
Data Wonk: How MPS Is Hurt By Its “Friends”
Data Wonk

How MPS Is Hurt By Its “Friends”

North Division controversy raises issue: which schools best serve low-income black students?

Campaign Cash: Walker Backs Off on Marine Sanctuary
Campaign Cash

Walker Backs Off on Marine Sanctuary

Would have preserved stretch of Lake Michigan, but Koch activist opposes it.

Murphy’s Law: Miller Park Tax Ends in 2020. Not.
Murphy’s Law

Miller Park Tax Ends in 2020. Not.

Despite “sunset,” taxpayers will subsidize stadium until 2040, with total costs unknown.

Op Ed: White House Firings Are Not Okay
Op Ed

White House Firings Are Not Okay

Disarray in government ultimately hurts the people you serve.

The Contrarian: WisDOT Secretary’s Declining Credibility
The Contrarian

WisDOT Secretary’s Declining Credibility

Half truths by Secretary Dave Ross may hurt him with legislators.

The State of Politics: Supreme Court Rewrites Flowage Property Rights
The State of Politics

Supreme Court Rewrites Flowage Property Rights

Restricts ability to build piers. Dissenting judges say it’s an issue for legislators.

Op Ed: I Choose Leah
Op Ed

I Choose Leah

First Lady Tonette Walker endorses Leah Vukmir for U.S. Senator

Wisconsin Budget: State Rainy Day Fund Trails 35 States
Wisconsin Budget

State Rainy Day Fund Trails 35 States

Would last six days. Ranks 37% below national average.

Op Ed: Oppose Amendment Dumping State Treasurer
Op Ed

Oppose Amendment Dumping State Treasurer

Constitutional amendment on April ballot would make this the only state without a treasurer.

Wisconsin Budget: How Immigrants Help Wisconsin
Wisconsin Budget

How Immigrants Help Wisconsin

They are 6% of all workers, 11% of computer and 20% of dairy industry jobs.

Op Ed: Deaf Community Ill-Served by Legislature
Op Ed

Deaf Community Ill-Served by Legislature

Republicans water down bill to upgrade skill levels of sign language interpreters.

Campaign Cash: Legislators’ Donations Up 40% in 2017
Campaign Cash

Legislators’ Donations Up 40% in 2017

Most of it to Republicans, who have 3.2 times more campaign cash than Democrats.