Content referencing Derek Williams

MKE County: County Medical Examiner Abruptly Retires
MKE County

County Medical Examiner Abruptly Retires

Dr. Brian Peterson, who faced some controversies, leaves without making a statement.

Murphy’s Law: Sickle Cell Excuses Killings By Police?
Murphy’s Law

Sickle Cell Excuses Killings By Police?

3 of 47 such deaths nationally were in Milwaukee, but county medical examiner defends his decisions.

Op Ed: The George Floyds of Wisconsin
Op Ed

The George Floyds of Wisconsin

11 Black men, one Latino male killed by police in last decade in state. When will it end?

City Hall: Council Calls For ‘I Can’t Breathe’ Policy
City Hall

Council Calls For ‘I Can’t Breathe’ Policy

Measure would require interventions when anyone in custody says they're having trouble breathing.

Chief’s Crucifixion Message Panned by Council

Chief’s Crucifixion Message Panned by Council

13 members sign letter urging Morales: stop chiding protesters and listen to their message.

Ald. Stamper to introduce “I can’t breathe” resolution
Milwaukee Turners Call for Lasting Measures to Uproot Systemic Racism in Law Enforcement and Oppose Military Responses to the Current Crisis
In Milwaukee we need reforms and better communication, accountability
Press Release

In Milwaukee we need reforms and better communication, accountability

Statement of Common Council President Cavalier Johnson June 1, 2020

Rep. Bowen Statement on Passing of Civil Rights Attorney Jonathan Safran
Press Release

Rep. Bowen Statement on Passing of Civil Rights Attorney Jonathan Safran

“A Giant Fighter for Justice in Milwaukee”

Op Ed: Jimmy Harris’s Long Struggle for Justice
Op Ed

Jimmy Harris’s Long Struggle for Justice

Pulled over by police and beaten, he filed and won — finally — a civil rights lawsuit.

City Hall: Barrett Must Rebuild Fire & Police Board
City Hall

Barrett Must Rebuild Fire & Police Board

Powerful Fire & Police Commission needs new director and two new board members.

City Hall: Council Rejects Barrett’s FPC Appointee
City Hall

Council Rejects Barrett’s FPC Appointee

Fire and Police Commission appointee gives "petulant" presentation, rejected by council.

Senator Taylor Responds to Walker’s Twitter Rant, “We Need Leadership, Not a Twitter Fight.”
Press Release

Senator Taylor Responds to Walker’s Twitter Rant, “We Need Leadership, Not a Twitter Fight.”

"So Governor Walker didn’t have time to defend Harley-Davidson, but he has time to blow dog whistles."

City Attorney Shifts Blame to Sterling Brown
Press Release

City Attorney Shifts Blame to Sterling Brown

"The comments from City Attorney Langley are troubling."

Banks Make Millions Off Police Brutality Cases

Banks Make Millions Off Police Brutality Cases

Report shows banks earned $3.7 million on $26 million in city-issued bonds to pay off MPD suits.

Town Hall Meetings Discuss Police Reforms

Town Hall Meetings Discuss Police Reforms

Fire and Police Commission seeks community responses to federal study of Milwaukee Police.

Walker Out of Bounds on NFL Protests: Violence is Violence
Press Release

Walker Out of Bounds on NFL Protests: Violence is Violence

Wisconsin Governor Thinks He Should Decide What NFL Players’ Priorities Should Be

Op-Ed: City’s “Second-Class Citizens” Are Frustrated

City’s “Second-Class Citizens” Are Frustrated

As Ald. Rainey has argued, racism led to violent uprising.

Racism Led to Violent Weekend, Residents Say

Racism Led to Violent Weekend, Residents Say

Poverty, segregation, racial profiling by police all led to explosion, they note.

Critics Demand Federal Probe of Police Department

Critics Demand Federal Probe of Police Department

Huge turnout at listening session, many call for civil rights investigation of MPD's "patterns and practices."

U.S. Rep. Moore Welcomes DOJ Investigation of Milwaukee PD
Press Release

U.S. Rep. Moore Welcomes DOJ Investigation of Milwaukee PD

In response to the U.S. Department of Justice’s announcement that it will launch a collaborative reform initiative with the Milwaukee Police Department, Congresswoman Moore released the following statement:

The Story Behind the Streetcar Referendum

The Story Behind the Streetcar Referendum

Conservatives from outside Milwaukee hope to join forces with black city residents to oppose the streetcar.

Rep. Gwen Moore Calls on DOJ Review of Milwaukee Police Procedures
Press Release

Rep. Gwen Moore Calls on DOJ Review of Milwaukee Police Procedures

Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) sent the following letter to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Civil Rights Division

Back in the News: The Ed Flynn Factor
Back in the News

The Ed Flynn Factor

Politico Magazine concludes Milwaukee is an innovator in policing. Why? Chief Flynn’s leadership.

Murphy’s Law: Attorneys Rush to Chisholm’s Defense
Murphy’s Law

Attorneys Rush to Chisholm’s Defense

Worried about possible recall, they plan fundraiser for the DA. But will it help him?

Murphy’s Law: Recall Effort Targets John Chisholm
Murphy’s Law

Recall Effort Targets John Chisholm

DA targeted by right wingers outraged by John Doe and liberal blacks angered by suspects killed in custody.

Supervisor Khalif Rainey Expresses Outrage Over bill To Allow MPD To Conduct Its Own Investigations When Prisoners Die in Their Custody
Press Release

Supervisor Khalif Rainey Expresses Outrage Over bill To Allow MPD To Conduct Its Own Investigations When Prisoners Die in Their Custody

Rainey said it was “outrageous” that under the bill other police departments would be investigated by the state Department of Justice or an agency outside the county in case of prisoner deaths.

Milwaukee needs greater investment in human capital
Press Release

Milwaukee needs greater investment in human capital

Statement of Alderman Joe Davis, Sr. May 29, 2013

Results of Williams probe expose deeper problems
Press Release

Results of Williams probe expose deeper problems

Results of Williams probe expose deeper problems

Prosecutors miss the mark in Williams decision
Press Release

Prosecutors miss the mark in Williams decision

Statement of Common Council President Willie L. Hines, Jr. May 28, 2013

In Derek Williams case, “justice” is in the eye of the beholder
Press Release

In Derek Williams case, “justice” is in the eye of the beholder

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan February 22, 2013

Mayor Tom Barrett issued the following statement regarding the Derek Williams Inquest:
Press Release

Mayor Tom Barrett issued the following statement regarding the Derek Williams Inquest:

“I want to thank Special Prosecutor John Franke for his professionalism while presenting the case and I want to thank the jury panel for their service.”

Williams inquest an exercise in transparency, justice
Press Release

Williams inquest an exercise in transparency, justice

We have said all along, since the death in police custody of Derek Williams, that the only way to restore the public’s faith that justice will be done is with complete transparency and a thorough vetting of the facts in full view of the public. Having personally observed several days’ worth of testimony in this weeklong inquest, I can unequivocally say it has been a worthwhile endeavor. The public is much more aware of the series of events that led up to Derek Williams’s death, and they have seen firsthand as the wheels of justice begin to turn. But this specific case is still far from over, and Derek Williams’s death is only one of a number of cases that constitute a broader federal investigation into the Milwaukee Police Department. It bears repeating that the proceedings of the last week are only the first steps in the march toward justice.

Williams death inquest jury gets it right
Press Release

Williams death inquest jury gets it right

Statement of Common Council President Willie L. Hines, Jr. February 21, 2013

Bowen, Stamper Respond to Statement Issued by Supervisor Alexander
Press Release

Bowen, Stamper Respond to Statement Issued by Supervisor Alexander

Supervisors David Bowen, District 10, and Russell W. Stamper II, District 5, have issued statements in response to claims by Supervisor Deanna Alexander that elected officials meddled in the affairs of the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner and led to the resignation of Christopher Poulus.

Supervisor Condemns Meddling that Caused Resignation
Press Release

Supervisor Condemns Meddling that Caused Resignation

“While Poulus’ boss may have given him some well-intentioned career advise to help him avoid the discomfort of a politically volatile situation, I am dismayed to hear that ‘punishing’ Poulus was even discussed by elected officials, much less demanded by them.”

Murphy’s Law: Hines Would Reduce Fire & Police Commission Power
Murphy’s Law

Hines Would Reduce Fire & Police Commission Power

Council appears to back radical change, Barrett seems lukewarm.

Supervisor Bowen Calls for Fire & Police Commission Reform
Press Release

Supervisor Bowen Calls for Fire & Police Commission Reform

Bowen to Join Community Leaders in News Conference 5 p.m. Today at City Hall

Murphy’s Law: Deaths in Custody Decline Under Flynn
Murphy’s Law

Deaths in Custody Decline Under Flynn

Journal Sentinel story criticizing department doesn’t report data showing decline.

Supervisor Stamper Praises Board for Leadership in Cases Involving Death of a Person in Law Enforcement Custody
Press Release

Supervisor Stamper Praises Board for Leadership in Cases Involving Death of a Person in Law Enforcement Custody

Board overwhelmingly approves resolution outlining policy for Medical Examiner’s office

Council votes to support County Board’s Medical Examiner legislation
Press Release

Council votes to support County Board’s Medical Examiner legislation

County Board file establishes new policy for ME in cases involving death while in law enforcement custody

Supervisor Bowen Commends Committee for Moving Forward with Reform to Medical Examiner Policy
Press Release

Supervisor Bowen Commends Committee for Moving Forward with Reform to Medical Examiner Policy

Legislation now moves to full County Board on November 1

Murphy’s Law: Is Chief Flynn Off the Hook?
Murphy’s Law

Is Chief Flynn Off the Hook?

The federal investigation could cool calls for Flynn's resignation.

Alderman Donovan backs MPD, Chief Flynn on Williams case
Press Release

Alderman Donovan backs MPD, Chief Flynn on Williams case

While it appears to now be open season on the Milwaukee Police Department and its leader, I, for one, am standing squarely behind the dedicated and hard working men and women of the MPD and Chief Flynn with regard to the Derek Williams case.

Murphy’s Law: The public is “understandably horrified.”
Murphy’s Law

The public is “understandably horrified.”

Chief Flynn frankly discusses the death of Derek Williams in police custody.

Murphy’s Law: Should Chief Flynn Resign?
Murphy’s Law

Should Chief Flynn Resign?

The city is divided over the chief. But is it all his fault?

Common Council members call for County to codify changes in Medical Examiner’s procedures
Press Release

Common Council members call for County to codify changes in Medical Examiner’s procedures

Several Council members met with the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office on Friday (Sept. 28) to discuss concerns related to the Derek Williams case.

Citizens still waiting for answers about illegal strip searches
Press Release

Citizens still waiting for answers about illegal strip searches

Other Council members and I have recently been directing our efforts toward learning more about the tragic death in police custody of Derek Williams, and seeking justice for him.

Meeting with medical examiner to be covered by Council President Hines & other Council members at 2 p.m. news conference
Common Council members question Medical Examiner on Williams investigation
Press Release

Common Council members question Medical Examiner on Williams investigation

In their ongoing efforts to provide clarity and transparency about the investigation into the tragic death of Derek Williams in Milwaukee Police custody, Alderman Willie L. Hines, Jr., Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs, Alderman Willie C. Wade and Alderman Ashanti Hamilton met with the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner this morning, expressing their concerns and seeking answers.

U.S. Attorney’s insight needed in Williams death investigation
Press Release

U.S. Attorney’s insight needed in Williams death investigation

We are respectfully requesting that the office of the U.S. Attorney conduct an investigation into the case of Derek Williams, who died last year while in the custody of Milwaukee police.

Common Council members to meet with Medical Examiner on Williams investigation
Press Release

Common Council members to meet with Medical Examiner on Williams investigation

The Common Council members intend to relay their constituents’ concerns to the Medical Examiner

Council members to discuss Williams case
Press Release

Council members to discuss Williams case

4:30 p.m. TODAY, Sept. 25, 2012

How will Milwaukee Police Department handle extra work?
Press Release

How will Milwaukee Police Department handle extra work?

I’m disappointed the Mayor didn’t find it necessary to brief more Council members on his plans.