Content referencing Mordecai Lee

The State of Politics: Parties’ Presidential Campaigns Flip-Flop
The State of Politics

Parties’ Presidential Campaigns Flip-Flop

Trump and surging Republicans now stalled as Harris stokes excitement. Experts weigh in.

Robin Vos In a ‘Fight For His Life’?

Robin Vos In a ‘Fight For His Life’?

Republican Assembly Speaker faces both a primary challenger and independent candidate who assisted with recall effort against him.

Special Elections for State Senate, US House Are Complicated

Special Elections for State Senate, US House Are Complicated

New maps affect elections for 4th state Senate District and 8th US House District.

Hovde Faces Minimal Competition For Republican Senate Nomination

Hovde Faces Minimal Competition For Republican Senate Nomination

An endorsement by former President Donald Trump could reduce the chances of a primary challenge.

Who Will Run For Gallagher’s Congressional Seat?

Who Will Run For Gallagher’s Congressional Seat?

Big name Republicans -- and some Democrats -- may run for position.

Wisconsin’s Congressional Republicans Blast Trump Indictment

Wisconsin’s Congressional Republicans Blast Trump Indictment

Indictment marks first time in history a former president faces criminal charges.

Back in the News: Supreme Court Race Could Be Most Expensive in U.S. History
Back in the News

Supreme Court Race Could Be Most Expensive in U.S. History

Up to $50 million could be spent, with national money pouring into Wisconsin.

Murphy’s Law: Did Democrats Let Mandela Barnes Lose?
Murphy’s Law

Did Democrats Let Mandela Barnes Lose?

State Democratic chair says big donors wrongly concluded Barnes was far behind and deserted him.

Murphy’s Law: Will Republicans Legalize Marijuana?
Murphy’s Law

Will Republicans Legalize Marijuana?

Gov. Evers and two-thirds of voters support it. How long will legislators resist?

Evers, Michels In Agreement That Governor’s Veto Pen Is Stopping Republican Policies

Evers, Michels In Agreement That Governor’s Veto Pen Is Stopping Republican Policies

Gov. Evers has set record for vetoes, but Michels plans to sign GOP bills sent to him.

Despite Voter Concern, Climate Change Largely Absent From U.S. Senate Race

Despite Voter Concern, Climate Change Largely Absent From U.S. Senate Race

Polls show voters are concerned, but not enough that strategists believe it will impact turnout.

Murphy’s Law: Will Trump Help State’s Democrats Win?
Murphy’s Law

Will Trump Help State’s Democrats Win?

His disapproval rate is way high in Wisconsin, yet Michels, Johnson have embraced him.

More Polls Show Barnes Leading Johnson

More Polls Show Barnes Leading Johnson

Including one by Fox News. But still ‘very competitive race.'

Bernie Sanders Endorses Barnes for US Senate

Bernie Sanders Endorses Barnes for US Senate

Sanders latest of many big-name Democrats backing Mandela Barnes in August primary.

Murphy’s Law: Which Democrat Can Beat Ron Johnson?
Murphy’s Law

Which Democrat Can Beat Ron Johnson?

That may be the most important question for Democratic voters. And the answer?

Evers Surplus Plan Offers Tax Rebate

Evers Surplus Plan Offers Tax Rebate

$150 per person, plus child care tax credit and greater education funding. Republicans dismissive.

Murphy’s Law: College Grads Are Leaving Republican Party
Murphy’s Law

College Grads Are Leaving Republican Party

While less educated voters ditch the Democratic Party. How is that changing the state?

The State of Politics: Barrett, Kind Had 59 Years Experience
The State of Politics

Barrett, Kind Had 59 Years Experience

Exit of mayor and congressman makes room for new generation of leaders.

Back in the News: Kleefisch Calls Democrats ‘Pure Evil’
Back in the News

Kleefisch Calls Democrats ‘Pure Evil’

Former Lt. Governor and Republican candidate for governor appealing to far right?

‘Governor Wins’ on State Budget?

‘Governor Wins’ on State Budget?

Experts suggest Evers will win the political spin over budget and tax cut.

Murphy’s Law: Kleefisch Spokesperson Compares Evers to Dahmer
Murphy’s Law

Kleefisch Spokesperson Compares Evers to Dahmer

The former Lt. Governor, who plans a run for governor, gets caught in controversy.

Murphy’s Law: Are Parties Realigning In Wisconsin?
Murphy’s Law

Are Parties Realigning In Wisconsin?

Lots of new voters for both parties in election. What it means for the future.

The State of Politics: Half Of Legislative Seats Already Decided?
The State of Politics

Half Of Legislative Seats Already Decided?

Probably. And why? Gerrymandering.

Budget Bill The Shortest in Decades

Budget Bill The Shortest in Decades

Republicans worked for “veto-proof” bill so Gov. Evers has little room to reshape legislation.

Murphy’s Law: Who Will Win State Budget Battle?
Murphy’s Law

Who Will Win State Budget Battle?

Right now it looks like an endless standoff. But appearances can be deceiving.

Do Walker, Evers Campaign on State Time?

Do Walker, Evers Campaign on State Time?

Elected officials have looser rules for how much time they can take away from the job.

The State of Politics: A State MPS Reform Proposal. Again
The State of Politics

A State MPS Reform Proposal. Again

Scott Walker joins a list of governors and others who’ve proposed reforms.

Murphy’s Law: Abortion Issue Dogs Vinehout in Governor Race
Murphy’s Law

Abortion Issue Dogs Vinehout in Governor Race

Her past views against abortion and birth control haunt her campaign.

The State of Politics: New GOP Senators Have Clout
The State of Politics

New GOP Senators Have Clout

They may decide if Walker gets last minute laws he’s pushing for his reelection campaign.

The State of Politics: Why Ziegler Has No Opponent
The State of Politics

Why Ziegler Has No Opponent

Overwhelming dark money advantage and Democratic fatigue are factors.

The State of Politics: Democratic Family Feuds
The State of Politics

Democratic Family Feuds

Eight Democratic legislators face primary challengers, but not one GOP legislator does.

Murphy’s Law: Who Will Win the Elections?
Murphy’s Law

Who Will Win the Elections?

The turnout will be massive. And could result in upsets.

The State of Politics: Green Bay Key In Supreme Court Race
The State of Politics

Green Bay Key In Supreme Court Race

Kloppenburg vs. Bradley echoes Prosser race, which was decided by Fox Valley voters.

Back in the News: Barrett Vulnerable, Says Governing Mag
Back in the News

Barrett Vulnerable, Says Governing Mag

At least the headline says so. But the story is, well, a different story.

Attorney General Race Could Be a Sizzler

Attorney General Race Could Be a Sizzler

Happ's dramatic victory sets up clash between two county DAs.

The State of Politics: Low-Turnout Election Had Big Results
The State of Politics

Low-Turnout Election Had Big Results

For first time, voters could elect two female candidates to top state-wide offices.

The State of Politics: Candidate Questionnaires Tie Legislators’ Hands
The State of Politics

Candidate Questionnaires Tie Legislators’ Hands

Interest groups demand them. Politicians hate them. The result is less compromise on issues.

Back in the News: National Media Crucify Walker
Back in the News

National Media Crucify Walker

Even the conservative press jump all over the charge that Gov. Walker was at center of a criminal conspiracy.

The State of Politics: Voters Oppose Walker’s Run for President
The State of Politics

Voters Oppose Walker’s Run for President

That's what three straight polls show. But experts doubt it will impact governor’s race.

Murphy’s Law: Where Have You Gone, Ken Lamke?
Murphy’s Law

Where Have You Gone, Ken Lamke?

Ken Lamke still has vivid memories of the atmosphere in the old Milwaukee Sentinel newsroom.