Will Flanders, PhD, Research Director at the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty.

Content referencing Will Flanders

Conservative Law Firm Takes On Loneliness Epidemic

Conservative Law Firm Takes On Loneliness Epidemic

Wisconsin doing better than most states, Milwaukee-based institute finds.

83% Of Public Schools in State Met Expectations on Tests

83% Of Public Schools in State Met Expectations on Tests

State report card also shows 80% of private choice schools met expectations.

State’s Public Schools Have Lost 32,000 Students Since 2019

State’s Public Schools Have Lost 32,000 Students Since 2019

Key reasons: Lower birth rates and children moving to private and home schools.

Conservative Groups Oppose Including Voucher Schools In Transparency Dashboard

Conservative Groups Oppose Including Voucher Schools In Transparency Dashboard

Bipartisan panel backs financial transparency dashboard, but School Choice WI and WILL object.

Bill Includes Largest Expansion Ever of Private School Choice

Bill Includes Largest Expansion Ever of Private School Choice

A hike of 13% for K-8 voucher schools and 33% for high schools, union official says.

Federal COVID Interventions Raised Price of Wisconsin Homes
Press Release

Federal COVID Interventions Raised Price of Wisconsin Homes

WILL analysis reveals cost of federal eviction moratorium, mortgage forbearance program

Wisconsin School Closures Hurt Districts With Many Low-Income, African American Students
Press Release

Wisconsin School Closures Hurt Districts With Many Low-Income, African American Students

Study finds academic performance drops in math and English for schools that started 2020-21 school year closed.

Governor Evers Vetoes Legislation to Provide Parents with Access to Classroom Materials
Press Release

Governor Evers Vetoes Legislation to Provide Parents with Access to Classroom Materials

WILL-supported legislation would have required districts to post classroom material online

WILL Works With Lawmakers to Advance Transparency Bills to Governor Evers
Press Release

WILL Works With Lawmakers to Advance Transparency Bills to Governor Evers

Bills shine light on public school spending, curriculum

Op Ed: Poll Shows Democrats Split On School Choice
Op Ed

Poll Shows Democrats Split On School Choice

Milwaukee’s Black Democrats are far more supportive of vouchers than whites.

Public School Curriculum Transparency Legislation Key to Battling Politics in the Classroom
Press Release

Public School Curriculum Transparency Legislation Key to Battling Politics in the Classroom

Reform proposal would arm parents with the ability to access, review controversial curriculum material

Wisconsin’s Open Enrollment Program Provides Critical School Choice Option for 62,000 Students
Press Release

Wisconsin’s Open Enrollment Program Provides Critical School Choice Option for 62,000 Students

New study profiles open enrollment program, examines school district impact

STUDY: Wisconsin School Districts That Started School Year Virtually Experience Greatest Enrollment Declines
Press Release

STUDY: Wisconsin School Districts That Started School Year Virtually Experience Greatest Enrollment Declines

Amidst statewide enrollment decline, schools that opted for virtual learning see largest declines

Study: Unions, Politics Appear to Drive Fall School Reopening Decisions in Wisconsin
Press Release

Study: Unions, Politics Appear to Drive Fall School Reopening Decisions in Wisconsin

Local presence of COVID-19 not predictive of district decisions

Walker-era FoodShare Reforms Lowered Unemployment, Boosted Labor Force Participation
Press Release

Walker-era FoodShare Reforms Lowered Unemployment, Boosted Labor Force Participation

New study finds positive workforce effects from 2015 reforms

Judge Rules DPI Violated State Law in Release of 2019 School Choice Data
Press Release

Judge Rules DPI Violated State Law in Release of 2019 School Choice Data

WILL sued after DPI selectively released data in violation of state law

How Will Schools Use CARES Funding?

How Will Schools Use CARES Funding?

The pandemic is proving very expensive for schools.

STUDY: No High-Performing School Options for 40,000 Wisconsin Students in 134 ZIP Codes
Press Release

STUDY: No High-Performing School Options for 40,000 Wisconsin Students in 134 ZIP Codes

WILL study identifies high-performing school deserts in Wisconsin

Op Ed: Extend Act 10 to Cover Police
Op Ed

Extend Act 10 to Cover Police

Law restricting collective bargaining rights exempted police. Including them could make cops more accountable.

Green New Deal would cost Wisconsin families over $40,000 per year, cripple agriculture industry
Press Release

Green New Deal would cost Wisconsin families over $40,000 per year, cripple agriculture industry

WILL partners with national policy organizations to estimate impact of Green New Deal to Wisconsin

WILL, Badger Institute: Reform Occupational Licensing for a Better Wisconsin Economy
Press Release

WILL, Badger Institute: Reform Occupational Licensing for a Better Wisconsin Economy

Free-market groups partner to make the case for reform

Private School Vouchers Boost State Economy?

Private School Vouchers Boost State Economy?

So argues study by conservative group, which pushes for more funding. Public school advocates object.

The Educator: The Rationale for MPS Referendum
The Educator

The Rationale for MPS Referendum

Despite scare stories, ballot initiative asks for annual funding increase of $87 million, not $640 million.

Act 10 Caused Big Decline in Unions

Act 10 Caused Big Decline in Unions

Study finds union recertification efforts, required by law, declined by a third since 2014.

Study: When WI Union Members Vote, Number of Public Unions Shrink
Press Release

Study: When WI Union Members Vote, Number of Public Unions Shrink

Original Act 10 research examines effect of annual certification election results

Right-Wing Groups Sue DPI On Test Scores

Right-Wing Groups Sue DPI On Test Scores

They claim “selective” release of data. DPI says it followed state law.

2019 Apples to Apples: Charter, Choice Outperform Traditional Public Schools in Growth, Test Scores
Common Sense Healthcare Reforms for Wisconsin
Press Release

Common Sense Healthcare Reforms for Wisconsin

Seven reforms to lower costs and increase access to care

Governor Evers’ Budget: What You Need to Know
Press Release

Governor Evers’ Budget: What You Need to Know

Read WILL's analysis before the legislature votes

Republican leadership puts interests of the state ahead of politics
Press Release

Republican leadership puts interests of the state ahead of politics

“Doing what’s right is not always easy. But by rejecting costly federal Medicaid expansion, the Republican legislative leadership is acting in the best interest of the state of Wisconsin and we applaud them for standing on principle.”

Data Wonk: Should State Expand Medicaid With Federal Funds?
Data Wonk

Should State Expand Medicaid With Federal Funds?

No, say two researchers. But their data is highly suspect.

WILL Polls Critical Education Policy Questions in Wisconsin
Press Release

WILL Polls Critical Education Policy Questions in Wisconsin

Statewide poll finds low support for Evers' attack on school choice

Study: K-12 Spending Increases Unlikely to Result in Student Success
Press Release

Study: K-12 Spending Increases Unlikely to Result in Student Success

New analysis on K-12 spending on public schools raises questions about student impact

Medicaid Expansion to Cost Wisconsinites $600 Million Per Year
Press Release

Medicaid Expansion to Cost Wisconsinites $600 Million Per Year

New WILL, CROWE study analyzes true cost of Medicaid expansion

Trump Administration Seeks to Cancel Misguided Obama-era School Discipline Policy
Press Release

Trump Administration Seeks to Cancel Misguided Obama-era School Discipline Policy

WILL work has championed rescinding the illegal, harmful policy

Study: Parents in Milwaukee Are Choosing Schools Based on Quality
Press Release

Study: Parents in Milwaukee Are Choosing Schools Based on Quality

What you need to know about WILL’s landmark school choice study

Voter ID Lowered Turnout, Studies Show

Voter ID Lowered Turnout, Studies Show

Wisconsin, other states had lower turnout, especially by minority and college-age voters.

Op Ed: More Regulation of School Choice a Mistake
Op Ed

More Regulation of School Choice a Mistake

Study shows higher quality schools less likely to accept funding as rules increase.

WILL Releases Most Comprehensive Analysis of School Performance
Press Release

WILL Releases Most Comprehensive Analysis of School Performance

"Our study is the most comprehensive, updated analysis on Wisconsin school performance," Dr. Will Flanders, author of the report says.

Data Wonk: Did Walker Save Wisconsin’s Economy?
Data Wonk

Did Walker Save Wisconsin’s Economy?

So claims his supporters at WILL. Let’s consider the evidence they offer.

WILL on K-12 School Report Cards
Press Release

WILL on K-12 School Report Cards

The report cards include two major changes from previous years: the full inclusion of private schools in the choice programs and the use of student growth as a metric for school performance.

Op Ed: In Defense of School Choice
Op Ed

In Defense of School Choice

Sorry, Rep. Taylor, vouchers aren’t about making a profit, but giving parents choices.

New Report Shows Impact of Current Accountability Measures in Milwaukee Parental Choice Program
Press Release

New Report Shows Impact of Current Accountability Measures in Milwaukee Parental Choice Program

Report challenges voucher program critics’ opposition that schools are “unaccountable”

Data Wonk: You Dare Not Question Scott Walker
Data Wonk

You Dare Not Question Scott Walker

A Federalist column attacks my conclusion that governors have little impact on the economy.

Op Ed: Rural Areas Need Voucher Schools
Op Ed

Rural Areas Need Voucher Schools

The lowest performing school district in the state is in a rural area.