Content referencing Glenn Yamahiro
How Wisconsin’s Investigations Into Police Shootings Protect Officers
Milwaukee Area Investigative Team gives them privileges other suspects don't get.
Feb 14th, 2025 by Isiah HolmesCity Closes Teutonia Gas and Food Again
Remanded hearing for retail business on N. Teutonia Ave. yields same result.
Feb 11th, 2025 by Sophie BolichMilwaukee Takes Ownership of Northridge Mall
Judge grants city property via tax foreclosure.
Jan 25th, 2024 by Jeramey JannenePolice Like GOP’s John Doe Bill, Victims’ Advocates Don’t
Proposal seeks to end investigations into officers who claim to have killed someone in self defense.
Jan 12th, 2024 by Isiah HolmesJudicial Rotation Explained By An Insider
Judges face an annual court house shuffle on August 1.
Aug 18th, 2023 by Michael HorneAna Berrios-Schroeder Announces First Round of Judicial Endorsements
Dec 29th, 2022 by Ana Berrios-Schroeder
After UWM Lawsuit Loss, City Could Rewrite Historic Preservation Ordinance
Change would be a safeguard on state-owned buildings.
Oct 10th, 2022 by Jeramey JanneneCity Loses Again In Bid To Prevent Columbia Hospital Demolition
All of the windows now gone from the building while city seeks appeals court ruling.
Oct 6th, 2022 by Jeramey JanneneFight Over Former Columbia Hospital Heads Back To Court
City appeals ruling, seeks to block UWM's further demolition of hospital.
Aug 29th, 2022 by Jeramey JanneneSheriff Has a Busy Drone Unit
While county faces massive budget deficit, sheriff has 8-man unit doing surveillance of peaceful protests.
Jul 20th, 2022 by Isiah HolmesState Supreme Court Rules in Milwaukee ShotSpotter Case
Court says gunfire detection met standard for reasonable suspicion in man's arrest.
Jun 24th, 2022 by Isiah HolmesSpecial Prosecutors Won’t File Charges in Jay Anderson Killing
Prosecutors said they could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt a crime was committed.
Jun 2nd, 2022 by Isiah HolmesThree Tosa Police Given Immunity in Jay Anderson Probe
"Unorthodox" decision in John Doe probe of Anderson’s killing by officer is questioned.
Feb 1st, 2022 by Isiah HolmesSpecial Prosecutors Appointed in Case Against Joseph Mensah
Judge ruled there is probable cause former Tosa cop committed homicide with a dangerous weapon.
Dec 8th, 2021 by Corrinne HessSupervisor Clancy Applauds Probable Cause Decision in Death of Jay Anderson, Jr.
Jul 29th, 2021 by State Rep. Ryan Clancy
Rep. Bowen Statement on John Doe Charging Decision Against Joseph Mensah
Judge Yamahiro Decision A Win for Justice; Highlights Need for Meaningful Reform We've Championed.
Jul 28th, 2021 by State Rep. David BowenJudge Finds Probable Cause Officer Mensah Committed Homicide
Ex-Wauwatosa cop Joseph Mensah fatally shot Jay Anderson Jr. In 2016.
Jul 28th, 2021 by Corrinne HessClosing Arguments Delivered On Jay Anderson’s Killing
Attorney says former Tosa police officer should be charged with second degree reckless homicide.
May 20th, 2021 by Isiah HolmesTosa Police Chief Testifies About Mensah
In John Doe hearing Weber defends former officer's killing of Jay Anderson, Jr.
May 4th, 2021 by Corrinne HessTosa Police Chief Will Testify in New Mensah Case
Jay Anderson's family asks judge to independently file charges.
Mar 25th, 2021 by Corrinne HessJudges Letter for Immediate Publication
Letter from thirty six sitting and retired Milwaukee area judges regarding the upcoming Supreme Court election on April 2nd.
Mar 26th, 2019 by Press ReleaseCampaign to Retain Judge Andrew Jones Earns Broad Support From Judiciary
"It is an honor to have the support of so many members of the Milwaukee County judiciary.
Feb 21st, 2019 by Andrew JonesMost Reversed Judge Of The Year
Judge William Gabler had four cases overturned by higher courts in 2016.
Jan 12th, 2017 by Gretchen SchuldtLegislature Resists Background Checks for Guns
18 states require them, 85% of state residents support them, but Walker, GOP resist.
Aug 28th, 2016 by Alexandra ArriagaJudge Paul Rifelj launches campaign with support of majority of fellow judges
Public safety organizations also support Rifelj at launch of campaign to win a full term on Milwaukee County Circuit Court
Dec 23rd, 2015 by Paul RifeljJudges rally behind Gwen Connolly in race for Circuit Court Judge
“The campaign has been energizing, and it’s a privilege to have the support of these distinguished leaders,” said Connolly.
Aug 6th, 2015 by Gwen ConnollyThe Jewish Judge Who’s a Quarter Irish
Governor James E. Doyle told about 75 people at Mo’s Irish Pub last Friday that “there are a number of good things I can do as governor. … I get to appoint people to the bench. As a lawyer and the son of a judge, I take this seriously.” What does the governor look for in a judge? – He’s appointed about 6 of them so far –“I get a list of very – incredibly good people. I could pick them out of a hat. But I look for intelligence, fairness, and understanding of people. Also, frankly, some much needed diversity.” Doyle got diversity all right when he appointed Glenn Yamahiro as a Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge last year. Yamahiro, a former public defender, lawyer in private practice, and teacher of disturbed students, is also the first Asian-American to sit on the bar in Wisconsin. He is that, and more, the crowd, gathered for a fundraiser, was to learn. Yamahiro told the crowd that he was proud to be “the first [judicial] appointee by a democratic governor in almost 20 years.” Yamahiro is running for a full term against former Judge Robert Crawford, whose antics on the bench in the past cost him his seat to Judge Louis Butler, who was present, as were such other judges as Jean DiMotto, Ted Wedemeyer, Tom Donegan, Paul Wall and judge wannabees like Audrey Skwierawski. Attorneys including the venerable Dominic Frinzi and Mark Thomsen popped in for the gig. Yamahiro has already proven himself to be one of the more amusing speakers on the bench, and among politicians generally. “I told the governor at the time of my appointment that any opponent I would get would be buried at the election. “Now we have to come through on that promise,” he said, to the general assent of the assembled, not eager for a return of the goofy Crawford. Yamahiro rubbed it in: “If it was an election of the informed, we wouldn’t need this gathering,” he said. Do not think that Yamahiro tried to coast by solely on the merits of his wit and the novelty of his Asian background. “I am the first Asian-American judge in Wisconsin, but I did have a grandma in Iowa, born about 100 years ago. Her name was Morrissey. So I have 25 percent Irish blood, and I am happy to be in Mo’s Irish Pub with the Guinness flowing.” The crowd really liked this intercultural news, and I talked to Deja Vishny, a public defender with a really cool name – and yet another story. “I’m Glenn’s wife,” she said. The couple has one child, who attends a Jewish elementary school. “I’m Jewish,” she explained. “So is Glenn,” she added. Observations From the Governor On the Legislature You get the feeling from Governor Jim Doyle that the legislature is acting like a pesky housefly that he has to keep swatting at. The recent meetings of the august representatives of the people were characterized in this […]
Mar 8th, 2004 by Michael HorneLautenschlager’s Mess
Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager’s drunk driving arrest last week removes her from behind the wheel of her state-owned vehicle for a year, and puts Governor Jim Doyle in the driver’s seat. The two had squabbled, privately, over terms of the Governor’s jobs bill, with Lautenschlager threatening to use her authority to see that the law comply with the state’s environmental regulations, which she intimated it did not. This sort of independent action by an attorney general is not new in Wisconsin. Doyle was the chief practitioner of it, but then again, he was a Democrat, and the Governor at the time was a Republican. The press has made note that Doyle suggests Lautenschlager forgo some of her pay as a sort of penance for her indiscretion, a matter that remains unresolved at this time. Doyle also suggested that Lautenschlager consider entering a program to treat problem drinkers. He said that he had a number of friends who had been in a similar situation and that the treatment had helped them. In fact, the public admission of guilt and responsibility (which Lautenschlager made) is usually accompanied these days with a prompt acknowledgement that a problem exists. The subject then usually promptly enters a treatment program and completes it, after which the matter is forgotten. Lautenschlager has not made that admission thus far, which leaves her in the position of either not having a “problem” or being “in denial” of it. It does leave Doyle high and dry, however, and much less likely to face interference in his plans from that peskiest of all politicians – an ambitious Attorney General. Walker at the War Memorial County Executive Scott Walker welcomed about 100 well-clad guests to a fundraiser February 26th at the War Memorial Center. The strictly upper-crust affair was a Republican-type fundraiser, which meant that hard liquor was consumed (in moderation) and beer, for the most part, was ignored. For those fans of the frothy stuff, Walker offered Miller products and Heineken. Food was by Ellen’s Prestige Catering, and included strolling waiters, another classy touch. Menu items included spinach somethings, meat and melted cheese on sandwich rounds, wrapped up little salmon tidbits, an entirely unsuccessful raspberry-brie tart, platters of some kind of 21st century sandwich product along with perfectly delicious fruit. The event was unmarred by public oratory, but was enhanced by an A-list of locals practicing up for the next time Bush is in town. Among the exalted: George Dalton, Dennis Kuester (on crutches), Michael Cudahy, mourning the recent death of Daniel Urban Kiley, creator of the $4 million Cudahy garden outside the adjacent Milwaukee Art Museum, Fred Luber, Tim Hoeksma, Carol Skornicka, John Finerty, Jim Weichmann, Joe Rice, Mary Buestrin, Corey Hoze and developer Mark Irgens. Hoze has secured speaker Dennis Hastert to appear at a $2000 fundraiser on his hopeless behalf in his upcoming congressional campaign. That’s rich. Marvin Pratt popped in and worked the crowd for about 20 minutes before his cop told him it was time to […]
Mar 1st, 2004 by Michael Horne