James Wigderson, editor of Right Wisconsin.


Content referencing James Wigderson

Murphy’s Law: Why Right Wisconsin Was Killed
Murphy’s Law

Why Right Wisconsin Was Killed

Its editor, stalwart Republican James Wigderson watched as readers and his party went off the rails.

Marquette University Civic Dialogues Program to co-host ‘The State of Modern Conservative Politics’ with Charlie Sykes, Oct. 12
Murphy’s Law: Is Baldwin Vulnerable? Or Unbeatable?
Murphy’s Law

Is Baldwin Vulnerable? Or Unbeatable?

The pundits disagree. And who is the likely Republican opponent?

Murphy’s Law: Michels, Johnson Are Threats to Democracy
Murphy’s Law

Michels, Johnson Are Threats to Democracy

Both have engaged in or plan actions to overthrow democratic elections.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of Timothy Ramthun
Murphy’s Law

The Rise of Timothy Ramthun

One-time nobody now a candidate for governor and top demagogue in state Republican Party.

Ramthun, Brandtjen Lead Rally to Overturn 2020 Election

Ramthun, Brandtjen Lead Rally to Overturn 2020 Election

Capitol event organized by Jefferson Davis pushes bill to recall state’s 2020 electors.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of Rep. Janel Brandtjen
Murphy’s Law

The Rise of Rep. Janel Brandtjen

A leader in election lies and demagoguery has become a state Republican power.

Election Conspiracy Promoter Hosting Trump Via Livestream

Election Conspiracy Promoter Hosting Trump Via Livestream

The former president will speak virtually at Wisconsin event on Saturday.

Back in the News: Belling Doing His ‘Final’ Cruise
Back in the News

Belling Doing His ‘Final’ Cruise

Conservative radio talker, 64, had stroke in 2019, but says he has no plans to retire.

Murphy’s Law: Let Us Now Praise Rush Limbaugh
Murphy’s Law

Let Us Now Praise Rush Limbaugh

What was his impact on Wisconsin? Praise and condemnation and silliness offered.

Murphy’s Law: Will State Republicans Abandon Trump?
Murphy’s Law

Will State Republicans Abandon Trump?

Many have in other states. Will Wisconsin’s GOP get off the Trump crazy train?

Waukesha Mayor Leaves Republican Party

Waukesha Mayor Leaves Republican Party

After the events at the U.S. Capitol, Mayor Shawn Reilly is "ashamed" of the party.

Murphy’s Law: Everyone’s Dumping on Ron Johnson
Murphy’s Law

Everyone’s Dumping on Ron Johnson

A recall effort, attacks by the Lincoln Project, angry editorial and much more.

Op Ed: Right Wisconsin Regrets Endorsing Tiffany
Op Ed

Right Wisconsin Regrets Endorsing Tiffany

Congressman not a “solid conservative” but a Trump acolyte out to disenfranchise Wisconsin voters.

Op Ed: The Trump Love Will Go On
Op Ed

The Trump Love Will Go On

At least in some of the state’s right-wing redoubts.

Op Ed: Republican Slams Party for State Recount
Op Ed

Republican Slams Party for State Recount

Fond du Lac Chairman, talk radio’s Jeff Wagner attack effort to ‘disenfranchise' legal voters.

Op Ed: What Robin Vos Will Find
Op Ed

What Robin Vos Will Find

He cites “mail-in ballot dumps” in Milwaukee, but his own aide found no irregularities.

Murphy’s Law: 19 Election Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

19 Election Winners and Losers

Beyond the vote totals there were so many other winners and losers.

Murphy’s Law: The Decline of Wisconsin’s Republican Party
Murphy’s Law

The Decline of Wisconsin’s Republican Party

A conservative and Republican writer offers a scathing inside look. Not pretty.

Data Wonk: Both Parties Bar Primary Challenge to Trump
Data Wonk

Both Parties Bar Primary Challenge to Trump

Weld and Walsh barred from Republican presidential primary in state’s Spring election. Why?

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Scared of Trucking Industry?
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Scared of Trucking Industry?

They oppose fee on trucks that destroy roads, while getting big money from the industry.

Supervisor Nicholson Statement on Comments Disparaging MPS Students
Press Release

Supervisor Nicholson Statement on Comments Disparaging MPS Students

"Right Wisconsin owes all MPS students an apology. I stand with them in demanding one."

A Message to James Wigderson from “The Number 1 Convict”
Press Release

A Message to James Wigderson from “The Number 1 Convict”

Statement of Youth Council President Emoni Gambrell-Toliver - September 13, 2018

Right Wisconsin: No regrets for referring to MPS students as “…little convicts being sent to the penitentiary.”
Press Release

Right Wisconsin: No regrets for referring to MPS students as “…little convicts being sent to the penitentiary.”

Every adult in this community should be concerned that Wigderson's comments show no regret for his offensive, hurtful, and derogatory statements.

The Contrarian: How WisDOT Has Gone Dark
The Contrarian

How WisDOT Has Gone Dark

State Transportation Department no longer publishes data updates done for decades.

Back in the News: Sykes Unloads Right Wisconsin
Back in the News

Sykes Unloads Right Wisconsin

Wigderson is new owner/editor. But don’t worry, Sykes is a still a “conservative.”

Murphy’s Law: Sykes’ War Against Sheriff Clarke
Murphy’s Law

Sykes’ War Against Sheriff Clarke

Their bromance has gone bitter, the love has turned to hate. Why?

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Curious Debate Strategy
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Curious Debate Strategy

His strategy was to “largely ignore” Burke. That may have been a mistake.

Plenty of Horne: Sheriff Clarke’s Bizarre New Radio Ads
Plenty of Horne

Sheriff Clarke’s Bizarre New Radio Ads

They combine campaign ads and a pitch for a private company and appear to be in violation of state laws.

Murphy’s Law: New Probe is Big Trouble for Walker
Murphy’s Law

New Probe is Big Trouble for Walker

Both the first and second John Doe have focused on his campaigns, suggesting a disturbing pattern.

Murphy’s Law: The New Right-Wing Media
Murphy’s Law

The New Right-Wing Media

The state is a national leader in creating new conservative publications.

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Are Wrong About Recalls
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Are Wrong About Recalls

The bill to restrict recalls is a naked attempt by political officials to protect their jobs.

Plenty of Horne: Evers Vs. Pridemore
Plenty of Horne

Evers Vs. Pridemore

The battle between State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Evers and challenger Don Pridemore.

Car Culture: Walker’s Freeway Farce
Car Culture

Walker’s Freeway Farce

After blaming Barrett for "delaying" the Zoo Interchange, Walker is now stalling it, while rejecting a gas tax hike to pay for it.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of Chris Larson
Murphy’s Law

The Rise of Chris Larson

Is he a young liberal heavyweight? Or a punching bag for Republicans?

Murphy’s Law: 25 Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

25 Winners and Losers

The list is long (and fun). This was a campaign with real consequences.

Murphy’s Law: Should Chief Flynn Resign?
Murphy’s Law

Should Chief Flynn Resign?

The city is divided over the chief. But is it all his fault?