James Peterson

Content referencing James Peterson

Letters from Evers, Republicans Show Clash on Juvenile Corrections

Letters from Evers, Republicans Show Clash on Juvenile Corrections

Battling over court-mandated changes at Lincoln Hills and Copper Lake facilities.

The State of Politics: Judges Writing New Election Rules
The State of Politics

Judges Writing New Election Rules

Partisan impasse between governor and Legislature increasingly leaves courts deciding rules.

Elections Board Okays Help For Disabled Voters

Elections Board Okays Help For Disabled Voters

Per federal court ruling, it votes 4-2 to let disabled voters get help with absentee ballots.

Federal Judge Allows Ballot Assistance for Disabled Voters

Federal Judge Allows Ballot Assistance for Disabled Voters

Judge strikes down state Supreme Court ruling that all voters must return ballots themselves.

US Court Blocks Ruling Preventing Help for Disabled Voters

US Court Blocks Ruling Preventing Help for Disabled Voters

Court says requiring disabled voters to cast ballots themselves violates Voting Rights Act.

Judge Signals Support of State’s Disabled Voters

Judge Signals Support of State’s Disabled Voters

Federal lawsuit seeks to overturn Wisconsin Supreme Court decision limiting how disabled can vote.

Back in the News: Conservative Group Loses Suit Against Evers
Back in the News

Conservative Group Loses Suit Against Evers

Federal court rejects MacIver Institute's demand for access to governors's press briefings.

Wisconsin Inmate Wins Suit For Sex Reassignment Surgery

Wisconsin Inmate Wins Suit For Sex Reassignment Surgery

Judge says the public interest lies in "alleviating needless suffering by those who are dependent on the government for their care."

Judge Won’t Rule on Student ID Voting Requirements

Judge Won’t Rule on Student ID Voting Requirements

Plaintiffs argue that specific ID requirements are a barrier to voting for students.

Op Ed: Appeals Court Allows Suppression of Black Votes
Op Ed

Appeals Court Allows Suppression of Black Votes

Cynical decision allows Republican suppression because it's all part of a partisan game.

Appeals Court Upholds Early Voting Restriction

Appeals Court Upholds Early Voting Restriction

Overrules federal district court, upholds Republican restrictions on voting in Wisconsin.

What’s Going on With Voting List Purge?

What’s Going on With Voting List Purge?

A scramble in the courts and an uncertain future.

Foxconn Announces $83M in Additional Construction Awards
Press Release

Foxconn Announces $83M in Additional Construction Awards

Company awards sixteen additional subcontracts as precast panel installation concludes for the advanced manufacturing facility at Wisconn Valley Science and Technology Park

Three Year Anniversary of Victory for Voter Rights in Wisconsin
Press Release

Three Year Anniversary of Victory for Voter Rights in Wisconsin

2016 Federal Court Decision in One Wisconsin Institute, et. al. v. Thomsen, et. al Paved way for Expanded Early Voting

High Court Reinstates Lame Duck Laws

High Court Reinstates Lame Duck Laws

State Supreme Court will keep most of the laws in effect while it decides on appeals to them.

Conservatives Argue Against Lame-Duck Lawsuit

Conservatives Argue Against Lame-Duck Lawsuit

Right-leaning members of Wisconsin Supreme Court skeptical in oral arguments on lawsuit challenging lame-duck session before Evers took office.

Supreme Court Restores Lame Duck Appointees

Supreme Court Restores Lame Duck Appointees

State high court rules 4-3 that all 82 Walker appointees can return to work.

Construction to Begin in April on Wisconn Valley Way
Press Release

Construction to Begin in April on Wisconn Valley Way

Medford-based James Peterson and Sons awarded $16.9 million contract

No Joke: Record Early Voting in Spring 2019 Election
Press Release

No Joke: Record Early Voting in Spring 2019 Election

‘Voters Vote When Given the Opportunity to Vote’

Early Voting for 2019 Spring Election Sees Increased Voter Participation
Press Release

Early Voting for 2019 Spring Election Sees Increased Voter Participation

Residents have opportunity to vote early until Saturday, March 30

Neubauer for Justice Has 98% of All Judicial Endorsements in WI Supreme Court Race
Press Release

Neubauer for Justice Has 98% of All Judicial Endorsements in WI Supreme Court Race

The choice of judiciary and law enforcement community is clear

Robin Vos Giving $500 an Hour Lawyers a Blank Check to Defend His Scheme to Rig the Rules for Foxconn
Press Release

Robin Vos Giving $500 an Hour Lawyers a Blank Check to Defend His Scheme to Rig the Rules for Foxconn

‘The Only Thing Wisconsin Taxpayers are Getting Out of These Republican Deals is Being Stuck With the Bill’

Unions Files Suit Against Lame Duck Laws

Unions Files Suit Against Lame Duck Laws

Second suit filed, argues Republicans violated state constitution.

Evers Hires Private Lawyers In Lame Duck Case

Evers Hires Private Lawyers In Lame Duck Case

Suit seeks to overturn Republican laws limiting governor’s powers.

Federal Court Sides With One Wisconsin Now in Twitter Blocking Lawsuit Against Republican State Representatives
Press Release

Federal Court Sides With One Wisconsin Now in Twitter Blocking Lawsuit Against Republican State Representatives

‘A Victory for Open, Transparent and Accountable Government’

Judge Blocks Lame Duck Voting Restrictions

Judge Blocks Lame Duck Voting Restrictions

“This is not a close question,” says federal judge, invalidating GOP law limiting early voting.

Federal Judge Tosses Wisconsin Republican Lame Duck Attacks on Voting
Press Release

Federal Judge Tosses Wisconsin Republican Lame Duck Attacks on Voting

Ruling: ‘This Is Not A Close Question: The Three Challenged Provisions Are Clearly Inconsistent With The Injunctions That The Court Has Issued In This Case’

Data Wonk: Will Judge Peterson Allow Voting Restrictions?
Data Wonk

Will Judge Peterson Allow Voting Restrictions?

Since lame duck law reinstates provisions he previously struck down, that seems unlikely.

History Repeats With Latest Post-Election Republican Attack on Early Voting
Press Release

History Repeats With Latest Post-Election Republican Attack on Early Voting

Attack on Voter Rights Launched Just Days After Suffering Statewide Election Losses in 2012 and 2018

Court Challenge to Voting Restrictions Filed

Court Challenge to Voting Restrictions Filed

Liberal groups ask federal court to block lame duck law’s restriction on early voting.

Murphy’s Law: State Facing Endless Lawsuits?
Murphy’s Law

State Facing Endless Lawsuits?

Suits by governor, legislature, citizens coming on lame duck laws, gerrymandering.

One Wisconsin Institute Files Request for Court to Enforce Rulings Striking Down Republican Lame Duck Restrictions on Voting
Press Release

One Wisconsin Institute Files Request for Court to Enforce Rulings Striking Down Republican Lame Duck Restrictions on Voting

‘Attempts to Rig the Rules on Voting Were Unconstitutional in 2016 and They’re Unconstitutional Today’

One Wisconsin Institute Announces Coming Legal Action Against GOP ‘Lame Duck’ Voting Rights Attacks
Press Release

One Wisconsin Institute Announces Coming Legal Action Against GOP ‘Lame Duck’ Voting Rights Attacks

National Redistricting Foundation Will Support the Legal Challenge

Data Wonk: The Republican War Against Democracy
Data Wonk

The Republican War Against Democracy

Details in lame duck bills show disdain for democracy by Vos and Fitzgerald.

Bill Curbing Evers’ Power Moves to Legislature

Bill Curbing Evers’ Power Moves to Legislature

All 12 Republicans on Joint Finance back plan to reduce governor’s power, restrict early voting.

Will Republican Legislature Risk Contempt With Scheme to Enact New Limits on Early Voting?
Press Release

Will Republican Legislature Risk Contempt With Scheme to Enact New Limits on Early Voting?

GOP Anti-Voter Plot Would Directly Contradict Court Decision Protecting Early Voting Rights

Eight Days After November Election Republican Assembly Leader Robin Vos Requested New Restrictions on Early Voting
Press Release

Eight Days After November Election Republican Assembly Leader Robin Vos Requested New Restrictions on Early Voting

GOP Attempts to Rig Election Rules ‘Playing With Legal Fire’

Vos Republicans: ‘Too Many People Voted’
Press Release

Vos Republicans: ‘Too Many People Voted’

"On the heels of record midterm election turnout, driven in large part by record early voting, Republicans are trying to change the law to keep people from voting."

GOP ‘Playing with Fire’ Using Lame Duck to Rig Elections
Press Release

GOP ‘Playing with Fire’ Using Lame Duck to Rig Elections

"We and our legal counsel will be vigilant in monitoring what the Republicans attempt to do with state laws on voting in this lame duck session."

GOP Blames Voters Voting for Electoral Defeats, Proposes Plan to Limit Participation in 2020 State High Court Race
Press Release

GOP Blames Voters Voting for Electoral Defeats, Proposes Plan to Limit Participation in 2020 State High Court Race

Assembly Republican Leader Vos ‘Hell-Bent on Undermining Checks and Balances’

Post-One Wisconsin Institute Lawsuit, Voters Continue to Shatter Early Vote Records
Press Release

Post-One Wisconsin Institute Lawsuit, Voters Continue to Shatter Early Vote Records

‘Record Numbers Show When You Let Voters Vote, They Vote’

Voter ID Lowered Turnout, Studies Show

Voter ID Lowered Turnout, Studies Show

Wisconsin, other states had lower turnout, especially by minority and college-age voters.

Court Watch: State ‘Cocaine Mom’ Law Reinstated
Court Watch

State ‘Cocaine Mom’ Law Reinstated

Federal court overrules state court decision voiding law allowing jailing of drug-using mothers.

Former Scott Walker Corrections Secretary Ed Wall Blasts Walker in New Ad Released by the Tony Evers Campaign
Press Release

Former Scott Walker Corrections Secretary Ed Wall Blasts Walker in New Ad Released by the Tony Evers Campaign

Former Walker Appointee Says Walker Badly Mismanaged Lincoln Hills Situation

Assembly Bill Runs Afoul of Federal Court Decision Protecting Early Voting
Press Release

Assembly Bill Runs Afoul of Federal Court Decision Protecting Early Voting

Legislation Would Impose ‘Separate and Unequal Process’ in Violation of Court Ruling Striking Down Discriminatory Early Vote Restrictions

New Study Finds Gov. Scott Walker, Republican Voter ID Law Kept Legal Voters From Casting Ballots in November 2016 Election
Press Release

New Study Finds Gov. Scott Walker, Republican Voter ID Law Kept Legal Voters From Casting Ballots in November 2016 Election

‘Enemies Foreign and Domestic Conspired to Manipulate the 2016 Elections in Wisconsin’

APB For AG: Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel Shamefully Silent on Donald Trump’s Coddling of White Supremacists, Nazis
Press Release

APB For AG: Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel Shamefully Silent on Donald Trump’s Coddling of White Supremacists, Nazis

‘Shame on Brad Schimel For His Silence, For His Lack of Courage and For His Lack of Leadership’

Scott Walker Wraps Himself in Hypocrisy With Latest Fundraising Solicitation
Press Release

Scott Walker Wraps Himself in Hypocrisy With Latest Fundraising Solicitation

If You Love American Democracy, What Scott Walker Has Done to Elections in Wisconsin Will Break Your Heart

Gov. Scott Walker Standing By Instead of Standing Up to Trump on Request For Voter’s Personal Information
Press Release

Gov. Scott Walker Standing By Instead of Standing Up to Trump on Request For Voter’s Personal Information

Governor’s Cowardice is Disappointing But Not Unexpected

Federal Court finds current conditions of confinement for youth at Lincoln Hills and Copper Lake Schools unconstitutional
Press Release

Federal Court finds current conditions of confinement for youth at Lincoln Hills and Copper Lake Schools unconstitutional

Last month, Lincoln Hills and Copper Lake incarcerated 166 youth, and kept an average of 27 youth per day in solitary confinement.

Trump Administration Already in Reruns With Proposed Investigation of Voting Impropriety
Press Release

Trump Administration Already in Reruns With Proposed Investigation of Voting Impropriety

We’ve Seen This Show Before in Wisconsin

The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same: Gov. Scott Walker Promotes Election Falsehoods
Press Release

The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same: Gov. Scott Walker Promotes Election Falsehoods

‘Walker Has Never Hesitated to Run Afoul of the Truth to Advance His Political Ambitions’

Murphy’s Law: Did Trump Steal Wisconsin?
Murphy’s Law

Did Trump Steal Wisconsin?

Some point to voter suppression as a factor in this state and others.

The Early Votes Are In
Press Release

The Early Votes Are In

Federal lawsuit paves way for record early voting, with nearly 800,000 ballots cast

GOP Scheming to Limit Voting Before November 2016 Election is Even Over
Press Release

GOP Scheming to Limit Voting Before November 2016 Election is Even Over

Assembly Republican Leader Sets Sights on New Early Voting Restrictions, Voting Rights Advocates Vow, ‘He Won’t Get Away With It’

Mayor Barrett Reports on In-Person Absentee Voting Numbers
Press Release

Mayor Barrett Reports on In-Person Absentee Voting Numbers

More than 38,000 in-person absentee ballots have been casted since September 26

Murphy’s Law: Schimel Patrols Only Democratic Voters?
Murphy’s Law

Schimel Patrols Only Democratic Voters?

AG’s “Election Integrity Unit” will monitor polls, but targets urban or Democratic areas.

Donald Trump Is Scott Walker’s Apprentice on Phony Voter Fraud Claims
Press Release

Donald Trump Is Scott Walker’s Apprentice on Phony Voter Fraud Claims

‘Will Walker Finally Admit He Was Trying to Rig Elections With Voter Suppression Bills?’

Murphy’s Law: GOP’s New Way to Suppress Votes
Murphy’s Law

GOP’s New Way to Suppress Votes

States like Wisconsin change voting rules, cause confusion, lower Democratic turnout.

Mayor Barrett Reports on In-Person Absentee Voting Numbers
Press Release

Mayor Barrett Reports on In-Person Absentee Voting Numbers

More than 6,000 in-person absentee ballots have been casted since September 26

Amid Media Reports of Legal Voters Being Denied Voter ID, State Legislative Committee Considers Voter ID Rules
Press Release

Amid Media Reports of Legal Voters Being Denied Voter ID, State Legislative Committee Considers Voter ID Rules

Instead of Debating Rules They Can’t Be Trusted to Follow, Legislature Ought to Suspend Voter ID Law

Voters Across Wisconsin Begin Early Voting Today as Result of Historic Lawsuit
Press Release

Voters Across Wisconsin Begin Early Voting Today as Result of Historic Lawsuit

‘Voters Being Able to Cast Their Votes Is the Essence of Democracy’ —One Wisconsin Institute

Voting Wars: Wisconsin Has No Voter Impersonation Problem
Voting Wars

Wisconsin Has No Voter Impersonation Problem

Gov. Scott Walker says the lack of voter impersonation cases does not matter if there is a chance that even one vote is canceled out by fraud.

Voting Wars: College Students Face Unique Barriers to Voting
Voting Wars

College Students Face Unique Barriers to Voting

Courts have thrown out some requirements, but most college IDs can’t be used.

Op-Ed: Schimel’s Southern Strategy on Voter Rights

Schimel’s Southern Strategy on Voter Rights

His “states rights” argument echoes segregationists like George Wallace, gets rejected.

Three-Judge Panel Rejects Gov. Walker and Republicans’ Latest Efforts to Keep Anti-Voter Measures in Place for November Election
Press Release

Three-Judge Panel Rejects Gov. Walker and Republicans’ Latest Efforts to Keep Anti-Voter Measures in Place for November Election

Huge Victory for Wisconsin Voters as District Court Ruling Striking Down Restrictions on Early Voting Stands

Op-Ed: All Citizens Have a Right to Vote

All Citizens Have a Right to Vote

But will state Election Commission act to make sure that happens?

How Election Laws Are Changing

How Election Laws Are Changing

Wisconsin is among 15 states with new election laws; many have been challenged in the courts.

Court Watch: Why Courts Have Limited Photo ID
Court Watch

Why Courts Have Limited Photo ID

Two recent cases have made Wisconsin ground zero for voting rights.

Federal Judges Hand Down Two Voting Rights Victories For Wisconsinites
Press Release

Federal Judges Hand Down Two Voting Rights Victories For Wisconsinites

This wasn't the only victory for Wisconsinites.

Judge Rules in Favor of One Wisconsin Institute Voter Rights Claims
Press Release

Judge Rules in Favor of One Wisconsin Institute Voter Rights Claims

‘We Argued Gov. Walker Made It Harder for Democrats to Vote and Easier for Republicans to Cheat, and the Judge Agreed’

Closing Statements in Federal Voting Rights Case Call for End to Gov. Walker, GOP’s Effort to Rig Elections
Press Release

Closing Statements in Federal Voting Rights Case Call for End to Gov. Walker, GOP’s Effort to Rig Elections

The Real Fraud Has Been Exposed: Politicians Manipulating Rules on Voting to Give Themselves an Unfair Partisan Advantage

Murphy’s Law: GOP Goal Less Access for Democratic Voters
Murphy’s Law

GOP Goal Less Access for Democratic Voters

But you have to sift through media coverage of trial testimony for the story.

Murphy’s Law: GOP Goal Less Access for Democratic Voters

Contribution to Tony Zielinski of $50