Content referencing Marc Levine

Milwaukee Is Losing a Generation of Black Men To Drug Crisis

Milwaukee Is Losing a Generation of Black Men To Drug Crisis

Older Black men account for a growing share of Milwaukee drug deaths as fentanyl is mixed into cocaine.

Op Ed: Milwaukee’s Climate Plan Could Be Game Changer
Op Ed

Milwaukee’s Climate Plan Could Be Game Changer

Equity component of plan would create jobs for those that need them most.

Could Guaranteed Income Close Racial Wealth Gap?

Could Guaranteed Income Close Racial Wealth Gap?

Wisconsin cities, including Milwaukee, are participating in guaranteed income pilot program.

How the Biden Agenda Delivered for Wisconsin This Week
Groups Target Racial Home Ownership Gap

Groups Target Racial Home Ownership Gap

Just 26% of Blacks in Wisconsin own their home compared to 72% of whites.

League of Women Voters Statement on Police Department Budget and Money Reallocation
Op Ed: A City and Life That’s Segregated
Op Ed

A City and Life That’s Segregated

A look at our individual responsibility in creating change for Milwaukee.

Murphy’s Law: Can City’s Dismal Ranking for Blacks Improve?
Murphy’s Law

Can City’s Dismal Ranking for Blacks Improve?

New study suggests city couldn’t get any worse. New effort aims to improve that.

Recent study outlines grim reality for African-Americans in Milwaukee
New Initiative Challenges Metro Milwaukee Creative Industry To Diversify by Hiring At Least 1,600 Minority Employees By 2030
Press Release

New Initiative Challenges Metro Milwaukee Creative Industry To Diversify by Hiring At Least 1,600 Minority Employees By 2030

Initiative Launches With Free Dec. 4 Event, Participation in Mayor’s Summer Youth Internship Program

53206 ZIP Code Has “Stealth Depression”

53206 ZIP Code Has “Stealth Depression”

Research finds adult male employment up since Great Recession, but still faces concentrated economic disadvantage.

Misery Index Persists in 53206

Misery Index Persists in 53206

New report finds "enduring ecosystem of disadvantage” in north side ZIP Code.

Jewish Museum Milwaukee Exhibit Recounts Jewish, African American Alliance for Civil Rights
Press Release

Jewish Museum Milwaukee Exhibit Recounts Jewish, African American Alliance for Civil Rights

Museum forms committee of local leaders dedicated to ongoing mutual advocacy for equality

More Than Downtown Development Needed

More Than Downtown Development Needed

City leaders at economic summit say more development must occur in neighborhoods.

City Residents Hiring Program Falls Short

City Residents Hiring Program Falls Short

Promising effort employs minorities in construction, needs more monitoring and funding.

300+ Strong Amplifies Black Voices

300+ Strong Amplifies Black Voices

Black community leaders pay tribute to Eric Von, challenge youth to “pick up the baton.”

Aldermen Unveil Anti-Violence Initiative

Aldermen Unveil Anti-Violence Initiative

Hamilton and 11 other aldermen call for “holistic approach” to gun violence.

CEO Pay Drives Inequality, Researcher Finds

CEO Pay Drives Inequality, Researcher Finds

Data on Milwaukee CEOs discussed at UWM summit on inequality.

UW-Milwaukee hosts experts discussion of city’s growing inequality
Press Release

UW-Milwaukee hosts experts discussion of city’s growing inequality

The event takes place at 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 19, in the Edith S. Hefter Conference Center, 3271 N. Lake Dr.

Black Leaders Say Joblessness Among Black Men is Rooted in Racism

Black Leaders Say Joblessness Among Black Men is Rooted in Racism

Summit explores the causes of high black male unemployment in Milwaukee.

Chief Flynn Calls for Tougher Gun Laws

Chief Flynn Calls for Tougher Gun Laws

Bashes concealed carry law, says carrying illegal firearm should be a felony.

Data Wonk: Predicting Wisconsin’s Economic Future
Data Wonk

Predicting Wisconsin’s Economic Future

Two commentators fiercely disagree as to whether Wisconsin has turned the corner. Who’s right?

Data Wonk: Will Streetcar Help The Inner City?
Data Wonk

Will Streetcar Help The Inner City?

Opponents say it won’t. Let’s examine the data.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee’s Miraculous Water Hub
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee’s Miraculous Water Hub

Almost overnight, the city has become an international leader in water technology, says the national media. Are they right?

Luxury versus necessities
Press Release

Luxury versus necessities

Statement from Alderman Joe Davis, Sr. December 9, 2014

Data Wonk: Is Walker to Blame for Poor Job Growth?
Data Wonk

Is Walker to Blame for Poor Job Growth?

Liberal and conservatives adamantly disagree. What does the data show?

Plenty of Horne: Will Water Technology Transform the City?
Plenty of Horne

Will Water Technology Transform the City?

Badger Meter CEO says Milwaukee can remake itself as 15th century Florence once did, in speech at downtown GMC event.

Planning and a Pint Series Takes on Bradley Center Debate
Press Release

Planning and a Pint Series Takes on Bradley Center Debate

Discussion at the Bradley Center will center around future of facility, and the possibility a new arena.

Murphy’s Law: The Myth of the Welders Shortage
Murphy’s Law

The Myth of the Welders Shortage

Journal Sentinel claims it’s because MATC does a poor job of training workers. Is that true?

Murphy’s Law: Does Wisconsin Really Have a “Skills Gap”?
Murphy’s Law

Does Wisconsin Really Have a “Skills Gap”?

Journal Sentinel stories continue to insist we do, but a new study says no.

Murphy’s Law: The World According to Tim Sullivan
Murphy’s Law

The World According to Tim Sullivan

The business leader's unproven idea of a “skills gap” is misleading state policymakers.

Murphy’s Law: The $74 Million Gamble
Murphy’s Law

The $74 Million Gamble

Can Milwaukee become a world water hub? It’s betting $74 million it can.

Prof. Levine Presents Bleak Job Market

Prof. Levine Presents Bleak Job Market

Professor Marc Levine presented a a communication from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Center for Economic Development regarding employment trends in the country’s cities. Professor Levine presented a fairly bleak view of Milwaukee’s job market and although he thought some of the efforts by the City of Milwaukee were positive he said they were “micro fixes because they’re not market changing”. He went on to say that “we need a bolder market changing strategy” if we hope to improve the job market here in the City of Milwaukee. Much like when he present his report regarding the jobless rate in the inner city he again pointed to a mass transit system, such as Denver’s $4.7 Billion 120 mile regional transit system, as a possible solution to jump start job growth and encourage business development in the future. Resolution 071451 proposed increasing the Emerging Business Enterprise (EBE) requirements from 18 percent to 25 percent for City of Milwaukee funded construction projects. The goal of EBE requirements is to help small business within the City of Milwaukee access opportunities they might not otherwise be afforded. In the past the City of Milwaukee has averaged 22.9 percent participation for construction projects so this new target represents a higher goal of achievement but one that is obtainable. Alderman Ashanti Hamilton made the motion to hold the resolution for one cycle to get “all the pieces” in the resolution that the committee felt were needed.