State Rep. Robyn Vining

Recent Articles

Rep. Robyn Vining Pushes Back Against Republican Attacks on the LGBTQIA+ Community
“2025 Public Schools Week: We Celebrate & Advocate”
Press Release

“2025 Public Schools Week: We Celebrate & Advocate”

Rep. Robyn Vining Celebrates Public Schools Week

“Public Schools Are the Heart of Our Communities, They Should Be the Heart of Our State Budget.”
Press Release

“Public Schools Are the Heart of Our Communities, They Should Be the Heart of Our State Budget.”

Rep. Robyn Vining on Governor Evers’ State Budget Proposal

Rep. Robyn Vining Launches “Community Conversations”
State Of The State- Rep. Robyn Vining Appreciates Gov. Evers’ Focus On Wisconsin Mental Health
Wisconsin Democrats Introduce Legislation For The People
Press Release

Wisconsin Democrats Introduce Legislation For The People

Hot Topics Include Affordable Housing, Food, Healthcare

Rep. Vining Applauds Gov. Evers’ Violence Prevention Executive Order: Gov. Evers Takes Action When Republicans Won’t
Republicans Immediately Eclipse Bright New Democracy
Press Release

Republicans Immediately Eclipse Bright New Democracy

If Republicans Can’t Rig The Maps, They’ll Rig The Committees

Rep. Robyn Vining Announces Committee Appointments
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Announces Committee Appointments

May We Find Common Ground For The Common Good

A Bright New Day in Wisconsin
Press Release

A Bright New Day in Wisconsin

New Year, New Maps, New Legislative Session

Rep. Robyn Vining Cheers For Exciting Public Education New
Rep. Robyn Vining Recognized As “Friend of Family Medicine”
Rep. Robyn Vining Recognized as a Conservation Champion by Wisconsin Conservation Voters
Op Ed: Another Medicaid Miss For Wisconsin
Op Ed

Another Medicaid Miss For Wisconsin

48 states have extend postpartum coverage for new moms on Medicaid. Not Wisconsin.

Rep. Robyn Vining Will Run For Re-Election In The 13th Assembly District
Rep. Robyn Vining Congratulates Rep. Alex Joers on Passage of Healthy Food Incentive Bill
Rep. Robyn Vining Introduces Bill to Address LGBTQIA+ Student Mental Health
Rep. Vining Introduces “Save Our Schools” Legislation
Rep. Vining Introduces Second Round of the “Mental Healthcare is Healthcare” Legislative Package
Rep. Robyn Vining’s Statement on the Passing of Former U.S. Senator Herb Kohl
Rep. Robyn Vining Statement On Concern For Our Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, and Arab Neighbors
“We Can Do Better, and We Should.”
Press Release

“We Can Do Better, and We Should.”

-Rep. Robyn Vining on Assembly’s Action This Week.

Rep. Robyn Vining Votes Against Anti-Trans Bills
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Votes Against Anti-Trans Bills

“Wisconsinites Trust Pediatricians–Not Politicians”

“Child Labor is Not the Answer to the Childcare Cliff—Neither is Gutting The Safety And Quality of Wisconsin Childcare.”
Rep. Robyn Vining Appointed Vice-Chair of the   Speaker’s Task Force on Childhood Obesity
Rep. Robyn Vining Thanks Governor Evers for Signing Epinephrine Access Bill into Law
Rep. Robyn Vining & Sen. Melissa Agard Re-Introduce Universal Changing Stations Bill
Rep. Robyn Vining Blasts Republicans for Abandoning Wisconsin Women–Again.
Rep. Robyn Vining Votes Against Voucher Bailout Bill
Rep. Robyn Vining Votes with Constituents Against Harmful Policies
Rep. Robyn Vining Re-introduces the Pregnancy Protection Act
Wisconsin State Assembly Recognizes May 2023 as Maternal Health Month
In the Year of Mental Health, Republicans Have Failed Our Families
Rep. Robyn Vining on Today’s Assembly Session: “It’s time for Wisconsin Republicans to show up on this floor ready to expand affordable childcare and in that–expand the workforce.”
Rep. Robyn Vining and Rep. Evan Goyke to Hold Joint State Budget Listening Session
Rep. Vining and Sen. Agard Announce Installation of Universal Changing Station in State Capitol
Rep. Robyn Vining Statement on the Joint Legislative Council Approval of State-Tribal Relations Bills
Rep. Robyn Vining Welcomes Tribal Leaders for State of the Tribes Address
Rep. Robyn Vining on the Death of Tyre Nichols
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining on the Death of Tyre Nichols


Rep. Robyn Vining Applauds Governor Tony Evers for Declaring 2023 The Year of Mental Health
Rep. Robyn Vining Joins Gov. Evers to Restore Roe and Reproductive Freedom
Rep. Robyn Vining Elected Milwaukee Delegation Chair
Rep. Robyn Vining Announces Committee Appointments Focused on Wisconsin’s Women, Children, Families, Health, and Small Business Community
Rep. Robyn Vining on 2023-2024 Legislative Session: We Begin This Session With Less Rights Than Last Session
Wisconsin Legislative Democrats Introduce Hazard Pay for Frontline Workers
Rep. Robyn Vining Statement on Republican Attack on Voters and Elections
Rep. Robyn Vining: Statement on Governor Tony Evers’ 2022 State of the State Address
Rep. Robyn Vining and Wisconsin Democrats Go Big for Small Business
Rep. Robyn Vining Introduces Healthcare Heroes Act
Rep. Robyn Vining Statement on the One-Year Anniversary of the United States Capitol Insurrection
Rep. Robyn Vining Commends Signing of Sexual Assault Kit Reform Legislation into Law
Rep. Robyn Vining: Statement on Rittenhouse Verdict
Rep. Robyn Vining Votes Against Gerrymandered Maps, Supports Fair Maps
Rep. Robyn Vining Condemns Gerrymandered Maps
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Condemns Gerrymandered Maps


Rep. Robyn Vining Introduces Epi Access Legislation
Rep. Robyn Vining Applauds Governor Evers’ Investment in Violence Prevention and Support for Crime Victims
Rep. Robyn Vining Urges Legislature to Focus on Wisconsin Priorities
Rep. Robyn Vining Welcomes Afghan Refugees to Wisconsin
Rep. Robyn Vining Commends Governor Evers’ Call for Special Session on Education
Rep. Robyn Vining Co-Authors Baby Bonds Bill to Improve Economic Security for Wisconsin Families
Rep. Robyn Vining Will Continue Advocating for What’s Best for Wisconsin Kids & What’s Best for Our State
Rep. Robyn Vining Highlights Risk of Losing Federal Funding for K-12 Education in Wisconsin
Rep. Robyn Vining Introduces Bill to Support Students, Teachers, School Districts & Summer School Programs
Rep. Robyn Vining Commends Call for BadgerCare Expansion Special Session
Rep. Robyn Vining Urges Passage of Fair Maps Legislation
Rep. Robyn Vining: Statement on the 17th Annual State of the Tribes
Rep. Robyn Vining: Statement on Joint Committee on Finance Removal of Important Provisions from State Budget
Op Ed: Mass Shootings Are Not Inevitable
Op Ed

Mass Shootings Are Not Inevitable

Legislature can and must take action, with measures like uniform background checks.

Rep. Robyn Vining Advocates for Small Business Assistance to Support Dreams, Families, and Jobs
Rep. Robyn Vining Calls on Legislative Leaders to Take Immediate Action for Wisconsin Workers
Rep. Robyn Vining Condemns Violence & Hateful Rhetoric Against Asian American & Pacific Islander Community
Rep. Robyn Vining Applauds Wisconsin Equal Rights Amendment Introduction
Rep. Robyn Vining: Statement on Passage of Special Session Unemployment Assistance Legislation
Rep. Robyn Vining Applauds Inclusion of Main Street Recovery Package in Wisconsin Act 1
Rep. Robyn Vining: Statement on 2021-2023 State Budget Address
Rep. Robyn Vining: Statement on Passage of Assembly Bill 2
Rep. Robyn Vining Advocates for Standalone COVID-19 Relief Bills
Rep. Robyn Vining Supports Wearing Masks to Save Lives
Rep. Robyn Vining Responds to Assembly Republicans’ Actions to Disregard the Lives and Livelihoods of Wisconsinites
Rep. Robyn Vining Co-Authors Main Street Recovery Package
Rep. Robyn Vining Statement on Passage of Amended Assembly Bill 1
Rep. Robyn Vining Responds to Governor Evers’ State of the State Address
Rep. Robyn Vining Responds to Kenosha DA Decision
Rep. Robyn Vining Advocates for Healthcare Heroes, Small Businesses, and Wisconsin Families on Assembly Floor
Rep. Robyn Vining Condemns Insurrection at U.S. Capitol
Rep. Robyn Vining Statement on Assembly Bill 1
Rep. Robyn Vining Sworn in as 14th Assembly District Representative for her Second Term & Announces Committee Assignments
Rep. Robyn Vining & Democratic Colleagues Hit the Ground Running on Day One of New Legislative Session with COVID-19 Response Bill
Rep. Robyn Vining Thanks Election Workers, and Calls On Her Republican Colleagues to Get Back to Work On COVID-19 Response
Rep. Robyn Vining Condemns Threats Against Wisconsin Election Officials
Rep. Robyn Vining & Sen. Dale Kooyenga Statement Regarding Shooting at Mayfair Mall
Rep. Robyn Vining Responds to Milwaukee County DA Decision
Rep. Robyn Vining Emphasizes the Severity of COVID-19 in Wisconsin
Be a Hero. Vote.
Press Release

Be a Hero. Vote.


Rep. Robyn Vining Supports Meaningful Policing Reform
Rep. Robyn Vining Co-Sponsors Legislation to Reduce Barriers to Unemployment Insurance
Rep. Robyn Vining & Legislative Colleagues Support Federal HEROES Act
Rep. Robyn Vining Introduces Healthcare Heroes Act
Rep. Robyn Vining Applauds the “We’re All In” Small Business Initiative
Rep. Robyn Vining Sends Letter to Legislative Leadership Supporting Healthcare Heroes during COVID-19
Rep. Robyn Vining: “The Moment is Bigger than Competing Tax Cut Plans”
Rep. Robyn Vining Introduces “Epi Access” Legislation
Rep. Robyn Vining Stands with Victims & Survivors of Sexual Assault
Rep. Robyn Vining Commends Governor Evers’ State of the State Address
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Commends Governor Evers’ State of the State Address

“I look forward to continuing my work with Governor Evers and my colleagues in the legislature on the issues that Wisconsinites care about. Forward together.”

Rep. Robyn Vining Proposes Bill to Curb Youth Vaping & Protect Consumers
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Proposes Bill to Curb Youth Vaping & Protect Consumers

Bill is part of the Vaping Awareness Prevention package to improve public health in Wisconsin.

Rep. Robyn Vining on Passage of Assembly Bill 26
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining on Passage of Assembly Bill 26

Republicans pass legislation making it easier for direct primary care providers to discriminate on who they’d like to give care to.

Op Ed: Legislature Must Act on Human Trafficking
Op Ed

Legislature Must Act on Human Trafficking

Safe Harbor legislation has been introduced repeatedly in the past several sessions, without passage.

Rep. Robyn Vining Seeks to Make Wisconsin More Accessible
Rep. Robyn Vining Launches Next Forward Wisconsin Project: Fair Maps
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Launches Next Forward Wisconsin Project: Fair Maps

"This session, I introduced a bipartisan bill with my colleagues that would take this power away from the politicians, and place the responsibility with a non-partisan service agency called the Legislative Reference Bureau."

Rep. Robyn Vining Wants Wisconsin to Go Big for Small Business
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Wants Wisconsin to Go Big for Small Business

This bill creates a one-stop shop for all the information a business owner needs.

Rep. Robyn Vining Responds to Recent Violence and Threats at High Schools
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Responds to Recent Violence and Threats at High Schools

"Our children are looking to their elected officials to do something."

Rep. Robyn Vining Recognizes Officer Tracy Burbach as “First Responder of the Year” for 14th Assembly District
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Recognizes Officer Tracy Burbach as “First Responder of the Year” for 14th Assembly District

"Officer Tracy Burbach serves the city of Wauwatosa with honor and distinction as a School Resource Officer, and has been nominated by citizens of the 14th Assembly District for the honor of the First Responder of the Year."

Rep. Robyn Vining Backs Extreme Risk Protection Order Legislation
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Backs Extreme Risk Protection Order Legislation

"I stand with Governor Evers, Attorney General Kaul, and my colleagues in support of extreme risk laws, as we continue to work towards a safer Wisconsin, one with less tragedies caused by gun violence."

Rep. Robyn Vining Joins Governor Evers to Announce Additional Assistant District Attorney Positions in Waukesha County
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Joins Governor Evers to Announce Additional Assistant District Attorney Positions in Waukesha County

"I advocated on behalf of my district for these needed positions there and in Milwaukee County."

Rep. Robyn Vining Echoes Call to Action Against Gun Violence
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Echoes Call to Action Against Gun Violence

"The Wisconsin State Legislature has a role to play in this epidemic of gun violence in our country."

Rep. Robyn Vining Co-Sponsors NEW Medicaid Expansion Legislation
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Co-Sponsors NEW Medicaid Expansion Legislation

"Medicaid expansion is what the people want and it’s what they deserve."

Rep. Robyn Vining Defends Colleague Rep. Anderson
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Defends Colleague Rep. Anderson

"Speaker Vos has demeaned remote involvement by Rep. Anderson."

Rep. Robyn Vining Continues Fight for Fair Maps
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Continues Fight for Fair Maps

"We are committed to nonpartisan redistricting reform, and will continue to advocate for fair and representative legislative maps."

Rep. Robyn Vining Says Fight for Fair Maps Is Not Over
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Says Fight for Fair Maps Is Not Over

"72% of Wisconsinites believe we need non-partisan fair maps, so we will fight for them with everything we’ve got."

Rep. Robyn Vining Blasts Fiscal Negligence of GOP Legislators
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Blasts Fiscal Negligence of GOP Legislators

"Republican legislators have shown that they do not care about fiscal responsibility."

Rep. Robyn Vining Supports “Wear Orange” for Gun Violence Prevention
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Supports “Wear Orange” for Gun Violence Prevention

"Gun violence is a crisis that our country is facing."

Rep. Robyn Vining Appointed to Task Force on Adoption
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Appointed to Task Force on Adoption

This committee will focus on addressing the barriers facing biological and adoptive parents in the adoption process.

Rep. Robyn Vining Condemns Removal of Lead Service Line Replacement from Budget
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Condemns Removal of Lead Service Line Replacement from Budget

"I cannot believe we are turning our backs on children born into homes with lead in their water."

Rep. Robyn Vining Responds to GOP Rejection of Medicaid Expansion
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Responds to GOP Rejection of Medicaid Expansion

"This is a blatantly partisan move from the Republicans, and one that does not reflect the will of the people."

Rep. Robyn Vining Launches “Words Matter” Pledge
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Launches “Words Matter” Pledge

"I stand with our Brookfield Muslim Community and their call to all elected officials to consider how our words affect actions."

Rep. Robyn Vining Supports Safe Harbor Legislation
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Supports Safe Harbor Legislation

"The Safe Harbor Bill is a piece of common-sense legislation that helps protect trafficked youth."

Rep. Robyn Vining Comments on Lame Duck Court Ruling
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Comments on Lame Duck Court Ruling

"The court’s ruling today is a win for democracy and the people of Wisconsin."

Rep. Robyn Vining Cheers The People’s Budget
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Cheers The People’s Budget

“From the beginning of his term, Governor Evers has made it clear he is listening to the people of Wisconsin."

Rep. Robyn Vining Embraces Gov. Evers’ Inclusion of Redistricting in Budget
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Embraces Gov. Evers’ Inclusion of Redistricting in Budget

"Non-partisan redistricting can help bring our state together and force members from each party to work together like my constituents asked me to do."

Rep. Robyn Vining Commends Gov. Evers’ Plan to Close Dark Store Loophole
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Commends Gov. Evers’ Plan to Close Dark Store Loophole

"The Dark Store Loophole is wrong, and we need to close it."

Rep. Robyn Vining Comments on Pre-Existing Conditions Bill
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Comments on Pre-Existing Conditions Bill

"Though we must acknowledge the remaining issues, we achieved a small victory with the amendment recognizing annual and lifetime benefit limits..."

Rep. Robyn Vining Announces 2019-2020 Legislative Session Staff
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Announces 2019-2020 Legislative Session Staff

Maddie Palzewicz, a former Wisconsin State Senate intern and congressional campaign staffer, has joined the office of Rep. Vining as Legislative Assistant.

Rep. Robyn Vining Announces 2019-2020 Committee Assignments
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Announces 2019-2020 Committee Assignments

"I want to thank Rep. Gordon Hintz for these committee appointments..."

Rep. Robyn Vining Sworn In to Wisconsin State Assembly
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Sworn In to Wisconsin State Assembly

"It is an honor to serve the residents of the 14th Assembly District."

Robyn Vining Declares Victory in 14th Assembly District
Press Release

Robyn Vining Declares Victory in 14th Assembly District

"It is an incredible honor to be elected to represent the people of the 14th Assembly District."

Primary opponent withdraws, endorses Vining for the 14th Assembly District
Press Release

Primary opponent withdraws, endorses Vining for the 14th Assembly District

This week Vining also received the Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate distinction.

Wisconsin Mother of the Year declares for the 14th Assembly District
Press Release

Wisconsin Mother of the Year declares for the 14th Assembly District

"I’m determined to fight For The People on three fronts: people, planet and profit."