Content referencing Gary George

The State of Politics: LeMahieu Grows Into Majority Leader Role
The State of Politics

LeMahieu Grows Into Majority Leader Role

Republican Senate leader has worked at times with Democrats to get legislation passed.

All the Election Data You Want

All the Election Data You Want

It was one for the history books, with many surprising results and newcomers.

Vote Tuesday: Candidates for Common Council
Vote Tuesday

Candidates for Common Council

Six candidates for 5th District in only primary contest.

Vote Tuesday: Democratic Candidate Guide
Vote Tuesday

Democratic Candidate Guide

Packed Democratic gubernatorial race and county sheriff contest are top items on Tuesday's ballot.

The State of Politics: State Democrats Split on Abolishing ICE
The State of Politics

State Democrats Split on Abolishing ICE

Pocan’s proposal not backed by Baldwin, most Democratic candidates for Congress

Op Ed: The Unique Candidacy of Mike McCabe
Op Ed

The Unique Candidacy of Mike McCabe

And why his campaign for governor is attracting an army of volunteers.

The State of Politics: Will Democrats Set Record for Governor Race?
The State of Politics

Will Democrats Set Record for Governor Race?

A record 16 candidates have registered, making predictions difficult.

The State of Politics: Walker Aides Pushed for Loan, Now in Default
The State of Politics

Walker Aides Pushed for Loan, Now in Default

Records detail VIP treatment of Walker campaign donor William Minahan.

Did Judge Violate Disclosure Law?

Did Judge Violate Disclosure Law?

Circuit Court judge rules on case involving city police he was paid to give training sessions, yet he didn't disclose this.

The State of Politics: Pick Tuesday’s Primary Winners
The State of Politics

Pick Tuesday’s Primary Winners

Burke v. Hulsey won't be close. But the 19th Assembly District Democratic primary looks to be very competitive, who will win it?

Murphy’s Law: Handicapping the Democratic Race for Attorney General
Murphy’s Law

Handicapping the Democratic Race for Attorney General

Jon Richards is the favorite. But is he the best choice?

House Confidential: Gary George’s Grafton Mansion
House Confidential

Gary George’s Grafton Mansion

He lives far outside Gwen Moore's congressional district, but is running for the seat anyway.

Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC Announces Assembly #3 in 4-MONTH Atonement Discussions
Press Release

Milwaukee Professionals Association LLC Announces Assembly #3 in 4-MONTH Atonement Discussions

Historic Awareness Meetings held at Wisconsin Black Historical Society

Murphy’s Law: John Chisholm Crushes Sheriff Clarke
Murphy’s Law

John Chisholm Crushes Sheriff Clarke

The sheriff takes some pot shots at DA, only to get mowed down, in an entertaining -- and very revealing -- exchange.

The State of Politics: Few Competitive Legislative Races
The State of Politics

Few Competitive Legislative Races

Redistricting has reduced the number of competitive districts for fall elections.

House Confidential: Spencer Coggs’ Very New Northwest Side Home
House Confidential

Spencer Coggs’ Very New Northwest Side Home

Ironically, the City Treasurer lives next to three lots that are delinquent in paying him their property taxes.

The Roundup: Kennedy Walks
The Roundup

Kennedy Walks

Substantial Fine for Possession of Forged Artwork

The Roundup: Race For Governor is On!
The Roundup

Race For Governor is On!

Well, it is official

The Roundup: In-House Election Commission Good Idea?
The Roundup

In-House Election Commission Good Idea?

It is more of an internal workgroup,” Pat Curley said.

The Roundup: More OIC – George Connections
The Roundup

More OIC – George Connections

Although the Gary George – OIC-GM connections are well documented, particularly those that have led to the convictions of George, Mark Sostarich and Carl Gee, recently-released audit information and other source documents indicate that perhaps the OIC-George connection needs to be further investigated. Nobody is accusing anybody of wrongdoing, but perhaps investigators should dig a little deeper into the dealings of George and those connected with him, if only to remove any hint of suspicion from settling on the mantle of the innocent. Take, for instance, the relationship between Todd Robert Murphy, OIC-GM and Gary George. Murphy was recently relieved of his Public Relations contract with OIC-GM, and was replaced by Martin Schreiber and Associates. The recent audit of the OIC-GM accounts indicated that payments made by OIC-GM to TRM Marketing Consultants, Murphy’s firm, were “unallowable expenses,” according to Paul Steiber of the State of Wisconsin. His review included two months during which Murphy received $4,000 per month from OIC-GM. Was this a “cushy consulting job,” as Leon Todd has suggested? Todd said the Murphy-planted cover story about OIC-GM that appeared in the Shepherd Express (and, interestingly, in newspapers in the African-American community) was “not enough” to save him his job. According to the audit, OIC-GM was not authorized to hire a public relations consultant with W2 funds. The Ethics Board did not have a complete accounting of the amount of money Murphy’s firm was paid over the years. The board was investigating “direct” payments, and Murphy’s were considered “indirect.” According to John Becker of the Ethics Board, the payments to Todd Robert Murphy’s firm “were not something we focused on.” Nor has the board “seen any checks,” from OIC-GM to Murphy, he said. One wonders if the State of Wisconsin Ethics Board should have done a better job reviewing its own documents, for the Statements of Economic Interests filed by George for the years 1999-2001 show that George received more than $1,000 per year from Murphy’s firm. It would be interesting to know how much exactly per year Murphy sent to George, and what he got in exchange. George also reported receiving funds from Petrie and Stocking, the firm that employed Mark Sostarich, who gave George kickbacks from OIC funds. George also received money from Coleman & Williams, Ltd., an accounting firm. Coleman & Williams also received money from OIC – to conduct an audit of the OIC books. Isn’t it odd that an accounting firm that received money from OIC-GM would also, coincidentally, be sending more than $1,000 per year to George, who was systematically swindling OIC-GM out of money, with the connivance of Carl Gee, the group’s director, and Mark Sostarich, the Petrie and Stocking lawyer? Bill Coleman, of the accounting firm, said the relationship was quite innocent, and that he had hired Gary George to do unspecified legal work for his firm. Since many aspects of attorney-client relationships are privileged, we’ll have to take his word for it. Still, workers at the Ethics Board, the United […]

The Roundup: Art Dealer in Jail
The Roundup

Art Dealer in Jail

Don’t bother calling Kennedy Fine Arts in Northbrook, Illinois. Don’t even try to leave a message, because the voice mailbox is full. Of course, it is easy to see why – James F. Kennedy, the art dealer, has been sitting in the Milwaukee County jail without bail since May 7th, and it looks like he’ll be there at least until a hearing date on May 18th, according to a jail spokesperson. (According to the Wisconsin Circuit Court Access, Kennedy’s offense occurred May 10th.) He is charged with a felony under statute 976.03(13), “extradition – arrest prior to requisition.” told you two weeks ago that an individual was trying to peddle fake Picassos in the Milwaukee area. Although Kennedy is held on an unrelated out-of-state warrant, he is the fellow who was trying to pass off the fakes in our community. Apparently police did not have enough evidence to charge him with a crime in the matter – mere possession of fake artwork is not a crime, and there was insufficient evidence he had tried to sell the works, they say – Kennedy’s van was seized along with some 300 works of art that were allegedly fakes. He was arrested on Milwaukee Street, and is from Northbrook, Illinois. It is doubtful that Kennedy was the author of the fakes, and it is likely that he is a player in a much larger art fraud ring. So, just to remind you once again, if you have purchased any “Picasso” drawings in the last couple of weeks, contact a reputable art dealer or law enforcement authorities. Kennedy was born on May 17, 1957, so it looks like he will be spending his birthday in jail. Concordia Gets Bush President George W. Bush visited the Ozaukee County megalopolis of Mequon Thursday to deliver the commencement address at Concordia University at the Lutheran school’s very secure lakeside campus. Milwaukeeworld correspondent Patrick C. Horne, a Mequon resident, was at the intersection of Port Washington Road and Highland Road where Bush supporters and detractors hoped the presidential motorcade would pass. Of course, it didn’t, since the president’s motorcade traveled along Lake Shore Drive, far removed from the supporters, detractors, and reality. “We’ve got protestors on one side and the republicans on the other side,” Horne said via cellular telephone while awaiting the motorcade’s non-arrival. “We’ve got TV people on the other side, we’ve got Secret Service, we’ve got Germantown, Milwaukee, Ozaukee County, all sorts of people, all sorts of squads, all sorts of everything. Now, the mystery is which way he’s going to come in. I hope they take our President on LSD.” [Editor’s note: LSD is Mequon slang for Lakeshore Drive.] According to Horne, there was a good deal of “ranting and raving back and forth” between the President’s supporters and detractors. “’Give him four more years.’ ‘No, give him five more months,’” they chanted, he said. “Lot of Republicans,” Horne said. “’Oh! I forgot my flag!’ ‘Oh! Don’t they have anything better to do […]

The Roundup: Liz Cheney to Open Bush-Cheney Office Here
The Roundup

Liz Cheney to Open Bush-Cheney Office Here

If you are over by Mayfair Monday, you can drop by the grand opening of the Bush–Cheney’04 Wisconsin Headquarters, 2222 N. Mayfair Rd., Wauwatosa.  The opening is open to the press, and Liz Cheney will be available for interviews. The event is at noon and features such other dignitaries as Rep. Leah Vukmir, Rep. Mark Honadel, Rep. Curt Gielow, and County Executive Scott Walker. If you are in the neighborhood and would like to do something other than that, then get to the corner of Hwy. 100 and W. North Avenue where Wisconsin Citizen Action hosts a “Bash Bush” event at 11:30 a.m. Gary George Law License Suspended If you never got around to hiring Gary George as a lawyer like the Warshafsky Law Firm did, you’re “temporarily” out of luck. The disgraced former state senator’s license was temporarily suspended April 1st by an order of Cornelia G. Clark the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, dated March 8, 2004.. Clark acted on a motion from the Office of Lawyer Regulation “seeking the temporary suspension of the license of Attorney Gary R. George to practice law in Wisconsin. … The basis for this motion is Attorney George’s January 22, 2004 guilty plea in United States District Court, Eastern District of Wisconsin, to one count of conspiracy.” It is not common for lawyers to plead guilty to felony charges – they usually put up a fight, and a law license won’t be of much use where Gary’s going – namely, federal prison. For one thing, the competition would be intense. Paul Henningsen’s already got most of the business locked up by now, one would imagine. Along with George’s demise we lose another annoyance – we shall no longer see or hear Gary George advertisements for the Warshafsky Law Firm. George taped his advertisements in August, 2000, back when the century was new and George’s integrity was unblemished. (We were a simpler people then.) Back then I asked the law firm about the ads. “Are they designed to help George in his reelection campaign?” The Warshafsky spokesperson replied, “It has no connection to the campaign. He just brings us a lot of business.” Election Night Approaches We are down to the final hours in our Mayoral election, with the result said to be a tossup. Much will be dependent on voter turnout, which itself can depend on things like the weather. The primary election had the added allure of a presidential primary to possibly juice the vote. On the other hand, it is possible that the lack of a republican presidential race kept Milwaukee republicans at home in February, and that they will come out to vote Tuesday, if there are enough of them to count. Then we have the white people for Pratt, and the black people for Barrett contingency. I should imagine they exist in roughly the same, small numbers. Among them – former candidates Frank Cumberbatch and Leon Todd have endorsed Barrett. Sandy Folaron and Vince Bobot have […]

The Roundup: The Jewish Judge Who’s a Quarter Irish
The Roundup

The Jewish Judge Who’s a Quarter Irish

Governor James E. Doyle told about 75 people at Mo’s Irish Pub last Friday that “there are a number of good things I can do as governor. … I get to appoint people to the bench. As a lawyer and the son of a judge, I take this seriously.” What does the governor look for in a judge? – He’s appointed about 6 of them so far –“I get a list of very – incredibly good people. I could pick them out of a hat. But I look for intelligence, fairness, and understanding of people. Also, frankly, some much needed diversity.” Doyle got diversity all right when he appointed Glenn Yamahiro as a Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge last year. Yamahiro, a former public defender, lawyer in private practice, and teacher of disturbed students, is also the first Asian-American to sit on the bar in Wisconsin. He is that, and more, the crowd, gathered for a fundraiser, was to learn. Yamahiro told the crowd that he was proud to be “the first [judicial] appointee by a democratic governor in almost 20 years.” Yamahiro is running for a full term against former Judge Robert Crawford, whose antics on the bench in the past cost him his seat to Judge Louis Butler, who was present, as were such other judges as Jean DiMotto, Ted Wedemeyer, Tom Donegan, Paul Wall and judge wannabees like Audrey Skwierawski. Attorneys including the venerable Dominic Frinzi and Mark Thomsen popped in for the gig. Yamahiro has already proven himself to be one of the more amusing speakers on the bench, and among politicians generally. “I told the governor at the time of my appointment that any opponent I would get would be buried at the election. “Now we have to come through on that promise,” he said, to the general assent of the assembled, not eager for a return of the goofy Crawford. Yamahiro rubbed it in: “If it was an election of the informed, we wouldn’t need this gathering,” he said. Do not think that Yamahiro tried to coast by solely on the merits of his wit and the novelty of his Asian background. “I am the first Asian-American judge in Wisconsin, but I did have a grandma in Iowa, born about 100 years ago. Her name was Morrissey. So I have 25 percent Irish blood, and I am happy to be in Mo’s Irish Pub with the Guinness flowing.” The crowd really liked this intercultural news, and I talked to Deja Vishny, a public defender with a really cool name – and yet another story. “I’m Glenn’s wife,” she said. The couple has one child, who attends a Jewish elementary school. “I’m Jewish,” she explained. “So is Glenn,” she added. Observations From the Governor On the Legislature You get the feeling from Governor Jim Doyle that the legislature is acting like a pesky housefly that he has to keep swatting at. The recent meetings of the august representatives of the people were characterized in this […]

The Roundup: No Challenge to Hill Papers
The Roundup

No Challenge to Hill Papers

But Halbrooks says Election Commission’s Extended Hours Helped Opponent

The Roundup: Bobot Calls for Term Limit
The Roundup

Bobot Calls for Term Limit

Vince Bobot plans to request a change in the City Charter to limit the term of Milwaukee Mayor to two consecutive terms.

The Roundup: Krug Scores Joint Finance Seat
The Roundup

Krug Scores Joint Finance Seat

Rep. Shirley Krug was chosen Monday to take a seat on the influential Joint Committee on Finance

Murphy’s Law: Can Falk And Thompson Play Spoilers in the Governor’s Race?
Murphy’s Law

Can Falk And Thompson Play Spoilers in the Governor’s Race?

I'm hard pressed to think of a more interesting state race than the upcoming campaign for governor.

Murphy’s Law: How To Kill Ament’s Pension
Murphy’s Law

How To Kill Ament’s Pension

Now that the mainstream media is having a feeding frenzy over the pension story I first broke back in October, Milwaukee County Executive F. Thomas Ament has gotten religion.

Murphy’s Law: Could Ed Thompson Get Elected Governor?
Murphy’s Law

Could Ed Thompson Get Elected Governor?

It's a wacky idea, but Ed Thompson may turn out to be a real spoiler in the race for governor.

Murphy’s Law: Superintendent Burmaster Slaps The Governor Around
Murphy’s Law

Superintendent Burmaster Slaps The Governor Around

My, how times have changed.

Murphy’s Law: Will Taxes Be the Key Issue in the Governor’s Race?
Murphy’s Law

Will Taxes Be the Key Issue in the Governor’s Race?

In the wake of the tragedy in New York and Washington, the Democratic candidates for governor have slowed down their campaigning, but they have been strategizing as to what the major issues will be in next fall's election.

Murphy’s Law: Is Jim Sensenbrenner America’s Cheapest Congressman?
Murphy’s Law

Is Jim Sensenbrenner America’s Cheapest Congressman?

It must be tough being married to James Sensenbrenner.

Murphy’s Law: Is Superintendent Korte In Trouble With The School Board?
Murphy’s Law

Is Superintendent Korte In Trouble With The School Board?

At first glance, Milwaukee school superintendent Spence Korte looks like he could be on the chopping block.

Murphy’s Law: Why The Mayor is Not Dead
Murphy’s Law

Why The Mayor is Not Dead

Back in the early 1980s, Milwaukee Magazine ran a scathing caricature of Mayor Henry Maier with the title "What Does This Man Do All Day?"

Murphy’s Law: Is Mayor Norquist Sleeping on School Choice?
Murphy’s Law

Is Mayor Norquist Sleeping on School Choice?

In the London Times, Mayor John Norquist is prominently quoted in a story on Milwaukee's school choice program.

Murphy’s Law: Gary George’s Plot to Kill the Comptroller
Murphy’s Law

Gary George’s Plot to Kill the Comptroller

State budget deliberations are a time for mischief making, and state Sen. Gary George (D-Milwaukee) has always had a reputation for quietly slipping pet proposals into this biennial document.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Goes Crazy for Research Parks
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Goes Crazy for Research Parks

Wisconsin is supposed to be suffering from a brain drain, and southeast Wisconsin is said to lack the kind of high technology industries you find in a research park.