Content referencing Cory Booker - Page 2

Senator Baldwin, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Ensure All Students Have Access to Internet during Coronavirus Pandemic
Press Release

Senator Baldwin, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Ensure All Students Have Access to Internet during Coronavirus Pandemic

The current public health emergency is exacerbating a longstanding “homework gap” and requires immediate action by Congress

Baldwin Joins Bipartisan Push to Expand Delivery for SNAP Recipients During Pandemic
Press Release

Baldwin Joins Bipartisan Push to Expand Delivery for SNAP Recipients During Pandemic

Senators Press USDA for Answers, Immediate Solutions

Baldwin Joins Bipartisan Group of Senators Urging USDA to Target Relief to Local Farmers in Finalized Coronavirus Food Assistance Program
Press Release

Baldwin Joins Bipartisan Group of Senators Urging USDA to Target Relief to Local Farmers in Finalized Coronavirus Food Assistance Program

Earlier this Month, Senators Outlined Steps that USDA Can Take to Ensure that CARES Act Relief Programs Reach Local Farmers

Baldwin, Murray, Heinrich, Democrats to Scalia: Do Your Job and Protect Workers Before Reopening the Economy
Press Release

Baldwin, Murray, Heinrich, Democrats to Scalia: Do Your Job and Protect Workers Before Reopening the Economy

As the Trump Administration pushes to reopen economy, Senate Democrats insist that worker protections must come first

Baldwin Joins Effort to Repeal GOP Tax Giveaway to Million-Dollar-Plus Earners in Coronavirus Relief Legislation
Press Release

Baldwin Joins Effort to Repeal GOP Tax Giveaway to Million-Dollar-Plus Earners in Coronavirus Relief Legislation

Legislation would unwind GOP changes in CARES Act that cost taxpayers $160 billion, were more than was given to hospitals and more than to state and local governments

Baldwin Leads Push for New Employment Program to Help Workers and Businesses Recover from COVID-19
Press Release

Baldwin Leads Push for New Employment Program to Help Workers and Businesses Recover from COVID-19

More than 22 million unemployment claims have been filed in the last four weeks

Baldwin, Murray, Colleagues Press President Trump For Answers on Mismanagement of the Strategic National Stockpile
Press Release

Baldwin, Murray, Colleagues Press President Trump For Answers on Mismanagement of the Strategic National Stockpile

"It should not take public pleas from governors or letters from congressional delegations for states to obtain the supplies they need."

Senator Baldwin, Colleagues Request COVID-19 Demographic Data from CDC to Ensure Effective Response to the Pandemic
Press Release

Senator Baldwin, Colleagues Request COVID-19 Demographic Data from CDC to Ensure Effective Response to the Pandemic

Members ask CDC for comprehensive demographic data about testing availability, health care access and more amid ongoing limited access to tests

Baldwin, Senate Colleagues Urge FDA to Change Discriminatory Blood Donation Policies to Combat Coronavirus Pandemic
Press Release

Baldwin, Senate Colleagues Urge FDA to Change Discriminatory Blood Donation Policies to Combat Coronavirus Pandemic

As COVID-19 has spurred a nationwide blood shortage, the FDA continues to enforce discriminatory policies prohibiting many healthy gay and bisexual men from donating blood

Baldwin, Colleagues Call for Direct Cash Assistance to Help Americans Weather Economic Fallout of Coronavirus Outbreak
Press Release

Baldwin, Colleagues Call for Direct Cash Assistance to Help Americans Weather Economic Fallout of Coronavirus Outbreak

Senators Propose Bold Plan to Lift Up Families Hurt by Crisis

Senator Baldwin Helps Introduce Bill to Expand Free Coronavirus Testing
Press Release

Senator Baldwin Helps Introduce Bill to Expand Free Coronavirus Testing

Legislation Would Expand Free Coronavirus Testing and Related Health Care Services to People on Private Insurance, in Medicare, Medicaid and for the Uninsured

In Letter to Trump, Baldwin and Senate Democrats Call for Coronavirus Economic Response Focused on Helping Workers and Families Most Harmed
Press Release

In Letter to Trump, Baldwin and Senate Democrats Call for Coronavirus Economic Response Focused on Helping Workers and Families Most Harmed

Stimulus should focus on boosting working Americans, not corporate bottom lines

Baldwin Calling on EPA to Deliver on Promises Made in PFAS Action Plan
Press Release

Baldwin Calling on EPA to Deliver on Promises Made in PFAS Action Plan

One Year after EPA Pledged to Act on PFAS Exposure, Key Parts of the Strategy Not Yet Implemented

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Legislation to Achieve Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Baldwin, Brown, Sanders Demand Answers From Amazon As Work-Related Injuries Continue To Rise
Press Release

Baldwin, Brown, Sanders Demand Answers From Amazon As Work-Related Injuries Continue To Rise

Senators Urging Amazon to Put Worker Safety Ahead of Profits, Prevent and Protect Employees from Workplace Injuries

U.S. Reps. Matt Gaetz and Mark Pocan Join in Cosponsoring Checkoff Reform Bill
Legislation Targets Hair Discrimination

Legislation Targets Hair Discrimination

Federal bill pushed by Rep. Gwen Moore, state bill by Milwaukee Rep LaKeshia Myers.

Black Organizing Group Tripling in Size

Black Organizing Group Tripling in Size

BLOC looks to increase turnout, political power of city’s African American voters.

Op Ed: What Would Martin Luther King Think?
Op Ed

What Would Martin Luther King Think?

What would he make of Trump, and the 2020 Democratic challengers?

New Marquette Law School Poll finds majorities of Wisconsin voters disapprove of Trump foreign policy and killing of Iranian general
Press Release

New Marquette Law School Poll finds majorities of Wisconsin voters disapprove of Trump foreign policy and killing of Iranian general

Please note: Complete Poll results and methodology information can be found online at

Data Wonk: Both Parties Bar Primary Challenge to Trump
Data Wonk

Both Parties Bar Primary Challenge to Trump

Weld and Walsh barred from Republican presidential primary in state’s Spring election. Why?

Op Ed: It’s All About Black Milwaukee
Op Ed

It’s All About Black Milwaukee

2020 election spotlight on one group of voters in one city. What does it all mean?

A. Curtis Farrow Presents Gospelfest to Take Place at Fiserv Forum on Friday, April 10, 2020
Press Release

A. Curtis Farrow Presents Gospelfest to Take Place at Fiserv Forum on Friday, April 10, 2020

Nationally-renowned gospel singers and local talent will come together for Good Friday celebration at Milwaukee’s world-class venue

Poll Shows Trump Ahead in State

Poll Shows Trump Ahead in State

MU Poll shows him beating the major Democratic candidates, though within margin of error.

Impeachment Support the Same in MU Poll

Impeachment Support the Same in MU Poll

Percent supporting impeachment and removal in new poll nearly identical to last poll.

New Marquette Law School Poll finds no change in impeachment views following end of public testimony
Baldwin, Brown, Menendez Lead Senators Urging Media Companies to Recognize Workers’ Unions
Press Release

Baldwin, Brown, Menendez Lead Senators Urging Media Companies to Recognize Workers’ Unions

GateHouse-Gannett merger will combine two of country’s largest newspaper chains

New Marquette Law School Poll finds shifts in Wisconsin public opinion favorable to President Trump on impeachment and presidential election preferences
Press Release

New Marquette Law School Poll finds shifts in Wisconsin public opinion favorable to President Trump on impeachment and presidential election preferences

Trump holds small leads over each of four top Democratic candidates for president in head-to-head matchups in the new survey

The Man Behind Coffee Makes You Black

The Man Behind Coffee Makes You Black

Entrepreneur Bradley Thurman is 70 years young, with a unique cafe.

Senator Baldwin and Representative McEachin Introduce Legislation to Make Health Care More Affordable for Young Adults
Press Release

Senator Baldwin and Representative McEachin Introduce Legislation to Make Health Care More Affordable for Young Adults

The Advancing Youth Enrollment Act lowers health care costs while maintaining critical ACA protections

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Legislation to Stop Foreign Interference in our Elections
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Legislation to Stop Foreign Interference in our Elections

The House of Representatives passed companion legislation yesterday to end harmful interference in American elections

New Marquette Law School Poll finds increased support for Trump impeachment hearings since the spring, while opinions about Trump have changed little
Press Release

New Marquette Law School Poll finds increased support for Trump impeachment hearings since the spring, while opinions about Trump have changed little

When asked if Trump should be impeached and removed from office, 44 percent say that Trump should be removed.

Data Wonk: Do ‘Checkoff Groups’ Help or Hurt Family Dairy Farms?
Data Wonk

Do ‘Checkoff Groups’ Help or Hurt Family Dairy Farms?

Federally-required agricultural promotion organizations may not benefit small dairy farms

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Urges Trump Administration to Protect Health Coverage for People with Pre-Existing Conditions
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Urges Trump Administration to Protect Health Coverage for People with Pre-Existing Conditions

Letter requests HHS and CMS to limit push of “junk” health insurance plans that cover less and cost more

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Warns That Pharmaceutical Mergers May Increase Drug Prices and Reduce Patient Access to Essential Medications
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Warns That Pharmaceutical Mergers May Increase Drug Prices and Reduce Patient Access to Essential Medications

"The past several years have seen a steady increase in mergers and acquisitions across our economy, and the pharmaceutical sector is no exception."

New Marquette Law School Poll finds Biden leading Trump in head-to-head presidential match in Wisconsin
Press Release

New Marquette Law School Poll finds Biden leading Trump in head-to-head presidential match in Wisconsin

Biden is most popular choice in the Democratic primary field, while full sample of voters split sharply by partisanship on Trump and the economy

Sanders Leads Dems in State Funds Raised

Sanders Leads Dems in State Funds Raised

Warren is second, Buttigieg third, in state donations to presidential primary candidates.

Bipartisan Support Grows for Baldwin’s Reform Inspired by Wisconsin Teenager
Press Release

Bipartisan Support Grows for Baldwin’s Reform Inspired by Wisconsin Teenager

Ensuring Lasting Smiles Act will provide health insurance coverage for children born with congenital anomalies or birth defects

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Introduction of Legislation to Stop the Cruel and Neglectful Treatment of Children at Border
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Introduction of Legislation to Stop the Cruel and Neglectful Treatment of Children at Border

The Stop Cruelty to Migrant Children Act would create clear, non-negotiable standards for the treatment of children in America’s care

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Congratulating U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team on Historic Victory, Urges Equal Pay
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Congratulating U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team on Historic Victory, Urges Equal Pay

"The U.S. women’s national soccer team brought our nation together and made us all proud winning their second straight World Cup."

Baldwin: Census Should Stay on Schedule, Omit Citizenship Question
Press Release

Baldwin: Census Should Stay on Schedule, Omit Citizenship Question

Senators Urge Secretary Ross To Print Census Materials Without Citizenship Question, Avoid Delays

Cruel and Unusual: Evers Faces Hurdles to Cutting Prisons
Cruel and Unusual

Evers Faces Hurdles to Cutting Prisons

Governor promised to cut prison population by 50%, but has so far made no progress.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Leads Colleagues to Introduce First Ever Bipartisan Senate Resolution to Honor the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Leads Colleagues to Introduce First Ever Bipartisan Senate Resolution to Honor the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising

June 28, 2019 marks 50 years since brave Americans at New York’s Stonewall Inn stood up to oppression and discrimination

Baldwin, Casey Introduce Legislation to Restore Navigator Funding and Make It Easier for Americans to Sign Up for Quality, Affordable Health Insurance
Press Release

Baldwin, Casey Introduce Legislation to Restore Navigator Funding and Make It Easier for Americans to Sign Up for Quality, Affordable Health Insurance

The Trump administration has slashed funding for health care enrollment assistance by more than 80 percent

Baldwin, Casey Introduce Legislation to Restore Navigator Funding and Make It Easier for Americans to Sign Up for Quality, Affordable Health Insurance
Press Release

Baldwin, Casey Introduce Legislation to Restore Navigator Funding and Make It Easier for Americans to Sign Up for Quality, Affordable Health Insurance

The Trump administration has slashed funding for health care enrollment assistance by more than 80 percent

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Comprehensive Reform to Address Skyrocketing Prescription Drug Prices
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Comprehensive Reform to Address Skyrocketing Prescription Drug Prices

The Affordable Medications Act Would Hold Drug Companies Accountable For High Prices, Bring Down Costs for Seniors, Families and Taxpayers

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Effort Directing Trump Administration to Meet Standards Set by the Paris Climate Agreement
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Effort Directing Trump Administration to Meet Standards Set by the Paris Climate Agreement

On June 1, 2017, President Trump announced his intention to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement – making the United States the only count ry to reject the climate accords

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Legislation to Guarantee Equal Access to Abortion
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on House Passage of Equality Act
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on House Passage of Equality Act

"The House has taken an historic step forward by passing the Equality Act..."

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Reintroduce Legislation to Combat the Opioid and Substance Use Epidemic
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Reintroduce Legislation to Combat the Opioid and Substance Use Epidemic

Endorsed by over 200 organizations, the CARE Act is the most ambitious legislation of its kind in Congress and would allocate $100 billion over 10 years

Bernie Sanders Campaigns in Madison

Bernie Sanders Campaigns in Madison

“It is about all of us — not me, us — transforming this country.”

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Reintroduce Legislation to Simplify and Decrease the Costs of Tax Preparation and Filing
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Reintroduce Legislation to Simplify and Decrease the Costs of Tax Preparation and Filing

Taxpayers spend an average of 11 hours preparing and filing tax returns and pay $200 for tax preparation services

Evers’ Approval, Disapproval Rises in Poll

Evers’ Approval, Disapproval Rises in Poll

But big majority in MU poll says Legislature not cooperating with governor and support him on most issues.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Bipartisan Group of Senators Urging Trump Administration to Withdraw Proposed SNAP Rule
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Bipartisan Group of Senators Urging Trump Administration to Withdraw Proposed SNAP Rule

Proposed rule would bypass the intent of Congress in the 2018 Farm Bill and take food assistance away from families

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Legislation to Take on Student Debt Crisis
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Legislation to Take on Student Debt Crisis

Aid Student Loan Borrowers With Refinancing At Lower Interest Rate

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Urges Inclusion of Contractor Back Pay in Upcoming Disaster Package
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Urges Inclusion of Contractor Back Pay in Upcoming Disaster Package

“Contractor workers and their families should not be penalized for a government shutdown that they did nothing to cause.”

Schatz, Pocan Reintroduce Legislation To End Student Loan Debt Crisis
Press Release

Schatz, Pocan Reintroduce Legislation To End Student Loan Debt Crisis

Support Grows With 40 Lawmakers Joining Schatz and Pocan

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Legislation to Ensure Child Care for All
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Legislation to Ensure Child Care for All

The Child Care for Working Families Act would ensure high-quality, affordable child care for working families across the country

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Reintroduce Legislation to Create State Public Health Care Option
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Reintroduce Legislation to Create State Public Health Care Option

State Public Option Act will allow states to create a Medicaid buy-in program for all their residents, regardless of income

U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin, Debbie Stabenow and Sherrod Brown Introduce Legislation to Expand Medicare and Reduce Health Care Costs
Press Release

U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin, Debbie Stabenow and Sherrod Brown Introduce Legislation to Expand Medicare and Reduce Health Care Costs

"Wisconsinites have sent a clear message to Washington that they want us to work together to expand access to health care and lower costs."

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Combat Rising Prescription Drug Prices
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Combat Rising Prescription Drug Prices

Bipartisan, bicameral legislation would counter most common delay tactics used by name-brand manufacturers to prevent lower-cost generic competition

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Leads Resolution to Recognize Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Leads Resolution to Recognize Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day

Tax credit for workers gives financial boost to millions of Americans and their families, including more than 350,000 Wisconsinites

New Marquette Law School Poll finds some issues less divisive amid continuing partisan divide
Press Release

New Marquette Law School Poll finds some issues less divisive amid continuing partisan divide

Special education increases and accepting more federal Medicaid money are drawing broader support than many other current issues

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Colleagues to Reintroduce Resolution To Defend Constitutionality of Pre-Existing Condition Protections
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Colleagues to Reintroduce Resolution To Defend Constitutionality of Pre-Existing Condition Protections

"No parent should have to lay awake at night wondering if the health care they have today, for themselves and their children, will be there tomorrow."

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Legislation to Protect Federal Workers and Their Families from Losing Their Homes, Falling Behind on Bills During Shutdown
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Legislation to Protect Federal Workers and Their Families from Losing Their Homes, Falling Behind on Bills During Shutdown

"The Trump shutdown is punishing federal workers, and contractors who are serving without pay."

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Legislation To Allow Medicare To Negotiate Prescription Drug Prices And Lower Costs For Seniors
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Legislation To Allow Medicare To Negotiate Prescription Drug Prices And Lower Costs For Seniors

Legislation would allow Medicare to negotiate the best possible price of prescription drugs, to cut costs for nearly 43 million seniors enrolled in Medicare Part D. Current law only allows for bargaining by pharmaceutical companies but bans Medicare from doing so

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Background Check Expansion Act To Reduce Gun Violence
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Background Check Expansion Act To Reduce Gun Violence

"This legislation is a commonsense solution to prevent the easy access of weapons for those that shouldn't have them."

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Legislation Calling on President Trump, Future Presidential Nominees to Release Tax Returns
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Legislation Calling on President Trump, Future Presidential Nominees to Release Tax Returns

Measure would give insight into foreign deals, increase transparency

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Calls on Trump Administration to Stop Pushing Health Insurance Plans that Weaken Pre-Existing Condition Protections
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Calls on Trump Administration to Stop Pushing Health Insurance Plans that Weaken Pre-Existing Condition Protections

New Administration guidance encourages states to promote “junk” health plans that lack protections for individuals with pre-existing conditions and would increase costs for millions of Americans

Major Criminal Justice Reform Legislation Cosponsored By Senator Baldwin Passes Senate
Press Release

Major Criminal Justice Reform Legislation Cosponsored By Senator Baldwin Passes Senate

Baldwin: “An important step in the right direction to keep our communities safe and make the criminal justice system more just and fair.”

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Colleagues to Help Protect People’s Personal Data Online
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Colleagues to Help Protect People’s Personal Data Online

Data Care Act will stop websites and apps from using personal data against users, protect user information from hacks and hold companies accountable for misuse

Following the Recent Federal Report, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Calls for Immediate Action to Combat Climate Change
Press Release

Following the Recent Federal Report, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Calls for Immediate Action to Combat Climate Change

Baldwin joins 24 Senate colleagues in backing the recent report and National Climate Assessment on the consequences of climate chang

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Leads Effort to Give Workers a Greater Voice at Public Companies
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Leads Effort to Give Workers a Greater Voice at Public Companies

Baldwin and colleagues call for SEC to consider the merits of directly electing workers to company boards

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Bill To Enhance Maternal Health Coverage Under Medicaid, Improve Health Outcomes for New Moms
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Bill To Enhance Maternal Health Coverage Under Medicaid, Improve Health Outcomes for New Moms

New reform aims to reverse rising maternal mortality rates, close disparities that put women of color at risk

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Legislation to Halt Skyrocketing Drug Prices
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Legislation to Halt Skyrocketing Drug Prices

New bill would hold drug companies accountable for high prices, bring down costs for seniors, families and taxpayers

Will Baldwin Support Or Condemn Booker’s Decision To Knowingly Release Confidential Information About Racial Profiling?
Press Release

Will Baldwin Support Or Condemn Booker’s Decision To Knowingly Release Confidential Information About Racial Profiling?

"Voters deserve to know if she agrees with Booker’s unethical decision to release confidential documents," said Leah Vukmir campaign manager Jess Ward.

Baldwin, Colleagues Introduce Senate Resolution Recognizing June As Pride Month
Ahead of Open Enrollment, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Presses HHS on Navigator Funding
Press Release

Ahead of Open Enrollment, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Presses HHS on Navigator Funding

In past years, the federal grant process for Navigators was underway by April, but as of today, CMS has yet to put out a formal call for grant applications.

Baldwin, Stabenow, McCaskill Lead 47 Senators in Calling on Trump Administration to Halt Expansion of Junk Health Insurance Plans
Press Release

Baldwin, Stabenow, McCaskill Lead 47 Senators in Calling on Trump Administration to Halt Expansion of Junk Health Insurance Plans

The Senators expressed their opposition to the proposed rule to expand junk plans, CMS-9924-P, ahead of the deadline for public comment on April 23, 2018.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Colleagues to Call on Administration to Take Immediate Action to Reduce Price of Life-Saving Opioid Overdose Reversal Drug
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Colleagues to Call on Administration to Take Immediate Action to Reduce Price of Life-Saving Opioid Overdose Reversal Drug

“No police officer, no firefighter, no public health provider, and no person should be unable to save a life because of the high price,” wrote the lawmakers.

Votes In 2018 Wisconsin Supreme Court Race Were Most Partisan In Two Decades

Votes In 2018 Wisconsin Supreme Court Race Were Most Partisan In Two Decades

Despite differing outcomes, ballot preferences echoed 2016 Presidential election.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins 32 Colleagues to Introduce Legislation that takes on Student Debt Crisis
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Student Non-Discrimination Act
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Student Non-Discrimination Act

Legislation would help protect public school students from bullying, harassment and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Supports Anti-Bullying Legislation
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Supports Anti-Bullying Legislation

Safe Schools Legislation Would Require School Districts Across the Country to Develop and Implement Locally Driven Anti-Bullying Policies

Senator Cory Booker Endorses Rebecca Dallet for Wisconsin Supreme Court
Press Release

Senator Cory Booker Endorses Rebecca Dallet for Wisconsin Supreme Court

"I’m so honored that Senator Cory Booker has joined our fight to bring independence and fairness back to Wisconsin's Supreme Court."

U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin, Cory Booker and Bill Nelson Lead Call for Stronger Investment in Student Health and Safety
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin to Health Insurers: Step Up Response to Opioid Epidemic
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin to Health Insurers: Step Up Response to Opioid Epidemic

Baldwin Joins Senate Colleagues in Writing Letters to 10 of Nation’s Top Health Insurers

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce SAFE Lending Act to Protect Consumers from Predatory Practices in Payday Lendin
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce SAFE Lending Act to Protect Consumers from Predatory Practices in Payday Lendin

"We need the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to work for American consumers, not powerful Washington interests like the predatory payday loan industry."

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Colleagues to Call on EEOC to Address Rampant Sexual Harassment of Tipped Workers
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Colleagues to Call on EEOC to Address Rampant Sexual Harassment of Tipped Workers

Sexual Harassment Remains Persistent Problem for Tipped Workers, Particularly Women of Color

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Combat Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in Congress
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Combat Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in Congress

The Congressional Harassment Reform Act to Bring Transparency and Accountability to Sexual Harassment Reporting Process

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Urges FCC Chairman Pai to Delay Vote Rolling Back Net Neutrality Rules
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Urges FCC Chairman Pai to Delay Vote Rolling Back Net Neutrality Rules

Letter Follows Reports that Bots may have Filed Hundreds of Thousands of Comments to FCC During Net Neutrality Policymaking Process

As NAFTA Renegotiations Move Forward, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Leads Letter to Trump Administration Calling for Strong Protections for Workers
Press Release

As NAFTA Renegotiations Move Forward, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Leads Letter to Trump Administration Calling for Strong Protections for Workers

"Entrenched corporate special interests are fiercely lobbying against reforms that benefit American working families."

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Bipartisan Group Calling on DOJ to Provide Guidance on Boosting Support for Forensic Labs in Efforts to Combat Opioid Epidemic
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Colleagues Urging Senate Finance Committee To Reject Tax Changes To 401(k)’s
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Colleagues Urging Senate Finance Committee To Reject Tax Changes To 401(k)’s

Senate Republicans may be considering making changes to the incentives Americans enjoy for retirement.

U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin and Cory Booker Introduce The Stronger Way Act in Milwaukee
Press Release

U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin and Cory Booker Introduce The Stronger Way Act in Milwaukee

Tax reform to reward work and jobs to raise incomes

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, Colleagues to President Trump: We Must Do More for Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, Colleagues to President Trump: We Must Do More for Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands

Senators call for swift additional actions following devastating storms

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Call to Extend DACA Renewal Deadline for Dreamers in Wake of Storms
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Call to Extend DACA Renewal Deadline for Dreamers in Wake of Storms

"An extension of the deadline would provide DACA recipients more time to collect the $495 application fee and gather the necessary documents to accurately complete the renewal application."

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Supports Reform to Increase Access to Affordable, High-Quality Child Care and Preschool
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Supports Reform to Increase Access to Affordable, High-Quality Child Care and Preschool

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin helped introduce legislation to expand access to affordable, high-quality child care and preschool for Wisconsin families.

After Charlottesville Attack, Baldwin and Twenty-Three Senators Press DHS on Trump Administration’s De-emphasis of Domestic Terrorism Efforts
Press Release

After Charlottesville Attack, Baldwin and Twenty-Three Senators Press DHS on Trump Administration’s De-emphasis of Domestic Terrorism Efforts

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin and a group of 23 other Senators are pressing the Department of Homeland Security on questions arising from the Trump Administration’s apparent de-emphasis on protecting Americans from domestic terrorism.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Legislation to Allow Medicare to Negotiate Prescription Drug Prices and Lower Costs for Seniors
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Legislation to Allow Medicare to Negotiate Prescription Drug Prices and Lower Costs for Seniors

Legislation would allow Medicare to negotiate the best possible price of prescription drugs, to cut costs for nearly 41 million seniors enrolled in Medicare Part D

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