Solicitor General Misha Tseytlin.


Content referencing Misha Tseytlin

Murphy’s Law: Brad Schimel Is Mr. Anti-Abortion
Murphy’s Law

Brad Schimel Is Mr. Anti-Abortion

Conservative candidate for state Supreme Court a national leader in pushing to ban abortions.

Dane County Judge Hears Arguments in Lawsuit Challenging Act 10

Dane County Judge Hears Arguments in Lawsuit Challenging Act 10

2011 state law decimated collective bargaining rights for most public sector workers.

Liberal Justices Question State Supreme Court’s Ban on Ballot Drop Boxes

Liberal Justices Question State Supreme Court’s Ban on Ballot Drop Boxes

Lawsuit by voter mobilization group Priorities USA seeks to overturn 2022 ruling.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Hears Lawsuit Over Legislature’s Authority

Wisconsin Supreme Court Hears Lawsuit Over Legislature’s Authority

Gov. Evers sued over Joint Finance Committee's actions to hold up stewardship funds.

Dan Kelly Did Paid Partisan Work

Dan Kelly Did Paid Partisan Work

Supreme Court candidate's financial disclosure forms show payments from Republican Party. No such work done by Protasiewicz.

Lawsuit Opposes Cash Bail Ballot Initiative

Lawsuit Opposes Cash Bail Ballot Initiative

Social justice groups argue deadline missed so ballot initiative must be moved to 2024.

Four Years Later, State’s Lame Duck Law Still Faces Court Challenge

Four Years Later, State’s Lame Duck Law Still Faces Court Challenge

Circuit court strikes down power grab from DOJ by Legislature, but ruling appealed.

State’s Assembly Maps More Skewed Than Ever

State’s Assembly Maps More Skewed Than Ever

Wisconsin, the fourth most pro-Republican gerrymandered state, has gotten worse.

Back in The News: Report Finds Few Problems With Drop Boxes
Back in The News

Report Finds Few Problems With Drop Boxes

No cases of fraud, vandalism or theft that could have affected 2020 election results.

Murphy’s Law: How Absentee Ballot Boxes Became Illegal
Murphy’s Law

How Absentee Ballot Boxes Became Illegal

Used in 40 states and backed by Republicans, until their new push to make them illegal.

Court Disallows Absentee Ballot Boxes

Court Disallows Absentee Ballot Boxes

Waukesha judge rules they are not allowed under state law.

State High Court Hears Arguments on Private Attorneys

State High Court Hears Arguments on Private Attorneys

Circuit court ruled that GOP legislators can’t hire attorneys before any lawsuit is filed.

Court Kills Another Evers Pandemic Order

Court Kills Another Evers Pandemic Order

4-3 State Supreme Court ruling overthrows October order limiting restaurant and bar capacity.

WI Supreme Court Hears Challenge to Latest COVID-19 Order

WI Supreme Court Hears Challenge to Latest COVID-19 Order

The suit challenges a statewide restriction on bar, restaurant capacity that already expired.

Murphys Law: Beware the GOP Redistricting Proposal
Murphys Law

Beware the GOP Redistricting Proposal

Republicans want 10 more years of gerrymandering. To do this they would hand all power to state Supreme Court.

Appeals Court Blocks State Restaurant, Bar Rules

Appeals Court Blocks State Restaurant, Bar Rules

Court says appeal against Evers’ restrictions by Tavern League will likely succeed.

Appeal Challenges Evers’ Bar Restaurant Limits

Appeal Challenges Evers’ Bar Restaurant Limits

District court upheld governor’s restrictions. Lawsuit asks appeals court to overturn ruling.

Judge Restores Restaurant, Bar Restrictions

Judge Restores Restaurant, Bar Restrictions

Temporary order by judge ending statewide limits is overruled by another judge.

Data Wonk: The Return of Texas v. U.S.
Data Wonk

The Return of Texas v. U.S.

Case could kill ACA, leave 18 million without health insurance. Which states would be hurt most?

State Supreme Court Reviews Lame Duck Laws

State Supreme Court Reviews Lame Duck Laws

Justices question both sides in challenge to laws reducing powers of governor, attorney general.

The State of Politics: An Uphill Fight for ‘Lame Duck’ Challengers?
The State of Politics

An Uphill Fight for ‘Lame Duck’ Challengers?

Wisconsin’s history shows legislative sessions are legal and necessary -- and the courts have backed them.

Conservatives Argue Against Lame-Duck Lawsuit

Conservatives Argue Against Lame-Duck Lawsuit

Right-leaning members of Wisconsin Supreme Court skeptical in oral arguments on lawsuit challenging lame-duck session before Evers took office.

GOP Asks Court to Restore Walker Appointees

GOP Asks Court to Restore Walker Appointees

Legislators want Appeals Court to force Evers to recognize 15 appointees the governor says were unlawful.

Appeals Court Restores Some Lame Duck Laws

Appeals Court Restores Some Lame Duck Laws

Leaving disagreement between parties over status of 82 Walker appointees.

Arguments Begin on 2nd Lame Duck Suit

Arguments Begin on 2nd Lame Duck Suit

Dane County Judge Niess slapped injunction on laws. Second suit being heard by Judge Remington.

Judge Blocks Lame Duck Laws

Judge Blocks Lame Duck Laws

Republicans will appeal. Evers and Kaul quickly drop state from suit against Affordable Care Act.

Data Wonk: The Gerrymander Wars March On
Data Wonk

The Gerrymander Wars March On

Wisconsin Republicans strategy is to support Maryland gerrymander that hurts GOP voters.

Robin Vos Giving $500 an Hour Lawyers a Blank Check to Defend His Scheme to Rig the Rules for Foxconn
Press Release

Robin Vos Giving $500 an Hour Lawyers a Blank Check to Defend His Scheme to Rig the Rules for Foxconn

‘The Only Thing Wisconsin Taxpayers are Getting Out of These Republican Deals is Being Stuck With the Bill’

GOP May Resist Kaul on ACA Lawsuit

GOP May Resist Kaul on ACA Lawsuit

Attorney General wants to drop lawsuit, Republican legislators hint they won’t let him.

Unions Files Suit Against Lame Duck Laws

Unions Files Suit Against Lame Duck Laws

Second suit filed, argues Republicans violated state constitution.

Gov. Scott Walker’s State Lawyer Secretly Joined Attorney General Brad Schimel, Department of Justice Lawyers at Hate Group Conference
Press Release

Gov. Scott Walker’s State Lawyer Secretly Joined Attorney General Brad Schimel, Department of Justice Lawyers at Hate Group Conference

Anti-LGBTQ Alliance Defending Freedom Picked Up Tab For Walker Lawyer to Discuss Their Agenda at Luxury Resort

Data Wonk: John Roberts’ Nightmare
Data Wonk

John Roberts’ Nightmare

His decision on gerrymandering case could ruin Supreme Court’s reputation.

Your Right To Know: Schimel Stonewalls on Open Records
Your Right To Know

Schimel Stonewalls on Open Records

AG has championed public’s right to know — except for videos involving him.

Court Watch: AG Schimel Attacks Open Records Law
Court Watch

AG Schimel Attacks Open Records Law

He is appealing to the Wisconsin Supreme Court in an effort to keep two law enforcement training videos secret.

Coming Soon: More Right Wing Litigation
Press Release

Coming Soon: More Right Wing Litigation

Starring newly formed Center for Competitive Federalism

Op-Ed: State’s New Legal Gun on ALEC’s Team?

State’s New Legal Gun on ALEC’s Team?

New Solicitor General handling cases against EPA, Obamacare and abortion access.

AG Schimel appoints Ryan Walsh as Chief Deputy Solicitor General
Press Release

AG Schimel appoints Ryan Walsh as Chief Deputy Solicitor General

Walsh currently serves as an associate attorney with the law firm of Jones Day in Washington, D.C. in the Issues and Appeals section.