Content referencing Jon Litscher

Governor Walker Appoints Cathy Jess to Serve as Secretary of the Department of Corrections, Thanks Jon Litscher for His Many Years of Service to Wisconsin
Governor Walker Announces Plan to Provide a Long-Term Solution for Wisconsin’s Juvenile Corrections and Treatment Systems
Press Release

Governor Walker Announces Plan to Provide a Long-Term Solution for Wisconsin’s Juvenile Corrections and Treatment Systems

"Republicans and Democrats alike agree this is the way forward to reform juvenile corrections..."

Wisconsin Budget: State’s Prison Costs Still Growing
Wisconsin Budget

State’s Prison Costs Still Growing

Wisconsin has highest incarceration rate in Midwest, prison costs 12% higher than national average.

Court Watch: Judge Rules on Lincoln Hills
Court Watch

Judge Rules on Lincoln Hills

Drastic cutbacks in pepper spray, mechanical constraints, solitary confinement.

Court Watch: Judge Sets Guidelines for Lincoln Hills
Court Watch

Judge Sets Guidelines for Lincoln Hills

Reducing solitary confinement and use of pepper spray on the list.

Court Watch: Pictures of Youths in Prison
Court Watch

Pictures of Youths in Prison

ACLU’s suit documents questionable treatment at Lincoln Hills, Copper Lake.

The State of Politics: Will Wisconsin Use Private Prisons?
The State of Politics

Will Wisconsin Use Private Prisons?

Wisconsin's adult inmate population is expected to grow to 23,233 by mid-2019.

Civil Rights Groups File Class Action Lawsuit Against Wisconsin State Officials for Unconstitutional Use of Solitary Confinement, Other Inhumane Conditions in State-Run Youth Correctional Facilities
Press Release

Civil Rights Groups File Class Action Lawsuit Against Wisconsin State Officials for Unconstitutional Use of Solitary Confinement, Other Inhumane Conditions in State-Run Youth Correctional Facilities

Prior to state and federal raids on the facility in December 2015, staff also regularly physically abused youth in the facility, even breaking their arms and legs in some cases.

Governor Walker Announces Members of the Task Force on Opioid Abuse
Press Release

Governor Walker Announces Members of the Task Force on Opioid Abuse

Group to hold its first meeting on October 28 in Green Bay

The State of Politics: 3 Things You Should Know About Corrections’ Budget Request
The State of Politics

3 Things You Should Know About Corrections’ Budget Request

Why should you care?

Cruel and Unusual: State Starts Force Feeding Three Inmates
Cruel and Unusual

State Starts Force Feeding Three Inmates

Corrections officials begin force feedings as solitary confinement protest continues.

Rep. Bowen to host Emergency Public Forum on Juvenile Corrections Reform
Press Release

Rep. Bowen to host Emergency Public Forum on Juvenile Corrections Reform

Calls for immediate solutions to reduce youth recidivism

DOC audit needed to improve safety
Press Release

DOC audit needed to improve safety

“Taxpayers, correctional officers, children and families deserve better.”

The State of Politics: New Corrections Chief Faces Problems
The State of Politics

New Corrections Chief Faces Problems

Including overcrowded prisons, staff shortages and low morale, and a dearth of leadership.

Sen. Taylor calls Litscher “secretary of cruel and unusual punishment”
Press Release

Sen. Taylor calls Litscher “secretary of cruel and unusual punishment”

Will the leopard will change its spots?

Op-Ed: End Solitary Confinement, Especially of Youth

End Solitary Confinement, Especially of Youth

State continues using isolation, including at Lincoln Hills for Boys, without transparency about practices.

Governor Scott Walker Announces Appointment of New Department of Corrections Secretary
Press Release

Governor Scott Walker Announces Appointment of New Department of Corrections Secretary

"Jon Litscher has gained valuable experience by serving in numerous roles throughout his career, including various positions in state government."