Rebecca Kleefisch, former Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor.


Content referencing Rebecca Kleefisch

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Conference Explores Issue Amid Attacks

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Conference Explores Issue Amid Attacks

DEI has 'become so politicized and used as wedges to divide people.'

Hovde Faces Minimal Competition For Republican Senate Nomination

Hovde Faces Minimal Competition For Republican Senate Nomination

An endorsement by former President Donald Trump could reduce the chances of a primary challenge.

Trump Pushes Election Lie in Wisconsin

Trump Pushes Election Lie in Wisconsin

Does interview on WISN radio ahead of election day appearance in Green Bay.

April Voters Will Weigh In on School Culture Wars

April Voters Will Weigh In on School Culture Wars

Activist school board members in Cudahy, Waukesha and other suburbs up for reelection.

Moms for Liberty Rising in Wisconsin

Moms for Liberty Rising in Wisconsin

Part of national group pushing to ban books and raced-focused history lessons and opposing LGBTQ+ concerns.

Gallagher Won’t Challenge Baldwin for US Senate

Gallagher Won’t Challenge Baldwin for US Senate

A blow to GOP leaders who saw congressman as best shot to defeat Democrat in 2024.

Tammy Baldwin Will Run for Reelection

Tammy Baldwin Will Run for Reelection

Incumbent Democratic U.S. Senator makes it official, she will seek third term.

Some Small Business Owners Back Paid Leave Proposal

Some Small Business Owners Back Paid Leave Proposal

Evers' proposal creates 12 weeks paid parental leave. A boon to hiring?

Protasiewicz, Kelly To Face Off In High-Stakes Supreme Court Race

Protasiewicz, Kelly To Face Off In High-Stakes Supreme Court Race

Jennifer Dorow falls to Kelly in hotly-contested race between conservatives.

Mandela Barnes Forms Political Action Committee

Mandela Barnes Forms Political Action Committee

The Long Run PAC will support new generation of progressive candidates.

Campaign Cash: 2022 Election for Governor Cost $164 Million!
Campaign Cash

2022 Election for Governor Cost $164 Million!

Obliterating 2018 record of $93 million, with Evers getting 53% of total spending.

Will New Overseers Change DNR Policies?

Will New Overseers Change DNR Policies?

As Evers appointees replace Walker holdovers on Natural Resources Board, environmental groups hope for changes.

Southwestern Wisconsin Farmer Appointed To DNR Board

Southwestern Wisconsin Farmer Appointed To DNR Board

Gov. Evers appoints Paul Buhr to replace Walker-appointee William Bruins.

Top 10 of 2022: Most Popular Murphy’s Law Columns
Top 10 of 2022

Most Popular Murphy’s Law Columns

Readers liked stories about Tims -- Michels and Ramthun. And Summerfest, its well paid leader and IRS complaint were hot stuff.

The State of Politics: High Court Race Divides Republicans
The State of Politics

High Court Race Divides Republicans

And Democrats. But the obvious friction is between conservatives Dan Kelly and Jennifer Dorow.

Embattled Former DNR Board Chair Resigns, Ending Saga

Embattled Former DNR Board Chair Resigns, Ending Saga

Prehn, whose appointment had expired, was able to stay on because Republicans wouldn't confirm his replacement.

Campaign Cash: Record $93 Million Spent by Outside Groups in 2022
Campaign Cash

Record $93 Million Spent by Outside Groups in 2022

$31 million more than total in 2018 and five times higher than in 2010.

Your Right to Know: Group Sues As Prehn Won’t Comply With Records Request
Your Right to Know

Group Sues As Prehn Won’t Comply With Records Request

Prehn has refused to step down from DNR board.

Did Fred Prehn Flout Open Records Law?

Did Fred Prehn Flout Open Records Law?

Judge hears arguments whether Natural Resources Board member who refused to resign withheld records.

Murphy’s Law: Billionaire Seeks to Mend Partisan Divide
Murphy’s Law

Billionaire Seeks to Mend Partisan Divide

Democrat David Einhorn, son of right-wing, north-shore Republicans, funds effort to heal America.

The State of Politics: Democrats Retain Capitol ‘Firewalls’
The State of Politics

Democrats Retain Capitol ‘Firewalls’

Barnes sets record, the most telling campaign quote and Northwest Wisconsin turns red.

Evers Defeats Michels, Wins Second Term

Evers Defeats Michels, Wins Second Term

Democrats score key win, maintain roadblock on Republican policies.

Murphy’s Law: Has Michels Abandoned Trump?
Murphy’s Law

Has Michels Abandoned Trump?

Or has Trump abandoned Michels in governor's race? The silence is deafening.

Campaign Cash: Record Spending by Outside Groups for Republicans
Campaign Cash

Record Spending by Outside Groups for Republicans

$29 million to support GOP candidates for state office vs. $7.7 million for Democrats.

After Texts Released, DNR Board Member Publicly Calls For Prehn To Resign

After Texts Released, DNR Board Member Publicly Calls For Prehn To Resign

Walker appointee with expired term has refused to leave board, which texts reveal is politically motivated.

Is Trump a Threat to Republican Candidates?

Is Trump a Threat to Republican Candidates?

A Trump endorsement may mean something different in a general election than a primary election.

Op Ed: Public Schools At Stake in Governor’s Race
Op Ed

Public Schools At Stake in Governor’s Race

Michels wants universal school choice, would dismantle public schools.

Johnson Overtakes Barnes In Latest Poll

Johnson Overtakes Barnes In Latest Poll

Barnes was up 7%, now down 1% in Marquette poll. But Evers maintains slight lead over Michels.

Back in the News: Michels Calls For ‘Pitchforks and Torches’
Back in the News

Michels Calls For ‘Pitchforks and Torches’

Republican candidate for governor attacks media. Democrats accuse him of 'encouraging violence.'

Campaign Cash: Club For Growth Spends Big on Campaigns
Campaign Cash

Club For Growth Spends Big on Campaigns

Spending $3.5 million, running attack ads to defeat Kleefisch in Republican primary.

Back in the News: Michels Blasts Media, Defends Donations
Back in the News

Michels Blasts Media, Defends Donations

GOP candidate for governor has supported anti-LGBT, anti-abortion, anti-contraception groups.

Murphy’s Law: Will Trump Help State’s Democrats Win?
Murphy’s Law

Will Trump Help State’s Democrats Win?

His disapproval rate is way high in Wisconsin, yet Michels, Johnson have embraced him.

Michels Attacks Evers on 2020 Kenosha Unrest

Michels Attacks Evers on 2020 Kenosha Unrest

On two-year anniversary Republican tours city. Evers slams GOP for ‘false’ claims.

Barnes Leads Johnson in Marquette Poll

Barnes Leads Johnson in Marquette Poll

New poll shows Evers with slight lead, in statistical tie with Michels.

Data Wonk: Wisconsin’s Banana Republicans
Data Wonk

Wisconsin’s Banana Republicans

Why are Grothman, Johnson, Michels defending Trump’s illegal hoarding of top secret files.

The State of Politics: Michels’ Cash, Trump’s Backing Pay Off
The State of Politics

Michels’ Cash, Trump’s Backing Pay Off

His victory is a defeat for Vos, Walker, and leaves tough questions for a divided party.

Trump Boosts Michels Over Kleefisch

Trump Boosts Michels Over Kleefisch

Evers vs. Michels, Johnson vs. Barnes will make it a fall of nonstop ads. Plus: Vos almost loses.

WisGOP Statement on Gubernatorial Primary Results
Gableman Backs Vos Primary Opponent

Gableman Backs Vos Primary Opponent

Assembly Speaker Vos hired Gableman more than a year ago to lead 2020 election review.

Vote Tuesday: Statewide Republican Candidates
Vote Tuesday

Statewide Republican Candidates

Hotly-contested race for gubernatorial nomination is just the tip of the iceberg.

The State of Politics: Thompson Endorses Michels for Governor
The State of Politics

Thompson Endorses Michels for Governor

Is Thompson backing a fellow 'builder'? Seeking political relevancy in fractured Republican party?

Pence Calls Kleefisch ‘Proven Conservative’

Pence Calls Kleefisch ‘Proven Conservative’

The former vice president joined Kleefisch at a law enforcement event in Waukesha County.

GOP Candidates For Governor Oppose Abortions For Child Sex Assault Victims

GOP Candidates For Governor Oppose Abortions For Child Sex Assault Victims

No exceptions means child rape or incest victims can’t get an abortion in Wisconsin.

Back in the News: Gableman Opposed Decertifying Election
Back in the News

Gableman Opposed Decertifying Election

Private memo by attorney doing election review contradicts his call to decertify 2020 election.

No Republican Running For Governor Backs Trump in 2024

No Republican Running For Governor Backs Trump in 2024

All 3 candidates in debate refused to commit, but none blamed Trump for Jan 6 insurrection.

The State of Politics: Evers Pledges ‘Clemency’ To Fight Abortion Ban
The State of Politics

Evers Pledges ‘Clemency’ To Fight Abortion Ban

Would governor use his power to pardon anyone convicted under 1849 abortion ban?

Murphy’s Law: Lasry’s Quitting Race Raises Questions
Murphy’s Law

Lasry’s Quitting Race Raises Questions

Did Democrats miss a chance to vet Mandela Barnes in primary for US Senate?

Campaign Cash: Uihleins Spent $38 Million On 2022 Races
Campaign Cash

Uihleins Spent $38 Million On 2022 Races

Donations to Republicans include Senate candidate accused of sexual assault and 5 Big Lie proponents in House.

8 Republicans, 2 Democrats Running for Lt. Governor

8 Republicans, 2 Democrats Running for Lt. Governor

Crowded Republican primary includes two state senators. Democrats include non-profit leader and a state representative.

Ramthun Campaign Promotes Election Denial

Ramthun Campaign Promotes Election Denial

State Representative Tim Ramthun spreads doubt about 2020 election with campaign for governor.

Pence Endorses Kleefisch for Governor

Pence Endorses Kleefisch for Governor

Former Vice President splits from president Trump with endorsement.

What Would Tim Michels Do As Governor?

What Would Tim Michels Do As Governor?

Despite a rapid ascent in the polls, it's unclear what the Republican businessman is running on.

Campaign Cash: 52% of Evers’ Donations from State Residents
Campaign Cash

52% of Evers’ Donations from State Residents

His Republican opponents have much higher percent of Wisconsin campaign donors.

Kleefisch Running On Walker-Era Record

Kleefisch Running On Walker-Era Record

Walker, Vos, WMC all backing former Lt. Governor. Will it be enough to beat Michels?

Trump To Campaign for Michels In Waukesha

Trump To Campaign for Michels In Waukesha

Announcement comes as Sen. Ted Cruz says he will back Kleefisch.

Murphy’s Law: A Radical Republican Debate
Murphy’s Law

A Radical Republican Debate

Which of GOP candidates Kleefisch, Michels and Ramthun had most extreme views in debate?

All The Candidates In Aug. 9 Primary Election

All The Candidates In Aug. 9 Primary Election

Including contested races for governor, U.S. senator, Congress, sheriff, clerk of circuit court.

Murphy’s Law: Why Steil Supported Same Sex Marriage
Murphy’s Law

Why Steil Supported Same Sex Marriage

Rep. Bryan Steil is only Republican in state to support House bill, as his party swings ever further right.

Murphy’s Law: Steven Spielberg Is Backing Tony Evers
Murphy’s Law

Steven Spielberg Is Backing Tony Evers

And he's not the only notable from out of state who gave the maximum donation to our governor.

Michels Spends Nearly $8 Million on Campaign for Governor

Michels Spends Nearly $8 Million on Campaign for Governor

Wealthy Republican businessman outspending competitors, blanketing state with ads.

Tim Michels ‘Not Against Contraception’

Tim Michels ‘Not Against Contraception’

GOP Gubernatorial candidate supports Wisconsin abortion ban.

Murphy’s Law: Crute Building Statewide ‘Truth’ Radio
Murphy’s Law

Crute Building Statewide ‘Truth’ Radio

Owner of liberal outlet in Madison envisions network of 12 stations in 7 markets with factual news shows.

Evers $10 Million Fundraising Signals Expensive Campaign

Evers $10 Million Fundraising Signals Expensive Campaign

Twice as much as Walker raised at this point in governor’s race. Money flowing into Wisconsin.

Murphy: Why Nicholson Quit The Governor’s Race

Why Nicholson Quit The Governor’s Race

Did Uihlein pull his funding? And which candidate for governor will benefit?

Trump, Thompson Endorsements Boost Michels in GOP Primary For Governor

Trump, Thompson Endorsements Boost Michels in GOP Primary For Governor

After nearly a year of campaigning Kleefisch’s lead has evaporated.

Kevin Nicholson Drops Out of Race for Governor

Kevin Nicholson Drops Out of Race for Governor

Nicholson couldn't make headway in Republican primary race.

Data Wonk: Does Wisconsin Have Republicans With Integrity?
Data Wonk

Does Wisconsin Have Republicans With Integrity?

For instance, how about the four candidates for governor?

State Supreme Court Says Natural Resources Board Member Can Stay

State Supreme Court Says Natural Resources Board Member Can Stay

Legislature won't okay Evers appointee to replace Fred Prehn so Prehn won’t step down.

Republican Candidates Attack Tim Michels

Republican Candidates Attack Tim Michels

Michels doesn’t attend GOP gubernatorial debate. Kleefisch, Nicholson, Ramthun all blast him.

The State of Politics: Gas-Tax Holiday Isn’t Likely in Wisconsin
The State of Politics

Gas-Tax Holiday Isn’t Likely in Wisconsin

Biden proposes federal gas tax holiday. But a pause on state's gas tax is unlikely.

Evers Offers Clemency For Doctors Prosecuted for Providing Abortions

Evers Offers Clemency For Doctors Prosecuted for Providing Abortions

Governor made commitment during keynote speech of the state Democratic Party Convention.

State Leaders React to Overturning of Roe

State Leaders React to Overturning of Roe

Republicans celebrate, Democrats say they are ‘heartbroken’

Poll Shows Ron Johnson Trails Three Democrats, Evers Leads GOP Challengers

Poll Shows Ron Johnson Trails Three Democrats, Evers Leads GOP Challengers

MU poll also shows Michels/Kleefisch in virtual tie in GOP primary for governor.

Kleefisch, Nicholson Promise Overhaul of UW Regents

Kleefisch, Nicholson Promise Overhaul of UW Regents

GOP challengers for governor promise to recall, replace Evers’ 9 appointees to the board.

Op Ed: Will Trump Backing Hurt Tim Michels?
Op Ed

Will Trump Backing Hurt Tim Michels?

Republican could have been strong mainstream candidate; this connects him to a cult.

Elections Commission Rejects Challenge to Tim Michels’ Nominating Petitions

Elections Commission Rejects Challenge to Tim Michels’ Nominating Petitions

Unanimous decision puts Michels on the ballot in the GOP primary for governor.

LGBTQ+ Community Celebrates Pride Amidst Rising Political Attacks

LGBTQ+ Community Celebrates Pride Amidst Rising Political Attacks

Gov. Evers commits to fight 'Don't Say Gay' bills and other legislation at Pride event.

Evers Calls Special Session To Overturn 1849 Abortion Ban

Evers Calls Special Session To Overturn 1849 Abortion Ban

Kleefisch urges Republican legislators to reject special session.

Democrats Challenge Michels Nomination Papers in Governor’s Race

Democrats Challenge Michels Nomination Papers in Governor’s Race

The challenge seeks to block businessman Tim Michels from getting on the primary ballot.

Michels Says He “Didn’t Promise Anything” for Trump’s Endorsement
Trump Endorses Tim Michels for Governor

Trump Endorses Tim Michels for Governor

Former Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch has now lost out on two major endorsements.

UW System President Wants Tuition Freeze Extended

UW System President Wants Tuition Freeze Extended

New system leader Jay Rothman will recommend extension to the UW Board of Regents.

Op Ed: State Republicans Want More Guns
Op Ed

State Republicans Want More Guns

Party convention document opposes background checks, red flag laws, supports open and concealed carry without permits.

Ron Johnson Spoke Against Outgoing Republican Elections Commissioner

Ron Johnson Spoke Against Outgoing Republican Elections Commissioner

Senator told Assembly Speaker Vos that Knudson 'lost the confidence of the grassroots Republicans,' according to his spokesperson.

State Republicans Make No Endorsement in Top Races

State Republicans Make No Endorsement in Top Races

No candidate for governor, attorney general, lieutenant governor chosen at state convention.

Murphy’s Law: Who’s the Real Outsider for Governor?
Murphy’s Law

Who’s the Real Outsider for Governor?

Almost every candidate claims to be. But who really, actually is?

The State of Politics: Controversy Over Parole Is Rare
The State of Politics

Controversy Over Parole Is Rare

Issue facing Evers is rare, as most state prison inmates must serve 100% of their sentence.

Republican Convention Endorses No One For Governor

Republican Convention Endorses No One For Governor

Rebecca Kleefisch falls just short of 60% of votes needed for party endorsement.

Conservatives in Chaos: Republican Party of Wisconsin Fails to Endorse in Governor’s Race
Candidates to Appear at WisGOP State Convention
New UW Chancellor Mnookin Seeks ‘Common Ground’ With GOP Critics

New UW Chancellor Mnookin Seeks ‘Common Ground’ With GOP Critics

Vos, Kleefisch, Nass assail regents' choice of UCLA Law School dean.

Democrats File Suit Against State Republicans Who Posed As Electors

Democrats File Suit Against State Republicans Who Posed As Electors

Lawsuit argues actions of false presidential electors led to Jan. 6 insurrection.

Michels Leads Kleefisch In New Poll

Michels Leads Kleefisch In New Poll

Recently announced candidate in GOP primary for governor 1% ahead of Kleefisch; most voters still "not sure" who to support.

Evers Opposes Parole for Man Who Killed Wife

Evers Opposes Parole for Man Who Killed Wife

Governor asks parole board to reverse parole for Douglas Balsewicz, who killed his wife in 1997.

Vos Supports Abortion Ban Exceptions For Rape, Incest

Vos Supports Abortion Ban Exceptions For Rape, Incest

State Assembly Speaker finds himself at odds with GOP candidates for governor.

The State of Politics: Primary Winners Rely on Certain Counties
The State of Politics

Primary Winners Rely on Certain Counties

Of state's 72 counties a small number provide majority of statewide vote.

The State of Politics: The 161 Executive Orders of Gov. Evers
The State of Politics

The 161 Executive Orders of Gov. Evers

Seizing a way to dramatize his political philosophy, and giving opponents campaign issues.

Sexism And The Marquette Poll

Sexism And The Marquette Poll

Should pollsters test respondents agreement with statements deriding women?

Op Ed: Tim Michels Is No Political ‘Outsider’
Op Ed

Tim Michels Is No Political ‘Outsider’

Candidate for governor has long record of political donations, lobbying, state contracts.

Democratic US Senate Primary Tightens In Poll

Democratic US Senate Primary Tightens In Poll

Marquette poll also shows Evers' approval steady, Ron Johnson’s declined further.

New survey by Marquette Law School Poll finds Wisconsin Democratic primary for U.S. Senate tightening, Kleefisch leading Republican gubernatorial primary; among Republicans, those least confident in 2020 election are more enthusiastic to vote this fall
Murphy’s Law: Look Out For Tim Michels
Murphy’s Law

Look Out For Tim Michels

He could shake up the Republican primary for governor

Two-Time Failed Candidate Tim Michels Announces Campaign for Governor
Press Release

Two-Time Failed Candidate Tim Michels Announces Campaign for Governor

Michels owes Wisconsin answers on support of divisive policies, reliance on taxpayer dollars

Thompson Won’t Run For Governor

Thompson Won’t Run For Governor

Former governor, 80, could have shaken up the Republican primary.

Republicans Will Not Cut Taxes*
Press Release

Republicans Will Not Cut Taxes*

*Except for the Wealthy, Large Corporations, and Their Donors

Evers Vetoes Another 22 GOP Bills

Evers Vetoes Another 22 GOP Bills

On MPS, voucher schools and parental bill of rights. That makes 126 vetoes this session.

The State of Politics: Parties Transform ‘Non’-Partisan Elections
The State of Politics

Parties Transform ‘Non’-Partisan Elections

Republicans lead push to turn city, county and school board races into partisan campaigns.

Republican School Board Push Has Mixed Results

Republican School Board Push Has Mixed Results

GOP-backed candidates pick up seats in Waukesha and Kenosha, lose in several areas.

Campaign Cash: Outside Groups Have Already Spent $1.9 Million On Governor’s Race
Campaign Cash

Outside Groups Have Already Spent $1.9 Million On Governor’s Race

More than half of money for GOP candidates, some $800,000 to help Evers.

WI School Board Races On National Radar

WI School Board Races On National Radar

Donations flowing in. State ranks third in school board conflicts over race, COVID-19 response, or sex and gender in schools.

The State of Politics: Candidates Scramble for Last Minute Donations
The State of Politics

Candidates Scramble for Last Minute Donations

Evers, Kleefisch, others worked to ramp up campaign totals for March 31 deadline.

Barnes Campaign Aims to Bring State Together

Barnes Campaign Aims to Bring State Together

Lt. Governor and U.S. Senate candidate running hard in rural, urban areas of state.

Wisconsin Court of Appeals Race Takes Partisan Turn

Wisconsin Court of Appeals Race Takes Partisan Turn

Donations from mega-donors, political action committees funding attack ads.

The State of Politics: Thompson Weighs Fifth Run for Governor
The State of Politics

Thompson Weighs Fifth Run for Governor

Could stand out as the moderate in a five-candidate Republican primary.

Farrow, ‘Margaret Thatcher of Wisconsin,’ Dies At 87

Farrow, ‘Margaret Thatcher of Wisconsin,’ Dies At 87

First women Lt. Governor in state history had five-decade career in public service.

Bill Allowing Early Count of Absentee Ballots Looks Dead

Bill Allowing Early Count of Absentee Ballots Looks Dead

Had near-unanimous GOP support, with other provisions attached to it Democrats opposed.

New Youth Detention Facility Clears State Budget Committee

New Youth Detention Facility Clears State Budget Committee

$42 million for a state facility to replace Lincoln Hills passes Joint Finance Committee.

Poll Finds Approval Up for Evers, Down for Johnson

Poll Finds Approval Up for Evers, Down for Johnson

MU poll finds Kleefisch leads GOP primary for governor, Barnes atop Democratic primary for senator.

New Marquette Law School Poll finds inflation fears up, pandemic fears down; marijuana legalization up, optimism about Wisconsin down; primary candidates not yet well known
Press Release

New Marquette Law School Poll finds inflation fears up, pandemic fears down; marijuana legalization up, optimism about Wisconsin down; primary candidates not yet well known

Please note: Complete Poll results and methodology information can be found online at

Assembly Approves Funds for Lincoln Hills Replacement

Assembly Approves Funds for Lincoln Hills Replacement

Troubled youth prison was supposed to be closed by now.

Assembly Passes Early Vote Counting Bill

Assembly Passes Early Vote Counting Bill

A raft of election related bills passed, some adding additional requirements to absentee voting.

Senate Passes a Dozen Voting Bills

Senate Passes a Dozen Voting Bills

Republicans say bills address election ‘irregularities.’ Democrats charge ‘voter suppression.'

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of Timothy Ramthun
Murphy’s Law

The Rise of Timothy Ramthun

One-time nobody now a candidate for governor and top demagogue in state Republican Party.

Assembly Blocks ‘Recall’ of 2020 Electors

Assembly Blocks ‘Recall’ of 2020 Electors

Resolution demanding recall killed in committee. Democrats insist Republicans vote on it.

Fetal Heartbeat Bill Divides Abortion Foes

Fetal Heartbeat Bill Divides Abortion Foes

Bill banning abortion after 6 weeks may not get passed by Legislature before session ends.

Legislature Considers Breaking Up MPS

Legislature Considers Breaking Up MPS

Republican bills create four to eight smaller districts, remove income limits from school choice.

Murphy’s Law: 15 Election Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

15 Election Winners and Losers

Beyond the ballots, which insiders, groups and trends were the winners and losers in this election?

Op Ed: Ramthun Will Mess Up GOP Primary
Op Ed

Ramthun Will Mess Up GOP Primary

Republican state senator won’t provide any evidence of his Big Lie about 2020 election.

Kaul, Planned Parenthood Oppose Abortion Ban

Kaul, Planned Parenthood Oppose Abortion Ban

GOP bill almost identical to restrictive 6-week abortion ban passed in Texas.

School Board Races Getting More Polarized

School Board Races Getting More Polarized

17 school boards in state saw recall elections in last two years.

The State of Politics: Both Parties Face Pre-Election Turmoil
The State of Politics

Both Parties Face Pre-Election Turmoil

Republicans struggle with deep divisions, Democrats with sinking poll numbers.

WisDems Statement on Trumpy Tim Ramthun’s Campaign for Governor
Press Release

WisDems Statement on Trumpy Tim Ramthun’s Campaign for Governor

Ramthun’s Divisive Comments, Conspiracy Theories Highlighted at

State Rep. Timothy Ramthun Running for Governor

State Rep. Timothy Ramthun Running for Governor

Ramthun gained national attention when he tried to decertify the 2020 election results.

GOP Election Bills Are Far Reaching

GOP Election Bills Are Far Reaching

Restricting absentee voting, more power for Legislature, nursing home employees could face prison.

State Business Leaders Defend Elections Commission

State Business Leaders Defend Elections Commission

Letter commends integrity and courage of WEC in overseeing successful 2020 election.

Supreme Court Denies Kleefisch Election Lawsuit

Supreme Court Denies Kleefisch Election Lawsuit

4-3 ruling rejects challenge to absentee ballot boxes by Republican candidate for governor.

Murphy’s Law: Can Nicholson Beat Kleefisch?
Murphy’s Law

Can Nicholson Beat Kleefisch?

Democrats are thrilled about what could be a bruising Republican primary for governor.

Rebecca Kleefisch Dodges Questions on Her Cuts to Public Safety
Press Release

Rebecca Kleefisch Dodges Questions on Her Cuts to Public Safety

Kleefisch: “Shared revenue is what it is, certainly”

Republicans Speak At Event With Anti-Government Flag

Republicans Speak At Event With Anti-Government Flag

Kleefisch, Nicholson, Grothman, others speak. Photos of this removed from GOP Facebook page.

Murphy’s Law: Evers Takes a Page from Republicans
Murphy’s Law

Evers Takes a Page from Republicans

His push to give tax rebate to taxpayers was first used by Lee Dreyfus to win office.

Speaker Vos Struggles to Maintain Control

Speaker Vos Struggles to Maintain Control

Assailed by GOP rebels. ‘Conspiracy theorists have taken over the party.’

The State of Politics: Primary For Governor Continues Century-Old Reform
The State of Politics

Primary For Governor Continues Century-Old Reform

This was the first state to hold primary elections. Kleefisch vs. Nicholson is latest example.

Campaign Cash: 57% of Evers’ Donations From Wisconsin
Campaign Cash

57% of Evers’ Donations From Wisconsin

Kleefisch had much higher percentage of in-state contributors for 2021 year.

The Contrarian: Milwaukee Started National Education Movement
The Contrarian

Milwaukee Started National Education Movement

 School choice started here, and now has 76 programs in 32 states.

Rebecca Kleefisch “Disappointed” In Plan to Return Taxpayer Dollars, Calling it a “Non-Starter”
Imposter Electors Tied to Fitzgerald, Kleefisch

Imposter Electors Tied to Fitzgerald, Kleefisch

And Republican AG candidate Adam Jarchow. Democrats say it disqualifies them from holding office.

Nicholson Enters Race For Governor

Nicholson Enters Race For Governor

Will face Kleefisch in Republican primary. He called her ‘dumb as a bag of hammers.’

Fake Electors are Real Associates of Rebecca Kleefisch
Press Release

Fake Electors are Real Associates of Rebecca Kleefisch

Individuals Who Participated in Wisconsin Election Sabotage Scheme Advising Gubernatorial Candidate Kleefisch

Murphy’s Law: Is Rebecca Kleefisch a ‘Hypocrite’?
Murphy’s Law

Is Rebecca Kleefisch a ‘Hypocrite’?

Her voting as “indefinitely confined” was something done in many Republican-leaning districts.

Democrats Push Abortion Rights Bill

Democrats Push Abortion Rights Bill

Without Roe, old state law would prevail, making abortion a felony, with penalty of up to 6 years in prison

County Clerk Christenson Calls Out Former Lieutenant Governor Kleefisch’s Hypocrisy on Voting as Indefinitely Confined in 2020 Election
Press Release

County Clerk Christenson Calls Out Former Lieutenant Governor Kleefisch’s Hypocrisy on Voting as Indefinitely Confined in 2020 Election

"The hypocrisy of the Wisconsin Republicans on issues surrounding our elections doesn’t even surprise me anymore, as we witness yet another blatant double standard and ‘do as I say, not as I do’ duplicity from them."

Uihlein Super PAC Bankrolls Kleefisch Campaign

Uihlein Super PAC Bankrolls Kleefisch Campaign

Conservative co-owner of Uline Co. gives $200,000 Republican Rebecca Kleefisch's campaign.

Tom Nelson’s Longshot Race for U.S. Senate

Tom Nelson’s Longshot Race for U.S. Senate

A 'classic populist, grassroots campaign’ — with the least campaign dollars.

Is Rebecca Kleefisch Putting Campaign Cash Before Kids?
Press Release

Is Rebecca Kleefisch Putting Campaign Cash Before Kids?

Gubernatorial Candidate Pushes for Pet Project of Billionaire Betsy DeVos and Cabal of Wealthy Donors

Gov. Evers Helps Secure 1.3 Million Masks in Less Than a Week
Murphy’s Law: Will Evers’ Pardons Hurt Him In Election?
Murphy’s Law

Will Evers’ Pardons Hurt Him In Election?

He’s bragging about setting a record. Will Republicans use it in attack ad?

Evers Raises Millions More Than Kleefisch

Evers Raises Millions More Than Kleefisch

Governor raises $5 million in second half of 2021, compared to $3.3 million for Kleefisch.

State Senate Won’t Confirm Evers’ Appointees

State Senate Won’t Confirm Evers’ Appointees

Republican senate leader calls appointees "highly partisan."

Sean Duffy Won’t Run For Governor

Sean Duffy Won’t Run For Governor

Former President Donald Trump urged the former congressman to run.

The State of Politics: 6 Wisconsin Pols to Watch in 2022
The State of Politics

6 Wisconsin Pols to Watch in 2022

Their decisions could decide what kind of year it is.

Next Governor Will Have $2.7 Billion Surplus

Next Governor Will Have $2.7 Billion Surplus

Huge state reserves make for a campaign issue, how candidates will spend it. Or not.

Op Ed: The 10 Worst Politicians of 2021
Op Ed

The 10 Worst Politicians of 2021

The competition was really stiff this year, but here are the very worst.

Back In The News: Evers Might Consider Changes in Bail
Back In The News

Evers Might Consider Changes in Bail

But only "if everybody sits back and takes a breath" and "every stakeholder" involved.

The State of Politics: Top 8 Capitol News Stories In 2021
The State of Politics

Top 8 Capitol News Stories In 2021

And what a strange year it was.

2022 Governor’s Race Will Decide How Elections Run, Hintz Warns

2022 Governor’s Race Will Decide How Elections Run, Hintz Warns

If Evers loses Republicans will install partisan election controls, Assembly Minority Leader predicts.

Op Ed: Tommy Thompson For Governor?
Op Ed

Tommy Thompson For Governor?

He might welcome an overture from Republican Party. And add depth to 2022 campaign.

Senate Advances Bill Banning Critical Race Theory

Senate Advances Bill Banning Critical Race Theory

Committee advances bill that financially penalizes schools who disobey law.

Op Ed: Bail Reform And The Waukesha Tragedy
Op Ed

Bail Reform And The Waukesha Tragedy

Republicans are going to use accused killer Darrell Brooks like a hammer.

Rittenhouse Found Not Guilty on All Counts

Rittenhouse Found Not Guilty on All Counts

He faced five charges, including first degree homicide, for shootings during 2020 protests in Kenosha.

Vos Attacks UW For Making Whites ‘Feel Guilty’

Vos Attacks UW For Making Whites ‘Feel Guilty’

UW-Madison webinar for grad students aims to prevent ’sexual and relationship violence.’

Kleefisch Files Suit Against Elections Commission

Kleefisch Files Suit Against Elections Commission

Asks state Supreme Court to bypass lower courts, order WEC to establish new election rules.

Op Ed: Why Evers Is In Trouble
Op Ed

Why Evers Is In Trouble

A Glenn Youngkin-type Republican could beat him. But is there any GOP candidate like that in Wisconsin?

Bowen Will Run For Lieutenant Governor

Bowen Will Run For Lieutenant Governor

Rep. David Bowen joins Lena Taylor, Sara Rodriguez in Democratic primary.

Fourth Anniversary of Walker-Kleefisch Signing Disastrous Foxconn Deal
2022 Race for Governor Taking Shape

2022 Race for Governor Taking Shape

Kleefisch the Republican frontrunner. But a Trump-backed candidate could shake up campaign.

Data Wonk: Is Ballot Harvesting A Problem?
Data Wonk

Is Ballot Harvesting A Problem?

Kleefisch says so. The only two claims of this, both in other states, involved Republicans.

Radical Rebecca Kleefisch Crashes and Burns On School Board Recall
Mequon-Thiensville School Board Recall Fails

Mequon-Thiensville School Board Recall Fails

Despite heavy right wing spending against them, all four incumbents win easily.

Murphy’s Law: About Those Election ‘Irregularities’
Murphy’s Law

About Those Election ‘Irregularities’

Is there any truth to Republican complaints about the 2020 election?

Rep. Hintz Condemns GOP Attacks on Democracy
Uilhlein Bankrolls Mequon-Thiensville Recall

Uilhlein Bankrolls Mequon-Thiensville Recall

Conservatives donate $50,000 to effort to take over school board.

Rebecca Gets Real: In Recent Speech Candidate Kleefisch Reveals No Limits to What She’d Do to Try to Win Election
State Faces Wave of School Board Recalls

State Faces Wave of School Board Recalls

In Mequon-Thiensville and 10 other school districts. Only California has more.

Where is Rebecca Kleefisch?
Press Release

Where is Rebecca Kleefisch?

Kleefisch Hides From Media After Trump Snubs Her

Rebecca Kleefisch Won’t Rule Out Overturning Election Results as Governor
Assembly Committee Approves Moving Elections Commission

Assembly Committee Approves Moving Elections Commission

A party line vote, with Republicans in favor, supported moving commission to Wausau.

Rebecca Kleefisch’s Recently Announced Leadership Team Displays Serious Failure of Judgement
The State of Politics: Walker’s Shadow Looms Over the Capitol
The State of Politics

Walker’s Shadow Looms Over the Capitol

Walker's legacy is found in bitter partisanship, limits on the governor's power and appointee's that won't leave office.

Rebecca Kleefisch’s COVID-19 Plan: Ignore It
AFTW President and UW Students Condemn Rebecca Kleefisch’s Extreme Cuts to Education Funding
Lena Taylor Is Running For Lieutenant Governor

Lena Taylor Is Running For Lieutenant Governor

Veteran state senator would be first Black woman to hold the position.

Pardons On The Ballot in 2022?

Pardons On The Ballot in 2022?

Evers restarted a program that Walker left untouched for eight years.

Murphy’s Law: Kleefisch Tries To Ape Trump
Murphy’s Law

Kleefisch Tries To Ape Trump

And the results are, ah, pretty weird.

Abortion Could Drive Democratic Votes in 2022

Abortion Could Drive Democratic Votes in 2022

Poll shows 55% of Wisconsin voters support abortion rights which are under threat.

State Sen. Jacque Released From Hospital

State Sen. Jacque Released From Hospital

Opponent of masks and vaccine mandates spent three weeks on a ventilator.

Kleefisch Tests Positive for COVID-19

Kleefisch Tests Positive for COVID-19

Republican candidate for governor has campaigned unmasked and opposes vaccine mandates.

Legislature Plans Culture War Against Evers

Legislature Plans Culture War Against Evers

Fall session could include “born alive” abortion bill, forbidding teachers from discussing race and more.

AG Kaul Joins Fight Against Texas Abortion Law

AG Kaul Joins Fight Against Texas Abortion Law

Kaul filed an amicus brief supporting a challenge of the new abortion ban.

Republicans Open Office on South Side

Republicans Open Office on South Side

Party’s office on Lincoln Ave. to help court Hispanic votes for 2022 mid-term election.

McCoshen Won’t Run for Governor

McCoshen Won’t Run for Governor

Lobbyist and former Thompson aide had traveled state for a year.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of Rep. Janel Brandtjen
Murphy’s Law

The Rise of Rep. Janel Brandtjen

A leader in election lies and demagoguery has become a state Republican power.

Murphy’s Law: How Kleefisch Failed On Foxconn
Murphy’s Law

How Kleefisch Failed On Foxconn

As Lt. Governor she recruited the Taiwanese company and failed to protect taxpayers.

Rebecca Kleefisch Announces Campaign for Governor

Rebecca Kleefisch Announces Campaign for Governor

Kleefisch served as Lieutenant Governor under former Gov. Scott Walker.

Kleefisch Borrows “Tampon Tax” Idea From Democrat

Kleefisch Borrows “Tampon Tax” Idea From Democrat

Ending "pink tax" on feminine products was opposed by Walker-Kleefisch administration.

Democrats Face High Profile Races in 2022

Democrats Face High Profile Races in 2022

Experts say elections will test strength of state Democratic Party.

Campaign Cash: Republican Group a Leading Fundraiser
Campaign Cash

Republican Group a Leading Fundraiser

Since 2010 it's raised $3.27 million from donors like the MMAC and Diane Hendricks.

Rebecca Kleefisch Ditches Pretend Nonprofit At Final Hour, Surprising No One
It’s Official, Kleefisch Running For Governor

It’s Official, Kleefisch Running For Governor

Filed to run, but using non-profit to 'hide her donors, abuse the tax code,’ Democratic Party charges.

The Contrarian: School Choice Key Issue in Governor Race
The Contrarian

School Choice Key Issue in Governor Race

Republican candidates will support universal vouchers. Evers calls that "morally wrong."

Back in the News: Kleefisch Calls Democrats ‘Pure Evil’
Back in the News

Kleefisch Calls Democrats ‘Pure Evil’

Former Lt. Governor and Republican candidate for governor appealing to far right?

Campaign Cash: Natural Resources Board Chair Supports Republicans
Campaign Cash

Natural Resources Board Chair Supports Republicans

Fred Prehn, Walker appointee who refuses to step down, gave $35.000 to GOP candidates.

The State of Politics: The Race Is On For Lt. Governor
The State of Politics

The Race Is On For Lt. Governor

The last time there was no incumbent, back in 2010, nine candidates ran for the position.

Campaign Cash: Superintendent Race Cost Record $3 Million
Campaign Cash

Superintendent Race Cost Record $3 Million

Underly and liberal groups spent combined $2.34 million, five times more than opponents.

Evers, Johnson Rake In Campaign Funds

Evers, Johnson Rake In Campaign Funds

Outpacing challengers, Evers raises $5 million and Johnson $1.2 million in first half of 2021.

‘Governor Wins’ on State Budget?

‘Governor Wins’ on State Budget?

Experts suggest Evers will win the political spin over budget and tax cut.

Murphy’s Law: Evers Is the Pro-Science Candidate
Murphy’s Law

Evers Is the Pro-Science Candidate

Why has that description become so controversial?

Rep. Sanfelippo Calls For National Guard To Patrol City

Rep. Sanfelippo Calls For National Guard To Patrol City

Suburban Republican cites crime, calls it a “war zone,” demands Gov. Evers act.

Wisconsin Republican Legislators Join Arizona’s Illegitimate Election Audit
Press Release

Wisconsin Republican Legislators Join Arizona’s Illegitimate Election Audit

GOP Legislators Head to “Observe” the Arizona Election Circus While School Funding Remains at Risk and Budget Unfinished

Evers Announces Reelection Bid

Evers Announces Reelection Bid

Speech at state Democratic convention touts education spending and new Foxconn contract.

Rebecca Kleefisch and Legislative Republicans Call For Ripping Away Unemployment Benefits from Struggling Wisconsinites
Wisconsin Republicans Who Voted Against Aid For Constituents Now Call For Cutting Unemployment Benefits Too
Kleefisch To Be Closing Act For Jan. 6th Conspiracy Theorist Keynote Address
Rebecca Kleefisch & Ron Johnson Share Stage With Speaker Who Called Capitol Attack “Staged”
Campaign Cash: Record Outside Group Spending for Underly
Campaign Cash

Record Outside Group Spending for Underly

A record $1.02 million spent on state superintendent race, 80% of it by liberal groups.

The State of Politics: Evers Raises Cash for Reelection Bid
The State of Politics

Evers Raises Cash for Reelection Bid

He has $3.3 million on hand, wants more. But is he definitely running for reelection?

Campaign Cash: Underly Raises 18 Times More Than Kerr
Campaign Cash

Underly Raises 18 Times More Than Kerr

Democratic-supported candidate for state school superintendent raises $1.3 million.


Lobbyist Bill McCoshen mulling bid for governor

Campaign Cash: GOP Group Targets Appeals Court Race
Campaign Cash

GOP Group Targets Appeals Court Race

Spends $56,000 on candidate backed by Scott Walker, to defeat Evers appointee.

Kleefisch Calls Conservatives to “Go Into Battle” With “Hand to Hand Combat”
Press Release

Kleefisch Calls Conservatives to “Go Into Battle” With “Hand to Hand Combat”

Kleefisch’s dangerous statements follow a pattern of accepting extreme rhetoric

Murphy’s Law: Kleefisch Spokesperson Compares Evers to Dahmer
Murphy’s Law

Kleefisch Spokesperson Compares Evers to Dahmer

The former Lt. Governor, who plans a run for governor, gets caught in controversy.

Campaign Cash: Kleefisch a Big Donor to Republicans
Campaign Cash

Kleefisch a Big Donor to Republicans

Ex-Lt. Governor has PAC that gave $121,000 to GOP legislative candidates and state party.

GOP Legislators Reject Local Sales Tax Hikes

GOP Legislators Reject Local Sales Tax Hikes

“Dead on arrival,” lawmakers say of Evers’ enabling legislation.

Murphy’s Law: Hupy & Abraham Face Political Storm
Murphy’s Law

Hupy & Abraham Face Political Storm

Hupy’s donations to Ron Johnson attacked by Minocqua brewer and law firm losing business.

GOP Spends Big on Appeals Court Race

GOP Spends Big on Appeals Court Race

Led by Republican fat cats Richard Uihlein, John Menard. Cost of state appeals court races up 700%.

The Return Of Reince

The Return Of Reince

Priebus may run for governor. Will Trump endorse him?

The State of Politics: Evers Pushes New Programs, Spending
The State of Politics

Evers Pushes New Programs, Spending

Republicans warned him not to include budget items they oppose. He will anyway.

Evers Reflects on Year of Pandemic, Protests

Evers Reflects on Year of Pandemic, Protests

Proud of his administration’s response to COVID-19, “we turned that around a little bit.”

GOP Donors That Fought Evers’ Health Orders Catch COVID-19

GOP Donors That Fought Evers’ Health Orders Catch COVID-19

Billionaire couple Dick and Liz Uihlein have tested positive for COVID-19.

Murphy’s Law: 19 Election Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

19 Election Winners and Losers

Beyond the vote totals there were so many other winners and losers.

The State of Politics: Will Evers Run for Second Term?
The State of Politics

Will Evers Run for Second Term?

He’s had no time to think about that, he says. Why his reelection won’t be easy.

The State of Politics: Rebecca Kleefisch Will Run for Governor
The State of Politics

Rebecca Kleefisch Will Run for Governor

Former Lt. Governor hasn’t announced, but is clearly organizing for 2022 campaign.

Republicans Target Northeast Wisconsin

Republicans Target Northeast Wisconsin

CPAC event in Green Bay, Trump trip to Oshkosh underline Fox Valley's importance for his reelection.

Wisconsin’s Lousy Record for Women in Politics

Wisconsin’s Lousy Record for Women in Politics

Two politicos talk about getting more women in elected offices.

GOP Donor Uihlein Calls COVID-19 “Overhyped”

GOP Donor Uihlein Calls COVID-19 “Overhyped”

Liz Uihlein, co-founding of Uline, is a major Trump donor spending millions on right-wing causes.

Campaign Cash: Menards Accused of Price Gouging
Campaign Cash

Menards Accused of Price Gouging

Stores in Wisconsin and Michigan at issue, Michigan AG sends cease-and-disest letter.

Campaign Cash: Law Cuts Notice Time for Insurance Premium Hikes
Campaign Cash

Law Cuts Notice Time for Insurance Premium Hikes

Insurance industry gave generously to legislators, Evers, Walker.

Senate Democrats Offer 2020 Agenda

Senate Democrats Offer 2020 Agenda

Shilling pushes homeless funding and closing dark store tax loophole.

The State of Politics: All They Want for Christmas
The State of Politics

All They Want for Christmas

The Christmas wish lists of Gov. Evers, Mayor Barrett and other politicians.

Republicans May Push Property Tax Cut

Republicans May Push Property Tax Cut

Fitzgerald says bill may be introduced next year. But casts doubt on homeless funding.

Walker Says Kleefisch Would Be ‘Great Governor’

Walker Says Kleefisch Would Be ‘Great Governor’

“I think she would win.” And compares recall he won to impeachment fight.

Independent Business Association of Wisconsin (IBAW) presents “Promoting Employment in the Trades, one-on-one with Rebecca Kleefisch”
Press Release

Independent Business Association of Wisconsin (IBAW) presents “Promoting Employment in the Trades, one-on-one with Rebecca Kleefisch”

Event will be held at the Wisconsin Club, 900 W Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. A plated breakfast will be served.

State Senate Inaction Kills Homeless Funding for this Winter
Press Release

State Senate Inaction Kills Homeless Funding for this Winter

Apparently, there were three Senators who were opposed to homeless funding: Senators Kapenga, Nass, and Craig.

Campaign Cash: Trump Supporter Picked For Elections Commission
Campaign Cash

Trump Supporter Picked For Elections Commission

Fitzgerald appoints Bob Spindell, GOP donor and supporter of Voter ID law, to state commission.

Campaign Cash: VP Pence’s Wisconsin Trip Cancelled
Campaign Cash

VP Pence’s Wisconsin Trip Cancelled

VP was to visit the plant of Elizabeth and Richard Uihlein, who’ve donated millions to Republicans.

50 Years of Jim Sensenbrenner

50 Years of Jim Sensenbrenner

The numbers, the gruffness, the tales. And who will run for his seat?

Op Ed: The Mishaps of Mandela Barnes
Op Ed

The Mishaps of Mandela Barnes

The state’s first black lieutenant governor has a target on his back.

Campaign Cash: Liberal 527 Groups Crush GOP Groups
Campaign Cash

Liberal 527 Groups Crush GOP Groups

State’s pro-Democratic special interest groups raised 5 times more than pro-GOP groups in first half of 2019.

Meet Paul Ryan’s Rookie Replacement

Meet Paul Ryan’s Rookie Replacement

Bryan Steil has been dubbed Paul Ryan 2.0. True or false?

Evers Uses 78 Partial Vetoes on Budget

Evers Uses 78 Partial Vetoes on Budget

Vetoes will help pay for $65 million more in education funding in revised budget.

Campaign Cash: Real Estate Owners Give Republicans Millions
Campaign Cash

Real Estate Owners Give Republicans Millions

And GOP legislators pass a raft of laws benefiting landlords, real estate industry.

The State of Politics: The Curious Job of Lieutenant Governor
The State of Politics

The Curious Job of Lieutenant Governor

Mandela Barnes finding out there is no manual — and few certainties — for the job.

GOP Budget Jacks Up Auto Fees

GOP Budget Jacks Up Auto Fees

Vehicle title fee up 137%; higher fees would raise $393 million for roads.

Campaign Cash: Menard to Get Honorary Doctorate
Campaign Cash

Menard to Get Honorary Doctorate

First such degree by UW-Eau Claire goes to businessman, record polluter, big GOP donor.

The State of Politics: New Leaders at Republican State Convention
The State of Politics

New Leaders at Republican State Convention

Ryan, Walker no longer key players, but focus remains on Trump 2020 victory.

Gov. Evers Signs Executive Order #19 Relating to the Creation of the Committee to Celebrate the Centennial Anniversary of Wisconsin’s Ratification of the 19th Amendment
The State of Politics: Evers Appoints Record Number of Women
The State of Politics

Evers Appoints Record Number of Women

For first time in history, majority of governor’s advisors are women.

Campaign Cash: Walker Far Outspent Evers in Election
Campaign Cash

Walker Far Outspent Evers in Election

Record $93 million spent on governor’s race, with nearly $58 million for Walker.

No “Year of the Woman” in Wisconsin

No “Year of the Woman” in Wisconsin

Why women did poorly in state legislative races in 2018.

Nine state businesses win 2018 MARKETPLACE Governor’s Awards
Press Release

Nine state businesses win 2018 MARKETPLACE Governor’s Awards

Top minority, woman and service-disabled veteran-owned businesses were recognized for their success at 37th annual MARKETPLACE conference

Governor Walker Highlights Eight Years of Reform at the 8th Annual Governor’s Small Business Summit in Pewaukee
Press Release

Governor Walker Highlights Eight Years of Reform at the 8th Annual Governor’s Small Business Summit in Pewaukee

The summit brings together leaders from across Wisconsin to discuss the challenges faced by small businesses.

Senator Scott Fitzgerald Announces New Communications Director
Press Release

Senator Scott Fitzgerald Announces New Communications Director

"Alec [Zimmerman] will be an integral part of the team as we work diligently on behalf of our constituents."

Campaign Cash: Outside Groups Spent $61.5 Million on Election!
Campaign Cash

Outside Groups Spent $61.5 Million on Election!

Smashes states previous mid-term record, $38.6 million in 2014. Both sides spent lavishly.

Smart Politics:  Democrats’ Sweep of Statewide Offices Is Rare
Smart Politics

Democrats’ Sweep of Statewide Offices Is Rare

First time since 1982, only third time in more than 125 years.

The State of Politics: Evers Election Brings Changes to Capitol
The State of Politics

Evers Election Brings Changes to Capitol

Suddenly jobs for Democrats. And will Vos, Evers do deal on highway funding?

Op Ed: Voters Demand Compromise
Op Ed

Voters Demand Compromise

But are there issues Ever and Republicans could agree on? Yes.

Statement from Scott Walker on Results of Governor’s Race
Press Release

Statement from Scott Walker on Results of Governor’s Race

"It has been my honor to serve as your Governor for nearly eight years."

Governor Race Closest Since 1950s

Governor Race Closest Since 1950s

Evers makes history in his defeat of Gov. Scott Walker.

Wisconsin Lt. Governor puts health protections in jeopardy
Press Release

Wisconsin Lt. Governor puts health protections in jeopardy

Top Walker official admits GOP would end pre-existing condition coverage guarantee

Kleefisch Says Walker Administration “Can’t Guarantee” What Will Be in State Level Protections for Pre-existing Conditions
Press Release

Kleefisch Says Walker Administration “Can’t Guarantee” What Will Be in State Level Protections for Pre-existing Conditions

Kleefisch: “I can’t guarantee what the Senate will pass and the Assembly will pass...”

AFP-WI Lauds Walker Plan to Grow Workforce and Reform Criminal Justice System
Press Release

AFP-WI Lauds Walker Plan to Grow Workforce and Reform Criminal Justice System

"We thank Gov. Walker and Lt. Gov. Kleefisch for addressing critical criminal justice reform priorities."

The State of Politics: How Thompson Grew State Prisons
The State of Politics

How Thompson Grew State Prisons

Number of prisoners rose from 4,867 to 20,536 under Gov. Thompson. Now he wants reform.

Village of East Troy receives $250,000 state grant to support downtown redevelopment project
Press Release

Village of East Troy receives $250,000 state grant to support downtown redevelopment project

WEDC investment to help fund renovation of vacant bank building into microbrewery and restaurant

Campaign Cash: Kleefisch Campaign Gives Walker $1 Million
Campaign Cash

Kleefisch Campaign Gives Walker $1 Million

While Barnes campaign gives just $20,000 to Evers campaign.

Campaign Cash: Big Walker Donor Gets $250,000 Grant
Campaign Cash

Big Walker Donor Gets $250,000 Grant

Badger Meter donates $26,000 to governor, gets big state grant from WEDC.

Senator Taylor Responds to Walker’s Twitter Rant, “We Need Leadership, Not a Twitter Fight.”
Press Release

Senator Taylor Responds to Walker’s Twitter Rant, “We Need Leadership, Not a Twitter Fight.”

"So Governor Walker didn’t have time to defend Harley-Davidson, but he has time to blow dog whistles."

Wisconsin Main Street Day: Menomonee Falls receives state grant to support redevelopment of historic downtown fire station
Wisconsin Main Street Day: City of Wisconsin Rapids receives $150,000 state grant to support redevelopment of former downtown mall
Press Release

Wisconsin Main Street Day: City of Wisconsin Rapids receives $150,000 state grant to support redevelopment of former downtown mall

WEDC grant to provide assistance for environmental testing of site, which is being developed into shared facility for YMCA, Boys & Girls Club

Mayville, Racine named newest Wisconsin Main Street communities
Press Release

Mayville, Racine named newest Wisconsin Main Street communities

Announcements made as part of Wisconsin Main Street Day celebrations in eight communities across the state

Walker Protected Polluters Who Illegally Dumped Human Waste
Press Release

Walker Protected Polluters Who Illegally Dumped Human Waste

Fourth Entry in ‘Walker’s Wisconsin’ Series

Campaign Cash: Harley Gave Generously to Republicans
Campaign Cash

Harley Gave Generously to Republicans

So did Sartori Foods. Both now hurt by Trump tariffs.

Governor Walker Announces $500,000 Workforce Training Grant to Support Great Lakes Cheese Expansion in Wausau
Press Release

Governor Walker Announces $500,000 Workforce Training Grant to Support Great Lakes Cheese Expansion in Wausau

Governor marks Wisconsin Cheese Day by awarding WEDC grant that will assist company with training its workers in new $95 million cheese packaging plant in Wausau

Governor Walker Announces $200,000 Grant to the Center for Dairy Research to Support Entrepreneurship Program
Press Release

Governor Walker Announces $200,000 Grant to the Center for Dairy Research to Support Entrepreneurship Program

Governor marks Wisconsin Cheese Day by awarding WEDC grant that will support program that assists companies in development of new dairy technologies

City of Janesville receives $500,000 state grant to support redevelopment of former General Motors plant
Press Release

City of Janesville receives $500,000 state grant to support redevelopment of former General Motors plant

WEDC funds will help fund demolition of assembly plant area to make way for future development on site of century-old plant

Act 10 Protests Ignited Mahlon Mitchell’s Political Career

Act 10 Protests Ignited Mahlon Mitchell’s Political Career

Madison firefighter hopes to harness union power to oust Walker.

Chief Won’t Name Cops Who Tased Brown

Chief Won’t Name Cops Who Tased Brown

Morales says he legally prevented from releasing names, new FPC head also cites law.

Iron Workers Union Local 8 endorses Mandela Barnes for Lieutenant Governor
Press Release

Iron Workers Union Local 8 endorses Mandela Barnes for Lieutenant Governor

Union represents Iron Workers in Wisconsin and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

City of Evansville receives $250,000 state grant to support downtown project
Press Release

City of Evansville receives $250,000 state grant to support downtown project

WEDC investment to help fund construction of new mixed-use building

City of Kenosha receives $250,000 state grant to support development of downtown hotel
Press Release

City of Kenosha receives $250,000 state grant to support development of downtown hotel

WEDC investment will support $26 million transformation of Heritage House building

More Good News for the Sherman Phoenix

More Good News for the Sherman Phoenix

New project in Sherman Park gains another grant. Abele predicts success.

Milwaukee County receives $250,000 state grant to support The Sherman Phoenix entrepreneurial hub
Press Release

Milwaukee County receives $250,000 state grant to support The Sherman Phoenix entrepreneurial hub

20 businesses will occupy former bank building in Milwaukee’s Sherman Park

Governor Walker Announces 2018 Trailblazer Awards for Women in Business
Press Release

Governor Walker Announces 2018 Trailblazer Awards for Women in Business

17 Women Business Owners from Across Wisconsin to Receive Awards

No Child Should Ever Feel Unsafe at School: Governor Walker, Lt. Governor Kleefisch, and Attorney General Schimel Visit Schools to Discuss $100 Million School Safety Plan
Campaign Cash: State Okays Park Land for Golf Course
Campaign Cash

State Okays Park Land for Golf Course

Course owner, industrialist Herbert Kohler, gave $400,000 to Walker, other Republicans.

Campaign Cash: How Americans for Prosperity Wins
Campaign Cash

How Americans for Prosperity Wins

Koch-funded group gives huge campaign donations, has gotten long list of bills passed.

WHEDA Awards Seven Milwaukee-area Projects $3.2 Million in Low-Income Housing Tax Credits
Press Release

WHEDA Awards Seven Milwaukee-area Projects $3.2 Million in Low-Income Housing Tax Credits

31 projects expected to create more than 1,000 affordable housing units statewide

Eyes on Milwaukee: 5 City Projects Get WHEDA Tax Credits
Eyes on Milwaukee

5 City Projects Get WHEDA Tax Credits

Credits push forward projects with 311 units, more development across the city.

Governor Walker Announces Administration Staff Changes
Press Release

Governor Walker Announces Administration Staff Changes

Governor Scott Walker today announced the following administration staff changes

Campaign Cash: National Group Has Huge Clout in Wisconsin
Campaign Cash

National Group Has Huge Clout in Wisconsin

Virginia-based Republican State Leadership Committee spent $2.9 million to elect conservatives here.

Startup City: WEDC Gives $500,000 To Entrepreneur Groups
Startup City

WEDC Gives $500,000 To Entrepreneur Groups

Milwaukee-based BizStarts and BrightStar are two of the state grant winners.

Campaign Cash: Walker Donor Given State Park Land
Campaign Cash

Walker Donor Given State Park Land

State approves giving Herbert Kohler lakeshore parkland for his golf course.

Governor Walker Takes Additional Action to Fight Opioid Crisis
Press Release

Governor Walker Takes Additional Action to Fight Opioid Crisis

Wisconsin continues to lead the way forward

Campaign Cash: Walker’s Reliance on Outside Donations
Campaign Cash

Walker’s Reliance on Outside Donations

Governor decries them, but no candidate in state is more reliant on them.

Campaign Cash: Kwik Trip Cashes in on Walker Support
Campaign Cash

Kwik Trip Cashes in on Walker Support

Convenience store chain gave Walker $90,000, got $21 million from state jobs agency.

The State of Politics: Is State Elections Process “At Risk”?
The State of Politics

Is State Elections Process “At Risk”?

Elections Commission, legislators, predict problems if staff not restored.

iMARK Molding expanding in western Wisconsin
Press Release

iMARK Molding expanding in western Wisconsin

Plastic injection molding company to triple the size of operations in St. Croix County and create 40 jobs

Campaign Cash: Mega-Donors’ Offshore Cash Backed Walker
Campaign Cash

Mega-Donors’ Offshore Cash Backed Walker

Paradise Papers show billionaire’s off-shore tax havens donated to Gov. Walker.

New $1 million initiative to support tech startups
Press Release

New $1 million initiative to support tech startups

WEDC, Invest in Wisconsin to help early-stage companies statewide

Governor Walker Directs DHS to Increase Investment, Improve Access to Treatment for Mental Health, Substance Use Disorders
Press Release

Governor Walker Directs DHS to Increase Investment, Improve Access to Treatment for Mental Health, Substance Use Disorders

Behavioral health rate increase builds on historic efforts to address mental health needs and fight the opioid epidemic

Governor Walker Seeks Nominations for Wisconsin Women’s Council Trailblazer Awards
Press Release

Governor Walker Seeks Nominations for Wisconsin Women’s Council Trailblazer Awards

These entrepreneurs created businesses that have supported families, anchored communities, and carved a path for women business owner

Governor Walker Hosts Seventh Annual Small Business Summit, Announces Small Business Agenda
Press Release

Governor Walker Hosts Seventh Annual Small Business Summit, Announces Small Business Agenda

According to Chief Executive Magazine, Wisconsin is a top 10 state for business – up from 41st place in 2010.

UEDA to explore building economic, social inclusion with disability community
Press Release

UEDA to explore building economic, social inclusion with disability community

Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch, Director of National Disability Institute to Keynote 16th Annual Summit

Campaign Cash: Construction Industry Has Huge Capitol Clout
Campaign Cash

Construction Industry Has Huge Capitol Clout

$11 million political in donations helps get policies to reduce safety measures in buildings.

Campaign Cash: Joint Finance Okays School Choice Expansion
Campaign Cash

Joint Finance Okays School Choice Expansion

Powerful voucher lobby, including Betsy DeVos, has spent millions to support state politicians.

Historic King Drive BID No. 8 in Milwaukee is newest Wisconsin Main Street community
Press Release

Historic King Drive BID No. 8 in Milwaukee is newest Wisconsin Main Street community

Announcement in Milwaukee with state, city, local officials was one of 12 events statewide as part of first-ever Wisconsin Main Street Day.

State leaders, local officials to celebrate downtown successes on Wisconsin Main Street Day, Aug. 22
Press Release

State leaders, local officials to celebrate downtown successes on Wisconsin Main Street Day, Aug. 22

#WIMainSt Day tour featuring Lt. Gov. Kleefisch and other leaders comes as state announces newest members of downtown revitalization program

‘Aerospace Jam’ event with Milwaukee Bucks to connect top STEM students with aerospace industry
Press Release

‘Aerospace Jam’ event with Milwaukee Bucks to connect top STEM students with aerospace industry

Students from 28 schools around the state will have an opportunity to meet with leading companies to learn about career opportunities.

Campaign Cash: Bill Has $10 Million Giveaway to Fiserv
Campaign Cash

Bill Has $10 Million Giveaway to Fiserv

Included in Foxconn bill. Fiserv employees donated $15,400 to state politicians.

Campaign Cash: $8.5 Million Reasons Why GOP Expanding Vouchers
Campaign Cash

$8.5 Million Reasons Why GOP Expanding Vouchers

Multi millions in campaign donations, mostly from out-of-state voucher supporters.

New startups participate in water accelerator
Press Release

New startups participate in water accelerator

The Water Council welcomes next round of entrepreneurs and graduates class of 2017

State grant to help boost redevelopment project  in downtown Superior
Press Release

State grant to help boost redevelopment project in downtown Superior

WEDC awards $109,877 grant to support plans to convert former warehouse into city’s first brewery in 50 years

Another Top Tier Senate Contender Bows Out of Race
Press Release

Another Top Tier Senate Contender Bows Out of Race

AP broke the news that Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch has decided not to enter the GOP primary for U.S. Senate.

Lt. Governor Kleefisch departs Monday for weeklong trade mission to Mexico
Press Release

Lt. Governor Kleefisch departs Monday for weeklong trade mission to Mexico

WEDC-sponsored trip will focus on boosting exports to Mexico and attracting investment to Wisconsin

WHEDA to Help Restore Soldiers Home

WHEDA to Help Restore Soldiers Home

$1.4 million in low-income housing tax credits for 1860s “Old Main” building.

WHEDA Awards Five Milwaukee Projects $3.3 Million in Low-Income Housing Tax Credits
Press Release

WHEDA Awards Five Milwaukee Projects $3.3 Million in Low-Income Housing Tax Credits

26 projects expected to create more than 1,300 affordable housing units statewide

State Leaders to Join Governor Walker in Awarding Fab Labs Grants Throughout Wisconsin
Press Release

State Leaders to Join Governor Walker in Awarding Fab Labs Grants Throughout Wisconsin

Lt. Governor Kleefisch, UW System President Cross, WEDC Secretary Hogan among those taking part in "Fab Lab Day" announcements on April 25

Deadline nears for businesses to sign up for June trade mission to Mexico
Press Release

Deadline nears for businesses to sign up for June trade mission to Mexico

Companies interested in trip with Lt. Gov. Kleefisch have until May 12 to apply

Officials Celebrate Garfield Development

Officials Celebrate Garfield Development

Groundbreaking for $17 million development and reopened Black Holocaust Museum.

Campaign Cash: Bill Reveals School Voucher Costs
Campaign Cash

Bill Reveals School Voucher Costs

Democratic bill says property tax bills must show cost to local school district.

Kleefisch, Nygren go ‘On the Issues’ to discuss opioid abuse
Press Release

Kleefisch, Nygren go ‘On the Issues’ to discuss opioid abuse

Kleefisch and Nygren, both Republicans, are co-chairs of the Governor’s Task Force on Opioid Abuse.

Campaign Cash: Tavern League Favors Drunk Driving Bill
Campaign Cash

Tavern League Favors Drunk Driving Bill

Big donor to politicians wants tougher penalties but easy on first-time offenders.

Campaign Cash: GOP’s Redistricting Lawyers Are Big Donors
Campaign Cash

GOP’s Redistricting Lawyers Are Big Donors

Lawyers paid $2.1 million to defend gerrymandering, give $76,000 to politicians.

WEDC awards 11 grants to support entrepreneurship programs across Wisconsin
Press Release

WEDC awards 11 grants to support entrepreneurship programs across Wisconsin

Nearly $500,000 in grants to help local, regional initiatives for startups

Governor Walker Calls Legislature into Special Session and Orders New Actions in the Fight Against Opioid Abuse
Press Release

Governor Walker Calls Legislature into Special Session and Orders New Actions in the Fight Against Opioid Abuse

“This is a public health crisis, and that’s why I’m calling a special session of the Legislature and directing state agencies to ramp up the state’s response”

Campaign Cash: Child Support Tax Exemption Returns
Campaign Cash

Child Support Tax Exemption Returns

Controversial proposal for the wealthy was traced to donor to Walker, Kleefisch.

Whitewater University Technology Park site earns state’s Certified In Wisconsin designation
Press Release

Whitewater University Technology Park site earns state’s Certified In Wisconsin designation

35-acre parcel certified as “development-ready” by Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation

Murphy’s Law: State Democrats Could Sink Still Lower
Murphy’s Law

State Democrats Could Sink Still Lower

Yes, they’re at a historic low. But things could get worse.

Vonco Products Relocating from Northern Illinois to Kenosha County
Press Release

Vonco Products Relocating from Northern Illinois to Kenosha County

Manufacturing facility, headquarters to be located in Town of Salem

Governor Walker Announces Members of the Task Force on Opioid Abuse
Press Release

Governor Walker Announces Members of the Task Force on Opioid Abuse

Group to hold its first meeting on October 28 in Green Bay

Catalent Pharma Solutions Expanding in Madison
Press Release

Catalent Pharma Solutions Expanding in Madison

Global company expected to double its workforce by adding 100+ jobs

Coalition to Move Forward with Plans for Wisconsin Aviation/Aeronautics Center of Excellence
Press Release

Coalition to Move Forward with Plans for Wisconsin Aviation/Aeronautics Center of Excellence

Research laboratory will enable companies, universities to collaborate in the development, testing of aerospace and defense technologies

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Bizarre Choice for High Court
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Bizarre Choice for High Court

From a state with countless judges, he picks a crackpot lawyer named Daniel Kelly.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Inside the New Mercantile Lofts
Eyes on Milwaukee

Inside the New Mercantile Lofts

Former International Building now has 36 apartments. View the units and restored mural.

New Round of Accelerator Winners Announced at Water Summit 2016
Press Release

New Round of Accelerator Winners Announced at Water Summit 2016

The BREW Accelerator, launched in 2013, unleashes water innovation by funding water technology startups with commercialization potential, with the goal of launching each portfolio within 24 months.

American Packaging Corporation Building New Facility in DeForest
Press Release

American Packaging Corporation Building New Facility in DeForest

Project expected to create 60 new jobs

WHEDA Awards Nine Milwaukee Projects Low-Income Housing Tax Credits
Press Release

WHEDA Awards Nine Milwaukee Projects Low-Income Housing Tax Credits

28 projects expected to create more than 1,300 affordable housing units statewide

Community leaders celebrate 40 years of MACC Fund
Press Release

Community leaders celebrate 40 years of MACC Fund

Wisconsin families who have children with cancer have access to some of the best medical care in the country.

Judge Joe Donald slams Rebecca Bradley’s hyper-partisan campaign tactics
Press Release

Judge Joe Donald slams Rebecca Bradley’s hyper-partisan campaign tactics

Asks other candidates to join in new pledge to forgo special interest money & partisan help

Solar Power Hits the Big Time in Wisconsin
Press Release

Solar Power Hits the Big Time in Wisconsin

Newest Large Array Energizes Waukesha County Manufacturer

“I’m your Lt. Governor. I know my job.”

“I’m your Lt. Governor. I know my job.”

Rebecca Kleefisch offers coy banalities while “On the Issues with Mike Gousha.”

John Deere Horicon Works Hosts Wisconsin Officials for Groundbreaking
Press Release

John Deere Horicon Works Hosts Wisconsin Officials for Groundbreaking

New facility will consolidate operations, create 80 new jobs

Kleefisch goes “On the Issues” at Marquette Law
Press Release

Kleefisch goes “On the Issues” at Marquette Law

A self-described "Wisconsin-proud conservative woman," Kleefisch was elected to office in 2010.

A Shelter For Women Caught in Sex Trade

A Shelter For Women Caught in Sex Trade

Grateful Girls Safe Haven helps prostitutes and those targeted by human trafficking.

Marquette Law School Poll finds Walker job approval at 37 percent, following presidential run
Press Release

Marquette Law School Poll finds Walker job approval at 37 percent, following presidential run

Trump takes GOP lead, Clinton holds Dem edge in Wisconsin

Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch to Lead Trade Mission to Japan and Taiwan
Press Release

Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch to Lead Trade Mission to Japan and Taiwan

Midwest U.S.-Japan Association meeting provides platform for expanding relationships

State grant helps reawaken Wisconsin Rapids Tribune building
Press Release

State grant helps reawaken Wisconsin Rapids Tribune building

Assistance from Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation will support renovation of historic riverfront property

WEDC Partners with Doyenne Group to Support Women Entrepreneurs
Press Release

WEDC Partners with Doyenne Group to Support Women Entrepreneurs

Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation grant provides capital for women-led ventures

The State of Politics: Stories Legislators Tell Each Other
The State of Politics

Stories Legislators Tell Each Other

Sometimes personal stories told by legislators trump statistics or sound-bite speeches.

Mortara Breaks Ground on New Milwaukee Manufacturing Facility
Press Release

Mortara Breaks Ground on New Milwaukee Manufacturing Facility

Company plans to add more than 150 new jobs over the next five years

Allcast to Expand Manufacturing Facility in Washington County
Press Release

Allcast to Expand Manufacturing Facility in Washington County

Project is company’s second expansion since 2012

The State of Politics: Get Ready for Gov. Kleefisch?
The State of Politics

Get Ready for Gov. Kleefisch?

If Walkers wins the presidency or gets a federal appointment, Kleefisch must be ready to serve.

The State of Politics: Walker Aides Pushed for Loan, Now in Default
The State of Politics

Walker Aides Pushed for Loan, Now in Default

Records detail VIP treatment of Walker campaign donor William Minahan.

Can Wellness Center Revive North Avenue?

Can Wellness Center Revive North Avenue?

Groundbreaking for new center at 16th and North shows impact of Walnut Way's leadership.

The State of Politics: Cut Income Tax or Property Tax?
The State of Politics

Cut Income Tax or Property Tax?

While deficit looms, Republican leaders and lobbyists fight over which tax to cut.

Data Wonk: Wisconsin Taxes and Inequality
Data Wonk

Wisconsin Taxes and Inequality

Have Walker’s tax changes increased or decreased inequality in the state?

Friday Photos: Posner Renovation Kicks Off
Friday Photos

Posner Renovation Kicks Off

Our photos capture a new start for an old building.

Plenty of Horne: Condos Will Replace Third Ward Leather Factory
Plenty of Horne

Condos Will Replace Third Ward Leather Factory

And Ald. Bauman's tough style of running Third Ward architectural review board.

Murphy’s Law: The Lt. Governor Nobody Wanted
Murphy’s Law

The Lt. Governor Nobody Wanted

Few on Scott Walker’s team wanted Rebecca Kleefish to win or had any respect for her. Yet she could be the next governor.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Germania Building to Become Apartments
Eyes on Milwaukee

Germania Building to Become Apartments

118-year-old building would be converted to 74 apartments at prominent downtown corner.

The State of Politics: What Will “No Recall” Voters Do on Nov. 4?
The State of Politics

What Will “No Recall” Voters Do on Nov. 4?

They didn’t believe a governor should be recalled in mid-term. But will they vote to reelect Walker?

The State of Politics: More Women Run for Top Capitol Jobs
The State of Politics

More Women Run for Top Capitol Jobs

The number of women candidates running for state Capitol jobs is coming back.

CRG Network to Co-Host Decision 2014 Candidate Forum
Press Release

CRG Network to Co-Host Decision 2014 Candidate Forum

The CRG Network is proud to serve as one of the co-hosts for the Decisions 2014 candidate forum.

Lawton Takes Aim at Campaign Cash

Lawton Takes Aim at Campaign Cash

Former Lt Governor will run national group pushing for campaign finance reform.

Christmas Gifts for Your Favorite Politician

Christmas Gifts for Your Favorite Politician

Here are some last-minute gift ideas for a few Wisconsin pols.

How Walker Worries About Polls

How Walker Worries About Polls

His book shows he frequently adjusts strategy based on poll results.

Who Threw Deininger Off the GAB?

Who Threw Deininger Off the GAB?

The rumor is that Walker or Republican legislators are punishing him for his decisions on recall elections.

Southeast Wisconsin Rules the Capitol

Southeast Wisconsin Rules the Capitol

Almost every Republican -- and Democratic -- leader is from a small part of the state.

Who Will Run Against Walker?

Who Will Run Against Walker?

The list of possible candidates isn't long, as discussions at the state Democratic convention made clear.

Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch Joins “We Did Build It!” Event Line-up
Press Release

Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch Joins “We Did Build It!” Event Line-up

CRG Network is proud to announce that Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch will join U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, Wall Street Journal and Fox News Economist Stephen Moore, and Heartland Institute Joseph Bast at the “We Did Build It!” event.