
Content referencing Bill Lueders

Meeting Notice Concerns Mount For SDC Following Layoffs

Meeting Notice Concerns Mount For SDC Following Layoffs

Organization say its volunteer board has complied, experts say they haven’t.

Op Ed: Wisconsin Among Minority of States Shielding Police Data
Op Ed

Wisconsin Among Minority of States Shielding Police Data

Suit seeks release of data on officers who face misconduct allegations that get rehired.

Back in the News: MAGA Republicans Hate Robin Vos
Back in the News

MAGA Republicans Hate Robin Vos

Assembly Speaker confesses he regrets hiring Gableman: 'He was way wackier than I thought.'

Murphy’s Law: Evers Email Issue Pales Compared to Walker
Murphy’s Law

Evers Email Issue Pales Compared to Walker

Both as county exec and governor, Scott Walker systematically evaded public scrutiny.

Evers Conducted State Business Using Phony Email

Evers Conducted State Business Using Phony Email

Governor's email used name of famed pitcher Warren Spahn.

Your Right to Know: Protect The Press From Bogus Lawsuits
Your Right to Know

Protect The Press From Bogus Lawsuits

Legal costs can put publications out of business. Other states' laws help stop this.

Murphy’s Law: The Legal Trickery of Robin Vos
Murphy’s Law

The Legal Trickery of Robin Vos

Using every pseudo-legal tactic to fight fair maps and muzzle Justice Protasiewicz.

Proposal Would Help Media Outlets Hit With Frivolous, Costly Lawsuits

Proposal Would Help Media Outlets Hit With Frivolous, Costly Lawsuits

Democrats' proposal inspired by lawsuit from GOP senator against Wausau publication.

New Open Records Bill Would Overrule Court, Improve Records Access

New Open Records Bill Would Overrule Court, Improve Records Access

Bipartisan proposal would allow legal fees to be recovered without a court order.

Back in the News: Wisconsin Center Dispute Goes National
Back in the News

Wisconsin Center Dispute Goes National

The Bulwark condemns decision to remove artwork while WTMJ defends it.

Murphy’s Law: Did Brooks Exceed His Authority At Wisconsin Center?
Murphy’s Law

Did Brooks Exceed His Authority At Wisconsin Center?

CEO’s decision to remove art works raises questions about governance of public entity.

Your Right To Know: Opee Awards Honor Open Records Champions
Your Right To Know

Opee Awards Honor Open Records Champions

And chastise those who block transparency.

Your Right to Know: Public Still Paying for Gableman Probe
Your Right to Know

Public Still Paying for Gableman Probe

Taxpayers paying for court fights by Vos and Republicans to hide records, pushing total cost to $2 million.

Conservative UW-Madison Center Advises School Board Members

Conservative UW-Madison Center Advises School Board Members

Bradley Foundation-funded center's symposium at water park excludes the media.

Recent Open Records Law Interpretation Bad for Public

Recent Open Records Law Interpretation Bad for Public

Not allowing recoupment of attorney fees could have a chilling effect on record requests, according to a conservative law firm.

Vos Penalized in Open Records Case

Vos Penalized in Open Records Case

Assembly Speaker 'did not respond to four records requests for six months,' circuit court judge states.

Your Right to Know: Open Records Law Treated With Contempt
Your Right to Know

Open Records Law Treated With Contempt

Both Vos and Gableman cited for contempt of court for trashing open records law.

High Court Okays Release of COVID-19 Workplace Data

High Court Okays Release of COVID-19 Workplace Data

Health officials can identify employers having outbreaks, WI Supreme Court rules.

Will Release Of Deleted Records Shine Light on Legislature?

Will Release Of Deleted Records Shine Light on Legislature?

Vos releases some 20,000 documents. No group or reporter had ever requested deleted documents.

High Court Asked To Remove Eviction Court Records After One Year

High Court Asked To Remove Eviction Court Records After One Year

Legal aid lawyers say landlords use records to exclude prospective tenants.

Op Ed: Open Records Imperiled in Wisconsin
Op Ed

Open Records Imperiled in Wisconsin

Led by Robin Vos, public officials more likely to obstruct open records requests.

Use of Paper Ballots Soared in State Senate

Use of Paper Ballots Soared in State Senate

Maneuver used in hundreds of bills to bar any debate or amendments to proposed bills.

Your Right To Know: Bill Lueders Inducted into Freedom of Information Hall of Fame
Your Right To Know

Bill Lueders Inducted into Freedom of Information Hall of Fame

The editor of The Progressive, has been a champion for government transparency.

Your Right to Know: State Lawmakers Want Records of Misconduct Hidden
Your Right to Know

State Lawmakers Want Records of Misconduct Hidden

Assembly members are fighting to keep personal misconduct records confidential.

Expunging Criminal Records Gets Broad Support

Expunging Criminal Records Gets Broad Support

Police, prosecutors, public defenders, business groups back bill expanding expungement.

Your Right to Know: Open Records Fees Discourage Government Transparency
Your Right to Know

Open Records Fees Discourage Government Transparency

Public record custodians can charges thousands of dollars to process a public records request.

Bill Would Stop Lawmakers From Deleting Their Emails

Bill Would Stop Lawmakers From Deleting Their Emails

Currently, legislators and their staff can delete emails that are public record.

Lawyers Denounce Attacks on State Justices

Lawyers Denounce Attacks on State Justices

They call on state bar, Supreme Court leadership to condemn threatening, anti-Semitic attacks.

Back in the News: ‘I Am Not a Republican Justice’
Back in the News

‘I Am Not a Republican Justice’

State Supreme Court Justice Brian Hagedorn discusses his decisions and right-wing attacks on him

Justices Face Anti-Semitic, Misogynist Attacks After Trump Ruling

Justices Face Anti-Semitic, Misogynist Attacks After Trump Ruling

State Supreme Court Justices Jill Karofsky and Rebecca Dallet attacked in post on white-supremacist website.

Your Right to Know: Both Parties Delay on Open Records
Your Right to Know

Both Parties Delay on Open Records

Long delays by state officials to open records requests have been the norm for the last decade.

Tosa Police Use High Fees to Combat Open Records?

Tosa Police Use High Fees to Combat Open Records?

Email outlining policy 'a shocking admission of bad faith,' expert says.

Your Right to Know: More Police Transparency Needed
Your Right to Know

More Police Transparency Needed

Law allows unnecessary delays for release of data.

Your Right To Know: Public Bodies Find New Ways to Meet
Your Right To Know

Public Bodies Find New Ways to Meet

State and local governments meeting virtually; no complaints from public about access.

Your Right to Know: Opee Awards For Open Records Leaders
Your Right to Know

Opee Awards For Open Records Leaders

Plaudits for Abrahamson, others. A “Nopee” for secretive state Legislature.

#KeepYourPromise Governor Evers
Press Release

#KeepYourPromise Governor Evers

One month after pledge, Evers shows no progress on government transparency

Your Right to Know: Evers Can Do Better On Openness
Your Right to Know

Evers Can Do Better On Openness

Evers Administration excludes right-wing news service from receiving media notifications and shutdown a website to track open records requests.

Murphy’s Law: Lame Duck Laws Hurting the State
Murphy’s Law

Lame Duck Laws Hurting the State

Tying hands of Attorney General stalls 15 lawsuits, could cost taxpayers millions.

Your Right to Know: Legislators Use Fees to Keep Records Secret
Your Right to Know

Legislators Use Fees to Keep Records Secret

Charging citizens making open records requests means less scrutiny of government.

Murphy’s Law: The Trashing of Shirley Abrahamson
Murphy’s Law

The Trashing of Shirley Abrahamson

Why is Brian Hagedorn attacking a legal giant, rather than his opponent in high court race?

Op Ed: Racine Officials Hid Public Records
Op Ed

Racine Officials Hid Public Records

And spent $18,000 in taxpayer dollars to do it. The public trust has been violated.

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn Covets Intellectual Property Rights
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn Covets Intellectual Property Rights

Besides $4.1 billion subsidy, it seeks IP rights of students, faculty, other companies.

Your Right To Know: Check Candidates’ Stance on Open Records
Your Right To Know

Check Candidates’ Stance on Open Records

If they want your vote, shouldn’t they support transparency in government?

Op Ed: Please Rescind Walker’s Open Records Award
Op Ed

Please Rescind Walker’s Open Records Award

Letter to state Freedom of Information Council cites governor’s poor record on “Openess."

Op Ed: How Act 10 Hurt State Education
Op Ed

How Act 10 Hurt State Education

New report shows far-reaching impact of Walker’s “modest requests” for change.

Your Right to Know: Don’t Chip Away at Open Records Law
Your Right to Know

Don’t Chip Away at Open Records Law

Access to public information should not be limited based on who's requesting it.

Murphy’s Law: The Strange Race for Supreme Court
Murphy’s Law

The Strange Race for Supreme Court

Look carefully. Both candidates are not what they claim to be.

Back in the News: Menard Hit With Class Action Suits
Back in the News

Menard Hit With Class Action Suits

One of the world’s richest plutocrats faces multiple suits for chiseling his workers.

Your Right to Know: Opees Honor Good Deeds and Bad
Your Right to Know

Opees Honor Good Deeds and Bad

Freedom of Information Council's awards go to Gov. Walker and several journalists.

Your Right to Know: Officials Must Provide Electronic Records
Your Right to Know

Officials Must Provide Electronic Records

They are covered by open records laws and often easier to use.

Your Right to Know: New Battles Over Open Records
Your Right to Know

New Battles Over Open Records

Suits by citizens now trying to restrict public information.

Your Right to Know: Legislators Can Destroy Public Records
Your Right to Know

Legislators Can Destroy Public Records

Because they exempted themselves from the open records law they passed.

Gilman Halsted, retired Wisconsin Public Radio reporter, named Distinguished Wisconsin Watchdog
Press Release

Gilman Halsted, retired Wisconsin Public Radio reporter, named Distinguished Wisconsin Watchdog

Over the course of two decades, Halsted became a familiar voice to WPR listeners.

Your Right to Know: Public’s Trust Abused on Police Videos
Your Right to Know

Public’s Trust Abused on Police Videos

Flynn, Barrett gave misleading statements on Sylville Smith video, yet it still hasn’t been released.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Bizarre Choice for High Court
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Bizarre Choice for High Court

From a state with countless judges, he picks a crackpot lawyer named Daniel Kelly.

Your Right to Know: Some Legislators Still Crave Secrecy
Your Right to Know

Some Legislators Still Crave Secrecy

Some routinely destroy correspondence and other materials, making government less open.

The Mystery of Abele’s Domes Committee

The Mystery of Abele’s Domes Committee

Who’s serving on his advisory committee? So far, he won’t say.

Back In The News: John Menard’s Anti-Union Rules
Back In The News

John Menard’s Anti-Union Rules

A Menards manager leaks a copy of adamantly anti-union contract used by the company.

Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council names “Opee” winners
Press Release

Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council names “Opee” winners

The awards recognize extraordinary achievement in the cause of open government.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Secretive Governing Style
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Secretive Governing Style

Since he was County Executive, Walker has devised ever more ways to operate in secret.

Your Right to Know: A Tough Year for Transparency
Your Right to Know

A Tough Year for Transparency

State leaders have worked to restrict open records and succeeded in several ways.

Walker Aides Ordered To Avoid State Phones, Email?

Walker Aides Ordered To Avoid State Phones, Email?

Two cabinet members say Huebsch instructed them to use private channels for state business.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Assault on Open Records
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Assault on Open Records

Walker and Republicans are methodically working to end any scrutiny of their actions.

Your Right to Know: Back Open Government? Prove It!
Your Right to Know

Back Open Government? Prove It!

Assembly voted 96-1 for resolution backing open government, but legislators continue to look for ways to limit it.

Back in the News: Walker Admits Role in Curbing Open Records
Back in the News

Walker Admits Role in Curbing Open Records

Fitzgerald says governor involved and Walker’s office admits his role. Legislative drafting notes hid the authors.

Your Right to Know: UW Shouldn’t Hide Finalist Names
Your Right to Know

UW Shouldn’t Hide Finalist Names

Provision slipped into budget allows universities to hide names of top candidates for key positions. No other state agencies enjoy this exemption.

Freedom of Information Council Gives ‘Opee’ Awards

Freedom of Information Council Gives ‘Opee’ Awards

Big loser was state Department of Administration; one winner was Milwaukee County Medical Examiner.

Cruel and Unusual: Journalists Sue State Dept of Corrections For Records
Cruel and Unusual

Journalists Sue State Dept of Corrections For Records

Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism requested records on inmate treatment under open records but state won't release them.

The “We Hate Shirley” Amendment

The “We Hate Shirley” Amendment

Republicans' constitutional amendment to end seniority as method to choose chief justice is a shot at Shirley Abrahamson, opponents argue.

State Spending on Outside Services Soars

State Spending on Outside Services Soars

Spending on outside contracts was $451 million in 2014, up 56% since 2010, when Gov. Walker took office.

Cruel and Unusual: State Prisons Reducing Use of Solitary Confinement?
Cruel and Unusual

State Prisons Reducing Use of Solitary Confinement?

New policy outlined by state official says prisoner "segregation" not effective for disciplining or rehabilitating inmates.

GAB Judges Return Fire Against Vos

GAB Judges Return Fire Against Vos

They defend GAB leader Kevin Kennedy, criticize Vos and say no legislative changes in ethics and elections board are needed.

Billionaire Sheldon Adelson Gives $650,000 to State GOP

Billionaire Sheldon Adelson Gives $650,000 to State GOP

Most of last minute campaign donation may go to Gov. Walker, who made trip to Las Vegas to woo the casino magnate.

Will TV Political Ads Get More Scrutiny?

Will TV Political Ads Get More Scrutiny?

New FCC rule may make it easer to track the many thousands of ads that will run this fall.

Attorney General Race Could Be a Sizzler

Attorney General Race Could Be a Sizzler

Happ's dramatic victory sets up clash between two county DAs.

Brett Hulsey’s Crazy Campaign for Governor

Brett Hulsey’s Crazy Campaign for Governor

The unorthodox Democrat says he will be the next governor, but he's invisible in the polls.

John Doe Probe is Not About Good vs. Bad

John Doe Probe is Not About Good vs. Bad

It's really a legal issue that courts must settle: can campaigns coordinate with outside advocacy groups?

Mary Burke, Underdog Millionaire

Mary Burke, Underdog Millionaire

She's raked in $1.8 million but is still far behind Walker in fundraising.

Making Sense of John Doe II

Making Sense of John Doe II

A guide to all the players, issues and judges' rulings.

Streetsblog: Why America’s Roads Are More Dangerous

Why America’s Roads Are More Dangerous

U.S. and Wisconsin have seen less decline in traffic fatalities than other countries. Why?

The Lobbyist Law Nobody Likes

The Lobbyist Law Nobody Likes

Except the WMC business lobby and Realtors Association, who are glad Walker signed it.

Why Reform of Unemployment Comp Failed

Why Reform of Unemployment Comp Failed

Health care lobbyists kill bill that would have cut program's medical costs.

Why Open Records Are Important

Why Open Records Are Important

Moves to make government records less accessible are well-meant -- but wrong.

Bill Requiring Background Check On Gun Buyers Won’t Pass

Bill Requiring Background Check On Gun Buyers Won’t Pass

92% of poll respondents favor it, but a high percentage of Wisconsin legislators disagree.

Murphy’s Law: Crystal Ball for 2014
Murphy’s Law

Crystal Ball for 2014

25 predictions that are certain (well, maybe) to come true this year.

Murphy’s Law: Police Scam Artists
Murphy’s Law

Police Scam Artists

Why does the cop’s union protect officers who rip off taxpayers?

Murphy’s Law: Don’t Mess with the Press
Murphy’s Law

Don’t Mess with the Press

The state budget bill has huge consequences, but the media is most concerned about its impact on... the media.

The Roundup: Primary Feud
The Roundup

Primary Feud

Kohlenberg & Kennedy Stir it Up