Creating the “New Normal” for Mental Health Services in Milwaukee

Creating the “New Normal” for Mental Health Services in Milwaukee

The Grand Avenue Club (GAC) of Milwaukee has long fought against the abandonment, isolation and stigma of people with histories of serious mental illness. But the COVID19 epidemic has forced massive changes. Rising to the challenge, the GAC shows a path to the “new normal” for other Milwaukee nonprofits.

UW System announces students will return to campus in fall

UW System announces students will return to campus in fall

Plan Ahead Team framework recommendations provide guidance to universities

Johnson: Transparency Key to Preventing Abuse During Transition Process
City of Milwaukee Encourages Contactless Parking Payments with an Updated MKE Park App

City of Milwaukee Encourages Contactless Parking Payments with an Updated MKE Park App

Amid COVID-19 concerns, the app allows people to avoid touching the meter and pay for parking on their mobile device

Department of Public Works Reinstating Metered Enforcement Week of June 15

Department of Public Works Reinstating Metered Enforcement Week of June 15

Timed (non-metered), alternate-side parking, night parking permits still not required

Ending Contract for Policing in Milwaukee Public Schools

Ending Contract for Policing in Milwaukee Public Schools

A Statement from Larry Miller, President, Milwaukee Board of School Directors

AG Kaul Statement on Favorable Unanimous Wisconsin Supreme Court Decision in Quick Charge v. Kaul
The Rotary Club of Milwaukee Names City Librarian Paula Kiely Person of the Year
Rep.  Bowen Statement on Stephanie Rapkin Charges

Rep. Bowen Statement on Stephanie Rapkin Charges

“Should We Believe That We Didn’t See What We Clearly Saw?”

Skylight Music Theatre to Launch First Virtual Musical

Skylight Music Theatre to Launch First Virtual Musical

Being Earnest based on Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest Available for Streaming Summer 2020

Voces de la Frontera: Assembly Speaker Robin Vos Should Resign Leadership
Patio at Captain Pabst Pilot House Reopens

Patio at Captain Pabst Pilot House Reopens

Second Phase of Reopening Designed to Keep Patrons Safe Begins This Weekend