Katrina Shankland

Recent Articles

Statement on Derrick Van Orden fundraising off of his outburst interrupting President Joe Biden at the State of the Union
Congressman Mark Pocan Endorses State Rep. Katrina Shankland in The Race For WI-03
Shankland for Congress Campaign: Endorsed by State Representative Steve Doyle
State Representative Katrina Shankland enters race for Wisconsin’s Third Congressional District
Press Release

State Representative Katrina Shankland enters race for Wisconsin’s Third Congressional District

With seven labor endorsements out of the gate, Shankland’s campaign is garnering momentum on day one.

Rep. Shankland Introduces “Clean Water Fund for Our Future”
Press Release

Rep. Shankland Introduces “Clean Water Fund for Our Future”

Under the bill, the legislature would transfer $10 million in General Purpose Revenue biennially to the clean water fund

Rep. Shankland Coauthors Legislation to Legalize Medical Cannabis in Wisconsin for Fourth Consecutive Session
Press Release

Rep. Shankland Coauthors Legislation to Legalize Medical Cannabis in Wisconsin for Fourth Consecutive Session

"This commonsense bill will make a real difference in the lives of people who are suffering, and if passed, will improve their quality of life significantly."

Tapped Infused Maple Syrup Nominated For “Coolest Thing Made In Wisconsin”
Press Release

Tapped Infused Maple Syrup Nominated For “Coolest Thing Made In Wisconsin”

“I am excited to nominate this phenomenal company for the title of ‘Coolest Thing Made in Wisconsin.’”

Rep. Shankland: First Wisconsin Legislator to Attend Clean Energy Legislative Academy
Press Release

Rep. Shankland: First Wisconsin Legislator to Attend Clean Energy Legislative Academy

"It was an honor to be selected to attend the 2019 Clean Energy Legislative Academy."

Rep. Shankland Applauds Governor Evers’ Leadership on Clean Energy and Sustainability
Press Release

Rep. Shankland Applauds Governor Evers’ Leadership on Clean Energy and Sustainability

"The simple fact is that we’ve got to act on climate change."

Rep. Shankland: Republican So-called “Campus Free Speech” Bill Likely To Do Just The Opposite
Press Release

Rep. Shankland: Republican So-called “Campus Free Speech” Bill Likely To Do Just The Opposite

"I’m especially concerned about the far-reaching impact this legislation could have on freedom of speech on campus."

Rep. Shankland: Governor Evers Leads on Preventing Nitrate Contamination
Press Release

Rep. Shankland: Governor Evers Leads on Preventing Nitrate Contamination

"These new efforts by the Governor, DNR, and DATCP tackle the root of our pollution runoff problems and will help to prevent future nitrate contamination."

Rep. Shankland: $72 Million of Inaction — Memo Underscores Missed Opportunities to Act on Water Quality Crisis
Press Release

Rep. Shankland: $72 Million of Inaction — Memo Underscores Missed Opportunities to Act on Water Quality Crisis

"Everyone deserves access to clean drinking water, and no one should have to buy bottled water because their drinking water is contaminated."

Rep. Shankland Introduces Bipartisan 12-Month Contraceptive Care Act
Press Release

Rep. Shankland Introduces Bipartisan 12-Month Contraceptive Care Act

"At some point in their lifetime, almost all women will depend on birth control for their health or family planning."

Rep. Shankland: Statement on Joint Finance Committee’s Vote on UW System
Press Release

Rep. Shankland: Statement on Joint Finance Committee’s Vote on UW System

"I am thankful to Governor Evers for his leadership in investing in the UW System, and I know he will keep pushing for funding the tuition freeze and investing in our UW System."

Rep. Shankland: No Time to Wait for Clean Water
Press Release

Rep. Shankland: No Time to Wait for Clean Water

"Water quality is a vital issue that affects every community in our state, and we should be working together to ensure that everyone has access to clean drinking water."

Rep. Shankland Honored for Distinguished Service on Behalf of Wisconsin CDFIs
Press Release

Rep. Shankland Honored for Distinguished Service on Behalf of Wisconsin CDFIs

"I’m honored to receive this recognition and appreciate all that Wisconsin’s CDFIs do to invest in and grow their local economies and communities."

Rep. Shankland Commends Governor Evers on The People’s Budget
Press Release

Rep. Shankland Commends Governor Evers on The People’s Budget

“Tonight, Governor Evers delivered a vision for Wisconsin that clearly reflects the priorities and will of the voters."

Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Republicans Continue Pattern of Unfunded Mandates, Attacks on Local Control
Press Release

Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Republicans Continue Pattern of Unfunded Mandates, Attacks on Local Control

"Do they really want to add even more attacks on local control to this list?"

Rep. Shankland Introduces Bipartisan Clean Water Legislation
Press Release

Rep. Shankland Introduces Bipartisan Clean Water Legislation

"Clean and safe drinking water is vital to our quality of life and public health."

Rep. Shankland introduces Legislation to Deter Consignment Sale Fraud
Press Release

Rep. Shankland introduces Legislation to Deter Consignment Sale Fraud

This bill increases DOT oversight over “consignment motor vehicle dealers.”

Wisconsin Remains “America’s Dairyland”
Press Release

Wisconsin Remains “America’s Dairyland”

"Wisconsin’s reputation as a dairy state is a point of pride."

Rep. Shankland: Statement on Walker’s Veto of DVA Oversight
Press Release

Rep. Shankland: Statement on Walker’s Veto of DVA Oversight

"I’m disappointed Governor Walker was unwilling to take even one step forward on an issue so critical to qualify of life for our veterans."

Walker administration misleads on environmental rollbacks for Foxconn
Press Release

Walker administration misleads on environmental rollbacks for Foxconn

Memo confirms permit exemptions could apply to multiple businesses, or across whole state

Rep. Shankland: Statement on Audit of King Veterans Home
Press Release

Rep. Shankland: Statement on Audit of King Veterans Home

"The audit makes clear that the challenges at King Veterans Home aren't going away."

Rep. Shankland: Statement on Foxconn Analysis
Press Release

Rep. Shankland: Statement on Foxconn Analysis

"Even under the most favorable circumstances, we now know that the state won’t break even on the Foxconn project until 2043."

Rep. Shankland introduces proposal to fund CWD research and management
Press Release

Rep. Shankland introduces proposal to fund CWD research and management

The Wisconsin DNR first detected CWD in a white-tailed deer in 2002.

Op Ed: Pass A Budget, Please
Op Ed

Pass A Budget, Please

Even Illinois has managed to do this. What’s wrong with our Legislature?

Student Loan Debt Disproportionally Affects Women
Press Release

Student Loan Debt Disproportionally Affects Women

Women hold two-thirds of student debt across the country, according to report by AAUW

Republican “plan” fails workers, small businesses, and our roads
Press Release

Republican “plan” fails workers, small businesses, and our roads

"...Republicans have proposed even more ways to make workers and businesses pay for their lack of leadership."

Rep. Shankland Introduces Bills in Celebration of Earth Day
Press Release

Rep. Shankland Introduces Bills in Celebration of Earth Day

"As we celebrate Earth Day, we must do more to protect our natural resources and ensure their sustainability for generations to come."

Memo Reveals Walker’s Budget Creates $1 Billion Structural Deficit
Press Release

Memo Reveals Walker’s Budget Creates $1 Billion Structural Deficit

"The governor’s budget is built on a house of cards"

Rep. Shankland: Statement on Republican Groundwater Bill
Press Release

Rep. Shankland: Statement on Republican Groundwater Bill

"This bill does not seem to allow the DNR to periodically review the impacts of high-capacity well withdrawals."

Rep. Shankland: Response to Governor Walker’s Budget Address
Press Release

Rep. Shankland: Response to Governor Walker’s Budget Address

"Governor Walker is gambling with taxpayer money and our health care by moving to self-insurance..."

Rep. Shankland: Statement on Walker’s K-12 Education Budget
Press Release

Rep. Shankland: Statement on Walker’s K-12 Education Budget

"Our public schools have lost over a billion dollars in state aid under Governor Walker, leaving school districts at a breaking point."

Rep. Shankland: Statement on Redistricting Court Order
Press Release

Rep. Shankland: Statement on Redistricting Court Order

"Too many people feel that their vote doesn’t matter and that the system is rigged against them."

Rep. Shankland: Response to Governor Walker’s State of the State Address
Press Release

Rep. Shankland: Response to Governor Walker’s State of the State Address

“Republicans should be working with Democrats to invest in the middle class and help working families get ahead.”

Rep. Shankland Appointed to Joint Finance Committee
Press Release

Rep. Shankland Appointed to Joint Finance Committee

“I’m honored to be appointed to the legislature’s Joint Committee on Finance.”

Federal Court Finds Legislative Maps Drawn by Republicans Represent Unconstitutional Gerrymander
Press Release

Federal Court Finds Legislative Maps Drawn by Republicans Represent Unconstitutional Gerrymander

Court finds maps drawn by Republicans were “intended to burden the representational rights of Democratic voters”

Rep. Shankland Statement on “Right to Work” Ruling
Press Release

Rep. Shankland Statement on “Right to Work” Ruling

“So-called 'Right to Work' has not worked for Wisconsin’s working families, and today is a victory for everyone who works hard and deserves the chance to get ahead.”

Op-Ed: Republicans Not Serious About Redistricting Reform

Republicans Not Serious About Redistricting Reform

Assembly committee to address the issue is really a sham. The issue will never get a hearing.

Here’s what Gov. Walker didn’t tell you while signing higher education bills
Press Release

Here’s what Gov. Walker didn’t tell you while signing higher education bills

"The governor forgot to tell you that funding levels for need-based higher education grants remained frozen at 2011 levels in his 2015-17 executive budget."

Rep Shankland: What a Bunch of Baloney!
Press Release

Rep Shankland: What a Bunch of Baloney!

Reacts to Report of WI Business Lobby Dissuading State Action after Kraft Heinz Merger

How Low Will Scott Krug Go?
Press Release

How Low Will Scott Krug Go?

Rep. Krug plays Madison politics and votes against his own proposal… after he voted for it

Statement on the State Assembly’s Final Session Day
Press Release

Statement on the State Assembly’s Final Session Day

“True to their actions all session, Republicans ended the year by selling another piece of Wisconsin to the highest bidder.”

Rep. Shankland Responds to Ed Wall’s Resignation from Secretary of DOC
Press Release

Rep. Shankland Responds to Ed Wall’s Resignation from Secretary of DOC

“While the governor seems to have a refined ability to casually brush off scandal after scandal associated with his administration, the mismanagement within our correctional system needs to be addressed immediately.”

Governor Walker Commits to Shifting Campaign Costs onto Wisconsin Taxpayers
Press Release

Governor Walker Commits to Shifting Campaign Costs onto Wisconsin Taxpayers

It was reported that Governor Walker’s political campaign will no longer be paying for his security team’s travel costs for campaign events.

Rep. Shankland: Statement on the 7th Anniversary of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
Press Release

Rep. Shankland: Statement on the 7th Anniversary of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

The median income of working women is just 78% of the income of working men.

Rep. Shankland Responds to Release of Gov. Walker’s Receipts from State after Failed White House Bid
Press Release

Rep. Shankland Responds to Release of Gov. Walker’s Receipts from State after Failed White House Bid

"Given that the Department of Administration has released receipts, I hope this means the governor will consider supporting the Wisconsin Taxpayer Protection Act."

Response to Governor Walker’s State of the State Address
Press Release

Response to Governor Walker’s State of the State Address

“Over the past year, Governor Walker and Republican legislators made it clear that special interest handouts and political power grabs were their top priorities – not the people of Wisconsin.”

Reps. Shankland, Wachs Introduce Legislation to Increase Higher Ed Financial Aid
Press Release

Reps. Shankland, Wachs Introduce Legislation to Increase Higher Ed Financial Aid

Over 36,000 UW & Tech College students denied aid in 2014-15 due to lack of state funding

Republicans Skirt Open Records Laws, Again
Press Release

Republicans Skirt Open Records Laws, Again

“Telling state employees not to conduct state business using official e-mails and telephones is a new low.”

Walker Opens Floodgates for Money in Politics
Press Release

Walker Opens Floodgates for Money in Politics

“While out-of-state billionaires may like the new campaign finance law, the people of Wisconsin will see their voices drowned out as the state is flooded with dark money.”

Walker Signs Bill to Open Wisconsin to Corruption
Press Release

Walker Signs Bill to Open Wisconsin to Corruption

“It’s clear that the people of Wisconsin can’t trust Republicans to stand up for clean government.”

Repaying taxpayers is still not a priority for Governor Walker
Press Release

Repaying taxpayers is still not a priority for Governor Walker

Faced with $1 million in campaign debt, Governor Walker has been busy soliciting donations to fill the hole caused by his presidential campaign’s reckless spending.

Shut Down WEDC and Move Real Reforms Forward
Press Release

Shut Down WEDC and Move Real Reforms Forward

“The Republican WEDC experiment is an outright failure.”

Republicans Should Focus on Wisconsin Jobs, Not Their Own Jobs
Press Release

Republicans Should Focus on Wisconsin Jobs, Not Their Own Jobs

“The people of Wisconsin deserve swift bipartisan action on initiatives to grow Wisconsin jobs.”

Over $1 Million in Debt, Walker Continues to Delay Repaying Taxpayers
Press Release

Over $1 Million in Debt, Walker Continues to Delay Repaying Taxpayers

“Before the governor pays another penny to a campaign consultant or vendor, Wisconsin taxpayers should be reimbursed immediately.”

Extraordinary Session Should Put People First – Not Politicians
Press Release

Extraordinary Session Should Put People First – Not Politicians

“Republicans have debated for weeks about how to funnel more money into politics, but have not spent one minute trying to address the real issues facing Wisconsin families.”

Last Day of Session: Where are the Jobs?
Press Release

Last Day of Session: Where are the Jobs?

“Instead of working to create jobs for their constituents, Assembly Republicans focused the fall session on protecting their own jobs by padding their campaign pockets and pushing extreme legislation.”

Republicans Open the Door to Cronyism and Corruption in State Government
Press Release

Republicans Open the Door to Cronyism and Corruption in State Government

“This bill guts Wisconsin’s century-old civil service system and replaces it with a system that will allow partisan political appointees to hire their handpicked cronies.”

Republicans Vote to Open the Floodgates to Unlimited Money in Politics
Press Release

Republicans Vote to Open the Floodgates to Unlimited Money in Politics

Assembly Democrats Recuse Themselves from the Vote

Assembly Republicans Vote to Protect Corrupt Politicians
Press Release

Assembly Republicans Vote to Protect Corrupt Politicians

“From the Corrupt Politician Protection Act to Republican legislation that opens the floodgates for unlimited and undisclosed campaign donations, the integrity of our democracy is at risk.”

Walker Delays Repaying Taxpayers for his Campaign Bills
Press Release

Walker Delays Repaying Taxpayers for his Campaign Bills

Governor Walker’s campaign expenses this year totaled over $125,000 and he has only repaid $57, 863.

Op-Ed: 10 Things Walker Can Do To Reunite Wisconsin

10 Things Walker Can Do To Reunite Wisconsin

Instead of "divide and conquer" why not try a kinder, gentler approach?

Rep. Shankland, Sen. Hansen Unveil Proposal to Protect Wisconsin Taxpayers
Press Release

Rep. Shankland, Sen. Hansen Unveil Proposal to Protect Wisconsin Taxpayers

Bill Would Require Gov. Walker, Others Running for Federal Office to Report and Swiftly Reimburse Travel Expenses