Content referencing Sean Duffy - Page 2

One Wisconsin Now Calls for Walker, Ryan to Condemn Trump Attack on Hero John Lewis
Press Release

One Wisconsin Now Calls for Walker, Ryan to Condemn Trump Attack on Hero John Lewis

Republicans ‘Must Immediately Condemn Loathsome Comments Made by President-Elect’

Did Wisconsin Republicans Vote To Gut The Office Of Congressional Ethics?
Press Release

Did Wisconsin Republicans Vote To Gut The Office Of Congressional Ethics?

The Office of Congressional Ethics is designed to ensure accountability and transparency in the U.S. Congress, and without it, members of Congress lack proper oversight.

The State of Politics: 11 Predictions for 2017 Politics
The State of Politics

11 Predictions for 2017 Politics

Scott Fitzgerald gets Trump appointment, redistricting is upheld and more.

WI GOP Picks Kremlin Over The Heartland
Press Release

WI GOP Picks Kremlin Over The Heartland

They have stood by Donald Trump and his attacks on the intelligence community

Coalition Applauds Great Lakes Investments in Bill
Press Release

Coalition Applauds Great Lakes Investments in Bill

Congress authorizes $1.5 billion in Great Lakes restoration over five years, funding for Flint, Mich., to replace lead pipes to restore clean drinking water.

An Open Letter from One Wisconsin Now to Rep. Sean Duffy
Press Release

An Open Letter from One Wisconsin Now to Rep. Sean Duffy

"To be clear, we support free and fair elections. We think most people in the real world do. The question is, Rep. Duffy, do you?"

Murphy’s Law: State Democrats Could Sink Still Lower
Murphy’s Law

State Democrats Could Sink Still Lower

Yes, they’re at a historic low. But things could get worse.

Rep. Pocan Calls Out Rep. Duffy for Saying Madison is a Communist Community that does not Believe in Democracy, Demands Apology
Press Release

Rep. Pocan Calls Out Rep. Duffy for Saying Madison is a Communist Community that does not Believe in Democracy, Demands Apology

"...Congressman Duffy’s ‘Trumpizing’ of Wisconsin is the wrong direction for our state."

Rep. Sean Duffy Chooses Trump’s Swamp Over Wisconsin
Press Release

Rep. Sean Duffy Chooses Trump’s Swamp Over Wisconsin

Duffy joins Wall Street insiders.

The State of Politics: The Incredible Decline of Democrats
The State of Politics

The Incredible Decline of Democrats

GOP soared, Democrats floored, in state vote. Dem decline since 2010 is stunning.

Sean Duffy Tells CNN George Soros Is Rigging Voting Machines
Press Release

Sean Duffy Tells CNN George Soros Is Rigging Voting Machines

‘Bizarre’ rant by Trump surrogate caps off wild interview that includes conspiracy theories, fraudulent claims against Wisconsin voters.

Rep. Sean Duffy Chooses Big Banks and Wall Street over Main Street
Press Release

Rep. Sean Duffy Chooses Big Banks and Wall Street over Main Street

If he is successful the safeguards put in place after the great recession to protect everyday people from the big banks and Wall Street would be rolled back.

As Donald Trump Cozies Up To Vladimir Putin, Speaker Paul Ryan and Rep. Sean Duffy Continue To Support His Campaign
Press Release

As Donald Trump Cozies Up To Vladimir Putin, Speaker Paul Ryan and Rep. Sean Duffy Continue To Support His Campaign

Trump's praise for the Russian leader is unprecedented from a candidate running for President of the United States.

Duffy’s Dodge: Rep. Sean Duffy Refuses Six Debates Proposed By Mary Hoeft, But Asked For 20 Debates When He Ran In 2010
Press Release

Duffy’s Dodge: Rep. Sean Duffy Refuses Six Debates Proposed By Mary Hoeft, But Asked For 20 Debates When He Ran In 2010

In an election year where so much is at stake for Wisconsinites, it is crucial for the people of the 7th Congressional District to hear from both candidates on the issues that matter.

Plenty of Horne: Mexico Opens 50th US Consulate Here
Plenty of Horne

Mexico Opens 50th US Consulate Here

A big turnout of American and Mexican politicians with "Trumpism" in the air.

Rep. Sean Duffy Dusts Off His Tin Foil Hat
Press Release

Rep. Sean Duffy Dusts Off His Tin Foil Hat

Again and again Duffy has defended Trump's outrageous actions.

Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters Launches Campaign in Defense of Public Lands
Press Release

Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters Launches Campaign in Defense of Public Lands

Group calls for bold leadership from Wisconsin lawmakers

Op-Ed: Mr. Trump, West Bend Ain’t Milwaukee

Mr. Trump, West Bend Ain’t Milwaukee

Trump stumps for African American votes before a crowd with not one black person.

Donald Trump’s Biggest Fan Rep. Sean Duffy: ‘Whatever Trump Says is Right – Whatever he says.’
Press Release

Donald Trump’s Biggest Fan Rep. Sean Duffy: ‘Whatever Trump Says is Right – Whatever he says.’

By his own admission, Duffy believes Donald Trump doesn't mince words and there is nothing to parse in his dangerous and sometimes violent rhetoric.

Sensenbrenner Joins Wisconsin Delegation in Standing up for Patient Access
Press Release

Sensenbrenner Joins Wisconsin Delegation in Standing up for Patient Access

Wisconsin delegation requests increased patient access to oropharyngeal strengthening therapy.

Op-Ed: Koch Brothers Impact on GOP Convention

Koch Brothers Impact on GOP Convention

Their impact on Republican platform and candidates — all but Trump — was “huge!”

The State of Politics: Walker Sells Himself at GOP Convention
The State of Politics

Walker Sells Himself at GOP Convention

Uses convention to renew national profile, but Ryan a more likely choice for president in 2020.

Sean Duffy Treats Election Process Like It’s Reality TV
Press Release

Sean Duffy Treats Election Process Like It’s Reality TV

The convention is far from the first time Duffy has been two-faced with different audiences.

Republican National Convention Student Loan Debt Tally: 43 Million Americans With $1.3 Trillion in Student Loan Debt, 0 Mentions in Addresses of Rep. Paul Ryan, Rep. Sean Duffy and Sen. Ron Johnson
Murphy’s Law: Koch Brothers Recruit State’s Latinos
Murphy’s Law

Koch Brothers Recruit State’s Latinos

But efforts by their shadowy Libre Initiative may be undercut by Trump.

Speaker Paul Ryan and Rep. Sean Duffy Refuse To Return Campaign Contributions From Disgraced Former Speaker of the House
Press Release

Speaker Paul Ryan and Rep. Sean Duffy Refuse To Return Campaign Contributions From Disgraced Former Speaker of the House

Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, was sentenced to 15 months in prison for providing hush money to cover up his past of sexually abusing young boys as a teacher in Illinois.

U.S. House Passes Vital Great Lakes Bill
Press Release

U.S. House Passes Vital Great Lakes Bill

Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition urges Senate to Act to ensure that the national maintains commitment to Great Lakes

Wisconsinites Deserve to Know Where Rep. Sean Duffy Stands On GOP Obstruction To SCOTUS Nominee
Press Release

Wisconsinites Deserve to Know Where Rep. Sean Duffy Stands On GOP Obstruction To SCOTUS Nominee

The President has a constitutional responsibility to nominate a Supreme Court Justice, and the Senate has an obligation to vote on that nominee.

Op-Ed: Abortion Clinics Don’t “Target” Blacks

Abortion Clinics Don’t “Target” Blacks

Only one of 10 abortion clinics are in majority black neighborhoods.

U.S. Rep. Moore Responds to Racially Insensitive Comments Made by Rep. Duffy
Press Release

U.S. Rep. Moore Responds to Racially Insensitive Comments Made by Rep. Duffy

“It’s painfully obvious that Representative Duffy’s concern for life ends as soon as the umbilical cord is cut.”

The State of Politics: Get Ready for Gov. Kleefisch?
The State of Politics

Get Ready for Gov. Kleefisch?

If Walkers wins the presidency or gets a federal appointment, Kleefisch must be ready to serve.

The Wealth of Wisconsin’s Senate & House Members

The Wealth of Wisconsin’s Senate & House Members

10 members of state's congressional delegation worth between $54 million and $171 million, new research group shows.

Underdogs for Congress

Underdogs for Congress

Only one congressional race is (barely) competitive in Wisconsin. The seven incumbents have a 14-1 advantage in campaign cash.

Murphy’s Law: Did Gov. Walker Have a Secret Email System?
Murphy’s Law

Did Gov. Walker Have a Secret Email System?

A Walker administration insider says some staff used private emails and personal laptops in the office.

Is Republican Reid Ribble a (Gasp) Moderate?

Is Republican Reid Ribble a (Gasp) Moderate?

The state's only GOP member of congress voting to raise debt ceiling explains why.

Obamacare Haters Help People Sign Up

Obamacare Haters Help People Sign Up

State's Republican politicians who oppose law are helping enroll their constituents.

Should Internet Sales Be Taxed?

Should Internet Sales Be Taxed?

Federal bill could yield more than $70 million in annual sales tax for Wisconsin. Walker says he would use for income tax relief.

Wisconsin Ignores Climate Change

Wisconsin Ignores Climate Change

Republicans join Koch Brothers, opposing actions to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

Murphy’s Law: 25 Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

25 Winners and Losers

The list is long (and fun). This was a campaign with real consequences.

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