
What’s It Worth?: Milwaukee Cold Storage Building Is Unique
What’s It Worth?

Milwaukee Cold Storage Building Is Unique

Recently sold 1892 building with two-foot-thick walls was massive refrigerator for industry.

City Beat: Milwaukee’s Less Than Glamorous History
City Beat

Milwaukee’s Less Than Glamorous History

Matthew Prigge discusses his new book on Newhall House fire and other dark incidents in Milwaukee's past.

City Streets: Chase Ave. Was First Road to Chicago
City Streets

Chase Ave. Was First Road to Chicago

It honors doctor, brickmaker, glass manufacturer, legislator and school commissioner Enoch Chase.

City Streets: The Man Who Made This Cream City
City Streets

The Man Who Made This Cream City

Manufacturer George Burnham helped make city famous for cream-colored bricks, named a south side street.

The Mystique of Urban Farms

The Mystique of Urban Farms

Grohmann Museum’s photographic exhibit captures city’s urban farms of the past — and present.

City Streets: Commerce Street Arose From a Canal
City Streets

Commerce Street Arose From a Canal

Planned to reach Mississippi River, it never even got to North Avenue.

City Streets: The Complicated History of Highway 100
City Streets

The Complicated History of Highway 100

Part of it was “Lovers Lane,” all of it made a 38-mile bypass of the city.

Museums: Prohibition Exhibition Is Fascinating

Prohibition Exhibition Is Fascinating

County Historical Society show reveals city's unique place in "noble experiment" of 1920-1933.

Bar Exam: The Tracks Has Always Been a Tavern
Bar Exam

The Tracks Has Always Been a Tavern

Since building erected in 1906. With same owner since 1970, With volleyball for decades.

City Streets: Spencer Tracy Lived on Logan Avenue
City Streets

Spencer Tracy Lived on Logan Avenue

Future Hollywood star grew up on street created in 1880s, named after Civil War general.

What’s It Worth?: Astor St. Eschweiler Mansion Worth $590,000
What’s It Worth?

Astor St. Eschweiler Mansion Worth $590,000

1897 residence with quite a history, office building since 1951, now houses Falk Legal Group.

City Streets: We Hate You, John Abert
City Streets

We Hate You, John Abert

City named one street to insult an Abert, only to later honor another Abert with a street.