
Content referencing Annette Ziegler

Wisconsin Supreme Court Bypasses Lower Courts To Hear RFK Jr. Ballot Case

Wisconsin Supreme Court Bypasses Lower Courts To Hear RFK Jr. Ballot Case

Court will issue a decision 'as expeditiously as possible'

Biden Calls For Supreme Court Ethics Overhaul

Biden Calls For Supreme Court Ethics Overhaul

'Crisis of ethics' at court says President. Wisconsin's court governed by different rules.

Data Wonk: Why Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes Are Now Legal
Data Wonk

Why Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes Are Now Legal

The explanation begins with a highly unusual 2022 Wisconsin Supreme Court decision.

Data Wonk: The Imperial Legislature Is Shot Down
Data Wonk

The Imperial Legislature Is Shot Down

6-1 decision by Wisconsin Supreme Court a surprise. What does it tell us about the court?

Wisconsin Supreme Court Limits Legislature’s Authority To Block Governor

Wisconsin Supreme Court Limits Legislature’s Authority To Block Governor

6-1 decision rules that legislators wrongly blocked DNR stewardship funding.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Restores Ballot Drop Box Access

Wisconsin Supreme Court Restores Ballot Drop Box Access

Decision reverses a 2022 ruling, restores use of unmanned boxes to return absentee ballots.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Accepts Abortion Rights Cases

Wisconsin Supreme Court Accepts Abortion Rights Cases

Both would advance abortion rights. Justices already bickering about cases.

The State of Politics: Feuding Supreme Court Justices Need a Break
The State of Politics

Feuding Supreme Court Justices Need a Break

Will a summer vacation cool tempers of three conservatives vs four liberals?

Chief Justice Seeks Probe After Leak of Draft in Wisconsin Abortion Case

Chief Justice Seeks Probe After Leak of Draft in Wisconsin Abortion Case

Document indicates high court to hear Planned Parenthood lawsuit on abortion rights.

The State of Politics: Shortage of Lawyers Plagues Northern Counties
The State of Politics

Shortage of Lawyers Plagues Northern Counties

New Attorney Retention and Recruitment Committee seeks to address the crisis.

Supreme Court Bickers Over Consultant Costs For Redistricting

Supreme Court Bickers Over Consultant Costs For Redistricting

'What a mess... today’s order is a brazen imposition of judicial will.'

State Supreme Court Creates Committee to Address Attorney Shortage ‘Crisis’

State Supreme Court Creates Committee to Address Attorney Shortage ‘Crisis’

Lack of lawyers raises constitutional concerns around right to a speedy trial

State Supreme Court Upholds Milwaukee Cop’s Firing Over Facebook Posts

State Supreme Court Upholds Milwaukee Cop’s Firing Over Facebook Posts

Former officer Erik Andrade's posts mocked 2018 arrest of Bucks player Sterling Brown.

State High Court Maintains Law Against Unmarried Adoptions

State High Court Maintains Law Against Unmarried Adoptions

Unmarried people cannot adopt the children of their partners, majority rules.

Evers Signs Bills Addressing Judges’ Safety and Human Sex Trafficking

Evers Signs Bills Addressing Judges’ Safety and Human Sex Trafficking

29 bills signed by governor also address school safety and crime victims.

Op Ed: Wisconsin’s Very Own Rudy Giuliani Should Not Oversee Judicial Ethics
Op Ed

Wisconsin’s Very Own Rudy Giuliani Should Not Oversee Judicial Ethics

How did Jim Troupis, a leader in fake Republican elector scheme, get reappointed?

Data Wonk: Will Wisconsin Supreme Court Legalize Absentee Ballot Boxes?
Data Wonk

Will Wisconsin Supreme Court Legalize Absentee Ballot Boxes?

It rejected three issues raised in lawsuit and will rule on only one. Why?

Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Against Unemployment Tax Exemption For Catholic Organization

Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Against Unemployment Tax Exemption For Catholic Organization

Religious groups said they will appeal the ruling to U.S. Supreme Court

State Supreme Court Will Reconsider Absentee Drop Boxes

State Supreme Court Will Reconsider Absentee Drop Boxes

Prior's court's conservative majority had banned their use in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Changes Procedures To Speed Up Cases

Wisconsin Supreme Court Changes Procedures To Speed Up Cases

The changes were made quietly last month with objections from conservative justices.

Legislators Push Judicial Security Bills

Legislators Push Judicial Security Bills

142 threats against Wisconsin judges in past year, with 44 threats of death or physical harm.

Murphy’s Law: Who Are These Guys?
Murphy’s Law

Who Are These Guys?

Who filed second gerrymandering lawsuit and why? Nine questions the case raises.

Data Wonk: The State Supreme Court Minority’s View of Gerrymandering
Data Wonk

The State Supreme Court Minority’s View of Gerrymandering

226 pages of dissent that ignore key facts and data.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Throws Out Republican-Drawn Legislative Maps

Wisconsin Supreme Court Throws Out Republican-Drawn Legislative Maps

But now comes the challenge of creating new maps. Court first gives task to Governor, Legislature.

State Supreme Court Hears Arguments on ‘Gig Workers’

State Supreme Court Hears Arguments on ‘Gig Workers’

Should Amazon delivery drivers be treated as employees, earn unemployment aid?

Former Attorney General Brad Schimel Running For Wisconsin Supreme Court

Former Attorney General Brad Schimel Running For Wisconsin Supreme Court

Schimel, a Republican, enters 2025 race where conservatives hope to take back control of court.

The State of Politics: Justices Favoring New Legislative Maps Face Tough Questions
The State of Politics

Justices Favoring New Legislative Maps Face Tough Questions

Must entire state be redistricted? And who should court ask to draw the maps?

The State of Politics: Ziegler Still Pushing for Courts Security Agency
The State of Politics

Ziegler Still Pushing for Courts Security Agency

Chief Justice warns that courts must do a better job handling mentally ill offenders.

Your Right to Know: Decision To Reopen Court Conferences To Public Was A Good Move
Your Right to Know

Decision To Reopen Court Conferences To Public Was A Good Move

For first time since 2012, public can can watch court consider administrative changes.

Supreme Court Justice Pushes For Judicial Protection Police Force

Supreme Court Justice Pushes For Judicial Protection Police Force

Proposal from Justice Annette Ziegler comes after retired Wisconsin judge was murdered.

Data Wonk: In Defense of Gerrymandering
Data Wonk

In Defense of Gerrymandering

How the Supreme Court minority defends its objection to 'Fair maps!'.

Data Wonk: The Wisconsin Supreme Court Starts Its Review of Gerrymandering Case
Data Wonk

The Wisconsin Supreme Court Starts Its Review of Gerrymandering Case

And conservative justices are already dissenting.

The State of Politics: Why Protasiewicz Decided Not to Recuse
The State of Politics

Why Protasiewicz Decided Not to Recuse

Her 47-page decision makes strong argument against any justice recusing.

Fair Maps Advocates Condemn GOP Redistricting Plan

Fair Maps Advocates Condemn GOP Redistricting Plan

Still battling, Vos says U.S. Supreme Court will make Protasiewicz recuse.

State Supreme Court Emails Show Chaotic First Week of Liberal Control

State Supreme Court Emails Show Chaotic First Week of Liberal Control

Documents offer portrait of a court at war with itself.

Judicial Rotation Explained By An Insider

Judicial Rotation Explained By An Insider

Judges face an annual court house shuffle on August 1.

Data Wonk: Who Are State Supreme Court’s ‘Rogue Members’?
Data Wonk

Who Are State Supreme Court’s ‘Rogue Members’?

Ziegler and conservatives have ignored state Constitution in governance dispute.

Former Gov. Scott Walker Says Overturning Act 10 Would Set ‘Horrible Precedent’

Former Gov. Scott Walker Says Overturning Act 10 Would Set ‘Horrible Precedent’

Walker says newly-liberal court shouldn't touch his signature policy measure.

The State of Politics: New Court Majority Changes Target Chief Justice Ziegler
The State of Politics

New Court Majority Changes Target Chief Justice Ziegler

Is it revenge for conservatives' past overthrow of Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson?

Conservative Chief Justice Annette Ziegler Accuses Liberal Majority of Going ‘Rogue’

Conservative Chief Justice Annette Ziegler Accuses Liberal Majority of Going ‘Rogue’

Claims state Supreme Court liberal majority of holding a 'secret' meeting. Majority says all justices were invited.

Now Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court Fires Administrator

Now Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court Fires Administrator

Randy Koschnick, hired in 2017, previously ran for court as conservative candidate.

Justice Janet Protasiewicz Sworn In, Giving Liberals Control of Supreme Court

Justice Janet Protasiewicz Sworn In, Giving Liberals Control of Supreme Court

Wisconsin court's ideological persuasion flips for first time in 15 years.

Data Wonk: Do Act 12 Mandates Violate State Constitution?
Data Wonk

Do Act 12 Mandates Violate State Constitution?

Legislation enabling Milwaukee sales tax included restrictions that could be challenged.

State Supreme Court Rejects DEI Education for Attorneys

State Supreme Court Rejects DEI Education for Attorneys

Would create 'goose-stepping brigade," Justice Rebecca Bradley contends.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules It’s Too Late To Sue Over Sexual Assault

Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules It’s Too Late To Sue Over Sexual Assault

Civil lawsuit over decades old case rejected, but basketball coach is in prison on criminal conviction.

Data Wonk: Will State Supreme Court Cool Its Ideological Rancor?
Data Wonk

Will State Supreme Court Cool Its Ideological Rancor?

As of August 1, its hostility toward experts and democracy won't fly.

Data Wonk: Liberals Winning State Supreme Court Races
Data Wonk

Liberals Winning State Supreme Court Races

They’ve now won three of last four races by big margins. What the data shows.

The State of Politics: Collegiality a Casualty in Supreme Court Election?
The State of Politics

Collegiality a Casualty in Supreme Court Election?

Current court members were active in election, could intensify rancor between judges.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Flip Was Years In the Making

Wisconsin Supreme Court Flip Was Years In the Making

Partisan-style campaigning and waning influence of Republican WOW counties contribute to Protasiewicz victory.

The State of Politics: How Wisconsin Became Wild West of Campaign Spending
The State of Politics

How Wisconsin Became Wild West of Campaign Spending

In just 20 years quiet nonpartisan Supreme Court races turned into something ugly.

Data Wonk: Is Democracy at Stake in Supreme Court Race?
Data Wonk

Is Democracy at Stake in Supreme Court Race?

A conservative majority seems set on restricting voting rights.

Op Ed: Daniel Kelly Is Not a Good Legal Scholar
Op Ed

Daniel Kelly Is Not a Good Legal Scholar

Even conservative justices have criticized his decisions for poor reasoning.

Data Wonk: What Kind of Justice Would Daniel Kelly Be?
Data Wonk

What Kind of Justice Would Daniel Kelly Be?

He left a clear track record during his four years on state Supreme Court.

Trump Recount Attorney Reappointed To Wisconsin Judicial Conduct Committee

Trump Recount Attorney Reappointed To Wisconsin Judicial Conduct Committee

Jim Troupis advised Trump on fake electors' shame.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Against “Dark Store Loophole”

Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Against “Dark Store Loophole”

With no dissent, court rules against big-box retailers' tax reduction strategy.

Op Ed: How State Supreme Court Races Got So Partisan
Op Ed

How State Supreme Court Races Got So Partisan

Outside groups spent $27,000 on 2003 race. By 2020 that rose to $5 million.

What Will Happen to Evers’ Appointees?

What Will Happen to Evers’ Appointees?

After four years, a long list of his appointees to head departments, serve on state boards still haven't been approved by GOP Senate.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Leader Says Judges Shouldn’t Be Intimidated By Threats

Wisconsin Supreme Court Leader Says Judges Shouldn’t Be Intimidated By Threats

But Chief Justice Annette Ziegler acknowledges “threats are on the rise.”

3 Technical College System Board Members Won’t Resign

3 Technical College System Board Members Won’t Resign

Republican appointees’ terms to serve on state board ended in May 2021 but they won’t step down.

Data Wonk: Do Absentee Drop Boxes Lead To Tyranny?
Data Wonk

Do Absentee Drop Boxes Lead To Tyranny?

So claims state Supreme Court in 122 pages of overheated rhetoric.

Gov. Evers Orders Flags to Half-Staff in Honor of Judge John P. Roemer
The State of Politics: How Governor’s Power Was Weakened
The State of Politics

How Governor’s Power Was Weakened

Recent high court decision latest of several rulings reducing governor's power.

Op Ed: State Supreme Court Ruling Reinforces Gerrymandering
Op Ed

State Supreme Court Ruling Reinforces Gerrymandering

Letting Prehn stay on DNR board overrides the will of all voters in the state.

State High Court Rules Accused Mayfair Mall Shooter, 17, Be Tried As Adult

State High Court Rules Accused Mayfair Mall Shooter, 17, Be Tried As Adult

4-3 Supreme Court decision overrules circuit court on teenage boy.

State Supreme Court Says Natural Resources Board Member Can Stay

State Supreme Court Says Natural Resources Board Member Can Stay

Legislature won't okay Evers appointee to replace Fred Prehn so Prehn won’t step down.

State Supreme Court Sets Record For 4-3 Rulings

State Supreme Court Sets Record For 4-3 Rulings

Most this term in 70 years, with Hagedorn almost always the deciding vote.

High Court Okays Release of COVID-19 Workplace Data

High Court Okays Release of COVID-19 Workplace Data

Health officials can identify employers having outbreaks, WI Supreme Court rules.

Op Ed: State High Court’s Hyper-Partisan Ruling
Op Ed

State High Court’s Hyper-Partisan Ruling

Its decision approves gerrymandered maps even worse than those of last decade.

Your Right To Know: Shadowy Business Courts Corrupt Justice System
Your Right To Know

Shadowy Business Courts Corrupt Justice System

Business Court project creates two-tiered justice system. But it's not too late to end it.

Data Wonk: State’s Gerrymander Could Last Forever
Data Wonk

State’s Gerrymander Could Last Forever

If state high court’s ‘least change’ rule followed in future, gerrymandering might last for decades.

Op Ed: US Supreme Court Throws State Election Into Chaos
Op Ed

US Supreme Court Throws State Election Into Chaos

Decision on Wisconsin maps part of national Republican push to undermine democracy.

Data Wonk: How Gerrymandered Is New State Map?
Data Wonk

How Gerrymandered Is New State Map?

Let’s measure how the two parties will fare under maps approved by state Supreme Court.

Murphy’s Law: Supreme Court Shows Ugly Divisions
Murphy’s Law

Supreme Court Shows Ugly Divisions

State high court's redistricting decision prompts nasty attacks on Hagedorn by three other conservatives.

Republicans To Appeal Redistricting

Republicans To Appeal Redistricting

Will ask U.S. Supreme Court to overrule WI Supreme Court decision backing Evers plan.

State Supreme Court Picks Evers’ Legislative Maps

State Supreme Court Picks Evers’ Legislative Maps

New legislative maps meet court's "least change" criteria more than GOP-backed maps.

State High Court Allows Absentee Ballot Boxes For February Primary

State High Court Allows Absentee Ballot Boxes For February Primary

Hagedorn joins liberal justices. Court also agrees to hear expedited appeal of the case.

State Supreme Court Rules For GOP In Redistricting Attorneys Suit

State Supreme Court Rules For GOP In Redistricting Attorneys Suit

Republican lawmakers sued for hiring redistricting attorneys before process even began.

More Women In State Hold Elected Office

More Women In State Hold Elected Office

But at 31% of all elected positions, far short of equal representation.

Attorneys in Redistricting Case Dispute Meaning of ‘Least Changes’

Attorneys in Redistricting Case Dispute Meaning of ‘Least Changes’

State Supreme Court Justices hinting at what their order for 'least changes' means.

Supreme Court Upholds Deposition Order for Robin Vos

Supreme Court Upholds Deposition Order for Robin Vos

Vos tried to avoid deposition in open records suit related to 2020 election investigation.

State High Court Disallows GOP Congressmen’s Amended Political Map

State High Court Disallows GOP Congressmen’s Amended Political Map

But will consider amended maps by Evers and Black Leaders Organizing for Communities.

State Supreme Court Rules For ‘Least Changes’ to Redistricting

State Supreme Court Rules For ‘Least Changes’ to Redistricting

A win for Republicans. Dissent charges court fails to prevent gerrymandering.

Can Domestic Violence Convictions Disqualify Job-Seekers?

Can Domestic Violence Convictions Disqualify Job-Seekers?

A case currently before the Wisconsin Supreme Court may answer the question.

Op Ed: State High Court Wary of Doing Redistricting
Op Ed

State High Court Wary of Doing Redistricting

Conservative judges have made best arguments against acceding to Republicans’ wishes.

Data Wonk: Why Is State Supreme Court So Angry?
Data Wonk

Why Is State Supreme Court So Angry?

Justices’ strange interpretation of watershed 1803 decision becomes a right-wing battering ram.

State High Court Declines to Block Mask Mandate

State High Court Declines to Block Mask Mandate

Won’t bypass lower courts, as asked, to overrule Dane County mask order.

Op-Ed: Big Money Is Taking Over the Courts

Big Money Is Taking Over the Courts

Wealthy, right-wing interests are assaulting the integrity of the judiciary.

Supreme Court Suspends Gun Wielding Judge

Supreme Court Suspends Gun Wielding Judge

Winnebago County judge's ‘undignified language’ included threat to kill anyone who breaks into his house.

State Supreme Court Upholds DNR Water Authority

State Supreme Court Upholds DNR Water Authority

DNR can place restrictions on high capacity wells, large livestock farms to protect water.

Supreme Court Unexpectedly Fires Chief Appeals Judge

Supreme Court Unexpectedly Fires Chief Appeals Judge

Progressive justices object to unprecedented move by the state's high court.

Court Watch: High Court Ruling Restricts Expungements
Court Watch

High Court Ruling Restricts Expungements

Decision puts expungement of criminal records “further out of the reach," dissent charges.

Court Tosses Law Allowing Blood Draws From Unconscious Drunk Driver Suspects

Court Tosses Law Allowing Blood Draws From Unconscious Drunk Driver Suspects

WI Supreme Court rules law deeming drivers consent to these searches is unconstitutional.

State High Court Upholds Gun Conviction

State High Court Upholds Gun Conviction

But Justice Rebecca Bradley dissents, defending right to get drunk and carry firearms.

Court Watch: Let the Crowds In
Court Watch

Let the Crowds In

Highlights from state Supreme Court ruling overthrowing state order on bar and restaurant capacity limits.

State Supreme Court Elects Annette Ziegler New Chief Justice

State Supreme Court Elects Annette Ziegler New Chief Justice

Ziegler replaces Patience Roggensack, who did not seek re-election.

Court Kills Another Evers Pandemic Order

Court Kills Another Evers Pandemic Order

4-3 State Supreme Court ruling overthrows October order limiting restaurant and bar capacity.

Murphy’s Law: WILL’s Harvard Lawyers Fail at Voter Purge
Murphy’s Law

WILL’s Harvard Lawyers Fail at Voter Purge

Supreme Court decision strikes down voter suppression effort, rejects conservative group's weak argument.

State Supreme Court Tosses Voter Purge Suit

State Supreme Court Tosses Voter Purge Suit

Conservative group wanted voters that may have moved purged from the voter roll.

Court Watch: Why Court Voided Evers Emergency Order
Court Watch

Why Court Voided Evers Emergency Order

Highlights of the Supreme Court ruling — and the dissent.

Op Ed: Grogan’s Smear Campaign Against Davis
Op Ed

Grogan’s Smear Campaign Against Davis

Her fear mongering ads in Court of Appeals race mislead voters about jurisprudence and the Constitution.

State Appeals Court Races Getting More Partisan

State Appeals Court Races Getting More Partisan

With big donations from Uihlein, Menard, a 9-1 advantage for GOP-backed candidate.

Campaign Cash: GOP Group Targets Appeals Court Race
Campaign Cash

GOP Group Targets Appeals Court Race

Spends $56,000 on candidate backed by Scott Walker, to defeat Evers appointee.

Court Watch: State Must Release Sex Offender Data
Court Watch

State Must Release Sex Offender Data

Supreme Court rules for defense lawyer who argues DOC has overstated how often offenders commit future crimes.

Murphy’s Law: Hupy & Abraham Face Political Storm
Murphy’s Law

Hupy & Abraham Face Political Storm

Hupy’s donations to Ron Johnson attacked by Minocqua brewer and law firm losing business.

Data Wonk: High Court Minority Embarrasses Itself
Data Wonk

High Court Minority Embarrasses Itself

State Supreme Court came perilously close to invalidating a legal election.

GOP Spends Big on Appeals Court Race

GOP Spends Big on Appeals Court Race

Led by Republican fat cats Richard Uihlein, John Menard. Cost of state appeals court races up 700%.

Will State Supreme Court Draw New Legislative Boundaries?

Will State Supreme Court Draw New Legislative Boundaries?

Chief Justice is leery of the court expanding its role in redistricting. Conservatives want it to be the final arbiter of new district maps.

Data Wonk: We Hate State Administrators
Data Wonk

We Hate State Administrators

State Supreme Court conservatives keep blasting the administrative state. Why?

Back in the News: ‘I Am Not a Republican Justice’
Back in the News

‘I Am Not a Republican Justice’

State Supreme Court Justice Brian Hagedorn discusses his decisions and right-wing attacks on him

Ron Johnson Parrots Trump’s Rejected Legal Arguments

Ron Johnson Parrots Trump’s Rejected Legal Arguments

Sen. Johnson's hears from Trump attorney at committee on 2020 election, alleges illegal votes were counted.

Data Wonk: State Supreme Court Justices Unmasked
Data Wonk

State Supreme Court Justices Unmasked

The losing minority in Trump election case vent their anger and reveal their prejudices.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Strikes Down Trump Case

Wisconsin Supreme Court Strikes Down Trump Case

4-3 vote rejects Trump's move to throw out 220,000 Milwaukee and Dane county ballots.

Trump Sues Again, This Time in Milwaukee and Dane Counties

Trump Sues Again, This Time in Milwaukee and Dane Counties

Trump campaign now has three suits pending to overturn Wisconsin's election.

Murphy’s Law: Right-Wing vs Left-Wing Lawyers
Murphy’s Law

Right-Wing vs Left-Wing Lawyers

WILL has more funding, more staff, more Harvard. Can a new liberal law group compete?

Data Wonk: Supreme Court Shows Its Colors
Data Wonk

Supreme Court Shows Its Colors

What the Green Party ruling tells about the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Data Wonk: State Supreme Court Is Radically Activist
Data Wonk

State Supreme Court Is Radically Activist

Record shows many examples of grabbing cases before lower courts rule.

Will Karofsky Rebalance the WI Supreme Court?

Will Karofsky Rebalance the WI Supreme Court?

The conservative majority on the court has been reduced to one vote.

Circuit Courts Planning For Re-Opening

Circuit Courts Planning For Re-Opening

Many in-person proceedings have been suspended since March.

Court Watch: Ruling Limits Involuntary Medication of Inmates
Court Watch

Ruling Limits Involuntary Medication of Inmates

WI Supreme Court says prisoners can’t be forcibly medicated unless they are dangerous.

Supreme Court Strikes Down “Safer at Home”

Supreme Court Strikes Down “Safer at Home”

Decision goes into effect immediately. Milwaukee's order remains in effect.

Special Interests Battle on High Court Case

Special Interests Battle on High Court Case

Koch and WMC filings push Supreme Court to stop Evers state shutdown, liberal groups disagree.

Data Wonk: Why Was Election in Pandemic Required?
Data Wonk

Why Was Election in Pandemic Required?

So ruled both the Wisconsin and U.S. Supreme Court. Let’s examine their reasoning.

Data Wonk: Is Dan Kelly Good for Democracy?
Data Wonk

Is Dan Kelly Good for Democracy?

His legal work and rulings as Supreme Court justice show strong anti-democratic views.

Supreme Decision

Supreme Decision

Karofsky v. Kelly, stakes are high in state Supreme Court race.

The Contrarian: Karofsky Wrong About State Supreme Court
The Contrarian

Karofsky Wrong About State Supreme Court

Her campaign charges against the Supreme Court amount to slander.

Supreme Court Candidates Spar Over Integrity

Supreme Court Candidates Spar Over Integrity

Karofsky went after Kelly for the partisanship of his campaign and the state's high court at a debate Thursday.

Gov. Evers Appoints Sandie Giernoth as Washington County Circuit Court Judge
State Supreme Court Reviews Lame Duck Laws

State Supreme Court Reviews Lame Duck Laws

Justices question both sides in challenge to laws reducing powers of governor, attorney general.

New Hire: WILL adds former Deputy Solicitor General
Press Release

New Hire: WILL adds former Deputy Solicitor General

Litigation team grows to meet heightened challenges

Data Wonk: State Supreme Court Off the Deep End?
Data Wonk

State Supreme Court Off the Deep End?

Ruling reducing state superintendent’s power violates state constitution, common sense.

Conservatives Argue Against Lame-Duck Lawsuit

Conservatives Argue Against Lame-Duck Lawsuit

Right-leaning members of Wisconsin Supreme Court skeptical in oral arguments on lawsuit challenging lame-duck session before Evers took office.

Alumni National Awards 2019: Marquette University alumni, friends to be honored for excellence
Press Release

Alumni National Awards 2019: Marquette University alumni, friends to be honored for excellence

Award recipients include individuals from each of the university’s colleges and professional schools.

Court Watch: Drunk Driving Offense Not Expunged, Court Rules
Court Watch

Drunk Driving Offense Not Expunged, Court Rules

State Supreme Court says expunged OWI conviction can count against defendants sentenced for a new offense.

Kalan R. Haywood II Sworn in as the Youngest Elected Official in Wisconsin During Inauguration Ceremony Held at the Wisconsin State Capitol
Press Release

Kalan R. Haywood II Sworn in as the Youngest Elected Official in Wisconsin During Inauguration Ceremony Held at the Wisconsin State Capitol

"It is an extreme honor and privilege to be duly elected to serve the people of the 16th Assembly District."

Data Wonk: The Rise of Federalist Society Judges
Data Wonk

The Rise of Federalist Society Judges

Nationally and in Wisconsin they have become activists and super legislators.

Data Wonk: McAdams Decision Is a Travesty
Data Wonk

McAdams Decision Is a Travesty

Cyber-bullying was championed by state Supreme Court, while trashing faculty governance.

Murphy’s Law: High Court Sticks It To Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

High Court Sticks It To Milwaukee

Roggensack’s political decision gives police and fire unions more power over pension fund.

Campaign Cash: High Court Favors Donors to Justices
Campaign Cash

High Court Favors Donors to Justices

Conservative justices decide malpractice case in favor of business groups who gave them $37,000.

High Court Backs Evers Over Walker

High Court Backs Evers Over Walker

Evers can hire his own attorney in legal battle rather than AG Schimel, as Walker insisted.

7 Election Takeaways

7 Election Takeaways

What did we learn as the blue wave washed over Wisconsin?

Op Ed: The Long Arm of the WMC
Op Ed

The Long Arm of the WMC

Big business group wants to buy another high court justice, as WMC has admitted.

Smart Politics: Dallet Would Make History If Elected
Smart Politics

Dallet Would Make History If Elected

6 of 7 state Supreme Court members would be women, highest percentage in American history.

Murphy’s Law: Dark Money’s High Court Candidate
Murphy’s Law

Dark Money’s High Court Candidate

Michael Screnock blows off candidate forums, bets on special interest money.

The State of Politics: Top 10 State News Stories of 2017
The State of Politics

Top 10 State News Stories of 2017

Another historic year in Wisconsin politics created some big headlines.

Data Wonk: The Rise of a Partisan Supreme Court
Data Wonk

The Rise of a Partisan Supreme Court

It’s supposed to be non-partisan. How and why did this change?

Broken Whistle: Court Ruling Weakens Whistleblower Law
Broken Whistle

Court Ruling Weakens Whistleblower Law

Supreme Court justice called 2015 decision 'absurd,’ charging it weakens protections.

Governor Walker Appoints Andrew Hitt to Serve as Judicial Selection Advisory Committee Chair
Press Release

Governor Walker Appoints Andrew Hitt to Serve as Judicial Selection Advisory Committee Chair

Andrew Hitt currently serves as partner and chief operating officer of Michael Best Strategies, LLC, and senior counsel at Michael Best & Friedrich, LLP, where he is a senior member of the firm’s government and regulatory law team.

Campaign Cash: Superintendent’s Race Cost $1 Million
Campaign Cash

Superintendent’s Race Cost $1 Million

More than three-fourths of money spent to reelect Tony Evers.

Data Wonk: The “Democrats Are Evil” Trap
Data Wonk

The “Democrats Are Evil” Trap

National Review’s David French blames this for GOP loyalty to Trump. Let us consider the irony.

Op Ed: Disclose All Donations to Judges
Op Ed

Disclose All Donations to Judges

Bill requires prompt disclosure of donations by parties to a case.

Op Ed: High Court Wrongly Rejects Recusal
Op Ed

High Court Wrongly Rejects Recusal

Dumps proposal by 54 retired judges, assures big money influence.

Op Ed: Is Wisconsin Now a Red State?
Op Ed

Is Wisconsin Now a Red State?

With Ziegler victory, Democrats' decline, state now looks very red.

Eyes on Milwaukee: 7 Election Winners and Losers
Eyes on Milwaukee

7 Election Winners and Losers

Unions, Hmong community and county infighters were among the winners.

Murphy’s Law: Pat Roggensack On the Warpath
Murphy’s Law

Pat Roggensack On the Warpath

Supreme Court chief justice slams Journal Sentinel, Janine Geske, and others.

Back In the News: Walker Exports Union Busting
Back In the News

Walker Exports Union Busting

Governor advises Iowa legislators on bill to decimate unions.

Court Watch: 54 Judges’ Powerful Case for Recusal
Court Watch

54 Judges’ Powerful Case for Recusal

Their petition lays bare the problem. State Supreme Court hasn’t responded.

Court Watch: Big Donors Like Justice Ziegler
Court Watch

Big Donors Like Justice Ziegler

Unopposed Supreme Court Justice raised $373,106 in campaign donations in 2016.

The State of Politics: Why Ziegler Has No Opponent
The State of Politics

Why Ziegler Has No Opponent

Overwhelming dark money advantage and Democratic fatigue are factors.

Court Watch: Justice Ziegler, 37 Judges Unopposed
Court Watch

Justice Ziegler, 37 Judges Unopposed

Just 11 of 48 Circuit Court judges face opponents in April Election

Court Watch: Supreme Court Rules Against Open Records
Court Watch

Supreme Court Rules Against Open Records

Conservative majority exempts Schimel’s training videos from disclosure.

Governor Walker Appoints Racine County Judge
Press Release

Governor Walker Appoints Racine County Judge

"I am pleased to appoint Wynne Laufenberg as judge in Racine County."

Court Watch: Supreme Court Limits 4th Amendment Rights?
Court Watch

Supreme Court Limits 4th Amendment Rights?

Decision gives police leeway on home searches; Justice Bradley joins liberals in dissent.

Court Watch: Four Key Judge Races Coming
Court Watch

Four Key Judge Races Coming

Supreme Court Justice Ziegler and three Appeals Court judges running in spring election.

Court Watch: Secrecy and the John Doe Probe
Court Watch

Secrecy and the John Doe Probe

Did secrecy hurt the investigation? Will courts release the info now that the case is over?

Murphy’s Law: The Hypocrisy of the WMC
Murphy’s Law

The Hypocrisy of the WMC

Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce wants no judge recusals -- except when it benefits them.

Court Watch: AG Schimel Attacks Open Records Law
Court Watch

AG Schimel Attacks Open Records Law

He is appealing to the Wisconsin Supreme Court in an effort to keep two law enforcement training videos secret.

Data Wonk: The Radical State Supreme Court?
Data Wonk

The Radical State Supreme Court?

Three cases reveal the court overruling precedent while claiming it isn’t.

Data Wonk: Why Trump’s Hostile Takeover Succeeded
Data Wonk

Why Trump’s Hostile Takeover Succeeded

The data shows how he stole Republican Party despite opposition of its leaders.

Murphy’s Law: The Plot Thickens In John Doe
Murphy’s Law

The Plot Thickens In John Doe

Did State Supreme Court try to sabotage appeal of its Doe ruling to US Supreme Court?

Data Wonk: Did John Doe Threaten High Court?
Data Wonk

Did John Doe Threaten High Court?

Two Supreme court justices were deeply implicated in probe, yet voted to shut it down.

Are Conservative Groups Hiding Campaign Spending?

Are Conservative Groups Hiding Campaign Spending?

Anti-Kloppenburg ads could be funded by Wisconsin Manufacturers and Club for Growth

Data Wonk: Why John Doe Won’t Die
Data Wonk

Why John Doe Won’t Die

The court cases haven’t ended. Will U.S. Supreme Court take the case?

Your Right to Know: Court Creates Loophole in Open Records Law
Your Right to Know

Court Creates Loophole in Open Records Law

State Supreme Court ruling may allow governments to evade or delay obeying law.

Data Wonk: About Those John Doe “Paramilitary Raids”
Data Wonk

About Those John Doe “Paramilitary Raids”

Are right-wing accounts of the Doe investigation fictional?

Op-Ed: Why Prosecutor Should Appeal John Doe Case

Why Prosecutor Should Appeal John Doe Case

State Supreme Court had huge conflict, Schmitz should appeal to U.S. Supreme Court.

Data Wonk: Doe Decision “Overrules” U.S. Supreme Court
Data Wonk

Doe Decision “Overrules” U.S. Supreme Court

Wisconsin justices knew coordination was occurring. So they simply tried to rewrite federal law.

Murphy’s Law: Why Crooks Opposed Court’s John Doe Ruling
Murphy’s Law

Why Crooks Opposed Court’s John Doe Ruling

He votes 90% of time with conservatives, but blasted Gableman’s majority opinion.

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Condemns State Supreme Court Ruling in John Doe II
Press Release

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Condemns State Supreme Court Ruling in John Doe II

“It is not only regrettable; it is downright dangerous,” said Matt Rothschild, the executive director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.

Murphy’s Law: Lady MacBeth of the Supreme Court
Murphy’s Law

Lady MacBeth of the Supreme Court

Pat Roggensack has shamed herself and the high court in the ugly way she’s handled her elevation to chief justice.

The State of Politics: Will Voters End Era of “Shirley’s Court”?
The State of Politics

Will Voters End Era of “Shirley’s Court”?

Shirley Abrahamson has been chief justice for 19 years, but controversial referendum question could end her reign.

Murphy’s Law: Can Daley Beat Bradley for Supreme Court?
Murphy’s Law

Can Daley Beat Bradley for Supreme Court?

Challenger could get lots of right-wing money, but that may not be enough in this case.

Justice Bradley Has Republican-Leaning Challenger

Justice Bradley Has Republican-Leaning Challenger

April election pits 20-year liberal incumbent against circuit court judge getting Republican Party support.

Murphy’s Law: Supreme Court Justices for Sale
Murphy’s Law

Supreme Court Justices for Sale

There may be no supreme court in America that’s more corrupted by conflicts of interest.

Supreme Court Decisions Favor Lawyers Who Donate

Supreme Court Decisions Favor Lawyers Who Donate

Study shows justices don't recuse in 98% of cases involving attorneys and Abrahamson gets the most money.

Murphy’s Law: Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

Winners and Losers

It was a good election for Scott Walker and conservatives but there were some bright spots for liberals.

Murphy’s Law: Can Fallone Beat Roggensack?
Murphy’s Law

Can Fallone Beat Roggensack?

Pat Roggensack leads the Supreme Court's conservative bloc and may be its most powerful justice. Ed Fallone blames a "dysfunctional court" on her.