Born Milwaukee, July 3, 1955. Graduate Homestead H.S. (Mequon); B.B.A.; J.D. UW-Madison. Former practicing attorney. Member: Kiwanis-West Bend Early Risers; Washington Co. Bar Assn.; Loyal Order of the Moose-West Bend; UW-Madison Alumni Assn. of Washington Co.; Kettle Moraine Symphony (bd. member). Recipient: Milwaukee Co. Rep. Party Assembly Tax Cutter of the Year 2002; Ind. Bus. Assn. Legislator of the Year 2000; Wis. Counties Assn. Outstanding Legislator Award 1997-98; Wis. Right to Life Pro-Life Hero Award 1996, Sanctity of Life Award 2004; Pro-Life Wis. Legislator of the Year 2010, 1995; Wis. Grocers Assn. Friend of Grocers Award 1997-2012; Wis. Farm Bureau Friend of Agriculture Award 1995-2007; Wis. Dairy Business Assn. Milk Bottle Award 2006, 2004; Wis. Curves for Women Legislator of the Year Award 2003; Wis. Builders Assn. Friend of Housing Award 2001-07, Legislator of the Year 2005; Apartment Assoc.
Legislator of the Year 2000; Nat’l Fed. of Independent Businesses Guardian of Small Business Award 1999-2000, 2005-06; WMC Working for Wisconsin Award 1998-2006, Exemplar Award for work on manufacturing tax credit 2012; Wis. Guild of Midwives Legislator of the Year 2006; Eagle Forum Leadership Award 2007; Wis. Bear Hunters Assn. Hero Award 2010; Friends of Wis. Craft Brewers Award 2012; Milw. Metropolitan Assn. of Commerce Champion of Commerce Award 2012.
Elected to Assembly in December 1993 special election; reelected 1994-2002; elected to Senate 2004; reelected since 2008. Assistant Majority Leader 2013, 2011; Assistant Minority Leader 2009; Minority Caucus Chairperson 2007; Majority Caucus Vice Chairperson 2003, 2001, 1999. Biennial Senate committee assignments: 2013 — Judiciary and Labor (chp.); Senate Org. (since 2009); Workforce Development, Forestry, Mining, and Revenue; Jt. Com. on Finance (also 2011); Jt. Com. on Leg. Org. (since 2009). 2011 — Labor, Public Safety, and Urban Affairs (vice chp.); Education (since 2005); Jt. Com. for Review of Administrative Rules (since 2005, co-chp. 2005). 2009 — Judiciary, Corrections, Insurance, Campaign Finance Reform and Housing; Labor, Elections and Urban Affairs (also 2007); Transportation, Tourism, Forestry, and Natural Resources; WHEDA Bd. (also 2007). Assembly committee assignments: 2003 — Jt. Com. for Review of Administrative Rules (co-chp. since 1995); Campaigns and Elections; Judiciary (vice chp. 1997, also 1995, mbr. 1993); Labor; Rules (since 1999); Law Revision Com. (co-chp. since 1997, mbr. 1995). 2001 — Children and Families (also 1999); Education Reform (also 1999). 1999 — Legis. Coun. Com. on Use of Prescription Drugs for Children (co-chp.). 1997 — Income Tax Review. 1993 — Spec. Com. on Welfare Reform.


Content referencing Glenn Grothman

LCV Releases 2024 National Environmental Scorecard
Protestors in Madison Oppose Federal Budget Cuts for Medicaid

Protestors in Madison Oppose Federal Budget Cuts for Medicaid

Hundreds gather outside Sen. Ron Johnson's office. $880 billion could be cut.

Murphy’s Law: Musk Wants to Buy Wisconsin Justice?
Murphy’s Law

Musk Wants to Buy Wisconsin Justice?

His massive campaign donation to Brad Schimel raises big questions.

Op Ed: Rep. Fitzgerald Faces Protest In West Bend
Op Ed

Rep. Fitzgerald Faces Protest In West Bend

Part of many protests to Trump's actions across the country.

US Rep. Glenn Grothman Faces Hostile Crowd at Oshkosh Public Meeting

US Rep. Glenn Grothman Faces Hostile Crowd at Oshkosh Public Meeting

Overflow crowd couldn't get in. Constituents grill him about funding cuts, Elon Musk.

Murphy’s Law: Republicans Unfazed by Musk, Grothman Says
Murphy’s Law

Republicans Unfazed by Musk, Grothman Says

Wisconsin House Republicans and their leader fine with a government 'coup'?

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin Congress Members Condemn Musk Takeover
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin Congress Members Condemn Musk Takeover

Baldwin, Moore, Pocan outraged. Republican Glenn Grothman not sure.

Members of the WI Congressional Delegation Endorse Judge Schimel
Press Release

Members of the WI Congressional Delegation Endorse Judge Schimel

Senator Johnson, Representatives Steil, Van Orden, Fitzgerald, Grothman, Tiffany, and Wied endorse Judge Brad Schimel for the Wisconsin Supreme Court

Grothman Faces Political Newcomer in Bid To Keep His Congressional Seat

Grothman Faces Political Newcomer in Bid To Keep His Congressional Seat

Zarbano faces uphill climb. The district has been in Republican hands since the 1960s.

Conservative Radio Host Vicki McKenna Has One Word for Eric Hovde’s Campaign: “Weak”
Transportation: Bipartisan Coalition, Business Leaders Support New International Terminal

Bipartisan Coalition, Business Leaders Support New International Terminal

County pursuing federal grant to replace shuttered concourse with new international terminal at Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport.

Hovde’s Lowlight Reel: The Worst Eric Hovde Moments From This Week
On 89th Anniversary of Social Security, Democrats Fight to Strengthen Program While MAGA Republicans Threaten Cuts
Wisconsin Delegates Offer Their Take On Milwaukee, RNC

Wisconsin Delegates Offer Their Take On Milwaukee, RNC

They love it, well, except for Derrick Van Orden.

Wisconsin Political Leaders React to Assassination Attempt on Trump

Wisconsin Political Leaders React to Assassination Attempt on Trump

Leaders condemn violence against Trump and call for country to unite

In Racine Trump Blasts Immigration, Economy, Declares ‘I Love Milwaukee’

In Racine Trump Blasts Immigration, Economy, Declares ‘I Love Milwaukee’

Denying his 'horrible city' comment and changing plan to stay in Chicago for RNC.

Trump Calls Milwaukee “Horrible City”

Trump Calls Milwaukee “Horrible City”

Comment made during meeting with House Republicans.

Data Wonk: How Wisconsin Republicans View Trump’s Conviction
Data Wonk

How Wisconsin Republicans View Trump’s Conviction

It's agreed: A 'dark day' and Democrats have 'weaponized' the legal system.

Murphy’s Law: Healthcare Is Huge in Presidential Race
Murphy’s Law

Healthcare Is Huge in Presidential Race

How Trump’s vow to overturn the ACA could damage Wisconsin and the nation.

Ron Johnson Calls on GOP to Set Aside ‘Squabbles’ on Abortion

Ron Johnson Calls on GOP to Set Aside ‘Squabbles’ on Abortion

Republicans at annual convention endorse Hovde, worry about new legislative maps.

Murphy’s Law: Why Right Wisconsin Was Killed
Murphy’s Law

Why Right Wisconsin Was Killed

Its editor, stalwart Republican James Wigderson watched as readers and his party went off the rails.

Data Wonk: Why Are Wisconsin Republicans So Hostile to Ukraine?
Data Wonk

Why Are Wisconsin Republicans So Hostile to Ukraine?

All 5 of state's remaining Republican House members voted against aid to Ukraine.

Data Wonk: How Partisan Is Wisconsin’s Congressional Delegation?
Data Wonk

How Partisan Is Wisconsin’s Congressional Delegation?

DW-NOMINATE shows our members are typically more partisan than the median.

League of Conservation Voters releases National Environmental Scorecard for Wisconsin’s congressional delegation
MAGA Wisconsin GOP Pushed to Restrict IVF Access, Reproductive Freedom
GOP Congressmen Call For Protasiewicz Recusal on New Maps Case

GOP Congressmen Call For Protasiewicz Recusal on New Maps Case

Court faces new lawsuit charging congressional district maps are gerrymandered.

Murphy’s Law: Who Are These Guys?
Murphy’s Law

Who Are These Guys?

Who filed second gerrymandering lawsuit and why? Nine questions the case raises.

Baldwin, Van Orden Lead Wisconsin Delegation in Introducing Bill to Rename Tomah VA after Wisconsin Veteran Jason Simcakoski
Press Release

Baldwin, Van Orden Lead Wisconsin Delegation in Introducing Bill to Rename Tomah VA after Wisconsin Veteran Jason Simcakoski

In 2016, Senator Baldwin passed “Jason’s Law” to strengthen VA’s opioid prescribing guidelines and provide safer pain management to veterans

The State of Politics: How Wisconsin’s GOP House Members Explained Speaker Fight
The State of Politics

How Wisconsin’s GOP House Members Explained Speaker Fight

Despite their names sometimes percolating, one member even missed the vote while on a trip to Israel.

Murphy’s Law: How Rich Are Wisconsin’s Members of Congress?
Murphy’s Law

How Rich Are Wisconsin’s Members of Congress?

Most are poorer than average members of Congress. Then there’s Ron Johnson.

MAGA Republicans’ Looming Government Shutdown Would Crush Wisconsin Families
Grothman Calls for Military Transparency Amid UFO Controversy

Grothman Calls for Military Transparency Amid UFO Controversy

The Wisconsin Rep. suggested an accelerated timeline to release classified documents.

Republicans Discuss Unity, Abortion at State Convention

Republicans Discuss Unity, Abortion at State Convention

"This is not your pop's Republican Party. We've got tattoos, piercings."

Data Wonk: Grothman Vs. Biden On Federal Judges
Data Wonk

Grothman Vs. Biden On Federal Judges

Did president not appoint enough 'white guys'? Let's look at the numbers.

Murphy’s Law: Is Baldwin Vulnerable? Or Unbeatable?
Murphy’s Law

Is Baldwin Vulnerable? Or Unbeatable?

The pundits disagree. And who is the likely Republican opponent?

The State of Politics: Capitol Has New Generation of Leaders
The State of Politics

Capitol Has New Generation of Leaders

44% of Legislature's 132 members changed in last four years.

Wisconsin GOP Pushes To Uphold Mifepristone Ban
Democratic Party of Wisconsin Statement on Glenn Grothman
League of Conservation Voters releases National Scorecard for Wisconsin’s delegation
How Much Clout Does Your U.S. Rep Have?

How Much Clout Does Your U.S. Rep Have?

Which committee does each one sit on and why it matters to Wisconsin.

Rep. Grothman Displays Christian Nationalist Flag at His Federal Office

Rep. Grothman Displays Christian Nationalist Flag at His Federal Office

Flag connected to religious sect members involved in planning of Jan. 6 riot.

WisDems Chair Ben Wikler Statement on the Anniversary of 1/6
Mike Gallagher and WI GOP Deliver Ringing Endorsement of Chaos and Gridlock
Van Orden Defeats Pfaff in Western Wisconsin Congressional District

Van Orden Defeats Pfaff in Western Wisconsin Congressional District

AP calls race, with Republican at 52% of vote and 95% of ballots counted.

State Has Many Uncontested Legislative Races

State Has Many Uncontested Legislative Races

Why newcomers Ryan Clancy on East Side, Dave Maxey in New Berlin face no opponent.

Baldwin, Grothman and Fitzgerald Want Action Against Chinese Company

Baldwin, Grothman and Fitzgerald Want Action Against Chinese Company

Bipartisan call comes after Wisconsin company was awarded $106 million in intellectual property theft lawsuit.

Baldwin, Grothman, Fitzgerald Push for Investigation into Chinese Firm that Stole Intellectual Property from Wisconsin Company
Fitzgerald Constituent Mailing Draws Ethics Complaint

Fitzgerald Constituent Mailing Draws Ethics Complaint

Taxpayers fund mailing that blasts Biden and ‘liberal policies.'

Data Wonk: Wisconsin’s Banana Republicans
Data Wonk

Wisconsin’s Banana Republicans

Why are Grothman, Johnson, Michels defending Trump’s illegal hoarding of top secret files.

Senator Baldwin Leads Senate Resolution to Remember the 10th Anniversary of Shooting at the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek
Murphy’s Law: Why Steil Supported Same Sex Marriage
Murphy’s Law

Why Steil Supported Same Sex Marriage

Rep. Bryan Steil is only Republican in state to support House bill, as his party swings ever further right.

Op Ed: The Decline of Wisconsin’s Democrats
Op Ed

The Decline of Wisconsin’s Democrats

Big money and gerrymandered congressional districts make it impossible for Democratic challengers.

Pocan Introduces Bipartisan National Scenic Trails Parity Act
Op Ed: Will State GOP Wake Up To Reality?
Op Ed

Will State GOP Wake Up To Reality?

Grothman, Tiffany ignore Jan. 6 hearings, threats to Pence as candidates for governor embrace Trump.

The State of Politics: House Districts’ Maps Protect Incumbents
The State of Politics

House Districts’ Maps Protect Incumbents

State's 8 congressional districts typically won by incumbents, resulting in long tenure.

Grothman, Gallagher Face No Opponents

Grothman, Gallagher Face No Opponents

Only Wisconsin congressional districts without a Democrat on the ballot.

The State Of Politics: Vos Doing Doors, Faces Challenger
The State Of Politics

Vos Doing Doors, Faces Challenger

Assembly Speaker's Republican primary challenger called Vos a 'treasonous traitor.'

Gerrymandering For Personal Gain

Gerrymandering For Personal Gain

Republican redistricting put Fitzgerald brothers in separate congressional districts. Democrats put them back together again.

Fitzgerald Leads Letter to DOJ Demanding an Investigation into Violence Against Pro-Life Organizations
Redistricting Update
Press Release

Redistricting Update


Republicans Speak At Event With Anti-Government Flag

Republicans Speak At Event With Anti-Government Flag

Kleefisch, Nicholson, Grothman, others speak. Photos of this removed from GOP Facebook page.

State High Court Disallows GOP Congressmen’s Amended Political Map

State High Court Disallows GOP Congressmen’s Amended Political Map

But will consider amended maps by Evers and Black Leaders Organizing for Communities.

Rep. Fitzgerald Requests a Moment of Silence on House Floor to Honor Waukesha Christmas Parade Victims
Fitzgerald Joins Delegation in Recognizing Wisconsin’s Veteran Mentorship Programs
Republicans’ Vote Against Paying Wisconsin’s Service Members and Veterans
Grothman, Fitzgerald Oppose Bill Protecting Pregnant Workers

Grothman, Fitzgerald Oppose Bill Protecting Pregnant Workers

House votes 315-101 for it, with even Congressman Tom Tiffany voting yes.

Op Ed: State Republicans Oppose Federal PFAS Law
Op Ed

State Republicans Oppose Federal PFAS Law

Just one of state's five GOP House members backs bill regulating 'forever chemicals.'

Op Ed: Grothman, Fitzgerald Dishonor State Heroes
Op Ed

Grothman, Fitzgerald Dishonor State Heroes

Vote against removing Confederate statues from U.S. Capitol dishonors Civil War dead.

Johnson, GOP Congressmen Want Answers on Unemployment Fraud

Johnson, GOP Congressmen Want Answers on Unemployment Fraud

Evers asked to respond to report that states vulnerable to ‘massive’ Nigerian fraud scheme.

Murphy’s Law: The Vanishing Courage of Mike Gallagher
Murphy’s Law

The Vanishing Courage of Mike Gallagher

Wisconsin congressman took a stand against Republican lies and then turned chicken.

Op Ed: 10 Amazing Opinions Of Glenn Grothman
Op Ed

10 Amazing Opinions Of Glenn Grothman

Cardi B is indecent, the War on Men will destroy America and other classics.

Who’s the Most Right Wing Of All?

Who’s the Most Right Wing Of All?

Conservative group ranks state’s most conservative members of Congress and Legislature.

The State of Politics: Legislature Often a Family Affair
The State of Politics

Legislature Often a Family Affair

Lawmakers Devin LeMahieu, Greta Neubauer and others had parents who served before them.

Milwaukee Strikes Out On MLB All-Star Game

Milwaukee Strikes Out On MLB All-Star Game

Denver, not Milwaukee, lands All-Star Game.

Which Members of Congress Got Vaccine?

Which Members of Congress Got Vaccine?

One third are Republicans, survey of 22 states find. But Wisconsin divided by party.

Grothman: Committee Hearings on Major Legislation are the Latest Victim of the Cancel Culture
Ron Johnson Declines Vaccine

Ron Johnson Declines Vaccine

As polls show about 50% of GOP men will refuse vaccine, state’s Republican congressmen won’t speak out.

Democrats Don’t Know Where WI-06 Is
Republican Congressman Glenn Grothman Rejects Millions for Covid Relief and Recovery for Fond du Lac, Neenah, Oshkosh, and Sheboygan
Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair Applauds WI Democrats for Advancing American Rescue Plan
Press Release

Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair Applauds WI Democrats for Advancing American Rescue Plan

Meanwhile, Ron Johnson — and all WI Republican Members — Continue to Reject Relief

I listened to all 11 hours of the Dems $1.9 Trillion Bill
The State of Politics: Where Are Act 10 Players Today?
The State of Politics

Where Are Act 10 Players Today?

Governor and three-fourths of legislators engaged in 2011 battle over law crushing public unions have moved on.

Pocan, Grothman Pass Amendment Adding Ice Age Trail to National Park System
Senator Johnson, Congressman Grothman Lead Legislation to Award Fond du Lac Native World War II Veteran the Medal of Honor
How The Republican Party Lost Control

How The Republican Party Lost Control

Wisconsin was a hotbed for the far-right rebellion.

Op Ed: Did State GOP Reps Support Cheney?
Op Ed

Did State GOP Reps Support Cheney?

Gallagher voted to keep her House position. Other four congressmen won’t say.

Conservative Lawsuit Demands a Wolf Hunt

Conservative Lawsuit Demands a Wolf Hunt

Hunter Nation says the rights of its 20,000 members violated by state ruling against wolf hunting.

Op Ed: State’s GOP Congressmen Backed Greene
Op Ed

State’s GOP Congressmen Backed Greene

They opposed removing Rep. Greene, who supported the killing of Democrats, from House committees.

State Board Won’t Allow Wolf Hunting

State Board Won’t Allow Wolf Hunting

Natural Resources Board votes against resuming hunt, citing science, rejecting GOP legislators' request.

Local Activists Demand Biden End Immigrant Family Separation

Local Activists Demand Biden End Immigrant Family Separation

Activist groups call for a reversal of the Trump administration's immigration policies.

Op Ed: Scott Fitzgerald Has Very Bad Week
Op Ed

Scott Fitzgerald Has Very Bad Week

First he violates congressional oath, then says he doesn’t know if Trump to blame for Capitol takeover.

Wisconsin Delegation Votes Party Line on Impeachment

Wisconsin Delegation Votes Party Line on Impeachment

Republicans voted against impeachment, Democrats for it.

Wisconsin Congressional Delegation on Removing Trump

Wisconsin Congressional Delegation on Removing Trump

Democrats want him gone, Republicans support him.

Tiffany, Fitzgerald Object To Some Biden Electors

Tiffany, Fitzgerald Object To Some Biden Electors

Hours after chaos at the Capitol, two members of Wisconsin's congressional delegation vote to overturn part of the election, effort fails.

Wisconsin Political Leaders React to Capitol Storming

Wisconsin Political Leaders React to Capitol Storming

Though many supported Trump for years, all now condemn Capitol chaos he helped cause.

Gallagher Assails GOP Push to Nullify Election

Gallagher Assails GOP Push to Nullify Election

Wisconsin congressman calls it a 'dangerous idea' that would 'destroy the idea of American government.'

Back in the News: Foley Firm Faces Blowback on Trump Call
Back in the News

Foley Firm Faces Blowback on Trump Call

Criticism of Milwaukee firm whose partner Cleta Mitchell helped Trump effort to "find" votes in Georgia.

Gwen Moore Positive for COVID-19

Gwen Moore Positive for COVID-19

The congresswoman is a cancer survivor and recently contracted the virus.

Murphys Law: Beware the GOP Redistricting Proposal
Murphys Law

Beware the GOP Redistricting Proposal

Republicans want 10 more years of gerrymandering. To do this they would hand all power to state Supreme Court.

Wisconsin Republicans Refuse to Recognize Election Results

Wisconsin Republicans Refuse to Recognize Election Results

Sen. Ron Johnson says there's "nothing" to congratulate Biden about.

See Older >>