Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos

Recent Articles

Speaker Vos Announces New Communications Director
Speaker Vos Announces Assembly Standing Committee Membership
Speaker Vos Statement on Abundant Life Christian School Shooting
Speaker Vos Names Assembly Joint Finance Committee Co-Chair and Vice Chair
Speaker Vos Statement on Act 10 Ruling
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on Act 10 Ruling


Racine County Local Economic Development Efforts Diminished by Presidential Reelection Stunt
Statement on Governor Ever Vetoing Tax Cuts for the Middle Class, Retirees, and Married Couples
Statement on Legislative Maps Being Signed into Law
Speaker Vos Statement on Evers’ Veto
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on Evers’ Veto


Speaker Vos Statement on SCOWIS Decision
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on SCOWIS Decision


Assembly Republicans Respond to Board of Regents Vote
DEI Deal Struck with Universities
Press Release

DEI Deal Struck with Universities


Statement on Redistricting Case
Press Release

Statement on Redistricting Case


Speaker Vos Statement on Evers’ Lawsuit
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on Evers’ Lawsuit


Speaker Vos Statement on Protasiewicz’s Refusal to Recuse
Statement: Office of Special Counsel
Press Release

Statement: Office of Special Counsel


Speaker Vos Responds to Racine County Sheriff’s Office Announcement
Letter From Speaker Vos Requesting Gov. Evers Lower State and U.S. Flags in Honor of Rush Limbaugh
Speaker Vos Delivers Republican Response to State of State Address
Speaker Vos Begins Session with Focus on Second COVID Relief Bill
Speaker Vos Directs Assembly Committee to Utilize its Powers to Review Statewide Election
Assembly Speaker Robin Vos Response To State of the State
Press Release

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos Response To State of the State

Republicans will continue to block Governor Evers’ liberal agenda and ensure the state moves forward without expanding welfare, overspending or overtaxing the citizens of Wisconsin.

Statement on the Governor-Elect Evers and the Assembly Republican Majority
Press Release

Statement on the Governor-Elect Evers and the Assembly Republican Majority

"The reality is that the voters of Wisconsin have chosen divided government."

Speaker Vos Statement: Signing of the ‘Wisconsin Model’ for Juvenile Corrections Reform
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement: Signing of the ‘Wisconsin Model’ for Juvenile Corrections Reform

“The reforms allow incarcerated youth to have access to the services and rehabilitation they need while in facilities closer to their homes and families.”

Legislative Leaders Call an Extraordinary Session on Special Elections
Press Release

Legislative Leaders Call an Extraordinary Session on Special Elections

Leaders Seek to Ensure Compliance with Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act

Speaker Vos Statement on Retirement of Rep. Lee Nerison
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on Retirement of Rep. Lee Nerison

"I want to wish him and his family the best in their future."

Speaker Vos leads State Assembly Delegation to a Trade Summit
Press Release

Speaker Vos leads State Assembly Delegation to a Trade Summit

"With the current negotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and newly imposed tariffs, it’s essential that we’re actively engaged in a dialogue to protect our state’s interests."

Statement on 2017-18 Legislative Session
Press Release

Statement on 2017-18 Legislative Session

"It’s been an incredible session that will deliver results for Wisconsin families."

Assembly Awards Mount Pleasant Couple with Hometown Hero Award
Capitol Restoration Fund to Receive $78,500 from Fundraiser
Press Release

Capitol Restoration Fund to Receive $78,500 from Fundraiser

The monies were raised from the Capitol Centennial Gala fundraiser that was held last month.

Statement on the Future of NAFTA
Press Release

Statement on the Future of NAFTA

"NAFTA has worked for Wisconsin."

Statement on DOJ’s John Doe Report
Press Release

Statement on DOJ’s John Doe Report

"Democrats must now accept the fact that Republicans were right."

New Study Shows Bipartisan Session Agreements Make a Positive Impact
Press Release

New Study Shows Bipartisan Session Agreements Make a Positive Impact

"We wanted to have a more transparent process that allows for greater public participation in the legislative process."

Speaker Vos Announces New Assembly Committee on International Affairs and Commerce
Press Release

Speaker Vos Announces New Assembly Committee on International Affairs and Commerce

Wisconsin exported $21 billion in products last year.

Statement from Speaker Robin Vos
Press Release

Statement from Speaker Robin Vos

"I now regret using the word terrorist because it goes against the guidelines I’ve set for our chamber, and myself. For that, I apologize."

Speaker Vos Statement on Passing of Rep. Bob Gannon
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on Passing of Rep. Bob Gannon

“I would ask that you join me and my Assembly colleagues in praying for his wife Kris and his family.”

Speaker Vos Appoints Commission Member
Press Release

Speaker Vos Appoints Commission Member

Dean Knudson is a former state representative who served in the Assembly for three terms.

Speaker Vos Statement on Assembly Passage of 2017-2019 Budget
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on Assembly Passage of 2017-2019 Budget

"The Assembly has concluded its work on the state budget, which delivers on our promise to Wisconsin taxpayers."

Speaker Vos Statement on Thursday’s Session
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on Thursday’s Session

"On Thursday, our actions will speak louder than the ugly words from hate groups."

Statement: Amendment to Special Session Assembly Bill 1
Press Release

Statement: Amendment to Special Session Assembly Bill 1

Which pertains to the $10 billion Foxconn development in southeastern Wisconsin.

Speaker Vos Statement on Dr. Ellsworth Brown’s Retirement
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on Dr. Ellsworth Brown’s Retirement

Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) released the following statement in regards to the retirement announcement of Dr. Ellsworth Brown, Director of the Wisconsin Historical Society.

Speaker Vos Statement on Foxconn Announcement
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on Foxconn Announcement

"The manufacturing plant will provide thousands of new, good paying jobs and spur economic growth throughout our state."

Statement on Budget Motion
Press Release

Statement on Budget Motion

"We would like to thank Governor Walker for visiting the communities around the state that have sustained damage from the massive flooding."

Speaker Vos Statement on DOT Reform Bill
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on DOT Reform Bill

"I look forward to working with my colleagues in both chambers to improve the DOT to bring about a more effective and efficient agency."

Speaker Vos to Participate in White House Infrastructure Summit
Press Release

Speaker Vos to Participate in White House Infrastructure Summit

"The state’s infrastructure is falling into disrepair and we need a long-term, sustainable solution to fund our transportation needs."

Speaker Vos Announces Creation of Tommy G. Thompson Center on Public Leadership
Press Release

Speaker Vos Announces Creation of Tommy G. Thompson Center on Public Leadership

"This center will promote an even more rigorous debate of the current issues and hopefully, bipartisan solutions."

Speaker Vos Announces Free Speech on Campus Act
Press Release

Speaker Vos Announces Free Speech on Campus Act

The bill will ensure a person’s rights are protected by creating disciplinary measures for those who strive to disturb and impede free speech.

Statement on Assembly Democrats’ Tax and Spend Plan
Press Release

Statement on Assembly Democrats’ Tax and Spend Plan

"It seems Assembly Democrats need a lesson in economics."

Speaker Vos Statement on Passing of Former Rep. Tom Larson
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on Passing of Former Rep. Tom Larson

"I know we all will be keeping his wife Mary and his family in our prayers."

Speaker Vos Statement on WisDOT Audit
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on WisDOT Audit

"It’s clear Wisconsin is trying to do too much with too little and taxpayers are not getting their money’s worth."

Speaker Vos Statement on State of the State Address
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on State of the State Address

"We have cut taxes by nearly $5 billion, reduced the size of government and established a business climate that fosters economic growth."

Speaker Vos Begins Session Calling for Long-term Solutions
Press Release

Speaker Vos Begins Session Calling for Long-term Solutions

“Instead of attacking one another and saying what shouldn’t be done, let’s work together to find what can be done.”

Speaker Vos Statement on Departure of WisDOT Secretary Gottlieb
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on Departure of WisDOT Secretary Gottlieb

“...Secretary Gottlieb’s expertise and candor will be missed.”

Speaker Vos to Reveal Top 16 Wins for Assembly Republicans
Press Release

Speaker Vos to Reveal Top 16 Wins for Assembly Republicans

The first of 16 Assembly GOP wins is being released today.

Speaker Vos Calls Out Senators for Fear Mongering
Press Release

Speaker Vos Calls Out Senators for Fear Mongering

"...I will work in good faith to work toward the best possible solution to this problem, taking into account all options available.”

Speaker Vos Transportation Video Release: Road Work Ahead
Press Release

Speaker Vos Transportation Video Release: Road Work Ahead

The video is of Speaker Vos’ recent ride in the back of a Burlington Rescue Squad ambulance around his Assembly District.

Speaker Vos Statement on the Retirement of Secretary Scocos
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on the Retirement of Secretary Scocos

“I would like to thank Secretary Scocos for his many years of public service in Wisconsin state government.”

Speaker Vos Statement on the Redistricting Ruling
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on the Redistricting Ruling

“There are only two things that are certain about this case: it’s unprecedented and it isn’t over.”

Speaker Vos Announces JFC Assembly Chair
Press Release

Speaker Vos Announces JFC Assembly Chair

He will be serving his third term as the JFC co-chair.

Representative Vos Re-Elected Assembly Speaker
Press Release

Representative Vos Re-Elected Assembly Speaker

“I’m humbled to receive this vote of confidence from the 64-member Assembly majority, the largest GOP majority in 60 years.”

Speaker Vos Statement on Reince Priebus
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on Reince Priebus

“Wisconsin congratulates you, Reince! We’re confident you will help make America great again.”

Speaker Vos Statement on Milwaukee Bucks Agreement
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on Milwaukee Bucks Agreement

“Throughout this process, Wisconsin taxpayers have come first.”

Speaker Vos Statement on Right-to-Work Decision
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on Right-to-Work Decision

Wisconsin became the 25th Right-to-Work state on March 9, 2015 in 2015 Wisconsin Act 1.

Speaker Vos Statement on Rep. Ott Retirement
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on Rep. Ott Retirement

“His passion and work led to the 2003 passing of bills revitalizing Wisconsin’s agricultural community with incentives, and better rural health care.”

Speaker Vos Supports Ted Cruz for President
Press Release

Speaker Vos Supports Ted Cruz for President

“While I am still very disappointed that Marco Rubio is no longer a choice in the race, I have decided to support Ted Cruz.”

Speaker Vos Appoints Commission Members
Press Release

Speaker Vos Appoints Commission Members

“Both individuals bring a great deal of experience to the commissions. I have every confidence that they serve our state well in this new capacity.”

Speaker Vos Statement on Rep. Murtha Retirement
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on Rep. Murtha Retirement

"He will be missed for not only his dedication to the team, but also for his great sense of humor."

Speaker Vos Statement on 2015-16 Legislative Session
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on 2015-16 Legislative Session

“The legislative session was one of the most conservative on record.”

Speaker Vos Statement on Rep. Larson’s Retirement
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on Rep. Larson’s Retirement

“I would like to thank Tom for his years of service in the Assembly.”

Speaker Vos Statement on State of the Tribes Address
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on State of the Tribes Address

Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) made the following statement following the twelfth annual State of the Tribes address delivered to the state Assembly, members of the state Senate and constitutional officers.

Speaker Vos Announces State of the Tribes Address
Press Release

Speaker Vos Announces State of the Tribes Address

“It’s important to find areas of mutual interest between our governments and work together to address shared concerns.”