James Phelps, President of JCP Construction LLC.


Content referencing James Phelps

Mayor Talks Education, Public Safety in 2025 State of the City

Mayor Talks Education, Public Safety in 2025 State of the City

Upbeat speech also discusses Growing MKE plan, elections and safe streets.

Report Finds Lauded Real Estate Program Could Improve

Contribution to Cavalier Johnson of $45

Report Finds Lauded Real Estate Program Could Improve

Report Finds Lauded Real Estate Program Could Improve

ACRE has helped reduce racial disparities, but needs more mentoring, WPF finds.

Chicago City Exchange Sees Milwaukee Leaders Discuss Big Ideas in Windy City

Contribution to Cavalier Johnson of $45

Chicago City Exchange Sees Milwaukee Leaders Discuss Big Ideas in Windy City

Contribution to Cavalier Johnson of $45

Chicago City Exchange Sees Milwaukee Leaders Discuss Big Ideas in Windy City

Contribution to Cavalier Johnson of $45

Chicago City Exchange Sees Milwaukee Leaders Discuss Big Ideas in Windy City

Contribution to Cavalier Johnson of $45

Chicago City Exchange Sees Milwaukee Leaders Discuss Big Ideas in Windy City

Contribution to Cavalier Johnson of $45

Chicago City Exchange Sees Milwaukee Leaders Discuss Big Ideas in Windy City

Chicago City Exchange Sees Milwaukee Leaders Discuss Big Ideas in Windy City

Hoan Group spends day building connections.

Vice President Kamala Harris Promotes Economic Agenda in Milwaukee Visit

Vice President Kamala Harris Promotes Economic Agenda in Milwaukee Visit

Harris joins entertainer D.L. Hughley for her nationwide "Economic Opportunity Tour" in the lead up to the presidential election.

‘Inflation-Adjusted’ Deer District Concert Venue Approved

‘Inflation-Adjusted’ Deer District Concert Venue Approved

FPC's proposal for a smaller Deer District concert venue finds unanimous support.

Marquette Center for Real Estate to host Real Estate Strategies Conference May 4
New Mayor Offers Upbeat Inaugural Address

New Mayor Offers Upbeat Inaugural Address

A who's who crowd cheers Johnson's vision of improved public safety and family-supporting jobs

Raynetta Hill Will Lead King Drive BID

Raynetta Hill Will Lead King Drive BID

A familiar face returns to lead growing business improvement district.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Deshea Agee Leaving King Drive BID
Eyes on Milwaukee

Deshea Agee Leaving King Drive BID

Executive director leaving to pursue undisclosed new opportunity.

Historic King Drive BID #8 Celebrates Accomplishments of Departing Executive Director
Press Release

Historic King Drive BID #8 Celebrates Accomplishments of Departing Executive Director

Announces local and national search for new leadership

DNCC Names Construction and Event Management Teams for 2020 Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee

Contribution to Milele A. Coggs of $215

DNCC Names Construction and Event Management Teams for 2020 Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee
Eyes on Milwaukee: Bader Redeveloping Second Harambee Building
Eyes on Milwaukee

Bader Redeveloping Second Harambee Building

Cafe and wellness center will join Bader at north end of King Drive.

Bronzeville Business Owners Desire the Streetcar

Bronzeville Business Owners Desire the Streetcar

Local shopkeepers say The Hop’s proposed expansion would bring an economic boost to the neighborhood.

Milwaukee Repertory Theater Elects Northwestern Mutual President Gregory C. Oberland As Board President
Press Release

Milwaukee Repertory Theater Elects Northwestern Mutual President Gregory C. Oberland As Board President

Nine New Trustees Elected from Charles E. Kubly Foundation, Foley & Lardner LLP, Harley-Davidson, Inc., Husch Blackwell, JCP Construction, and Plunkett Family Foundation

Mark Eppli Leaves Lasting Impact on Milwaukee Real Estate Industry

Mark Eppli Leaves Lasting Impact on Milwaukee Real Estate Industry

He founded ACRE, with the goal of expanding minority representation in commercial real estate.

UWM Alumni Association announces 2017 Alumni Award winners

Contribution to Ashanti Hamilton of $340

UWM Alumni Association announces 2017 Alumni Award winners
Black Firm To Build Bader Headquarters

Black Firm To Build Bader Headquarters

Black-owned construction firm creating new Bader foundation building on MLK Dr.

Bader Philanthropies hires general contractor for global headquarters
Press Release

Bader Philanthropies hires general contractor for global headquarters

Bader Philanthropies hires one of Milwaukee fastest-growing, minority-owned companies as general contractor for global headquarters.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Rocky Marcoux Keeps His Job

Contribution to José G. Pérez of $100

Eyes on Milwaukee: Rocky Marcoux Keeps His Job
Eyes on Milwaukee

Rocky Marcoux Keeps His Job

In a dramatic turnabout, the once-dead DCD head gains 11 of 15 council member votes.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Committee Again Says Yes to Rocky
Eyes on Milwaukee

Committee Again Says Yes to Rocky

DCD head Rocky Marcoux once again endorsed at committee, but his fate is still uncertain.

Pete’s Fruit Market Announces New Store in Bronzeville

Contribution to Khalif Rainey of $750

Pete’s Fruit Market Announces New Store in Bronzeville

Contribution to Milele A. Coggs of $325

Pete’s Fruit Market Announces New Store in Bronzeville
Press Release

Pete’s Fruit Market Announces New Store in Bronzeville

Bringing Fresh, Quality Food To the Corner of Dr. Martin Luther King Drive and North Avenue

Minority-Owned Firm Helped By SBA

Contribution to José G. Pérez of $350

Minority-Owned Firm Helped By SBA

Contribution to Michael Murphy of $325

Minority-Owned Firm Helped By SBA

Contribution to Johnny Thomas of $750

Minority-Owned Firm Helped By SBA

Contribution to Ashanti Hamilton of $67

Minority-Owned Firm Helped By SBA

Contribution to Russell W. Stamper, II of $65

Minority-Owned Firm Helped By SBA

Contribution to Milele A. Coggs of $65

Minority-Owned Firm Helped By SBA

Minority-Owned Firm Helped By SBA

Family-owned JCP Construction, helped by SBA training, now at work on NM Tower.

Construction firm buys King Drive building for $500,000

Contribution to Milele A. Coggs of $395

Council vote advances redevelopment plan to create IB Middle Years school, community uses at Malcolm X site
Press Release

Council vote advances redevelopment plan to create IB Middle Years school, community uses at Malcolm X site

The Milwaukee Common Council voted Tuesday to move forward a comprehensive redevelopment of Milwaukee Public Schools’ former Malcolm X Academy.

New development project would host an International Baccalaureate Middle Years school and community uses under plans detailed by MPS, city, developers
Press Release

New development project would host an International Baccalaureate Middle Years school and community uses under plans detailed by MPS, city, developers

A public-private partnership allows for the uses desired by the community including housing.

The facts: MPS, Malcolm X and 2760 Holdings LLC
Press Release

The facts: MPS, Malcolm X and 2760 Holdings LLC

Under the sale, 2760 Holdings, LLC, will make significant improvements to the 50-plus-year-old building to prepare it to be reopened as a community center and school.

New City Law Fails to Help Black Contractors

New City Law Fails to Help Black Contractors

2012 ordinance aimed to give more access but only 1 of 125 contracts went to black-owned businesses.

City People: James Phelps
City People

James Phelps

How to succeed at business without ever leaving your neighborhood.