Israel Ramón, Milwaukee County Register of Deeds.

Formerly an attorney at Ramon & Medrano, S.C.


Content referencing Israel Ramón

Cream City Foundation Selects 20 Students for 2024 LGBTQ+ Scholarship Program
Vote Tuesday: Meet the Candidates for County Office
Vote Tuesday

Meet the Candidates for County Office

Cullen vs Chisholm for treasurer showdown is winner-take-all.

Murphy’s Law: The Cheaper Candidate For County Treasurer
Murphy’s Law

The Cheaper Candidate For County Treasurer

Reform candidate Ted Chisholm promises to work for less pay than incumbent David Cullen.

High Stakes, Low Turnout Special Election Tuesday

High Stakes, Low Turnout Special Election Tuesday

State senate race pits Dora Drake vs. LaKeshia Myers to replace Lena Taylor.

Murphy’s Law: Mayor, Democrats Target Rep. Ryan Clancy
Murphy’s Law

Mayor, Democrats Target Rep. Ryan Clancy

Why are they opposing incumbent Democrat? In a word, they hate him.

Murphy’s Law: The Return of County Cronyism
Murphy’s Law

The Return of County Cronyism

Or maybe it never went away. Push for 36% salary hikes echoes mentality behind infamous county pension plan.

MKE County: After Veto, Reporting, Board Reverses Course On 36% Raises For Electeds
MKE County

After Veto, Reporting, Board Reverses Course On 36% Raises For Electeds

Special meeting used to support county executive's original proposal of 11.5%.

MKE County: Crowley Vetoes Big Salary Hikes for Elected Officials
MKE County

Crowley Vetoes Big Salary Hikes for Elected Officials

36% pay hikes passed by board are 'unprecedented and irresponsible,' Crowley chides.

MKE County: Board Approves Unprecedented Pay Raise For Elected Officials
MKE County

Board Approves Unprecedented Pay Raise For Elected Officials

Board approves unprecedented 36% salary increases for elected officials without saying a word.

MKE County: Three County Officials Could Get Pay Hike
MKE County

Three County Officials Could Get Pay Hike

County Clerk, Treasurer and Register of Deeds could make six-figure salaries if board okays it.

Liz Sumner Announces Endorsements From Over a Dozen County Officials
Meet Milwaukee’s New Mayor Cavalier Johnson

Meet Milwaukee’s New Mayor Cavalier Johnson

Johnson, first elected Black mayor in Milwaukee history, promises to focus on crime, jobs, neighborhoods and relationship with state.

Nine Election Takeaways

Nine Election Takeaways

Big turnout, delayed votes, new faces in the Assembly and the Constitution Party.

WI WFP Sweeps Primaries
Press Release

WI WFP Sweeps Primaries

WI Progressive Candidates Announce Victory

MKE County: Many Back Ramon for Register of Deeds
MKE County

Many Back Ramon for Register of Deeds

Appointed by Evers in 2019 to fill the vacant office, he has racked up many endorsements.

Vote August 11th: Candidate List and Election Guide
Vote August 11th

Candidate List and Election Guide

Long list of candidates, but ballots will be short for most Milwaukeeans.

Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes Endorses Israel Ramón for Register of Deeds
Press Release

Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes Endorses Israel Ramón for Register of Deeds

Lt. Gov. sees Ramón as true progressive leader, reforms working

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers Endorses Israel Ramón for Register of Deeds
Press Release

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers Endorses Israel Ramón for Register of Deeds

Gov. Evers acknowledges progress made, more progressive reforms on the way

Murphy’s Law: Mr Pension Scandal Wants Your Vote
Murphy’s Law

Mr Pension Scandal Wants Your Vote

John Weishan, who supported infamous pension plan that gouged taxpayers, is running for Register of Deeds.

United States Senator Tammy Bladwin Endorses Israel Ramón for Register of Deeds
Press Release

United States Senator Tammy Bladwin Endorses Israel Ramón for Register of Deeds

Sen. Baldwin believes in efficient government, progressive reforms

Register of Deeds Israel Ramón Statement on Predecessor Guilty Plea
Press Release

Register of Deeds Israel Ramón Statement on Predecessor Guilty Plea

Ramón working to move Milwaukee County forward, addresses issues from previous administration

Register of Deeds Israel Ramón Announces Early List of Endorsements
Press Release

Register of Deeds Israel Ramón Announces Early List of Endorsements

Elected officials from across Milwaukee County, state, support Ramón

MKE County: Weishan Running for Register of Deeds
MKE County

Weishan Running for Register of Deeds

After 20 years on the county board Sup. John Weishan, Jr. seeks a better paying position.

Milwaukee County Announces Major Reforms in the Register of Deeds Office

Contribution to Alex Brower of $25

Milwaukee County Announces Major Reforms in the Register of Deeds Office
Press Release

Milwaukee County Announces Major Reforms in the Register of Deeds Office

Milwaukee County Register of Deeds office expects annual cost savings of $150,000

Israel Ramón Announces his Candidacy for Milwaukee County Register of Deeds
County Launches Investigation Into Former Register Of Deeds

Contribution to JoCasta Zamarripa of $25

County Launches Investigation Into Former Register Of Deeds

County Launches Investigation Into Former Register Of Deeds

John La Fave retired after his office was raided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Gov. Tony Evers Appoints Israel Ramón as Milwaukee County Register of Deeds
Press Release

Gov. Tony Evers Appoints Israel Ramón as Milwaukee County Register of Deeds

"Israel Ramón is the kind of principled, organized, and thoughtful leader needed to run the Milwaukee County Register of Deeds Office."

Gwen Connolly campaign showing huge momentum

Contribution to JoCasta Zamarripa of $100

Gwen Connolly campaign showing huge momentum

Contribution to Tony Zielinski of $50

Gwen Connolly campaign showing huge momentum

Contribution to José G. Pérez of $100

Gwen Connolly campaign showing huge momentum

Contribution to José G. Pérez of $100

Gwen Connolly campaign showing huge momentum

Contribution to José G. Pérez of $50

Gwen Connolly campaign showing huge momentum
Press Release

Gwen Connolly campaign showing huge momentum

After her opponent this week jumped to the Branch 31 race, Connolly is widely seen as the prohibitive favorite to be the next judge in Branch 44.

Gwen Connolly campaign showing huge momentum

Contribution to Cavalier Johnson of $417

Gwen Connolly campaign showing huge momentum

Contribution to Justin Bielinski of $150