
Content referencing Mark Thomsen

Second Vos Recall Rejected by Wisconsin Elections Commission

Second Vos Recall Rejected by Wisconsin Elections Commission

In 4-2 vote, commissioners said around 188 recall signatures were collected outside 60-day deadline

Alderman Won Office Owing Property Taxes

Alderman Won Office Owing Property Taxes

DiAndre Jackson has since paid off 2022 taxes but still owes for 2023.

Wisconsin Elections Commission Rejects Vos Recall

Wisconsin Elections Commission Rejects Vos Recall

The bipartisan commission found organizers fell short of the signatures needed to force a recall.

The State of Politics: Voters Throw Shade on Biden, Trump
The State of Politics

Voters Throw Shade on Biden, Trump

Nearly 180,000 primary voters refused to vote for either. What's does that mean for Wisconsin?

Vos Recall Appears Short on Signatures

Vos Recall Appears Short on Signatures

Which map of district should be used? Elections Commission says state Supreme Court must decide.

Cavalier Johnson Is All In On Growing Milwaukee

Cavalier Johnson Is All In On Growing Milwaukee

Annual State of the City speech places growth plan front and center.

Lena Taylor Appointed to Milwaukee County Circuit Court

Lena Taylor Appointed to Milwaukee County Circuit Court

Long-serving state senator is latest Evers appointment to local circuit court.

Gov. Evers Appoints Sen. Lena Taylor to the Milwaukee County Circuit Court
Republican Lawmakers Ask Judge To Compel Replacement Of Elections Administrator

Republican Lawmakers Ask Judge To Compel Replacement Of Elections Administrator

Move is another attempt to remove Meagan Wolfe.

Elections Commission Deadlocks on Executive Director

Elections Commission Deadlocks on Executive Director

3-3 vote means Meagan Wolfe will continue as director. Issue could go to courts.

Murphy’s Law: Brewers Subsidy Largest Ever Per Year?
Murphy’s Law

Brewers Subsidy Largest Ever Per Year?

How did Gov. Evers come up with that inflated, $290 million figure?

The State of Politics: Why State Voting Audit Was Remarkable
The State of Politics

Why State Voting Audit Was Remarkable

Largest hand recount in state history finds not one voting machine error, wins bipartisan praise.

Campaign Cash: Protasiewicz Outraises Opponents in State Supreme Court Race

Contribution to David Bowen of $770

Campaign Cash: Protasiewicz Outraises Opponents in State Supreme Court Race
Campaign Cash

Protasiewicz Outraises Opponents in State Supreme Court Race

A 3-1 advantage over her nearest opponent in total campaign donations.

Will Elections Commission Fulfill Rep. Brandtjen’s Election Data Request?

Will Elections Commission Fulfill Rep. Brandtjen’s Election Data Request?

Partisan body deadlocks on fulfilling her large request after Republicans remove election-denier from meeting.

City Hall: Committee Approves $50,000 Settlement For Child Left In Towed Vehicle
City Hall

Committee Approves $50,000 Settlement For Child Left In Towed Vehicle

2018 incident involving intoxicated mother mishandled by police and city sued.

Elections Commission Retracts ‘Ballot Spoiling’ Guidance

Elections Commission Retracts ‘Ballot Spoiling’ Guidance

After appeals court loss, state officials won't allow absentee voters to void ballot, re-vote.

Appeals Court Halts Restriction on Absentee Ballot Spoiling

Appeals Court Halts Restriction on Absentee Ballot Spoiling

Waukesha County judge ruled last week that absentee ballots couldn't be replaced at voter request. Democrats objected.

Elections Commission Votes to Track Fraudulent Absentee Ballot Requests

Elections Commission Votes to Track Fraudulent Absentee Ballot Requests

Right-wing activists have illegally requested absentee ballots on behalf of other people.

State Elections Commission Changes Absentee Ballot Guidance

State Elections Commission Changes Absentee Ballot Guidance

Waukesha County Judge rules that clerks can't fill in missing information on absentee ballot witness certificates.

State Elections Board Wants Inspector General

State Elections Board Wants Inspector General

Will ask Legislature for new position, 10 more staff to handle rise in election complaints, records requests.

State Elections Commission Helping Investigate Racine Voter Fraud

State Elections Commission Helping Investigate Racine Voter Fraud

A Racine man committed voter fraud to prove it can be done. Racine sheriff congratulated him.

Elections Commission Deadlocks on Advising Clerks

Elections Commission Deadlocks on Advising Clerks

In wake of high court decision invalidating absentee drop boxes, tie votes by Democrats and Republicans.

Elections Commission Rejects Challenge to Tim Michels’ Nominating Petitions

Elections Commission Rejects Challenge to Tim Michels’ Nominating Petitions

Unanimous decision puts Michels on the ballot in the GOP primary for governor.

Vos Appoints Attorney Don Millis to Elections Commission

Vos Appoints Attorney Don Millis to Elections Commission

Republican previously served on WEC, and decades ago, on Wisconsin Elections Board.

Wisconsin Court of Appeals Race Takes Partisan Turn

Wisconsin Court of Appeals Race Takes Partisan Turn

Donations from mega-donors, political action committees funding attack ads.

Back in the News: Brewers Want $100 Million Tax Subsidy?
Back in the News

Brewers Want $100 Million Tax Subsidy?

So claims Journal Sentinel. But where exactly did this figure come from?

Murphy’s Law: Why Brewers Stadium Conflict Erupted
Murphy’s Law

Why Brewers Stadium Conflict Erupted

Legislature has squeezed the five-county ballpark district, leaving it less flexibility.

State High Court Allows Absentee Ballot Boxes For February Primary

State High Court Allows Absentee Ballot Boxes For February Primary

Hagedorn joins liberal justices. Court also agrees to hear expedited appeal of the case.

GOP Lawmakers Make Massive Data Request of Election Commission

GOP Lawmakers Make Massive Data Request of Election Commission

WEC says request would cost $100,000, shut down agency for four days.

State Elections Commission Blasts Non-Partisan Election Review

State Elections Commission Blasts Non-Partisan Election Review

Commission chair says report is "gross incompetence" or a intentional "sabotage."

Republicans Again Attack Wolfe, WEC

Republicans Again Attack Wolfe, WEC

Rep. Macco calls Wolfe and elections commission “repugnant and insulting” at committee hearing.

Racine County Sheriff Refers Charges For State Elections Commissioners

Racine County Sheriff Refers Charges For State Elections Commissioners

Charging recommendations against five of six elections commissioners referred to district attorney.

Statement from WEC Commissioners regarding Racine County Sheriff’s Department Press Conference
City Hall: City Must Apologize to Sterling Brown
City Hall

City Must Apologize to Sterling Brown

Council approves settlement, which includes apology and changes in how police are trained.

City Hall: Sterling Brown Settlement Approved
City Hall

Sterling Brown Settlement Approved

City will issue apology and adopt slew of police policy changes.

State Supreme Court Tosses Voter Purge Suit

State Supreme Court Tosses Voter Purge Suit

Conservative group wanted voters that may have moved purged from the voter roll.

City Hall: Council Keeps Delaying on Sterling Brown Settlement
City Hall

Council Keeps Delaying on Sterling Brown Settlement

Alderman says deal isn't ready to be approved.

State Elections Commission Gets Testy

State Elections Commission Gets Testy

Republican members demand Democratic commission chair step down. And she doesn't.

State Recount Turns Into Partisan Battle

State Recount Turns Into Partisan Battle

The partial-recount is focusing solely on Milwaukee and Dane counties.

City Hall: Sterling Brown Payout Still Being Debated
City Hall

Sterling Brown Payout Still Being Debated

Council committee meets for two hours, can't decide whether to accept the settlement.

City Hall: Bucks Player, City Reach $750,000 Settlement
City Hall

Bucks Player, City Reach $750,000 Settlement

City admits police violated Sterling Brown's constitutional rights in notorious incident.

GOP Made It Harder to Vote in Wisconsin

GOP Made It Harder to Vote in Wisconsin

Especially for Black voters.

Kanye West Booted From Wisconsin Ballot

Kanye West Booted From Wisconsin Ballot

Commission votes 5-1 to reject candidacy on basis West's filing was late. Legal challenge possible.

Schwantes for Judge campaign announces first 100 endorsements from community leaders
Press Release

Schwantes for Judge campaign announces first 100 endorsements from community leaders

Endorsers including Rep. Evan Goyke, six judges and more than 80 local attorneys

Giannis Protest Mural Planned for Bay View Bar

Giannis Protest Mural Planned for Bay View Bar

Mural is designed to keep focus on protest marches.

State Will Soon Mail 2.7 Million Absentee Ballot Applications

State Will Soon Mail 2.7 Million Absentee Ballot Applications

After weeks of discussion, the Wisconsin Elections Commission has approved the ballot application language.

Elections Commission Approves Vote By Mail Plan

Elections Commission Approves Vote By Mail Plan

2.7 million registered voters will receive an absentee ballot application in the mail.

Elections Commission Stalls Vote By Mail Plan

Elections Commission Stalls Vote By Mail Plan

Wisconsin Elections Commission delays voting on a plan to mail absentee ballot request forms to all registered voters for November election.

Thousands of Absentee Ballots Might Not Count

Thousands of Absentee Ballots Might Not Count

Wisconsin Elections Commissions deadlocks on what to do about unpostmarked ballots.

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Risk Public Health With Election
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Risk Public Health With Election

Refusal of Vos and Fitzgerald to postpone election could cause more disease, deaths.

Elections Commission Deadlocks on Pandemic Guidance

Elections Commission Deadlocks on Pandemic Guidance

Proposal would have reprimanded clerks in Dane and Milwaukee counties.

Federal Judge Won’t Delay Spring Election

Federal Judge Won’t Delay Spring Election

City of Green Bay sued, saying it couldn’t hold election safely, judge dismisses suit.

Will April Election be Postponed?

Will April Election be Postponed?

Preparation for election raises health concerns due to COVID-19.

Wisconsin Elections Commission Considering a Public Shaming

Wisconsin Elections Commission Considering a Public Shaming

Commission considering publicly calling-out communities with outdated election security software.

Court Watch: Police Officer Denies Stepping on Sterling Brown
Court Watch

Police Officer Denies Stepping on Sterling Brown

But video shows he did. More testimony from controversial 2018 arrest of Bucks player

Does Court Ruling Mean No Voter Purge?

Does Court Ruling Mean No Voter Purge?

Appeals court decision and Elections Commission vote may defeat effort to purge voting list for 2020 election.

Murphy’s Law: Why a Voter Purge Is So Critical
Murphy’s Law

Why a Voter Purge Is So Critical

The goal is to reelect Trump. Even if that means purging some Republican voters, too.

Judge Holds Election Commissioners in Contempt

Judge Holds Election Commissioners in Contempt

Will be fined $250 per day until they approve purge 209,000 names from voting list.

WILL Asks Court to Hold Wisconsin Elections Commission in Contempt
Press Release

WILL Asks Court to Hold Wisconsin Elections Commission in Contempt

State elections agency refuses to comply with court order.

Elections Panel Deadlocks Again on Voting List Purge

Elections Panel Deadlocks Again on Voting List Purge

While court decision ordering purge appealed, state elections commission’s members evenly divided by party.

Court Watch: Officer Threatened to Tow Brown’s Car
Court Watch

Officer Threatened to Tow Brown’s Car

In testimony police sergeant admits no legal basis for threats against Bucks player Sterling Brown.

Elections Commission Splits on Judge’s Ruling

Elections Commission Splits on Judge’s Ruling

Ruling would purge 234,000 names from voting rolls, commission ties 3-3 on how to respond.

The Sterling Brown Case: More Details on Tasing of Bucks Player
The Sterling Brown Case

More Details on Tasing of Bucks Player

Officer Bojan Samardzic says he understands why Sterling Brown got upset by police treatment.

The Sterling Brown Case: ‘Could Have Been Dead People in Walgreens.’
The Sterling Brown Case

‘Could Have Been Dead People in Walgreens.’

One year later police officer still defends his handling of Bucks player Sterling Brown.

Election Commission Will Fund Election Security Measures

Contribution to Marina Dimitrijevic of $250

Election Commission Will Fund Election Security Measures

Election Commission Will Fund Election Security Measures

Grant program with $1.1 million is available to cities and municipalities to improve elections security.

City Hall: Council Okays Settlement to Sterling Brown

Contribution to Fred Royal of $500

City Hall: Council Okays Settlement to Sterling Brown
City Hall

Council Okays Settlement to Sterling Brown

City would pay $400,000. But the Bucks guard isn't expected to accept the offer.

Waukesha County Sued for Racial Profiling

Contribution to JoCasta Zamarripa of $500

Waukesha County Sued for Racial Profiling

Contribution to Marina Dimitrijevic of $500

Waukesha County Sued for Racial Profiling

Contribution to Bob Peterson of $1,000

Waukesha County Sued for Racial Profiling

Waukesha County Sued for Racial Profiling

Common Ground seeks apology for treatment of two black pastors, and reviewing actions by other suburbs.

Brown Files Suit Against Milwaukee Police

Brown Files Suit Against Milwaukee Police

Bucks player files federal civil rights suit, claiming wrongful arrest and excessive force.

Election News: Update on Federal Election Security Funding
Campaign Cash: Screnock Outspending Dallet in Court Race
Campaign Cash

Screnock Outspending Dallet in Court Race

Together two candidates’ campaigns spending $1.2 million

Meagan Wolfe Selected as Elections Commission Administrator
Press Release

Meagan Wolfe Selected as Elections Commission Administrator

Wolfe, who has been assistant administrator since April 2017, will begin work immediately.

Thomsen Calls on Wisconsin Senate to Confirm Haas
Press Release

Thomsen Calls on Wisconsin Senate to Confirm Haas

The current commissioners unanimously support his confirmation.

Murphy’s Law: The Strange Rage of Scott Fitzgerald
Murphy’s Law

The Strange Rage of Scott Fitzgerald

His call to fire elections commission leader defies the law and common sense.

Update on Wisconsin Elections Cyber Security
Press Release

Update on Wisconsin Elections Cyber Security

In 2016, Russian government cyber actors unsuccessfully targeted Wisconsin’s voter registration system.

Wisconsin Notified of Unsuccessful Russian Hacking Attempt
Press Release

Wisconsin Notified of Unsuccessful Russian Hacking Attempt

Wisconsin is one of 21 states notified by Homeland Security that their voter registration systems were targeted by Russians.

King Resigns from Wisconsin Elections Commission
Press Release

King Resigns from Wisconsin Elections Commission

Speaker Vos will appoint a replacement for Commissioner King at a later date.

Elections Commission Chair Responds to Federal Request for Wisconsin Voter Information
Press Release

Elections Commission Chair Responds to Federal Request for Wisconsin Voter Information

"We are confident that the results are accurate and do not contain any statistically significant number of votes cast by persons who were not eligible to vote."

The State of Politics: Republicans Will Review Recount Process

Contribution to Tom Barrett of $400

The State of Politics: Republicans Will Review Recount Process
The State of Politics

Republicans Will Review Recount Process

Though it went smoothly, Vos and Walker may want changes in the law.

Wisconsin Recount Completed Ahead of Schedule With Relatively Small Changes to Final Totals
Press Release

Wisconsin Recount Completed Ahead of Schedule With Relatively Small Changes to Final Totals

Trump’s margin over Clinton increased by 131 votes.

Murphy’s Law: Schimel Patrols Only Democratic Voters?
Murphy’s Law

Schimel Patrols Only Democratic Voters?

AG’s “Election Integrity Unit” will monitor polls, but targets urban or Democratic areas.

Wisconsin Elections Commission leaders go ‘On the Issues’ at Marquette Law School
Press Release

Wisconsin Elections Commission leaders go ‘On the Issues’ at Marquette Law School

The November election will be the biggest test yet for the new Wisconsin Elections Commission.

Amid Media Reports of Legal Voters Being Denied Voter ID, State Legislative Committee Considers Voter ID Rules
Press Release

Amid Media Reports of Legal Voters Being Denied Voter ID, State Legislative Committee Considers Voter ID Rules

Instead of Debating Rules They Can’t Be Trusted to Follow, Legislature Ought to Suspend Voter ID Law

The State of Politics: New Commission Must Resolve Voting Mess
The State of Politics

New Commission Must Resolve Voting Mess

Partisan Elections Commission replaced state GAB; how will it perform?

One Wisconsin Institute Files Notice of Appeal in Voter Rights Case
Press Release

One Wisconsin Institute Files Notice of Appeal in Voter Rights Case

‘We Will Do All We Can to Ensure the Fraud Committed by Scott Walker Against Voters Ends in Wisconsin’

House Confidential: Atty Mark Thomsen’s Tudor Mansion
House Confidential

Atty Mark Thomsen’s Tudor Mansion

New appointee to state Elections Commission overhauled his East Side mansion.

Governor Walker Appoints Beverly Gill and Julie Glancey to Elections Commission
Press Release

Governor Walker Appoints Beverly Gill and Julie Glancey to Elections Commission

Gill is the Wisconsin Legislature majority party nominee, and Glancey is the Wisconsin Legislature minority party nominee.

Plenty of Horne: Liberal Group Seeks Talk Radio Voice

Contribution to Justin Bielinski of $250

Plenty of Horne: Liberal Group Seeks Talk Radio Voice
Plenty of Horne

Liberal Group Seeks Talk Radio Voice

Claims AM conservative talk radio is "racist" and "hateful." Is liberal talk radio possible?

Plenty of Horne: De Blasio Descends on Milwaukee

Contribution to Josh Zepnick of $500

Plenty of Horne: De Blasio Descends on Milwaukee
Plenty of Horne

De Blasio Descends on Milwaukee

New York's mayor and crew of handlers and security came for his speech to state Democrats. Later he partied with local pols and local brews at Nick's House.

Plenty of Horne: Get Your Vote On
Plenty of Horne

Get Your Vote On

Early voting already underway for spring election, and memorials planned for Debra Usinger and Donna Schlieman.

Plenty of Horne: Campaign Season Kicks Off
Plenty of Horne

Campaign Season Kicks Off

Politicos flock to Jon Richards fundraiser, and judicial candidate Janet C. Protasiewicz's event.

The Other Mandela

The Other Mandela

The fundraiser for Rep. Mandela Barnes, just two days before his namesake Nelson Mandela died, had a big turnout.

Supreme Court Decisions Favor Lawyers Who Donate

Supreme Court Decisions Favor Lawyers Who Donate

Study shows justices don't recuse in 98% of cases involving attorneys and Abrahamson gets the most money.

Plenty of Horne: Shocking Conditions at the Courthouse
Plenty of Horne

Shocking Conditions at the Courthouse

Court Commissioner Barry Slagle electrocuted in scary, unreported incident at courthouse.

The Roundup: At it Again
The Roundup

At it Again

Alderman asked to make big money decision on 24 hour notice.

The Roundup: The Jewish Judge Who’s a Quarter Irish
The Roundup

The Jewish Judge Who’s a Quarter Irish

Governor James E. Doyle told about 75 people at Mo’s Irish Pub last Friday that “there are a number of good things I can do as governor. … I get to appoint people to the bench. As a lawyer and the son of a judge, I take this seriously.” What does the governor look for in a judge? – He’s appointed about 6 of them so far –“I get a list of very – incredibly good people. I could pick them out of a hat. But I look for intelligence, fairness, and understanding of people. Also, frankly, some much needed diversity.” Doyle got diversity all right when he appointed Glenn Yamahiro as a Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge last year. Yamahiro, a former public defender, lawyer in private practice, and teacher of disturbed students, is also the first Asian-American to sit on the bar in Wisconsin. He is that, and more, the crowd, gathered for a fundraiser, was to learn. Yamahiro told the crowd that he was proud to be “the first [judicial] appointee by a democratic governor in almost 20 years.” Yamahiro is running for a full term against former Judge Robert Crawford, whose antics on the bench in the past cost him his seat to Judge Louis Butler, who was present, as were such other judges as Jean DiMotto, Ted Wedemeyer, Tom Donegan, Paul Wall and judge wannabees like Audrey Skwierawski. Attorneys including the venerable Dominic Frinzi and Mark Thomsen popped in for the gig. Yamahiro has already proven himself to be one of the more amusing speakers on the bench, and among politicians generally. “I told the governor at the time of my appointment that any opponent I would get would be buried at the election. “Now we have to come through on that promise,” he said, to the general assent of the assembled, not eager for a return of the goofy Crawford. Yamahiro rubbed it in: “If it was an election of the informed, we wouldn’t need this gathering,” he said. Do not think that Yamahiro tried to coast by solely on the merits of his wit and the novelty of his Asian background. “I am the first Asian-American judge in Wisconsin, but I did have a grandma in Iowa, born about 100 years ago. Her name was Morrissey. So I have 25 percent Irish blood, and I am happy to be in Mo’s Irish Pub with the Guinness flowing.” The crowd really liked this intercultural news, and I talked to Deja Vishny, a public defender with a really cool name – and yet another story. “I’m Glenn’s wife,” she said. The couple has one child, who attends a Jewish elementary school. “I’m Jewish,” she explained. “So is Glenn,” she added. Observations From the Governor On the Legislature You get the feeling from Governor Jim Doyle that the legislature is acting like a pesky housefly that he has to keep swatting at. The recent meetings of the august representatives of the people were characterized in this […]

The Roundup: Lautenschlager’s Mess
The Roundup

Lautenschlager’s Mess

Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager’s drunk driving arrest last week removes her from behind the wheel of her state-owned vehicle for a year, and puts Governor Jim Doyle in the driver’s seat. The two had squabbled, privately, over terms of the Governor’s jobs bill, with Lautenschlager threatening to use her authority to see that the law comply with the state’s environmental regulations, which she intimated it did not. This sort of independent action by an attorney general is not new in Wisconsin. Doyle was the chief practitioner of it, but then again, he was a Democrat, and the Governor at the time was a Republican. The press has made note that Doyle suggests Lautenschlager forgo some of her pay as a sort of penance for her indiscretion, a matter that remains unresolved at this time. Doyle also suggested that Lautenschlager consider entering a program to treat problem drinkers. He said that he had a number of friends who had been in a similar situation and that the treatment had helped them. In fact, the public admission of guilt and responsibility (which Lautenschlager made) is usually accompanied these days with a prompt acknowledgement that a problem exists. The subject then usually promptly enters a treatment program and completes it, after which the matter is forgotten. Lautenschlager has not made that admission thus far, which leaves her in the position of either not having a “problem” or being “in denial” of it. It does leave Doyle high and dry, however, and much less likely to face interference in his plans from that peskiest of all politicians – an ambitious Attorney General. Walker at the War Memorial County Executive Scott Walker welcomed about 100 well-clad guests to a fundraiser February 26th at the War Memorial Center. The strictly upper-crust affair was a Republican-type fundraiser, which meant that hard liquor was consumed (in moderation) and beer, for the most part, was ignored. For those fans of the frothy stuff, Walker offered Miller products and Heineken. Food was by Ellen’s Prestige Catering, and included strolling waiters, another classy touch. Menu items included spinach somethings, meat and melted cheese on sandwich rounds, wrapped up little salmon tidbits, an entirely unsuccessful raspberry-brie tart, platters of some kind of 21st century sandwich product along with perfectly delicious fruit. The event was unmarred by public oratory, but was enhanced by an A-list of locals practicing up for the next time Bush is in town. Among the exalted: George Dalton, Dennis Kuester (on crutches), Michael Cudahy, mourning the recent death of Daniel Urban Kiley, creator of the $4 million Cudahy garden outside the adjacent Milwaukee Art Museum, Fred Luber, Tim Hoeksma, Carol Skornicka, John Finerty, Jim Weichmann, Joe Rice, Mary Buestrin, Corey Hoze and developer Mark Irgens. Hoze has secured speaker Dennis Hastert to appear at a $2000 fundraiser on his hopeless behalf in his upcoming congressional campaign. That’s rich. Marvin Pratt popped in and worked the crowd for about 20 minutes before his cop told him it was time to […]

The Roundup: Who’s on Fifth?
The Roundup

Who’s on Fifth?

An $89 billion bank is muscling its way into the Milwaukee market, and you read about it here first.