Content referencing Colin Kaepernick

After Years of Controversy, Assembly Recognizes Black History Month

After Years of Controversy, Assembly Recognizes Black History Month

Once a routine practice, the Assembly has not passed the resolution since 2020.

Ben and Jerry’s Opening Third Ward Location

Ben and Jerry’s Opening Third Ward Location

RNC will receive frosty reception as ice cream store opens July 14.

Ben & Jerry’s Coming to Third Ward

Ben & Jerry’s Coming to Third Ward

Ice cream producer will open first Milwaukee-area shop near N. Broadway and E. Chicago Street.

Assembly Passes School Crime, Conversion Therapy Bills

Assembly Passes School Crime, Conversion Therapy Bills

Bill provides no funding for school resource officers. Democrats oppose both bills.

Despite Past Controversy, 2023 Black History Month Resolution Finds Bipartisan Support

Despite Past Controversy, 2023 Black History Month Resolution Finds Bipartisan Support

In 2019, Republicans objected to a resolution honoring Milwaukee native Colin Kaepernick.

Senate Votes 33-0 To Fund Youth Prison

Senate Votes 33-0 To Fund Youth Prison

Also passes bills to restrict teaching race, limit safety net, allow higher bail.

Murphy’s Law: The Arrogance of Aaron Rodgers
Murphy’s Law

The Arrogance of Aaron Rodgers

His deceitful, irresponsible handling of COVID-19 protocols has become a political issue.

Op Ed: Star Spangled Banner Has Links to Slavery
Op Ed

Star Spangled Banner Has Links to Slavery

Which is why I voted against mandating its singing at sports events.

Honoring Limbaugh But Not Black History

Honoring Limbaugh But Not Black History

Republican legislators back resolution to honor Rush, resist celebrating Black History Month.

Bill Requires National Anthem Before Games

Bill Requires National Anthem Before Games

Republican legislator’s bill mandates anthem played in all taxpayer-funded facilities in state.

Supervisors’ Statement on the Passing of Henry ‘Hank’ Aaron
Op Ed: Police Response in Kenosha vs. U.S. Capitol
Op Ed

Police Response in Kenosha vs. U.S. Capitol

Who is the greater danger, BLM protesters or the armed mob trying to overturn election?

Op Ed: The Mishaps of Mandela Barnes
Op Ed

The Mishaps of Mandela Barnes

The state’s first black lieutenant governor has a target on his back.

Murphy’s Law: Republicans and Colin Kaepernick
Murphy’s Law

Republicans and Colin Kaepernick

Legislators opposition to honoring the NFL star is part of an ugly, historic pattern.

Colin Kaepernick to be featured in city’s 28 Days of Black History
Press Release

Colin Kaepernick to be featured in city’s 28 Days of Black History

From Alderman Ashanti Hamilton, Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs, Alderman Russell W. Stamper, II, Alderwoman Chantia Lewis, Alderman Khalif J. Rainey, Alderman Cavalier Johnson and Alderwoman Nikiya Dodd

GOP Senators, Too, Resist Honoring Kaepernick

GOP Senators, Too, Resist Honoring Kaepernick

They remove Milwaukee native and former NFL star from black history resolution, but won’t say why.

Taylor Refutes GOP’s Censorship of Black History Honorees
Press Release

Taylor Refutes GOP’s Censorship of Black History Honorees

"Republicans like Assembly Speaker Vos and Senate Majority Leader Fitzgerald set us back today."

Legislators Clash on Black History Month

Legislators Clash on Black History Month

Republicans remove Colin Kaepernick from resolution, Rep. Bowen cries foul.

Statement from Rep. Brostoff in Support of Colin Kaepernick’s Achievements
Press Release

Statement from Rep. Brostoff in Support of Colin Kaepernick’s Achievements

Despite Republican intransigence over Black History Month Resolution, Kaepernick deserves recognition

Representative LaKeshia Myers Issues Statement Regarding AJR8
Press Release

Representative LaKeshia Myers Issues Statement Regarding AJR8

"The insistence that Colin Kaepernick’s name be removed from the black history month resolution was an exercise in white privilege and one that I cannot accept."

Black Nativity by Langston Hughes 2018 Returns to the Marcus Center’s Wilson Theater at Vogel Hall
Press Release

Black Nativity by Langston Hughes 2018 Returns to the Marcus Center’s Wilson Theater at Vogel Hall

lack Nativity by Langston Hughes is a Black Arts MKE production in collaboration with the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts.

Senator Taylor Responds to Walker’s Twitter Rant, “We Need Leadership, Not a Twitter Fight.”
Press Release

Senator Taylor Responds to Walker’s Twitter Rant, “We Need Leadership, Not a Twitter Fight.”

"So Governor Walker didn’t have time to defend Harley-Davidson, but he has time to blow dog whistles."

Theater: Jesus Comes to Milwaukee

Jesus Comes to Milwaukee

Production of Langston Hughes’ gospel song play ‘Black Nativity’ set in city’s Park West neighborhood.

Walker Out of Bounds on NFL Protests: Violence is Violence
Press Release

Walker Out of Bounds on NFL Protests: Violence is Violence

Wisconsin Governor Thinks He Should Decide What NFL Players’ Priorities Should Be

Colin Kaepernick Helps City’s Non-Profits

Colin Kaepernick Helps City’s Non-Profits

Milwaukee native, 49ers quarterback wants to give $1 million to groups helping black teens.