
Op Ed: Billions for Foxconn, Failure for Rural Wisconsin
Op Ed

Billions for Foxconn, Failure for Rural Wisconsin

Rural economic development bill passes Assembly 95 to 0, fails to get a vote in the Senate.

The State of Politics: Why Walker Waved Red “Danger” Sign
The State of Politics

Why Walker Waved Red “Danger” Sign

He's experienced a wave election before, but that time it helped him.

Why Was Mitchell Street Social Security Office Closed?

Why Was Mitchell Street Social Security Office Closed?

And did the Social Security Administration defy an order from Congress to halt the closing?

Op Ed: Gov. Walker’s Supreme Anger
Op Ed

Gov. Walker’s Supreme Anger

He lashes out in frustration after Judge Dallet's high court victory, afraid a blue wave is heading his way.

Campaign Cash: Big Donations for Anti-Abortion Law
Campaign Cash

Big Donations for Anti-Abortion Law

Walker and Republicans got more than $200,000 in donations.

Where The Great Lakes Compact Ends and Wisconsin Law Begins

Where The Great Lakes Compact Ends and Wisconsin Law Begins

Why the Waukesha and Foxconn water diversions involve different rules.

Murphy’s Law: Should Walker Be Worried?
Murphy’s Law

Should Walker Be Worried?

Does he face an unstoppable “blue wave”? Maybe.

Campaign Cash: New Law Restricts Civil Lawsuits
Campaign Cash

New Law Restricts Civil Lawsuits

Backed by long list of special interests, led by mega-campaign donor WMC.

Marchers Seek Gun Control

Marchers Seek Gun Control

Milwaukee’s student march was one of 800 in the nation.

Data Wonk: Walker’s Plan to Break the Law
Data Wonk

Walker’s Plan to Break the Law

And why Attorney General Schimel didn’t warn him it was folly.

How John McAdams Burned His Bridges

How John McAdams Burned His Bridges

Marquette professor’s suspension comes after decades of his attacks on MU. Part 2 of a series.

Op Ed: Changes in School Funding Formula Needed?
Op Ed

Changes in School Funding Formula Needed?

Green Bay students speak 31 different languages. How do schools meet such needs?