashes states previous mid-term record, $38.6 million in 2014. Both sides spent lavishly.

GOP Senators To Pick Wisconsin’s Judge?

GOP Senators To Pick Wisconsin’s Judge?

Vote on Michael Brennan would ignore Democratic Senator Baldwin’s objection to him.

Campaign Cash: Walker Signs Restrictions on Pro-Worker Rules
Campaign Cash

Walker Signs Restrictions on Pro-Worker Rules

Law restricting local governments backed by Koch Brothers, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce.

Campaign Cash: Koch-Backed Bill Guts Local Control
Campaign Cash

Koch-Backed Bill Guts Local Control

Bars local governments from setting many labor and employment rules.

Op Ed: More Prisons Won’t Reduce Crime
Op Ed

More Prisons Won’t Reduce Crime

Alternatives to prison for lesser offenders save taxes, lower crime.

Campaign Cash: How Americans for Prosperity Wins
Campaign Cash

How Americans for Prosperity Wins

Koch-funded group gives huge campaign donations, has gotten long list of bills passed.

Campaign Cash: Assembly Approves Rollback of Wetlands Protection
Campaign Cash

Assembly Approves Rollback of Wetlands Protection

Bill backed by WMC, Kochs, could destroy 1 million acres of wetlands.

Campaign Cash: Dark Money Targets Supreme Court Race
Campaign Cash

Dark Money Targets Supreme Court Race

Secretive Wisconsin Alliance for Reform will do ads, has connections to GOP, Koch Brothers.

Bryce Releases Statement on Ryan’s Pay to Play Scheme
Press Release

Bryce Releases Statement on Ryan’s Pay to Play Scheme

"Paul Ryan is putting billionaires and special-interest groups ahead of the people of the First District, and this quid pro quo with the Kochs is just the latest example."

Campaign Cash: GOP Has Cash Edge in 10th Senate Race
Campaign Cash

GOP Has Cash Edge in 10th Senate Race

Republican Jarchow raised more, has more dark money than Democrat Schachtner.

Campaign Cash: Republican Bills Prohibit Local Labor Rules
Campaign Cash

Republican Bills Prohibit Local Labor Rules

WMC and Kochs favor overriding long list of local government laws.

Campaign Cash: Special Interests Target 10th Senate District
Campaign Cash

Special Interests Target 10th Senate District

One Democratic and two Republican groups will run phony issue ads.

Campaign Cash: Walker Signs Koch Bills to Loosen Licensing
Campaign Cash

Walker Signs Koch Bills to Loosen Licensing

ALEC-developed bills reduce training requirements for barbers, cosmetologists, others.

Campaign Cash: Walker Signs Lax Land Use Law
Campaign Cash

Walker Signs Lax Land Use Law

Makes it easier to sell substandard lots. Backed by big business, realtors, Koch group.

Campaign Cash: High Court Candidate Hires Koch Operatives
Campaign Cash

High Court Candidate Hires Koch Operatives

Judge Michael Screnock’s Supreme Court campaign hires former execs of Koch-funded groups.

Campaign Cash: Schimel Chats Up Big Donors at Trump Resort
Campaign Cash

Schimel Chats Up Big Donors at Trump Resort

Event sponsored by group that gave $300,000 to state campaigns in 2014 election.

Campaign Cash: New GOP Pro-Mining Group Ran Attack Ads
Campaign Cash

New GOP Pro-Mining Group Ran Attack Ads

Natural Resources Development Association did ads attacking mining opponents.

Campaign Cash: Mega-Donors’ Offshore Cash Backed Walker
Campaign Cash

Mega-Donors’ Offshore Cash Backed Walker

Paradise Papers show billionaire’s off-shore tax havens donated to Gov. Walker.

Campaign Cash: Secret Corporate Cash Funded GOP Hideaway
Campaign Cash

Secret Corporate Cash Funded GOP Hideaway

Ryan and Republicans enjoyed fancy post-convention “cloakroom" paid for by 20 companies.

Murphy’s Law: How to Buy a University Department
Murphy’s Law

How to Buy a University Department

Bradley Foundation and Kochs buy a new UW-Madison economics institute.

Gov. Walker’s Favorite Right Wing Foundations Funding Gov. Walker’s Favorite Professor
Press Release

Gov. Walker’s Favorite Right Wing Foundations Funding Gov. Walker’s Favorite Professor

‘Add Professor Williams to the List of Their Pro-Walker Expenditures’

Op Ed: Where Are the People?
Op Ed

Where Are the People?

Bill to end occupational licensing backed by right wing groups, but just one worker testifies in favor.

Campaign Cash: Walker Signs Koch-Backed Anti-Regulation Law
Campaign Cash

Walker Signs Koch-Backed Anti-Regulation Law

State agencies now have less power to protect environment, consumer rights, public health.

Campaign Cash: Bill Expands Winery Retail Hours
Campaign Cash

Bill Expands Winery Retail Hours

It pits Koch Brothers and Farm Bureau (supporters) against Tavern League (opposed).

Murphy’s Law: The Bradley Foundation’s New Pope
Murphy’s Law

The Bradley Foundation’s New Pope

New chairman James Arthur Pope could turn foundation further right.

Campaign Cash: GOP Bill Allows No License Bakeries
Campaign Cash

GOP Bill Allows No License Bakeries

Part of ALEC agenda to reduced licensing requirements for barbers, cosmetologists, etc.

Campaign Cash: Koch-Funded Group Backs Tax Cut
Campaign Cash

Koch-Funded Group Backs Tax Cut

Cut could reduce state forestry funding.

In Unprecedented Move, JFC Republicans Allot Millions to Establish Partisan, Conservative Think Tank at UW-Madison
Press Release

In Unprecedented Move, JFC Republicans Allot Millions to Establish Partisan, Conservative Think Tank at UW-Madison

Plan allots $500,000 for speakers to appear on other UW Campuses

Kochs Big Donors to Colleges

Kochs Big Donors to Colleges

Giving more than $1 million to state's public, private colleges.

Campaign Cash: Bill Buries State Regulations
Campaign Cash

Bill Buries State Regulations

After 7 years they would expire. Kochs and WMC back the bill.

Campaign Cash: A Special Bill for Special Interests
Campaign Cash

A Special Bill for Special Interests

They dole out $30 million on candidates, get a bill cutting regulations on businesses.

Campaign Cash: Koch-Backed Texas Group Lobbies Here
Campaign Cash

Koch-Backed Texas Group Lobbies Here

With $73 million in funding, it lobbies for long list of conservative causes.

Campaign Cash: Kochs Support Prevailing Wage Bill
Campaign Cash

Kochs Support Prevailing Wage Bill

GOP bill pushed by ALEC and group's treasurer, Sen Leah Vukmir.

Meet Donald Trump’s Anti-Public Education, Influence Peddling Billionaire: Betsy DeVos
Press Release

Meet Donald Trump’s Anti-Public Education, Influence Peddling Billionaire: Betsy DeVos

DeVos presents a clear danger to public schools.

Data Wonk: Does Big Government Threaten Freedom?
Data Wonk

Does Big Government Threaten Freedom?

The Church of the Gipper argues big government threatens freedom. But what about private parties? Such as Donald Trump.

Op-Ed: Koch Brothers Impact on GOP Convention

Koch Brothers Impact on GOP Convention

Their impact on Republican platform and candidates — all but Trump — was “huge!”