Content referencing Craig Johnson

State High Court Asked to Rule On Marsy’s Law

State High Court Asked to Rule On Marsy’s Law

Appeals court won’t decide suit, citing little case law whether voters on ballot question fully informed.

Expunging Criminal Records Gets Broad Support

Expunging Criminal Records Gets Broad Support

Police, prosecutors, public defenders, business groups back bill expanding expungement.

Back in the News: Judge Rules Against Marsy’s Law
Back in the News

Judge Rules Against Marsy’s Law

Circuit Court rules amendment passed by referendum didn't fully inform voters of constitutional changes.

Court Watch: Court Ruling Limits Expungement
Court Watch

Court Ruling Limits Expungement

Even minor violations of state corrections' supervision rules make ex-offenders ineligible.

Back in the News: Suit Challenges ‘Marsy’s Law’ Amendment
Back in the News

Suit Challenges ‘Marsy’s Law’ Amendment

Opponents of victim rights amendment argue voters were deceived about its provisions.

Court Watch: Most Muni Court Pot Cases Charged Blacks in 2019
Court Watch

Most Muni Court Pot Cases Charged Blacks in 2019

39% of city’s population is charged with 77% of Municipal Court’s pot possession cases.

Lawsuit Would Take Marsy’s Law Off April Ballot

Lawsuit Would Take Marsy’s Law Off April Ballot

Advocacy groups, attorneys argue victims rights constitutional amendment leaves voters in the dark on its sweeping impact.

Court Watch: Blacks More at Risk for Pot Prosecution
Court Watch

Blacks More at Risk for Pot Prosecution

7% of state population but 21% of charges. Cannabis “the drug of the privileged”?

Sargent Pushes Legal Pot Bill. Again

Sargent Pushes Legal Pot Bill. Again

For fourth time in six years, Madison legislator offers bill to legalize recreational marijuana.

Groups Urge Yes Vote on Legal Pot

Groups Urge Yes Vote on Legal Pot

ACLU, MICAH, WJI, several legislators back advisory referendum to legalize marijuana.