Content referencing Mark Zuckerberg

Bernie Sanders Draws Capacity Crowd in Kenosha

Bernie Sanders Draws Capacity Crowd in Kenosha

They're cutting programs 'that lower-income and working people desperately need.'

Op Ed: Rep. Fitzgerald Faces Protest In West Bend
Op Ed

Rep. Fitzgerald Faces Protest In West Bend

Part of many protests to Trump's actions across the country.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Dismisses Racine Voting Van Lawsuit

Wisconsin Supreme Court Dismisses Racine Voting Van Lawsuit

Court's majority says former Republican official who filed challenge lacked legal standing.

How State’s Election Rules Have Changed

How State’s Election Rules Have Changed

2020's false election claims led to 2022 rule changes in Wisconsin that are now overturned, even as lawsuits filed.

Who Counts As an Election Official? Local Clerks Unclear

Who Counts As an Election Official? Local Clerks Unclear

Attorney General Kaul plans to release opinion on constitutional amendment's impact.

Eric Hovde Says Most Nursing Home Residents Not ‘At a Point to Vote’

Eric Hovde Says Most Nursing Home Residents Not ‘At a Point to Vote’

GOP senate candidate echoes Trump's unproven claim of 'crooked' votes in 2020 election.

The State of Politics: Voters Throw Shade on Biden, Trump
The State of Politics

Voters Throw Shade on Biden, Trump

Nearly 180,000 primary voters refused to vote for either. What's does that mean for Wisconsin?

Voters Amend State Constitution to Ban Private Election Funding

Voters Amend State Constitution to Ban Private Election Funding

A second amendment also passed, redefining who can work on elections.

Ballot Questions on Election Administration Too Vague, Officials Say

Ballot Questions on Election Administration Too Vague, Officials Say

Wisconsin residents will vote Tuesday on two proposed constitutional amendments.

Protasiewicz Will Not Step Aside in Racine Voting Case

Protasiewicz Will Not Step Aside in Racine Voting Case

The Wisconsin Elections Commission says the case could have statewide implications for absentee voting.

Constitutional Referendums on April Ballot Address GOP ‘Zuckerbucks’ Charges

Constitutional Referendums on April Ballot Address GOP ‘Zuckerbucks’ Charges

Election conspiracy theorists made unfounded charges the funding caused voter fraud.

City Hall: $800,000 Non-Partisan Grant Will Improve Milwaukee’s Election Process
City Hall

$800,000 Non-Partisan Grant Will Improve Milwaukee’s Election Process

But looming constitutional amendment would bar any future awards.

Anti-Election Grant Amendment Could Appear on April Ballot

Anti-Election Grant Amendment Could Appear on April Ballot

Proposal is Republican response to perceived issues with private grants 2020 from Facebook founder.

The State of Politics: Major Changes Loom To Wisconsin’s Elections
The State of Politics

Major Changes Loom To Wisconsin’s Elections

And they're proposed in an election year that is already predicted to be "rocky."

GOP Proposal Adds Voter ID Law to State Constitution

GOP Proposal Adds Voter ID Law to State Constitution

Amendments would prevent state Supreme Court from overturning the 2011 law.

Election Deniers Cause More Turmoil in Green Bay

Election Deniers Cause More Turmoil in Green Bay

Suit by Wisconsin Senate and Sen. Jacque challenges City Hall audio recording system.

Baldwin Calls on Meta to Confront Drug Trafficking, Human Smuggling on Platforms
Data Wonk: All About Wisconsin’s ‘Zuckerbucks’
Data Wonk

All About Wisconsin’s ‘Zuckerbucks’

If anything the funding helped Trump, election data suggests. So why are Republicans angry?

Is Democracy Actually On the Ballot?

Is Democracy Actually On the Ballot?

Republicans have promised numerous changes to how elections are run, while Michels claims they'll never lose another election if he wins.

Referendums Seek To Block Election Grants From Zuckerberg, Others

Referendums Seek To Block Election Grants From Zuckerberg, Others

Four counties will ask voters nonbinding question regarding election grants.

Racine County Man Charged With Felonies for Absentee Ballot Scheme

Racine County Man Charged With Felonies for Absentee Ballot Scheme

Harry Wait requested other citizens' absentee ballots to prove election fraud was possible.

Vos Withdraws Subpoenas, Ends Gableman Probe

Vos Withdraws Subpoenas, Ends Gableman Probe

14-month election investigation “accomplished nothing,” judge wrote.

Data Wonk: Examining Michels ‘Blueprint For Elections’
Data Wonk

Examining Michels ‘Blueprint For Elections’

The GOP businessman candidate for governor offers a very un-business like analysis.

Conservative Law Firm Tries To Stop Racine’s Voting Truck

Conservative Law Firm Tries To Stop Racine’s Voting Truck

Truck is used for mobile in-person absentee voting.

Racine Man Commits Voter Fraud to Prove It Can Be Done

Racine Man Commits Voter Fraud to Prove It Can Be Done

State Elections Commission calls for charges. Racine County law enforcement does nothing.

Murphy’s Law: A Radical Republican Debate
Murphy’s Law

A Radical Republican Debate

Which of GOP candidates Kleefisch, Michels and Ramthun had most extreme views in debate?

Another Judge Rejects Challenge to 2020 Election Grants

Another Judge Rejects Challenge to 2020 Election Grants

State law didn’t prohibit grants from Mark Zuckerberg-funded non-profit, judge rules.

Gathering To Spread the Big Lie

Gathering To Spread the Big Lie

‘Election Integrity’ event in Kenosha offers a cash bar and lots of debunked conspiracy theories.

Op Ed: Tim Michels Is No Political ‘Outsider’
Op Ed

Tim Michels Is No Political ‘Outsider’

Candidate for governor has long record of political donations, lobbying, state contracts.

Special Report: Who Is Conducting Gableman’s Investigation?
Special Report

Who Is Conducting Gableman’s Investigation?

Private lawyer and partisan group heavily involved in taxpayer funded election probe.

Vos’ Emails Show Pressure From Election Deniers

Vos’ Emails Show Pressure From Election Deniers

Assembly Speaker and staff sought a way to respond to demands for reviews of the 2020 election.

Data Wonk: Michael Gableman Versus The Facts
Data Wonk

Michael Gableman Versus The Facts

His report claims grants to 5 Wisconsin cities changed the 2020 election. Let’s examine the evidence.

Gableman, Vos Sign New Contract on Election Probe

Gableman, Vos Sign New Contract on Election Probe

Judge orders Gableman to release 700 pages of documents from probe.

Gableman Report About ‘Vibes and Feelings’

Gableman Report About ‘Vibes and Feelings’

Inflammatory 136-page report offers no new information on 2020 election, experts say.

The Gableman Conspiracy ‘Circus’

The Gableman Conspiracy ‘Circus’

Offers hours of conspiracy-laden testimony and new report pushing to decertify 2020 election which Republican calls illegal, a ‘fool’s errand.'

Assembly Passes Early Vote Counting Bill

Assembly Passes Early Vote Counting Bill

A raft of election related bills passed, some adding additional requirements to absentee voting.

GOP Election Bills Are Far Reaching

GOP Election Bills Are Far Reaching

Restricting absentee voting, more power for Legislature, nursing home employees could face prison.

Legislators, Citizens Battle Over Election Bills

Legislators, Citizens Battle Over Election Bills

Senate Elections committee debates: Do GOP bills enhance voting ‘integrity' or unleash 'war on voters’?

WILL Supports Election Integrity Bills
Press Release

WILL Supports Election Integrity Bills

Legislation clarifies procedures, ensures rule of law, increases accountability

Voces Joins Suit Over Gableman Election Subpoenas

Voces Joins Suit Over Gableman Election Subpoenas

Immigrant-rights group received subpoenas as part of GOP election investigation.

Republicans Offer Slate of Election Bills

Republicans Offer Slate of Election Bills

They won’t suppress votes, Bernier and other GOP legislators promise. Democrats skeptical.

Baldwin, Colleagues Press Meta on Failure to Address Election-Related Misinformation and Disinformation as Jan. 6 Anniversary Approaches
WILL Report Finds Little Voter Fraud

WILL Report Finds Little Voter Fraud

But conservative group cites potential for future fraud, attacks election administrators.

Op Ed: Sen. Ramthun Wants To Hijack Election
Op Ed

Sen. Ramthun Wants To Hijack Election

Offering no evidence of fraud, legislator would cancel the ballots of every voter in the state.

Vos Says 2020 Election Was ‘Tainted’

Vos Says 2020 Election Was ‘Tainted’

The state Assembly Speaker said "I think" Joe Biden won the election.

Mayor Barrett Is Latest Official Subpoenaed In Election Probe

Mayor Barrett Is Latest Official Subpoenaed In Election Probe

Official leading the probe admits he doesn't understand how elections are supposed to work.

AG Kaul Joins Bipartisan Coalition in Support of Congressional Hearings Addressing Youth Social Media Use
Press Release

AG Kaul Joins Bipartisan Coalition in Support of Congressional Hearings Addressing Youth Social Media Use

Coalition Sends Joint Letter to U.S. Senate Committee Sharing Concerns about Social Media Platforms Exploiting Young People for Profit

Republican Schools Colleagues on Election Lies

Republican Schools Colleagues on Election Lies

Elections chair Sen. Kathy Bernier runs 2.5 hour meeting with experts and verifiable facts.

Republicans Again Attack Facebook-Funded Grants

Republicans Again Attack Facebook-Funded Grants

Conservative groups sue Racine officials. Previous court rulings upheld grants to support elections.

Gableman Defends Election Audit

Gableman Defends Election Audit

Former justice had an altercation with a Milwaukee poll worker during November election.

Senator Bradley Unveils Tech Accountability Bill
Data Wonk: The Private Election Grants Didn’t Help Biden
Data Wonk

The Private Election Grants Didn’t Help Biden

If anything they helped Trump, an analysis of state election results show.

Data Wonk: Republicans Oppose Making It Easier to Vote
Data Wonk

Republicans Oppose Making It Easier to Vote

Against foundation grants to improve elections even in GOP-leaning districts.

Legislature Passes Many Bills

Legislature Passes Many Bills

Full agenda on Tuesday of mostly partisan legislation, much of it heading for governor’s veto.

AG Kaul, 44 AGs Urging Facebook to Abandon Launch of Instagram Kids
Press Release

AG Kaul, 44 AGs Urging Facebook to Abandon Launch of Instagram Kids

Coalition Sends Letter Expressing Serious Concerns Over Safety and Well-Being of Children

Legislature Passes Federal Stimulus Plan

Legislature Passes Federal Stimulus Plan

Yet again. And passes election law changes. Evers likely to veto all of it.

Elections Officials, Advocates Oppose GOP Backed Election Law Changes

Elections Officials, Advocates Oppose GOP Backed Election Law Changes

Bills limit election grants and bar employees of political groups from working the polls.

Elections Commission Head Saw No Problems in Green Bay

Elections Commission Head Saw No Problems in Green Bay

Republican legislators claim election tampering, but Wolfe testified she saw no evidence of this.

Legislators Pass Bill Blocking Vaccine Mandates

Legislators Pass Bill Blocking Vaccine Mandates

And giving Legislature oversight over federal stimulus funds. Veto by Evers likely.

Back in the News: Meet the Pandemic Profiteers
Back in the News

Meet the Pandemic Profiteers

Menard, Hendricks, Kohler among top 100 plutocrats getting richer during pandemic.

Republicans Attack Zuckerberg Election Grants Again

Republicans Attack Zuckerberg Election Grants Again

Using emails from Green Bay's former clerk, GOP lawmakers are calling for an investigation.

Ron Johnson Pushes Conspiracies Ahead of Possible Third Term

Ron Johnson Pushes Conspiracies Ahead of Possible Third Term

The Senator has become a controversial figure as opponents queue up to run against him.

Senators Baldwin, Klobuchar, Peters Urge Tech Industry Leaders to Combat Coronavirus Vaccine Misinformation
Statement from U.S. Senator Ron Johnson on Electoral College Proceedings
Tiffany, Fitzgerald Object To Some Biden Electors

Tiffany, Fitzgerald Object To Some Biden Electors

Hours after chaos at the Capitol, two members of Wisconsin's congressional delegation vote to overturn part of the election, effort fails.

Wisconsin Republicans Join New Federal Election Lawsuit

Wisconsin Republicans Join New Federal Election Lawsuit

Suit seeks to toss results from five states in advance of Electoral College.

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Won’t End Election Complaints
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Won’t End Election Complaints

It’s no longer about electing Trump. It’s laying the groundwork for voter suppression.

AG Kaul & 48 AGs File Lawsuit Seeking to End Facebook’s Illegal Monopoly
Press Release

AG Kaul & 48 AGs File Lawsuit Seeking to End Facebook’s Illegal Monopoly

Bipartisan Coalition of AGs Charge Anticompetitive Conduct Facebook Thwarted Competition, Reduced Consumer Privacy for Profits December 9, 2020

Data Wonk: Trump’s Lawyers vs Democracy
Data Wonk

Trump’s Lawyers vs Democracy

Reading through the lawsuits, you can see why judges rejected them

Trump Allies Sue To Throw Out Wisconsin Election

Trump Allies Sue To Throw Out Wisconsin Election

Suit would overturn results before recount even done and have Legislature choose electors.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Calls on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to Provide Answers After Facebook Failed to Promptly Remove Event Calling for Violence in Kenosha
Johnson Presses Tech CEOs on Inherent Bias, Impact on American Politics
BBB Scam Alert: Con artists impersonate your favorite celebrity
Judge Rejects Challenge to Election Grants

Judge Rejects Challenge to Election Grants

Conservative group argued against cities accepting private grants for election activities.

Facebook, Instagram Axed from Palzewicz Campaign
Back in the News: State’s Richest Get Even Richer
Back in the News

State’s Richest Get Even Richer

New Forbes 400 list includes eight Wisconsinites, led by John Menard, with Diane Hendricks not far behind.

Civil Rights Groups Open Letter to Facebook on Kenosha: Strengthen and Enforce Hateful Activity Moderation to Prevent Further Loss of Life
AG Kaul Joins Letter Calling on Facebook to Take Stronger Steps to Prevent Use of Its Platforms to Spread Hate and Disinformation
Report: 8 Billionaires in Wisconsin See Net Worth Jump $14.2 Billion or 36.1% in First Three Months of COVID-19 Pandemic
Press Release

Report: 8 Billionaires in Wisconsin See Net Worth Jump $14.2 Billion or 36.1% in First Three Months of COVID-19 Pandemic

Meanwhile Wisconsinites, State & Local Governments Face Financial Hardship as Congress Stalls on New COVID-19 Financial Aid Package