Content referencing Terry Falk

Judge Rules MPS Must Bring Police Officers Into Schools

Judge Rules MPS Must Bring Police Officers Into Schools

District has less than a month to act.

Mayor Wants MPS To Pay For Police in Schools

Mayor Wants MPS To Pay For Police in Schools

Johnson says solution is to bring back 5/6th cost-sharing agreement.

K-12 Education: The Unknown MPS Office
K-12 Education

The Unknown MPS Office

Office of Accountability and Efficiency playing key role handling financial crisis.

K-12: How Will School Board Hire New Superintendent?

How Will School Board Hire New Superintendent?

What's the likely process and how were past decisions made?

K-12 Education: Board Proposal Would Take Away Two Carmen Charter School Facilities
K-12 Education

Board Proposal Would Take Away Two Carmen Charter School Facilities

Carmen's backers protest, board and superintendent back a month delay on proposal.

Op Ed: Why Marquette Will Endure
Op Ed

Why Marquette Will Endure

Whatever its troubles, university is mission-centered, with good leadership.

The Educator: Can St. Francis Schools Survive?
The Educator

Can St. Francis Schools Survive?

Small southern suburb faces enrollment decline that will make that very difficult.

The Educator: How Should MPS Use Rainy Day Fund?

Contribution to Marina Dimitrijevic of $100

The Educator: How Should MPS Use Rainy Day Fund?
The Educator

How Should MPS Use Rainy Day Fund?

Typically used for school emergencies. Union pushes to use it to hire more staff.

Education: Elite Schools Aren’t Worth the Cheating

Elite Schools Aren’t Worth the Cheating

Research shows students who miss the cut do just as well elsewhere.

City-wide School Board Candidate Bob Peterson announces endorsement from 23 elected officials

Contribution to Bob Peterson of $50

City-wide School Board Candidate Bob Peterson announces endorsement from 23 elected officials

Contribution to Bob Peterson of $200

City-wide School Board Candidate Bob Peterson announces endorsement from 23 elected officials
Press Release

City-wide School Board Candidate Bob Peterson announces endorsement from 23 elected officials

The full list of elected officials to have endorsed Bob Peterson for MPS school board represents a broad span of Milwaukee’s neighborhoods.

Op Ed: Is Student Mobility Hurting MPS?
Op Ed

Is Student Mobility Hurting MPS?

Yes, many students transfer between schools, but that may not be the real problem for them.

MPS Restructures Schools in 53206 Area

MPS Restructures Schools in 53206 Area

8 elementary and middle schools will all feed into North Division High School.

Community Reacts to Driver’s Departure

Community Reacts to Driver’s Departure

MPS Superintendent Dr. Darienne Driver announced her last day will be July 6, 2018.

Murphy’s Law: The MPS Agency Superintendents Hate
Murphy’s Law

The MPS Agency Superintendents Hate

Efficiency office created in 2010 reports to board members. But is it needed?

Back in the News: School Board Restricts MPS Raises
Back in the News

School Board Restricts MPS Raises

Committee adopts rule requiring board approval for all raises.

School Board Approves Carmen’s Rental Rate

School Board Approves Carmen’s Rental Rate

Teachers union contends sweetheart rate charged; MPS officials deny this.

Teachers Union Slams Backdoor Raises to MPS Administrators: Union demands transparency and accountability
Press Release

Teachers Union Slams Backdoor Raises to MPS Administrators: Union demands transparency and accountability

"While the MPS Administration showers money on MPS administrators, classroom educators, saddled with increasing demands, are asked to take a step back in pay this year."

MPS Gives $100,000 in Pay Raises Without Board Approval
Press Release

MPS Gives $100,000 in Pay Raises Without Board Approval

None of these raises have been officially reported to the school board.

Op-Ed: Is Charter School Bubble About to Burst?

Is Charter School Bubble About to Burst?

Their shaky financing is causing failures locally, nationally. Yet Trump wants more.

Data Wonk: Do “No Excuses” Charter Schools Work?
Data Wonk

Do “No Excuses” Charter Schools Work?

The data is encouraging. So why are some MPS leaders resistant?

Op-Ed: Why Schools Are Abandoning Zero Tolerance

Why Schools Are Abandoning Zero Tolerance

Even the theory’s biggest promoter has. But what is the alternative?

Op Ed: Why Did State’s ACT Test Scores Plummet?
Op Ed

Why Did State’s ACT Test Scores Plummet?

Actually achievement hasn’t dropped. But we were never as good as we claimed.

Op-Ed: Police Outreach to Teens a Failure

Police Outreach to Teens a Failure

Violence over weekend dramatizes issue. School board called for changes in outreach program.

Murphy’s Law: Why Urban School Chiefs Fail
Murphy’s Law

Why Urban School Chiefs Fail

The lessons of former MPS superintendent Gregory Thornton’s firing in Baltimore.

Mark Sain unanimously elected President, Milwaukee Board of School Directors
Press Release

Mark Sain unanimously elected President, Milwaukee Board of School Directors

Larry Miller unanimously re-elected Vice President, committee assignments announced

Schools Challenged by Declining State Aid

Schools Challenged by Declining State Aid

State aid to schools declined by $1.1 billion under Walker; choice funding rose by 77%.

MPS Changing How it Handles Charter Schools?

MPS Changing How it Handles Charter Schools?

Superintendent Driver and some school board members want to clarify process.

How MPS Changed School Expulsions

How MPS Changed School Expulsions

Echoing national trends, school board has moved away from “zero tolerance.” Here’s why.

Murphy’s Law: The Plague of Lead Paint Poisoning
Murphy’s Law

The Plague of Lead Paint Poisoning

The problem persists, with more impact on Milwaukee than many cities. Is there a solution?

MPS and Non-Profits Teamed Up to Rescue Carver Academy

MPS and Non-Profits Teamed Up to Rescue Carver Academy

School that was failing "by every measure" is now changing its culture.

Bonds re-elected as president of Milwaukee Board of School Directors
Press Release

Bonds re-elected as president of Milwaukee Board of School Directors

Miller elected vice president; committee assignments also set after annual organizational meeting

School Board Members Up for Re-election

School Board Members Up for Re-election

But only Jeff Spence and Board President Michael Bonds face opponents in spring election.

The Press: MPS Board President Demands Reporter Be Replaced
The Press

MPS Board President Demands Reporter Be Replaced

Bonds demands Erin Richards get pulled from MPS beat, Journal Sentinel refuses, and whole thing descends into a bizarre comedy.

Op Ed: Why Thornton Is Leaving MPS
Op Ed

Why Thornton Is Leaving MPS

It's all about moving back home, not about frustration with Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Why Did Thornton Leave?
Murphy’s Law

Why Did Thornton Leave?

The loss of MPS superintendent raises troubling questions about public education in Milwaukee.

Back in the News: Will Walker Change State’s School Standards?
Back in the News

Will Walker Change State’s School Standards?

Once again, Walker threatens to replace Common Core standards. Is he bluffing?

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee’s Most Underestimated Leader?
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee’s Most Underestimated Leader?

MPS superintendent Gregory Thornton has quietly righted a ship that once looked ready to sink.