Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesman, Brandon Weathersby.

Content referencing Brandon Weathersby

MKE County: Sheehy Says Local Sales Tax Must Help Fund Brewers’ Stadium
MKE County

Sheehy Says Local Sales Tax Must Help Fund Brewers’ Stadium

Some of new city and county sales tax must be spent on the team, business leader says.

Brewers Continue Push for Stadium Subsidy

Brewers Continue Push for Stadium Subsidy

Team threatening to move as Republican legislators craft plan including local tax support.

Murphy’s Law: State Sales Tax Deal Toughest on City
Murphy’s Law

State Sales Tax Deal Toughest on City

Deal for Milwaukee County far better than for city. Why? Blame police union.

Murphy’s Law: Will Vos Kill Shared Revenue Hike For City?
Murphy’s Law

Will Vos Kill Shared Revenue Hike For City?

Assembly Speaker's comments blasting Milwaukee worries Mayor Johnson.

Murphy’s Law: Does City Need Another War Memorial?
Murphy’s Law

Does City Need Another War Memorial?

It’s being offered for free to the county. But will it junk up the lakefront?

Milwaukee Leaders Address Rise in Violence

Milwaukee Leaders Address Rise in Violence

MU poll found nearly 40% of Milwaukeeans worry about safety.

MKE County: Crowley Merging County Departments
MKE County

Crowley Merging County Departments

The administration says the move will make for better service, but not everyone is happy.

Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley Names Brandon Weathersby as New Director of Communications
GOP Budget Jacks Up Auto Fees

GOP Budget Jacks Up Auto Fees

Vehicle title fee up 137%; higher fees would raise $393 million for roads.

Gronik Campaign Response to WisGOP’s Blatantly Racist and Offensive Complaint
Press Release

Gronik Campaign Response to WisGOP’s Blatantly Racist and Offensive Complaint

"These accusations go beyond the typical dog-whistle and red meat politics we've grown to expect from Scott Walker's political machine..."

Senator Ron Johnson Claims He Doesn’t “Have a Clue What We’re Going To Be Voting On,” Casts Key Vote Anyway
Kevin Nicholson Silent as Republicans Raided Funding for King
Press Release

Kevin Nicholson Silent as Republicans Raided Funding for King

Did Kevin Nicholson support Rep. Dale Kooyenga and D.C. Leah's votes to raid millions from the funds available to take care of Wisconsin's elderly veterans?

Kevin Nicholson Ignored Whistleblowers, Skipped Briefing, Tour, “Took Few Visible Actions”
Press Release

Kevin Nicholson Ignored Whistleblowers, Skipped Briefing, Tour, “Took Few Visible Actions”

"Kevin Nicholson was in a position to stop the problems at Wisconsin Veterans Home at King and he did nothing until it was politically expedient."

Wisconsin is still wondering: Where’s Kevin on health care repeal?
Press Release

Wisconsin is still wondering: Where’s Kevin on health care repeal?

"It's time for Kevin to come out of the shadows and show his support for the Senate GOP legislation."

National Trend Appears as Gov. Scott Walker and Republican Governors Struggle to Govern
Press Release

National Trend Appears as Gov. Scott Walker and Republican Governors Struggle to Govern

Republican-led Illinois, Maine and New Jersey all failed to pass a state budget before the July 1st deadline.

Amid Budget Impasse, Gov. Scott Walker to Beg President Trump for a Re-Election Federal Bailout
Press Release

Amid Budget Impasse, Gov. Scott Walker to Beg President Trump for a Re-Election Federal Bailout

In a memo released today, Walker proposed asking the federal government for $300 million in long-term borrowing to fill holes in his transportation budget.

Walker Joins Cruz, Tea Party Supporting Massive Unfunded Mandate on Wisconsin
Press Release

Walker Joins Cruz, Tea Party Supporting Massive Unfunded Mandate on Wisconsin

"Stop playing partisan politics and put Wisconsin first, for once."

Another Top Tier Senate Contender Bows Out of Race
Press Release

Another Top Tier Senate Contender Bows Out of Race

AP broke the news that Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch has decided not to enter the GOP primary for U.S. Senate.

Will Gov. Scott Walker Stand Up For Vulnerable Wisconsinites At Risk Of Losing Health Care Insurance?
Press Release

Will Gov. Scott Walker Stand Up For Vulnerable Wisconsinites At Risk Of Losing Health Care Insurance?

It's been widely reported that Senate Republicans are drafting their version of Trumpcare behind closed doors.

Rep. Sean Duffy Actually Said These Words Out Loud
Press Release

Rep. Sean Duffy Actually Said These Words Out Loud

"And my concern, Martha, is what the hell are we investigating?"

Stalled: Republicans Struggle With State Budget Process
Press Release

Stalled: Republicans Struggle With State Budget Process

Sen. Leah Vukmir and Rep. Dale Kooyenga Fail To Get The Job Done

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Exposed
Press Release

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Exposed

CNN Reports Sheriff Clarke Plagiarized Portions of his Master's Thesis On Homeland Security

Where’s Kevin?
Press Release

Where’s Kevin?

We Have More Questions Following Kevin Nicholson's Disastrous Interview About His Record of Supporting Democrats

AG Brad Schimel’s Gross Incompetence On Display At Department Of Justice
Press Release

AG Brad Schimel’s Gross Incompetence On Display At Department Of Justice

Schimel struggled once again to describe the state’s progress in the state's rape kit backlog

Gov. Scott Walker Largest Benefactor Of Betsy DeVos Led Campaign To Unfairly Fund Unaccountable Private Schools
Press Release

Gov. Scott Walker Largest Benefactor Of Betsy DeVos Led Campaign To Unfairly Fund Unaccountable Private Schools

"For six years, Gov. Walker has come up with excuse after excuse for making historic cuts to public education..."

Attorney General Brad Schimel’s Department of Justice Deserves Extra Scrutiny
Press Release

Attorney General Brad Schimel’s Department of Justice Deserves Extra Scrutiny

DoJ spent 10,000 on challenge coins, rape kit backlog still looms The History of A Political Opportunist
Press Release The History of A Political Opportunist

The new website walks through political opportunist and wannabe GOP Senate nominee.

Gov. Walker Must Support Covering Wisconsinites With Pre-Existing Conditions
Press Release

Gov. Walker Must Support Covering Wisconsinites With Pre-Existing Conditions

"The Governor should decline a waiver exempting insurance companies from prohibitions that help individuals with pre-existing conditions get the care they need."

Political Opportunist Kevin Nicholson Caught in His Lies
Press Release

Political Opportunist Kevin Nicholson Caught in His Lies

"Kevin Nicholson is a political opportunist that runs to catch the political winds."

Gov. Scott Walker Still Refuses To Act As Grand Jury Recommends Criminal Charges Against Sheriff Clarke’s Staff
Press Release

Gov. Scott Walker Still Refuses To Act As Grand Jury Recommends Criminal Charges Against Sheriff Clarke’s Staff

"Unfortunately, this is right in line with Walker's record on public safety."

Is Sheriff David Clarke Backing Down From Challenging Sen. Tammy Baldwin?
Press Release

Is Sheriff David Clarke Backing Down From Challenging Sen. Tammy Baldwin?

"Sheriff Clarke has tried everything under the sun to increase his profile."

Speaker Paul Ryan Returns To His District Only To Receive An Award
Press Release

Speaker Paul Ryan Returns To His District Only To Receive An Award

Since 1999, Speaker Ryan has only passed three bills that have become law where he was the lead sponsor.

Illinois Multi-Millionaire Super PAC Launches False Attack Ads
Press Release

Illinois Multi-Millionaire Super PAC Launches False Attack Ads

Super PAC Attacks Get Pulled

D.C. Leah Hits Corrupt Washington Lobbying Group For Campaign Cash
Press Release

D.C. Leah Hits Corrupt Washington Lobbying Group For Campaign Cash

"D.C. Leah is going above and beyond to show her interests lie with powerful D.C. special interest..."

President Trump Announces Support for Tammy Baldwin’s #BuyAmerica Legislation
Press Release

President Trump Announces Support for Tammy Baldwin’s #BuyAmerica Legislation

"President Trump supports Senator Tammy Baldwin's legislation to create and retain manufacturing jobs in Wisconsin."

Manafort Pushes Chinese Billionaire Steel, Trump Feigns Buy America Support
Press Release

Manafort Pushes Chinese Billionaire Steel, Trump Feigns Buy America Support

While Trump has promised a “Buy American, Hire American” policy, he and Speaker Ryan have repeatedly done the opposite.

Sen. Ron Johnson Breaks 200 Years of Precedent for Anti-Children, Anti-Worker, Pro-Corporate Supreme Court Justice
Press Release

Sen. Ron Johnson Breaks 200 Years of Precedent for Anti-Children, Anti-Worker, Pro-Corporate Supreme Court Justice

Gorsuch’s decisions have been wildly pro-corporate and both anti-worker’s and women’s rights.

Sen. Leah Vukmir’s Ugly Record On Equal Pay
Press Release

Sen. Leah Vukmir’s Ugly Record On Equal Pay

In 2009, then-Rep. Leah Vukmir voted against the Democratic-led legislature making it easier for victims of wage discrimination to have their day in court.

Rep. Glenn Grothman Fights to Make Trumpcare Worse and Stifle Wisconsin’s Economy in the Process
Press Release

Rep. Glenn Grothman Fights to Make Trumpcare Worse and Stifle Wisconsin’s Economy in the Process

Grothman has introduced an amendment to unfairly kick 26-year-olds off their parent's health care insurance.

Just Call Her ‘D.C. Leah’
Press Release

Just Call Her ‘D.C. Leah’

Vukmir Kicks off Senate Campaign with Lobbyists, Elite in DC

Republican Extremists Eye Fetal Tissue Bill for the Second Straight Legislative Session
Press Release

Republican Extremists Eye Fetal Tissue Bill for the Second Straight Legislative Session

"Not only is this proposal out of touch with the needs of everyday Wisconsinites, it does nothing to move our state forward."

Less coverage, higher costs, huge tax giveaways to those at the top. This took six years?
Press Release

Less coverage, higher costs, huge tax giveaways to those at the top. This took six years?

"This is a more of the same chaos, uncertainty, and half-baked ideas from Speaker Ryan's House and the Trump administration."

Gov. Scott Walker Is Desperate To Impress President Donald Trump
Press Release

Gov. Scott Walker Is Desperate To Impress President Donald Trump

Here are the facts you need to know about the Governor's D.C. establishment talking points

Wisconsin To Donald Trump: Scott Walker Has No Place At The Department of Labor
Press Release

Wisconsin To Donald Trump: Scott Walker Has No Place At The Department of Labor

During his tenure as Governor, Scott Walker has rammed destructive, anti-worker policies through the Republican-controlled legislature.

Wisconsin Republicans Shrug Off National Security Risk
Press Release

Wisconsin Republicans Shrug Off National Security Risk

"Just three weeks into the Trump Presidency, major national security risks have reared their head..."

Rep. Sean Duffy is Charleston, South Carolina’s Top Story
Press Release

Rep. Sean Duffy is Charleston, South Carolina’s Top Story

"Of course the people of Charleston are deeply offended by Rep. Sean Duffy's comments..."

Does Rep. Sean Duffy Support Hiking Home Insurance Premiums As Much As $900 On Wisconsin Households?
Press Release

Does Rep. Sean Duffy Support Hiking Home Insurance Premiums As Much As $900 On Wisconsin Households?

Homeowners could see the costs of homeownership rise due to President Trump's administrative order.

Meet Donald Trump’s Anti-Public Education, Influence Peddling Billionaire: Betsy DeVos
Press Release

Meet Donald Trump’s Anti-Public Education, Influence Peddling Billionaire: Betsy DeVos

DeVos presents a clear danger to public schools.

Speaker Paul Ryan Shows Loyalty Lies with Putin and the Kremlin, Not the American People
Press Release

Speaker Paul Ryan Shows Loyalty Lies with Putin and the Kremlin, Not the American People

The response from Speaker Ryan shows the worst kind of partisanship.

WI GOP Picks Kremlin Over The Heartland
Press Release

WI GOP Picks Kremlin Over The Heartland

They have stood by Donald Trump and his attacks on the intelligence community

Rep. Sean Duffy Chooses Trump’s Swamp Over Wisconsin
Press Release

Rep. Sean Duffy Chooses Trump’s Swamp Over Wisconsin

Duffy joins Wall Street insiders.

WisGOP Goes Full “Trump Train” In Eau Claire
Sen. Luther Olsen: “We Don’t Need Everybody To Go To College”
Press Release

Sen. Luther Olsen: “We Don’t Need Everybody To Go To College”

Olsen's comments are indicative of his failed leadership on the issue of college affordability.

Sen. Luther Olsen Plays Hide And Seek With The Voters
Press Release

Sen. Luther Olsen Plays Hide And Seek With The Voters

In a candidate forum the Senator Olsen refused to disclose if he would vote for his party's presidential nominee.

Open Records Request Further Reveals Sen. Luther Olsen’s Negligence of Wisconsin Veterans
Press Release

Open Records Request Further Reveals Sen. Luther Olsen’s Negligence of Wisconsin Veterans

Sen. Olsen skipped a meeting at the King Veterans home to attend another very "important obligation" - judging a baking contest.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Following Donald Trump Model Of Withholding Financial Records
Press Release

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Following Donald Trump Model Of Withholding Financial Records

In 2015, private groups or individuals paid $51,840 in airfare for the Milwaukee County Sheriff Clarke to fly to 25 events, meetings or speaking engagements.

Rep. Sean Duffy Chooses Big Banks and Wall Street over Main Street
Press Release

Rep. Sean Duffy Chooses Big Banks and Wall Street over Main Street

If he is successful the safeguards put in place after the great recession to protect everyday people from the big banks and Wall Street would be rolled back.

Mike Gallagher Doubles Down On Ill-Received Social Security Plan
Press Release

Mike Gallagher Doubles Down On Ill-Received Social Security Plan

Seniors are speaking out against Gallagher's plan because they know it would be a disaster.

Gov. Scott Walker’s True Governing Pay To Play Philosophy Exposed
Press Release

Gov. Scott Walker’s True Governing Pay To Play Philosophy Exposed

Scott Walker helped solicit $750,000 from Harold Simmons, one of the countries biggest producers of the lead used in paint, to the Wisconsin Club for Growth.

As Donald Trump Cozies Up To Vladimir Putin, Speaker Paul Ryan and Rep. Sean Duffy Continue To Support His Campaign
Press Release

As Donald Trump Cozies Up To Vladimir Putin, Speaker Paul Ryan and Rep. Sean Duffy Continue To Support His Campaign

Trump's praise for the Russian leader is unprecedented from a candidate running for President of the United States.

Duffy’s Dodge: Rep. Sean Duffy Refuses Six Debates Proposed By Mary Hoeft, But Asked For 20 Debates When He Ran In 2010
Press Release

Duffy’s Dodge: Rep. Sean Duffy Refuses Six Debates Proposed By Mary Hoeft, But Asked For 20 Debates When He Ran In 2010

In an election year where so much is at stake for Wisconsinites, it is crucial for the people of the 7th Congressional District to hear from both candidates on the issues that matter.

Gov. Scott Walker and Republicans Raid Veteran Home Fund
Press Release

Gov. Scott Walker and Republicans Raid Veteran Home Fund

Wisconsin Republicans give lip-service to the public when it comes to supporting our veterans.

Rep. Sean Duffy Dusts Off His Tin Foil Hat
Press Release

Rep. Sean Duffy Dusts Off His Tin Foil Hat

Again and again Duffy has defended Trump's outrageous actions.

Mike Gallagher Continues to Stand By Donald Trump
Press Release

Mike Gallagher Continues to Stand By Donald Trump

50 national security officials say Trump would be “most reckless President in American history”

Sean Duffy Treats Election Process Like It’s Reality TV
Press Release

Sean Duffy Treats Election Process Like It’s Reality TV

The convention is far from the first time Duffy has been two-faced with different audiences.

Paul Ryan’s Dangerous Endorsement of Donald Trump
Press Release

Paul Ryan’s Dangerous Endorsement of Donald Trump

Trump has demonstrated time and time again that he does not have the temperament to be the leader of the free world.

Gov. Scott Walker Needs to Urge DSPS To Revoke Dr. Houlihan’s Medical License
Press Release

Gov. Scott Walker Needs to Urge DSPS To Revoke Dr. Houlihan’s Medical License

The Wisconsin Medical Board, made up of appointees of Gov. Scott Walker, has the ability to revoke Houlihan's license.

Donald Trump’s Supreme Court Short List Includes Extreme, Ultra-Partisan Judge Diane Sykes
Press Release

Donald Trump’s Supreme Court Short List Includes Extreme, Ultra-Partisan Judge Diane Sykes

In 2013, Sykes wrote the opinion on the decision to ban women’s access to birth control through the Affordable Care Act.

With Low Approval Ratings in Wisconsin, Senator Johnson Turns to Billionaires to Fund his Campaign
Press Release

With Low Approval Ratings in Wisconsin, Senator Johnson Turns to Billionaires to Fund his Campaign

Two super PACs tied to the senator combined to rake in over $1.1 million last quarter with more than half of that coming from just two donors.