Op Ed: Is Walker a Russian Dupe?
Op Ed

Is Walker a Russian Dupe?

Did he get Russian donations that were funneled through NRA?

Gov. Scott Walker Political Operation Snagged $250,000 Check Mere Days After Meeting With Accused Russian Spy

Gov. Scott Walker Political Operation Snagged $250,000 Check Mere Days After Meeting With Accused Russian Spy

‘Sure looks like Scott Walker's Non-Meeting Meant Something to Somebody’

What’s Walker Hiding?

What’s Walker Hiding?

Scott Walker can’t seem to get his facts straight about Russian agent; Washington Post contradicts Walker spokesman's story

Campaign Cash: Russian Operative Highlights Walker’s NRA Ties
Campaign Cash

Russian Operative Highlights Walker’s NRA Ties

Gun lobby has given Walker $3.5 million; he’s rewarded them with pro-gun legislation.

Matt Flynn Blasts Scott Walker for Meeting with Russian Spy

Matt Flynn Blasts Scott Walker for Meeting with Russian Spy

Flynn says now, more than ever, we need a governor we can trust to stand up to America's enemies and adversaries

Plenty of Horne: Giuliani Can’t Practice Law in D.C.
Plenty of Horne

Giuliani Can’t Practice Law in D.C.

Trump's lawyer has "inactive" license in D.C. so can't defend president there.

Pocan Statement Regarding Reports that Russian-Linked Facebook Ads Targeted Wisconsin

Pocan Statement Regarding Reports that Russian-Linked Facebook Ads Targeted Wisconsin

"We must ensure the widespread Russian hacking and interference in the 2016 election never happens again."

Wisconsin Notified of Unsuccessful Russian Hacking Attempt

Wisconsin Notified of Unsuccessful Russian Hacking Attempt

Wisconsin is one of 21 states notified by Homeland Security that their voter registration systems were targeted by Russians.

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin A Key State for Russian Hacking
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin A Key State for Russian Hacking

And Ryan, Johnson, Duffy may have many questions to answer.

Report Suggests Wisconsin Voters Targeted by Collusion Between Trump Campaign, Russian Fake News Operation

Report Suggests Wisconsin Voters Targeted by Collusion Between Trump Campaign, Russian Fake News Operation

Scott Walker Owes Wisconsin Answers About Russian Meddling in Wisconsin Election

Rep. Pocan Statement on Former FBI Director James Comey’s Testimony on Trump and Russia

Rep. Pocan Statement on Former FBI Director James Comey’s Testimony on Trump and Russia

"Based on what Comey said during his testimony today, there is every indication that President Trump blatantly lied to the American people."

Speaker Paul Ryan Swears House GOP To Secrecy Regarding Trump’s Ties To Russia, Spokesperson Lies About The Conversation

Speaker Paul Ryan Swears House GOP To Secrecy Regarding Trump’s Ties To Russia, Spokesperson Lies About The Conversation

“There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said

As FBI Confirms Russia Investigation

As FBI Confirms Russia Investigation

Will Potential Republican Senate Candidates Keep Party First?

FBI Investigation into Links Between Trump/Russia Highlights Need for Special Prosecutor

FBI Investigation into Links Between Trump/Russia Highlights Need for Special Prosecutor

In response to FBI Director James Comey’s testimony to the the House Intelligence Committee about investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) released the following statement:

Revelations about Sessions’ Contact with Russia Warrants his Removal

Revelations about Sessions’ Contact with Russia Warrants his Removal

Amid reports that U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions failed to disclose his contact with Russian officials when asked under oath during his confirmation process, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) released the following statement

Senators Call for Independent Prosecutor to Investigate Trump Officials’ Collusion with Russia and Apparent White House Cover-Up

Senators Call for Independent Prosecutor to Investigate Trump Officials’ Collusion with Russia and Apparent White House Cover-Up

Senators to Sessions: “At stake is the integrity and honesty of our most trusted public officials and the viability of our justice system”

Rep. Pocan Urges President Trump to Fully Declassify Report on Russian Interference in 2016 Election

Rep. Pocan Urges President Trump to Fully Declassify Report on Russian Interference in 2016 Election

"I feel it is imperative the American people get all the facts…"

Murphy’s Law: Ron Johnson Asleep on Russian Hacking?
Murphy’s Law

Ron Johnson Asleep on Russian Hacking?

He was informed of problem, did nothing, then misled public about it.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Call for Bipartisan Senate Select Committee Investigation of Russian Interference in 2016 Election
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on Russian Cyberattacks

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on Russian Cyberattacks

“Russia’s interference in our elections cannot be dismissed or ignored.”

Wisconsin Comrades Set to Welcome Donald Trump, Whitewash Russian Attempts to Influence Elections

Wisconsin Comrades Set to Welcome Donald Trump, Whitewash Russian Attempts to Influence Elections

‘You Would Have Hoped That Patriotism Would Trump Blind Partisanship’