Content referencing Treig Pronschinske

Republican Lawmakers No Show As Farmers Deplore Trump Changes

Republican Lawmakers No Show As Farmers Deplore Trump Changes

Complaints about funding cuts, tariff threats, deporting workers.

Speaker Vos Announces Assembly Standing Committee Membership
Bill Would Allow New Bars To Offer Indoor Cigar, Pipe Smoking

Bill Would Allow New Bars To Offer Indoor Cigar, Pipe Smoking

City of Milwaukee could support the bill, but raised questions over regulation.

Campaign Cash: Jobs First Coalition Backs Republicans
Campaign Cash

Jobs First Coalition Backs Republicans

Brookfield-based conservative group has spent $2.6 million since 2010, mostly on legislators.

Evers Vetoes Gun Sanctuary Bill

Evers Vetoes Gun Sanctuary Bill

And another bill postponing redistricting for local elections.

GOP Lawmakers End Weekly Unemployment Boost

GOP Lawmakers End Weekly Unemployment Boost

State legislature votes to end $300 federal supplement. Governor Evers could veto.

As State Looks to Bounce Back from Pandemic, Gov. Evers Urges Bipartisan Support for $2.38 Billion in Capital Budget Investments to Provide Estimated 29,000 Family-Supporting Jobs, $4.3 Billion in Economic Impact 
Press Release

As State Looks to Bounce Back from Pandemic, Gov. Evers Urges Bipartisan Support for $2.38 Billion in Capital Budget Investments to Provide Estimated 29,000 Family-Supporting Jobs, $4.3 Billion in Economic Impact 

Governor's 2021-23 capital budget to be taken up by State Building Commission this week includes major projects in both Republican and Democratic districts

Village of Hixton receives $233,000 state grant to support redevelopment of commercial building
Press Release

Village of Hixton receives $233,000 state grant to support redevelopment of commercial building

WEDC investment to help fund construction of new Sampson Heating & Air Conditioning building

Sporting Heritage Committee Chair Denies Remote Participation Again
Your Right to Know: Mask-Less Public Meetings Are Illegal
Your Right to Know

Mask-Less Public Meetings Are Illegal

They endanger health and prevent access to all interested in attending.

Representative Hesselbein Prevented from Attending Committee Hearing Remotely
Non-Profit Didn’t Report Campaign Spending?

Non-Profit Didn’t Report Campaign Spending?

Jobs First Coalition spent $1 million to elect Republican legislators but left it off tax forms, complaint to IRS says.

Op Ed: Republicans Test Ugly Campaign Theme
Op Ed

Republicans Test Ugly Campaign Theme

Message for 2020: ’Some of you will have to die’.

GOP Road Show Attacks Evers’ Plan

GOP Road Show Attacks Evers’ Plan

Analysis: Republicans want a Badger Bounce Back, but distort details of Evers' plan.

Right-Wing Groups Linked to #ReopenWisconsin Campaign

Right-Wing Groups Linked to #ReopenWisconsin Campaign

Members of Americans for Prosperity, American Majority and John Birch Society have their hands in the campaign.

Election Includes Constitutional Amendment

Election Includes Constitutional Amendment

Ballot has controversial victims' rights amendment with bipartisan support and opposition.

Governor Walker Signs Bills to Create and Expand Outdoor Recreation, Attract Talent to Wisconsin, and Improve Medical Assistance
Supporting Wisconsin’s Children and Families: Governor Walker to Sign 11 Bills to Improve Outcomes for Children in Foster Care
Press Release

Supporting Wisconsin’s Children and Families: Governor Walker to Sign 11 Bills to Improve Outcomes for Children in Foster Care

This legislative bill package was created by the 2017 Speaker’s Task Force on Foster Care.

Leah Reaches 400+ Grassroots Wisconsin Endorsements
Press Release

Leah Reaches 400+ Grassroots Wisconsin Endorsements

Support for Leah’s campaign grows among local activists